----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UKTeX V90 #21 Friday 6 July 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spanish TeX? TeX88 Proceedings English documentation for emtex Re: English documentation for emtex TYPOGRAFICA FONTS texbook seventeenth printing RE: texbook seventeenth printing The TeXbook, for TeX 3 The TeXbook (for TeX 3) Use of \special to include PostScript Re: Use of \special to include PostScript Euler TFM files Re: X previewers Previewers (re: Uktex V90#20) Re: Previewers Porting Web,TeX etc emTeX---English TeXcad document? mathematics MSYM and AMSTeX fonts EDMAC discussion group AMS fonts in the archive TeX v3.0 and LaTeX Re: Modula-2 versions of TANGLE and WEAVE? Real and Complex signs Re: Real and Complex signs TeX for Acorn R140 Re: TeX for Acorn R140 TeX for Archimedes RE: TeX for Archimedes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Peter Abbott This issue edited by David Osborne (Univ of Nottingham) <d.osborne@uk.ac.nott.clan> Submissions: uktex@uk.ac.aston Administration: uktex-request@uk.ac.aston Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UKTEX.90] Latest TeXhax: #50 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEXHAX.90] Latest TeXmag: V4 N1 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEX-MAG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E D I T O R ' S N O T E S Apologies for the late distribution of some of these items, due to a break in Aston's connection to JANET at the Manchester Computing Centre last week, and to system software upgrades on Aston's VAX cluster this week. These events also interrupted access to the archive. However, all is now back to normal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Spanish TeX? Date: Tue, 03 Jul 90 09:37:22 BST From: Dave Cook 4448 <CH1DBC@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM> I have had a resquest from colleagues in Spain to get them a TeX and LaTeX, plus a Previewer (and, I imagine, a printer driver). They have a Convex machine running Unix and I do not yet know what type of display terminal they have, although this information will be available shortly. I guess they would also like Spanish fonts(!!). What is the best plan to get hold of this material, please Dave Cook (Chemistry Dept. University of Sheffield) ------------------------------ Subject: TeX88 Proceedings Originally-sent:Fri, 29 Jun 90 13:16:07 BST Originally-from:peter@uk.co.memex (Peter Ilieve) Has anyone seen a copy yet? Malcolm Clark announced in UKTeX in March that it was off to the printers and his latest TeXline says that they had either just been sent or were about to be (I forget which and it is at home so I can't check). I haven't seen anything yet. My TeX88 registration used my work address, which hasn't changed, so it should get to me ok. Peter Ilieve peter@memex.co.uk ------------------------------ Subject: English documentation for emtex Originally-sent:Mon, 25 Jun 90 18:51:32 EDT Originally-from:Paul_Abrahams <Paul_Abrahams%wayne-mts@edu.umich.cc.um> Do you have any information on how I might get the English translation of the documentation for emtex? (I've been able to get the system itself.) And do you know if V3 is out yet? Thanks. - Paul Abrahams ------------------------------ Subject: Re: English documentation for emtex Originally-sent:Fri, 29 Jun 90 16:22:37 bst Originally-from:Sebastian Rahtz <spqr@uk.ac.soton.ecs> ARCHIVEGROUP@uk.ac.ASTON.VAXA writes: > Do you have any information on how I might get the English translation of > the documentation for emtex? (I've been able to get the system itself.) > And do you know if V3 is out yet? Thanks. - Paul Abrahams a) the english documentation was placed on terminator.cc.umich.edu a few weeks ago, and also at Aston. I can mail a boo-encoded zip archive if you have problems getting it b) no, V3 emTeX has not been released yet (that I know of!) Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 8:01 GMT From: EFDJ4539@UK.AC.QUEENS-BELFAST.CENTRE.VAX1 Subject: TYPOGRAFICA FONTS TYPOGRAFICA FONTS. I wonder if you know of anyone who has converted the Typografica fonts for TeX? I find that when I create an HP soft font from Typografica, the Personal TeX HPLJ to TeX conversion program will not work satisfactorily. Only occasionally will it produce a .pk file, and when it does and I try to use it I get the message "Bad .pk file". Any help would be much appreciated. Best wishes, Geoffrey Hornsey. ------------------------------ Subject: texbook seventeenth printing Originally-sent:Fri 22 Jun 90 11:56:41-EST Originally-from:bbeeton <BNB@com.ams.math> in uktex 90 #20, dominik inquires whether tug is selling the latest edition (seventeenth printing) of the texbook. alas, the seventeenth printing probably hasn't even been printed yet! here's what i know. while don knuth was diligently preparing the camera copy for the new edition, addison-wesley decided that they were sufficiently low on reserve stock that they should reprint, which they did, without informing don. my memory recalls that the print order was something like 5000 copies. (please note that i arrived home at 2.a.m. this morning from the tug meeting, having suffered several unexpected delays at the hands of the airlines, and am not entirely capable at the moment of coherent thought.) as any commercial purveyor, a-w hates to take a loss, so they told don that they wouldn't print from the new copy until they had sold out their stock on the old. that was last fall. i haven't heard how close they are to the day when they'll do that, and now that don is not accepting electronic mail, it'll take some time for me to get any information from him (though i'll inquire), and i don't think a-w is willing to divulge the information to anyone else. i hate to say, go out and buy the outdated edition, but unless enough people do that, we may never see the new one. catch-22. -- bb ------- ------------------------------ Subject: RE: texbook seventeenth printing Originally-sent:Fri, 22 JUN 90 17:46:41 BST Originally-from:Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vax> >i hate to say, go out and buy the outdated edition, but unless >enough people do that, we may never see the new one. catch-22. This might seem a silly question, but did they reprint both hardback and paperback, or just the latter ? In which case, is there any likelyhood that V17 will be able in h/b before the p/b edition, or are they always kept in perfect synch ? ** Phil. ------------------------------ Subject: The TeXbook, for TeX 3 Originally-sent:Wed, 27 Jun 90 18:16:39 +0100 Originally-from:Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@uk.ac.ucl> Here is what I have been able to find out about the TeXbook's latest printings. I finally contacted Addison-Wesley in Reading, MA, and they said that the hardback was already selling in its tenth printing. Since Knuth said that the TeX 3 stuff would appear in the ninth printing, that sounds good. Except I have only seen the eighth printing in UK bookshops. (Anyone more up to date? I don't go near Heffers.) Regarding the paperback, AW told me that the seventeenth printing would begin to be available in early July, and that I could fax them an order then. Knuth said that TeX 3 stuff would appear first in the seventeenth printing. The problem is, as Knuth said and Barbara kindly confirmed, that AW had printed 5000 copies of the sixteenth printing just at the time that Knuth sent them the changes. So those 5000 copies had to be sold before the new printing could be released. Dominik ------------------------------ Subject: The TeXbook (for TeX 3) Originally-sent:Fri, 29 Jun 90 10:51:07 +0100 Originally-from:Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@uk.ac.ucl> OK everyone, here is a final (I hope) piece of information. Apparently, although Addison-Wesley say they will only be publishing the 17th printing of the paperback of the TeXbook in July, it is already available for sale from TUG. Karen Butler was kind enough to confirm for me that TUG can supply the TeXbook -- describing TeX 3 -- in paperback (17th printing) or hardback. Paperback is $29 plus $8 postage. MasterCard and Visa cards accepted. Contact Karen on KLB@com.ams.seed . Dominik ------------------------------ Subject: Use of \special to include PostScript Originally-sent:Fri, 22 Jun 90 22:44 GMT Originally-from:Stephen Gilmore <EFIA4580@UK.AC.QUEENS-BELFAST.CENTRE.VAX1> Dear archivists, Could someone knowledgeable in PostScript please tell me how to modify the following PostScript text (generated by Silicon Beach's Mac application SuperPaint) so that it can be included in a \special in a LaTeX document. The PostScript is a diagram of a robot arm, a conveyor belt and a pallet. It is 6cms high and sits at the top of an A4 page. Unfortunately, it causes the LaserWriter to eject the page before printing the LaTeX generated "Figure 1:" caption and the rest of the text on the page. How can I prevent this and keep the diagram and the text on the same page? The PostScript follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Title: Unspecified %%Creator: SuperPaint %%CreationDate: Friday, June 22, 1990 %%Pages: (atend) %%BoundingBox: ? ? ? ? %%PageBoundingBox: 28 30 588 844 %%For: %%IncludeProcSet: "(AppleDict md)" 68 0 %%EndComments %%EndProlog %%BeginDocumentSetup md begin [ ...approx 200 lines of PostScript deleted -Ed.] 161 94 gm -0.27217 0.(arm)ashow 75 72 div dup scale F T cp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks, Stephen Gilmore. ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Use of \special to include PostScript Originally-sent:Sun, 24 Jun 90 15:16:36 BST Originally-from:spqr@uk.ac.soton.ecs ARCHIVEGROUP@uk.ac.ASTON.VAXA writes: > Could someone knowledgeable in PostScript please tell me how to modify > the following PostScript text (generated by Silicon Beach's Mac > application SuperPaint) so that it can be included in a \special in a > LaTeX document. I have wrestled with PostScript output from things like Superpaint and Macdraw before now, and its always a pain. Let's just face the fact that they don't produce decent Encapsulated PS. One solution is to read the file into something that *does* obey the rules, like Pagemaker, and export a file from there. Your quoted PS is not possible to diagnose, because you omit the necessary `appledict' set of procedures which this code relies upon. Sebastian Rahtz ------------------------------ Subject: Euler TFM files Originally-sent:Sat, 23 Jun 90 00:25:20 BST Originally-from:George Russell <GER11@UK.AC.CAMBRIDGE.PHOENIX> I see that the TFM files and the PK300 files for the Euler fonts (excepting EUEX9 and EUEX10) appear to suffer from the following problems: (1) The VMS file transfer can't cope with the TFM files (and complains about record formats); (2) Each has characters missing in the other. Could this be fixed please? Thank you. ------------------------------ Subject: Re: X previewers Originally-sent:Mon, 25 Jun 90 10:13:05 MET DST Originally-from:Keizer E G <keie@nl.vu.cs> We have been using texx2 since october last year and are very satisfied. I recompiled all tex fonts with metafont and converted them to X fonts. I have version '9' of texx2. It was present on a.cs.uiuc.edu and expo.lcs.mit.edu last september. Ed Keizer ------------------------------ Subject: Previewers (re: Uktex V90#20) Originally-sent:Mon, 25 Jun 90 9:36:59 BST Originally-from:Dr R M Damerell (RHBNC) <damerell@uk.ac.nsfnet-relay> Our situation is: sun 3/60, 4MB memory, SUN-OS3.5, we use dvipage which is a suntools previewer written by N.Hunt at Schlumberger. This is SUN specific, but it gives this performance: From initial command to diaplaying first page : 1.5 sec. Goto page 100 or so: 10 pages per sec. Go back to page 3 (ie, not previously shown) < 1 sec. File space: dvipage needs 1.5 MB for fonts and about 0.5 MB for software, including source. Disadvantages: The version that we have cannot handle graphics inserts. Also it is SUN specific. I should say that this version is > a year old. Can any of the X previewers match this performance? Mark ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Previewers Originally-sent:Mon, 25 Jun 90 11:12:52 bst Originally-from:Sebastian Rahtz <spqr@uk.ac.soton.ecs> ARCHIVEGROUP@uk.ac.ASTON.VAXA writes: > Our situation is: sun 3/60, 4MB memory, SUN-OS3.5, we use dvipage which is ..... > Can any of the X previewers match this performance? Mark just load up SUNOS 4.1 and watch it grind, let alone X.... sebastian ------------------------------ Subject: Porting Web,TeX etc Date: Mon, 11 Jun 90 10:24:29 BST From: WWSYSTS@UK.AC.Manchester-Computing-Centre.CMS MyName: MCC Systems Group (uk-061-275-6051) Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but it's the only address I have at the moment. I am looking into the possibility of porting TeX + associated utilities onto our UTS system. After looking at the sources available from Aston I am unsure of the best way to approach the problem. UTS is a System V compatible Unix system and we have both C and Pascal compilers. The Pascal is to ISO standard level 1. Should I go for the Pascal route or the C route - I would prefer to stay as close to the offical releases as possible to keep maintenance simple. Geoff. Lane. UTS Sys Admin mcc ------------------------------ Date: Mon,11 Jun 90 15:18:32 BST From: D.Eckersley@uk.ac.salford.sysc Subject: emTeX---English TeXcad document? I've acquired the emTeX collection from the archive and have (so far) used its btex286, dvihplj, dviscr, and TeXcad. Many thanks to the archivists and translators of the .doc files---this looks to be an extremely useful collection of software. Has anyone yet translated tcman.dvi, the 15 page manual for TeXcad? TeXcad is quite usable without documentation, but it would be nice to see the pukka manual, particularly since its Appendix D seems to contain details of terms, conditions, and cost of a registered copy of the software. Dave Eckersley ------------------------------ Subject: mathematics Date: Tue, 19 Jun 90 18:04:50 +0200 From: beig@EARN.FRULM63 (Jacques Beigbeder) A question for Tex'gurus! Consider the following text: ------------------------------- \documentstyle{report} \begin{document} \begin{eqnarray*} x & = & \Biggl( a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + \\ & & n + o + p + q + r + s + t + u + v + w + x + y + z \\ & & + \frac{d}{1+\frac{f}{g}} \Biggl) \end{eqnarray*} \end{document} ------------------------------- Using \Biggl, we get with no difficulty parenthesis with the same size at the beginning and the end of the formula. Is there another to get this effect, with something like \left( and \right), but for a formula on several lines? J.Beigbeder beig@frulm63.bitnet / beig@ens.ens.fr ------------------------------ Subject: MSYM and AMSTeX fonts Date: Tue, 19 Jun 90 13:20 BST From: MGB1@UK.AC.YORK.VAXA I have been trying to get the AMSteX fonts from the archive. I have been transferring them back to here using the VMS transfer with the /nocompress and /code=fast options. On getting the fonts back here, they appear to be corrupted. (Have pulled the .TFM file back and they were ok.) Any ideas ? Is there anyone out there who has these fonts working on a VMS system. Thanks for the help Mike Beaty ------------------------------ Subject: EDMAC discussion group Originally-sent:Wed, 27 Jun 90 14:13:43 +0100 Originally-from:Dominik Wujastyk <ucgadkw@uk.ac.ucl> Some readers may have heard a little about EDMAC. This is a set of Plain TeX macros that do much of what is required for the formatting of a critical edition of a text. The macros were written by John Lavagnino, and some features were added later by Dominik Wujastyk, who also took the opportunity to cast the macros in the format of Mittlebach and Schoepf's DOC style. The macros have been in use at a few sites for the last year or so, and have -- by and large -- been doing OK. But thanks to Mac Pigman III, one of the users, John has been enabled to spend some concentrated time on developing the macros further, and tidying them up. The rough agenda is that the macros will be worked on during this summer, and we shall seek publication (probably in TUGboat) at the end of the year. I have established a network discussion group for the purpose of centralizing and coordinating this work, and to make it easy for interested parties to participate with suggestions etc. This discussion group is based at Newcastle in the UK, and is called Mailbase. It functions in a similar way to the more familiar LISTSERV servers. Anyone who is interested in listening in on the discussion as EDMAC develops is welcome to join, as is --of course-- anyone who would like to make suggestions. Suggestions will be of most use if they come from people who have already used EDMAC. The macros already do quite a lot; and although we want them to be flexible and useful for critical editions, we don't want to fall foul of "creeping-featurism". It is easy to join the EDMAC discussion list. Send the mail message "subscribe edmac John Doe" to mailbase@newcastle.ac.uk, substituting your names for "John Doe". Thereafter, you will recieve a user manual automatically, and be added to the group. You will also be able to get copies of EDMAC and related files from the mail server. Here are some edited extracts from the users manual (NB the email addresses quoted here are in the form appropriate to users on the UK Janet network; from elsewhere, reverse the string after the "@", so that the address is in "little-endian" format. There may be more to it than this, depending on your mailer's intelligence): Mailbase provides a facility to enhance group communication via electronic mail. It does this by providing facilities for people with access to electronic mail to join in (subscribe to) discussions that take place via electronic mail. The discussions are organised as electronic mail distribution lists. These distribution lists have the following major elements. (1) An electronic mail address This uniquely identifies the discussion or mail distribution list. This is the address to which contributions, in the form of electronic mail messages, are made to the discussion. For example, discussion about the EDMAC project takes place by sending contributions, via electronic mail to: edmac@uk.ac.newcastle This mail is then distributed to all of the members of the nisp distribution list. (2) Members of the distribution list This is a list of electronic mail addresses each of which identifies a member of the distribution list. (3) A list administrator or owner John Lavagnino and Dominik Wujastyk are responsible for carrying out the administrative functions associated with the EDMAC distribution list. As list owners they also act as a point of contact for problems or queries related to the list. The list owner is identified by an electronic mail address. edmac-request@uk.ac.newcastle Using the Mailbase facilities ----- --- -------- ---------- Mailbase is a mail response program. This means that if you send commands to it in the body of a mail message it will execute them on your behalf. Information regarding the success or otherwise of these commands is returned to the user in the form of mail message. Commands that can be given to Mailbase are described below. All commands should be sent in the body of a mail message to the following Mailbase@uk.ac.newcastle It is IMPORTANT that these commands be sent only to this address and NOT to any of the mail distribution lists managed by Mailbase. The commands are interpreted by a computer program whereas mail to distribution lists is meant, ultimately, for human consumption. More than one command may appear in any one mail message to Mailbase. The commands may appear in any order in UPPER, lower, or MiXeD case. List owner commands must be preceded by a "set" command as described below. Problems or queries that require human intervention should be addressed to: Mailbase-request@uk.ac.newcastle Subscribing to Discussions ----------- -- ----------- The following command will add the user of it to a Mailbase distribution list Subscribe <listname> <firstname> <surname> [ HIDDEN | SEEN ] A specific example of this general form is: Subscribe edmac Ron Chennells This will add the mail address, taken from the message header of the sender, to the edmac distribution list. The names details given will also be recorded giving a possibly more meaningful association between the members of a list than electronic mail addresses alone. The optional words "SEEN" or "HIDDEN" may be used to determine if a members details are given in a subsequent "Review edmac" command. A default of "SEEN" is implied if neither is given. Leaving Discussions ------- ----------- To leave the discussion send the following command: Unsubscribe edmac -- Note new addresses: -------------------------------------------------------- Dominik Wujastyk, | Janet: D.Wujastyk@uk.ac.ucl Wellcome Institute for | Bitnet/Earn/Ean/Uucp: D.Wujastyk@ucl.ac.uk the History of Medicine, | Internet/Arpa/Csnet: dow@wjh12.harvard.edu 183 Euston Road, | or: D.Wujastyk%ucl@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk London NW1 2BN, England. | Phone no.: +44 71 383-4252 ext.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Subject: AMS fonts in the archive Originally-sent:Tue, 03 Jul 90 10:00:13 +0100 Originally-from:RF@UK.AC.CAMBRIDGE.COMPUTER-LAB I have recently tried to retrieve AMS fonts from the archive, with disappoint- ing results. The .TFMs return OK, but the .PK files all come back mangled. The specific type of mangling is that they return as VMS variable-length/510- byte maximum record files, rather than as fixed-length/512-byte files. After a certain amount of magic VMS incantation, I've recast them as the `proper' form, but the {Hamilton-Kelly} DVItoLN03 program complains that they miss a preamble. My assumption is that the said preamble was overwritten by some piece of damn-fool VMS software as they were stuck in the archive, and overwritten (at that) by the `01FE' record length at the start of most blocks. I'm transferring the files VMS-to-VMS as /code=fast; I did get a copy on tape for our shiny new Exabyte, but due to a brain slippage on my part it came back as a tar tape, which defeats my poor ol' VMS tar-reader software (must send off for yet another!). Any ideas, you merry archivists? Robin Fairbairns, Laser-Scan, Cambridge, CB4 4FY, UK 0223 420414 rf@cl.cam.ac.uk (for foreigners), rf@uk.ac.cam.cl (Janet) ** until my `native' address gets NRS-registered..** ------------------------------ Subject: TeX v3.0 and LaTeX Originally-sent:Wed, 04 Jul 90 13:31:02 Originally-from:PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England. Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or PM1MJP@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am pleased to say that the problems I was having with PC-TeX have disappeared now I am using SB30TeX. There is the additional bonus of being able to use \emergencystretch to get rid of those wretched overfull \hboxes! However, I am surprised at the lack of instructions on setting up LaTeX to use TeX v3.0. Plain TeX is provided, and AMSTeX is easy, since it loads plain, but LaTeX uses lplain.tex, which appears to be several years old, and incompatible with v3.0. Having done a comparison between plain from v2.993 and v3.0 of plain.tex, I isolated the few places which needed changing, but perhaps there are other changes which should have been incorporated in lplain.tex at some earlier revision of TeX? Anyway, to get things started, here are the changes that I found I needed to make: (a) Somewhere or other, insert \lefthyphenmin=2 \righthyphenmin=3 %or whatever, according to preference or else TeX v3.0 will try to peel a single character off when hyphenating. (b) The other change is unnecessary, unless you are working in multiple languages. A new count register is dedicated to languages, so the other registers have to be shifted on one: \count10=22 % allocates \count registers 23, 24, ... %%***** \count11=9 % allocates \dimen registers 10, 11, ... \count12=9 % allocates \skip registers 10, 11, ... \count13=9 % allocates \muskip registers 10, 11, ... \count14=9 % allocates \box registers 10, 11, ... \count15=9 % allocates \toks registers 10, 11, ... \count16=-1 % allocates input streams 0, 1, ... \count17=-1 % allocates output streams 0, 1, ... \count18=3 % allocates math families 4, 5, ... \count19=0 % for languages %%***** \count20=255 % allocates insertions 254, 253, ... %%***** \countdef\insc@unt=20 % the insertion counter %%***** \countdef\allocationnumber=21 % the most recent allocation %%***** \countdef\m@ne=22 \m@ne=-1 % a handy constant %%***** \def\wlog{\immediate\write\m@ne} % write on log file (only) and then you need \outer\def\newlanguage{\alloc@9\language\chardef\@cclvi} Are there any more changes to be made? Is there a list somewhere on the archive? Should there be? Mike Piff ------------------------------ Subject: Re: Modula-2 versions of TANGLE and WEAVE? Originally-sent:Wed, 4 Jul 90 18:15 GMT Originally-from:FX@UK.AC.DARESBURY.NNGA Sewell's book on WEB ('Weaving a program') contains tangle and weave change files for modula-2, I think. Alternatively you could build one swiftly with the spidery web system using Knuth's pascal productions as a base. ------------------------------ Subject: Real and Complex signs Originally-sent:Thu, 5 Jul 90 16:21:22 BST Originally-from:MM@UK.AC.QMW.MATHS Can somebody tell me in what font there are the usual symbols for the real and complex numbers, where by 'usual' I mean the ones with doubled uprights which I believe are 'blackboard bold'? Please do NOT re-start the wars about whether I SHOULD use these - just accept that I want to and give me some information. Malcolm MacCallum ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 05 Jul 90 17:19:30 BST From: David Osborne <cczdao@clan.nott.ac.uk> Subject: Re: Real and Complex signs Malcolm, in your message of Thu, 05 Jul 90 16:31:15 -0000, you said: > Can somebody tell me in what font there are the usual symbols for the real > and complex numbers, where by 'usual' I mean the ones with doubled uprights > which I believe are 'blackboard bold'? the `blackboard bold' capitals are in the old-series AMS fonts `msym*.*pk', where they occupy the usual positions for the uppercase alphabet. in the new AMS fonts, which i'll install in the archive in the next couple of days, the BB caps are in fonts `msbm*'. you'll find the article by Robert Messer, describing `poor man's blackboard bold', to which Malcolm Clark referred in an earlier message, in TUGboat 9(1) [1988], 19--20. dave osborne, Aston TeX Archive group. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Jul 90 09:54:00 BST From: PHYGEP@UK.AC.HERIOT-WATT.VAXB Subject: TeX for Acorn R140 Peter, This is just to confirm my telephone call of 6/7/90. 1. Is TeX available for R140? 2. How do I get a copy? 3. Is Latex included? 4. Is there a screen previewer? 5. Is there support for a Postscript laser printer? Thanks, Gordon Peckham ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Jul 90 12:43:34 BST From: David Osborne <cczdao@clan> Subject: Re: TeX for Acorn R140 Gordon, Peter forwarded you mail to me. in your message of Fri, 06 Jul 90 09:54:00 -0000, you said: > 1. Is TeX available for R140? coming soon > 2. How do I get a copy? it will be installed at Aston; alternatively, i should be able to supply a kit on floppies (but as that requires time-consuming work, i'd prefer it if people who have the capability could fetch the archive copy). > 3. Is Latex included? yes, as well as plain, SliTeX and AMSTeX 2.0. > 4. Is there a screen previewer? yes, xdvi will be included, as well DVItoVDU (in C). > 5. Is there support for a Postscript laser printer? yes, James Clark's dvitops will be included. so will METAFONT, BibTeX, and all the supporting TeXware and METAFONTware. [i guess i ought to include makeindex, which isn't in there at the moment]. i'm finishing off the testing in spare moments and have also to write an installation guide, at Acorn's request. i can't give a definite release date, but i can say it will be `as soon as possible' -- within the next couple of weeks, i'd hope. i'll drop you a line, but it will be announced in UKTeX when it goes in the archive, of course. - dave - (Aston TeX Archive group) ------------------------------ Subject: (722) TeX for Archimedes Originally-sent:Fri, 06 Jul 90 11:37:57 Originally-from:CS1CWM@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA Two members of our Maths Department have an Archimedes and would like to put TeX on it. They have heard of a version (2.93) from Germany costing about \pounds69, with LaTeX a further \pounds29. Are there any others? I have looked in the Archive directory and searched this year's UKTeX for Archimedes without success. Chris Martin ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 06 Jul 90 11:59:36 BST Subject: RE: (722) TeX for Archimedes Originally-from: P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX Chris --- >Two members of our Maths Department have an Archimedes and would like to put >TeX on it. They have heard of a version (2.93) from Germany costing about >\pounds69, with LaTeX a further \pounds29. Are there any others? > >I have looked in the Archive directory and searched this year's UKTeX for >Archimedes without success. Yes. Contact Graham Toal <G.Toal@Uk.Ac.Edinburgh>, who will probably request that you send him circa twenty-five pre-formatted floppy discs for an Archimedes ... Philip Taylor, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, ``The University of London at Windsor'' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! Editor - I have a tape labelled TeX 2.993(==3.0) LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.9 (2.0) !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 28 March 1990 (from washington.edu). !! !! FTP access site uk.ac.aston.tex !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to info-tex@uk.ac.aston please !! distribution changes to info-tex-request@uk.ac.aston please !! !! end of issue