UKTeX V89 #23       Friday 23 June 1989

                              is TeX a hack?
                       ...and if you're still bored
                                  DOS VSE
                         spirits & hacks revisited
                                music fonts
                      atari TeX, deskjet driver, etc.
                              TeX Users Group
             USERID's in Return Address for Aston Mail Server
                         BibTeX v0.99c for MS-DOS
             Andrew Trevorrow's DVItoVDU previewer for VAX/VMS
                            TeXhax distribution
                  TeX for the Acorn Workstation & ST-TeX
                               Re: DVItoVDU
                      Euro-TeX Digest Volume 1 number

Editor Peter Abbott

This weekend we are shutting down for air conditioning routine maintenance 
so this has been issued much earlier than normal.

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #54
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N3


From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 89 16:28:32 BST
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To: ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON's message of 16-JUN-1989 15:54:03 GMT <>
Subject: is TeX a hack?

Mike Piff thinks "TeX is one big hack from beginning to end", and
cites indexing in the TeXbook as an example; without looking at it
in detail, would it not be fairer to say that the TeX book is "one big
hack" rather than TeX per se? so much of what we think of as `TeX' is
Knuth's plain TeX or Lamport's stuff, rather than the quite small
number of commands and concepts in `initex'. To say that TeX
encourages hackery and obscure programming may be true, but that does
not mean that it enforces it.

     not just possible that he ENJOYED having TeX the way it
     is? Otherwise,  I  am sure he would have written LaTeX instead.
I hope not. TeX is a typesetting language, LaTeX is a markup language
implemented in TeX - life would be dismal if all we had was the
facilities in Lamport's index

     rather  than the last word in structured document preparation.
 maybe TeX could be used as part of the `last word'?

sebastian rahtz


Received: from by NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa15507; 17 Jun 89 6:32 BST
Received: from by (5.59/m) id AA07236; Sat, 17 Jun 89 00:08:22 EDT
Received: by (3.2/m) id AA03150; Sat, 17 Jun 89 00:08:35 EDT
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 89 00:08:35 EDT
From: ken@edu.rochester.cs
Message-Id: <>
Subject: ...and if you're still bored

Archive maintainers might be interested in exploring this idea. I
thought I was clever to think of it but discovered later BITNET already
has it. It's called a TRICKLE server. As you may guess, when you
request a file from a distant archive, the request is checked against
the local cache, then neighbouring machines and finally the target
archive. When the request is filled, each machine along the delivery
path caches a copy.  Out of date cache entries would have to be
invalidated; files would have to be deleted when space runs short;
etc.  That sort of detail.

I don't know if your networking standards already support such ideas.
I also don't know if the topology of UK networks makes the reduction in
traffic worthwhile. Then there is the problem of implementation on
disparate OSes. Hmm...

(It doesn't have to be elaborate. A few people can agree on a minimal
standard and hack pilot implementations. If it works well you'll have
other sites begging for your software. And not just for TeX archives.)



From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 89 15:14:10 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: TreeTeX

A set of new TeX macros for drawing trees has been installed in the
archive; they are in 


and the file names are listed in the README, reproduced below.

Sebastian Rahtz
pp archive working party

TreeTeX is a public domain macro package for drawing
trees with TeX. It may be freely distributed, provided
that the following files are kept together:


Copyright is with Anne Brueggemann-Klein and Derick Wood.

All remarks, bug reports etc. should be directed to

  Dr. Anne Brueggemann-Klein
  Institut fuer Informatik
  Rheinstr. 10--12
  7800 Freiburg, West Germany



Date:           19-JUN-1989 15:46:55 GMT
subject: DOS VSE

I was asked if I had ever seen a version of TeX for
DOS VSE. Like you, I wondered what that was. Apparently
an operating system on some `smallish' IBMs (?3831 or

Any rumours, hints etc.

malcolm clark


Date:           19-JUN-1989 15:51:50 GMT
subject: spirits & hacks revisited

mike piff tilts at a few windmills. i'd like to have a go at a response to
a few. yes, i have read the TeXbook, and no, i don't think TeX is a `hack
from beginning to end'. perhaps i misunderstand the meaning of `hack'. some
of Knuth's solutions seem elegant in the extreme (and some just plain
arcane). it comes as no real surprise to me that programming text is not
quite the same as programming in modula-2 or pascal. yes, Knuth clearly
enjoyed himself. i doubt if he does anything he doesn't enjoy, or, put
another way, fails to enjoy anything he does. i see that clearly in the
Book, and TeX itself. i also agree with sebastian about mohammed ullah's
spiritual error. the fact that Knuth changes catcodes does not actually
mean that we should all go out an change them will-nilly. after all, Knuth
knew what he was doing. And: somewhere, Knuth makes the comment that he saw
TeX as a low level language, which he did not expect people to program in:
he expected others to write macro packages which sat on top (like leslie
lamport and mike spivak, inter alia). nowhere does he make the claim that
it is a structured document preparation tool. 

malcolm clark


From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 89 18:28:41 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: music fonts

version 0.92 of Andrea Steinbach and Angelika Schofer's music fonts
for TeX have been installed in the Aston archive; the package consists
of about 6 fonts in Metafont source, and a set of macros. This is not
a set of files for the faint-hearted, as the documentation is in
German, and there are no notes to help you install it all. Nor is the
interface exactly easy to get on with, but if this is what you want
you probably already know all about the difficulties. The files are in

which has subdirectories called .mf, .tfm and .pk for the source and
`compiled' fonts. I have made sets of pk files at 118, 300 and 1270 dpi,
for a Sun previewer, a LaserWriter and a Linotron typesetter; if you want
other formats or other devices, you'll have to run Metafont. See
for a Unix shell script I wrote to do my devices. 

I must emphatically ask readers to note (ha, a pun!) that I do NOT
understand how these macros are to be used, I just shifted the files
around. Best of luck!

Sebastian Rahtz
pp archive working party


Date:           20-JUN-1989 09:25:40 GMT
subject: atari TeX, deskjet driver, etc.

Atari TeX:

There are (at least) two implementations of TeX for the Atari ST. Both were
shown at last year's TeX88 conference in Exeter. Both are German. Both were
reviewed in TeXline (#7, pp19--20; #8, pp10--11). The reviewer thought it a
close contest. Both are attractively cheap. 

1. From TooLs GmbH, implemented by Edgar Fuss

2. From TeXsys, implemented by Schrod & Guntermann
   Contact: xitikgun@ddathd21
        or: xitijsch@ddathd21
   snail: Joachim Schrod/Christine Detig/Klaus Guntermann
          Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
          Fachbereich Informatik
          Alexanderstra\ss e 10
          D5100 Darmstadt

Drivers for the DeskJet:
Apart from Nelson Beebe's generic C implementation, available from all good
archives, and also from UniTeX, in source, there is a working msDOS
implementation (RuMJet) available on the German listserver. I have seen
output from it, and while not quite laserprinter quality, it could pass
under poor light conditions. 

If this is not in the archive, it should be.

TeX for the pc:

The archive may also now contain Klaus Thull's pubTeX, as outlined in the
last TUGboat. Also available on the German listserver. 

malcolm clark


Received: from by NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa03385; 22 Jun 89 12:36 BST
Date: Thu 22 Jun 89 07:41:37-EST
From: bbeeton <BNB@com.ams.vax01>
Subject: TeX Users Group
Message-ID: <614518897.0.BNB@VAX01.AMS.COM>
Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(229)+TOPSLIB(132)+PONY(228)@VAX01.AMS.COM>

I keep seeing references to TUG that connect it to the American Math
Society (AMS).  While AMS was instrumental in the founding of TUG,
and for many years TUG rented office space in the AMS headquarters
building, there has been no official connection between the two
organizations for quite a few years now.  The AMS still holds the
trademark to TeX, because Knuth assigned it to AMS; similarly, Knuth
assigned the copyrights to the TeXbook and the Metafontbook to the
AMS (the other volumes of Computers & Typesetting are copyright by
Addison-Wesley, Knuth's publisher of long standing).  TUG is the
publisher of record of TUGboat, the TeXniques series (which includes
the PiCTeX manual), and various other items.  I am an employee of
the AMS, not of TUG.  However, TUGboat is entirely independent of AMS
in terms of editorial control, although some AMS facilities are used
for production (a service for which TUG pays standard rates), and my
part in the process is done, as much as possible, on my own time.

While a number of AMS employees and members are active in TUG, the
two organizations remain quite separate, and I would like to see the
confusion ended.
                                        -- Barbara Beeton
- -------


Date:           22-JUN-1989 16:22:00 GMT
subject: TeX89

Rainer Rupprecht                             RZ32 at DKAUNI2
European TeX Conference 1989 in Karlsruhe
1. Please regard my new address : RZ32 at DKAUNI2
   As we had a change of mainframes it may have happened, that email
   sent in the last 3 weeks has been lost. Sorry.
2. There have been a lot of questions, concerning opening and end of the
   conference :
   Opening :Monday     11.09.89  10.00 am  (registration from 8.00)
   End     :Wednesday  13.09.89  16.00 pm
3. Up to now, following presentations are to be made :
   (some might be added)
    Malcolm Clark: TeX and/or SGML                   PAPER
                   A bottle of Scotch                ...
    R. Olejniczak  texpic / design and implementation
                   of a picture graphics language in TeX
                   a la pic                          PAPER
    Bart Childs    The State of TUG, TeX, and        PAPER
                   A Report on teaching TeX          PAPER
    Bart Childs and others
                   TeX environments                  PAPER
    J. Schrod      Advanced Macro Writing /
                   Developping LaTeX Styles          PAPER
                   Changebars without \specials      PAPER
    M. Rycko & B. Jackowski
                   Polish TeX is ready for use       PAPER
    F. Mittelbach & R. Schoepf
                   With LaTeX into the Nineties      PAPER
                   LaTeX Limitations and how to get
                   around them                       PAPER
    P. D Bacsich   MoreMath - a new PostScript Font
                   of mathematical Symbols           PAPER
    W. Antweiler   A TeX-REDUCE-Interface            POSTER
    E. Neuwirth    Combining databases and TeX for
                   producing a textbook for homeo-
                   pathic medicine.                  PAPER
    Neuwirth jr.   TeX on the AMIGA, hands on
                   experiences.                      PAPER
    J. Lammarsch   Using LISTSERV at DHDURZ1         PAPER
    R. Wonneberger TeX in an IDP Environement        PAPER
    If anybody else wants to make a presentation, please send an
    abstract as fast as possible.
4. Following Discussion Groups are sure to be offered :
   1. Document Structures (LaTeX, SGML ...)
   2. TeX and Graphics (and Fonts)
   3. Getting Information
   4. TUG and National User Groups
   In most cases a presentation will be the base for discussion.
   Which topics should be added ?
   Who wants to be the chairman of a Discussion Group ?
   (the chairman has the task to give short abstracts of the main topics
   for a statement and the proceedings at the end of the conference)
5. Workshops
   I have to admit I nearly forgot them up to now. BUT : There is room
   and time enough.
   There is demand of : Teaching TeX,
   Intensive LaTeX (Advanced), Metafont, Document design.
   Who wants to offer workshops? What would be the price?
  (nothing would be the best.)
6. Conference-Fee :
   We often get the question of reduced prices. Just a short statement
   The way the fee is calculated, there will be no profit left
   at the end of the conference. The prize is the result of three
   main components, that probably everybody wants to take part :
   Lunches, Social Event and Proceedings. There are no speakers
   or chairmen invited to the conference, so that there will be
   no extra costs to be paid by the TeX-Community.
   If there should be a surplus at the beginning of the conference,
   there will be free beer for everybody.
   We were given about 3000 DM by TeX88 (surplus Exeter)
   If there should be a surplus in Karlsruhe -in spite of the beer-
   we would give it to Cork, of course.
Rainer Rupprecht

Received: from by csvax.qmc-cs.uucp id aa26579;
          22 Jun 89 15:20 GMT
From: Steve Schwartz <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 16:35:56 BST
Message-Id: <>
Subject: USERID's in Return Address for Aston Mail Server

I have finally succeeded, by accident, in using the tex-archive mail
server at Aston to fetch files and send them to me.  The solution was
to accidently hit the ``caps lock'' key on my keyboard.  Continued
but not exhaustive experimentation reveals that, while the SITE of the
return address can be in either upper or lower case, the USERNAME needs
to be in CAPITALS.  Thus


works as the message to ``texserver'',


does not.  Fortunately, my local machine is happy to pass along messages
addressed SJS to sjs, but this may not be the case with other non-VMS
sites.  Did you know about this ``feature''?  Perhaps other users have
had similarly frustrating experiences.  Or is there something more
subtle going on?

Schizophrenically yours,
StEvE ScHwArTz
Astronomy Unit, Queen Mary College or or SJS@UK.AC.QMC.MATHS or ...


Date:           Thu, 22 JUN 89 18:03:43 BST
Subject:        BibTeX v0.99c for MS-DOS
Message-Id:     <00000E23_00111388.00926AA0F978A220$168_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS>
Originally-to:  UKTEX
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.4 (23-May-1989)

After several unanswered requests to TeXhax and UKTeX for a public domain
implementation of BibTeX v0.99 that would run on an IBM PC, I decided to 
produce my own version.  After several months of Beta testing at several
sites, the time for general release has come. 

This implementation is a (hand) translation of the original WEB into C
suitable for the Borland Turbo C v2.0 compiler, emulating the behaviour of the
original WEB as closely as is practicable. 

The MS-DOS environment variables TEXINPUTS and TEXBIB are used when searching
for style (.BST) files and database (.BIB) files respectively. 

At startup, the amount of memory available is determined and the internal
arrays are sized accordingly.  A usable BibTeX is now possible with as little
as 300kB of free memory. 

The source code is available.

Four files are distributed with this implementation, namely:

    00README.TXT    -   A quick guide telling you how to get started.

    BTXGUIDE.TEX    -   The LaTeX source for a user guide detailing this 
                        implementation of BibTeX and how to install it.

    BTX-ARC.BOO     -   A BOO encoded, self-extracting archive containing all
                        you need to get BibTeX up and running, including the
                        BibTeX program, style files and documentation. 

    SRC-ARC.BOO     -   A BOO encoded, self-extracting archive containing 
                        the source code for this implementation of BibTeX.

The files are in the archive in the directory [TEX-ARCHIVE.BIBTEX.PC]

                Niel Kempson

| JANET:                                     |
| BITNET:                              |
| INTERNET:                  |
| Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   |
|            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        |
| Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785687 (UK), +44-793-785687 (International)   |


Date:           Thu, 22 JUN 89 20:21:07 BST
Subject:        Andrew Trevorrow's DVItoVDU previewer for VAX/VMS
Message-Id:     <00000ED0_00100388.00926AB42B4D4EA0$16_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS>
Originally-to:  UKTEX
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.4 (23-May-1989)

At RMCS, we have made several changes to Andrew Trevorrow's excellent DVItoVDU 
previewer for VAX/VMS systems.  The changes made to DVItoVDU (known at RMCS 
as version 3.2) are outlined below: 

DVITOVDU will now attempt to load the font in PK format first, and if that is
unsuccessful try the PXL format. Reversion to the dummy font and handling of
Postscript fonts is unaffected. 

The two different font formats may be located in different areas, defined by
the (new) command qualifiers 


The search strategy of the original DVITOVDU V3.0 is retained, i.e.   the
following are all accepted: 

    /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY=DISK$USER3:[TEX.PK]          (CMR10.300PK etc)
    /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY=DISK$USER3:[TEX.PK.]         ([300]CMR10.PK etc)
    /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY=DISK$USER3:[TEX.PXL.]       ([1500]CMR10.PXL etc)

To fit in with the above, the /DUMMY_FONT qualifier specifies only the TeX
font name (\magstep 0 assumed). This font must be present at \magstep 0 in
either PK or PXL format. At RMCS, we use 


3. VDU Support
Support for the following VDUs has been added:

    /VDU=BBC       -   BBC model B microcomputer running Termulator
    /VDU=SG480     -   VT100 with Selanar retro-graphics
    /VDU=Tektronix -   Tektronix 40xx
    /VDU=VTTEK     -   VT200/300 series in tektronix mode --- much
                       faster than ReGIS (what isn't ?) 

NOTE:   the modules providing support for /VDU=BBC and /VDU=Tektronix were
        supplied by Phil Taylor <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA>.

4. ORIGIN Specification
The Stanford TeX project decreed that the reference origin of a TeX document
should be 1 inch below and to the right of the top left hand corner of the 
page.  This is not universally popular (especially in Egham), so 2 new 
qualifiers have been introduced:

    /XORIGIN=dimension_value (default: 1in)
    /YORIGIN=dimension_value (default: 1in)

NOTE:   these qualifiers were added at the suggestion of Phil Taylor 


The files necessary to upgrade an existing implementation of DVItoVDU v3.0 are 
in the archive under directory [TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.DVITOVDU.V30-V32_UPGRADE]
The files provided are: 

00README.TXT                 -  brief guide to installation
00CHANGES.TXT                -  details of the changes made between v3.0
                                and v3.2

DVITOVDU.CLD                 -  the command verb definition file for DVItoVDU
DVITOVDU_V3-2.EXE            -  the DVItoVDU v3.2 executable image
DVITOVDU_V3-2_ONLINE.HLP     -  the file used by DVItoVDU to provide online 

DVITOVDU_DCL.HLP             -  a help file suitable for inclusion in a DCL 
                                help library
RMCS_USERGUIDE.TEX           -  the DVItoVDU user guide prepared at RMCS

SRC.DIR                      -  a subdirectory containing the new / changed
                                .DEF  & .MOD source modules.  For users of 
                                DEC's module management system (MMS), there
                                is a DESCRIP.MMS file for building DVItoVDU.

                        Niel Kempson

| JANET:                                     |
| BITNET:                              |
| INTERNET:                  |
| Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   |
|            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        |
| Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785687 (UK), +44-793-785687 (International)   |


Received: from by scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK id aa07543;
          23 Jun 89 8:48 BST
Date:     Fri, 23 Jun 89 8:47:18 BST
From:     R Fairbairns <>
Subject:  TeXhax distribution
Message-ID:  <8906230848.aa07543@scaup.Cl.Cam.AC.UK>

Is anyone in the UK getting TeXhax earlier than about 4 weeks after its
`publication date'?

If noone is, does anyone know where the delay is happening?

Robin Fairbairns
Laser-Scan Ltd.,
Science Park,
Milton Rd., Cambridge CB4 4FY
Tel: 0223 420414


Date:           23-JUN-1989 09:14:42 GMT
From:           EETFD@UK.AC.STAFPOL.CR83
Subject:        TeX for the Acorn Workstation & ST-TeX
Message-Id:     <00005E71_000931DC.00926B203CCDC6C0$6_1@UK.AC.STAFPOL.CR83>
Originally-to:  JANET%""
Originally-from:EETFD        "Fraser Dickin"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.3a (02-Feb-1989)

I have just resurrected an Acorn Workstation found gathering dust in one
of our labs. I immediately thought of using the machine as dedicated TeX
station. Before porting TeX over to it I thought I should check with the
UK-TeX community to make sure that I am not reinventing the wheel. A friend
informs me that several people from Acorn are on the TUG list and I wondered
if they have TeX on their ACW's ?

I read the message from Mike Black of the Text Formatting Co. re: ST-TeX.
I used the package to TeX my PhD thesis so if anyone wants to know a bit more
about it from an endusers viewpoint then drop me a line.

Finally, I would like to congratulate Andrew Trevorrow on his implementation
of TeX for the Apple Mac called OzTeX. I have been using it for a couple of
weeks and it works well. Even though I'm not a Yorkshireman I think its
dammed good for nowt !

Fraser Dickin. [Janet:]


Date:           Fri, 23 JUN 89 10:14:53 BST
From:           CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB
Subject:        Re: DVItoVDU
Reply-to:       Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb>
Originally-to:  JANET%"archive-group,uk-tex@aston"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.4 (23-May-1989)

Niel Kempson notes that "the modules providing support for /VDU=BBC and 
/VDU=Tektronix were supplied by Phil Taylor <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA>."
Whilst this is factually correct (I did supply them to Niel), all credit
for the BBC implementation should be given to Brian Williams and his
late colleagues at Sussex University, who produced the implementation for
the BBC.  My contribution is limited to the Tektronix implementation
and the original implementation of the ORIGIN switch.

                                        Philip Taylor
                            Royal Holloway and Bedford New College.


Date:           Fri, 23 JUN 89 10:34:16 BST
From:           CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXB
Subject:        Euro-TeX Digest Volume 1 number 1
Reply-to:       Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxb>
Originally-to:  JANET%"Uk-TeX@Aston"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.4 (23-May-1989)

News flash: UK-TeX joins Euro-TeX.  The following is a summary of the Euro-TeX
correspondence received since we joined.  


Date:     Mon, 19 Jun 89 11:09:32 CET
Subject:  Previewer for Tektronix-4014/4115
Hello TeXnicans
We are searching for a previewer for Tektronix-capable terminals and PC's
(4014 and 4115) on our PRIME-Computer. Does there exists any (PD-)solution?
We only found DVItoVDU, but we don't have MODULA-2.
Hallo TeXniker
Als Preview-M"oglichkeit haben wir z.Zt. PC's mit TeXView.
Allerdings arbeiten die meisten unserer TeX-Nutzer auf unserem
Minirechner PRIME, weil an diesem die Laserdrucker und die meisten Terminals
h"angen. Anstatt die DVI-Files hin und her zu schaufeln, w"are ein Previewer
auf der PRIME g"unstiger, der unsere Tektronix-4014-f"ahigen Terminals
oder vor allem unseren PC mit Tektronix-4115-Emulation ansprechen kann.
Au"ser dem DVItoVDU, der in Modula-2 geschrieben ist (haben wir nicht),
habe ich in den einschl"agigen TeX-Listen nichts passendes gefunden.
Gibt es vielleicht doch irgendwo und irgendwie eine (PD-)L"osung ???
Vielen Dank in voraus, Heiko Jacobs
                              Institut f"ur Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung,
                              Uni Karlsruhe, jacobs@dkauni0p.bitnet

Date:     Mon, 19 Jun 89 11:28:12 CET
From:     UCIR001@EARN.FRORS31
Subject: Tektronix 4014
As i remember, Dario LUCARELLA had developped, few years ago, a driver
for Tektronix 4014 :
         Instituto di Cibernetica
         Universita Studi Milano
         Via votti 3/5
         20133 Milan, Italy
In counterpart, i'm interested to know his email address.
Good luck,
               Bernard GAULLE   (GUTenberg)


Date:     Mon, 19 Jun 89 13:06:44 MEZ
From:     Gabriele Kruljac <KRULJAC@EARN.DS0MPI11>
Subject:  Driver for 4014

At our VM/CMS system with ASCII terminals connected via a 7171 control
unit we run a driver of Don Hosek written in WEB producing PASCAL code.
In more detail: Our HIREZ Selanar Terminals run as VT100; VT330 terminals
are supported, too, and IBM PC which use KERMIT to run as terminal. The
previewing is done in switching to Tektronix 4014 mode. Originally
it was written only for GDDM and IBM PC running PCPLOT or YTERM, whatever
this may be. I made a change file for above listed terminals. It is
public domain. But I suppose that it could be a problem to transfer it
to another system, because there is special code for handling the 7171
control unit.
Gabriele Kruljac  Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart


Date:     Wed, 21 Jun 89 22:06:53 CET
Subject:  PicTeX

Hello happy TeX users,
Does any of you know where I can find here on the network :
 - PicTeX manual
 - aPicTeX release newer than 1.1 (25 sept 87)
Second question, do you know how I can force a \noindent after a LaTeX
theorem-like environment ?
Thank's in advance.


Date:     Thu, 22 Jun 89 09:12:35 CET
From:     UCIR001@EARN.FRORS31
Subject: PicTeX manual
PicTeX manual is not in public domain. It is published by AMS and
can be ordered via TUG.
         Bernard GAULLE


Date:     Thu, 22 Jun 89 12:03:29 CET
From:     Fritz Zaucker <F48@EARN.DHDURZ1>
Subject:  MODULA-2 compiler for PC-UNIX

does anybody know if there exists a MODULA-2 compiler
for a 80386 PC based UNIX system?


Date:        Thu, 22 Jun 89 12:38:06 CET
From:        "Dr. Konrad Blum" <013352@EARN.DOLUNI1>
Subject:     Re: MODULA-2 compiler for PC-UNIX

Have look into "elektronipraxis 11" p 120 ff. (I have lost my copy,
unfortunately) KB

Date:     Thu, 22 Jun 89 18:55:50 CET
From:     Joachim Lammarsch <RZ92@EARN.DHDURZ1>
Subject:  Forwarded mail from Barbara Beeton
I redistribute a mail from Barbara Beeton.
Kind regards
Joachim Lammarsch
>Date:         Thu, 22 Jun 89 18:47:57 CET
>From:         bbeeton <BNB@VAX02.AMS.COM>
>Subject:      TeX Users Group
>To:           TEX-EURO@DHDURZ1
I keep seeing references to TUG that connect it to the American Math
Society (AMS).  While AMS was instrumental in the founding of TUG,
and for many years TUG rented office space in the AMS headquarters
building, there has been no official connection between the two
organizations for quite a few years now.  The AMS still holds the
trademark to TeX, because Knuth assigned it to AMS; similarly, Knuth
assigned the copyrights to the TeXbook and the Metafontbook to the
AMS (the other volumes of Computers & Typesetting are copyright by
Addison-Wesley, Knuth's publisher of long standing).  TUG is the
publisher of record of TUGboat, the TeXniques series (which includes
the PiCTeX manual), and various other items.  I am an employee of
the AMS, not of TUG.  However, TUGboat is entirely independent of AMS
in terms of editorial control, although some AMS facilities are used
for production (a service for which TUG pays standard rates), and my
part in the process is done, as much as possible, on my own time.
While a number of AMS employees and members are active in TUG, the
two organizations remain quite separate, and I would like to see the
confusion ended.
                                        -- Barbara Beeton


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