UKTeX V89 #39 Friday 3 November 1989 re UKTUG Mtg. Using Active Characters Re: Information on AMSTeX? C version of dvitovdu Active characters Verbatim listing and a problem with \newenvironment Verbatim listing from an \input file OzTeX footnotes Latex glossaries Re: Active characters OzTeX 1.2 (and other TeX-related programs for the Mac) New versions of PSPRINT and DVItoVDU RE: TEX for MSDOS Editor Peter Abbott Issue #40 will be despatched on Friday November 17, there will be NO issue next Friday November 10. For the past week Aston.TeX has been unavailable to the outside world due to system problems with the Colour Book Software. An alternative route exists and for your information the archive is stored on our Cluster. The addreses are UK.AC.ASTON.SPOCK UK.AC.ASTON.TEX (the same node) UK.AC.ASTON.KIRK The outgoing mail from the archive is sent via KIRK and whilst our problems persist you may care to send requests to KIRK. You should also note that since the group meeting on October 10 numerous changes in the archive have taken place and old directory listings are no longer valid. I apologise for the inconvenience that the fault has caused, we are attempting to solve it but it is possible that aston.tex may be unavailable for a few more days. I have just received a tape labelled DECUS TeX Collection August 1989 6250bpi 1 of 1 The usual conditions apply, tape plus return label plus return postage. Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #98 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N3 --------------------------------- Via: UK.AC.HULL.CC.SEQUENT; Tue, 17 Oct 89 17:16 BST Via:; Tue, 17 Oct 89 15:53:17 -0100 Date: Tue,17 Oct 89 15:53:44 BST From: Subject: re UKTUG Mtg. Message-Id: <17 Oct 89 15:53:44 A1002C@UK.AC.HULL> PS to previous message re Phil Taylor. I had to write about 5$\frac{1}{4}$in disks last week (LaTeX rather than plain TeX). Should these fractions be centred on the maths axis or the preceding character or what? The default (maths axis) looked rather low for an in-line fraction when I was being picky. ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.DURHAM.EASBY; Fri, 27 Oct 89 14:32 BST From: Martin Ward <> Date: Fri, 27 Oct 89 14:27:42 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: Using Active Characters If you define a macro which sets a character active and then defines it then the character must be active while the definition is being scanned. The \catcode within the definition body will not achieve this since it is not expanded while the definition is scanned. For example a "Fortran" macro which makes the digit 0 act like a slashed-O is defined as follows: \catcode`\0=\active % Make sure 0 is active during the def of \beginfort \def\beginfort{\smallskip\begingroup\tt \catcode`\0=\active %Note the use of open-quote zero \let0=\O \obeylines \obeyspaces } \gdef\endfort{\endgroup\smallskip} %Ends the special-effects \catcode`\0=12 % restore 0 to an "other" type character. Martin. My ARPANET address is: martin%EASBY.DUR.AC.UK@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU OR: UUCP:...!mcvax!ukc!easby!martin JANET: BITNET: ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.NOTTINGHAM.COMPUTER-SCIENCE; Fri, 27 Oct 89 16:29 BST Received: from by much.Cs.Nott.AC.UK id aa27836; 27 Oct 89 16:23 BST Received: from clan by Robin.Cs.Nott.AC.UK id aa13948; 27 Oct 89 16:22 BST Subject: Re: Information on AMSTeX? Reply-To: In-reply-to: David Handscomb's message of Tue, 24 Oct 89 13:43:00 -0000. X-Organization: Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, UK X-Postal: University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, England X-Phone: +44 (602) 484848 ext 2064 Date: Fri, 27 Oct 89 16:23:00 BST Message-ID: <8700.625504980@clan> From: David Osborne <> David Handscomb writes: > Where can I find a (comprehensive, up-to-date, inexpensive, > readable, usable, reliable, accessible) description of AMSTeX, please - > either on its own or relating it to TeX? i think the only reference which matches most of the criteria is still Mike Spivak's ``The Joy of TeX --- a gourmet guide to typesetting with the AMS-TeX macro package'', published by the AMS and available through TUG. i leave it to you to decide just how close it comes to your impossible dream. > And is AMSTeX set in concrete yet or still volatile? it was made known at the TUG meeting at Stanford that the AMS fonts have now been recoded in METAFONT84, replacing the current AMS fonts which were developed