UKTeX V89 #15       Friday 21  April 1989

            Unmoderated TeX E-mail distribution now available.
                               METAFONT Help
                     Re: An interesting LaTeX feature
                       Re: Beebe's GNU Emacs macros
                            Change file for TeX
                      \input on a portion of a file:
                               Tape Options
                        Problems with ready_already
                                TeX Archive
                    do you eat TeX or does TeX eat you?
                      A warning for TeX implementors
                   GnuTeX and Spidery Web in the archive
            Wayne Sullivan's CDVI TeX Previewer for the IBM PC
  VMS TeX 2.95 change-file, LaTeX letter.sty problem, change-bar answer.

Editor Peter Abbott

Yes the last issue was 14 and this is 15. Hopefully the next few issues 
will be correctly numbered.

Changes since the last UKTeX

Files created


please others mentioned elsewhere in this issue.

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #23
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N2


Received: from by; Thu, 13 Apr 89 09:53:51 BST
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 89 09:56:30 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: planets

The Metafont sources for a set of planetary symbols advertised on
texhax have made it over here (thanks to Max Calvani, I think), and
are in the archive in [PUBLIC.PLANETS]. As part of the process of
reorganisation for the new archive structure, I have checked the
files (they work fine, give you lovely little symbols, including male
and female ones) and added:
  a) Unix shell scripts equivalent to the VMS .COM files supplied
  b) a LaTeX style option, which actually loads large versions of
     the symbols (astro.sty) and a LaTeX demo (demo.tex)
  c) a new-style 00README.TEX file; this is designed to be compatible
     with a LaTeX document (ie no unescaped funny characters)

Sebastian Rahtz

(pp archive working party)


Date:           13-APR-1989 18:17:50 GMT -01:00 (BST)
From:           CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB
Subject:        Unmoderated TeX E-mail distribution now available.
Reply-to:       Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb>
Originally-to:  $UK-TEX
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.3a (02-Feb-1989)

By courtesy of Peter Abbott and the Aston University Computing Service, there is
now an unmoderated TeX E-mail re-distribution facility at Aston. E-mail sent to
<TeX-Unmoderated@Uk.Ac.Aston> will be re-distributed within one hour to all
subscribers.  If you would like to subscribe to this service, please send an
e-mail note to <$TeX-Unmoderated-Request@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb>.  Note the "$" and
the "-Request".

Please note that this service is intended for urgent TeX queries ("I have to get
this paper out by yesterday, and I can't work out how many \expandafter s I need
to reverse the expansion order of five macros ... "), not for day-to-day queries
such as "Where can I get a copy of J.Bloggs DVI-to-FountainPen driver for
Eunuchs ?". 

                                        Philip Taylor
                                Royal Holloway and Bedford New College.


From: kim@uucp.newi
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 89 12:13:16 GMT
Message-Id: <>
Subject: METAFONT Help


I am experiencing some problems with PXL file creation using TeX
and was wondering if you could point me in the direction of some help.

I have a VMS distribution of V2.9 and a large number of PXL files left
over from someone else's efforts with TeX in the past. Unfortunately,
new LATEX macros (I presume) require some fonts for which I have TFM
files but no PXL files. (I need these for DVI2PS.) 

According to my understanding of the documentation MF will output GF
format fonts (given TFM input), and I can then use GFtoPXL to get PXL
files. However, with the necessary fonts, such as CMBX10, MF crashes
after processing "A [65]" with an internal memory exhaustion error.

I apologise for sending an unsolicited query like this but I would be
grateful if you could direct me to some relevant information. Or should
I just go back to my Mac Plus?

Kim Birkhead, S/W Unit, N.E. Wales Institute


Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2542; Sat, 15
          Apr 89 17:13:57 BS
Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4376; Sat,
          15 Apr 89 17:13:57 B
Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 6886; Sat, 15 Apr 89 11:12:59 CDT
Date:     Sat, 15 Apr 1989 11:11:13 CDT
From:     Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM>
Subject:  Re: An interesting LaTeX feature

Well the easiest solution is to declare that "you shouldn't be doing
that [redefining \rm]". A more complicated solution would be to
do something like \let\headerrm=\rm in the preamble and redefine the
page footers (and headers) to use \headerrm rather than \rm.
- -dh
         Don Hosek           Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
         3916 Elmwood        Bitnet: U33297@UICVM
         Stickney, IL 60402          DHOSEK@YMIR
         Work: 312-996-2981  UUNet:

Received: by vulcan. (4.0/SMI-4.0)
        id AA03047; Mon, 17 Apr 89 08:45:41 BST
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 89 08:45:41 BST
From: (Adrian F. Clark)
Message-Id: <8904170745.AA03047@vulcan.>
Subject: Re: Beebe's GNU Emacs macros
Sender: JANET"" (Adrian Clark) <>

I have a beta-test copy of these, which I am not able to distribute
further.  As far as I know, they've never been put on general release.
But I'm quite happy to put them in the archive if someone can convince
me otherwise.

   Adrian F. Clark
   Smail:  Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University,
           Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K.
   Phone:  (+44) 206-872432 (direct)

"The great tragedy of Science--the slaying of a beautiful
hypothesis by an ugly fact."      -- T H Huxley (1825-95)


Received: by vulcan. (4.0/SMI-4.0)
        id AA03050; Mon, 17 Apr 89 08:52:16 BST
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 89 08:52:16 BST
From: (Adrian F. Clark)
Message-Id: <8904170752.AA03050@vulcan.>
Subject: Change file for TeX
Sender: JANET"" (Adrian Clark) <>

In UkTeX #14, Paul Allen kindly offerred to update TeX (and it's
change file?).  However, that is not necessary, since it's already
been done.  The latest TeX.WEB (edited by hand by myself, I'm afraid)
and my change file for VMS are now available in the re-structured
Aston archive, which should be accessible in the very near future.
This supports bigger-than-average memory, editor interface and a few
other knobs and whistles, as described in TUGboat a couple of years ago.

   Adrian F. Clark
   Smail:  Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University,
           Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K.
   Phone:  (+44) 206-872432 (direct)

"The great tragedy of Science--the slaying of a beautiful
hypothesis by an ugly fact."      -- T H Huxley (1825-95)


Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2494; Mon, 17
          Apr 89 22:34:02 BS
Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9676; Mon,
          17 Apr 89 22:34:02 B
Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 3250; Mon, 17 Apr 89 16:31:50 CDT
Date:     Mon, 17 Apr 89 16:27:45 CDT
From:     Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM>
Subject:  \input on a portion of a file:

Has anybody ever written a macro that would produce the equivalent of
\input using a subset of lines on a file? I'd like to input TeX
and verbatim input from a subset of a file and want to keep myself
from re-inventing the wheel.
What I have in mind is suppose I have the following input file:
\today\ is an exciting day.
Yes it is
\TeX\ is fun.
Yes it is.
Typing \Verbfile[2-4] should produce
Yes it is
\TeX\ is fun.
Yes it is.
while \Input[1-3] should produce
April 17 is an exciting day. Yes it is TeX is fun.
Any ideas?
- -dh
    Don Hosek           Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU
    3916 Elmwood        Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET
    Stickney, IL 60402          DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET
    Work: 312-996-2981  UUNet:
                        JANET: U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY

Message-Id: <>
Via:; Tue, 18 Apr 89 11:42:33 GMT
Date: Tue Apr 18 09:50:18 GMT 1989
Subject: Tape Options

Can I reccommend to you the Exabyte 2.5GByte cartridge tape system which uses
Video-8 cassettes and is about 7k (1/3 the price of a TU81+ and some minute
fraction of DEC's latest IBM-compatible, has an auto-changer 'cos the cartridges
hold so little, you have to have a HSC to drive it cartridge tape system).

PS this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I can't read
6250 BPI tapes, but do have an Exabyte.  More seriously, these are very
popular, require minimal postage charges and incidentally are quite good for
unattended backups.

Paul Allen

+++Editor - We have such a device and I will amend the instructions at the 
foot of the digest as soon as we have established type specs and costs. +++


Date:           Tue, 18 APR 89 12:00:44 BST
Subject:        Problems with ready_already
Message-Id:     <00000D5E_0006E1C8.0092375A7F03DE20$11_2@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS>
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988)

    In UKTeX 89 #14 you mention in passing that the VMS linker doesn't allow 
you to link debug versions when compiler warnings remain, the compiler warning 
in this case coming from ready_already being used before having a value 
assigned to it.
    This, of course, didn't use to happen with less sophisticated versions of 
DEC's Pascal compiler (I think it first happened with their V3.5, but wouldn't 
swear to it).  The fix is easy, and I first saw it in much earlier change 
files (MF V1.0 and TeX V2.90, I think).  Change the declaration of 
ready_already to read:
      ready_already : [VAX_static] integer := 0; {a sacrifice of purity ...

The compiler warning then disappears.  I don't know who found this trick, but 
it's certainly been a life-saver: we couldn't possibly have got our 
LSE-integrated TeX working without being able to use the VAX debugger!
(We too had troubles with limited file name sizes in that!)

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

| JANET:                                     |
| BITNET:                               |
| INTERNET:                    |
| Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   |
|            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        |
| Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   |
P.S.          BITNET Users: Please note that our site has had difficulty in 
              receiving mail directly from the UK BITNET gateway. If you 
              suspect that your messages aren't getting through, you could


From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 89 18:05:10 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: planets

Somehow, the copy of `' in the PLANETS directory has got
corrupt. It is now correct, but those who have already copied it
should edit line 222 so that the first character is `x' not `c'

mysterious little creatures, computers, aren't they?

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:     Mon, 10 Apr 89  10:21:06 BST
From:     Jerry.Hagon @
Subject:  TeX Archive

  Dear Sir,
          is there an easy way to get a full description of the files available
  on your TeX archive? Although I've managed to get some file listings
  via the TeX server, what I would appreciate is a list of all files
  available with a small note describing the contents of each of them - i.e.
  a general index.
                   many thanks,

+++ Editor - we're re-organising the archive's structure to make it more
logical, and documenting it at the same time.  This process will make
available just what your are suggesting. +++ 


Received: from by; Tue, 18 Apr 89 21:03:03 BST
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 89 21:05:51 BST
Message-Id: <>
Cc: morgan@edu.uci.ics.ruby-falls
Subject: do you eat TeX or does TeX eat you?

A while back I gave a couple of caveats on UKTeX about the behaviour
of my local TeX; as expected, the 2.98 upgrade solves an end of file
on terminal bug which Knuth introduced in 2.95, but I still have to
report that if you are in my situation:

  on a Sun 3
  running OS 3.5 
  using web2c (version c. 2.25)  and Gnu C (version 1.32)

you will get a brain-damaged TeX unless you a) turn off optimization
and b) don't use the REGISTER define in site.h. Its not obvious, but
if you do Huge braces around arrays (ie 8 lines deep), they are not
the right size. No doubt there are reasons for this! If anyone feels
like trying out the following on their LaTeX, see if the delimiters
stretch the full height of the arrays. No, I didn't write it!

Sebastian Rahtz


&&&&&c_i & -s_i\\
&&&&&s_i & c_i \\

where \[ c_i^2 + s_i^2 = 1 \]

   The matrix $R_k$ has the form

r_0 & w_1 & z_2\\
&r_1 & w_2 & z_3\\
&&&&&&.&.& z_{n-1}\\

\[ \begin{array}{l}
  p_0:  =  d_0^{(k)}-\sigma_k,\; c_0 :=1, \; s_0 := 0  \\
   \left. \begin{array}{l}
  r_{i-1}:  =  (p_{i-1}^2 + (e_i^{(k)})^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}  \\
  g_{i-1}:  =  c_{i-1}.e_i^{(k)}  \\
  h_{i-1}:  =  c_{i-1}.p_{i-1} \\
  e_{i-1}^{(k+1)}:  =  s_{i-1}.r_{i-1}  \\
  c_i:  =  p_{i-1}/r_{i-1}  \\
  s_i:  =  e_i^{(k)}/r_{i-1} \\
  p_i:  =  c_i.(d_i^{(k)}-\sigma_k)-s_i.g_{i-1}  \\
  d_{i-1}^{(k+1)}: = h_{i-1}+s_i.(c_ig_{i-1}+s_i(d_i^{(k)}-\sigma_k))  
  \end{array} \right\} \\ 
  e_{n-1}^{(k+1)}:= s_{n-2}.p_{n-2}, \; d{n-1}^{(k+1)}:=c_{n-2}.p_{n-2}  
\end{array} \]    



Date: Tue, 18 Apr 89 21:11:07 BST
Subject: A warning for TeX implementors
Message-ID: <A02E375A9A938250@UK.AC.CAM.PHX>

If there are other implementors who use |selector=new_string|, or
otherwise build a string in |str_pool|, as part of an implementation
of the 'E' response to an error prompt: don't assume that the current
string is initially empty (I did). If the error occurs while reading
a `file name', it won't be: e.g.

   \input wombat\foobar    % \foobar undefined

(Compare official fixes #339 and #342.)

Chris Thompson


Date: 19 Apr 89  10:43:02 bst
From: R.J.Hare @
Subject: TeX
Message-ID: <19 Apr 89  10:43:02 bst  340289@EMAS-A>


Jon Radel tells me that he thinks that Aston are/were thinking about the
possibility of making TeX systems for PCs available on floppy discs.

Is this true?


Roger Hare.

+++Editor - Yes we are putting the mechanism in place but are not quite 
ready to offer the service. We hope to start in June +++


Received: from by; Wed, 19 Apr 89 13:47:08 BST
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 89 13:49:58 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: GnuTeX and Spidery Web in the archive

Two new additions have been made to the archive, GnuTeX and Spider Web.
They are in 

A. Spider Web was discussed on texhax recently; it attempts to take a
language description and build versions of `weave' and `tangle' for
them. Not something for the average TeX punter, but well worth a look
if you like Knuth's system of documenting his software

B. Gnutex IS NOT the Gnu project's TeX! It is an interactive plotting
program which, as well as obvious output like T4010 for your screen
(and PC Kermit), can generate LaTeX `picture' code, or Fig code. So if
this kind of thing turns you on,

  plot [-3.14:3.14] sin(x)

but you want to include the output easily in your TeX document, this
is the thing for you! A very pleasant to use tool.

Sebastian Rahtz  19/4/89
(on behalf of Aston Archive working party)


Date:           Thu, 20 APR 89 12:11:37 BST
Subject:        Wayne Sullivan's CDVI TeX Previewer for the IBM PC
Message-Id:     <00000B4D_00146338.009238EE58AA8D60$18_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS>
Originally-to:  UKTEX
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.2 (27-Oct-1988)

Wayne Sullivan kindly sent me version 1.2 of his CDVI TeX previewer for the 
IBM PC. CDVI is unlike most other previewers that I have used in that:

    o   it is VERY fast - this actually encourages people to preview on the 
        screen rather than on paper.

    o   the font definitions are built in to the program so there's no need
        to take up several Megabytes of your IBM PC's disk space with 

In addition, a wide variety of display adapters are supported, including CGA, 
EGA, VGA and Hercules.

CDVI 1.2 has only the "standard" TeX/LaTeX fonts built in, so if you use 
exotic fonts (e.g. PostScript, Euler), version 1.2 won't cope.  Version 2.0, 
however appears to address most of the limitations of 1.2 with flexible font 
substitution.  CDVI 2.0 is not in the public domain, but is available for a 
very modest price.

CDVI v1.2 is now available in the Aston arhive.  The ARC encoded file is:


The file was ARCed with PKPAK v3.61 - you'll need PKUNPAK to unARC the file. 
Both programs are available from the University of Lancaster UK Public Domain 
software archive.

If you're on the lookout for a TeX previewer to use on your IBM PC, I
recommend that you give CDVI a try. 

                        Niel Kempson

| JANET:                                     |
| BITNET:                               |
| INTERNET:                    |
| Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   |
|            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        |
| Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785687 (UK), +44-793-785687 (International)   |


Message-Id: <>
Via:; Thu, 20 Apr 89 14:36:11 GMT
Date: Thu Apr 20 13:35:58 GMT 1989
Subject: VMS TeX 2.95 change-file, LaTeX letter.sty problem, change-bar answer.

First, my thanks to Don Hosek (G'day) who sent me the latest VMS change
file for GFTOPK - seems to work O.K.  If Don sent you a copy Peter, the
phantom of the operating system in one of the intermediate machines
converted caret to tilde, if he didn't, then let me know. 

+++Editor - Basically I don't know but I am sure one of the archivists will 
be able to supply the answer +++

I decided to try updating to TeX 2.95 since Peter Ilieve had sent me a copy 
(I still haven't sent the tape back yet - sorry), TeX 2.98(+?) can wait 
till I've worked up the courage to face editing in the changed bits.  There
was a conflict with the (Fuchs) change file to do with <get file name from
system> so I tossed a coin, made a guess and seem to have got away with it
- but if anyone knows the real answer, it would be nice to know. 

I also updated LaTeX to the Aug 88 version (how many of you changed the 
definition of arrowvert in lplain.tex as well as plain.tex?) and found a 
bug in letter.sty which seems to occur because of a Jan 87 change.  Because
a parbox now sets \parskip to 0pt, the 6\parskip vertical spacing which
\closing puts between its argument and the signature is no longer 4.2em but
nil points as they say in the Eurovision Song Contest (for those who didn't
know, \closing is really a parbox).  I suspect this has long since been 
found and corrected, and was going to pull letter.sty from the archive on 
the off-chance, but in my last directory list (some months old) there is no 
sign of either it or any of the other standard styles.

Finally an answer for Don Ward who wanted change bars, see TeXHaX 88.111 to 
see how to do it with LN03 \specials, and TeXHaX 89.04 for the same thing 
with Postscript \specials.  

PS, as I set out to send this, I found messages from Brian and Niel at RMCS 
who said they'd had problems with other TeXware regarding short filenames 
and the ready_already warning preventing linking /DEBUG under VMS (I took 
the IF ready_already out, they set ready_already to 0).  I can't reply to 
them direct because tardis doesn't seem to be on speaking terms with them, 
whilst it took them a couple of attempts to send anything to me.  I'm sorry 
lads, looks like the dimensionaliser is on the blink again.

| Paul L. Allen                 | Disclaimer: The opinions presented here 
| Ferranti Defence Systems Ltd  | are my own and are not necessarily 
| T.E.G. Lab,                   | those of Ferranti International Signal 
| Robertson Ave                 | 
| Edinburgh  EH11 1PX           | `Coito ergo sum'
| Tel. 031 337 2442   Ext. 3246 |                       -Don Juan

!!   Files of interest 
!!      [public]000aston.readme               [public]000directory.list
!!      [public]000directory_dates.list       [public]000directory.size
!!      [public]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 
!! 30 January 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes.
!! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!! SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue