UKTeX V89 #20       Friday 26  May 1989

                             non-slide SliTeX?
                    Generating "flowed" tables in LaTeX
                                bibtex bug?
                             tracing \input s
                               freeware TeX
                               truesized CMR
                    Re: DVItoVDU for Visual 600 series
                              who wrote texx2
                     How to change the paper "size" ?
                         \csname, \endcsname, etc
                                TeX for PCs
                               array.sty etc
                            TeX on the Atari ST
                        Gateway character smashing
                         Re: "Big" TeX for VM/CMS
                Maintaining LARGE files in the TeX archive.
                      Re: Modula-2 for VMS DVITOVDU.
                   MacII crash when loaded with TeXture
              RE: Maintaining LARGE files in the TeX archive.
                           Previewing DVI files
                               TeX on the PC
                       Non-English mail-server help
                               FTPing OzTeX

Editor Peter Abbott

There will now be an intermission and issue 21 will be posted during the 
week beginning Monday June 19.

We are still having problems with one node of the cluster and users are 
advised to use aston.kirk for FTP for the time being. I will notify you 
when the problem has been cleared.

Most of the files have been moved and the Archive details are

Site    (but use aston.kirk for the present)
Username        public
password        public
Structure       [tex-archive]

Stream_lf files are being converted as fast as possible so that they can be 
accessed by the mailer and FTP.

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #46
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N2


Received: by vulcan. (4.0/SMI-4.0)
        id AA11932; Fri, 19 May 89 16:32:39 BST
Date: Fri, 19 May 89 16:32:39 BST
From: (Adrian F. Clark)
Message-Id: <8905191532.AA11932@vulcan.>
Subject: non-slide SliTeX?
Sender: JANET"" (Adrian Clark) <>

I am a dedicated user of SliTeX for preparing overheads.  When
preparing them, however, it would often be useful to get several of
them on a page at reduced size, only producing full-size output for
the final version.  Has anyone produced a style file which does
something like this?

   Adrian F. Clark
   Smail:  Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University,
           Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K.
   Phone:  (+44) 206-872432 (direct)

"The great tragedy of Science--the slaying of a beautiful
hypothesis by an ugly fact."      -- T H Huxley (1825-95)


Received: from (gandalf.ARPA) by; Fri, 19 May 89 18:59:05 GMT
From: Andrew Stewart <>
Date: Fri, 19 May 89 18:54:29 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Generating "flowed" tables in LaTeX

I am trying to generate a rather long table in LaTeX, and I would like the
table heading to appear at the top of the table on each page without having
to fiddle the column heights using the tabbing environment.

Does anybody know how I can do this? What I would really like (!) is an
environment like the tabular environment, where I can put vrules on the
left and right sides of the table, but with the facility to flow the table
across page boundaries.


- --------------------
Andrew Stewart, Interactive Systems Design Group, University of Hull, Hull, UK
ARPA:    Telephone: +44 482 465744
JANET:    Fax: +44 482 466666
UUCP:   ..!ukc!hu-cs!andrew


Received: from by; Sat, 20 May 89 17:57:15 BST
Date: Sat, 20 May 89 18:00:13 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: bibtex bug?

John Murdie's Bibtex problem arises from a misunderstanding: version
0.98 and 0.99 of BibTeX are NOT compatible. Patashnik changed the .bst
language and so .98 styles are guarenteed not to work. Each and every
one needs changing.... not by a lot, but enough. I suggest you find
whoever did the kluwer style, found out what is was based on, and redo
the hacks.

Sebastian Rahtz


Received: from by; Sat, 20 May 89 18:13:10 BST
Date: Sat, 20 May 89 18:16:07 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: tracing \input s

Don Hosek wants automatic lists of all the files he references
with \input. Well, thats all very easy I suppose, but then he also
wants to trace \input s through any other TeX command. So if I say
  \def\b#1{\input #1}


he wants the reference to chapter 2 traced. Surely this is like the
perennial spelling check problem, ie it can only be done properly by
having most of the functionality of TeX in your program?

of course a dirty solution would be to redefine \input so that it
wrote a message on an external file each time it was called; then
you'd have to run TeX to get the information, but it would work.

Sebastian Rahtz


Received: from by; Sat, 20 May 89 18:27:10 BST
Date: Sat, 20 May 89 18:30:08 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: freeware TeX

TeX isn't freeware, is it? Knuth does not permit changes to it, and 
retains copyright. but thats by the bye. The serious point is that
anyone who receives a TeX distribution which asks for fonts amss* is
at least 2 years out of date, since use of AM fonts is not recommended
or supported. Any recent TeX distrubution will reference CM fonts.

All that anyone needs to built TeX 2.98 on a Sun is sitting at Aston
for FTPing (god willing...), but a first solution is to get new
copies of fonts.tex, lfonts.tex, all the .tfm files and all the .pk files.
That should get the wires hot...

Anyway, the bottom line is that amm* fonts are not readily available anymore

Sebastian Rahtz


Received: from by; Sat, 20 May 89 18:53:43 BST
Date: Sat, 20 May 89 18:56:42 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: truesized CMR

Having at last got access to a typesetter with a respectable
definition, I've been having fun Metafonting 1270 dpi .pk files
all over the job. Deciding I had better do it right, I went over
Sauter's `lfonts.truesizes' again, and realised that there were still
magnified fonts in there - they occur when a font is not preloaded,
but added on demand. Getting rid of these references meant I had to remake
about 12 more font files (cmti14, cmbx25 and similar beasts), but so
far as I can see I can now create a table with \tiny ... \Huge
down the side, and \rm, \bf, \em, \sl, \ss, \tt etc along the top,
and have an entry in every cell at design size, save where Lamport
substitutes \rm for \ss or whatever.

Anyone who cares (I don't really, its just an academic exercise) is
welcome to get a copy of my lfonts.tex for further hacking.

Sebastian Rahtz


Received: from Ean.Ean-Relay.AC.UK by Ean-Relay.AC.UK   via EAN  id aa05537;
          22 May 89 0:50 BST
Date: 21 May 89 23:54 HDT
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: DVItoVDU for Visual 600 series

Peter Stern (CFSTERN@EARN.WEIZMANN) asked in UKTeX 89 #19:

> Do you know if there is any DVITOVDU driver about for the Visual 600 series
> or what changes have to be made to adapt the Visual 500 driver to these?

Modules for both the Visual 603 and 630 have been written (in Pascal) for
the Pyramid version of DVItoVDU.  See the files VIS603VDU.P and VIS630VDU.P
in [public.trevorrow.pyramid.dvitovdu] in the Aston archive
(or whatever the equivalent directory is in the new structure).

> Is there a copy of the Modula compiler publicly available on your TEX
> archive or elsewhere that we could access?

I get quite a few requests for the Hamburg Uni VAX/VMS Modula-2 system.
I wish I could say it was in the public domain but I simply don't know
the current status of the compiler.  The DVItoVDU System Guide gives
the following contact name and address:

   Dr. Joachim W. Schmidt
   Johan Wolfgang Goethe Universitat
   Fachbereich Informatik
   Dantestr. 9 D6000 Frankfurt am Main

but I suspect it is way out of date.
Does anybody out there know the current whereabouts of Dr. Schmidt?
Does Hamburg Uni still support and sell the compiler?
Anybody in Germany care to comment?

Andrew Trevorrow (ACSnet:


Received: from by; Mon, 22 May 89 08:31:28 BST
Date: Mon, 22 May 89 08:34:26 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: who wrote texx2

Ken Yap has rightly corrected  my attribution of texx2 to Chris Torek,
who wrote library routines which are used by texx2; the real author is
Dirk Grunwald, and I apologize to both of them for misrepresentation!

Sebastian Rahtz


Received: from by scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK id aa13045;
          22 May 89 8:32 BST
Subject: How to change the paper "size" ?
Date: Mon, 22 May 89 07:32:29 +0000
From: Piete Brooks (Postmaster) <>
Message-ID:  <8905220832.aa13045@scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK>

[ I assume this is one of the "most frequently asked questions", but I can't
  get an answer from anyone here.
  If it is, please send me the answer, otherwise forward the below to UKTeX ...

I have some documentation which I think has been sponsored by a lumberjack [:-)]
as it takes great delight in having wide borders, leaving blank pages, etc.
I'd like to cram as much as I can on the page, primarily for online viewing
(texx2 is GREAT!) but also so as to save a few trees ...

I have edited it to use the std 10pt (can one easily make it less ?)
and removed the "twoside" but now I want to use all the page.
Having played around a bit, I managed to use the RH border, but none of
the others. So, I'd like a template which has something along the lines of:

\leftmargin 0.5truein
\topmargin 0.5truein
\rightmargin 0.5truein
\bottommargin 0.5truein

I have heard mention of "a4wide" -- if I had that and "a4", I could diff them,
but I don't have either (we appear to have a local "a4").


Date:           Mon, 22 MAY 89 10:35:42 BST

Dear Peter,

TeXland may be interested in the following article by DEK and Zapf describing
their collaboration on AMS Euler --

Knuth, Donald E. & Hermann Zapf (1989).
   'AMS Euler -- a new typeface for mathematics',
   Scholarly Publishing, Vol. 20, No. 3, April, pp. 131-57.

stephen miller


Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 4635; Mon, 22
          May 89 15:12:05 BS
Received: from GRPATVX1.BITNET (MANGANAR) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with
          BSMTP id 6451; Mon, 22 May 89 15:12:04 B
Date:     22 May 89 17:06:32 EDT
From:     "Stefanos Manganaris" <MANGANAR@EARN.GRPATVX1>
Subject:  \csname, \endcsname, etc

Hello TeX friends,
I have the following problem:
I define somewhere \currsize to be \huge or \large or similar things, via
Later I want to call a macro that has a name that depends upon the value of
\currsize.  For example, if \currsize has the value \huge I would like to
call my macro \hugegr i.e a macro with "gr" appended to the value of \currsize.
Any ideas?
I have tried to use \csname ... \endcsname but there seems to be a problem
since \huge expands to TeX primitives and that is not allowed (see TeXbook
p. 40).
By the way \huge, \large, etc are exactly the same as in LaTeX.
I would apreciate any help !
(System Programmer)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Computer Technology Institute         | Bitnet: SMANG@GRPATVX1               |
| Kolokotroni 3                         | UUCP:   ...!mcvax!ermhs!stefanos     |
| Patras 261 10                         | Fax.: +(30)61-222086                 |
| GREECE                                | Tlx: 312515 CTI GR                   |
|                                       | Voice: +(30)61-993176                |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Date:           23-MAY-1989 09:43:33 GMT
From:           WJH@UK.AC.KCL.PH.IPG
Subject:        BIBTEX

Does anybody have or know where I can get hold of a current (0.99c) BiBTeX
implementation for VMS, (ie the BIBTEX.CH file for VMS) ?? 


Will Hossack, King's College London


Received: from by; Tue, 23 May 89 09:29:39 BST
Date: Tue, 23 May 89 09:32:34 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TeX for PCs

For all those people who write in and say "where can I buy a PC TeX with
no hassle", I see TurboTeX have an English distributor:

  The Text Formatting Company
  145 Osbaldeston Road
  London N16 7DP
  (tel 01 806 1944)
They'll sell you TurboTeX for #130 + VAT, Turbo Metafont, and also sell
drivers for Epson, LaserJet, PostScript, PC screen etc. Also advertised
are DVI-to-fax and DVI-to-TIFF programs, gawd 'elp us.