using the old, now obsolete, METAFONT-in-SAIL. presumably, therefore, the TeX sources which make up the AMS format have also changed. i think the AMS will be making the generic font files available in due course suitable for a range of output devices at various resolutions. there will, no doubt, be an announcement in UKTeX when the fonts are available from the Aston archive. dave osborne (pp Aston archive maintainers group) ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.HERIOT-WATT.PHYSICS.SUN; Fri, 27 Oct 89 16:47 BST From: Harvey Richardson <> Date: Fri, 27 Oct 89 16:45:47 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: C version of dvitovdu Is there a C/unix version of dvitovdu available. Harvey Richardson e-mail : JANET - INTERNET - (or yuk) - BITNET - mail : Physics Department Heriot-Watt University Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK. phone : (+44) 031-451-3047 ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA; Mon, 30 Oct 89 11:56 BST Date: Mon, 30 Oct 89 10:54:33 From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA> Subject: Active characters John Rostron writes: \def\beginfort{\smallskip\begingroup\tt \catcode`0=\active %Note the use of open-quote zero \let0=\O \obeylines \obeyspaces } \def\endfort{\endgroup\smallskip} %Ends the special-effects When I tried to run this, TeX objected, claiming that there was an undefined control sequence. If I removed the `\let0=\O' from the macro and placed it explicitly in the text after the \beginfort macro it worked fine! The only problem with your active 0 is that when you arrive at \let0=, the 0 has already been tokenized as a non-active 0! The tokenization is done when the definition of \beginfort is read. Thus, you have to make sure that this 0 is read as active, and one way is to ensure that \def\beginfort is read with 0 active. Thus: {\catcode`0=\active \gdef\beginfort{\smallskip\begingroup\tt \catcode`0=\active %Note the use of open-quote zero \let0=\O \obeylines \obeyspaces } } \def\endfort{\endgroup\smallskip} %Ends the special-effects Notice that \def has to be changed to \gdef, as we have limited the effect of the first \catcode change to a group. Mike Piff From: Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England. Telephone SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET address: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA; Mon, 30 Oct 89 14:07 BST Date: Mon, 30 Oct 89 14:08:32 From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA> Subject: Verbatim listing and a problem with \newenvironment Allan Reese writes: \newenvironment{coutput} % this doesn't work - see text. {\dimen11=\baselineskip \baselineskip=10pt} {\baselineskip=\dimen11} % why is this faulted? I cannot see what is wrong with this second attempt. However, \LaTeX stops with error \lq Use of endcoutput doesn't match its definition\rq . The Manual suggests this means the wrong syntax for the argument of a picture command---in other words it's utterly utterly utterly unhelpful. If you allow it to continue the results are apparently as intended. First, it is TeX, not LaTeX, which issues this error message. By a combination of chances, your input has fooled TeX into thinking that \endcoutput has to be followed by a space---something you would find it difficult to do yourself if you tried, as any spaces would normally be gobbled. \newenvironment defines two commands \coutput and \endcoutput, and these are defined to be the second and third parameters to \newenvironment. The simple solution to your problem is to change the above lines to: \newenvironment{coutput}% % this doesn't work - see text. {\dimen11=\baselineskip \baselineskip=10pt}% {\baselineskip=\dimen11} % why is this faulted? The extra comments make the problem disappear: \newenvironment{coutput}{\dimen11=\baselineskip \baselineskip=10pt}{\baselineskip=\dimen11} The first problem is quite logical, but wasted some time. The \LaTeX book suggests that a new environment is usually defined in terms of an existing environment, so I tried to define COUTPUT as a variant of VERBATIM. This caused \LaTeX to report a runaway definition and end of document found. See section 3.7 of the Manual; in VERBATIM environment\ \ N O T H I N G\ \ is recognised as special until $\backslash end\{verbatim\}$, so $\backslash end\{coutput\}$ just doesn't work. Well, with an understanding of TeX, it IS possible to get \begin{verbatim} into an environment. Is the following any good to you? The command \Input takes one parameter, the name of a file, and then inputs that file verbatim \makeatletter \newcommand{\Input}[1]{{\baselineskip 10pt % \def\@xverbatim{}\begin{verbatim}\input{#1}\end{verbatim}}} \makeatother Thus, keep your computer output in its original file, and simply \Input{filename}. Mike Piff From: Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England. Telephone SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET address: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA; Mon, 30 Oct 89 14:37 BST Date: Mon, 30 Oct 89 14:34:27 From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA> Subject: Verbatim listing from an \input file It would seem that a fair number of us would occasionally like to get a verbatim listing of a file into a document---say, a computer output---% or would like a listing of our own TeX or LaTeX source files. One of the first things I did after buying The TeXbook was to obtain a listing of LaTeX.TeX and the associated files. The problem I faced was (a) I had to mess around with a copy of the files; (b) the files contained the string \end{verbatim}; (c) TeX crashed on LaTeX.TeX, saying it was out of memory. The solution I found was to input the file to be listed verbatim. Clearly \begin{verbatim} \input{filename} \end{verbatim} will merely produce a \tt line saying \input{filename} so that was no good. The next obvious approach was to say \newcommand{\Input}[#1]{\begin{verbatim}\input{#1}\end{verbatim}} \Input{filename} but that doesn't work either, and the reason is at the root of how TeX reads from its input. The second solution above tokenizes the commands, so that they are actually understood and interpreted correctly by TeX, unlike the first, but the problem arises in a different way. First, \begin{verbatim} executes a command \verbatim, which is defined by \def\verbatim{\@verbatim \frenchspacing\@vobeyspaces \@xverbatim} The first three parts set up TeX in a mode in which it regards any character it reads, be it a letter, a { or a \ as simply a character, and to write that character to the output. The fourth command \@xverbatim is defined as a command with one parameter, terminated by the string \ e n d { v e r b a t i m } Its sole job is to return that parameter to the input stream to be read again, and then to execute the command \end{verbatim}, which itself executes \endverbatim. Thus, make the parameter, ie, the text of verbatim, too long and the command crashes. The other consequence is that if, as in solution two, it gets \end{verbatim} instead of \ e n d { v e r b a t i m }, it just continues reading till the end of the file, and then complains about running out of text. Thus, the solution is clear. Make \@xverbatim do nothing, and the problem is solved: \makeatletter \newcommand{\Input}[1]{\section*{#1}\small {\def\@xverbatim{}\begin{verbatim}\input{#1}\end{verbatim}}} \makeatother Now \Input{filename} does exactly what it is supposed to do. The following is an example LaTeX file, which uses this trick to produce a verbatim listing of the filename which it requests: \documentstyle{article} \oddsidemargin 0pt \textwidth 6in \topmargin 0pt \textheight 9in \headheight 0pt \headsep 0pt \makeatletter \newcommand{\Input}[1]{\section*{#1}\small {\def\@xverbatim{}\begin{verbatim}\input{#1}\end{verbatim}}} \makeatother \begin{document} \typein[\filename]{Enter filename:} \Input{\filename} \end{document} Mike Piff. From: Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England. Telephone SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET address: PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.QMC.MATHS; Tue, 31 Oct 89 13:14 BST Received: from sequent by id aa05628; 31 Oct 89 13:16 GMT Date: Tue, 31 Oct 89 13:13:54 GMT From: Jeremy Roussak <> Subject: OzTeX Reply-To: Message-ID: <> Ben Liam has given me your name and tells me that you are a distributor for OzTeX. I'm interested! Could you give me some details, please? Jeremy Roussak *************************************************************************** Editor - See later in this issue for details of OzTeX 1.2 *************************************************************************** ------------------------ Via: [00000511168030.ucl-cs.FTP.MAIL]; Tue, 31 Oct 89 15:58 BST Received: from by ESS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK via PSS with NIFTP id aa02325; 31 Oct 89 15:57 GMT Date: 31-OCT-1989 15:56:23 GMT From: Subject: FOOTNOTES X-Name: Nigel Dodd X-Address: RSRE. Malvern. Worcs. WR14 3PS X-Telephone: 0684-89 4341 X-Service: RSRE Mail Conv/Gwy <UK.MOD.HERMES> <UK PSS23429052424249> Reference: <of:5022,cf:3771,V5.901> 31-OCT-1989 15:56:18. From: EAGLE::"nigel" 31-OCT-1989 15:55 Subj: footnotes Received: by DniMail (v2.0); Tue Oct 31 15:50:10 1989 BST Received: from kite. by (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA17391; Tue, 31 Oct 89 15:50:08 GMT From: nigel (Smiths) Subject: footnotes If you know how to alter the symbols that Latex uses for footnotes, please mail me. ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.POLY-EAST-LONDON; Wed, 1 Nov 89 13:29 BST Date: Wed, 01 Nov 89 13:32:01 GMT From: A42JR@UK.AC.NE-LONDON-POLY Subject: Latex glossaries Message from A42JR at POLY-EAST-LONDON on 01/11/89 at 13:22:23 Date: Wed, 01 Nov 89 13:28:31 From: A42JR @ POLY-EAST-LONDON Subject: Latex glossaries (Forwarded by A42JR at POLY-EAST-LONDON Wed, 01 Nov 89 13:31:47) Thanks for the information on active characters. I do not think that I would have discovered that from reading the TeXbook. For the \glossary problem, The first thing I thought of was `Is my LaTeX up-to-date?' I therefore copied across the current versions of Lplain, Lfonts and Latex from Aston and remade latex. The result is the same. The Latex claims to be version 2.09 dated august 1988. John Rostron, Division of Environmental Science, Polytechnic of East London, Romford Rd., LONDON E15 4LZ ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA; Thu, 2 Nov 89 15:08 BST Date: Thu, 2 NOV 89 15:10:12 BST From: CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA Subject: Re: Active characters Actually-to: <Info-TeX@ASTON> Sender: JANET"CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA" <CHAA006@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA> Message-Id: <00000D34_00278D38.0092D30BC5CE7A20$130_2@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA> Reply-to: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxa> Originally-to: JANET%"A42JR@Uk.Ac.Ne-London-Poly" Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 ) John Rostron <A42JR@UK.AC.NE-LONDON-POLY> asked about active characters: >>> I have been trying to use active characters in TeX. I have tried to >>> follow the TeXbook as to implementing one. The idea is to make a macro >>> to typeset FORTRAN programs, replacing the digit 0 with the scandinavian >>> slashed-O. I created two macros as follows: >>> \def\beginfort{\smallskip\begingroup\tt >>> \catcode`0=\active %Note the use of open-quote zero >>> \let0=\O >>> \obeylines \obeyspaces } >>> \def\endfort{\endgroup\smallskip} %Ends the special-effects >>> When I tried to run this, TeX objected, claiming that there was an >>> undefined control sequence. If I removed the `\let0=\O' from the >>> macro and placed it explicitly in the text after the \beginfort macro >>> it worked fine! OK, let's lay those macros out in a meaningful way, and then work through them: \def \beginfort {\smallskip \begingroup \tt \catcode `0 = \active \let 0 = \O \obeylines \obeyspaces } \def \endfort {\endgroup \smallskip } When the definition of \beginfort is tucked away, during the definition phase, TeX saves a token list that looks something like this: <cs> <cs> <cs> <cs> <lq> <0|12> <=> <cs> <cs> <0|12> <=> <cs> <cs> <cs> where <cs> represents an arbitrary control sequence, <lq> represents a left-quote, <=> represents an "=" sign, and <0|12> represents the character|category-code pair {0, 12} --- i.e. character 0, category code 12. Why 12 ? Because we can reasonably assume that this macro was defined when the default category codes obtained, and the default category code of "0" is 12 ("other"). When the macro is expanded, the sequence "\catcode `0 = \active" changes the category code of all 0's which are yet to be read (or until the smallest enclosing group is left). BUT THE ZERO IN THE NEXT STATEMENT OF THE DEFINITION HAS ALREADY BEEN READ, and its category code staticised at 12. Thus no power on earth can change that category code, and when TeX comes to try to perform "\let 0 = \0", both zeros have category code 12. Now you can't \let a character of category code 12 = <anything>; you can only \let <control-sequences> and <active-characters>; <0|12> is neither. Thus TeX complains (and quite rightly). The remedy invariably involves making the appropriate character(s) active OUTSIDE of the macro definition, having first saved their non-active value in a suitable control sequence; thus we might try the following: \let \zero = 0 % save the non-active meaning of 0, in case we need it; \catcode `\0 = \active % and make it active; by using the \0 convention % here, we remind ourselves to use it later, when % it will really matter; \let 0 = \O % active zero is now the same as slashed-O \catcode `\0 = 12 % restore the default catcode of 0; \def \beginfort {\smallskip \begingroup \tt \catcode `0 = \active % make zero active; its definition already exists \obeylines \obeyspaces } \def \endfort {\endgroup \smallskip } Philip Taylor Royal Holloway and Bedford New College. ------------------------ From: KIRK::A_TREVORROW 2-NOV-1989 19:27:44.01 Subj: OzTeX 1.2 (and other TeX-related programs for the Mac) A number of Macintosh programs have been added to the Aston TeX archive: OzTeX 1.2 in [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex] DVIDVI 0.5 in [tex-archive.drivers.dvidvi.mac] MacBibTeX 1.1 in [tex-archive.bibtex.mac] MacMakeIndex 1.1b1 in [tex-archive.indexing.makeindex.mac] MacMETAFONT 1.3.1 in [tex-archive.metafont.mac] There is a 00README.TXT file in each directory. OzTeX 1.2 ========= This is a public-domain implementation of TeX for the Macintosh. For those of you with OzTeX 1.1, here are the most important changes: - The Modula-2 compiler used to develop OzTeX is now supplied. This compiler runs as a tool under Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (version 2 or 3). Thanks to Bob Campbell for making it available. Copying without fee is permitted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage and credit to Bob Campbell is given. - OzTeX will look for PK file names of the form ":PK-files:300:cmr10.300pk" after first looking for ":PK-files:300:cmr10". This makes it easy for people to add their own PK files without the need to do any renaming. - Some of TeX's capacity parameters (triesize, fontmemsize, memmax, etc.) are now specified in Oz.config. If you get a "TeX capacity exceeded" error you might be able to fix the problem by increasing the appropriate parameter. - TeX can now input 8-bit Macintosh characters. This allows TeX input files to be much more readable for people that don't use English. When TeX's low-level input routine sees a character in the range 128..255 it automatically replaces it with the corresponding string from a STR# resource stored in the application. People can use ResEdit to change these strings. (This is NOT the way Knuth will implement 8-bit input in TeX 3.0!) - PostScript text fonts will be previewed correctly if you specify (in Oz.config) the encoding scheme used by the corresponding screen fonts. - If the view window is frontmost then the cursor is changed to a cross whenever it moves over the contents region. The current position of the cross is shown (in paper coordinates) in a box at the lower left corner of the view window. You can click in this box to change units. - The location and size of OzTeX's windows are saved upon quitting (and used the next time OzTeX starts up). - Nearly all the files in TeX-inputs have been updated. The format files in TeX-formats have been rebuilt. - A Times-LaTeX format has been provided for people that prefer to use PostScript text fonts instead of Computer Modern. - The @newfont procedure in is passed the maximum character code in the PK font. People no longer have to edit the @newfont code to be able to use PK fonts with more than 128 characters. - When printing a DVI file, OzTeX will look for a file called in the current folder and include its contents at the end of the PostScript prologue. An example in the PS-files folder shows how to get the word "DRAFT" printed in the background on every page. - A number of modified versions of Laser Prep are supplied in PS-files in case the default file (specified in Oz.config) doesn't work with the Command-F PostScript code generated by your Mac. Comments at the top of explain how to create your own version of Laser Prep. Here is an up-to-date list of all OzTeX distributors. If you are unable to get OzTeX out of the Aston archive then please get in touch with the person nearest you. Note that it might be a while before they get OzTeX 1.2 themselves: Australasia - ---------- Martin Leadbeater, SAIT, Adelaide addie@rhea.trl.oz Ron Addie, TRL, Melbourne ben@tasis.utas.oz Ben Lian, Uni of Tasmania, Hobart rks105@phys6.anu.oz Russell Standish, ANU, Canberra les@madvax.uwa.oz Les Jennings, Uni of WA, Perth Tim Nicholson, Sydney Uni Russell Fulton, Auckland Uni, NZ Grant Keady, Uni of Waikato, NZ Europe - ----- Peter Abbott, Aston Uni, UK Malcolm Clark, UK Martti Nikunen, Helsinki, Finland North America - ------------ Walter Carlip, Chicago Stephen Spencer, Ohio Ted Nieland, Ohio Glen Ditchfield, Canada DVIDVI 0.5 ========== This is a Macintosh implementation of Tom Rokicki's program for converting one DVI file into another while performing useful pagination tricks, such as fitting two A5 pages next to each other on a single A4 page. It runs as a tool under MPW (Macintosh Programmer's Workshop). An MPW script called A5booklet shows how DVIDVI can be used. MacBibTeX 1.1 ============= An implementation of BibTeX for the Macintosh by Michael Kahn and Jim Studt. MacMakeIndex 1.1b1 ================== An implementation of MakeIndex for the Macintosh by Johnny Tolliver. MacMETAFONT 1.3.1 ================= Victor Ostromoukhov's shareware implementation of METAFONT for the Mac. Along with MacMETAFONT there is also TFtoPL, PLtoTF, GFtoPK and other useful utilities. All these programs run as tools under MPW (which is NOT supplied in the archive). Andrew Trevorrow ------------------------ From: KIRK::A_TREVORROW 2-NOV-1989 19:28:37.20 Subj: New versions of PSPRINT and DVItoVDU New versions of PSPRINT and DVItoVDU have been added to the Aston TeX archive: DVItoVDU 3.1 for VAX/VMS in [tex-archive.drivers.dvitovdu.vms] DVItoVDU 3.0 for UNIX in [tex-archive.drivers.dvitovdu.unix] PSPRINT 3.1 for VAX/VMS in [tex-archive.drivers.psprint.vms] PSPRINT 3.0 for UNIX in [tex-archive.drivers.psprint.unix] There is a 00README.TXT file in each directory. PSPRINT 3.1 for VAX/VMS ======================= Here are the main changes to version 3.0: - Fixed bug that caused very long PostScript strings to be incorrectly broken over multiple lines. This problem was spotted by Adrian Clark when using his halftone fonts. - Added support for Macintosh-generated PostScript files. A new /prep=file qualifier allows users to include a modified Laser Prep file at the end of the normal prologue. This is necessary when printing a DVI file that uses \special to include a Command-F PostScript file. - /nobanner is now allowed on a Linotronic job. - CTRL-D is no longer appended when /output=file is used. - When printing a DVI file, PSPRINT looks for a file called in the current directory and includes its contents after the normal prologue. An example file shows how to get the word "DRAFT" printed in the background on every page. - /noreverse is now the default for all devices. - Any \specials on a page are now processed in the order they appear in the DVI file (instead of in reverse order). - Fixed bug in FixToDVI that prevented fonts being scaled to more than 128pt. Thanks to Niel Kempson for spotting this. DVItoVDU 3.1 for VAX/VMS ======================== Only a couple of changes to version 3.0 have occurred: - The S command now lists any \specials on a page in the order they appear in the DVI file (instead of in reverse order). - Fixed bug in FixToDVI. PSPRINT 3.0 and DVItoVDU 3.0 for UNIX ===================================== These are the Pascal versions done on a Pyramid running OS/x. Apart from tidying up a few files I haven't made any significant changes. Andrew Trevorrow ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.QMC.MATHS; Fri, 3 Nov 89 8:27 GMT Received: from sequent by id aa02706; 3 Nov 89 8:28 GMT Date: Fri, 3 Nov 89 8:18:41 GMT From: Julian Borrill <> Subject: re: RE: TEX for MSDOS Reply-To: In-Reply-To: Peter Abbott - Computing Service's mail message <8911021200.aa01989@csvax.cs.qmc Message-ID: <> Dear Peter, I managed to get a copy of DOSTeX over the FTP during the summer, thanks. If you remember, my problem was trying to run it on my PC, because, although I've got 1Mb of memory, 384Kb of it is only available as expanded/enhanced memory, and once DOS is loaded I've only got ~590Kb of memory that the system will directly recognise - just a whisker short of the ~610Kb that DOSTeX requires. So the question is, has anyone written anything for DOSTeX to use expanded/enhanced memory - I guess they must have, since the 640Kb limit is common to all PCs running on versions of DOS earlier than 4.0. Any ideas? Thanks for your help, and yes I'd love to be added to the UKTeX distribution list. Julian ------------------------ !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.99 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 25 July 1989 (from !! !! FTP access site !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue