UKTeX Digest                Fri, 18 May 90       Volume 90 : Issue  16

Sender: JANET"" (UKTeX) <>
Subject: UKTeX Digest volume 90 number 16
Date: Fri, 18 May 90 08:38:36
Moderator:       Peter Abbott
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax    #46
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXmag    V4 N1 (3 parts) Added 3 May 1990
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory

Today's Topics:

     TeXnical hitch with TeXserver --- normal service now resumed
                         (104) Archive query
       (115) babel system of style options, Beta-testers sought
                           (117) MFWARE.ENG
                          (125) TEXWARE.ENG
                             (127) pictex
                 (129) LaTeX page header conventions
                   (151) Hebrew TeX discussion list
           [For Uk-TeX] Re: PostScript fonts and ligatures
         english documentation for emTeX [for uktex] (2 msgs)
        For UK-TeX: ``Announcing TeX V3.0 for MS/DOS systems''
     For UK-TeX: ``Generating the 75 CM fonts for a 75 dpi VGA''
                            gftodvi for PC
                   Latex For Toshiba portable 1600
                  Problems using \markboth in LaTeX
                    Problem with BibTeX under VMS


Date: Thu, 17 MAY 90 17:52:52 BST
Subject: TeXnical hitch with TeXserver --- normal service now resumed


Due to a slight bug introduced when the format of messages mailed by the 
TeXserver was changed, following consumer feedback, the TeXserver has failed 
to mail out any request which involved small files, that should have been sent 
without being split.  This includes requests for HELP or many directory 
listing requests.  Large file transfers worked correctly, however.  

This applies to all requests between 20:53 on 11th May to 17:45 on 17th; a 
total of 242 messages failed before the problem was noticed, I'm afraid.  

The program has now been fixed, and the mailsplit system is now working 
correctly: would those users who failed to receive the requested information 
care to resubmit their requests, please.

Many apologies for this regrettable oversight,

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date: Fri, 11 MAY 90 16:39:32 BST
Subject: (104) Archive query

 > I have just got the eepic package from the TeX archive at Aston, but the
 > file fig2eepic.c in directory [TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX.CONTRIB.EEPIC.FIG2EEPIC]
 > seems to be missing. Do you know where I could get hold of a copy?
 >                 Martin (
fig2eepic is now part of the generic transfig package, which has
options to translate fig code into all sorts of things. If you don't
have transfig, it should be in [tex-archive.utils.transfig].

Sebastian Rahtz


Date: Sat, 12 MAY 90 15:54:26 BST
Subject: (111)
In-reply-to: <>
Subject: Re: TeX for SCO Xenix

 > I am interested in obtaining TeX / LaTeX that would run under
 > SCO XENIX or UNIX on a PC 386.
 > Could you please advise me if your Aston-Tex-Sources are 
 > appropriate for our configuration and how to get hold of them?
So far as I am aware, the standard Unix TeX distribution should work
under Xenix. Send a tape and postage to Peter Abbott as per
instructions at the end of every UKTeX, and ask for the Washington
Tape to be copied for you. If you don't have a C compiler, forget it.



Date: Mon, 14 MAY 90 21:00:48 BST
Subject: (115) babel system of style options, Beta-testers sought

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Mon, 14 May 90 21:46 MET
Originally-To:  TeX-NL@EARN.HEARN, InfoTeX@UK.AC.ASTON, TeXhax@
Original-Ident: <>
Originally-from:"Johannes L. Braams" <JL_Braams@NL.PTTRNL>
X-Serial:       00000115

    Hi all,
        I am pleased to announce the babel system of style options
        to be used with the standard LaTeX document styles.
        This system consists of any number of language-specific files
        and an underlying common file, babel.sty. The common file
        redefines various parts of the standard document styles,
        replacing english texts with macros. This macros are defined
        in the language-specific files I plan to publish this in TUGboat,
        but before I do so I would like some people to test it. Currently
        I have language-specific files for dutch (ofcourse), german,
        english and french. (For the german and french parts I used
        Hubert Partl's german.sty)
        An extra feature of this system is that it offers a possibility
        to switch between languages. Because it was written for TeX 2.x
        it doesn;t use any of its features, but I tried to use macronames
        which haven't become primitives.
        Anyone who likes to test this, please contact me.
        Please not that this is quite a different approach as the one
        discussed by Joachim Schrod in TUGboat Volume 11 No1. He describes
        a system where the actual LaTeX sources files are modified and a
        new .fmt file has to be built. All of that is not necessary to
        use my approach.
        Johannes Braams
PTT Research Neher Laboratorium,        P.O. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,                   The Netherlands.
Phone    : +31 70 3325051               E-mail :
E-mail was :
    EARN/BITnet : BRAAMS@HLSDNL5   UUCP        : hp4nl!dnlunx!johannes
    SURFnet     : DNLTS::BRAAMS    INTERnet    :
 PSS (DATAnet1) : +204 1170358::BRAAMS


Date: Tue, 15 MAY 90 17:31:09 BST
Subject: (117) MFWARE.ENG

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Tue, 15 May 90 14:18
Original-Ident: <15 MAY 1990 14:18:10 UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID>
Originally-from:Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-C at UCL) <UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID>
X-Serial:       00000117

Here is an English translation of MFWARE.DOC from emtex, done by
a member of CIX:
METAFONT and METAFONTware                                  VERSION: 21.02.1990
CHtoPX 1 [1e] (DOS & OS/2)
Converts chr files to pxl files (also see PXtoCH).
(pxl files are not used much.)
chtopx cmr10 newcmr10                   cmr10.chr  --> newcmr10.pxl
chtopx cmr10                            cmr10.chr  --> cmr10.pxl
chtopx                                  (it prompts for the file names)
GFtoDVI 1.7 [1e] (DOS & OS/2)
Produces proof prints from METAFONT output.
See the METAFONTBook, Chapter H.
Calling without command line arguments:
When called it will ask for the gf file. If the file name ends in
a /, GFtoDVI will ask for substitute fonts.
Calling with command line arguments: The first argument is the name of
the gf file. To replace the fonts, a / is added to the name.
The next arguments always occur in pairs and provide (in pairs) a
list of substitute fonts. An individual / at the end produces an
empty line in the input (then it will stop asking for replacements).
        gftodvi cmr10.300/ grayfont graylj slantfont slantlj /
Environment variable:
TEXTFM          for tfm files
Default directory:
\emtex\tfm      for tfm files
GFtoPK 1.4 [1f] (DOS & OS/2)
Convert the output from METAFONT to a packed font file.
gftopk cmr10                     -->
gftopk cmr10.300                        cmr10.300  -->
gftopk cmr10 newcmr10            -->
gftopk                                  (it prompts for the file names)
GFtoPXL 2.1 [1d] (DOS & OS/2)
Converts the output from METAFONT into a pxl font file.
(pxl files are not used much.)
gftopxl cmr10                    --> cmr10.pxl
gftopxl cmr10.300                       cmr10.300  --> cmr10.pxl
gftopxl cmr10 newcmr10           --> newcmr10.pxl
gftopxl                                 (it prompts for the file names)
GFtype 2.2 [1d] (DOS & OS/2)
Convert gf files to a readable form.
gftype cmr10                     --> con
gftype cmr10.300 cmr10                  cmr10.300  --> cmr10.gft
METAFONT 1.7 [2g] (DOS & OS/2)
Standard version:
mf    [options] [&base] [input_file] [MF commands]       (DOS; 8086/8088 CPU)
mf286 [options] [&base] [input_file] [MF commands]       (DOS; 80286 CPU)
mfp   [options] [^&base] [input_file] [MF commands]      (OS/2)
bigMETAFONT version:
bmf    [options] [&base] [input_file] [MF commands]      (DOS; 8086/8088 CPU)
bmf286 [options] [&base] [input_file] [MF commands]      (DOS; 80286 CPU)
bmfp   [options] [^&base] [input_file] [MF commands]     (OS/2)
On a computer equipped with an 80286 CPU (or 80386 or similar), 
mf286.exe can be used. This version of the program is smaller and
a little quicker. mf286.exe can be renamed to mf.exe when it is
required. If only an 8086/8086/80186/80188 CPU is available,
mf.exe must be used.
Graphical output is only possible with the following graphics adaptors:
    CGA, EGA, VGA.
The bigMETAFONT version offers four times the work space, but runs
more slowly and requires more meory. bigMETAFONT is an initial
version and is still under development.
/B      batchmode
/D      Do not use Expanded Memory (DOS).
/E      errorstopmode
/I      INIMF
/L      Set low priority, so that METAFONT only runs if the computer
        is not doing other things to improve response (OS/2 only)
/N      nonstopmode
/S      scrollmode
The options can be also be introduced with `-'.
If an input file is not given, the METAFONT commands must be initiated
with `\'.
        mf -s &cm \mode=hplaser; input myfont
        mf /i plain.ini
Environment variables:
MFBAS                   for bas files
MFINPUT                 for input files
Default directories:
\emtex\mfbases          mf.poo and bas files
\emtex\mfinput          for input files
bigMETAFONT uses the same environment variables and the same
default directories with the following exceptions:
BMFBAS                  for bas files
\emtex\bmfbases         mf.poo and bas files
MFT 0.3 [1d] (DOS & OS/2)
Format an mf file for the printer (it generates a TeX file).
Either one or four command line parameters. Default extensions:
        Input file      .mf
        Change file     .ch
        Style file      .mft
        Output file     .tex
If a Change file is not to be used, `nul' should be given.
PKtoGF 1.0 [1b] (DOS & OS/2)
Convert a pk file to a gf file.
pktogf cmr10                     -->
pktogf cmr10 newcmr10.300        --> newcmr10.300
pktogf                                  (it prompts for the file names)
PKtoPX 2.2 [1d] (DOS & OS/2)
Converts a pk file to a pxl file.
(pxl files are not used much.)
pktopx cmr10 newcmr10            --> newcmr10.pxl
pktopx cmr10                     --> cmr10.pxl
pktopx                                  (it prompts for the file names)
PKtype 2.2 [1b] (DOS & OS/2)
Converts pk files to readable form.
pktype cmr10                     --> con
pktype cmr10. cmr10                     cmr10.     --> cmr10.pkt
PXtoCH 1 [1e] (DOS & OS/2)
Converts a pxl file to a form which is readable, editable and 
(pxl files are not used much.)
pxtoch cmr10                            cmr10.pxl  --> cmr10.chr
pxtoch cmr10 x                          cmr10.pxl  --> x.chr
pxtoch                                  (it prompts for the file names)
PXtoPK 2.2 [1e]
Convert a pxl file to a pk file.
(pxl files are not used much.)
pxtopk cmr10                            cmr10.pxl  -->
pxtopk cmr10 xyz                        cmr10.pxl  -->
pxtopk                                  (it prompts for the file names)


Date: Tue, 15 MAY 90 18:48:44 BST
Subject: (125) TEXWARE.ENG

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Tue, 15 May 90 14:19
Original-Ident: <15 MAY 1990 14:19:06 UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID>
Originally-from:Wujastyk (on GEC 4190 Rim-C at UCL) <UCGADKW@UK.AC.UCL.EUCLID>
X-Serial:       00000125

Here is an English translation of TeXWARE.DOC from emtex, done by
a member of CIX:
emTeX, BibTeX and TeXware                                  VERSION: 21.02.1990
BibTeX 0.99c [1e] (DOS & OS/2)
Bibliography management for LaTeX.
    L.Lamport: LaTeX: A Document Preparation System
bibtex [file]
Environment Variables:
BIBINPUT                        bib files
TEXINPUT                        bst files
Default directories:
        \emtex\bibinput         bib files
        \emtex\texinput         bst files
DVItype 2.9 [1f] (DOS & OS/2)
Convert dvi files to readable form.
dvitype [dvi file]
The output is displayed on the screen.
Environment variable:
TEXTFM          for tfm files
Default directory:
\emtex\tfm      for tfm files
MakeIndx 2.4 (DOS & OS/2)
Index sorter for LaTeX.
Observe the requests in \emtex\doc\makeindx.cpy. The source code is
available from
        Eberhard Mattes
        Teckstr. 81
        D-7141 Mglingen
if a formatted diskette (HD), packing and return postage is sent.
Instructions are in \emtex\texinput\makeindx.tex.
PLtoTF 2.3 [1d] (DOS & OS/2)
Convert a pl file to a tfm file (See also TFtoPL).
pltotf cmr10 abc                 --> abc.tfm
pltotf cmr10                     --> cmr10.tfm
pltotf                                  (it prompts for the file names)
texchk (DOS & OS/2)
texchk [options] [files]
Syntax checker for LaTeX.
Detailed instructions are in \emtex\doc\texchk.doc.
-v      Displays additional output on the screen.
-c      To check the commands.
TeXconv 1.0a (DOS & OS/2)
TeXconv <mode> [<input file> [<output file>]]
Converts umlauts and other special characters to TeX commands 
(with emTeX you can use -x). It can be used with other TeX 
versions when the text contains such characters.
    -a      Extended character set -> TeX commands.
    -e      The reverse (but it does not work in this version).
If neither an input nor an output file is given, TeXconv works as
a filter: it will read from standard input and write to standard
output. If only an input file is given, the output goes to
standard output. If both an input and an output file are given,
both these files must NOT be the same.
The conversion table can be found in \emtex\doc\emtex.dvi.
emTeX 2.99 [2g] (DOS & OS/2)
Standard versions:
tex    [options] [&format]  [input_file] [TeX commands]     (DOS; 8086/88 CPU)
tex286 [options] [&format]  [input_file] [TeX commands]     (DOS; 80286 CPU)
texp   [options] [^&format] [input_file] [TeX commands]     (OS/2)
bigTeX versions:
btex    [options] [&format]  [input_file] [TeX commands]    (DOS; 8086/88 CPU)
btex286 [options] [&format]  [input_file] [TeX commands]    (DOS; 80286 CPU)
btexp   [options] [^&format] [input_file] [TeX commands]    (OS/2)
On a computer equipped with an 80286 CPU (or 80386 or similar), you
can use tex286.exe instead of tex.exe. This version of the program
is smaller and a little quicker. tex286.exe can be renamed to
tex.exe when used with DOS Version 3.0 or later. When only an 
8086/8086/80186/80188 CPU is available, tex.exe must be used.
The bigTeX version offers four times the work space, but runs 
slowers and requires more memory. bigTeX is an initial version
and is still in development. Under DOS /I cannot be used due to
the lack of sufficient memory.
Detailed instructions are located in \emtex\doc\emtex.dvi.
/7      Ignore bit 7 of the text files.
/B      \batchmode.
/C      Control characters (except Ctrl-Z) are left unchanged.
/D      Do not use Expanded Memory (DOS).
/E      \errorstopmode.
/I      INITEX.
/L      Sets low priority, so that TeX only runs if the computer
        is not doing other things to improve response (OS/2 only).
/N      \nonstopmode.
/S      \scrollmode.
/X      Umlauts and the other special characters are converted into 
        TeX syntax, as shown below.
The options can also be introduced with '-'.
        tex -x -s &lplain myfile
        tex /i plain \dump
Environment variables (Standard version):
TEXFMT                  Directory for fmt files.
TEXTFM                  Directory for tfm files.
TEXINPUT                Directory for input files.
TMP                     Directory for temporary files.
Default directories (Standard version):
\emtex\texinput         for input files.
\emtex\texfmts          for tex.poo and fmt files.
\emtex\tfm              for tfm files.
bigTeX uses the same environment variables and the same
default directories with the following exceptions:
BTEXFMT                 Directory for fmt files (bigTeX)
\emtex\btexfmts         for tex.poo and fmt files (bigTeX)
The /X option converts special characters (IBM PC character set) in the 
following way:
�  ->  \c{C}          ->  \"u            ->  \'e            ->  \^a
  ->  \"a            ->  \`a            ->  \aa{}          ->  \c{c}
  ->  \^e          	  ->  \"e            ->  \`e            ->  \"\i{}


Date: Tue, 15 MAY 90 18:56:24 BST
Subject: (126)

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Tue, 15 May 90 02:07 PDT
Originally-To:  texhax@edu.washington.cs.june,
Original-Ident: <94EF61C6401FE03751@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-Serial:       00000126

So there I am, it's a Saturday afternoon and it looks like it's
going to rain, so I'm sitting on the floor in my apartment
flipping through appendix D of the TeXbook. Then, I notice that
in the example with the Spanish text, DEK has guillemetes and
they look pretty damn good; so I keep reminding myself to take a
look at how he did it, figuring it's probably something in
manfnt. Well, as it turns out, there's a really nice little macro
for the task tucked into the source code of the TeXbook. Now I
know why DEK lets people see the source (although I'm very
annoyed that he never put this into actual print having had to
endure some serious atrocities in the name of guillemetes (I'm
sorry, but $\ll$ and $\gg$ just doesn't cut it for me)). Anyway,
in the name of better typesetting, I present to you THE
GUILLEMETE MACRO (by Donald Knuth)

% This is SPQUOTES.TEX as of 5/15/90
% ([anonymous.tex.babel.spanish]spquotes.tex)
% Macro to print Spanish Quote marks (Guillemetes) 
% by Donald E. Knuth 
% (cribbed from TeXbook source)
    \ifx#1`\langle\!\langle\else\rangle\!\rangle\fi$}% Spanish quote marks
  \ifx#1`\nobreak\hskip0pt \fi} % allow hyphenation


Don Hosek                         "When I was younger, I would throw          spitballs at girls that I liked. Now,
dhosek@ymir.bitnet                 I beg and plead for dates. Frankly, the
uunet!jarthur!ymir                 old way was more satisfying."


Date: Tue, 15 MAY 90 21:56:46 BST
Subject: (127) pictex

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Tue, 15 May 90 20:48:46 bst
Originally-To:  comp.text.tex@usenet
Original-Ident: <>
Originally-from:Kris Lockyear <>
X-Serial:       00000127

 An interesting bug in pictex's bar graph routines.
I wanted to plot a bar graph where some of the values were zero. The
file written is appended below. However, when plotted the zero values
were plotted as a 20pt *vertical* line. I expected to perhaps get no
line at all! This was got around by replacing the zero values with
0.00001 as in the appended file. This was noted on a hp Unix machine
(98789a) but then tried on a pc version of Latex. Any ideas why? The
rotate options were omitted but these did not correct the bug.

\setcoordinatesystem units <20pt,.2cm>
\setplotarea x from -1 to 13, y from 0 to 35
\axis left label {\begin{sideways}Number of Amber Beads \end{sideways}} ticks
	numbered from 0 to 35 by 5 /
\setbars breadth <20pt> baseline at y = 0
  baselabels ([tc] <0pt,-5pt>)
\plot "/u/ug/homes/kl88a/sjs/sjshistdata.tex"
\caption{Bar Chart of the number of amber beads/** for EBA amber finds}

*****The datafile*******
 0    35     "\begin{sideways}1--5\end{sideways}"
 1     6     "\begin{sideways}6--10\end{sideways}"
 2     6     "\begin{sideways}11--15\end{sideways}"
 3     2     "\begin{sideways}16--20\end{sideways}"
 4     5     "\begin{sideways}21--30\end{sideways}"
 5     0.00001    "\begin{sideways}31--40\end{sideways}"
 6     3     "\begin{sideways}41--50\end{sideways}"
 7     0.00001     "\begin{sideways}51--60\end{sideways}"
 8     1     "\begin{sideways}61--70\end{sideways}"
 9     0.00001     "\begin{sideways}71--80\end{sideways}"
 10    0.00001     "\begin{sideways}81--90\end{sideways}"
 11    3     "\begin{sideways}91--100\end{sideways}"
 12    2     "\begin{sideways}101--200\end{sideways}"
 13    1     "\begin{sideways}1000\end{sideways}"
****replace the 0.00001 with 0 to reproduce the bug.

Any ideas welcome,

Kris Lockyear.


Date: Wed, 16 MAY 90 10:16:15 BST
Subject: (129) LaTeX page header conventions

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Wed, 16 May 90 10:04:58
Originally-To:  infotex @ ASTON
Originally-from:Mike Piff <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA>
X-Serial:       00000129

From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield,
       The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.

David Handscomb asks how to change LaTeX' page header conventions.

LaTeX contains the definitions


\botmark is the most recently marked thing on the current page.   TeX  provides
two  other  primitives,  \firstmark  and  \topmark.  These give the first thing
marked on the current page and the last thing marked on  the  last  page.   The
left/right  mark  is usually the chapter/section Thus, I suggest you try one of
the following at the top of a test file:




or even


\@leftmark instead of \@rightmark will give yet another possibility!

Mike Piff


Date: Thu, 17 MAY 90 14:54:52 BST
Subject: (151) Hebrew TeX discussion list

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Thu, 17 May 90 06:32 PDT
Originally-To:  texhax@edu.washington.cs.june,
Original-Ident: <93380648AA1FC00150@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
Originally-from:Don Hosek <DHOSEK@edu.claremont.hmcvax>
X-Serial:       00000151

A new discussion list for issues relating to Hebrew TeX has just
been created on the listserv@taunivm.bitnet. The list will
discuss issues of typesetting Hebrew text using TeX (or
increasingly likely TeX-XeT). The list will cover all levels of
discussion from implementation details to user questions.

To subscribe, send a mail message to listserv@taunivm with the
   SUBS IVRITEX your full name
as the first line of text.

To submit a message to the list, simply address it to
ivritex@taunivm.bitnet or



Date: Fri, 11 MAY 90 17:01:09 BST
Subject: [For Uk-TeX] Re: PostScript fonts and ligatures

>>> Adobe PostScript fonts do not contain ligatures and virtually every 
>>> PostScript printer will have ROMs which are either Adobe or clones of the 
>>> Adobe PostScript font set.

I cannot agree with this statement.  The Adobe font map on page 252 of ``The
PostScript Language Reference Manual'' clearly shews the `fi' and `fl'
ligatures, at positions \256 and \257 respectively.  It also shews the AE and
OE ligature-digraphs at positions \341 and \352 (upper case) and \361 and
\372 (lower case).  My driver (ArborText's DVILASER/PS) deals with these
in a transparent and trouble-free manner.

					Philip Taylor
			    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
			    ``The University of London at Windsor''


Date: Sat, 12 May 90 16:53:24 bst
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Subject: english documentation for emTeX [for uktex]

Thanks to Chris Martin, Sheffield, a considerable quantity of the
documentation for the emTeX setup for MSDOS has been translated, and
is in the archive at Aston in []:

    readme.eng        general introduction, and installation
    dvidot.eng        guide to preliminary generic dotr matrix driver
    dvidrv.eng        summary guide to drivers and previewers
    dvidrvma.eng      how to print full driver documentation
    fontlib.eng       how to use the fontlib utility, for grouping
                      font files together
    texware.eng       description of utility programs provided

Sebastian Rahtz


Date: Mon, 14 May 90 13:08:04 bst
From: Sebastian Rahtz <>
Subject: english documentation for emTeX   [for uktex]

A complete package of English translations of the .doc files in the
emTeX distribution for MS-DOS is now available, thanks to Chris
Martin. The collection is in a .zip (boo encoded) archive of its own, called
ENGDOC.BOO in the UK TeX archive. 

Sebastian Rahtz


Date: Fri, 11 MAY 90 15:35:24 BST
Subject: For UK-TeX: ``Announcing TeX V3.0 for MS/DOS systems''

Wayne Sullivan's implementation of TeX V3.0 for MS/DOS and Peter 
Sawatzki's editor `TE' have been placed in the archive; the files 
are contained in directory


The files were transferred directly to Aston from UK.AC.RHBNC.CC.PS1
using NIFTP by Philip Taylor, who may contacted as P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX

 				Philip Taylor     01-May-1990 17:24:11
 				Royal Holloway and Bedford New College


Date: Fri, 11 MAY 90 15:34:35 BST
Subject: For UK-TeX: ``Generating the 75 CM fonts for a 75 dpi VGA''

After years of holding out, I've finally forsaken my beloved Hercules/monochrome
combination for a colour VGA adapter/monitor, and am immediately horrified to
see each previewed TeX glyph as a series of discrete pixels.  I can get around
this by using black-on-white rather than {\it vice-versa}, but then I notice
that PREVIEW's interpolation algorithm is not all that it might be, and that
fonts which are actually available at 75 dpi reproduce {\it much} better than
those which are sub-sampled from 118 dpi.  I therefore decided to build myself a
full set of the 75 canonical CM fonts at 75 dpi.

Unfortunately, the MetaFont descriptions are not particularly robust (Knuth
himself says they are only guaranteed down to 100 dpi), and almost every font
is beset with a ``paths don't intersect'', ``strange path; turning number is
zero'', or ``equation is off by one'' message. 

Question: is there a quick-and-dirty fix which will allow the CM fonts to be
built at 75 dpi, and what is the best mode_def for a VGA used in black-on-
white mode ? 

					Philip Taylor
			    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College.
			    ``The University of London at Windsor''


Date: Sat, 12 MAY 90 15:39:47 BST
Subject: gftodvi for PC

 > I am using MF84 on a PC and would like to know where there is a
 > copy of a GFTODVI program that can be used on MS-DOS. I have looked
 > in the archive but the versions available there can not be compiled
 > under Turbo Pascal 4.0, which is the only pascal compiler I have.
a compiled version for MSDOS is available in Eberhard Mattes' emTeX
package (in [] at Aston), in subpackage

Sebastian Rahtz


Date: Wed, 16 May 90 15:21:18 BST
Subject: Latex For Toshiba portable 1600


I'm trying to locate a copy of LATEX and a Previewer for a Toshiba portable 1600 (PC Compat.).

I would be grateful if you could help.


Michael Cray, Meiko Scientific Ltd (0454) 616171


Date: Wed, 16 May 90 10:06:59
From: Jon Warbrick  <C20222 @ POLY-SOUTH-WEST.PRIME-A>
Subject: Problems using \markboth in LaTeX

I'm having problems using \mark's (or rather \markboth's) in LaTeX.
The object of the exercise is to produce a dictionary with guide words
on the top corners of the page reflecting the first and last words on
the page.  The entry for each word contains a \markboth with the word
as both the left-head and the right-head and the page heading is
constructed using \leftmark and \rightmark.

Judging from the description of marks in the TeX book, and from the
ways that \markboth, \leftmark and \rightmark are defined in
latex.tex, this should work.  And indeed it does, providing you use
single column pages.  For double column pages (which are what I need)
the information that gets printed in the page heading reflects the
first and last words IN THE RIGHT-HAND COLUMN, not on the page as a

I assume that the problem lies in how the output routine constructs
double column pages, but it is more complicated than I can
understand.  Can someone give me some pointers to how I can get the
effect that I want, using this or some other approach?


Jon Warbrick, Computing Service,          Plymouth (0752) 233913 (ddi)
Polytechnic South West, --.
Drake Circus,             `-->  Polytechnic South West was formed from
Plymouth PL4 8AA UK.            Plymouth Polytechnic on 1st April 1989


Date: Fri, 11 MAY 90 23:35:38 BST
Subject: Problem with BibTeX under VMS

                "Aston TeX Archivists" <Archivegroup@Uk.Ac.Aston.VaxA>
Originally-sent:Fri, 11 May 90 15:15 PDT
Originally-To:  jl_braams@nl.pttrnl,, texhax@edu.washington.cs.june
Original-Ident: <97A60666F93FE02221@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-Serial:       00000109

[Johannes described a problem with the NLS BibTeX]

The public domain BibTeX change file for VMS (available from in [anonymous.tex.sources.bibtex0_99] handles
search paths correctly. You may want to use that version instead
(it is also defined through the VMS CLI).



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