----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UKTeX V90 #22 Friday 13 July 1990 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today's topics: Here is TeX for Archimedes (RiscOS) Discuss: French language. Re: Gentle Introduction to TeX. emTeX Lambda.sty Program SGML-TeX seminar Groningen, 31 Aug 1990 Drivers for HP DeskJet LaTeX styles from Mainz (updates) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Peter Abbott This issue edited by: David Osborne (University of Nottingham) <d.osborne@uk.ac.nott.clan> Submissions: uktex@uk.ac.aston Administration: uktex-request@uk.ac.aston Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UKTEX.90] Latest TeXhax: #51 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEXHAX.90] Latest TeXmag: V4 N2 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEX-MAG] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E D I T O R ' S N O T E S With this issue, we adopt the policy of not including answers from the Archive Group to messages received during the week and printed here, to encourage participation by the readership. If you have a useful answer to any question raised in the digest, please send it to UKTeX@uk.ac.aston for inclusion in the next issue. We'd like to hear from you --- this is {\em your} digest! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Here is TeX for Archimedes (RiscOS) Originally-sent:Fri Jul 6 17:18:53 GMT 1990 Originally-from:GTOAL@UK.AC.EDINBURGH.COMPUTER-SCIENCE.TARDIS CSICWM@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA asks for TeX for the Acorn Archimedes, running RiscOS rather than Unix. There are two versions of this compiled for the Archimedes; one is from Tools GmbH which is sold commercially (I think around $UK200 for a full set of TeX and MF), and one which is supplied by myself as a part-time public domain effort. I have *not* tried very hard to advertise my services before now, because my release has been short of a very vital part: the previewer. However a previewer which has been under development for some time finally started working this morning (!) and should be beta-testable by the end of next week. I shall also be lodging copies with the Archive, although I'm not sure exactly how to do that... my release at the moment includes sources and font files - it would be a shame to use 20Mb of aston disk space to duplicate files already there - and it will be a lot of work sorting things out into suitable format if I dont. Meantime, I think the best thing to do is for anyone who wants a copy of TeX (2.9) from me is to post me 25 *FORMATTED* Archimedes floppies and return postage stamps, and I'll mail them a release as soon as I can. However because of the part-time nature of this, and the length of time it takes to copy that many disks, I warn you that sometimes people have waited as long as ten weeks for their disks to arrive. If you want better support and quicker service, I can recommend the Tools version of TeX. They were kind enough to send me a full release for testing, so I know that it works well enough. I wouldn't say mine was any better... just cheaper (and copyable) :-) Graham Toal <gtoal@uk.ac.ed> 76 Clare Court, Judd Street, London WC1H 9QW ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jul 90 12:11:03 BST From: R.A.Reese@uk.ac.hull Subject: Discuss: French language. The following news item appeared in the Daily Telegraph (London 6 July 90). `Au revoir \^{} France's language experts abolished the circumflex yesterday. Circumflex accents and hyphens linking compound words will not be used in schools after next year.' It is not explained why the French need to simplify their character set. Are they all using some inadequate American keyboard? Do their minitel keyboards have \^{}s? What are the implications for TeX? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 9 Jul 90 12:36:48 BST From: R.A.Reese@uk.ac.hull Subject: Re: Gentle Introduction to TeX. Here is an amended version of a message I sent to Michael Doob ten days ago. As I haven't received a reply I guess he's away. Meanwhile I enclose the comments for information and would be willing to place the revised Gentle Introduction in the Archive if asked. I have split the single file (as it is) into four parts for ease of editing: the Contents and Index are hard-coded in the current version, I removed the defaults and put \input statements for contents.tex and index.tex; I split the introductory macros from the main text. A point of general interest is that since this is a book about TeX the contents list contains TeX command words. These do not need to be expanded when the contents list is written. Indeed it is very unhelpful if they are (especially the maths delimiters). However, TeX variables like section number and page number obviously do need to be replaced by their actual values. This is now done by a sequence of \write s that either do/do not expand. This then meant I had to find a way of writing unbalanced brackets, so that the result of writing all the components of an item was something like \line{ 4.3.2 \TeX s, and TiCks \dotfill 27 } ^ ^ ^ secnum subsecnum etc pageno You cannot \write{ \string{ } as the \string does not stop TeX from counting the { and hence saying there is an unbalance. But you can \write{ \bgroup } and \bgroup seems to mean {. The TeX book is cagey on any differences. ---------- I got the Gentle Intro from the Aston TeX server to see if you had changed anything since the 1989 draft. The archive copy is dated January this year. Here are some comments; 1) There are a couple of paragraphs at the start of section 1 in the 1989 draft that have disappeared. This may be unintended, but the (partial) reference to the TeXbook has moved to the Introduction. However, I think without them Section 1 does not flow from its title. 2) The Contents is supposed to be generated from the macros in the supplied input. This is not so: (a) the macros don't put in the section numbers (b) the macros put in the contents file expanded copies of TeX control words. This really screws up the section heading "Groups, groups ...". I have hacked the macros with the help of a dirty trick from the TeXbook, so now you can write contents.tex and then just \input it in the next run. 3) Similarly the index file contains only part of what the index section needs. I haven't hacked \toindex, but it ought to be easy enough to get it to write \\\TeX rather than TeX etc. The DOS sort command gives a slightly different ordering, but hand editing produces a similar result to your original. 4) I found an error! The alignment chapter in G.I. says you cannot right align the final tabbed column. You can, by putting another & after the string. This "right-margin tab" also allows writing of marginal comments. (It is in the TeXbook) 5) I have resized the document for A4 and changed a few explicit pagebreaks as a result. Allan Reese r.a.reese@hull ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 10 JUL 90 15:49:15 GMT From: CIY8@UK.AC.NEWCASTLE-POLY.VAXA To: abbottp@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: emTeX I would be grateful if you would help. I am attempting to install emTeX on an IBM PC. I have obtained and installed the files necessary for LaTeX (from Aston.tex). The problem is which fonts to install? - Looking through the aston.tex directory there appears to be a great many fonts to choose from. The readme file for emTeX describes how the fonts can be supplied from the author on upto 6 diskettes. These would have possibly upto 8 files. The fonts would have an extension .fli. The printer type and paper width? need to be specified when ordering these disks. This appears confusing when looking through the aston.tex directory. In addition to the question of which fonts; how do I install these fonts into the form required? Note, initially I would be happy getting the screen previewer to work and go on to solve the question of the printer later. Thankyou, Malcolm Teasdale ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Jul 90 16:05:23 BST From: Alan.Jeffrey@uk.ac.oxford.prg Subject: Lambda.sty Sebastian Rahtz asked me to give you a paragraph about Lambda.sty for inclusion in UKTeX. Lambda.sty is a TeX implementation of lists, in the style of functional programming and the lambda calculus. Primitives for constructing (nil, singleton, cons) manipulating (map, filter) and deconstructing (head, tail, fold) lists are provided. Using these, a macro to sort a list is defined. The supporting TUGboat article `Lists in TeX's mouth' (TUGboat Vol. 11, No. 2) is also available as Lambda.tex (a LaTeX document which uses ltugboat.sty). Lambda.sty will work equally well with TeX, LaTeX or AMSTeX. Cheers, Alan. ------------------------------ Subject: Program SGML-TeX seminar Groningen, 31 Aug 1990 Originally-sent:Wed, 11 Jul 90 11:56 MET Originally-from:CGL%NL.RUG@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY Program TeX-SGML seminar 31 aug 1990, Groningen 9.00 - 10.00 Welcome, registration, coffee 10.00 - 10.15 Opening 10.15 - 11.00 Language technology and the future of text automation Gerard Kempen (KUN) 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee Room ZG15 Room ZG8 11.30 - 12.15 Two faces of text SGML at European Patent Office Joop van Gent (KUB) Terry Rowlay (EPO) 12.15 - 13.00 Portable graphics in TeX Aspects of a marriage: SGML and TeX Malcolm Clark (Univ Essex) Tibor Tscheke (Univ Wurzburg) 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch 14.00 - 14.45 Getting TeXnical Publishing with TeX and LaTeX: Amy Hendrickson a crash course (TeXnology Inc.) Sake Hoogeveen (UvA) 14.45 - 15.15 14.45 - 15.30 Documentstyle design as SGML applications in the building ENTITY and construction industry Victor Eijkhout, Andries K.L. Oey (TNO) Lenstra (KUN) 15.15 - 15.45 WG13 activities: Babel etc. Johannes Braams (Neher lab. PTT) 15.45 - 16.00 Tea 15.30 - 16.00 Tea 16.00 - 16.45 TUGboat production: SGML and TeX at TeX, LaTeX and paste in Elsevier Science Publishers Barbara Beeton (TUG/AMS) Jeroen Soutberg(ESP) 16.45 - 17.30 SGML and TeX: Reflections Manfred Kruger (MID) 17.30 - Cocktail party All day: Vendor/Demonstration booths Information: C.G. van der Laan (cgl@rug.nl) ------------------------------ Subject: Drivers for HP DeskJet Originally-sent:Fri, 13 Jul 90 12:53:49 GMT Originally-from:A42JR@UK.AC.POLY-EAST-LONDON In my previous enquiry (about UKTUG) I tagged on a request for information about drivers for the HP DeskJet. There was no response to this. Are there not any drivers available for the DeskJet? ------------------------------ From: Sebastian Rahtz <spqr@uk.ac.soton.ecs> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 90 14:29:46 bst Subject: LaTeX styles from Mainz (updates) There were some mistakes in the last release of Mittelbach and Schoepf's font selection macros in [.latex.styles.fontsel] at Aston. The latest versions have now been installed. If you have already collected the files, get oldlfont.sty and lfonts.new again sebastian rahtz ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! I have a tape labelled TeX 2.993(==3.0) LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.9 (2.0) !! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated !! 28 March 1990 (from washington.edu) --Peter Abbott. !! !! FTP access site uk.ac.aston.tex !! username public !! password public !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available one tape is needed. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes. !! !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! Replies/submissions to info-tex@uk.ac.aston please !! distribution changes to info-tex-request@uk.ac.aston please !! !! end of issue