UKTeX V90 #02       Friday 19 January 1990 

                              Re: UKTeX V90 #01
            Style files for authors submitting article to TUGboat
                               Re: TUG courses
                              dvitops under VMS
          *** Announcing TeX v2.993 for VAX/VMS (real version!) ***
                       Knuth HAS provided \newlanguage
           *** Announcing METAFONT V1.9 for VAX/VMS (and a bug) ***
                  [UDAH059@UK.AC.KCL.CC.OAK: Neumann dvi2lj]
                         n-up printing of TeX output
                                   PK Fonts
                              PiCTeX for the PC
                             about to port bibtex
             Inaccessibility of makeindex.tex_z in Aston Archive
                              texserver problems
                  DVI to HP Desk Jet - Dec Windows Previewer

        The UK \TeX\ Users Group Announcement of a Forthcoming Meeting
                         BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND INDEXING
Editor Peter Abbott

Last week our VAX cluster was updated to VMS version 5.2 and the central mail
VAX suffered a hardware fault. I was not in a position to send out the digest
until Monday of this week and decided to wait until today.

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #10
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N3                      


Via: [000000000040.PSS.234212900115.FTP.MAIL]; Sat, 6 Jan 90  14:40 GMT
Received: from on over SMTP
	(5.61/UK-2.1-MX(gateway)); Sat, 6 Jan 90 14:42:50 GMT
Date: Sat,  6 Jan 90 14:39:34 gmt
Message-Id: <>
From: David Wright <>
Subject: Re: UKTeX V90 #01
X-Vms-Mail-To: INET%"",DWW         

Re the query on to print `pound' - it's simply \it $.   So e.g.

\def\#{{\it \$}}

will define \# to print the pound symbol.
In LaTeX, \pound does the same.


Date:		Fri,  5 JAN 90 15:38:55 GMT
From:		TEX         
Subject:        Style files for authors submitting article to TUGboat
Actually-to:    <ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON>
Acknowledge-to: RMCS TeX Account
Originally-to:  ABBOTTP
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 )

Thanks to the good offices of Ron Whitney and barbara beeton (both of the TeX 
Users' Group editorial office) who sent copies to Peter Abbott and myself, 
respectively, the latest versions of style files for use by TUGboat authors 
are now available in the Aston TeX archive in directory 

There is also a guide to authors in that directory (tubguide.tex).

I have taken the opportunity to delete [tex-archive.latex.contrib]ltugbot.sty, 
which was identical with [tex-archive.digests.tugboat]ltugbot.sty, and also 
[tex-archive.tex.macros]tugbot.sty,.tex which dated back to 1986 and 1985 

The old versions of the style files were tugbot.sty (for Plain TeX) and 
ltugbot.sty (for LaTeX); the newest versions are named tugboat.sty and 
ltugboat.sty, respectively: they each make use of, which contains 
macro definitions common to both files.

There is also a guide for authors, tubguide.tex; this is to be processed by 
plain TeX, and uses (obviously) tugboat.sty.

A listing of the 00readme.txt files from [tex-archive.digests.tugboat] appears 
at the end of this message:

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


This directory was revised 05-JAN-1990 to incorporate the latest versions of 
the style files for use by authors submitting articles to TUGboat.  The latest 
versions of these style files now have a name incorporating TUGBOAT rather 
than the TUGBOT used previously.  The latter files are obsolete, but retained 
for use in formatting old articles.

00FILES.TXT      Latest state of play
00README.TXT     This file
LTUGBOAT.STY     Newest version of TUGboat macros, for authors using LaTeX
LTUGBOT.STY      (Do not use) obsolete
TB25HYF.TEX      Hyphenations exceptions list: TUGboat vol 10 # 4
TUBGUIDE.TEX     Guide for authors
TUGBOAT.STY      Newest version of TUGboat macros, for authors using Plain
TUGBOT.STY       (Do not use) obsolete
TUGBOT.TEX       Used to make up an issue of TUGboat: Do not use, obsolete


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 8 Jan 90  13:30 GMT
From: Sebastian P Q Rahtz <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 90 13:33:36 GMT
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To: TeXhax Digest's message of Sun, 7 Jan 90 13:15:54 -0800 <>
Subject: Re: TUG courses

>>>>> On Sun, 7 Jan 90 13:15:54 -0800, TeXhax Digest <TeXhax@edu.washington.cs.june> said:

 >    The TeX Users Group is pleased to announce its March, 1990
 >    Course Schedule: 
 > Intensive Beginning/Intermediate TeX,  University of Michigan, March 5-9
 > Advanced TeX/Macro Writing, Vanderbilt University, March 5-9
 > Intensive Beginning/Intermediate TeX, Texas A&M University, March 12-16
 > Inten Beginning/Intermediate TeX, Univ of Illinois at Chicago, March 19-23
 > Intensive Course in LaTeX, Harvard University, March 26-30
 > Intensive Beginning/Intermediate TeX, Northeastern University, March 26-30

for an international organisation this is a pretty parochial list of
venues; I hope TUG is also trying hard to organize courses in
countries whose troops don't invade sovereign states? :-} 
But seriously, remember the rest of us - after all, DEK just did, by
extending TeX to give better support for non-English languages (please
lets NOT use the word `foreign').

Sebastian Rahtz


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 8 Jan 90  14:59 GMT
Received: from by; Mon, 8 Jan 90 14:51:55 GMT
From: Sebastian P Q Rahtz <>
Date: Mon, 8 Jan 90 14:47:11 GMT
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To:'s message of Mon, 8 Jan 90  14:40 GMT <>
Subject: dvitops under VMS

Has anyone tried to compile James Clark's dvitops program under VMS?
If so, could you come forward and say what changes (if any) are

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:		Wed, 10 JAN 90 19:01:48 GMT
Subject:        *** Announcing TeX v2.993 for VAX/VMS (real version!) ***
Actually-to:    <INFOTEX@UK.AC.ASTON>
Acknowledge-to: RMCS TeX Account
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 )

In UKTeX v89 #44, I announced that I had incorporated the mods that Knuth had 
reported in TeXhax into my port of TeX v2.992 to VMS.

Yesterday, I noticed that a new version of tex.web had appeared at Labrea, 
time-stamped at 0627 on 8th January (1527GMT).  It turns out that this is the 
definitive v2.993, incorporating the corrections Knuth announced in TeXhax and 
a few others too.

This morning I completed the transfer of the files to my VAX, and am pleased
to announce that the VMS version passed the TRIP test with flying colours at
1513GMT today, 10th January, which is about 58 hours after Don Knuth's version
underwent the same torture! 

I have placed the Knuthian sources into the appropriate directories within the 
Aston TeX archive, and the change files for each are in the corresponding 
[.VMS] subdirectories.  There were also revised versions of dvitype, tftopl 
and pltotf: these too, with their VMS change files, are in the Archive.

One new pair of programs that has appeared comprise vftovp.web and vptovf.web.
These are for converting between virtual font files and virtual property lists:
I haven't yet written VMS change files for these, but the WEB sources are in 
the archive.

Since I see that MF has also changed, along with some other utilities, my next 
job will have to be tackling that little collection: look forward to news of 
this by Friday or next Monday.

Herewith details of the files placed into the archive:


                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Thu, 11 Jan 90  13:22 GMT
Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM; Thu, 11 Jan 90  13:22 GMT
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 90 13:18:35 GMT
Message-ID: <11 Jan 90 13:22:37 GMT #4858@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM>

                   I should like to use some of the fonts kept in the archive
with LATeX on either a PC clone or a VM system. I have downloaded the files but
do not know what directories to put them in in order to use them. Is there a
document on the archive to help with this or how otherwise can I find out how
to use them? Thanks for your help.

                                               Richard Hillier


Via: UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS; Thu, 11 Jan 90  20:28 GMT
Date:		Thu, 11 JAN 90 20:27:44 GMT
Subject:        Knuth HAS provided \newlanguage
Actually-to:    <ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.TEX>
Acknowledge-to: RMCS TeX Account
Originally-to:  TEXHAX,ABBOTTP
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 )

There has been much recent correspondence in TeXhax and UKTeX regarding the 
use of the new \language primitive.  Well, Don Knuth's latest plain.tex, 
available from Stanford (and from the Aston TeXserver [])
DOES contain a \newlanguage allocator.  It also contains a minor modification 
to \proclaim.

I have incorporated these portions of code into lplain.tex, and that too will 
(shortly) be available from the Aston TeXserver.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Via: UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS; Thu, 11 Jan 90  21:10 GMT
Date:		Thu, 11 JAN 90 21:08:57 GMT
Subject:        *** Announcing METAFONT V1.9 for VAX/VMS (and a bug) ***
Actually-to:    <ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.TEX>
Acknowledge-to: RMCS TeX Account
Originally-from:TEX          "RMCS TeX Account"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 )

As mentioned in the announcement of my port of the latest TeX (v2.993) to VMS, 
there is also a revised version of MF, and some MFware.  Change files for VMS 
have been written for all of this (with the exception of MFT and the virtual 
fonts stuff), and have been placed into the Aston TeXserver Archive.

METAFONT passed the TRAP test under VMS at 1934GMT today, 11th January, but 
not without problems.  I must have a more stringent compiler than DEK
(I set /CHECK=ALL when building the TRAP version of inimf), because I got 
screamed at when MF was tidying up the TFM file.

It turned out that he'd made the |threshold| function more elegant, but had 
ended up with a variable |excess| of a type |halfword| that wasn't prepared 
to hold the value which MF attempted to put in it!  I added a change which 
declared |excess:integer| and everything was hunky-dory.

The relevant declaration and section of code (sections 1119--1120 of \MF: 
The Program) read as follows:

@!excess:halfword; {the list is this much too long}

@ The smallest |d| such that a given list can be covered with |m| intervals
is determined by the |threshold| routine, which is sort of an inverse
to |min_cover|. The idea is to increase the interval size rapidly until
finding the range, then to go sequentially until the exact borderline has
been discovered.

@p function threshold(@!m:integer):scaled;
var @!d:scaled; {lower bound on the smallest interval size}
begin excess:=min_cover(0)-m;
if excess<=0 then threshold:=0
else  begin repeat d:=perturbation;

When threshold(255) is called, and min_cover returns 2, what value does excess 
get?  Right, -253.  But it's declared to be a halfword, which (at least here 
it does) means 0..65535 --- result, arithmetic subrange trap!!

Files placed into the Aston archive are as follows:

[TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.NEW]PLAIN.TEX        - latest from DEK (with \newlanguage)
[TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.NEW]LPLAIN.TEX       - above code incorporated by BHK

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Subject: Books for Roumania

The library of the University of Bucharest was a casualty of last week's
revolution.  If you have some books that you no longer need, please send
them to

Books for Roumania
Prof R C Crompton
University of Kent


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Fri, 12 Jan 90  19:42 GMT
From: Sebastian P Q Rahtz <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 90 17:42:46 GMT
Message-Id: <>
Subject: [UDAH059@UK.AC.KCL.CC.OAK: Neumann dvi2lj]

I append a note from a punter. does anyone know why we have no
cmr10.360pk? seems a curious omission
 - -------
Ivan Wilde, (Maths Dept., King's College, London)

P.S. Does one get all the fonts from []?
They do not all seem to be there, e.g. cmr10.360pk
 - -------


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 15 Jan 90  13:48 GMT
Via: UK.AC.ESSEX.ESE; Mon, 15 Jan 90  13:47 GMT
Date:       15 Jan 1990 13:23:57-WET
Subject:    n-up printing of TeX output
From:       "Adrian F Clark"   <alien@essex.ese>

Many moons ago, I asked about the possibility of printing TeX (more
specifically, SliTeX) output with two or four pages per sheet.  (This
is useful when `debugging' overheads.) Well, I have finally found a
solution, at least for Unix sites with PostScript printers.  This is a
program called `mpage', which takes in a stream of text or PostScript
and produces n-up (where n = 2, 4, or 8) output.  I have used mpage
successfully with the output from James Clark's `dvitops' program on
slides set with SliTeX containing both text and mathematics; I have
yet to determine whether it can handle \specials correctly.

People who would like a copy of mpage should contact me; if there is
great interest, I'll put a copy in the archive.

 Adrian F. Clark
 BITNET:          PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct)
 Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK.


Via: [000000000040.PSS.23421970911100.000000001047/FTP.MAIL]; Mon, 15 Jan 90  16:05 GMT
Date:           Mon, 15 Jan 90  16:05 GMT
Subject:        PK Fonts

I must be missing something!  I'm trying to use fonts on VMS
obtained via CBS from [] but
my driver (N.Beebe's dvialw) says that cmcsc10.300pk, for
example, is a bad PK file.  PKTYPE says the format is not
compatible.  The record format is variable, maximum length 510
bytes.  Other PK files I use have fixed length 512 byte format.
How can I use those from Aston, or convert them to the fixed
               Cliff Nott


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 15 Jan 90  18:34 GMT
Via: UK.AC.GLASGOW.CS; Mon, 15 Jan 90  18:34 GMT
Via: [+JANET.00007110000400.234212900115/ftp.mail]; Mon, 15 Jan 90 18:31:43 GMT
Received:  on
	(5.61/UK-2.1-MX(gateway)); Mon, 15 Jan 90 15:50:21 GMT
Path: stl!pgh
From: (Peter Hamer)
Newsgroups: mail.uktex
Subject: PiCTeX for the PC
Message-Id: <>
Date: 15 Jan 90 15:50:13 GMT
Reply-To: "Peter Hamer" <>
Organization: STC Technology Limited, London Road, Harlow, Essex, UK
Lines: 10

I am looking for

	1) Articles on PiCTex.
	2) A PicTeX implementation for the IBM PC (preferably PD).
	3) A PicTex implementation for UN*X (Sun)

All I currently know about PiCTex is that it was used in the production of a
textbook which had the sort of diagrams I would like to put into a thesis.

Thanks for your attention, Peter


Date: 15 Jan 90  22:47:18 gmt
From: G.Toal @
Subject: about to port bibtex
Message-ID: <15 Jan 90  22:47:18 gmt  050493@EMAS-A>

Hello gang - it's been a long time.  I thought I'd wormed my way out
of Archimedes support but my past has come back to haunt me...

I'm about to port bibtex to the Archimedes.  I have fetched bibtex.web
vsn 0.99c from aston, and the other related files.  Is there anything
I have to know apart from how to drive web2c (which I can almost
remember from a couple of years back)?  I remember seeing messages
flying by about significant versions of bibtex/style files or whatever
but wasn't paying attention at the time as I didn't think it was
something I'd be interested in.

If someone could post me a brief summary of what is needed in a
bibtex installation (remembering I've never used it) I'd be most

regards, Graham.
(PS Did a web2c converted source of the latest tex ever turn up in the uk?)


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Tue, 16 Jan 90   6:57 GMT
Via: UK.AC.SALFORD.SYSC; Tue, 16 Jan 90   6:57 GMT
Date: Thu,11 Jan 90 14:49:44 GMT
Subject: Inaccessibility of makeindex.tex_z in Aston Archive
Message-ID: <11 Jan 90 14:49:44 A10017@UK.AC.SALF.C>

Are archive files whose names end in `_Z' meant to be transferrable
(ie, FTPed as `text')?  I've successfully FTPed the MAKEINDEX source files,
by the same method.
If the `_Z' suffix has significance, is there a README file somewhere which
explains what its significance is, and how to pre-process such files (if
necessary) before transferring them?  Have pity!  I work in the wilderness of
non-VMS, non-unix (but not for long!) sites.  The error message getting back
to me is:
   Reference error: Transfer rejected by UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK.
   Unacceptable attribute on SFT. Invalid value in command:
   Incompatible text_formatting 0001 for file $1$DUA14:[TEX-ARCHIVE.INDEX
Dave Eckersley


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Tue, 16 Jan 90  10:37 GMT
Via: UK.AC.TEES-POLY.PRIME-A; Tue, 16 Jan 90  10:37 GMT
Date:     Tue, 16 Jan 90 10:37:54 BST
Subject:  texserver problems

                                        School of Computing and Mathematics,
                                        Teesside Polytechnic,
                                        Borough Road,
                                        TS1 3BA

                                          Tel: (0642) 218121 Extn: 4405
                                        Janet: NER034 @

Dear Sirs,

      I have tried to obtain the help information from your archive system,
on texserver but have not received any form of reply.  Also notice that I have
tried to register for the UKTeX Digest, however, the uktex-request user always
returns an error at login (at aston) for some reason.

Peter Knaggs.


Date:    16-Jan-1990 15:38 GMT
Subject: Advanced Design Approach Ltd 

From Stephen Higgon

Subject: DVI to HP Desk Jet - Dec Windows Previewer

Could anbody please tell me or knows of a DVI to HP Desk Jet printer for a 
Vax.  We have VMS 5.1-1 running on a VaxStation 3100 with Decwindows.  We 
would additionally be interested in a previewer for a DVI file to Decwindows.


Stephen Higgon


\hsize6.25truein   \vsize9.7truein
\parindent0pt      \parskip7pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
\font\bigbf=cmbx10 at 14.4truept
\font\upr=cmu10    \def\quid{{\upr\$}}
\font\csc=cmcsc10  \def\yn{{\csc Yes/No}}
% \def\UKtug{UK\thinspace T\kern-.1667em \lower.5ex\hbox{U}\kern-.125em G}
\def\uktug{the UK \TeX\ Users Group}
\def\Uktug{The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
\def\sect#1{\vskip9pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
            \noindent{\bf #1:}\quad\ignorespaces}
\def\ddesc{\par\hangindent 2\parindent \noindent\indent\indenttext}
  Peter Abbott               \cr
  Treasurer                  \cr
  The UK \TeX\ Users Group   \cr
  Computing Service          \cr
  Aston University           \cr
  Aston Triangle             \cr
  Birmingham                 &Tel:&(021) 359 5492              \cr
  B4 7ET                     &Janet:&{\tt ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON} \cr
\centerline{The UK \TeX\ Users Group}
\centerline{Announcement of a Forthcoming Meeting on}
\centerline{on Wednesday 21st February 1990}
\centerline{at the London School of Economics, London, U.K.}
This is the fourth one-day meeting of \uktug, addressing two
`document management' topics on bibliographies and indexing,
with a programme of invited speakers.
Anyone else interested in giving a talk on either topic
should contact Sebastian Rahtz,
Computer Science, University, Southampton S09 5NH.
Tel: 0703 592435.
Email: {\tt}.

The speakers should include
Richard Raper, an indexer, speaking on the principles of indexing
and commenting on computerised indexing techniques;
Sebastian Rahtz (of course!) speaking this time on bibliographies
in general and Bib\TeX\ in particular;
and David Rhead from Nottingham University, talking on BiB\TeX\ styles.

The meeting will be held in
Room C120
Clare Market Building
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2

It will commence at 10.30$\,$am,
with coffee available from 10$\,$o'clock.
There will be breaks for lunch and tea --- it is expected that the meeting
will finish around 4.30$\,$pm.
There will be a charge for the meeting
of \quid12 for members of \uktug,
and \quid17 for non-members.
Details and booking form are provided overleaf.
A membership form is also enclosed for those who are not already
a member, and who wish to join \uktug.

A map of the vicinity is enclosed.
%%  Carol to send map to Peter for inclusion in the mailing?
The nearest underground stations
to the London School of Economics (LSE) are
Holborn (Central and Piccadilly lines), and Temple (District and
Circle lines). Directions are as follows:
\desc{From Holborn:}
Leave the station by the automatic gates immediately in front of you as
you come off the escalators. Turn left and walk down Kingsway to
Aldwych at the far end. Turn left into Aldwych, and left again into Houghton

\desc{From Temple:}
Turn left as you leave the station, up some steps, and cross
the road. Walk up the Arundel Street hill straight ahead of you,
which joins the junction of Strand and Aldwych at the top.
Use the various crossings
to get across Strand and Aldwych, then turn left along Aldwych
and right into Houghton Street.

\desc{By car:}
There are various public car parks in the Covent Garden area, to the
west of Kingsway.
Also near Charing Cross and the Savoy, just south of the Strand.
One presumes that having negotiated London this far by car,
that finding Houghton Street from the car park will be a breeze!
Houghton Street is transformed part-way along into the
LSE pedestrian precinct.
Clare Market Building is the last (second) building entrance
on the right.
Room C120 is on the first floor, but should be signposted from the entrance.

\centerline{THE UK \TeX\ USERS GROUP}
\centerline{Meeting on Bibliographies and Indexing: 21st February 1990}
\centerline{BOOKING FORM}
For members of \uktug,
there will be a charge for the meeting of \quid12
to cover room hire and refreshments, including a buffet lunch.
Non-members must pay \quid17.
I wish to attend the fourth one-day \uktug\ meeting at the London School
of Economics on 21st February 1990:
$$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace
\tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr
\multispan{2}\strut Name:         \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut Organisation: \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut Address:      \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut               \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut               \hrulefill                          \cr
Telephone: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}&
                                 Email: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr
$$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut\hskip2in#\enspace\hfil
\tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hfil\tabskip=0pt\cr
% Car parking space required:                                &\hfil \yn \cr
% \noalign{\smallskip}
Payment enclosed$^\dagger$                         &\hfil \yn \cr
\llap{or~}purchase order number$^\ddagger$ &
                                            \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr
\hfill Signed: &                            \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr
\hfill Date:   &                            \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr
\desc{Notes:\ \ $^\dagger$}
Payment for the meeting will be \quid12 for members
of \uktug, and \quid17 for non-members.
If you are not already a member,
details are provided in the attached membership form.
Payment for membership and the meeting fee may be combined on
one cheque, made payable to `\Uktug'.
\desc{\phantom{Notes:\ \ }$^\ddagger$}
A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative
method of payment, but will attract a \quid5 surcharge on the amount due.
Please send this completed booking form
(and membership form as appropriate), together with your payment, to:
\centerline{THE UK \TeX\ USERS GROUP}
\centerline{MEMBERSHIP FORM}}
The annual fee for membership
of \uktug\ is \quid15. In this first `year', membership will extend
until December 31st 1990.
Membership allows a \quid5 reduction in the admission charge
per meeting.
$$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace
\tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr
\multispan{2}\strut Name:         \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut Organisation: \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut Address:      \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut               \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut               \hrulefill                          \cr
Telephone: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}&
                                 Email: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr
\omit\quid15 membership fee enclosed$^1$\quad \yn \hfill &
\llap{or\quad}purchase order number$^2$\quad                          \cr
Signed:\quad &                   Date:\quad                           \cr
\desc{Notes:\ \ $^1$}
Cheques should be made payable to `\Uktug'.
\desc{\phantom{Notes:\ \ }$^2$}
A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative
method of payment, but will attract a \quid5 surcharge on the amount due.
Please send this completed membership form together with payment to:
%and nominations, to:

Each member of \uktug\ may make nominations for the chairman of
\uktug, and up to six other committee members
(nominating oneself will not be valid).
Elections for these offices will take place at the meeting
on 11th October 1989 at Aston University.
Please enter your nominations below:
$$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace
\tabskip=1em plus 3em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr
\multispan2\strut Chairman: \hrulefill\cr
\noalign{\noindent Committee Members:}
\hbox to .45\hsize{\hrulefill}& \hbox to .45\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr
                             &                              \cr
                             &                              \cr

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