I know nothing of this company, nor do I have any experience of
TurboTeX, so I mention this merely to reply to a common question.

If you already use TeX on a multi-user system, and print on a
straightforward device like a PostScript printer, I see no reason not to
kit yourself out with SBTeX from the Aston archive, add a dvi to PS program
and build your own system for nothing. Mind you, dvi to TIFF sounds fun,
room for a student project there....

Sebastian Rahtz


Received: from by; Tue, 23 May 89 11:14:50 BST
Date: Tue, 23 May 89 11:17:32 BST
Message-Id: <>
Cc:, schoepf@bitnet.dmznat51
Subject: array.sty etc

Thanks to Rainer Schoepf and Frank Mittelbach, the Aston archive now
contains up to date copies of their array style for LaTeX (replacing
tabular), and other goodies, with English versions of the
documentation files. I append the readme  - the files are in 
[tex-archive.latex.contrib]. Note that the array style has changed the
use of p in the preamble to be compatible with Lamport (see last Tugboat).

Sebastian Rahtz

LaTeX style files developed at Mainz.

 Copyright (C) 1989 Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf,
 all rights reserved.

 Copying of the files mentioned below is authorized only if either
 (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name, or
 (2) if you do make changes, you rename the file(s). 

 This restriction helps ensure that all styles developed at Mainz
 are identical.

  Redistribution of these files is allowed provided that all files
  mentioned below are distributed including this readme.mz1 file.

 Error reports please to: F. Mittelbach
                          FB Mathematik JoGu Universit\"at
                          D-6500 Mainz
                          Federal Republic of Germany

                      or: R. Sch\"opf
                          Inst. f. Physik JoGu Universit\"at
                          D-6500 Mainz
                          Federal Republic of Germany

                 Bitnet:  <SCHOEPF@DMZNAT51>

You should get the following files:

1) Styles to document macros:

  doc.sty          The `doc' style option
  multicol.sty     `multicolumn' style for LaTeX, needed for doc
                   but can be used alone         style file for the makeindex program to sort
                   the index produced by the doc option
  doc.tex          driver file to run doc through LaTeX
  multicol.tex     dto., for multicol

2) Style for extended tabular and array environments:

  array.sty        `array' style file
  array.tex        driver file for `array' style

3) Style to produce histograms in the picture environment:

  histogr.sty      `histogram' style file
  histogr.tex      driver file for `histogram' style

4) Style to underline running heads:

  underlin.sty     `underline' style file
  underlin.tex     driver file for `underline' style

To produce documentation for one of the above style files
you only have to run the driver file through LaTeX or use
the AUTO-DOC style option developed by Brian HAMILTON KELLY.

Version numbers:

array.sty           v2.0b  89/5/17
array.tex            ---
doc.sty             v1.5h  89/5/7
doc.tex              ---             ---   89/4/29
histogr.sty         v1.0a  87/11/17
histogr.tex          ---
multicol.sty        v1.0d  89/5/12
multicol.tex         ---
underlin.sty        v1.0a  89/05/10
underlin.tex         ---

NB: The dates above correspond to last macro update.  The date for
    the documentation may be different.


Date:         Tue, 23 May 89 11:45:21
From:         Mike Piff  <PM1MJP @ SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA>
Subject:      TeX on the Atari ST

The only information I have seen on TeX on the Atari ST is in the ST Club
Newsletter. It was a preview of the system, produced by

Tools Gmbh,
Kessenicher Strasse,
108, 5300 Bonn 1,
West Germany.
Tel (02287)230088

and an approximate price of 65 pounds was quoted for the English version.

For more information, contact

Fraser Dicken
c/o Paul Glover
ST Club
9 Sutton Place
49 Stoney Street
Tel (0602)410241

quoting article on `TeX on the Atari ST' in issue 17 of the newsletter.

From        +-------------------------------------+
            | Dr M J Piff,                        |
            | Department of Pure Mathematics,     |
            | University of Sheffield,            |
            | The Hicks Building,                 |
            | Hounsfield Road,                    |
            | SHEFFIELD S3 7RH,                   |
            | England.                            |
            | Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742)768555 Ext 4431 |
            | JANET address: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA |


Date:         Tue, 23 May 89 11:44:15
From:         Mike Piff  <PM1MJP @ SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA>
Subject:      Gateway character smashing

Don't forget | everybody!  Sorry, in case you didn't happen to read that, don't
forget <<vertical bar>>.

We have  had  no  end  of  trouble  with  EARN  converting  all  of  <<TILDE>>,
<<LBRACE>>,  <<RBRACE>>,<<UPARROW>>  and  <<BAR>>  to <<PERCENT>>, and not only
that, but usually not all occurrences of these characters are messed up!

In the end, we decided to use an editor to globally change all  occurrences  to
the  above  encodings, and attach a header which would prevent the changed file
from being accepted by either TeX or LaTeX;  also a comment was appended to the
top of the file explaining how to change it back.

The quit lines, by the way, are

\catcode`<=1 \catcode`>=2 \message<Please read the top of this file>
\catcode`\@=11 \ifx\protect\relax\@@end\else\end\fi

From        +-------------------------------------+
            | Dr M J Piff,                        |
            | Department of Pure Mathematics,     |
            | University of Sheffield,            |
            | The Hicks Building,                 |
            | Hounsfield Road,                    |
            | SHEFFIELD S3 7RH,                   |
            | England.                            |
            | Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742)768555 Ext 4431 |
            | JANET address: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA |


Date:           Tue, 23 May 89  13:10 GMT
From:           Mike Glendinning <HYMDG@SDSTC>
Subject:        Re: "Big" TeX for VM/CMS

It seems to me that the best way to implement a "Big" TeX for VM/CMS
would be to place all the executable code in a Discontiguous Shared
Segment (DCSS).  With all of the shareable code outside the user's VM
there would be much more room for TeX's data areas. Performance would
also be improved - especially if several people are using TeX at the
same time.

VS Pascal does generate re-entrant code that is shareable, although the
procedure for installing a VS Pascal program in a DCSS is not described
very well in the IBM manuals!  A small assembler boostrap program
(called TEX) is needed, to attach the TEX DCSS or load TEX from a MODULE

Unfortunately, I did not get around to trying this during my time as a
VM systems programmer.  I'm not even sure how much memory would be freed
using this technique.  Whether the DCSS approach is useful will depend
on how "Big" a TeX you want, and what size of VM you expect it to run

The other approach, that of re-writing TeX to allocate memory
dynamically is something of general utility, that should seriously be
considered for TeX Version 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0.  The overheads (apart from
the initial coding effort!) should not be too excessive, if it is
implemented properly.

[[A note for VM hackers: You can also attach DCSSs in non-shared mode,
  thus giving you free access to extra memory beyond your VMSIZE!  Try
  attaching the VS FORTRAN, ISPF or DOS, VSAM segments and writing to
  them!  Most sysprogs don't even change the storage keys before saving
  these segments - so accessing them is easy!  A simple program could
  search for all the common DCSS names and attach as many as required.
  The memory is then yours to do what you want with!]]

   Mike Glendinning

   SD-Scicon plc               JANET:
   CAMBERLEY, Surrey           Phone:   +44 276 686200 x384


Date:           Tue, 23 May 89  13:11 GMT
From:           Mike Glendinning <HYMDG@SDSTC>
Subject:        Maintaining LARGE files in the TeX archive.

Can I make the following plea to all maintainers of LARGE files in

    When you update large files in the archive, can you also
    include update files (differences) from one version to the
    next?  Poor souls like me on the charging networks (like PSS)
    have to pay for every byte transferred!  It is also downright
    inefficient to transfer complete files when only a few lines
    have been updated!  Imagine if everybody had to fetch the
    complete TEX.WEB file every time it changed!!

This happened recently with Brian Hamilton Kelly's DVITOLN03 program for
VAX/VMS.  In this case, the provision of a DIFF/SLP file between the two
versions would allow VMS users to use the SUMSLP editor to update the
file quickly and efficiently.

   Mike Glendinning

   SD-Scicon plc               JANET:
   CAMBERLEY, Surrey           Phone:   +44 276 686200 x384


Date:           Tue, 23 May 89  13:12 GMT
From:           Mike Glendinning <HYMDG@SDSTC>
Subject:        Re: Modula-2 for VMS DVITOVDU.

I would like to repeat Peter Stern's request (UKTEX V89 #19) for
information on the whereabouts of the Hamburg VAX/VMS Modula-2 compiler
(used to create DVITOVDU).

There must be some VMS people out there who know where to get a copy of
this compiler.  Why not share the information with the rest of us?!

   Mike Glendinning

   SD-Scicon plc               JANET:
   CAMBERLEY, Surrey           Phone:   +44 276 686200 x384


(paper mail)


M.N. Ullah
151, Gladstone Park Gardens

Re: MacII crash when loaded with TeXture

Sorry, Malcolm.  It does not work.  It still crashed despite my using exit 
button etc. as suggested by you.  Is there a bug in the TeXture I am using 
(Version1.01)?  It crashed while writing this small letter.

From: M.N. Ullah

151, Gladstone Park Gardens

London NW2 6RN

Tel.01-450 2989
I use textures on MacII (40MB HD and 1 MB RAM)

1.  How to cheat TeX to enable me to use digits as well as letters in 
control sequence of a macro.


\def\tm{\font\cs=Times at 10 pt\cs}

When I call \tm it works perfectly.  However, I would like to define the 
macro with number as well.


\def\tm1{\font\cs=Times at 10 pt\cs}
\def\tm2{\font\cs=Times at 12 pt\cs}
\def\tm3{\font\cs=TimesI at 10 pt\cs}
\def\H1{\font\cs=Helvetica at 10 pt\cs}

Now if I call \tm1 it does not work!
If i succeed it will make my work of typesetting text very easy.  At the 
star5 of the job I will define the macros using a combination of letters 
and digits and then call them as required.

But How?  Is there a way out?  A round about way to define a macro within a 
macro, perhaps?

2. How to print a page partially.?
In colour separation the headline (for example) is blue the rest of the 
page is black.  I would like to typeset the page in its entirety, including 
the headline.  But the output should not show the headline.  A second 
version of the output should show only the headline and not the text.

Is it possible?  How?


Received: by vulcan. (4.0/SMI-4.0)
        id AA12641; Tue, 23 May 89 14:14:35 BST
Date: Tue, 23 May 89 14:14:35 BST
From: (Adrian F. Clark)
Message-Id: <8905231314.AA12641@vulcan.>
In-Reply-To: LIST-SERVER@ASTON.AC.UK's message of 23-MAY-1989 13:55:15 GMT <8905231259.AA12633@vulcan.>
Subject: RE: Maintaining LARGE files in the TeX archive.
Sender: JANET"" (Adrian Clark) <>

Mike Glendinning writes:

> Can I make the following plea to all maintainers of LARGE files in
>     When you update large files in the archive, can you also
>     include update files (differences) from one version to the
>     next?  Poor souls like me on the charging networks (like PSS)
>     have to pay for every byte transferred!  It is also downright
>     inefficient to transfer complete files when only a few lines
>     have been updated!  Imagine if everybody had to fetch the
>     complete TEX.WEB file every time it changed!!

I fully appreciate Mike's plea, and I'm sure others do, too.  But we
have to bear in mind that archive users do not necessarily have access
to a system running VMS.  If we were to retain only baseline versions
and VMS difference files, we would be introducing problems for archive
users who happen to have Unix systems (or MS-DOS, etc.).  The same
comment also applies to Unix difference files stored in the archive.

One approach which we are currently considering is to port the
public-domain `patch' program beloved of Unix sites to VMS (and
MS-DOS, etc.) and generate context difference files (rather than
editor scripts: diff -c to Unixophiles) acceptible to it.  Now if you
were volunteering to do the VMS port... :->>

Oh, and yes, I do transfer the entire TeX.WEB to the archive each time
it changes!

   Adrian F. Clark
   Smail:  Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University,
           Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K.
   Phone:  (+44) 206-872432 (direct)

"The great tragedy of Science--the slaying of a beautiful
hypothesis by an ugly fact."      -- T H Huxley (1825-95)


Received: from poppy by; Wed, 24 May 89 10:14:35 +0100
Date: Wed, 24 May 89 10:14:45 +0100
From: J M Hicks <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Previewing DVI files

I have had an inquiry from someone who uses LaTeX on our Unix systems.

His department has several IBM PC look-alikes and Macintoshes
that can show graphics on their screens and can
mimic Tektronix graphics terminals (among other things).

It would be nice if these computers could be used to look at
DVI files on Unix.

One way would be to copy the DVI file to an IBM PC type of computer and
use the CDVI previewing program which we have already.

Does anyone know of another way of doing this which might work better?

Has anyone actually used version 2.0 of CDVI?  Is it as good as it is
claimed to be?

Replies by electronic mail would be welcome.
- --
Jim Hicks (a.k.a. Hilary),
Computing Services, Warwick University, Coventry, England. CV4 7AL
Office: Coventry (STD O2O3) 523262


Date: Wed, 24 May 89 17:16:37 BST
Subject: TeX on the PC
Message-ID: <890524.17243220.026521@ABERDEEN.CP6>

The April '89 issue of TUGboat has an item (page 64, Late-Breaking News:
The Deal of the Century?) describing a nicely wrapped up version of
public domain TeX for US$38.50 mail order. The package is called TeX-Kit.
Unfortunately, only a telephone number is given, and being toll-free, I
presume it's not callable from this side of the pond. The number is
1-800-USA-BOOKS. Anyone know the address of this outfit?
Dave Lindsey (


Received: by vulcan. (4.0/SMI-4.0)
        id AA00183; Thu, 25 May 89 14:44:15 BST
Date: Thu, 25 May 89 14:44:15 BST
From: (Adrian F. Clark)
Message-Id: <8905251344.AA00183@vulcan.>
Subject: Non-English mail-server help
Sender: JANET"" (Adrian Clark) <>

I would be very interested to hear from anyone who would be willing to
translate the mail-server's help file to non-English languages,
especially French and German.

   Adrian F. Clark
   Smail:  Dept. of Electronic Systems Engineering, Essex University,
           Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex C04 3SQ, U. K.
   Phone:  (+44) 206-872432 (direct)

"The great tragedy of Science--the slaying of a beautiful
hypothesis by an ugly fact."      -- T H Huxley (1825-95)


Received: from by; Fri, 26 May 89 09:24:18 BST
Date: Fri, 26 May 89 09:27:21 BST
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To: LIST-SERVER@UK.AC.ASTON's message of 25-MAY-1989 23:19:56 GMT <>
Subject: FTPing OzTeX

We have received some complaints along these lines:

   I've had some success using Blue Book FTP to get some of the OzTeX
   files from Aston.Kirk, but the file OzTex.Hqx may be corrupt. The

The reasons for this problem are unknown, but to get over it, I have
recooked the OzTeX binary and the editor Sedit with Stuffit and
Binhex, and uploaded the result as


Success has been reported in decoding this file. OZTEX.HQX will be deleted.

Sebastian Rahtz

!!   Files of interest 
!!      [tex-archive]000aston.readme           [tex-archive]000directory.list
!!      [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list   [tex-archive]000directory.size
!!      [tex-archive]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.95 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 
!! 30 January 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes.
!! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!! SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED disks with return postage.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue