UKTeX V90 #19 Friday 15 June 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dying the death of a 1000 cuts from twocolumn UKTUG and DeskJet driver. workshop on Fonts and Font Families: a few places left dvi2hplj? Problems with Unix TeX 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, new font selection scheme New directory structure for Mainz additions to LaTeX in UK TeX Archive LaTeX page-headings Re: Latex page-headings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Peter Abbott This issue edited by Chris Rowley This issue distributed by Philip Taylor <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vax> (Distribution will revert to Aston on Peter's return). Submissions: Administration: Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UKTEX.90] Latest TeXhax: #49 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEXHAX.90] Latest TeXmag: V4 N1 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEX-MAG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Date: Sun, 10 Jun 90 21:44:04 bst Subject: dying the death of a 1000 cuts from twocolumn I have been setting a book in LaTeX with two columns on an A4 page (don't ask why, it looks awful). It is killing me: + I have some floating tables, which I want full-width. About 8 hours of investigation and head-banging proves to me that when I have an over-long table (its about twice a pagelength, I had forgotten about it), it stifles all future tables without telling me, so that their \labels do not even get written to the .aux file. + Before I switched to Mittelbach's `multicol', I got an occasional and unfathomable `arithmetic overflow' when using \chapter*; was this related to my table constipation? + Not unreasonably, I want my text to be aligned on the same baseline in facing columns on the same page. Do you realize just how many little macros sneak some glue into the output to ruin my effect? Has anyone got a good example of *achieving* this aim? (again, dont ask me why, its not my design). What IS the answer to ensuring that a section title, which appears in one column only, takes up a multiple of the \baselineskip _when you dont know how many lines it will take?_ I think my first point probably throws up a bug deep in LaTeX's monkeying with `dbldeferlist'. If I could give an example of it breaking, I would.... Sebastian Rahtz --------- Comments: > + Not unreasonably, I want my text to be aligned on the same baseline > in facing columns on the same page. Do you realize just how many > little macros sneak some glue into the output to ruin my effect? > Has anyone got a good example of *achieving* this aim? (again, dont > ask me why, its not my design). What IS the answer to ensuring that > a section title, which appears in one column only, takes up a > multiple of the \baselineskip _when you dont know how many lines it > will take?_ I am a devout believer in aligned baselines, and have certainly achieved it many times. Of course, I am talking about PLAIN, not LaTeX, so there are considerably fewer `sneaky' macros to worry about. My basic approach is one of (a) use a \vbox with struts top and bottom; (b) use a \vtop which is subsequently \smash ed, and effectively replaced by a \vskip <n> \baselineskip, where <n> is \ceiling (\ht \box + \dp \box) [Knuth gives a good algorithm for \ceiling]. ** Phil. --------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 09:00:38 GMT From: A42JR@UK.AC.POLY-EAST-LONDON Subject: UKTUG and DeskJet driver. Some time ago I received an invitation to join UKTUG. I replied to UKTeX asking what we were to receive for our money. Various respondents indicated that a reply would be forthcoming when the UKTUG committee had actually met. Well, I presume that they must have met by now, but I still have not seen any information on this. Could this please be rectified? Another query. Is there a driver available for the HP Deskjet? --------- Comments: >>> Some time ago I received an invitation to join UKTUG. I replied to >>> UKTeX asking what we were to receive for our money. Various respondents >>> indicated that a reply would be forthcoming when the UKTUG committee had >>> actually met. >>> Well, I presume that they must have met by now, but I still have not seen >>> any information on this. Could this please be rectified? Sincere apologies; we have indeed met, and discussed what benefits, if any, would obtain from membership. Perhaps I could start by mentioning the aims of the group: > To promote and encourage knowledge of <TeX> and contact with other members, as > outlined below in the range of past and future UK <TeX> User Group activities. > To encourage the work at Aston on the <TeX> archive and the UK <TeX> bulletin, > particularly in their efforts to distribute to people not on academic > networks. > To provide a focal point for <TeX> activity in the UK, including communicating > with the trade press and ensuring a higher profile for <TeX>. > To encourage co-operation and joint meetings with other user groups in the > area of electronic document preparation. To date this includes the British > Computer Society Electronic Publishing special interest group and the SGML > Users' Group. > To co-operate with TUG (the international <TeX> Users' Group based in > America), and with other European groups such as GUTenberg (France), DANTE > (Germany), NTG (the Netherlands) and the Nordic Group. Together with these > other groups, UK-TuG seeks to ensure adequate recognition of European needs at > TUG. We also seek to encourage the development of other smaller groups, such > as those in Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. UK-TuG has already organised several one-day meetings on a variety of topics. These have included contributions from renowned speakers, as well as from the UK <TeX> community at large. Following the inaugural meeting in Nottingham, other meetings to date have covered Graphics (London), Fonts and Typefaces (Birmingham), and Bibliographies and Indexing (London). Future activities may include: > Regular meetings covering themes such as visits to publishers and book > production. > A series of one-day in-depth workshops, with hands-on computer sessions where > appropriate. Topics will include fonts and font families [1], <MetaFont>, > <LaTeX> style files and output drivers. > Courses, focussing on particular aspects of <TeX> and <LaTeX>, and the > collation of information on other <TeX>-related courses and course material > currently available. > Creation of specialist `Working Groups' with interests such as hyphenation, > fonts and <MetaFont>, implementation issues, <BibTeX>, other <LaTeX>tools, > <PostScript>, standards ... UK-TuG is currently examining the production of a newsletter, or other straightforward forms of information dissemination (not just electronic!) for the membership. As an interim, all members receive the <TeX>line newsletter. Negotiation of discounts with publishers on <TeX>-relevant books. So, in summary, you get access to any and all of these. Furthermore, any activity sponsored by the UK <TeX> Users' Group but available to all will be available at a reduced price to members (the reduction is typically five pounds; by attending four or more activities during the course of a year, you will save more than your UK-TuG membership). I hope that this provides the information that you require, and will encourage you to join us shortly. Philip Taylor for and on behalf of =============================== || The UK <TeX> Users' Group || =============================== [1] Takes place at RHBNC on 25th June. Price 25 pounds for members, 30 pounds for non-members, including morning coffee, a full lunch, and afternoon refreshments. Early booking advised as numbers will be limited to not more than twenty: there are still a few places left. Here are the details, and an application form--- Subject: workshop on Fonts and Font Families: a few places left ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The U.K. TeX Users' Group is pleased to announce the first of a series of W O R K S H O P S -0-0-0-0-0- On Monday 25th June 1990, there will be a workshop on `F O N T S A N D F O N T F A M I L I E S' at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (University of London) Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey. -0-0-0-0-0- The workshop will commence at 11:00, with coffee available from 10:00 for those arriving early. Lunch will be served at approximately 13:00, and the meeting is expected to continue until around 17:00, with a further break for refreshments during the afternoon. The cost of the workshop will be <pounds>25-00 for members of UK-TuG, and <pounds>30-00 for non-members, inclusive of all refreshments. The workshop will take place in the Board Room, Founders' Building; instructions on getting to RHBNC and finding the Board Room are available from the convener. The following themes will be covered in some detail, but it is hoped that those attending will bring their own problems (and solutions, if known), with the idea that the group will make a collective attempt at resolving some or all of them. * Accessing the pre-declared fonts; * Internal and external font names, and font selectors; * Accessing non-declared Computer Modern fonts; * Accessing fonts other than Computer Modern (e.g. PostScript); * Font families: why they are needed and where they are used; * The standard font families; * Creating new font families; * Developing an alternative font-selection schema; * \mathchardef. -0-0-0-0-0- Numbers will be strictly limited to twenty, so those wishing to attend are urged to contact Peter Abbott at Aston University as quickly as possible. Applications received after the first twenty will be held on reserve, pending cancellations, and any that cannot be satisfied will be returned together with the remittance. Enquiries concerning the content of the workshop, or finding RHBNC, may be addressed to the convener: Philip Taylor, The Computer Centre, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Tel: 0784 443172 (11:00 - 19:00) Surrey. E-mail: P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vax (preferred) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 13:55:24 BST From: Ian Ellery <> Subject: dvi2hplj? DVI to LaserJet program ----------------------- Does anyone have a working DVI -> HP Laser Jet program, for running under Unix, and using gf fonts? I copied [tex-archive.drivers.laserjet]dviplus.web, but it is horribly site specific, and uses the PXL font format (I thought that had died?). I do not have the ability to convert it - has anyone tried? I believe there is a PC version around as well - anyone have any ideas whether that could be/has been ported to Unix? Thanks, Ian Ellery Computing Science Dept, University of Aberdeen. -------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 19:02:19 BST From: Angus Duggan <> Subject: Problems with Unix TeX 3.0 makefiles, xdvi, new font selection scheme I've just been building the web2c version of TeX3.0 and some other programs from the Aston archive, and I came across a few problems. These were all on Sun-3 and Sun-4 machines running SunOS 4.0.3, compiled with gcc 1.37.1. 1) The makefile for the virtual font utilities in [tex-archive.tex.v3.unix.web2c.fontutil]makefile compiles vptovf and vftovp, but they core dump when run. This can be fixed by including a couple of defines (analagous to the defines used for tftopl and pltotf): # VFtoVP: # vftovp: vftovp.o extra.o $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o vftovp vftovp.o extra.o vftovp.o: vftovp.c extra.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Dindex=index_type vftovp.c vftovp.c: vftovp.p futil.defines vftovp.p: vftovp.web # VPtoVF: # vptovf: vptovf.o extra.o $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o vptovf vptovf.o extra.o vptovf.o: vptovf.c extra.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -Dindex=index_array -Dlink=link_array vptovf. c vptovf.c: vptovf.p futil.defines vptovf.p: vptovf.web (sorry no context diff, but I deleted the original makefile.) 2) The file sun.c in [] needs to be compiled with the -traditional option, if using gcc. 3) There are several bugs in the version of xdvi in [tex-archive.drivers.xdvi] I know that this version is out of date, so some of the bugs may have been fixed. The version in the archive is patchlevel 7; I think that the latest version is patchlevel 10 (I have patches 9 and 10, but am missing 8). When compiled with the toolkit (i.e. without the -DNOTOOL option), the command line options -paper, etc., do not work properly, even though the XDvi*paper resource does; I haven't tracked this one down yet. There is also a bug in the routine set_paper_type in xdvi.c, which does not read the dimensions correctly. A patch follows: *** xdvi.c Tue May 22 14:47:53 1990 --- /export/src/sun4/tex/xdvi.pl7/xdvi.c Tue Jun 12 18:53:56 1990 *************** *** 2074,2079 **** --- 2074,2081 ---- char *q; if (strlen(paper) > 20) return False; + /* AJCD 9 Jun 90: corrected references to 'i' */ + #ifdef RUBBISH i = 0; for (;;) { /* convert to lower case */ c = paper[i]; *************** *** 2082,2091 **** --- 2084,2099 ---- if (c == '\0') break; ++i; } + #else + for (i=0; (temp[i]=paper[i]) != '\0'; i++) + if (paper[i] >= 'A' && paper[i] <= 'Z') + temp[i]=tolower(paper[i]); + #endif /* perform substitutions */ for (p = paper_types; p < paper_types + XtNumber(paper_types); p += 2) if (strcmp(temp, *p) == 0) { (void) strcpy(temp, p[1]); + i = strlen(temp); /* someone forgot this... ---AJCD */ break; } if (i > 2 && strcmp(temp + i - 2, "cm") == 0) { 4) I have been trying to install the Mittelbach and Schoepf font selection scheme, but my copy of oldlfonts.sty is truncated. I tried to pick up a new copy from the archive, but the directory had moved. I tried in [tex-archive.latex.contrib.fam], [tex-archive.latex.contrib.fam.all], and [tex-archive.latex.contrib.fontsel], but I couldn't find the files, and the 00files.txt files seem to be out of sync or missing; where can I find this file? Thanks, Angus == Angus Duggan, Department of Computer Science, | Ignorance of the manual is University of Edinburgh, JCMB, | no excuse. The King's Buildings, Mayfield Road, | JANET: Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, Scotland. | OR: -------- Comments: > I've just been building the web2c version of TeX3.0 and some other programs > from the Aston archive, and I came across a few problems. These were all on > Sun-3 and Sun-4 machines running SunOS 4.0.3, compiled with gcc 1.37.1. > 1) The makefile for the virtual font utilities in > [tex-archive.tex.v3.unix.web2c.fontutil]makefile compiles vptovf and vftovp, > but they core dump when run. This can be fixed by including a couple of > defines (analagous to the defines used for tftopl and pltotf): This is fixed in the latest distribution from Karl Berry; it is reflected in the .uue compressed tar archives in [.tex.unix]. > 2) The file sun.c in [] needs to be > compiled with the -traditional option, if using gcc. point forwarded to Karl Berry; thanks for pointing it out. > 3) There are several bugs in the version of xdvi in > [tex-archive.drivers.xdvi] I know that this version is out of date, > so some of the bugs may have been fixed. The version in the > archive is patchlevel 7; I think that the latest version is > patchlevel 10 (I have patches 9 and 10, but am missing 8). When why don't they leave these things alone... I will fetch a correct version to patchlevel 10 or beyond. If anyone has it already. can they mail me a uuencoded compressed tar archive, please? > 4) I have been trying to install the Mittelbach and Schoepf font selection > scheme, but my copy of oldlfonts.sty is truncated. I tried to pick up a new > copy from the archive, but the directory had moved. I tried in > [tex-archive.latex.contrib.fam], [tex-archive.latex.contrib.fam.all], and > [tex-archive.latex.contrib.fontsel], but I couldn't find the files, and the I'm afraid you did your FTP access during a rather radical shakeup of Mittelbach and Schoepf I performed today. The whole tree is now located in [.latex.styles.fontsel] for consistency with [.latex.styles.{theorem, multicol, verbatim}], as requested by M & S. Sorry about that. It is also slightly updated by M & S. The 00directory.list is updated automatically each night; it can't cope with my single-handed hacking during the day! May I suggest that unless you have very good reasons for using it, you should not bother with `oldlfonts.sty' anyway. The use of newlfonts.sty requires little adjustment to your working habits. I have a whole department here using it, and they didn't even notice. Sebastian Rahtz -------------------------------------------- From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 14:52:49 bst Subject: New directory structure for Mainz additions to LaTeX in UK TeX Archive Now that the revision of LaTeX is properly under way, Frank Mittelbach is `officially' releasing the extensions/replacements for LaTeX which he and Rainer Schoepf have been working on. None of these is new to the archive, but I have taken the opportunity of a new release to rationalize the setup. Under the [.latex] directory at Aston there are two main subdirectories: [.styles] official Lamport-written styles [.contrib] contributed style files from various sources The [.styles] tree now has a series of subdirectories for each of the Mainz packages (currently fontsel, theorem, verbatim and multicol) which are regarded in some sense as `canonical'. `fontsel' **has been moved from the `styles' subdirectory**. Thus you can now expect to find: [.latex] lplain, latex.tex, lfonts.tex, latex.ins [.latex.doc] latex.bug, sample.tex, lerrata.tex etc [.latex.styles] *.doc, *.sty from Lamport [.latex.styles.verbatim] Schoepf's verbatim system [.latex.styles.multicol] Mittelbach flexible multiple columns [.latex.styles.theorem] additional theorem styles [.latex.styles.fontsel] new fontselection scheme for LaTeX 2.10 If you use the Mainz macros, please read and respect the documentation. You should *not* alter the files without changing the names, or redistribute them without the author's documentation. The main LaTeX macro files and style files are now up to date as of spring 1990 from Lamport's fair hands. note that I have also added [.latex.contrib.german] to contain the German styles and introduction to LaTeX (lkurz) Sebastian Rahtz -------------------------------------------- From: Sebastian Rahtz <> Date: Wed, 13 Jun 90 09:48:19 bst Subject: xdvi upgrade The copy of the X-Windows `xdvi' previewer at Aston has been upgraded to patch level 9; this appears to be the latest version on, the recommended home for the sources. Its in [.drivers.xdvi] Sebastian Rahtz --------------------------------- Date: Wed, 13 Jun 90 12:51:21 BST Subject: LaTeX page-headings From: Back in May, I asked the following: > The page-headings in LaTeX appear to be defined at the point where the page > is output. Thus if the page-heading includes a section or subsection title, > the one that appears refers to the last (sub)section started on or before > the current page; so, for example, if a page includes several short > subsections, the page-heading will refer to the last of these. > Is there any easy way of arranging for the page-heading to refer to the > (sub)section relevant at the top of the page: i.e., if a new (sub)section > begins the page, then that (sub)section, otherwise the previous one? > Failing this, can one at least arrange for it to refer to the first, not > last, (sub)section started on the page, when there is one? Thanks to the reply by Mike Piff, I now know how, by the use of \def\leftmark{\expandafter\@leftmark\firstmark}, to get the headings on EACH page to correspond to the first, rather than the last, section or whatever starting on that page, if there is one. That answers part of my question. The other part was: how to get the heading to correspond to the section current at the foot of the PREVIOUS page unless a new one starts at the TOP of the current page. Knuth in the TeXbook (p.260) says that one can achieve this in TeX by using \topmark, where a \mark{} command appears just before \sectionbreak, but I can't for the life of me see where the corresponding point to insert a \mark{} in LaTeX is. -------- Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 09:59:41 Subject: Re: Latex page-headings From: Mike Piff <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England. Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ David Handscomb writes: > Back in May, I asked the following: > The page-headings in LaTeX appear to be defined at the point where the page > is output. Thus if the page-heading includes a section or subsection title, > the one that appears refers to the last (sub)section started on or before > the current page; so, for example, if a page includes several short > subsections, the page-heading will refer to the last of these. > Is there any easy way of arranging for the page-heading to refer to the > (sub)section relevant at the top of the page: i.e., if a new (sub)section > begins the page, then that (sub)section, otherwise the previous one? > Failing this, can one at least arrange for it to refer to the first, not > last, (sub)section started on the page, when there is one? > Thanks to the reply by Mike Piff, I now know how, by the use of \def\leftmark{\expandafter\@leftmark\firstmark}, > to get the headings on EACH page to correspond to the first, rather than the > last, section or whatever starting on that page, if there is one. That > answers part of my question. The other part was: how to get the heading to > correspond to the section current at the foot of the PREVIOUS page unless a > new one starts at the TOP of the current page. Knuth in the TeXbook (p.260) > says that one can achieve this in TeX by using \topmark, where a \mark{} > command appears just before \sectionbreak, but I can't for the life of me see > where the corresponding point to insert a \mark{} in LaTeX is. The solution to your problem follows (I hope). I have tried it in article documentstyle only, marking with section headings. If you want to mark with anything else, you will need to redefine \subsection, etc, in a similar way. Don't expect structured programming in TeX!!!! \documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{headings} \makeatletter \def\leftmark{\expandafter\@leftmark\topmark}% use topmark \makeatother \let\Section=\section%save real meaning \def\section{\futurelet\str\seeifstar} %starred section? \def\seeifstar{% \ifx\str*% yes, it is starred \def\Next{\Section}% normal section, starred \else \def\Next{\futurelet\brc\seeifbrc}% see if optional argument \fi \Next % continue } \def\seeifbrc{% \ifx\brc[% yes, optional argument \def\Next{\brsect}% optional arg section \else \def\Next{\nbrsect}% normal section \fi \Next } \def\brsect[#1]#2{\sectionmark{#1}\Section[#1]{#2}} %pre-mark before break \def\nbrsect#1{\sectionmark{#1}\Section{#1}} % ditto %followed by your document Mike Piff %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Character code reference %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Upper case letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ % % Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz % % Digits: 0123456789 % % Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> () % % Backslash, slash, solidus: \ / | % % Period, interrogative, exclamation: . ? ! % % Comma, colon, semi-colon: , : ; % % Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - = % % Quotes (left, right, double): ` ' " % % Commercial-at, hash, dollar, percent: @ # $ % % % Ampersand, asterisk, plus, caret, tilde: & * + ^ ~ % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.993(==3.0) LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.9 (2.0) !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 28 March 1990 (from !! !! FTP access site !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to please !! distribution changes to please !! !! end of issue