UKTeX V89 #40       Friday 17 November 1989

                             LaTeX for HP9000/800
                Increasing the `Meta-ness' of Computer Modern.
                             Re : DOSTeX too big
                        Re: Calling all Grand Wizards
                                re UKTUG Mtg.
                            re. TeX bulletin board
                        Another TeX for the Archimedes
                    Postscript filters for unix spoolers.
                       TUG '90 Call for Papers in Texas
                            Font for musical notes
              Announcing TeX v2.992 (pre-release v3) for VAX/VMS
        *** Normal `Where am I?' service has been resumed at Aston ***
                               Footnote symbols
                      TeX on the LZR 1260 Laser printer
                                  AMS fonts
                             Blackboard Bold font

Editor Peter Abbott

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #102
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N3                      

I have in my office a Eurocheque for 12.50 UK pounds from Felice Ronga from
Geneva. I have no other details of what Felice wants or where to send them.

The following statistics may be of interest

    Summary of files sent via the Aston University TeX mail server via the
    UK.AC.EARN-RELAY gateway.

    Period of report:   01 - 13 November 1989

    Total number of bytes sent:                          74,888,250

    Number of files < 60000 bytes (sent intact):                350
    Number of files > 60000 bytes (sent in parts):              145

    Average file size in bytes:                             151,289

    Help file requests:                                          54
    000DIRECTORY.* requests:                                     11
    000LAST30DAYS.FILES requests:                                 6

At an average of 40 bytes per line, that's 1.9 million records NOT INCLUDING
the mail headers. 


Via: UK.AC.STIRLING.VAXA; Wed, 18 Oct 89  11:05 BST
Date:		Wed, 18 OCT 89 11:01:49 BST
Subject:        LaTeX for HP9000/800
X-Name:		Paul Roberts - Head of Systems & Operations
X-Phone:	+44 786 73171 x2193
X-Address:	Computer Unit, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, U.K.


I have been informed that you are the person to contact about 
obtainingversions of LaTeX.  We have a "site licence" and got it on 
our Vax and various other machines.  However, we have just taken 
delivery of an HP 9000/835 and wish to install LaTeX on it - it is not 
currently networked but has an MT drive.  Can you let me know what I 
have to do to obtain the latest version or whom I have to contact - 
many thanks

Paul Roberts


Via: UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA; Fri, 3 Nov 89  15:07 BST
Date:		Fri,  3 NOV 89 14:59:39 BST
Subject:        Increasing the `Meta-ness' of Computer Modern.
Actually-to:    <Info-TeX@ASTON>
Message-Id:     <0000458D_0018A188.0092D3D3772920A0$51_1@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA>
Reply-to:       Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vaxa>
Originally-to:  $UK-TEX,$EURO-TEX
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 )

I wonder if anyone has done any work on increasing the `meta-ness' of
Computer Modern.  At present, there are some 74 canonical CM fonts, but
if one plots them on a multi-dimensional axis, there are many gaps.  I
am aware of John Sauter's work on interpolating design size, but I wish
to go further: I would like to be able to generate, for example,
Computer Modern Bold Extended Caps and Small Caps at various design
sizes.  I can make an attempt by carrying out various comparisons
between the existing defined fonts, in pairs (cmr:cmbx; cmr:cmcsc;
cmbx:cmcsc), and then selectively merging the differences to form
*cmbxcsc, but it would be {\it really} nice if the various axes could be
separated out, and I could build an arbitrary font by an incantation
such as: 

	family := computer_modern;
	face := roman;
	variant := caps_and_small_caps;
	weight := bold_extended;
	slant := 0;
	design_size := 10pt;

As this is distinctly parallel to the new font-loading mechanism of
Mittelbach and Sch\"opf, I wonder if anyone has already investigated
(and better, implemented) the idea ? 

					Philip Taylor
			    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College.

[I have, in fact, since writing this, generated *CMBXCSC10 using the 
 method of multiple comparisons, but a solution to the more general 
 question is still of the greatest interest.] 


Via: UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX; Fri, 3 Nov 89  20:21 BST
Date:           Fri, 3 Nov 89  20:23 GMT
From:           Harry Fearnley <HARRYF@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX>
Subject:        Re : DOSTeX too big

Julian Borrill <> has outlined a common problem in his
contribution to UKTeX v89 #39 :

   DOSTex needs 610K
   He has only 590K left when MS-DOS and any TSRs have taken their bits!

My only immediate suggestion is :

a) Use MS-DOS 3.2, or earlier - MS-DOS 3.3 takes too much space

b) Do not have any TSRs resident - even useful `little' ones such as NEWDOSED
   should be avoided.



Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; Mon, 6 Nov 89  11:31 BST
          from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3180; Mon, 06
               Nov 89 11:32:49 GM
          from HGRRUG5.BITNET (VENS) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP
               id 7306; Mon, 06 Nov 89 11:32:48
Date:          Mon, 6 Nov 89 12:31 B
From:          <VENS@EARN.HGRRUG5> (Erik-Jan Vens, ICCE, POBox 800, 9700 AV
Subject:       Re: Calling all Grand Wizards
X-Original-To: eu_tex,tex-nl@hearn,,

Keywords: TeX3.0, C, Web2C.
Dear TeX-ers on various nets (pardon my English, I use it as a lingua
though I'm not a Grand Wizard (merely a sorcerer's apprentice),
I would like to be able to install TeX3.0 as soon as it comes.
On our IBM RT PC under AIX (IBM's own mix between Sys5 and BSD4.x) we
are currently using Pat Monardo's Common TeX in C [version 2.93]. It
runs fine, but because we wanted to keep up-to-date, we decided to install
a higher version that came from the original WEB source. We are still
running Monardo's CTeX, because until now installation of a newer
version has failed. Don Knuth's question to replace all current TeX
versions with 3.0 as soon as possible made the question urgent again.
We have not installed a Pascal compiler, because our language is C. The
solution for us seemed to be the Web2C package. Tangle compiles okay,
Weave is a bit too large for the current minidisk, but okay, I can
untangle the Web file. Until it finds a negative define:
@d inf_bad = 10000 {infinitely bad value}
@d inf_penalty=inf_bad {``infinite'' penalty value}
@d eject_penalty=-inf_penalty {``negatively infinite'' penalty value}
This last @d causes Tangle to complain about a value being too large.
Now, this seems strange, because in my <site.h> file I `(un)def'-ed the
#define SYSV
#undef  BSD
#undef  ANSI
typedef signed char schar;
typedef long integer;
typedef char boolean;
typedef float glueratio;
typedef double real;
For the RT these are correct values, since the Reference Manual gives
the following table:
Data_Type     Bits Range                           Precision
char          8    '\0' to '\377'
unsigned char 8    '\0' to '\377'
long          32   -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
unsigned long 32   0 to 4,294,967,295
float         32   approx. -3.37e+38 to 3.37e+38   7 digits
double        64   approx. -1.67e+308 to 1.67e+308 15 digits
Has anyone experience in installing Web2C (pref. on a IBM RT)? We too
want to be able to answer Don Knuth's request for replacing TeX2.x with
Erik-Jan Vens
ICCE, University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Earn/Bitnet: VENS@HGRRUG5 (do *not* use the domainaddress our
                           Computercentre puts in the header!)
UUCP: {...!hp4nl!}guvaxin!guicce!erikjan


Via: UK.AC.CAMBRIDGE.PHOENIX; Mon, 6 Nov 89  17:25 BST
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 89 17:27:39 GMT
Subject: TeX

I am interested in getting a version of TeX for an IBM PC compatible machine.
Is there a suitable publicly available version? If there is, from where
can I download it? I have Turbo C, if C source code is available.


Paul Cooper (APRC@UK.AC.CAM.PHX)

PS. The LANC.PDSOFT archive has an entry stating that a PC version of TeX
    is available from you.


Via: UK.AC.HULL.CC.SEQUENT; Mon, 6 Nov 89  20:46 BST
Via:; Tue, 17 Oct 89 15:46:41 -0100
Date: Tue,17 Oct 89 15:47:04 BST
Subject: re UKTUG Mtg.
Message-Id: <17 Oct 89 15:47:04 A10020@UK.AC.HULL>             

Knuth (The TeXbook Exercise 11.4) asks, "Why do you think the
author of TeX didn't make boxes more symmetrical between
horizontal and vertical, by allowing reference points to be
inside the boundary".  The answer supplied is that he could not
see the need and didn't want to impose pointless generality.
David Kindersley suggests a useful motive.  If the reference point
is inside the box it should be at the visual centre of the character
and this makes spacing easier, since the between-centre distances
can be standardised rather than just abutting boxes with glue.
The next question is therefore, when two "centred" characters are
joined, where is the visual centre of the resultant couplet (or
whatever you call a box that has no sides)?
Phil Taylor made a meal of raising all maths operators in a non-maths
text.  I would have done it by editing the necessary operators into
macros, e.g.
and then define simple macros, (or rather previously define ...)
\def\rplus{\raise1xx\hbox{$+$}} etc.
The question is then, how big is an xx?  A maths symbol is centred
on the maths axis.  Presumably we want the symbol to stand on the
base line instead, so it gets raised by the amount necessary to
move the reference symbol (e.g. +) by how much it descends below
the base line. -, = would get raised by the same amount to stay in
This has been thinking aloud, and definitely not verified solutions.
Allan Reese                            Post: Computer Centre 
JANET:                    |      University of Hull
Internet: |      Hull  HU6 7RX
EARN/BITNET:       |      UK
                                               |Phone +44 482 465296
                                               |FAX   +44 482 466205
ASSESS - GLASGOW '90 - SPSS Users Meeting


Via: UK.AC.QMC.MATHS; Tue, 7 Nov 89   9:40 GMT
Received: from sequent by id aa06379; 7 Nov 89 9:41 GMT
Date:     Tue, 7 Nov 89 9:35:22 GMT
From:     Julian Borrill <>
Subject:  re. TeX bulletin board
In-Reply-To: tt - Computing Service's mail message <8911021200.aa01989@csvax.cs.qmc
Message-ID:  <>

Thanks for putting my request for help onto the TeX bulletin board
- there seems to be a general opinion that SBTeX will solve my
problems, being less hungry for memory. Any ideas where I can
get hold of this?

Also, how do I put a message directly onto the board - do I
have to send it to you first ? Or not ? Or what ? Ta.


Editor -  The preferred methos is to send to



Via: UK.AC.EDINBURGH.EMAS-A; Tue, 7 Nov 89  11:53 BST
Date: 07 Nov 89  11:55:22 gmt
From: G.Toal @
Subject: Another TeX for the Archimedes
Message-ID: <07 Nov 89  11:55:22 gmt  050117@EMAS-A>

Great news for Archimedes TeXers - I received this in mail today from
a friend at Acorn who gets the Acorn User magazine a week or two before
the rest of us...

> On page 84 of the December Acorn User, a german company is advertising TeX,
> LaTeX, BIBTeX, METAFONT, drivers for a lot of printers and the screen (NOT
> PostScript) for 99 (TeX) 39 (LaTeX and BIBTeX) and 99 (METAFONT). The TeX
> reportedly runs on a 1Mb machine. METAFONT and the DVItoSCREEN thing run
> in the desktop.

I suspect the company in question is Tools Gmbh, as I met Edgar Fu\ss
at the TeX88 conference who rushed out and bought an Archie immediately
after seeing it :-) [plug, plug]

   If this is correct, I am quite happy to hand over the torch to them,
as I have found supporting TeX (public domain) to be very time-consuming
and very hard work.  I shall, however, continue to supply my free version
of TeX which I am in the process of distributing to various archive sites
but I doubt I shall be putting much effort into it in future - the
suppliers above, whoever they may be, will have more resources to
maintain TeX and will certainly provide a better service than I have
been able to working in occasional weekends.

If the company in question is listening, how about an announcement for
the net?



Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Tue, 7 Nov 89  13:53 BST
Received: from by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           via NSFnet with SMTP  id aa23122; 7 Nov 89 3:16 GMT
Received: from by; Tue, 7 Nov 89 15:59 +1300
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 15:51:33 NZT
From: Russell Fulton <>
Subject: Postscript filters for unix spoolers.

Received: From AUCC1(MAILER) by AUCCVAXB with Jnet id 6154
          for INFO-TEX@INTERNET; Tue,  7 Nov 89 15:54 Y
Received: by AUCC1 (Mailer X1.21) id 6153; Tue, 07 Nov 89 15:54:00 NZT
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 15:51:33 NZT
From: Russell Fulton <ccc032u@aucc1>
Acknowledge-To: CCC032U@AUCC1
Message-ID: <CCC032U#436@AUCC1>
Subject: Postscript filters for unix spoolers.
We are replacing our IBM VM system with a unix system, on which we will be
running TeX (of course). What I want to know is: What is the best way of
connecting PostScript printers to a unix system? ( I mean software connection
rather than hardware connection.)
One salesman spoke of a filter called 'transcript' but he did not know much mor
e than the name. Does anybody out there know any more about it?
I have access to several ascii to PS filters. What I need is something to
go on the other end of the spooler (the printer end) that knows about PS
and will do sensible things with PS errors etc.
We actually have two unix systems one System V.3 based and one BSD based.
Please reply direct to me. The digest takes a while to get to us. I will
post a summary.
Russell Fulton, University of Auckland.


Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Tue, 7 Nov 89  20:00 GMT
Received: from [] by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa05280; 7 Nov 89 11:27 GMT
Received: by hplb; Tue, 7 Nov 89 11:28:24 gmt
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 11:28:24 gmt
From: Dave Clarke <dcl@com.hp.hpl.hplb>
Message-Id: <>

   I'm trying to get the WEB system set up on a HP9000 Series 300 UNIX 
workstation for both C and PASCAL documentation.
Do you have, within the Aston
TEX archive, the TANGLE.PAS or TANGLE.C files and the appropriate WEB and 
WEAVE files?           
   At the moment I'm unable to connect directly to the machine
via JANET. Would it be possible to send me the index to the archive (the  
file is called [tex-archive]000directory.list I think) and/or the 
appropriate .WEB, .C and .PAS files.

Many thanks,
Dave Clarke
Hewlett-Packard Ltd.

Editor -  I will wait for answers to your questions. You may not then need the



Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; Wed, 8 Nov 89   3:35 BST
          from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 1210; Wed, 08
            Nov 89 03:37:29 GM
           from CARLETON.CA by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 6108;
            Wed, 08 Nov 89 03:37:29
Received:   by CARLETON (Mailer); Tue, 07 Nov 89 21:45:07 EST
Date:       Tue, 07 Nov 89 21:41:42 EST
From:       Christina_Thiele@CA.CARLETON
Message-Id: <891107.21435356.092918@ADMIN.CP6>
Subject:    TUG '90 Call for Papers in Texas

%% Use plain.tex to print up this Call for Papers for the Texas
%%     1990 Meeting of the TeX Users Group      (Ch. Thiele)
%% -----------------------  cut here  ----------------------
%%%%%%%%%%%%   Fonts, Parameters, and Macros:
%% Font naming: \larger = 10pt magstep 5    \large  = 10pt mag3
%%              \bigger = 10pt mag2         \big    = 10pt mag1
%%              `normal' size is 10pt
\font\largerbld=cmb10 scaled\magstep5
\font\largebld=cmb10 scaled\magstep3
\font\biggerrmn=cmr10 scaled\magstep2
\font\biggerbld=cmb10 scaled\magstep2
\font\bigrm=cmr10 scaled\magstep1
\font\bigbld=cmb10 scaled\magstep1
\advance\vsize by 36pt
\def\leader{\leaders\hbox to 4pt{\hss.\hss}\hfill}%
\def\MF{{\mffont METAFONT}}
\def\LaTeX{\leavevmode L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\smc A}%
%%%%%%%%%% End of macros 'n' stuff %%%%%%%%%%%
\line{\largerbld TUG90 \hfil \biggerrmn \TeX\ Users Group
                       \hfil \bigbld Texas A\&M University}
\line{\bld First Announcement/ \hfil\biggerrmn 11th Annual Meeting
\hbox{\hskip1.5cm}       \hfil \bigbld June 18--21 1990}
\line{\bld Call for Papers\hfil}
\centerline{\largebld Forward into the 90s}
\noindent{\bld THE CONFERENCE:}
\noindent In 1990, there will be {\it two\/} TUG-sponsored \TeX\
meetings: one in Texas in June, the other in Cork, Ireland in
September. The Texas meeting will be held at Texas A\&M University
June 18--21, 1990 (4 days).
The theme for the Texas meeting will be {\bld FORWARD INTO THE 90s}.
We celebrated our 10th Anniversary at Stanford
University this past August, amidst announcements of revisions and
revitalization in both \TeX\ and \LaTeX.  As we move into TUG's
second decade, \TeX\ will continue to grow and expand
in everyday working situations. The challenge of bringing new users
into contact with \TeX, of stretching \TeX\ and \MF\ to merge and
work with old or new procedures, is exciting.
Plan to attend. Better yet: submit a short abstract outlining your
own contribution to the new decade. For details, see below.
\noindent{\bld CALL FOR PAPERS:}
\noindent Papers should be approximately 20--25 minutes in length ---
roughly 6 pages of text, using a 10pt font on a 12pt baselineskip.
Abstracts (no longer than one page)
should be submitted as quickly as possible, for the {\bld December
1st} deadline, to the Program Coordinator. Preliminary abstracts
may be sent via regular mail, electronic mail, or FAX machine. See
address information below.
\noindent {\bld TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION:}
\noindent The following list of potential topics is neither inclusive
nor exclusive; however, papers addressing \TeX\ and \MF\ issues for
the 1990s would be particularly welcomed. Theoretical analyses and
actual experiences dealing with various aspects of \TeX\ and \LaTeX,
and \MF\ will be considered. Papers will be selected on the basis of
clarity, usefulness to either the experienced or the neophyte user,
and general interest to the \TeX\ community.
\qq How does \TeX\ do it? ---
        overview of the \TeX\ process;
        how \TeX\ uses all those font files
\qq \TeX\ for non-\TeX\ users: ---
        teaching/training personnel (support staff, students,
        front-end/interface programs;
        from beginner to expert;
        documentation -- what's available, how to write it;
        source of information: user groups, courses, bulletin boards,
        books, etc.
\qq Integrating \TeX\ with non-\TeX\ programs: ---
        other software
\qq Fonts: ---
        font design: how to put/pull it together;
        font compatibility: how to use non-\TeX\ fonts;
        font experiences: samples, design histories
\qq Document design: ---
        theoretical aspects of document design;
        styles: from technical reports to poetry
\qq Using \TeX\ as part of a larger system: ---
        extensions to \TeX;
        subsets of \TeX\
\qq \TeX nical nuts and bolts: ---
        what are drivers: how do they work, how do they differ,
        what's portability: how to make things portable;
        fonts and printers and drivers: making them work together;
        electronic sources of information: how to find them, use
        them; suggestions and comments
$$\vbox{\halign{\noindent\hbox to 3in{#\leader}\quad&#\hss\qquad&#\hss\cr
Abstract     & \bld December 1st, 1989& Christina Thiele          \cr
Notification & January 15th, 1990     & JPC\quad DT1711           \cr
Preliminary Paper & \bld March 15th, 1990 & Carleton University   \cr
Presentation at Texas Meeting & June 18--21, 1990
                                      & Ottawa, Canada K1S 5B6    \cr
Final Paper  & July 15th, 1990        & Phone: 613-788-2340       \cr
\hskip3in     &                & Bitnet: {\tt} \cr
\hskip3in     &                & FAX:   613-788-3544              \cr
\noindent{\bld PROGRAM COMMITTEE:}
Shawn Farrell     & Regina Girouard       & Tom Reid              \cr
McGill University & American Mathematical
                    Society               & Texas A\&M University \cr
\noindent{\bld \TeX\ USERS GROUP:}
\noindent Questions concerning any other aspect of the meeting (or
conference) should be directed to the TUG Office: 401-751-7760
(Eastern Time) or electronic mail: {\tt}.
Christina Thiele <Christina_Thiele@CARLETON.CA>


Via: UK.AC.EXETER; Wed, 8 Nov 89   9:32 BST
Date:       Wed, 08 Nov 89 09:33:15 BST
Subject:    Font for musical notes

Does anyone know the whereabouts of a font with musical notes in it?
Not for setting music, but just for printing odd notes within text.


Cathy Booth, University of Exeter Computer Unit, North Park Road, Exeter EX4 4QE
Janet:  BOOTH.CM@UK.AC.EXETER    Tel: (0392) 263945    Fax:  (0392) 211630


Via: UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS; Thu, 9 Nov 89  16:37 BST
Date:		Thu,  9 NOV 89 16:32:32 GMT
Subject:        Announcing TeX v2.992 (pre-release v3) for VAX/VMS
Actually-to:    <INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON>
Acknowledge-to: RMCS TeX Account
Originally-to:  UKTEX
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 )

      ***                                                        ***
      *** Announcing VMS port of TeX v3 (aka v2.992) and friends ***
      ***                                                        ***

    I have available a change file for a Vax/VMS version of TeX v2.992 (the 
beta-test version of v3) which has passed the TRIP test.  This version 
supports an editor interface, and also has a full DCL command-line interface 
(achieved through use of the CDU).  It is also capable of generating TeX's 
error messages in a form usable by LSEdit's Review mode, which facilitates
correction of errors by positioning the cursor appropriately for each one; 
allied to LSEdit's capability of issuing a ``compile'' command, one almost has 
an interactive TeX.

    The necessary files can be FTPed from RMCS, and are in directory
[PUBLIC.TEX_V3], username PUBLIC, password PUBLIC.  However, at this stage I 
do not propose to do any ``hand holding'': ONLY collect the files if you are 
confident with the use of Tangle/Weave, and have previously built TeX from 

    Would all those that take the files for testing please mail me, so that I 
can gain some idea of how many sites are trying out this software.  Also, of 
course, mail me with any bug reports.

    Further information on the editor interface, etc., can be gained from the 
00README.TXT (or perhaps it's called AAAREADME.TXT) that accompanies my v2.991 
change file in the Aston archive.

    Here's a listing of the contents of our public directory:


	DVITYPE.CH;1             27   7-NOV-1989 18:18:42.00
	DVITYPE.WEB;1           206   7-NOV-1989 13:18:03.00
	LABREA.DIRLIST;1        244   7-NOV-1989 18:32:45.00
	LATEX.DIR;1               1   7-NOV-1989 20:20:39.37
	PLAIN.TEX;1              89   7-NOV-1989 18:30:42.00
	PLTOTF.CH;1              11   7-NOV-1989 18:19:11.00
	PLTOTF.WEB;1            196   7-NOV-1989 13:18:14.00
	POOLTYPE.CH;1            10   7-NOV-1989 18:19:22.00
	POOLTYPE.WEB;1           33   7-NOV-1989 13:25:42.00
	TANGLE.CH;1              26   3-NOV-1989 18:21:52.00
	TANGLE.WEB;1            263   2-NOV-1989 20:27:53.00
	TEX.CH;1                261   7-NOV-1989 18:20:19.00
	TEX.CLD;1                15   8-NOV-1989 09:54:53.00
	TEX.V3_README;1           6   2-NOV-1989 19:43:39.00
	TEX.WEB;1              2061   2-NOV-1989 19:43:04.00
	TEX_V3.;1              1197   5-NOV-1989 12:14:27.00
	TFTOPL.CH;1              12   7-NOV-1989 18:24:44.00
	TFTOPL.WEB;1            122   7-NOV-1989 13:25:35.00
	TRIP.FOT;1                5   2-NOV-1989 20:15:53.00
	TRIP.LOG;1              370   2-NOV-1989 20:16:21.00
	TRIP.PL;1                36   2-NOV-1989 20:23:00.00
	TRIP.TEX;1               46   2-NOV-1989 20:24:23.00
	TRIP.TYP;1               39   2-NOV-1989 20:26:14.00
	TRIPIN.LOG;1             24   2-NOV-1989 20:27:28.00
	TRIPOS.TEX;1              1   2-NOV-1989 20:36:50.00
	WEAVE.CH;1               31   3-NOV-1989 18:22:19.00
	WEAVE.WEB;1             376   2-NOV-1989 20:28:06.00
	Total of 27 files, 5708 blocks.

    As you will see, this directory also contains change files for the latest
versions of DVItype (v3), PLtoTF (v3), PoolType (v3), Tangle (v4), TFtoPL (v3)
and Weave (v4).  The file LABREA.DIRLIST is a directory listing of the
contents of each of the top-level directories under /pub/tex at  You MUST use these new versions of Tangle and Weave with 
v3 of TeX, because of its 8-bit character capabilities.

    I say again: PLEASE, no queries, requests from help, etc., from those who 
have never before built TeX; this is strictly (at the moment) for Wizards only 
(well, at least apprentice wizards).  Once there has been a modicum of testing, 
the files will be placed into the Aston archive, from which they will be
available for FTP, fetching via MAIL, etc., and precompiled binaries will also
be placed into the archive. 

    If you are outside the UK, and therefore unable to FTP from RMCS, I might 
be prepared to mail you a copy of TEX.CH and TEX.CLD, with the proviso that I 
would expect YOU to make it available for FTP from YOUR site.  I would not 
want to have to send six separate copies to, say, Germany, but I don't mind 
one per country.  However, I won't mail TEX.WEB --- I'll leave you to fetch it 
from Stanford or wherever.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Thu, 9 Nov 89  19:07 BST
Date:		Thu,  9 NOV 89 19:08:07 GMT
Subject:        *** Normal `Where am I?' service has been resumed at Aston ***
Message-Id:     <20807837_00069350.0092D8AD2A289400$19_2@UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK>
Originally-to:  TEXHAX,UKTEX
Originally-from:RMCS_TEX     "BHK and CNK (from RMCS)"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.4 (23-May-1989)

My apologies to anyone who has tried to make use of the `where am I?' facility 
at UK.AC.ASTON.KIRK over the past week.  On November 2nd, I made a small (I
thought) modification so that it would accept the subject either with or 
without a question mark: in so doing, I introduced an error (typo) which has 
prevented the service from running.  I thought it strange that no-one was 
appearing to use the service!  Especial apologies to those individuals who 
managed to get their messages through to me, to whom I replied saying in 
effect ``don't you KNOW how to write a subject line''.

Anyway, it's all working again now, so please try again.  I'm especially 
interested in seeing some attempts from those on uucp whose return address 
will require one or more `!' marks, because there was a bug in replying to 
those addresses, and I'd be interested to know if I've fixed it.

Brian {Hamilton Kelly}
(p.p. Aston Archivists)

P.S. For those who haven't heard of this service before, mail a message to 
<>, with the subject line `Where am I' (with or 
without a terminal `?', and without any other characters before the `where' 
nor after the `I' or `I?'.  The server will then reply with your mail address, 
as seen by Aston, in the form which should be used when requesting that items 
or information should be mailed to you from the Aston Archive.


Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA; Fri, 10 Nov 89   9:58 BST
Date:         Fri, 10 Nov 89 09:56:42
From:         Mike Piff  <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA>
Subject:      Footnote symbols

The command


will give letters instead of numbers.


will produce roman numerals.

If you say


and initialise the counter `footnote' at the number c, then footnotes will be
labelled with characters from the current font in ASCII order, starting at
character c.

\def\@fnsymbol#1{\ifcase#1\or *\or \dagger\or \ddagger\or
   \mathchar "278\or \mathchar "27B\or \|\or **\or \dagger\dagger
   \or \ddagger\ddagger %\or Etc, etc, etc...

Will produce the `title' symbols. Extend/modify the definition of \@fnsymbol as

Mike Piff

From:  Dr M. J. Piff,
       Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield,
       The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England.
       Telephone SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.


Via: UK.AC.BATH.GDR; Fri, 10 Nov 89  10:10 BST
Date:     Fri, 10 Nov 89 10:26:15 GMT
From:     Paul Christie <>
Subject:  TeX on the LZR 1260 Laser printer

Has anyone had problems printing TeX files on Dataproducts LZR 1260
laserprinter?  Postscript files which print correctly on the LaserWriter
come out double height on the LZR 1260.


Via: [000040010180.FTP.MAIL]; Sun, 12 Nov 89  20:48 BST
Received: from by sun.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id ad04705; 12 Nov 89 17:59 GMT
Received: from [] by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa03658; 12 Nov 89 17:48 GMT
Received: by handel; Sun, 12 Nov 89 09:16:42 mst
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 09:16:42 mst
From: "S. Vasanthan" <sivagnan@edu.colostate.cs.handel>
Subject: OxTeX

 I am using OzTeX on my Mac SE, I am very pleased with it.
Have a few questions,
 How do I upload the dvi file to a Unix host to print it.
What steps should I take (suffit, binhex...).

 When I include postcript files in LaTeX with the \special
directive, will that show up in preview?


S. Vasanthan 	                             (
Department of Computer Science               (vasa@csugreen.bitnet)
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA.


Via: [000040010180.FTP.MAIL]; Tue, 14 Nov 89  11:40 BST
Received: from by sun.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id ej04181; 14 Nov 89 11:45 GMT
Received: from by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           via Janet with NIFTP  id aa04006; 14 Nov 89 10:46 GMT
Received: from [] by vs6.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK   via Satnet with SMTP
           id aa00562; 14 Nov 89 10:25 WET
Received: by (norunix.EARN) (1.2/7.3)
	id AA14125;  Tue, 14 Nov 89 11:23:37 +0100
Date: 14 Nov 89 11:19
From: Ivar Lie <ivar%uninett.ndre.dione@no.nac>
Message-Id: <113*ivar@dione.ndre.uninett>
Subject: AMS fonts

 Peter Abbott,

  I'm interested in the AMS fonts for TEX on VMS systems.

  Right now I don't have FTP access, so it is difficult to get the files from
  your TEX archive. 
  Is it possible for you to copy the .TFM-files and the .PK-files onto a
  TK50 cassette (or some other medium) and send it to me ?
  I don't expect that such a service is free, so please tell me how much it
  costs, and I'll pay you.

- Ivar Lie
  Div. for Electronics
  P.O.Box 25
  N-2007 Kjeller

Editor -  As soon as someone lets me know what files are required they can
be copied to 1/2"tape, Cost details will depend on format and quantity and I
will let you know later.



Via: UK.AC.LANCASTER.CENTRAL1; Tue, 14 Nov 89  15:53 BST
From: Mrs.F.A.Leech <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: previewers
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 89 15:57:45 WET DST
X-Mailer: Elm [version 2.1.012 PL1]

	Dear Peter,
We have got everything working in TeX and LaTeX except thw VT100 previewing
facilities. I believe that someone was writing a version in C for Unix, and
wondered if you could give me any details about whom to contact. 
	Thanks a lot,


Via: UK.AC.ESSEX.ESE; Fri, 17 Nov 89  11:56 BST
Date:       17 Nov 1989 11:58:10-WET
Subject:    Blackboard Bold font
From:       "Adrian F Clark"   <alien@essex.ese>

I had a telephone call yesterday from a small commercial typesetting
company who uses TeX.  The chap wanted to know if there was any
blackboard bold font for TeX and I had to confess that I didn't know. 
Can anyone fill me in?  I guess the font wouldn't have to be public

 Adrian F. Clark
 BITNET:          PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct)
 Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK.


!!   Files of interest 
!!      [tex-archive]000aston.readme           [tex-archive]000directory.list
!!      [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list   [tex-archive]000directory.size
!!      [tex-archive]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.99 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 
!! 25 July 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes.
!! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!! SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue