UKTeX Digest                Fri,  1 Jun 90       Volume 90 : Issue  17

Sender: JANET"" (UKTeX) <>
Subject: UKTeX Digest volume 90 number 17
Date: Fri,  1 Jun 90 08:22:23
Moderator:       Peter Abbott
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax    #47
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXmag    V4 N1 
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory

Today's Topics:
                         (153) Odds and ends
                        (161) Qeury for UKTeX
                   (187) TeX/LaTeX query   (3 msgs)
       (193) Forwarded message about METAFONT and SliTeX fonts
                    (197) Urgently need DVICAN.EXE
                            (227) (2 msgs)
            (257) New BibTeX change file for VMS available
             (258) TeX 3.0 change file for VMS available
(261) Error in information on retrieving files via mailserv information
                    (262) Eight bit input for TeX
              (263) TeX 3.0 changes for VMS--just a note
       (287) Bug/Feature in p-column in array/tabular (2 msgs)
           (301) Unix dvi-->ps that uses A4 paper. (2 msgs)
                    (312) problems with texserver
My postings on the VMS change files and the follow-up posting which I
                   Non-delivery report (RE: (227))
              VMS change file to TeX V3.0 (last version)
                   Yet another message about emTeX


Date: Fri, 18 MAY 90 10:39:24 BST
Subject: (153) Odds and ends
Originally-sent:Fri, 18 May 90 10:23:20 +0100
Original-Ident: <9005181023.aa00665@gnnt.Cl.Cam.AC.UK>
X-Serial:       00000153

I've just read TeXmag v4n1 (at home, over cocoa), and I observe that it
lists lots of goodies in the Cyrillic fonts line. Is there a possibility
that our esteem\'ed archive group (who, one presumes, will have read
Don's organ too) could stick the stuff on Aston? I have a marginal
requirement for Cyrillic, and find the old AMS fonts match ill with cmr;
unfortunately, however, my Russian reading is rather halting, so I don't
really know enough about how to expect modern publications to look to
be able to make constructive criticism.

The other thing is the message (appended) that I picked up from comp.os.vms
late last month: if the new xdvi is as good as it says, I'ld certainly
welcome access to a copy of that, too!

Robin Fairbairns  Laser-Scan, Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 4FY 0223 420414  -or-, according to your orientation

Following message arrived 26 April here:
>Subject: Better version of XDVI for VMS available
>Date: 21 Apr 90 16:19:09 GMT
>Date-Received: 22 Apr 90 01:48:44 GMT
>Organization: M.I.T. Lab for Nuclear Science
>  My life just got easier, I think the net is interested though I have NO
>connection with the authors of this package
>Subject: A good Decwindows DVI viewer is available from EXPO
>Date: 19 APR 90 15:18:07
>Organization:  M.I.T. Lab for Nuclear Science
> I have no connection to the authors of this package but thought it could
>use some advertising...
>I found recently that the lastest release of XDVI on EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU comes
>complete with patches and a build file for VMS. It is a MUCH better version
>than the one I got last fall from DECUS. On our 3100 it pages much faster
>than I can read (about 2 sec) and has a really nifty "magnifying glass"
>feature bound to the mouse keys.
>It correctly handles resizing the screen which the old version has trouble
>with, and is better at searching for .nnnPK files.
>EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU == it is in the "contrib" directory
>Sorry if everybody already knew about this, I find I can only read about
>10% of comp.os.vms's volume.
>				Many thanks to the authors of this package!
					>Chuck Parsons


Date: Mon, 21 MAY 90 08:59:10 BST
From: ABBOTTP      "Peter Abbott - Computing Service"
Subject: (161) Qeury for UKTeX
X-Serial:       00000161

Via: UK.AC.ASTON.TEX; Mon, 21 May 90   8:47 BST
Date:		Mon, 21 MAY 90 08:44:59 BST
Subject:        Qeury for UKTeX
Originally-from:ABBOTTP      "Peter Abbott - Computing Service"
Mailer:         Janet_Mailshr V3.4 (23-May-1989)
Sender:         JANET""  <>
Reply-to:       Peter Abbott (Aston University) <>   

I think I have solved the rights list problem.


Received: from merak by; Fri, 18 May 90 09:40:56 +0100
From: Colin Walls <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Mail Delivery Failure to - Aborted (fwd)
Date: Fri, 18 May 90 9:40:40 BST
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0]

Forwarded message:

I am trying to send a message to the tex list at Aston. However I keep
getting this message.

> From daemon Fri May 18 09:32:03 1990
> From: Operator <>
> Date: Fri, 18 May 90 09:31:59 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Mail Delivery Failure to - Aborted
> The NIFTP process was unable to
> deliver your mail to host
> over janet.
> The reason given by the remote host was:
> Got a QR(21)
> Mail failure at site UK.AC.ASTON, username CBS%ASTON::ARCHIVEGROUP.
> Bad user/rights-list identifier.
> Your message was not delivered to the following addresses:
> 	Your message begins as follows:
> Received: from merak by; Fri, 18 May 90 09:31:29 +0100
> From: Colin Walls <>
> Date: Fri, 18 May 90 09:31:19 +0100
> Message-Id: <>
> To:
> Subject: Laserwriter mode_def
> I have been building some fonts for our laserwriter using Metafont.
> They all come out rather skinny, presumably because the mode_def I am
> using is not quite right. Does anyone have a good mode_def for a
> laserwriter (and a Sun screen while you are at it).
> --
> Colin Walls             | Janet:
> UMIST, Manchester       | DARPA:
> ENGLAND.                | Uucp:   ukc!!Colin
> Tel. +44-61-200-3540    | "I have seen old ships sail like swans asleep"

I have tried mailing Peter Abbott with no success. Could you please
sort this out.

Colin Walls             | Janet:
UMIST, Manchester       | DARPA:
ENGLAND.                | Uucp:   ukc!!Colin
Tel. +44-61-200-3540    | "I have seen old ships sail like swans asleep"


Date: Wed, 23 MAY 90 12:37:50 BST
From: Dave Cook 4448 <CH1DBC@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM>
Subject: (187) TeX/LaTeX query
X-Serial:       00000187

Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM; Wed, 23 May 90   9:35 BST
Date: Wed, 23 May 90 09:29:30 BST
From: Dave Cook 4448 <CH1DBC@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM>
Message-ID: <23 May 90 09:33:00 BST #9206@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM>

Dear Tex Archive,
BOXEDMINIPAGE.STY does not seem to work - I enclose the file and
a silly test. Does anyone have any comments?

%NAME: boxedminipage.sty
% adds the boxedminipage environment---just like minipage, but has a
% box round it!
% The thickneess of the rules around the box is controlled by
% \fboxrule, and the distance between the rules and the edges of the
% inner box is governed by \fboxsep.
% This code is based on Lamport's minipage code.

\def\boxedminipage{\@ifnextchar [{\@iboxedminipage}{\@iboxedminipage[c]}}

\def\@iboxedminipage[#1]#2{\leavevmode \@pboxswfalse
  \if #1b\vbox
    \else \if #1t\vtop
	     \else \ifmmode \vcenter
		       \else \@pboxswtrue $\vcenter
  \fi\bgroup % start of outermost vbox/vtop/vcenter
    \hsize #2
    \hbox\bgroup % inner hbox
      \vrule\@width\fboxrule \hskip\fboxsep \vbox\bgroup % innermost vbox
	\advance\hsize -2\fboxrule \advance\hsize-2\fboxsep
	\textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize
	\let\@listdepth\@mplistdepth \@mplistdepth\z@

      \egroup % ends the innermost \vbox
      \hskip\fboxsep \vrule\@width\fboxrule
    \egroup % ends the \hbox
  \egroup% ends the vbox/vtop/vcenter
  \if@pboxsw $\fi}

This is a sentence before a boxed mini-page. \\
This is material which I hoped
would appear in a boxed mini-page.
However, on processing this file I
am disappointed.
\ \\
This terminates the boxed mini-page.


Date: Wed, 23 May 90  18:38 GMT
From: "Chris Rowley - Open University UK (R01/Maths)" <CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX>
Subject: (187) TeX/LaTeX query  

writes about      [Tex-Archive.latex.contrib]boxedminipage.sty
> BOXEDMINIPAGE.STY does not seem to work - I enclose the file and
> a silly test. Does anyone have any comments?

Can you be more precise about your disaffection?

It "worked" for me: the result was not beautiful but can be changed as
specified in the "documentation".  I did not try them, but I would
predict that the [b] and [t] options will not produce very useful
results (but their actions are not specified by the "documentation").

Chris Rowley

On behalf of The Archivists


Date: Thu, 24 MAY 90 13:15:19 BST
Subject: (193) Forwarded message about METAFONT and SliTeX fonts
X-Serial:       00000193

Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY; Thu, 24 May 90  13:08 BST
          from UKACRL by UK.AC.RL.IB (Mailer X1.25) with BSMTP id 3835; Wed, 23
                May 90 16:55:19 BS
X-Delivery-Notice: SMTP MAIL FROM does not correspond to sender.
           from (BRAAMS@HLSDNL5) by UKACRL.BITNET (Mailer X1.25) with
                BSMTP id 3740; Wed, 23 May 90 16:53:24
Date:           Wed, 23 May 90 11:58 MET
From:           "Johannes L. Braams" <JL_Braams@NL.PTTRNL>
Subject:        Forwarded message about METAFONT and SliTeX fonts
To:             TeXhax@EDU.WASHINGTON.CS, InfoTeX@UK.AC.ASTON
Message-id:     <>
X-Organization: PTT Research Neher Laboratories, The Netherlands
Comments:       This mail was sent by PMDF V3.1

        The following message is forwarded on behalf of Chris Evelo,
        MFAGKCHR@HMARL5.BITNET. Please mail answers directly to him.
    Johannes Braams (
I tried to build some SliTeX for a 9 pin printer with METAFONT.
I often got METAFONT error messages of the following nature:
....... bad pos .......
....... bad pen pos ......
....... strange path (turning number is 0) .........
I had these problems before when I build the fonts for a NEC P6,
but then they occurred only with dagger characters and the like.
For the 9 pin printer (240/216 dpi resolution) the problem occurred
at magstep 4 for the lcmss8 and lcmssi8 fonts many lowercase roman
characters. I scrolled the error messages and got working fonts.
However, they look very bad. Many curved parts of the lowercase romans
are allmost invisible.
I do not known enough about METAFONT to adapt the fonts themselves.
And I don't want to learn it either (not enough time).
- Does anyone know what goes wrong?
- Is there a simple solution?
  (could a change in the mode def help, or do I have to change the fonts)
- Even better, does anyone have a patch, or correct fonts?
I would be very happy if someone who reads international TeX lists
could forward the above for me, and look for the answers. I don't have
anough time to follow more than the TeX-NL list. (Please put a message
on TeX-NL if you forward it, to make sure that only one copy is posted)
                TNX in advance,
                Chris Evelo: MFAGKCHR@HMARL5 (BITNET)


Date: Thu, 24 MAY 90 14:43:06 BST
Subject: (197) Urgently need DVICAN.EXE
X-Serial:       00000197

Via: UK.AC.NERC-NUTIS.VAXA; Thu, 24 May 90  14:36 BST
Date:           Thu, 24 May 90  14:36 GMT
From:           Mark O'Connell <RE_MAC@UK.AC.NERC-NUTIS.VAXA>
To:             INFO-TEX@UK.AC.ASTON
Subject:        Urgently need DVICAN.EXE

I'm in the process of finishing a thesis and have been using LaTex for
processing my document.  I have access to a Canon LBP-8 II but don't
have a driver file for printing.  I did however obtain all the 
appropriate source files from the aston server hoping create my own
EXE file.  The source would NOT COMPILE and debugging was impossible.

Does anyine have DVICAN.EXE which they can send me on floppy.  I will
of course refund the cost of postage and floppies.


Mark O'Connell.
Department of Geography,
University of Reading.
Tel: 0734 318741


Date: Thu, 24 MAY 90 22:06:34 BST
Subject: (209)
X-Serial:       00000209

Via: [000000000040.PSS.23425824024200.000000003010/FTP.MAIL]; Thu, 24 May 90  22:01 BST
Date:       24 May 1990 22:00:32-BST
From:       Andrew Haylett (GEC-Marconi Research Centre)   <>

X-Mailer: Mail User's Shell (6.4 2/14/89)
Subject: Need to keep text together on a page

I'm trying to write a simple LaTeX environment that keeps everything within it
on the same page i.e. it places its contents into a \vbox, measures the height
and then starts a new page if the \vbox is higher than the vertical space left
on the current page. Similar to the figure environment in some ways. So I
wrote the following:



This works fine, except that if the \vbox is higher than textheight, it
overflows the page. So it needs to be broken up somehow. Any pointers?

Andrew Haylett               |  Tel: +44 245 73331 x.3219
GEC-Marconi Research Centre  |  Fax: +44 245 75244
Great Baddow, Chelmsford,    |  UUCP:  ...!ukc!gec-mrc!ajh
Essex, UK CM2 8HN            |  JANET:


Date: Tue, 29 MAY 90 12:17:24 BST
Subject: (227)
X-Serial:       00000227

Via: UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM; Tue, 29 May 90  12:13 BST
Date: Tue, 29 May 90 12:11:21 BST
To: info-tex@UK.AC.ASTON
Message-ID: <29 May 90 12:11:38 BST #1024@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM>

I am having problems with the EMTEX version of METAFONT (MF.EXE). To test it
I ran IO.MF through it and that worked O.K. Howeve when I issue the commands in
direct mode, as in Chapter 5 of the METAFONT BOOK I get error messages as

This is METAFONT, Version 1.7 [2g] (preloaded base=plain 90.2.18)  28 MAY 1989

*draw (20,45)..(40,60)..(80,45)

* showit;
! Extra tokens will be flushed.
<to be read again>
<*>  showit
? h
I've just read as much of that statement as I could fathom,
so a semicolon should have been next. It's very puzzling...
but I'll try to get myself back together, by ignoring
everything up to the next `;'. Please insert a semicolon
now in front of anything that you don't want me to delete.
(See Chapter 27 of The METAFONTbook for an example.)

? x

     Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? These commands work fine on
MF84. Can you help?

                          Richard Hillier (MD2RJH@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM)


Date: Tue, 29 MAY 90 12:37:31 BST
Subject: (227)

>I am having problems with the EMTEX version of METAFONT (MF.EXE). To test it
>I ran IO.MF through it and that worked O.K. Howeve when I issue the commands in
>direct mode, as in Chapter 5 of the METAFONT BOOK I get error messages as
>This is METAFONT, Version 1.7 [2g] (preloaded base=plain 90.2.18)  28 MAY 1989
>*draw (20,45)..(40,60)..(80,45)
>* showit;

Richard --- without looking at my MetaFont book, I can't be certain, but I think
you need a semi-colon after the final closing parenthesis of your `draw' 

					Philip Taylor
			    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
			    ``The University of London at Windsor''


Date: Tue, 29 MAY 90 17:38:16 BST
Subject: (257) New BibTeX change file for VMS available
X-Serial:       00000257

Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Tue, 29 May 90  17:33 BST
Received: from by sun.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id kg00610; 29 May 90 16:09 GMT
Received: from [] by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa11008; 29 May 90 14:45 BST
Date: Mon, 28 May 90 01:08 PDT
From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@edu.claremont.hmcvax>
Subject: New BibTeX change file for VMS available
To: texhax@edu.washington.cs.june,, 
Message-id: <753F6D49A9C0C006BF@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-VMS-To: texhax,uktex,in%""

I have just finished updating my BibTeX change file to conform to
the handling of logical names in a similar manner to my TeX
change file. The new version is labelled [PD VMS 1.6] on the
banner line.

First a description of the implementation:
Some notes on the version of BibTeX for VMS located in this
 - BibTeX is now called through the CLI. You should install the file
   BIBTEX.CLD in the system DCL tables. The following options are
     /STATS        Turns on statistics mode in BibTeX. The
                   default is /NOSTATS.
     /TRACE        Turns on trace mode in BibTeX. The default is
     /BIBINPUTS=   These qualifiers are not intended to be used
     /TEXINPUTS=   by the end-user; they specify the names of the
                   logicals to be used for the locations of TFMs,
                   format and pool files, and input files
                   respectively. They are provided to allow sites
                   to customize these values without recompiling
IMPORTANT NOTE: The files involved in this are moderately large,
so to avoid unnecessary duplication, I suggest that you do not
retrieve these files unless you are the TeX manager (or what
passes for it) for your site.
FTP to and go to the directory
[anonymous.tex.sources.bibtex0_99]. The following files are relevant:
00readme.txt        A description of the files in the directory.

bibtex.web          The WEB source for BibTeX

btxdoc.tex          User and BibTeX style designer's
btxhak.tex          documentation for BibTeX. Also serves as 
btxdoc.aux          test of BibTeX.

bibtex.bug          Description of a bug in BibTeX 0.99c

                    VMS TeX  Command file for compiling BibTeX
bibtex.cld          CLD file for BibTeX.
bibtex.exe          BibTeX executable (compiled under VMS 5.3)
bibtex.obj          BibTeX object file for those with other VMS
bibtex.vms-changes  BibTeX changes for VMS
vms_bibtex_notes.txt Notes on VMS BibTeX.

If you cannot FTP, you may retrieve the necessary SOURCE FILES
ONLY by sending the following text in a mail message to
If you are unable to get the necessary files, you have two
(1) wait until the next DECUS TeX tape is released; they will be
on it.
(2) I will make you a tape. Please note that I do not want to
make tapes and to discourage this practice, I will only make
tapes if I receive a fee of $150. This is an intentionally
outrageous fee and will be used in its entirety to pay my
tuition. Like I said, I do not want to make tapes.
These files will be made available from other avenues in the
Don Hosek                         "When I was younger, I would throw          spitballs at girls that I liked. Now,
dhosek@ymir.bitnet                 I beg and plead for dates. Frankly, the
uunet!jarthur!ymir                 old way was more satisfying."
Postal Address: Platt Campus Center, HMC
                Claremont, CA 91711


Date: Tue, 29 MAY 90 17:41:50 BST
Subject: (258) TeX 3.0 change file for VMS available
X-Serial:       00000258

Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Tue, 29 May 90  17:32 BST
Received: from by sun.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id jr00608; 29 May 90 16:09 GMT
Received: from [] by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa10975; 29 May 90 14:44 BST
Date: Mon, 28 May 90 00:55 PDT
From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@edu.claremont.hmcvax>
Subject: TeX 3.0 change file for VMS available
To: texhax@edu.washington.cs.june,
Message-id: <753DA1732840C006BF@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-VMS-To: texhax,uktex

It passed the trip test and is ready to go.
First a description of the implementation:
Some notes on the version of TeX for VMS located in this
 - TeX is now called through the CLI. You should install the file
   TEX.CLD in the system DCL tables. The following options are
     /BATCH        Run TeX in batch mode sending no output to the
                   terminal and ending with a fatal error if input 
                   is necessary. The default is /NOBATCH.
     /DIAGNOSTICS  Indicate that an LSE Diagnostics file be
                   written. A file name can be specified using
                   /DIAGNOSTICS=fn. The default is /NODIAGNOSTICS.
     /DVI_FILE=    Indicate the name of the DVI file to write.
                   The default is to use the name of the TeX job
                   for the DVI file name. This qualifier is
     /EDITOR=      Indicate the name of the editor to be used
                   at the 'E' response. The options are:
                   + Callable_EDT
                   + Callable_LSE
                   + Callable_TECO
                   + Callable_TPU
                   + The name of a command to be run in a
                     subprocess which will take three arguments:
                     'p1 is the name of the file to edit, 'p2 is
                     the line number with the error and 'p3 is
                     the column number of the error.
                   If the value given with /EDITOR ends in a
                   colon, TeX will assume that it's a logical
                   name and attempt to translate it. The default
                   is /EDITOR=TEX_EDIT:. This qualifier is
     /FORMAT=      Indicate the name of a format to pre-load when
                   running. The default varies depending on the
                   specific verb used. This qualifier is
     /INIT         Run IniTeX rather than TeX. The default is
                   /NOINIT. INITEX should be set equivalent to
     /LOG_FILE=    Indicate the name of the LOG file to write.
                   The default is to use the name of the TeX job
                   for the LOG file name. This qualifier is
     /TEXFONTS=    These qualifiers are not intended to be used
     /TEXFORMATS=  by the end-user; they specify the names of the
     /TEXINPUTS=   logicals to be used for the locations of TFMs,
                   format and pool files, and input files
                   respectively. They are provided to allow sites
                   to customize these values without recompiling
 - INITEX is part of the main TeX module. Thus, there is only one
   change file and one executable. The price that we pay is
   trivial: three if statements operating on a boolean variable
   and an executable 25K larger. The three if statements are all
   out of the inner loop so other than a slightly increased 
   startup time, TeX will not be slower.
 - This is 64bit TeX. If memory is really a problem, you can
   reduce the main memory array and recompile. Personally, I
   think that it's inconvenient to try and run TeX at two memory
   sizes so I don't recommend it. 
 - In previous versions of VMS TeX with an editor interface, TeX
   continued after leaving the editor. This behavior is incorrect
   and has been changed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The files involved in this are very large, so to
avoid unnecessary duplication, do not retrieve these files unless
you are the TeX manager (or what passes for it) for your site.
FTP to and go to the directory
[anonymous.tex.sources.tex3_0]. The following files are relevant:
00readme.txt        A description of the contents of the directory.
tex.web             The WEB source for TeX 3.0
errata.five         Errata reports and related files for TeX.
tex82.dif           Differences between TeX82 and TeX79. Mostly
                    of historical interest.
tex3.dif            New features of TeX 3.0     Command file for compiling TeX.
tex.cld             CLD file for TeX
tex.exe             TeX executable (compiled under VMS 5.3)
tex.obj             TeX object file for those with other VMS
tex.pool            TeX string pool file.
tex.vms-changes     TeX changes for VMS
vms_tex_notes.txt   Notes on VMS TeX implementation.
If you plan to recompile TeX, you will need a larger TANGLE. This
may be obtained from the directory [anonymous.tex.sources.web]
If you cannot FTP, you may retrieve the necessary SOURCE FILES
ONLY by sending the following text in a mail message to
If you are unable to get the necessary files, you have two
(1) wait until the next DECUS TeX tape is released; they will be
on it.
(2) I will make you a tape. Please note that I do not want to
make tapes and to discourage this practice, I will only make
tapes if I receive a fee of $150. This is an intentionally
outrageous fee and will be used in its entirety to pay my
tuition. Like I said, I do not want to make tapes.
These files will be made available from other avenues in the
Don Hosek                         "When I was younger, I would throw          spitballs at girls that I liked. Now,
dhosek@ymir.bitnet                 I beg and plead for dates. Frankly, the
uunet!jarthur!ymir                 old way was more satisfying."
Postal Address: Platt Campus Center, HMC
                Claremont, CA 91711


Date: Wed, 30 MAY 90 03:20:43 BST
Subject: (261) Error in information on retrieving files via mailserv information
X-Serial:       00000261

Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Wed, 30 May 90   3:16 BST
Received: from by sun.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id aa16126; 30 May 90 1:52 GMT
Received: from [] by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa07441; 30 May 90 2:43 BST
Date: Mon, 28 May 90 20:40 PDT
From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@edu.claremont.hmcvax>
Subject: Error in information on retrieving files via mailserv information
To: texhax@edu.washington.cs.june,, 
Message-id: <75E348857C00C00B9A@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-VMS-To: texhax,uktex,in%""

I inadvertently made an error in my postings about retrieving the
new TeX and BibTeX change files from the ymir archive via
MAILSERV; each command should have begun with SEND, NOT GET.

Don Hosek                         "When I was younger, I would throw          spitballs at girls that I liked. Now,
dhosek@ymir.bitnet                 I beg and plead for dates. Frankly, the
uunet!jarthur!ymir                 old way was more satisfying."


Date: Wed, 30 MAY 90 03:23:58 BST
Subject: (262) Eight bit input for TeX
X-Serial:       00000262

Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Wed, 30 May 90   3:18 BST
Received: from by sun.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK 
           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id aa16124; 30 May 90 1:52 GMT
Received: from [] by vax.NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK   via NSFnet with SMTP
           id aa07443; 30 May 90 2:43 BST
Date: Tue, 29 May 90 02:07 PDT
From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@edu.claremont.hmcvax>
Subject: Eight bit input for TeX
To: texhax@edu.washington.cs.june,
Message-id: <7610E03E4CC0C00B9A@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-VMS-To: texhax,uktex

Well, I've just finished installing TeX 3.0 and next began to investigate 
exactly what the 8-bit character sets look like. It appears that everyone is 
heading towards ISO Latin 1, which is a good plan, although I'd like to 
recommend one minor adjustment to the character set: ISO Latin 1 defines 
characters "D7 and "F7 to be the times and divided signs respectively. It also 
omits the oe ligatures. I would suggest that TeX users use codes "D7 and "F7 for 
\OE and \oe respectively (if terminal code page is programmable, you can adjust 
this yourself). These codes conform to the UPSS DEC Multinational character set 
(which is nearly identical to the ISO Latin 1 character set).



Date: Wed, 30 MAY 90 08:24:05 BST
Subject: (263) TeX 3.0 changes for VMS--just a note
X-Serial:       00000263

Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Wed, 30 May 90   8:20 BST
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           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id ab01319; 30 May 90 7:14 GMT
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           id aa01889; 30 May 90 8:03 BST
Date: Wed, 30 May 90 00:07 PDT
From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@edu.claremont.hmcvax>
Subject: TeX 3.0 changes for VMS--just a note
To: texhax@edu.washington.cs.june,, 
Message-id: <76C954F4CD60C01434@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-VMS-To: texhax,uktex,in%""

The TeX 3.0 changes will not compile under VAX Pascal versions prior to Pascal 
4.0. I probably will not bother to fix this. If you don't have Pascal 4.0 or 
later, you should get the .obj file and re-link it on your system.



Subject: (287) Bug/Feature in p-column in array/tabular
X-Serial:       00000287

Via: UK.AC.UKC; Wed, 30 May 90  15:50 BST
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          30 May 90 14:52 BST
Received: from by; Wed, 30 May 90 13:56:57 BST
From: David Shepherd <>
Date: Wed, 30 May 90 13:55:42 BST
Message-Id: <>
To: TeXhax@edu.washington.cs,
Subject: Bug/Feature in p-column in array/tabular

I think there may be a slight feature in the way p-columns are
implemented inside an array or tabular in LaTeX. At present each such
element is set as if inside a parbox with a \vtop to align on the top
line and then extra space equal to the depth of \@artsrutbox is added.
I think this means that the \@arstrutbox depth is added in addition to
any space there already -- I noticed this when using dvidoc when half
way down an tabular there was a sudden blank line as the extra gaps
being accrued had caused the rounding to nearest line to skip a line.

The following definition of \@@endpbox seems to have sorted out the
problem as the extra depth is explicitly added on the last line by a


however there are still a couple of thinsg to be considered

1) why are p-elements that take only one line not affected by the same
2) could there be a line break just before the \rule to caue problems

david shepherd


Date: Wed, 30 MAY 90 17:36:45 BST
Subject: (287) Bug/Feature in p-column in array/tabular
Originally-from:"Chris Rowley - Open University UK (R01/Maths)" <CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX>
X-Serial:       00000297

A later version of LATEX.TEX contains the following alteration (note
that I did not say correction as I still have my doubts about it:


% 14 Jan 89: Def of \@endpbox changed from
%    \def\@endpbox{\par\vskip\dp\@arstrutbox\egroup\hfil}
% so vertical spacing works out right if the last line of a `p' entry
% has a descender.

> however there are still a couple of thinsg to be considered
> 1) why are p-elements that take only one line not affected by the same
>    problem
they are, if it is a problem

> 2) could there be a line break just before the \rule to caue problems
yes, hence the \unskip above.

Chris Rowley
On behalf of The Archivists


Date: Thu, 31 MAY 90 08:01:01 BST
Subject: (301) Unix dvi-->ps that uses A4 paper.
X-Serial:       00000301

Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Thu, 31 May 90   7:56 BST
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           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id ae22379; 30 May 90 22:02 GMT
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           via NSFnet with SMTP  id aa13951; 30 May 90 22:51 BST
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 16:35:26 NZT
Date: Wed, 30 May 90 16:35:26 NZT
Subject: Unix dvi-->ps that uses A4 paper.
Cc: texhax@edu.washington.cs.june
Message-Id: <>

We have just got TeX going on our new UNIX system and are looking at 
dvi-->ps programs. Most of the ones I have looked at assume the printer
is loaded with 8.5" x 11" paper. We use A4. Is there a good dvi driver
available that know about A4 paper? It must also handle native fonts etc.

Where can I get it from? I can't get at the Aston archive unfortunately
but do have access to internet ftp.

Presumably it would be too large to get via mail.

Thanks, Russell.

PS Please reply direct to me. UKTeX digest sometimes takes a long time to
reach me.
|  Russell Fulton		'phone +64 9 737-999 x 8955       |
|  Computer Centre		domain	  |
|  University of Auckland	fax     +64 9 303-2467		  |
|  Private Bag			time    gmt -12 (13) (summer time)|
|  Auckland, New Zealand.					  |


Date: Thu, 31 MAY 90 09:42:23 BST
Subject: (301) Unix dvi-->ps that uses A4 paper.

 > We have just got TeX going on our new UNIX system and are looking at 
 > dvi-->ps programs. Most of the ones I have looked at assume the printer
 > is loaded with 8.5" x 11" paper. We use A4. Is there a good dvi driver
 > available that know about A4 paper? It must also handle native fonts etc.
at least three public domain, fully-specified, programs know about A4
paper to my knowledge (dvitops, dvitps, dvips). If you are interested
in virtual fonts, then dvips5.02 at might be nice.
personally, I use dvitops because it is the only program of the ones I
have set up which has never let me down in any way, and generates the
nicest PostScript. 

sebastian rahtz

PS here are some useful FTP addresses:
	p2c, pascal to c translator
	Dirk Grunwald's xtex previewer
	Dirk Grunwald's SeeTeX
	Dirk Grunwald's BDF format font files for X
	Tomas Rokicki's dvips
	Unix TeX
	Kevin Coombes's dvi3ps, merge of several dvi2ps versions
	James Krause's dvi2dj (HP DeskJet)
	Kevin Coombes's dvi3ps, merge of several dvi2ps versions


Date: Thu, 31 MAY 90 16:49:32 BST
Subject: (310)
X-Serial:       00000310

Via: UK.AC.DUNDEE-TECH.CC.VAXB; Thu, 31 May 90  16:45 BST
Date:		31-MAY-1990 16:43:00
To:		uktex@UK.AC.ASTON


      I've been trying to get files from the texserver at aston and 
getting absolutely nowhere.  I've requested the help message and got a 
reply back say that it had been queued for sending but that was both a 
fortnight and a week ago and I've still got nothing back.

Advance Thanks

John Berkin

Post        : Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
              Dundee Institute of Technology
              Bell Street
              DD1 1HG
Phone (UK)  : 0382-27225 ext 276
Phone (INT) : +44-382-27225 ext 276
Telex       : 76453 DUNCOT
FAX         : 200782 


Date: Thu, 31 MAY 90 17:41:26 BST
Subject: (312) problems with texserver

 >       I've been trying to get files from the texserver at aston and 
 > getting absolutely nowhere.  I've requested the help message and got a 
 > reply back say that it had been queued for sending but that was both a 
 > fortnight and a week ago and I've still got nothing back.
I'm afraid this is not unknown! one of our gurus is on holiday, but
the other one may have some suggestions. But you would be much better
off using file transfer. Can you investigate at your site and see if
you can pick up

username: public
password: public


Sebastian Rahtz


Date: Mon, 28 May 90 20:42 PDT
From: Don Hosek <DHOSEK@edu.claremont.hmcvax>
Subject: My postings on the VMS change files and the follow-up posting which I

 just sent.
To:, texhax-request@edu.washington.cs.june
Message-id: <75E3879B6300C00B9A@HMCVAX.CLAREMONT.EDU>
X-VMS-To: peter_abbott,in%""

If you have time before mailing your digest, I'd appreciate it if you could just 
kill the second note I sent for the digest and change each occurrence of GET in 
the original two postings to 'SEND'.




Date: Tue, 29 May 90 12:32:35 BST
Subject: Non-delivery report (RE: (227))

Cannot deliver to -

 "MD2RJH%CBS @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM" host name not known

The text of your message [has been suppressed for efficiency].


Date: Sun, 27 MAY 90 09:43:52 BST
Subject: VMS change file to TeX V3.0 (last version)

   Where can I find the VAX/VMS change file for the following TeX
 utilities: (to get by netowrk)
     TeX version 3.0
     Metafont version 2.0
     Tangle version 4
     Weave version 4.1
Thanks in advance.
|                          F A P E S P                                |
| Fundacao de Amparo `a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - Brasil      |
| Joseph Tannous Moussa - Network Analyst.                            |
|                                                                     |
| ANSP   : JOSEPH@BRFAPESP.ANSP.BR                                    |
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Date: Thu, 24 MAY 90 10:15:11 BST
Subject: Yet another message about emTeX
X-Serial:       00000189

Via: UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY; Thu, 24 May 90  10:08 BST
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           Via Ethernet with SMTP  id aa05068; 23 May 90 13:04 GMT
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           id aa16135; 23 May 90 13:17 BST
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          23 May 90 14:11 MET DST
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From: Eberhard Mattes <mattes%de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.azu@net.cs.relay>
Date: Wed, 23 May 90 14:13:14 +0200
Message-Id: <>
Received: by; Wed, 23 May 90 14:13:14 +0200
To: infotex <>
In-Reply-To: Sebastian Rahtz's message of 21 May 90 14:41  <>
Subject: Re: Yet another message about emTeX
Sender: mattes%de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.azu%de.uni-stuttgart.informatik.ifi%de.uka.ira.iraun1@net.cs.relay

> The DVIHPLJ driver runs at half the speed of Gustaf Neumann's DVI2LJ driver 
> (outputting to an empty VDISK).
How does dvihplj compare to DVI2LJ when printing to the printer?
(BTW, the next release of dvihplj supports printing to the serial
interface using XON/XOFF flow control.) Using the /fl-1 option
should speed up dvihplj when printing only a few pages.

> Oddly enough, both previewers give a better (= more readable) display when 
> using 300dpi fonts than when using 118dpi screen fonts.
What's about gray mode of dviscr?

> I too prefer sbTeX - it's about 50% faster on my machine.
What document was used to obtain this number? Which version
of sbTeX? Yes, sbTeX 3.0 is faster than emTeX 3.0, but I am
still working on emTeX 3.0.

> His version seems to be a WEB2C translation.  If you enter the command 
No, PAStoC (my own Pascal-to-C-translator).

> [...]
> prompt, it will go into an infinite loop.  [...]
Really? Not on my machine.

> [...] The internal constants appear to
> have been set for a 512kB PC, which means that it can't cope with my modest
> thesis references database (containing 182 references and 25 @STRING
> definitions). It's precisely for this reason that I went to the trouble of
> writing my version using dynamic memory allocation.   I have to recommend my 
> version of BibTeX in preference to this (blush).
The next release is a full-sized version using virtual memory.

> There's a bug in WEAVE!  If you WEAVE WEAVE.WEB, one of the comment lines in
> the limbo material is wrapped, but a percent is not prepended to the
> continuation line.  Lines 22--25 of WEAVE.TEX look like: 
I tried WEAVE 4.1, no wrapping, no problem.

       Eberhard Mattes   (


End of UKTeX Digest Volume 90 : Issue  17

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