UKTeX V90 #04       Friday 9 February 1990 

                     Formatting computer output in Latex
                          ln03 driver source wanted?
                            Extra maths TeX fonts
                           Where can find $\ldots$
                                 OzTeX future
                          Amiga TeX - advice, please
Editor Peter Abbott

Once again I must apologise for a missed UKTeX. Last week we had a disk
fault and the archive disk was lost. Since I use the same disc for the 
preparation and despatch of UKTeX I was unable to start looking at the messages
until last Monday. Also I received a large number of error messages since
the mail software could not find the files to send.

Hopefully everything is now back to normal and there is an issue scheduled for
next Friday. 

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #15
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N3                      


From: Sebastian P Q Rahtz <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 90 10:59:19 gmt
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To: <>

 > UKTeX Bulletins seem to contain a mixture of queries, some
 > obviously meant for a general audience and others aimed specifically
 > at the archive support group. Would it not be better if the latter
 > were filtered out, or put in the bulletin with an answer? - I
 > presume the people closely involved with TeX support are sending
 > messages between themselves much more frequently than Bulletins.
its all a question of manpower, isn't it. Who is to spend the time
filtering the questions? Peter already does a lot of pre-parsing of
material and getting answers from the archive group - uktex could be
much fuller of questions! generally speaking, the intention is to
include questions and answers that may be of general interest

 > There seems a need for a file on the archive called
 > "new users start here", since much of the traffic in the
 > bulletin describes updates ... but to what?
this is a personal opinion, but I regard the archive's priority as
getting the stuff available to people who already know TeX. Obviously
if we had time, it would be great to support first-time users to a
much greater extent, but I feel that this is a job better done by
either institutional support or by commercial vendors.
 > dvi2lj works well with our Kyocera, but on a QMS in LJ+ mode
 > gave typewriter like characters which obviously did not fit
 > the font metric, so successive words overlapped.
I'd blame your QMS...... but people do have problems with that driver.
I use it with a Hewlett-Packard genuine LJII, and have no problems.
Have you tried Beebe drivers?

 > with TurboTeX (Kinch computing). Is there now any consensus on
 > a simple way to drive a PC PostScript printer with the PostScript
 > fonts?
consensuses, like standards, are not always a good thing.... but I
tend to agree this situation is a message. I would recommend a new
user to acquire dvitops for the PC, and add on Piet van Oostrum's
system of LaTeX style-options for different font-families.

one problem is that Knuth undoubtedly recommends the use of the new
virtual font format to solve the TeX-PostScript encoding differences
(he personally hacked Rokicki's dvips to do the job), so it may well
be that the situation will change this year.

The rewrite of LaTeX will also change things.


Sebastian Rahtz


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 29 Jan 90  13:08 GMT
Via: UK.AC.DURHAM.EASBY; Mon, 29 Jan 90  13:04 GMT
From: Martin Ward <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 90 13:04:07 GMT
Message-Id: <>

Has anyone successfully compiled Metafont (using Web-to-C) on a Sun3 using
gcc? All my attempts lead to the following error when I attempt to
load cmbase:

./inimf \&plain cmbase '\\dump'
This is METAFONT, C Version 1.7 (INIMF)
! An expression can't begin with `;'.
<inserted text> 
<to be read again> 
l.604 rulepen:=pensquare;
? x
Transcript written on cmbase.log.

It compiles and works ok if I use the SUN C compiler (but I'd like to
have the extra speed gcc gives).


OR:  UUCP:...!mcvax!ukc!easby!martin


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 29 Jan 90  14:04 GMT
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Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9970; Mon, 29
          Jan 90 14:00:08 GM
Received: from FRCITL71(YANNIS) by UKACRL (Mailer X1.25) id 9663;
          Mon, 29 Jan 90 14:00:06 GM
From:     yannis@EARN.FRCITL71
Date:     01/29/90  1458.4 fwt Mon
Subject:  mf

Dear M. Abbott,
here are the error messages I got while trying to mf cmr10 and io:
(please read a "sharp" sign instead of *, my keyboard has no sharp sign
Memory before allocation :   602506
Memory after allocation  :   21832
This is MacMETAFONT, Version 1.4.1 (no base preloaded)
( ( ( (
The letter A [65*** MPW Shell - MEGATEK 20+:MPW:Tools:mf aborted.
Unable to swap in Shell segment.
Memory before allocation :   600928
Memory after allocation  :   217778
This is MacMETAFONT, Version 1.4.1 (no base preloaded)
The letter O [79*** MPW Shell - MEGATEK 20+:MPW:Tools:mf aborted.
Unable to swap in tool segment.
Also I get the error message "I can't read MF.POOL." everytime
I run INIMF.
Could you tell me what's wrong? I'm working on a Mac Plus, 20 Mega,
is it perhaps a problem of RAM or could the floppie you send me
be damaged by the post?
My e-mail address is  yannis -at frcitl71.bitnet
Thank you very much for your help
Sincerely yours,
Yannis Haralambous


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 29 Jan 90  17:00 GMT
Via: UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX; Mon, 29 Jan 90  16:55 GMT
Date:           Mon, 29 Jan 90  16:55 GMT
From:           Jocelyn Paine <POPX@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX>
Subject:        Formatting computer output in Latex/subscription to UKTeX

I wonder whether somebody could help with a Latex
problem. It concerns formatting of computer output. I'm
writing a book in which I need to include figures
containing logs of annotated computer output and user

The usual way to do this would be to use 'verbatim',
putting a verbatim environment inside a 'figure'
environment, and embedding the log inside that.
However, I want to distinguish between output and
input, by placing them in different typefaces. I can
make my program mark the beginning and end of each line
of output, by putting special characters before and
after. So what I'd like is this kind of thing:
    \op{$} CALCULATE
    \op{:} 2 + 2 =>
    \op{4 :}
    \op{:} 3 * 7 =>
    \op{21 :} exit;
    \op{$} LOGOUT
where what's enclosed in \op{...} is to be italicised
(say) to indicate that it's a prompt, or reply, or some
other kind of output, and everything else is assumed to
be input and left alone. For this to maintain column
alignment, both typefaces will have to be non
proportionally-spaced, as \tt is now.

The example above didn't demonstrate annotation. I need
this to comment on what the user and program are doing:
    \annotate{The dollar prompt shows we're talking to
              the operating system. Now, call the
              calculator program.}
    \op{$} CALCULATE
    \op{:} 2 + 2 =>
    \op{4 :}
    \annotate{And the answer was 4, as you'd expect.}
    \op{:} 3 * 7 =>
    \op{21 :} exit;
    \annotate{The user, thoroughly bored, returns to
              the joys of VMS.}
    \op{$} LOGOUT

I'd be very grateful for any suggestions. Incidentally,
some of these logs will be long, and may need to split
over several pages.

+ Jocelyn Paine                                                           +
+                                                                         +
+ JANET:                                            +
+ BITNET:                                      +
+ INTERNET:                         +
+ UUCP:      Please don't. Our site won't subscribe.                      +
+ Smail:     Experimental Psychology Department,                          +
             South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD, UK.                        +
+ Phone:     Oxford (0865) 271444 (Messages only).                        +


Received: from by; Mon, 29 Jan 90 19:39:46 GMT
From: Sebastian P Q Rahtz <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 90 19:38:31 gmt
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Item for UKTeX

 > Has anyone successfully compiled Metafont (using Web-to-C) on a Sun3 using
 > gcc? All my attempts lead to the following error when I attempt to
yes, I run a gcc-compiled Metafont on a Sun 3 and have done so for
about 18 months. in fact, MF 1.9 will only compile using gcc at present.

which gcc do you have? I am running 1.36. 



Date: 29 Jan 90  19:36:42 gmt
From: G.Toal @
Subject: ln03 driver source wanted?
Message-ID: <29 Jan 90  19:36:42 gmt  050348@EMAS-A>

Hello friends,
   I've been asked to get a ln03 laser (not postscript) running on
a machine which *isn't* vax/vms...  I don't know much about ln03's
except that they are Dec printers -- and I have a terrible suspicion
that if I can find a driver for it, it will be highly VMS specific!?

I'd be delighted if someone can prove me wrong :-) Could anyone who
knows of the source (pref C, possibly Pascal) of an ln03 driver please
mail me? (Or post a short note here if mail bounces which it often does)

I can fetch files via janet ftp & arpa ftp, and by mail elsewhere.

Many thanks,
    Graham Toal <>

PS. In the dim & distant past I remember seeing postings about ln03s...
Are they troublesome, even if you have a driver that works? Any tips
would also be appreciated.


Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 9767; Thu, 01
          Feb 90 13:55:22 GM
Received: from FRCITL71(YANNIS) by UKACRL (Mailer X1.25) id 5336;
          Thu, 01 Feb 90 13:55:11 GM
From:     yannis@EARN.FRCITL71
Date:     02/01/90  1454.0 fwt Thu
Subject:  to forwrd please

abbottp -at    (on Janet)
Dear M. Abbott,
I don'n know if you have received my previous message,
 it seems that we have e-mail problems here in Lille...
The problem I told you about on the phone, has been solved by using
a IICx instead of a Mac-Plus.But I have some new questions:
1. The syntax for MAKEFONT is MAKEFONT+xxx.nnnGF+number, what does this
   number means ?
2. How can produce screen fonts for Textures (for the moment I don't see
   on the screen what I get, but I get it well printed...)
3. Which is the right mode_def for the Apple Laserwriter ?
Thank you very much, I hope I don't take too much of your time (if I get
MacMF really running I promise I will write a User Guide, so that future
Users will not bother you with questions of the kind...)
Yannis Haralambous

Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Mon, 5 Feb 90  17:21 GMT
Via: UK.AC.YORK.VAXB; Mon, 5 Feb 90  17:18 GMT
Date:           Mon, 5 Feb 90  17:17 GMT
From:           MMD1@UK.AC.YORK.VAXB
Subject:        Extra maths TeX fonts

Dear Peter,

     We have recently started using TeX on the University VAX. The University 
only has PlainTeX but we would like to use the extra maths fonts called msym7, 
msym10, msxm5, etc. It appears that these fonts are not available on our system 
and we wondered if you could help us.  We know that these fonts are available 
on a Unix system (in Southampton) but we dont know of anyone who has them on a

     We would be grateful for any advice and look forward to hearing from you.

                Best wishes

                 Maurice Dodson 

Tel 0904-433098

Dept of Mathematics
University of York


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Tue, 6 Feb 90  14:50 GMT
Via: UK.AC.UKC; Tue, 6 Feb 90  14:48 GMT
Received: from by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK   with UUCP  id aa23694;
          6 Feb 90 14:03 GMT
Received: from by; Tue, 6 Feb 90 08:35:46 GMT
From: Martin Tomes <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 90 08:37:22 GMT
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Where can find $\ldots$

I am trying to set up TeX and so far I have got TeX, LaTeX and
metafont working.  I have downloaded dvi3ps from Aston and this also
works well.  What I would like to know is where can I get the font
metric files for the builtin PostScript fonts for which there is a
directory and Makefile but no tfm files?  The documentation which
comes with dvi3ps says:

>    - Adobe fonts and TeX fonts have very different coding  convensions.
>      The  above  listed  TFM files were already re-arranged to meet TeX
>      convension.  In a standard TeX distribution,  one  can  also  find
>      many  other  TFM  files for Adobe fonts (such as Times-Roman.tfm).
>      These are not hacked yet.

I have installed the tfm files which came in the tex82 tape.  Although
the basic character spacing looks OK the ligatures are not printed at
all.  How do I persuade TeX to output character codes which use the
ligatures which are in the PostScript character set and individual
characters where they are not?

Martin Tomes

Janet:    | Eurotherm Limited, Faraday Close,
Internet:    | Durrington, Worthing, W.Sussex, England.
UUCP:     {ukc,uunet}!etherm!mt00 | Phone: +44 903 68500  Fax: +44 903 65982


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Wed, 7 Feb 90  13:26 GMT
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          Feb 90 13:10:51 GM
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          7827; Wed, 07 Feb 90 13:10:36 G
Received: by BLIULG11 (Mailer R2.05) id 1031; Wed, 07 Feb 90 14:10:50 +0100
Date:     Wed, 07 Feb 90 14:02:28 +0100
From:     SCHNEIDERS Jean-Pierre <U219404@EARN.BLIULG11>
Subject:  OzTeX future

Dear Sir,
I am interested in producing a better version of OzTeX for use at my
University. I have already a prototype version which supports printing
on non PostScript devices (HP DeskWriter) and I would like to continue
the work on this program during my spare time. Could you tell me if other
people are interested in such a work or there are already some
programmers working on the subject.
Thanking You beforehand for your answer, I remain sincerely Yours,
                                          Jean-Pierre Schneiders
                                          Charge de Recherches F.N.R.S.
                                          Liege University
                                          Avenue des Tilleuls, 15
                                          B4000 LIEGE
                                          U219404 at BLIULG11.BITNET


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Thu, 8 Feb 90   8:31 GMT
Received: from by; Wed, 7 Feb 90 18:07:19 GMT
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 90 18:04:36 gmt
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Amiga TeX - advice, please

any Amiga people out there? It would be nice to have some advice for
the following TeXer as to the current best bargain/source for an Amiga
TeX setup. Sadly, we don't have a copy at Aston, so we cant send him

 > I was making enquiries with Lancs.pdsoft about getting TeX for the
 > Amiga and was told that you keep the archives in Aston. I wonder if
 > it would be possible to send me all of them. I would appreciate
 > this very much.
 >   Stuart C.Smith

Sebastian Rahtz
pp aston archive


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Thu, 8 Feb 90  13:43 GMT
Via: [000052500001.SPCP.FTP.MAIL.ISOCEPT]; Thu, 8 Feb 90  13:42 GMT
Date:     Thu, 08 Feb 90 13:37:24 BST
From:     ST3526059 @ UK.AC.OXFORD-POLY.PRIME-A

Reply address:- ST3526059@OXPOLY.A

Dear Mr Abbott,

Please could you help me with some problems that I'm having with my dow
nloaded version of DosTex.

Firstly, the screen previewer called DVI2HERC.EXE that comes with it
only seems to be able to open a maximum of 14 font files when being run
no matter how large the 'files' or 'buffers' statement in my CONFIG.SYS
As an example, I altered the SAMPLE.TEX file to include a number of
displayed formulas which require a fair number of fonts to display.
This is rather worrying, having such a file limit as I intend to
use LaTex to process alot of mathematical expressions.

Secondly, the epson printer driver also doesn't like it when I include
a number of maths formulas ( I mean only four or five which isn't many)
. When DVIEPS.EXE is running it usually crashes by saying that it couldn't
allocate a number of words of raster space or that it couldn't allocate
memory to loadchar(x) where x is an integer, after which the message
'cannot execute COMMAND system halted' appears, thereby necessitating
CTRL-ALT-DEL to re-boot. Not allowing fonts to be preloaded using the
relevant switch doesn't improve matters for either DVIEPS.EXE or
DVI2HERC.EXE, infact not allowing fonts to be preloaded with DVI2HERC.EXE
makes the screen draw scattered lines across the top of the screen whilst
previewing text.

Also with DVIEPS.EXE should it accept an input file and process it then
usually halts the system after closing the last ']' and again I have to
use CTRL-ALT-DEL to get out of it. However should the document be short
ie, about 1 page, then it processes without a problem printing a [OK]
messge after completion. The only way around it that I can think of is
by DVIEPS'ing every page of the dvi file separately which is very tedious
and time consuming and doesn't always work (surprise, surprise!!).
It seems as if the two programs in question don't free-up any memory
after finishing a page, and thats without any cross-referencing or BIBTEX

DVIEPS.EXE, also seems to have another bug which is only noticable on
the printed text. What happens is that at the same physical position on
every page DVIEPS.EXE fails to put a space between two lines resulting
in what looks like one line printed halfway over another.

If you could see if any of your colleagues involved with TeX could help
me I'd be very grateful indeed as I'm going out of my mind trying to
figure out what to do.

Also if these are widely recognised bugs then could you tell me of any
other previewers and espon printer drivers availble on the archive that will
run under ms-dos.
The only previewer that I've seen is called DVIEW but unfortunately takes
3MB of disk space which I can't spare.
Do you know of any dvi to postscript drivers that are suitable for

As a last note LaTex processed all input TEX files without any problems.
My system details are as follows:- 386 20MHz PC with 575K of free memory
although I'll be adding another 1MB shortly.
All enviroment 'SET' commands have be implemented in my AUTOEXEC.BAT file

Many thanks for your help!!!

Paul Gale

!!   Files of interest 
!!      [tex-archive]000aston.readme           [tex-archive]000directory.list
!!      [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list   [tex-archive]000directory.size
!!      [tex-archive]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.99 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 
!! 25 July 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes.
!! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!! SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue