UKTeX V90 #11       Friday 6 April 1990 

             TeXserver has had a hiccup :-< but is better now :-)
            Drawing Feynman diagrams in TeX/METAFONT or Postscript
                        Re: DVI to PostScript drivers

Editor Peter Abbott

I have a cheque and labels from Dr Francesc Cornellas, Barcelona, Spain but
no information on what to send from the archive.

I have a cheque and details of items required from Gustav Jeppesen, Denmark
but no return address.

Note that Friday April 13 is Good Friday and there will be no UKTeX.

Latest TeXhax in the Archive is #36 
Latest TeXmag in the Archive is V3N4 (in 2 parts)                      


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK; Mon, 2 Apr 90  12:56 BST
Date:		Mon,  2 APR 90 12:55:26 BST
Subject:        RE:

	From Fri Mar 30 14:44:02 1990
	Received: from southampton.ecs by; Fri, 30 Mar 90 14:43:57 -0100
	Received: from by; Fri, 30 Mar 90 13:53:44 BST
	From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
	Date: Fri, 30 Mar 90 13:51:45 gmt
	Message-Id: <>
	In-Reply-To: <>
	Subject: RE:
	 > >	Can you help please, I tried to process the UKTEX.TEX set of files 
	 > >with LaTeX but do not have TREE.STY. I cannot find it either in 
	 > >TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX or TEX-ARCHIVE.DOC.LATEX. Our system library doesn't hol
	 > I have to confess, I don't know what `the UKTEX.TEX set of files'
	 > is!  Can you confirm (or deny) that TREE.STY is Anne
	 > Bruggeman-Klein's tree-drawing macro package ?
	tree.sty is NOT Bruggeman-Klein, but another, simpler system
	tree.sty should be [tex-archive.latex.contrib]trees.sty, a misspelling
	appeared somewhere. my apologies
	Sebastian Rahtz
I am now sorted out and thanks for that. There is an enormous volume of ma
material in the archive. It would be good to be able to log onto it
interactively as with the pdsoft archive here at Lancaster. Any chance
of that coming ?
		Thanks again
				John Crookes
Editor - Planned but not yet available. 


Via: UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS; Wed, 4 Apr 90  19:23 BST
Date:		Wed,  4 APR 90 19:22:42 BST
Subject:        TeXserver has had a hiccup :-< but is better now :-)
Actually-to:    <ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.TEX>
Message-Id:     <0000064A_00128588.00934B6962E090C0$36_1@UK.AC.CRANFIELD.RMCS>
Reply-to:       Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <TeX@Uk.Ac.Cranfield.RMCS>
Originally-from:TEX          "Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <TeX@Uk.Ac.Cranfield.RMCS>"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.5 ( 13-OCT-1989 14:07:27 )

(For UkTeX)

The TeXserver experienced a problem between 30-MAR-1990 and 04-APR-1990.  I 
have only now been able to fix it, because my connection via Janet to Aston 
was sundered in the interim.

Somewhere in the system, a rogue mailer decided to start delivering the same 
request from a user at intervals of less than a minute: TeXserver honoured as 
many requests as it could before running out of workspace; the message 
continued to be delivered, and after the batch job had failed (late on the 
evening of Friday 30th), a further 3699 messages were delivered.

I've had to assume that all these were the same rogue messages, because by the 
time the receipts have been issued, I am unable to select messages based on 
the originator: they have all been deleted.  Therefore all requests received 
since Friday 30th may have been lost.  If you haven't received information 
requested, please request it again.  If you have received an acknowledgement, 
but not the information requested, I suggest that you too should request the 
information again.

(And if you think this is hard on you, pity the poor guy who kept on getting 
hundreds of copies of the files that he'd requested!)

Many apologies for this hiccup in the service

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.VAXA; Thu, 5 Apr 90  14:15 BST
Date:		Thu,  5 APR 90 14:15:38 BST
Subject:        Drawing Feynman diagrams in TeX/METAFONT or Postscript
Reply-To: (Nick Radcliffe),
                Aston TeX Archivists <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:30 Mar 90 16:55:16 GMT
Original-Ident: <> (Nick Radcliffe)

I am interested in producing Feynman diagrams in TeX or LaTeX documents.
I really need one of the following, therefore:

1. some METAFONT definitions together with, perhaps, some macros
   to allow them to be used reasonably easily;

2. some kind of a Feynman diagram compiler which takes a specification
   of some sort and produces Postscript as its output;

3. failing either of these, some raw Postscript procedures which
   draw useful things.

If anyone has anything along these lines that they'd be willing
to share, I'd be most grateful as I don't have time to write
any of these at the moment.

*Please* mail me if you do, as I don't always manage to read these groups.


Nick Radcliffe <>


Via: UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL; Fri, 6 Apr 90  14:17 BST
Received: from by; Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:16:11 BST
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 90 14:13:55 gmt
Message-Id: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: (for uktex) Re: DVI to PostScript drivers

Tony J Ibbs writes
 > 3) DVI to PostScript drivers

 >    DVItoPS
 >    UNIX and MS-DOC program, with VMS DIFFERENCE output for how to convert
 >    Relatively basic options, and UNIX style command line
`basic'? I'd have said it had a good set of options.

 >    Snags: Landscape mode is per-page - this is not really too good.
its not that tricky to put the \special in at the end of every page:
 >    DVIPS
 >    Good PS comment structure, and the comments can be suppressed (it says
 >    that some printers get confused by them)
note that though Rokicki's  PostScript is good, it isn't
perfect. At least two programs I use (`up' and `mpage') to produce `2
up' or `6 up' small pages on one physical sheet of paper fail with
dvips, but work perfectly with dvitops.

please also note that Rokicki already supports the new `virtual fonts'
now recommended by Knuth. These are a great boon for the PostScript
mapping problem.

 >    I'm not interested). If people care, I can send my modified DVItoPS to
 >    the archive, but it's in the traditional `I want to improve it later'
 >    state (unless someone else has already done so...)
the current release of DVITOPS in the archive has the VMS changes merged in by
the author

sebastian rahtz

!!   Files of interest 
!!      [tex-archive]000aston.readme           [tex-archive]000directory.list
!!      [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list   [tex-archive]000directory.size
!!      [tex-archive]000last30days.files
!! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.99 LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.7
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 
!! 25 July 1989 (from 
!!  FTP access site     
!!             username           public
!!             password           public
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes.
!! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!! SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage.
!!  Replies/submissions to     please
!!  distribution changes to   please 
!!   end of issue