UKTeX V90 #08 Friday 16 March 1990 UKTeX V90 #07 TeX-scissors PostScript preview (for UKTEX) Gnu Plot version 2 Proof environment message dvitovdu in C (UKTeX V90 #06) dvitovdu in C (UKTeX V90 #06) Enhancement to TeXserver at Aston University Editor Peter Abbott Apologies once again for the delay, this time it was nothing to do with the hardware. I was unavailable last Friday or yesterday. Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #30 Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N4 (in 2 parts) ------------------------- Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Fri, 9 Mar 90 17:01 GMT Via: UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.MATHEMATICS; Fri, 9 Mar 90 16:59 GMT Received: from by; Fri, 9 Mar 90 16:59:18 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 16:57:25 gmt Message-Id: <> In-Reply-To: <> Subject: UKTeX V90 #07 > From: Christoph Viebahn <UMV200@EARN.DBNRHRZ1> > Subject: TeX-scissors > > My search for the symbol of a pair of scissors (intended to replace > "please cut here" at perforation lines) has so far been unsuccessful > within the German TeX-community. Could you give me an indication > how I could get hold of it or how to do it myself (not a TeX- wizzard)? If you use a PostScript printer, you will find an excellent pair of scissors in the Zapf Dingbats font, which is easy to access from TeX if you have a suitable Dvi driver. Otherwise, I am sure I recall scissors in a back issue of TUGboat. If you can get access to back issues, read there. It won't be easy, tho, to create it in Metafont if this is your first go with it Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Fri, 9 Mar 90 17:20 GMT Via: UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.MATHEMATICS; Fri, 9 Mar 90 17:18 GMT Received: from by; Fri, 9 Mar 90 17:18:35 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 17:16:43 gmt Message-Id: <> In-Reply-To: <> Subject: PostScript preview > you. Have you ever heard of a previewer which is capable of previewing > LaTeX and a Postscript picture included in the LaTeX via \special{psfile=...} in principle, as you say, its easy. In practice, few people seem to have done the work. The ones I know of are for NeXT (Display PostScript) and for GoodNeWS (the Turing Institute's enhancement of NeWS). The latter is the easiest to try out - if you dont have goodnews, then get back to me. If you get a decent dvi to PS program that generates EPS (such as dvitops), you can often just hurl pages at NeWS. Forget about CM fonts, tho. Contact (Les Carr) for further discussion. Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.MATHEMATICS; Sat, 10 Mar 90 13:47 GMT Received: from by; Sat, 10 Mar 90 13:44:17 GMT From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Date: Sat, 10 Mar 90 13:42:13 gmt Message-Id: <> Subject: (for UKTEX) Gnu Plot version 2 I have just installed the new version of gnuplot (2.0) at Aston. This brings together the threads of the old gnuplot, and the variant gnutex. A brief description follows. The files may be found in [tex-archive.gnuplot] at Aston. Sebastian Rahtz ----------------- What is Gnuplot? - -------------------- Gnuplot is a command-line driven interactive function plotting utility for UNIX, MSDOS, and VMS platforms. The software is free. It was originally intended as graphical program which would allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data. Additions to this version of the software allow production of publication quality plots and data graphs. Gnuplot supports many different types of terminals, plotters, and printers and is easily extensible to include new devices. Gnuplot Features: Free! Cartesian and Polar plots. Logscale graphs. Intelligent Tic spacing. Optional Autoscaling. Support for complex numbers. VMS-like online help. User-definable functions and variables. All the builtin functions C,FORTRAN,BASIC provides. All the unary and binary operators supported by C, and more. MANY formatting features, such as labels, grids, and arrows. Support for Saving and Loading work in progress. Command line subsitution. And lots more.... ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA; Tue, 13 Mar 90 12:21 GMT Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 10:19:31 From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA> Subject: Proof environment Resent-Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 12:18:51 Resent-From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP @ SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA> From Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England. Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM Martin Ward asks how to set up a `Proof' environment. What you want is \trivlist. The following is what I am using in my book. It uses a general purpose envt-producing command to set up the style, which can be used on things other than Proofs too: \def\newthing#1#2#3#4#5{\newenvironment{#1}{#3 \trivlist \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #2}]}{#4\endtrivlist#5}% } \def\QED{{\unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50 \hskip 5pt \hbox{}\nobreak\hfil \vrule height 1.2ex width 1.1ex depth -.1ex \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0 \par}} \newthing{Proof}{Proof}{\medbreak}{\QED}{\aftergroup\medbreak} \newthing{Definition}{Definition}{\medbreak}{}{\aftergroup\medbreak} then \begin{Proof} This is obvious, but too difficult to even contemplate proving. \end{Proof} Mike. ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Thu, 15 Mar 90 11:54 GMT Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; Thu, 15 Mar 90 11:51 GMT Received: from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3532; Thu, 15 Mar 90 11:49:33 GM Received: from FRCITL71(YANNIS) by UKACRL (Mailer X1.25) id 6911; Thu, 15 Mar 90 11:49:33 GM From: yannis@EARN.FRCITL71 Date: 03/15/90 1000.1 fwt Thu Subject: message Could you please help me, I have the following problem: I recently bought L-AmS-TeX which is very interesting but requires at least 3000 controlsequence names. Together with my own greek, cyrillic and other, I maybe will be needing even more than 3500 such. My version of OzTeX only goes up to 2500 of them. What should I do? (no programming experience). I'm working on a Mac SE/30 with 5Mb RAM. Thank you in advance for your help yannis haralambous ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Thu, 15 Mar 90 16:49 GMT Via: UK.AC.UKC; Thu, 15 Mar 90 16:45 GMT Received: from lena by kestrel.Ukc.AC.UK with UUCP id aa14132; 15 Mar 90 15:19 GMT Received: from kernel by lena with netmail(8.73); Thu Mar 15 14:26:46 GMT 1990 From: Mark J Hewitt <> Date: Thu, 15 Mar 90 14:20:24 (GMT) Message-Id: <> Subject: dvitovdu in C (UKTeX V90 #06) Peter, This got bounced from info-tex@aston. Do you have some problems there? /mjh *************************************************************************** Editor - Digital have accepted that there is a problem in forwarding mail if the original recipient has a - (info-tex). I have a temporary cure to test but in the meantime infotex is as good. *************************************************************************** Date: Mon, 12 Mar 90 08:30:08 EST From: mjh Subject: dvitovdu in C (UKTeX V90 #06) Sebastian, Glad you like DVItoVDU in C (regards to Terry Riley!) Sorry about the (slight) non-portability in the makefile: The code itself should be very portable as we have run it on a variety of USG and BSD machines. The GCC stuff was necessary on our Sequent because the native compiler is as flakey as a pie crust (just my opinion - no slight intended!). GCC is *much* better. As you will have noticed, the trailing dependency rules were automatically generated - maybe there should be a `make depend' which constructs them specifically for each site. Roll on the next release! If you use the `fixincludes' script in your GCC distribution (we run 1.37 if I recall correctly), then you will get the gcc-include directory (wherever you want it) and you will not need the `-traditional' flag. Mark J. Hewitt bangpath: ...!ukc!kernel!mjh JANET: voice: (+44) 532 444566 other: fax: (+44) 532 425456 old style: paper: Kernel Technology Ltd, Development Centre, 46 The Calls, Leeds, LS2 7EY, West Yorkshire, UK ------------------------ Via: UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS; Fri, 16 Mar 90 18:22 GMT Date: Fri, 16 MAR 90 18:18:10 GMT From: TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS Subject: Enhancement to TeXserver at Aston University Actually-to: <ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.TEX> Sender: JANET"TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS" <TEX@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS> Message-Id: <00000864_00118588.00933C723A034EA0$16_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS> Acknowledge-to: RMCS TeX Account Originally-to: ABBOTTP Originally-from:TEX "RMCS TeX Account" Mailer: Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 ) A slight enhancement has been made to the TeX-archive mail server at Aston University (<TeXserver@Uk.Ac.Aston.TeX>). You mail will now undergo preliminary processing as soon as it is received; this processing: i) Verifies that your message contains a line starting with --- ii) Checks that the next line contains an RFC-822 address (it doesn't validate this, however!) iii) Determines whether the next line contains a valid TeXserver command iv) In the case of a FILES command, verifies that all requested files are capable of being sent to you. If any of these checks fail, you will be sent a message saying what was wrong. On the other hand, if everything checks out OK, you'll be sent a message confirming that your request has been received, and the request will then join the queue of jobs awaiting service by the main batch job. These receipts are sent to you by REPLYing to the incoming mail; no use is made of the return address in the body of your message: it is hoped that at some future time we can eliminate the requirement for you to provide this item in your requests. The `Where am I' service, available by sending a message with that as the *Subject* to <Rmcs_TeX@Uk.Ac.Aston.TeX>, has also been enhanced: as well as replying to you with the form of address to put in your TeXserver requests, also now sends a HELP request to TeXserver on your behalf. You should therefore receive: i) The reply from Rmcs_TeX, quoting your return address ii) A receipt to the TeXserver HELP request iii) The standard (English) help from TeXserver; this may take some time to arrive. Brian {Hamilton Kelly} (p.p. Aston Archivists) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + JANET: + + BITNET: + + INTERNET: + + UUCP: ...!mcvax!!tex + + OR ...!ukc!!tex + + Smail: School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military + + College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K. + + Phone: Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International) + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------ !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.99 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7 !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 25 July 1989 (from !! !! FTP access site !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue