UKTeX V89 #18 Friday 12 May 1989 Re: UK-TeX V89 #17 (\everypage; mode_def for Linotronic-300) Re: \everypage (as it were Re: concrete fonts in LaTeX New archive changes Details of the Stanford Meeting Second Announcement and Registration Form \TeX 89 Karlsruhe, FRG AMSfonts, and Linotron mode_def DANTE TeX output on the ULCC L300 made easier 3rd UKTUG meeting details and booking form UKTeX characters codes EUROPEAN TeX COURSES 1989 TeX previewer for REGIS Editor Peter Abbott A number of requests have been received by the mail server using the following form of the return address _bitnet%site::username The mailer (VMS Janet Mailshr software) supports this format but the archive mail-server interface does not; and adding such support would unnecessarily complicate the mail-server. It is therefore recommended that all messages to the mail-server use the `user@site' notation for the return address. Failure to do so will cause your requests to fail. OzTeX, TeX for the Apple MAC by Andrew Trevorrow is now available in [tex-archive.tex.pc.oztex] It is accessible by mail and is LARGE. I can supply copies on disks if you cannot get it via mail (You will need to unstuffit for the .hqx files, the instructions are conatined in the text files). See tail for details of disks needed. TeXhax V89 #38 is nowhere to be found. I tried Washington, Stanford and Clarkson but it was conspicuous by its absence. For FTP users the username and password are still PUBLIC The archive is now available in [tex-archive] and not [public] Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #39 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N2 --------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 MAY 89 17:14:46 BST From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB Subject: Re: UK-TeX V89 #17 (\everypage; mode_def for Linotronic-300) Sender: JANET"CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB" <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB> Reply-to: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb> Originally-to: $UK-TEX Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.3a (02-Feb-1989) Re: Spqr's "\everypage" --- ArborText recommend a "\specialbop" and a "\specialbopemit". I will supply fuller details later. Re: Graeme's request for a mode_def for a Linotronic-300. Sauter's mode_def for the LN03 seems to work fine; just uprate to 1270dpi. 2540 is overkill unless you're into graphics or non-aligned rules. Greek majuscules are better taken from the SYMBOL font --- I can supply appropriate \mathschardef s on request. Philip Taylor Royal Holloway and Bedford New College --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2901; Sat, 06 May 89 02:31:41 BS Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8876; Sat, 06 May 89 02:31:41 B Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 5791; Fri, 05 May 89 20:31:54 CDT Date: Fri, 05 May 89 20:29:13 CDT From: Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM> Subject: Re: \everypage (as it were The most straightforward way to insert something onto every page is to make it part of the page header (or footer). This is not _perfect_ as it is possible that a particular page might have its header or footer changed. Some discussion on this has taken place in the TUG DVI driver standards group (see the article from us which will appear/ may have already appeared in TeXhax, TeXMaG, UKTeX, and TUGboat). For setting an entire document in landscape, some sort of global special will be implemented. - -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------ Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET Work: 312-996-2981 UUNet: JANET: U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2916; Sat, 06 May 89 02:37:28 BS Received: from UICVM by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 8889; Sat, 06 May 89 02:37:28 B Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.02) id 5804; Fri, 05 May 89 20:37:33 CDT Date: Fri, 05 May 89 20:34:38 CDT From: Don Hosek <U33297@EDU.UIC.UICVM> Subject: Re: concrete fonts in LaTeX As far as I know, it has not been done. There are two major obstacles: Concrete contains no boldface fonts. Either a Concrete LaTeX would have no boldface (yuk) or boldface would need to be created. The second is the lack of MF sources for the Euler fonts. For a decent LaTeX implementation, many more sizes of the fonts would need to be included than are normally distributed. However, once these obstacles (along with the problem of mapping all the math characters to the correct character/code combinations) are overcome, converting LaTeX would be a trivial proposition. - -dh ------------------------------------------------------------------ Don Hosek Internet: U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU 3916 Elmwood Bitnet: U33297@UICVM.BITNET Stickney, IL 60402 DHOSEK@YMIR.BITNET Work: 312-996-2981 UUNet: JANET: U33297%UICVM.UIC.EDU@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- Date: 05 May 89 19:06:24 bst From: G.Toal @ Subject: New archive changes Message-ID: <05 May 89 19:06:24 bst 050046@EMAS-A> Peter, you forgot to say what the new ftp username/password will be when the new archive formats comes in. I assume it will no longer be 'public'. Graham. +++Editor - At this time we are NOT changing the username and password, there are still PUBLIC +++ --------------------------------- Date: 7-MAY-1989 13:08:47 GMT From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA Subject: Details of the Stanford Meeting %peter, the TeXt of the TUGX meeting at Stanford %_____________________________________________________ \font\titlefont=cmr7 scaled \magstep 4 \font\smc=cmr9 \font\meta=logo10 \font\eightrm=cmr8 \hfuzz=4pt % begin program, from rfw \def\TUG{\TeX\ Users Group} \baselineskip 11.5pt % 12pt \raggedbottom\nopagenumbers \def\lbr{\null\hfil\break} % multilingual (INRS) TeX \def \mtex{T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{\~E}\kern-.125emX} \newif\ifxtraspace \xtraspacetrue \def\hdln #1{\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 4.5pt \else \vskip2pt\fi \noindent{\bf#1}\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 2.5pt \else \vskip1.5pt\fi} \def\topic#1{\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 4.5pt \else \vskip2pt\fi \noindent{\bf\hskip100pt#1}\par \ifxtraspace \vskip 2.5pt \else \vskip1.5pt\fi} \newdimen\abx \newdimen\bbx \newdimen\cbx \def \resetlndimens{\global\abx=3.8em \global\bbx=5.0em \global\cbx=11.2em } \newbox\TestBox \def\ln #1-#2*#3*{\par \setbox\TestBox=\hbox{#1}% \noindent\hangindent\cbx\raggedright {\def\am{\gdef\temp{\rlap{%am}}} \def\pm{\gdef\temp{\rlap{%pm}}} \gdef\temp{} \hbox to \abx{\hss #1\unskip\unskip}% \hbox to 1em{\ifdim\wd\TestBox >.2em \hfil--\fi \hfil}% \hbox to .5\bbx{\hss #2\unskip\unskip%}% \hbox to .5\bbx{\temp\hfill} }% {\ignorespaces#3\unskip\unskip}\strut} \newcount\TestCount % The next 3 definitions are the "official" ones used in the Proceedings \def\MF{{\meta METAFONT}} \def\AmSTeX{{\tensy A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox {\tensy M}\kern-.125em{\tensy S}-\TeX} \def\LaTeX{{L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\eightrm A}\kern-.15em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \centerline{\bf \TeX\ USERS GROUP} \vskip 5pt \centerline{\bf Ten Years of \TeX\ and \MF} \vskip 5pt \centerline{\bf Stanford University} \vskip 5pt \centerline{\bf August 20--23, 1989} \vskip 15pt \centerline{\sl Updated Program as of April 25, 1989} \vskip 15pt \tenrm \resetlndimens \raggedright \hdln{Sunday -- August 20} \ln 12:00 - 2:00\pm*\it Registration* \topic{Font Forum} \ln 1:00 - 1:30*Introduction to \MF\ -- Doug Henderson* \ln 1:30 - 2:00*From Character Set to Font -- Pierre MacKay* \ln 2:00 - 2:30*Opening Pandora's Box -- Neenie Billawala* \ln 2:30 - 3:00*Order into Chaos: Typesetting Factal Images -- Alan Hoenig* \ln 3:00 - 3:15*\it Break* \ln 3:15 - 3:45*Design of Oriental Characters with \MF\ -- Don Hosek* \ln 3:45 - 4:15*Thai Languages and \MF\ -- Bob Batzinger (Thailand)* \ln 4:15 - 4:45*A \MF-like System with PostScript Output -- John Hobby* \ln 4:45 - 5:15*Migration from Computer Modern Fonts to Times Fonts -- Ralph Youngen,\lbr Daniel Latterner, and William Woolf* \ln 5:15 - 5:45*Fine Typesetting with \TeX\ Using Native Autologic Fonts -- Arvin Conrad* \ln 7:00 - 10:00\pm*\it Dinner at the Sino Restaurant\rm$~1$* \hdln{Monday -- August 21} \ln 7:45 - 9:30\am*\it Registration* \ln 8:00 - 8:30*Introduction to \TeX\ and \TeX\ Systems (\sl for New Members) \rm -- Bart Childs and Alan Hoenig* \ln 8:30 - 9:00*Introduction to TUG and TUG Officers and Staff* \topic{Keynote Address} \ln 9:00 - 11:30*The Errors of \TeX\ -- Don Knuth* \ln 11:30 - 1:00\pm*\it Lunch\rm$~2$* \ln 1:00 - 2:30*Elections/Business Meeting* \ln 2:30 - 2:45*\it Break* \ln 2:45 - 3:00*Report from the Driver Standards Committee -- Robert McGaffey* \ln 3:00 - 5:00*Output device manufacturer/exhibitor presentations:$~3$ ArborText, Inc.; % Autologic, Inc. \lbr Blue Sky Research; Computer Composition Corp.; % Digital Composition Corp.; % FTL%systems%Inc.; % H. St\"urtz AG; % Imagen Corp.; K-Talk Communications; \lbr Kinch Computer Co.; Micro Publishing Systems; Personal \TeX; % Talaris Systems Inc.; \TeX nology, Inc. % {\it Textures.} % {\it\TeX T1}; % Varityper Corp.; * \topic{Orientation} \ln 5:00 - 5:15*Things to do in and around Palo Alto -- Ginger Brower* \ln 5:15 - 5:30*\it Organization of the Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions for Sites (DG, CMS, MVS, CDC, UNIX, VMS, etc.) to be held during and after the Wine \&\ Cheese* \ln 5:30 - ???*\it Wine \&\ Cheese -- hosted by \kern 2pt \rm Personal \TeX, Inc.* \vskip 6pt \noindent \llap{$~1$ }Reservation required. Formerly known as the China First Restaurant. \noindent \llap{$~2$ }Working lunch for the Board of Directors. \noindent \llap{$~3$ }Tentative listing based on previous participation. Representatives are scheduled to be available throughout the meeting. Exhibit rooms will be open from 8:30 am Tuesday, until 5:00 pm Wednesday. \vfill \centerline {\sl An IBM PC and Apple Macintosh will be available so that members may exchange software.} \vfill {\noindent\it(Continued)} \vfill \eject %\xtraspacefalse \hdln{Tuesday -- August 22} \topic{\TeX\ Training} \ln 8:30 - 9:00\am*Of the Computer Scientist, by the Computer Scientist, for the Computer\lbr Scientist -- Michael Doob (Canada)* \ln 9:00 - 9:30 *Mastering \TeX\ with Templates -- Hope Hamilton* \ln 9:30 -10:00 *\TeX\ and its Versatility in Office Production -- Jo Ann Rattey-Hicks* \ln10:00 -10:30 *\TeX\ for the Word Processing Operator -- Robin Kubek* \ln 10:30 - 10:45*\it Break* \ln 10:45 - 11:30*Site coordinators' status reports:$~1$\lbr VAX (VMS) -- David Kellerman; UNIX -- Pierre MacKay; \lbr Small Systems -- Lance Carnes; % Prime -- John Crawford; IBM VM/CMS -- Dean Guenther; \lbr IBM MVS -- Craig Platt; Data General \&\ Cray -- Bart Childs; \lbr CDC Cyber -- Jim Fox. * \ln 11:30 - 1:00\pm*\it Lunch\rm$~2$* \topic{General Applications} \ln 1:00 - 1:30*\TeX\ in M\'exico -- Max D\'\i az (M\'exico)* \ln 1:30 - 2:00*\TeX\ for 30,000 -- James Haskell, Wally Deschene and Alan Stolleis* \ln 2:00 - 2:30*\TeX\ Enslaved -- Alan Wittbecker* \topic{Graphics Applications} \ln 2:30 - 3:00*Methodologies for Preparing and Integrating PostScript Graphics -- Tom Renfrow* \ln 3:00 - 3:40*\TeX pic -- Design and Implementation of a Picture Graphics Language in \TeX\ \lbr \`a la {\sl pic} -- Rolf Olejniczak (West Germany)* \ln 3:40 - 4:00*\it Break and organization of Topical Birds-of-a-Feather \lbr (Topics to be decided at this time.)* \topic{Database Applications} \ln 4:00 - 4:30*\TeX\ at {\it Mathematical Reviews} -- William Woolf and Daniel Latterner* \ln 4:30 - 5:00*Lexicography with \TeX\ -- J\"orgen Pind (Iceland)* \ln 5:00 - 5:40*Automated Database Publishing -- Two Case Studies -- Alex Warman,\lbr Alun Vaughan, and Tim Kelly (Australia)* \ln 5:40 - ???*Topical Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (\LaTeX, graphics, fonts, etc.)* \ln 6:30 - 8:00*\it 10th Anniversary ``Mexican Fiesta'' Dinner -- sponsored by the \rm \TUG* \ln 8:00 - ???*\it Social Hour/Party Time -- hosted by \rm ArborText* \vskip 3pt \noindent \llap{$~1$ }Tentative listing based on previous participation. \noindent \llap{$~2$ }Working lunch for the Board of Directors. \vskip1pc {\noindent\it(Continued)} \vfill \eject \hdln{Wednesday -- August 23} \topic{Help Sessions} \ln 8:30 - 9:30\am*\TeX\ Help Session -- Barbara Beeton* \ln 9:30 -10:15*{\tt WEB} Help Session -- Wayne Sewell* \ln 10:15-10:30*\it Break* \topic{General Information} \ln10:30 - 11:00*The State of \TeX\ Users Groups in Europe -- Malcolm Clark (England)* \ln 11:00 - 11:30*Keeping an Archive Dust Free -- Peter Abbott (England)* \ln 11:30 - 1:00\pm*\it Lunch\rm$~1$* \topic{\TeX\ Tools} \ln 1:00 - 1:30*\TeX reation -- Playing Games with \TeX's Mind -- Andrew Greene* \ln 1:30 - 2:00*Table Generation Techniques used in the Cellular Package -- John Pittman* \ln 2:00 - 2:30*Indexing \TeX's Commands -- Bill Cheswick* \ln 2:30 - 3:00*DVI File Processing Programs -- Stephan von Bechtolsheim* \ln 3:00 - 3:15*\it Break* \ln 3:15 - 3:45*Using WordPerfect 5.0 to Create \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ Documents -- Anita Hoover* \ln 3:45 - 4:15*\TeX\ Macros for COBOL Syntax Diagrams -- Mary McClure* \ln 4:15 - 4:45*Coordinating a Procedural Language and Text Editor to Create an Efficient and Workable PC Interface for \TeX\ -- Brad Halverson and Don Riley* \ln 4:45 - 5:00*General wrap-up and closing -- Bart Childs et al.* \vskip 3pt \noindent \llap{$~1$ }Working lunch for the Board of Directors. \vskip 5pt \centerline {$\bullet$} \vskip 2pt \halign{#\hfill\quad&&#\hfill\cr Program Coordinator:&Dean Guenther &-- Washington State University, Pullman, Washington\cr Program Committee: &Hope Hamilton &-- National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado\cr &Doug Henderson &-- University of California, Berkeley, California\cr &Christina Thiele &-- Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario\cr } \bye - ------- --------------------------------- Date: 7-MAY-1989 13:15:33 GMT From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA %peter, another anouncement for the digest, i haven't seen %it there yet (perhaps i missed it) % %Hallo Malcolm, % %this is the second announcement and registration form %for EuroTeX89. Notice it and please enclose it to texline and %wherever you think it will be good. % %Thank you very much %Rainer % %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % \documentstyle[12pt]{report} \hoffset -20 true mm \voffset -10 true mm \pagestyle{empty} \addtolength\topmargin{-3truecm} % oberen Rand hochsetzen \addtolength\textheight{6truecm} % Seitenlaenge hochsetzen \addtolength\baselineskip{3pt} % Zeilenabstand hochsetzen \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % keine Einrueckung bei Absaetzen \setlength{\parskip}{8pt plus 3pt} % Absaetze auseinanderruecken \textwidth 16 true cm % Breite einer Zeile \textheight 750pt \itemsep=0pt \parindent=0pt \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{13cm}|} \hline \\ \hfill\Large\sf Second Announcement and Registration Form \hfill \ \\ \hfill\Large\sf \TeX 89 \hfill \ \\ \hfill\Large\sf 4th Annual Meeting of European \TeX\ Users \hfill \ \\ \hfill\Large\sf September 11--13, 1989, Karlsruhe, FRG \hfill \ \\ \ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{flushleft} \tabcolsep=0pt \begin{tabular}{p{9cm}} As announced before, \TeX 89, the 4th Eu\-ro\-pean \TeX\ Conference, will take place at Karls\-ruhe University, FRG, from Monday, September 11, to Wednesday, September 13, 1989. The conference will be organized by Anne Br\"ug\-ge\-mann-Klein, Institut f\"ur Informatik, Universit\"at Freiburg, and Rainer Rupprecht, Rechenzentrum, Universit\"at Karlsruhe. \end{tabular} \end{flushleft} Karlsruhe is a young town situated in the valley of the upper Rhine and surrounded by the wooded mountains of the Black Forest, the Palatinate, and Alsace. Some information about Karlsruhe and a registration card for the room reservation by the Karlsruhe tourist center are enclosed. So far, about 20 papers have been submitted. Main topics are: \begin{itemize} \item Retrieving archived files \item SGML and \TeX/\LaTeX \item Fonts \item \LaTeX\ \dots \end{itemize} There is great interest to discuss special topics, so discussion groups will be scheduled as part of the conference. Highlights of the discussions will be presented to the general audience on the last day of the conference. Workshops before and after the conference will be announced separately. The conference fee is DM 280,--. The fee includes registration materials, lunches, social events and a copy of the conference proceedings. If paid before the July%1, the fee will be reduced to DM 250,--. If you have any questions or suggestions for the conference, don't hesitate to contact Rainer Rupprecht, Universit\"at Karlsruhe, Rechenzentrum, Am~Zirkel~2, 7500~Karlsruhe~1, FRG; e-mail: RZ32@DKAUNI48 (bitnet); tel.~(0721)~608-4031. Please give copies of this form to your colleagues, as the mailing list is incomplete. \vfill \clearpage \def\hrulefilll{\leaders\hrule\hskip 0pt plus 1filll} \rule{\hsize}{2pt} \begin{center} \vskip -4mm \LARGE \bf \TeX 89 \\[2mm] \Large \bf Conference Registration Form \normalsize \vskip 1pt \rule{\hsize}{2pt} \end{center} \vfill \begin{flushleft} \newlength{\formdata} \settowidth{\formdata}{Affiliation } \def\form#1{\makebox[\formdata][l]{#1}} \form{Name}\hrulefilll\mbox{}\\[3pt] \form{Affiliation}\hrulefilll\mbox{}\\[3pt] \form{Address}\hrulefilll\mbox{}\\[3pt] \form{}\hrulefilll\mbox{}\\[3pt] \form{}\hrulefilll\mbox{}\\[3pt] \form{Telephone}\hrulefilll\mbox{}\\[3pt] \form{E-mail}\hrulefilll\mbox{}\\ \vfill \bf Please tick where appropriate: \rm \def\tick{\leavevmode\raise 1pt\hbox{\ $\bigcirc$\ \ }} \tick Conference fee DM 250.-- (DM 280.-- after July 1) is enclosed by check. \tick Conference fee DM 250.-- (DM 280.-- after July 1) will be sent by check. \tick Please invoice me, bank transfer will be done immediately. \tick I would like to contribute to or participate in discussion groups on: \\[5pt] \hspace{1cm} 1st choice \hrulefilll\ \mbox{}\\[3pt] \hspace{1cm} \hrulefilll\ \mbox{}\\[3pt] \hspace{1cm} 2nd choice \hrulefilll\ \mbox{}\\[3pt] \hspace{1cm} \hrulefilll\ \mbox{}\\[3pt] \hspace{1cm} 3rd choice \hrulefilll\ \mbox{}\\[3pt] \hspace{1cm} \hrulefilll\ \mbox{}\\ \end{flushleft} \vfill \begin{tabular}{p{8cm}l} Send to: & \tt Rainer Rupprecht \\[3pt] & \tt Rechenzentrum \\ & \tt Universit\"at Karlsruhe \\ & \tt Postfach 6980 \\ & \tt 7500 Karlsruhe 1, FRG \\[3pt] & \tt Telephone: (0721) 608-4031 \\ & \tt e-mail: RZ32@DKAUNI48 (bitnet) \end{tabular} \vfill \rule{\hsize}{2pt} \begin{center} \vskip -4mm \TeX 89 -- We hope to see you in September \rule{\hsize}{2pt} \end{center} \end{document} --------------------------------- Received: from by; Sun, 7 May 89 16:52:53 BST From: Date: Sun, 7 May 89 16:55:28 BST Message-Id: <> In-Reply-To:'s message of 5-MAY-1989 16:34:21 GMT <> Subject: AMSfonts, and Linotron mode_def Stephen Gilmore asks I'd like to get the AMS symbol founts for our VAX/VMS implementation of LaTeX. I was able to get the 10 point PXL files from [PUBLIC.TEX.AMSFONTS.PXL300] but I cannot find 11 or 12 point versions. I tried to make them from the 329 and 360 PL files but I don't understand this, quite. How can you make PXL from PL? does he mean PK? The Unix distribution I have no longer has .pxl files, but the .pk300 directory contains eg mcyb10.300pk, mcyb10.329pk, mcyb10.360pk, which are scaled up 10 point versions to look like 11 and 12pt. If Mr Gilmore can't use these, he's stuck, as the MF sources for the AMS fonts are either a) in old MF, and thus unuseable, or b) not issued by the AMS without money or negotiation (no doubt Barbara Beeton could elucidate here). I suspect Gilmore's PKtoPXL program, personally. Graeme McKinstry asks Could somebody please supply me with the appropriate METAFONT mode_def for a Linotronic L300 PostScript imagesetter. I would like to produce camera-ready Phil Taylor recommend's Sauter's mode_def for the LN03, with 1270 substituted for 300. I tried this, and it works fine, so far as I could see. Having built the 1270 dpi files, I just had to change the dvi to PS program I was using (dvitops) to tell it there was an extra directory to look in, tell it the resolution I was using, and then I just sent the output to the Linotron. I suspect that you may have to check around your dvi to PS program for any assumptions it makes about the number 300! Sebastian Rahtz --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2018; Sun, 07 May 89 21:39:35 BS Received: from DHDURZ1.BITNET by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6846; Sun, 07 May 89 21:39:34 B Received: by DHDURZ1 (Mailer R2.03B) id 5205; Sun, 07 May 89 22:39:08 CET Date: Sun, 07 May 89 22:33:40 CET From: Joachim Lammarsch <RZ92@EARN.DHDURZ1> Subject: DANTE Dear Peter, would you please be so kind and put the following announcement, which will be published in the next TUGboat, in your UKTeX too. Joachim ------------------------cut here---------------------------------------- DANTE --- Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX Last year, when I was in Exeter at the European TeX meeting, was the first time that the idea of a German TeX society came into my mind. I saw that the organisation and representation of the European TeX users was not very good. And the first step towards making it better is in my opinion to improve the organisation of the national groups. So because of that, in Freiburg at the German TeX meeting I made the proposal in my capacity as the coordinator of the German group to found a German TeX society, and asked for comments about that idea. The response has been so positive that I have gone on to prepare the foundation. On 14th of April 1989 in Heidelberg, it has come to fruition. DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX, has been founded. I agree, the name is not from a German. But the French users group has taken the German GUTenberg, so we needed another well-known name. 17 persons were present to found the society, and after a discussion about the statutes the board was elected. For chairman of the society the persons present elected me. For vice chairwoman Mrs. Gabriele Kruljac, Max--Plank--Institut Stuttgart, for treasurer Mr. Friedhelm Sowa, Research Center of the University Duesseldorf, and for secretary Mrs. Luzia Dietsche, Research Center of the University Heidelberg, have been chosen. The principal aim of the society is to encourage advice and cooperation among German language TeX users. But this is not the only intention. The user group will examine proposals of members for new TeX software, if there are some. It will above all cooperate with other related national and international TeX groups. Besides, DANTE shall represent the interests of the German language TeX users to the TUG more than has happened up till now. Perhaps that will be done in team-work with other European TeX groups. Another activity will be the organisation of training and education. The first training course will perhaps be held at the next German TeX meeting. Last, but not least, a newspaper will be edited and published. Institutions as well as individuals can become members. Membership is possible for universities, publishers, software houses, computer companies, public authorities, private persons, students, e.a. to name but a few. The dues for the various groups are graduated. The first general meeting will take place together with the German TeX meeting on 4th --- 6th October 1989 in Eichstaett. The first day of the meeting will be reserved for the members of DANTE; the other two days will be the same as normally happens at meetings. For more information about DANTE please contact: DANTE -- Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX Research Center of the University Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 293 6900 Heidelberg 1 West Germany Bitnet: DANTE@DHDURZ1 or Joachim Lammarsch Research Center of the University Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 293 6900 Heidelberg 1 West Germany Bitnet: RZ92@DHDURZ1 Acknowledge-To: <RZ92@DHDURZ1> --------------------------------- From: Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-D at UCL) <UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID> Date: Mon, 8 May 89 14:15 Subject: TeX output on the ULCC L300 made easier Message-Id: <08 MAY 1989 14:42:15 UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID> Printing your TeX documents at 1270 dpi just got a whole lot easer! I have today been in touch with Martin Powell, who runs the ULCC Linotronic 300 which is available via Janet and directly via a Kermit dial-up link. Martin has installed Arbortext's DVILASER/PS on the ULCC host machine. Furthermore, Phil Taylor supplied him with the full set of CM fonts at 1270 dpi, some months ago. What all this means is that you can now send DVI files over Janet to ULCC.TYPESET, and get beautiful bromides at 1270pi back within a matter of days. 60p per page, for academic users (yes, you heard right, "sixty pence"!). For current users, there are two additions to the information in the user manual (6 December 1988 edition). For users submitting jobs via FTP, there is a new instruction letter, "O", that can be appended to the three underline characters after a full stop, which indicates that the inbound file is a DVI, and needs to be converted to PostScript before being printed. So you might call your file "anything.___AOS2" to approve the printing of the DVI file "something" with corner alignment ticks. For those who upload via Kermit, and use the PRINT command, there is a new command-line parameter "/DVI" which means the same as "___O". So to do the same as the above example, you might say "PRINT any.dvi /APPROVE /DVI /SEP=2". Your DVI file "any" will likewise be converted to PS, and added to the appropriate printing queue. Your bromides will hit your doormat a couple of days later. If you experienced a thrill when you saw your first piece of writing formatted by TeX, you ain't seen nutt'in yet! ULCC has a wide selection of PostScript fonts and, as mentioned, the CM family of TeX fonts. If you use some other font, you will either have to supply ULCC with the font (either as a PS outline, or as a .PK font), or revert to sending a PS file, with the font bitmaps included in the file (Clark's DVItoPS can do this). If you have not registered as a user of the ULCC typesetting service, contact for details of how to do so. Dominik - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dominik Wujastyk, | Janet: Wellcome Institute for | Bitnet/Earn/Ean/Uucp: the History of Medicine, | Internet/Arpa/Csnet: 183 Euston Road, | or: London NW1 2BP, England. | Phone: London 387-4477 ext.3013 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Note that as of May 1989 the Janet-Internet gateway address has changed from "" to ""] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Subject: 3rd UKTUG meeting details and booking form ---------------------------- cut here --------------------------- UKTUG The UK TeX Users Group Announcement of a Forthcoming Meeting on FONTS, DESIGN AND USE on Wednesday 5th July 1989 at Aston University, Birmingham, U.K. The main topic of this third one-day meeting of UKTUG will be `Fonts, Design and Use', with a programme of invited speakers. Anyone else wishing to contribute a talk on this topic should contact Peter Abbott at the address below. There will also be a session during the day to provide an update on the organisation and structure of UKTUG, together with an election of committee members. MEETING DETAILS: The meeting will be held in Room G17, Main Building, Aston University. It will commence at 11.30am, with coffee available from 11 o'clock. There will be breaks for lunch and tea --- it is expected that the meeting will finish around 4.30pm. DIRECTIONS: By train: To Birmingham New Street Station. After passing the ticket barrier go up the escalator opposite, turn left and walk through the shopping area, and down a ramp into Corporation Street. Walk along Corporation Street (two underpasses) and across the road where the QE II Law Courts are on the right. At the end of the street (which turns back on itself is a grassy bank on the right, and a subway. The fire station (white tower with a defunct clock) and the campus can be seen across the road to the right. Take the subway to the University campus, and follow the signposts to the Main Building. By car: From the M6 leave at junction 6, the A38(M). Follow the signs to the end of the expressway (DO NOT follow the signs to Aston --- this is a district of Birmingham, NOT the University). At the end of the expressway move to the left hand lane (do not go over the flyover). Drive past the fire station and the first road, but turn into the slip road signposted to the University car park. Park on the visitors car park, and walk across the campus to the Main Building. Once at the Main Building, room G17 will be signposted from the entrance. BOOKING ARRANGEMENTS: There will be a charge for the meeting of 12.00 (pounds) to cover room hire and refreshments, including a buffet lunch. Please complete the booking form below, and send it together with your payment to: Peter Abbott UKTUG Computing Service Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham Tel: (021) 359 5492 B4 7ET Janet: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON ------------------------------ cut here ---------------------------- UKTUG BOOKING FORM I wish to attend the third one-day UKTUG meeting at Aston University on 5th July 1989. Name: ________________________________________________________ Organisation: ________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________ Email: ___________________________ Car parking space required: Yes/No * 12 pounds payment enclosed: Yes/No ** or 17 pounds purchase order number: _________________________ Signed: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Notes: * Cheques should be made payable to UKTUG. ** A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative method of payment, but will attract a 5 pounds surcharge (total 17 pounds). Please send this completed booking form, together with your payment, to: Peter Abbott UKTUG Computing Service Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET --------------------------------- Date: 9-MAY-1989 13:26:34 GMT From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA Is there a BibTeX style file (bst) for the Computer Journal? Thanks. --malcolm --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3879; Tue, 09 May 89 14:53:52 BS Received: from VM1.EARN-ULG.AC.BE by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 2669; Tue, 09 May 89 14:36:19 B Received: by BLIULG11 (Mailer R2.03B) id 5643; Tue, 09 May 89 15:34:32 +0200 Date: Tue, 09 May 89 15:12:26 +0200 From: SCHMETS Jean <U219401@EARN.BLIULG11> Subject: UKTeX characters codes Dear Sir, I have subscribed to UKTeX for some month now and find this very interesting. However, there is a little problem with character codes used in the files I receive from you. For example, the left and right braces don't come out right. I have tried to decode these files using extended EBCDIC, CECP500 and CECP037 but with no success. We are using an IBM3090 running VM/SP Rel. 5 connected to EARN as node BLIULG11. Could you give informations about the code tables you are using to send UKTeX on the network. Best regards, Jean SCHMETS Liege University Mathematical Institute Character table: left brace : { right brace: } left bracket : [ right bracket: ] tilda : % backslash: \ hat: ~ percent: % accents: ` ' at sign: @ vertical bar: | sharp: # +++Editor - Others are far more knowledgeable than I but I think the conversion problem occurs at the EARN gateway. +++ --------------------------------- Date: Tue, 09 May 89 16:09:08 BST To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON From: BOOTH.CM@UK.AC.EXETER Subject: screen version of TUG form... Message-ID: <BOOTH.CM.QOCM@UK.AC.EXETER> TeX USERS GROUP EUROPEAN TeX COURSES 1989 Exeter University, England Intensive Beginning/Intermediate TeX 10th--14th July 1989 Advanced TeX/Macro Writing 18th--22nd September 1989 Beginning METAFONT 26th--29th September 1989 All three courses are being run on behalf of the TeX Users Group. All courses will include a mixture of lectures and hands-on practical sessions, using networked IBM-PC compatibles with screen preview, connected to a laser printer. Instruction on use of the PCs and a text editor will be provided where necessary. For each course, the course fee and accommodation bookings have been combined to give one `package' if required. All bookings and payment are being handled within the U.K. (in pounds sterling). Details of the courses are given below. An email version of the registration form is also included. Anyone wishing more details, or a TeXed registration form, should contact either myself (BOOTH.CM@UK.AC.EXETER) or Clive Nicholas at the address below. *** Important Note: Early booking for all courses is highly recommended, since if insufficient registrations have been received *at least* three weeks prior to the start of each course, then the relevant course will probably be cancelled (see registration form below). Beginning/Intermediate TeX: This 5-day course is an introduction to TeX using the standard plain TeX macro package. It will be appropriate for those with little or no knowledge of using TeX. Each registrant will be given extensive course notes plus a copy of The TeXbook. Topics covered include: altering the default plain TeX page layout, dealing with TeX's error and warning messages, and the fundamental concepts of boxes and glue. Other topics will include accents and diacritical marks, the use of fonts in a variety of styles and sizes, the creation of simple macros, and text indentation. Page layout features like headers, footers and page numbering will also be included, using the output routine provided in plain TeX. Various methods of producing simple tables will be introduced. Instruction on TeX's mathematical capabilities will include the use of Greek letters, special symbols, fractions and delimiters --- using both display and text style maths --- as well as multi-line equation alignments. Pre-requisite: Familiarity with a text editor. Advanced TeX/Macro Writing This 5-day course is designed for *all* experienced TeX users. Following on from the Beginning/Intermediate TeX course, there will be more detailed explanations of the relationship of boxes and glue, using \hbox, \vbox and \vtop. Also ruled tables, using \halign. The course will discuss how to construct macros which are both elegant and useful, as well as how to avoid some of the more obvious pitfalls of the art. Consideration will also be given to the use of registers, grouping and conditional statements, as well as tools such as \let and \futurelet, \begingroup and \endgroup. It is hoped that participants will come along with lots of questions and home-grown macros (successful or otherwise), and be prepared to learn by discussion and `trial and error' as well as by example. Pre-requisites: A sound working knowledge of TeX (or LaTeX) --- at least equivalent to Beginning/Intermediate standard, coupled with day-to-day experience. Please bring your own well-thumbed copy of The TeXbook. Beginning METAFONT: This 4-day course presents the basics of METAFONT, a system for the design of alphabets. The course includes: basics (coordinate systems, control points, pens and curves), the organisation of Computer Modern fonts, METAFONT utilities, and an introduction to logo creation. After learning how to make logo characters, participants design and produce a logo of their own during hands-on sessions. The course will be presented by Doug Henderson --- the METAFONT coordinator for the TeX Users Group for the past three years --- who works at the University of California at Berkeley. - ----------------- cut here for registration form ------------------------- TeX USERS GROUP REGISTRATION FORM EUROPEAN TeX COURSES 1989 This registration form should be completed in block capitals, and returned with your payment to the address below. Please photocopy this form as necessary, and complete a separate copy for each participant on each course. Alternatively, a TeXed version of this form may be obtained either from myself (BOOTH.CM@UK.AC.EXTER) or from Clive Nicholas at the address below. Detailed course descriptions are given above. REGISTRATION FEES: The fee for each 5-day course is 360 pounds per person for those from academic organisations, and 420 pounds for commercial (non-academic) companies. For the 4-day METAFONT course the corresponding rates are 300 pounds academic and 360 pounds non-academic. TUG Institutional Members will be eligible for a 10% discount on the course fee. Groups of 3 or more from one organisation attending the same course may also deduct 10% per person. Substitutions may be made at any time before the start of the course for no additional charge. Individual cancellations will however incur cancellation charges. If a complete course has to be cancelled by the TeX Users Group through lack of numbers, then payment will be refunded in full (including any accommodation fee). INDIVIDUAL CANCELLATIONS: 80% of the registration fee is refundable if notification of cancellation is received or postmarked not less than two weeks prior to the starting date. Thereafter 50% is refundable. There is no refund for partial completion of the course. LATE REGISTRATION: Registration notification received or postmarked less than two weeks before the start of the course will incur a 5% late registration surcharge. Notification of late bookings by telephone to Exeter (0392) 411906 will be accepted up until the Friday before the course. ACCOMMODATION: On-campus accommodation in a hall of residence can be booked for 25 pounds per night --- amounting to an additional 125 pounds for each 5-day course, or 100 pounds for the 4-day course. This includes all meals, commencing with dinner on the evening preceding the course. Further accommodation, travel and course details will be circulated to all registrants a couple of weeks before the course start. Discounts do not apply to the accommodation charge. REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Name: _______________________________________________________________ Employing Organisation: _____________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ Institutional Member? Yes/No Address: __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Course Title: _______________________________________________________ 1 Course fee (5-day: 360/420; 4-day: 300/360) ________ 2 Institutional member discount (-10% of line 1) - ________ 3 Group discount (-10% of line 1) - ________ 4 Late registration surcharge (+5% of line 1) + ________ 5 TOTAL course fee (total of lines 1 to 4) ________ 6 Accommodation (5 nights: 125; 4 nights: 100) ________ 7 TOTAL REMITTANCE (total of lines 5 & 6) ________ REMITTANCE DETAILS: Payment for the course fee and accommodation may be combined on one cheque. This must be in pounds sterling, made out to the `University of Exeter', and sent to: Mr. Clive Nicholas Continuing Education and Training Officer University of Exeter Cotley Streatham Rise Telephone: (0392) 411906 Exeter EX4 4PE Fax: (0392) 263108 U.K. Janet email: NICHOLAS.CS@UK.AC.EXETER - ---------------- end of registration form ----------------------------- --------------------------------- Date: 10-MAY-1989 13:24:04 GMT From: FPS@UK.AC.IMPERIAL.CC.VAXA NORDIC TeX Meeting June 12th, 1989 To be held at Lindstedtsv\"agen 25, room D1, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Program: TeX today and in the future. Niels Mortensen Back to international standards. Malcolm Clark Nordic national letters. Staffan Romberger Standard proposal (recommendations for TUG 89) TeX and graphics. Bj\o rn Larsen Integeration of Autocad in \LaTeX. Anders Eriksson Graphics in \TeX tures. Miro Sedlacek \TeX\ on workstations (demo of the Publisher). Phototypesetting and high quality output. Peter Busk Laursen \TeX\ and PostScript -- experiences. Jan M Rynning Panel discussion. Dinner at the KTH ``V\"ardshus'' Contact: Roswitha Graham tel: 46 8 790 6525 fax: 46 8 25 10 tlx: 103 89 KTHB S email: --------------------------------- Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4661; Mon, 01 May 89 16:04:33 BS Received: from HUCHE1.BITNET (SEITZ) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1691; Mon, 01 May 89 16:04:32 Date: Mon, 1 May 89 11:05 EDT From: <SEITZ@EARN.HUCHE1> Subject: TeX previewer for REGIS X-Original-To: "", SEITZ Dear Mr. Abbott, We are running TeX and LaTeX on two VAX 11/780's running VMS 4.6 and using Flavio Rose's DVI2LN3 driver to output to an LN03. Everything seems to work fine except it would be nice if we could preview our output on a VT340 (REGIS) terminal. Do you folks have such a previewer? I read your article in the December 1988 TUGboat; I am in favor of using E-Mail services to share public domain software, but in this case I would be just as happy to send blank tapes or pay a distribution fee to receive a tape in VMS backup format that contains the public domain TeX software you have develope d. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Michael Seitz Harvard Chemistry Dept. +++Editor - Can anyone answer the VT340 question +++ --------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 30 January 1989 (from !! !! FTP access site !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue