UKTeX V90 #10       Friday 30 March 1990 

                        Re: byte ordering in CM fonts
                            XDVI, CWEB, PS drivers
                               typo in sfb.sty
            Drawing Feynman diagrams in TeX/METAFONT or Postscript
                               Washington tape
                      web2c version of TeX 3.0 released

Editor Peter Abbott

I have a cheque and labels from Dr Francesc Cornellas, Barcelona, Spain but
no information on what to send from the archive.

I have a cheque and details of items required from Gustav Jeppesen, Denmark
but no return address.

Queries to this digest are now circulated to the group responsible for
maintaining the archive so that where possible answers can be included. The
routing software has recently been revised and in some cases the originator
cannot be identified. Hopefully this will not occur again.

Note that Friday April 13 is Good Friday and there will be no UKTeX.

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #36 (but no 35 as yet)
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N4 (in 2 parts)                      


Subj:	TeX problems

 > Can you send me advice/help on the TeX progs available?
 > My first requirement is for a Hewlett Packard LaserJet Plus (actually
 > a C.ITOH clone). This is for a IBM PC TeX implementation.
 > More generally I'd like to put up TeX/METAFONT on a variety of our
 > systems (I'm trying to encourage wide use of TeX here!)

I'm not clear what the question is. are you asking for drivers, or TeX
itself, or what? the second question is, can you do FTP from Aston? or
have you used the mail server already. you need to be more specific...
there is a LOT of TeX stuff around.

sebastian rahtz


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Wed, 28 Mar 90  16:31 BST
Date:		Wed, 28 MAR 90 16:30:33 BST
Subject:        Re: byte ordering in CM fonts


David R Evans writes:

 > last time were caused by the dvi to PS programs not working correctly, but
 > I intend trying Rokiki's this time.  This one seems to work well enough for
 > our needs, except that we still get Computer Modern Symbol font rather than
 > the PostScript one -- has anyone solved this problem?

it depends on what you call a problem and on which version of
Rokicki you use. If you use TeX `version almost 3' with virtual fonts
you will find it easier to mix and match (should you wish to do so!).
if you mean that you want all the maths to use PS symbols, then you
have a fun job ahead! James Clark's dvitops starts to to it, but the
job is unsolvable in the simplest way, as Symbol doesn't have all the
characters you need. anyway, the question of font mapping is separate
from the drivers. how you build your LaTeX (I assume you are LaTeX not
plain) is the critical question...... it is certainly not worth
long-term work with the current system, as LaTeX 2.10 will use the new
font selection mechanism, which makes using PS fonts a lot easier, and
that (2.10) should be the default a year from now, I'd guess.



From:	CBS%UK.AC.GLASGOW.VMS2::GAGA50 30-MAR-1990 10:47:56.66
Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Fri, 30 Mar 90  10:47 BST
Via: [000071100041.FTP.MAIL]; Fri, 30 Mar 90  10:46 BST
Date:           Fri, 30 Mar 90   9:13 GMT
From:           "Tony J Ibbs (Tibs) 041-339-8855 x6649" <GAGA50@UK.AC.GLASGOW.VMS2>
Subject:        XDVI, CWEB, PS drivers

   In the last copy of UKTEX, you were asked if anyone was using the DECwindows
   previewer. If this is the same as that to be found in
   then I have been using it here (ie, at the University of Glasgow) on my
   VAXstation, and would appreciate a new version. If it isn't, I'm still

   I have just been compiling/linking CWEB under VMS. The change file for
   VMS seems to have gone missing (there should be a file
   which is not there). The README. file mentions two changes required to
   COMMON.C - in fact I found the following problems (if anyone cares:

	a) in COMMON.C the #define constant `format' clashes with the
	   internals of STDIO.H - just rename it to something else in

	b) in COMMON.C, it is assumed that if a change file is not
	   given, then the file "/dev/null" can be used. Under VMS
	   this should be changed to (for instance) "NL:".

	c) it is necessary to compile both CTANGLE.C and CWEAVE.C
	   using CC/INCLUDE=SYS$LIBRARY:, as VAX C does not quite
	   get its searching for include file right for cases like

			#include "ctype.h"

	NOTE that (b) solves the immediate problem of file names under
	     VMS - but some more general solution is necessary to cope
	     with VMS file names properly - the code assumes that it
	     can find whether an extension is present by looking for
	     a `.', so that directory names can cause things to go wrong
	     (mind you, will that work under UNIX with multiple dots being
	     legal in a file name?)

3) DVI to PostScript drivers

   A few months ago I obtained the VMS `working system' tape from you
   (for which many thanks). At the moment we do not have a universally
   available PostScript printer for the VAX cluster on which I have put
   TeX, but in the next couple of months we should have access to a
   `server' machine on the local IBM mainframe. This will make available
   the following process:

	PS file -> IBM PS translator -> 3820 laserprinter

   The IBM software claims to support full Adobe PostScript.
   As part of the testing of this system, I produced some test files using
   PSPRINT (in fact, PSPRINT/DEV=LW) and sent them to the relevant person
   to try the above sequence. Unfortunately it did not work - it seems that
   the translator read the file OK, and detected the setup data, output a
   header page, and that was that. I looked at the PS output by PSPRINT, and
   discovered that it does not conform to various things described as good
   practice by the PS Reference Manual - specifically, it does not start the
   file with the characters `%!', nor does it include any of those wonderful
   `meaningful comments' that start with `%%'. I gather the IBM translator
   DOES claim to cope with files that don't start `%!', but I do not have
   the expertise to try and work out what was wrong (and quite reasonably
   the person trying the data for me just said `well, everyone else's PS
   works alright' - everyone else being quite a few people in this case).
   So I began to look at other drivers from the archive.
   In the end I have found that DVItoPS was quick to get going and produces
   `pretty' PS, and its output works with no problems on the IBM. So I
   shall probably stick with that. But I have the following summary of what
   I found out about the other drivers, if it is any use (is there a better
   summary/list available? it seems that it would be a useful thing to have
   given the choice for UNIX sites in particular - and would it not be useful
   for developers as well?)
   Constructed at Aston, claims output on Apple LW, Linotron, DEC PS40
   Written in Modula-2 (so I can't compile it), but VMS executable available
   Lots of options, including landscape mode - these are VMS style qualifiers
   Poorly presented PS (doesn't follow the reference manual)
   Allows use of PS fonts
   Specials for (any type of PS) file inclusion

   UNIX and MS-DOC program, with VMS DIFFERENCE output for how to convert
   it to VMS - took me about two hours, including some extra changes they
   had not originally done (mainly to `environment variable' names)
   Written in C (so I had no problems)
   Relatively basic options, and UNIX style command line
   Allows use of PS fonts (I've not tried that yet)
   Specials for EPSF file inclusion, grey scale boxes, rotated text, ...
   Snags: Landscape mode is per-page - this is not really too good.

   I looked at this - it's simple, in C, lots of UNIX style switches,
   not much \special support, and doesn't look like pretty PS output.
   I didn't try to port it.

   This should be the `great hope' of drivers for PS, since it says it
   took the best of everything else. I read a lot of its code.
   It is strictly UNIX, but doesn't look as if it would need a great deal
   of porting (a sign of good code)
   It has lots of useful switches, including landscape mode
   Allows use of PS fonts
   Not much \special support (include files)
   Doesn't output the `standard' PS comments

   Written in C for UNIX
   Lots of switches
   Specials for EPSF (and other types of file) inclusion
   Allows use of PS fonts
   Good PS comment structure, and the comments can be suppressed (it says
   that some printers get confused by them)
   - But by this point I had PStoDVI and decided to wait until the output
     device was actually available properly before worrying further.
     If I had lots of time to spend on this (which I definitely don't) I
     would investigate DVIPS further - I may do so in the future if
     it looks like the local users require it.
   The other PS drivers didn't look as if they supported PK files, which
   all of the above do (I haven't noted which support other forms, because
   I'm not interested). If people care, I can send my modified DVItoPS to
   the archive, but it's in the traditional `I want to improve it later'
   state (unless someone else has already done so...)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tony J Ibbs (Tibs)
Department of Geography and Topographic Science
University of Glasgow
GLASGOW G12 8QQ				 Telephone: +41-339-8855 x6649
Scotland			Email - Janet (UK):
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Fri, 30 Mar 90  11:04 BST
Date:		Fri, 30 MAR 90 11:03:29 BST
Subject:        typo in sfb.sty

        In the file sfb.sty which I contibuted recently I've discovered
        a typo. For xxvpt the family used is \sffam, it should be \sfbfam.
        Johannes Braams


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Fri, 30 Mar 90  12:38 BST
Date:		Fri, 30 MAR 90 12:37:08 BST
Subject:        RE:

John ---

>	Can you help please, I tried to process the UKTEX.TEX set of files 
>with LaTeX but do not have TREE.STY. I cannot find it either in 
>TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX or TEX-ARCHIVE.DOC.LATEX. Our system library doesn't hold 
>it either. 

I have to confess, I don't know what `the UKTEX.TEX set of files' is!  Can you
confirm (or deny) that TREE.STY is Anne Bruggeman-Klein's tree-drawing macro
package ?

					** Phil.


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Fri, 30 Mar 90  15:04 BST
Date:		Fri, 30 MAR 90 15:04:26 BST

subject: uktex.tex
	Can you help please, I tried to process the UKTEX.TEX set of files 
with LaTeX but do not have TREE.STY. I cannot find it either in 
TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX or TEX-ARCHIVE.DOC.LATEX. Our system library doesn't hold 
it either. 
	If you could either tell me where to find it or mail it to me it 
would be useful. 
			Thanks for existing. 

			John Crookes


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Fri, 30 Mar 90  18:31 BST
Date:		Fri, 30 MAR 90 18:30:30 BST
Subject:        RE:
Originally-from:<SPQR@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS> writes:
 > >	Can you help please, I tried to process the UKTEX.TEX set of files 
 > >with LaTeX but do not have TREE.STY. I cannot find it either in 
 > >TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX or TEX-ARCHIVE.DOC.LATEX. Our system library doesn't hol
 > I have to confess, I don't know what `the UKTEX.TEX set of files'
 > is!  Can you confirm (or deny) that TREE.STY is Anne
 > Bruggeman-Klein's tree-drawing macro package ?

tree.sty is NOT Bruggeman-Klein, but another, simpler system

tree.sty should be [tex-archive.latex.contrib]trees.sty, a misspelling
appeared somewhere. my apologies

Sebastian Rahtz


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Sun, 1 Apr 90   4:53 BST
Date:		Sun,  1 APR 90 04:52:51 BST
Subject:        Drawing Feynman diagrams in TeX/METAFONT or Postscript

I am interested in producing Feynman diagrams in TeX or LaTeX documents.
I really need one of the following, therefore:

1. some METAFONT definitions together with, perhaps, some macros
   to allow them to be used reasonably easily;

2. some kind of a Feynman diagram compiler which takes a specification
   of some sort and produces Postscript as its output;

3. failing either of these, some raw Postscript procedures which
   draw useful things.

If anyone has anything along these lines that they'd be willing
to share, I'd be most grateful as I don't have time to write
any of these at the moment.

*Please* mail me if you do, as I don't always manage to read these groups.


Nick Radcliffe <>


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Sun, 1 Apr 90  23:09 BST
Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Sun, 1 Apr 90  23:08 BST
Received: from by sun.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id ac11081; 1 Apr 90 21:59 GMT
Received: from by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           via NSFnet with SMTP  id aa19392; 1 Apr 90 22:48 BST
Received: by (5.61/7.0jh)
	id AA28825; Sun, 1 Apr 90 15:00:45 -0700
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 15:00:45 -0700
From: Pierre MacKay <mackay@edu.washington.cs.june>
Return-Path: <>
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To:'s message of Mon, 26 MAR 90 08:33:50 GMT <>
Subject: Washington tape

Don just announced TeX3, and we have just finished getting enough
sites into Web2C compilation to make it worth it.  As soon as we verify
TeX 3 and Metafont 2, we will send one along.


Editor - I asked Pierre for a new tape as mine is dated July 1989 


Received: from by; Mon, 2 Apr 90 08:11:12 BST
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 08:09:19 gmt
Message-Id: <>
Subject: [for UKTEX please] web2c version of TeX 3.0 released

------- Start of forwarded message -------
Many people have asked when the work would be done to release the
`new' TeX for C compilation using Tim Morgan's `web2c' system, which
has become the standard way of compiling TeX under Unix. The work was
done before Christmas, but has been waiting for tests on a variety of
machines before general release. The official release of TeX 3.0 last
week coincides nicely with the release of the web2c work. A release
message from Karl Berry (the date of 1st April is a coincidence!) is
appended below, which notes that compressed tar archives of the web
sources and the web2c hierarchy are available at Aston. THIS IS A
SHORT-TERM MEASURE. After a few months, the archives will be
decomposed into their constituent parts and stored as plain files
only; for those who can only access the archive via the mail server,
the decomposed set is now in [tex-archive.tex.unixv3].

A complete new Unix release tape is not yet available, but tapes can
be written of parts of the archive. Please direct enquiries for tapes
to Peter Abbott.

Please test this release as widely as possible, and report bugs to
Karl Berry.

Sebastian Rahtz
- -------------------------------------------------------

Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 07:56:25 EDT

You can get the following files from [], in the
subdirectory pub:

They purport to make TeX 3.0, Metafont 2.0, and friends work on Unix

The files are also available to JANET sites with NIFTP from (username public, password public), as

They will be available shortly from [] and []

and probably other places, too. Look for a site near you!

(1) If you don't have tar and (un)compress, you have to get them.
(2) I strongly suggest you get the GNU C compiler and related software.
The number of bugs with gcc has been significantly smaller than that
with system C compilers.
(3) If you have to make changes to any files besides site.h and
Makefile, I want to know about them. Send me context diffs, and
ChangeLog entries if possible.

Although I ported the first ``new TeX'' (2.992), Tim Morgan is the
principal author of web2c.  Things that are broken now but didn't use to
be are almost certainly my fault!  (Or Knuth's :-).)  The following
people helped me test the distribution (in no particular order): Pierre
Mackay, Sebastian Rahtz, Ken Yap, Paul Eggert, Laurence Yaffe, Rusty
Wright, Richard Roy, and Brian Suggs.

Send me mail if you encounter trouble (sigh).

!!   Files of interest 
!!      [tex-archive]000aston.readme           [tex-archive]000directory.list
!!      [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list   [tex-archive]000directory.size
!!      [tex-archive]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.99 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 
!! 25 July 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes.
!! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!! SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue