UKTeX V90 #25                                            Friday 3 August 1990

Today's topics:
			      RE: \pmod
		     RE: OzTeX hash size increase
			    Right headers
			     Euler fonts
	      Re: Landscape mode for HP Laserjet driver?
		'Idiosyncracies of the Archive' column
			      Re: bibtex
	       Proposed new BSI (and ISO) work on SGML
	     Previewer for HP PC? and problems with PCDOT
		 The UK TeX Users Group's Newsletter
			     tfm to afm?
			 Change bars in Latex
			  FWEB - Fortran Web
    Aston TeX mail server log analysis at  1-AUG-1990 00:31:40.72
		multi.ps - `n up' PostScript printing
			new release of SeeTeX
		     Re: Multiline math formulas

Moderator:       Peter Abbott
This issue edited by:
                 David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
Submissions:     uktex@uk.ac.aston
Administration:  uktex-request@uk.ac.aston

Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax:    #51
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXmag:    V4 N2 
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory


Subject: RE: \pmod
Date: Fri, 27 JUL 90 11:01:45 GMT

In a message of Fri, 27 Jul 90 10:26:28,

> On p164 of The TeXBook it states that ``\pmod is to be used when `mod' occurs
> parenthetically at the end of a formula.''
> ... ... ... 
> Do any other maths control words in Plain TeX start with \allowbreak?

Chris Rowley

on behalf of The Aston Archivists


Subject: RE: OzTeX hash size increase
Date: Fri, 27 JUL 90 11:10:15 GMT

> Does anyone have a version of OzTeX which has been generated
> with a hash size of > 5,000?
My enquiries suggest not:
So here is a plea to any MODULA2 hackers out there---
  Please help us rectify this situation, otherwise OzTeX will go the
  way of the Dodo (which, apparently, was quite a handsome bird).

Perhaps I can take this opportunity to point out that ALL TeX systems
now need such a large hash size, together with other memory parameters
larger than the previous standard sizes.  Deatils of the new standrads
are available from:

Barbara beeton <bnb@com.ams.math>

Chris Rowley

on behalf of The Aston Archivists


Subject: Right headers
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 90 13:48:29

From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield,
       The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.

Peter King asks how to make right headers refer to the last section.

Simply insert


in the preamble.  There is more explanation in other copies of UKTeX, eg
UKTeX90 #16.

Mike Piff.


Subject: Euler fonts
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 90 14:10:52

From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield,
       The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.

Mark Manning asks about the possibility of getting EUFMxx.TFM from the Archive.

Message from PM1MJP   at SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA     on 30/07/90 at 13:48:59

Date:         Mon, 30 Jul 90 14:06:30
From:         Mike Piff  <PM1MJP @ UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA>
Subject: EUFMxx.TFM
To:           mrm1@cam.phx

From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield,
       The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.


I tried unsuccessfully for four months to get the  Euler  TFM  files.   I  also
waited  for  six  months  for the AMS to send the new AMS-TeX to us, and now we
have them at last!  Bad news!  The AMS changed all its fonts,  including  their
names  in  most  cases, but not the name EUFMxx.  They changed MSXM and MSYM to
MSAM and MSBM, for instance, and changed the  definitions  of  blackboard  bold
letters, so even the serifs have holes in them!!

What the solution is I am not sure, other than the Archive installing all the
new font files, and making sure they are accessible!

Mike Piff.


Subject: Re: Landscape mode for HP Laserjet driver?
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 90 13:46:15 bst

 > Is there available a driver for the HP Laserjet which supports
 > landscape mode? There is some correspondence in the Beebe collection
 > which suggests that one exists but there is no code for it. Any help
 > gratefully received,

One would have thought it was easy; the emTeX drivers for MSDOS
support landscape mode (and lots of other things), but not for the HP
LJ! Curious, isn't it. Thats how I read it, anyway.  Here is the
relevant extract from the documentation:

/tr#    Output transformation
                /tr0    normal output
                /tr1    rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise
                /tr2    rotate 180 degrees
                /tr3    rotate 270 degrees anticlockwise
                /tr4    reflect in the \ diagonal
                /tr5    reflect vertically
                /tr6    reflect in the / diagonal
                /tr7    reflect horizontally

        In practice only /tr0 and /tr1 are most often used.

        The transformations when applied to the pattern

                A B
                C D
                E F

             0       1       2       3        4       5       6       7
            A B    B D F    F E    E C A    A C E    E F    F D B    B A
            C D    A C E    D C    F D B    B D F    C D    E C A    D C
            E F             B A                      A B             F E

        Important: set the page height and width correctly with /h# and /w#
                (for coordinate transformations)
        Note:   the same page dimensions can be used for all transformations,
                that is, /h# and /w# need not be changed.  The margins set
                with /t# and /l# are `above' or (to the) `left' (of) the text
                and will be transformed.  The same goes for /cx# and /cy#.
                However, the borders set by /la# and /ta# are `printer
                borders' and will not be transformed.
        Note:   if /rx# and /ry# differ then different fonts will be needed
                when rotating by 90 or 270 degrees or reflecting in a diagonal
                -- this applies to dvifx, dvip6m, dviitoh and dviaiw!
        Note:   for key assignments for dviscr/dvivik see <K> and <T>.

        Current limitations for the transformations 1 to 7:
            --  dvihplj: the printer remains in portrait mode
            --  large characters don't work
            --  \special{em:graph} doesn't work

I append some info from the manual page for Neumann's dvi2xx program
(includes HP LaserJet) - see [.drivers.neumann] at Aston. it does NOT
do what you want either.


     \special commands
     Two TeX '\special' commands are implemented:
          copy specified  file  to  the  printer;  either  vector-  or
          bitmap-graphics PMP commands (for laserjet and 3812)
          set page orientation to 0, 1, 2, 3; rotate following  output
          to landscape mode etc.  (3812 only).

     There are a few other special  commands  implented  for  the  LJ-
     series,  which  should  only  be  used  in  connection  with  the
     distributed style files (eg graybox.sty). They are likely  to  be
     changed in forthcoming versions.
     Double Page Printing
     The command line  option  -D  causes  the  printer  to  print  in
     doublepage  mode, that is - roughly speaking - printing first the
     even pagen and then the odd pages of a document. After the  first
     half of the pages are printed the following happens:
     3812: the printer beeps, shows message U1.  An  operator  has  to
           refill  the  printed  pages into the paper tray and to push
           the continue button on the printer.
     LJ:   the printer stops, shows message  "FEED"  and  switches  on
           manual  feed  led.  The  printer  continues when either the
           printed pages are fed into the manual page feeder,  or  the
           operator  pushes  the  continue button (after placing first
           the printed pages into the paper tray).
     The  driver  allows  the  -D  option  for  both  print-directions
     (front-to-back  or back-to-front printing). It tries to be clever
     in certain cases: when a document has an odd number of  pages  it
     inserts  in  the right place an empty page when a document starts
     with page 0 the driver inserts an empty  page  after  the  0-page
     when  a  piece  of a document is printed that starts with an even
     page-number it prints this page at the backside of the first page
     to  ensure that the odd sides are always on the frontside. The 0-
     page is treated like an odd page.

     The doubleside option works for all LJs, not only for the  new  D
     model  with  does  doubleside-printing  (actually,  i  don't know
     wether it makes much sense on the new LJ II D at all).

     Caveat on the doubleside-option: When it is used frequently or on
     very  large files, it might become necessary to clean the printer
     much more frequently.

     The command line option -pX can be used to abort  printing  after
     the  output of X pages (can lead to strange results together with
     -D). I personally dislike this option. The secure way of printing
     a part of a document is using -f (from) and -t (to).
------- End of forwarded message -------


Subject: 'Idiosyncracies of the Archive' column
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 90 15:56:20

From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield,
       The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.


does not appear to lead anywhere!

Mike Piff


Subject: Re: bibtex
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 1990 12:05 PDT

There is a somewhat sparse set of macros for base-level use of BibTeX 
for use with plain TeX in TeXMaG V2N1. This is available from the Aston 
archive (people outside the UK may want to grab it from the ymir archive 
in [anonymous.tex.periodicals.texmag]; (users without FTP access may 
obtain that back issue by sending the message
to mailserv@ymir.claremont.edu


    {in the Aston archive, TeXMaG issues are in [TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEXMAG]


Subject: Proposed new BSI (and ISO) work on SGML
From: Robin Fairbairns on LSL cluster
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 90 9:25 BST

The following arrived in my mailbox today from Chris Cartledge, who is chair of
BSI committee IST/31, computer graphics.  While it's not *strictly* 
TeX-relevant, I thought there were some of you out there who could be 

>Dear Colleagues
>The following IST/18 NWI proposals msy be of interest to some of you.
>90/65152  -  SGML-B Abstract Defn of SGML binary encoding
>90/65153  -  SMDL Standard Music Description Language,
>             HyTime - hypermedia/Time-based subset
>                  Chris

The numbers refer to BSI distribution; contact me (in the first instance) if 
you're interested.

Robin Fairbairns, Senior Consultant, postmaster and general dogsbody
Laser-Scan Ltd., Science Park, Milton Rd., Cambridge CB4 4FY, UK
Tel (+44) 223 420414; Fax (+44) 223 420044; Telex 817346 LSLCAM G
Email: robin@lsl.co.uk  --or--  rf@cl.cam.ac.uk
Disclaimer: If you're not quick, I'll be on holiday for a bit!


Subject: Previewer for HP PC? and problems with PCDOT
Date: Tue, 31 JUL 90 10:36:54 BST
From: Stephen Phippen
Forwarded-by: Peter Abbott (Aston University) <p.abbott@uk.ac.aston>   

Dear Mr Abbott,

I phoned you earlier today and you kindly said that you could supply me 
with Preview for TEX.  My computer is a Hewlett Packard PC with a VGA mono 
screen.  (I would welcome any accompanying documentation if available.)  I 
will, of course, send you any costs for this.

The printer problem I mentioned is that when using PCDOT with single A4 
sheets in the printer (Star LC10), if the document is several pages long 
the printer goes off-line after the first page (paper out) and gives an 
error message on the screen asking whether to Abort, Retry or Ignore.  I 
can continue with Retry or Ignore, but the break shows up as misalignment 
or spurious characters on the second page. This problem doesn't happen with 
continuous paper, although I haven't mastered how to keep the paper aligned 
with the print pages: the paper is A4 but setting the PCDOT H size to /H=11
.7in doesn't seem to work.

Thank you for your help with this.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Phippen
Editorial Department
Royal National Institute for the Blind
Bakewell Road
Orton Southgate
Telephone 0733 370777
Fax 0733 371555


Subject: The UK TeX Users Group's Newsletter
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 90 10:40:24 BST

The  TeX Users  Group is starting  to produce  a  newsletter, which is
intended to  report  on UK TeX Users  Group  activities, to  provide a
mechanism for disseminating information on the use of TeX, and to give
a  focal point for  TeX-related discussion.  I have been  appointed as
interim editor by the UK TeX Users Group by  the Committee; a `proper'
post will probably be available for  election at the AGM next October.
Note that this newsletter will not  supercede Malcolm Clark's maverick

The    purpose  of this  message  is  to  draw your   attention to the
newsletter and to  solicit   the submission of   articles,   from both
members of the UK TeX Users Group and non-members.  These can take the
form of either full articles prepared in either plain TeX (with fairly
generic mark-up, please) or LaTeX  (article  style) or letters to  the
editor.  We would  like to produce  an issue of the  newsletter before
the AGM, to  be held in  mid-October; hence the tentative deadline for
submissions for this first issue is 15th September 1990.

 Adrian F. Clark
 JANET: alien@uk.ac.essex           ARPA: alien%uk.ac.essex@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
 BITNET: alien%uk.ac.essex@ac.uk              PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct)
 Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK.


Subject: tfm to afm?
Date: Tue Jul 31 11:41:04 GMT 1990

Hello; does anyone have a tfm to afm converter handy?  (Note the
direction... yes, I *do* want to do it that way round!) - I've trawled
the archives with grep & all the keywords I can think of... no luck.

Thanks if you can point me at one,



Subject: Change bars in Latex
Date: Tue, 31 JUL 90 15:55:15 BST

A year ago in TexHax a macro for providing change bars
in Latex documents was described. Unfortunately
it was based around a LN03 laser printer.
Has anyone got a general purpose change bar macro or
one that would work with a Postscript printer.

Thanks in advance

Hugo Korwaser


Subject: FWEB - Fortran Web
Date: Tue, 31 JUL 90 16:12:56 BST

A development of Web to deal with Fortran has
been developed by John Krommes at Princeton.
Unfortunately the only way of getting the code
is by anonymous ftp. I don't have the
facilities to perform this. 
If anyone who has anonymous ftp facilities to
an American Unix machine would be willing to
obtain the files I would be most grateful.


Hugo Korwaser


Date:		Wed,  1 AUG 90 00:32:06 BST
From: "University of Aston TeX Archive mail server"
Subject: Aston TeX mail server log analysis at  1-AUG-1990 00:31:40.72

TeXserver usage analysis for the period:
       1-JUL-1990 18:56:24.05 to 31-JUL-1990 22:24:47.43

A total of 1098 requests were received from 301 callers
Of these, 299 requests were rejected,
          2849 file transfers were requested
          (transferring a total of 254931 blocks),
          194 requests were made for help,
          254 directory requests were made,
          0 search requests were made,
          14 where is requests were made,

A total of 2939 file transfers were requested
(resulting in the transfer of 286963 blocks).
1736 distinct files were requested.

The 7 most requested files were:
34 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]000LAST30DAYS.FILES
33 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]000ASTON.README
30 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]000DIRECTORY.LIST
16 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]000DIRECTORY.SIZE
13 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]00FILES.TXT

The following users transferred 167714 blocks, which is 65% of the total
81157 blocks requested by CBS%UK.AC.EARN-RELAY::EARN.TIFRVAX::CHETAN
22261 blocks requested by CBS%UK.CO.BRITISH-TELECOM.GAPOS::STEVE
14887 blocks requested by CBS%UK.AC.WARWICK.MATHS::JHR
9053 blocks requested by CBS%UK.AC.UCL.CS::B.BACARISSE
7314 blocks requested by CBS%UK.AC.EARN-RELAY::EARN.HLERUL52::OGIGUCHT
5221 blocks requested by CBS%UK.AC.EARN-RELAY::EARN.DHHDESY3::I04GOB
5183 blocks requested by CBS%UK.AC.EARN-RELAY::EARN.EB0UB011::D3ESJFG0
5178 blocks requested by CBS%UK.AC.UKC::UUCP.IIASA::CURRY


Subject: multi.ps - `n up' PostScript printing
From: spqr@uk.ac.soton.ecs
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 90 22:02:47 BST

the files 
in the UK TeX archive at Aston provide you with Ross Cartlidge's
PostScript code to permit arbitrary `n up' printing of multiple
logical pages on physical page. This duplicates the effect of `mpage',
also in the archive, but  has the advantage that it works with output
from Rokicki's dvips.

I append the introduction. Please note that this is not a `packaged'
command; using requires some understanding of how your printing
command works. For instance, I run dvips under Unix with a shell
script, and I have added an option flag `-2' which inserts the
multi.ps code in the right place. You will have to do something

Until you have seen 64 weeny pages on one sheet of paper, you haven't

sebastian rahtz


This package is a PostScript prolog which when used with almost
any valid PostScript will output it with multiple logical pages
on each physical page. Each logical page will be identical (but smaller)
to the original result of each showpage.

Written By:

	Ross Cartlidge
	University Computing Service
	Building H08, Sydney University
	NSW, 2006, Australia

	rossc@extro.ucc.su.oz.au	Email
	+61 2 692 3495			Phone
	+61 2 660 6557			Fax

It works by overlaying each PostScript Operator which is affected by
or affects the absolute graphics state with a procedure which first goes back
to normal full page graphics state, does the operator, and
then restores the multiple page graphics state. Thus when "initgraphics", eg,
is executed its transformation of CTM, path and clippath is mapped
onto the multiple page representation. Also when a "save" is done the
full page version is saved, thus when "restore" is done - possibly many
logical pages into the future - the graphics state saved is transformed
into the new multi page.


Subject: new release of SeeTeX
From: spqr@uk.ac.soton.ecs
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 90 22:08:29 BST

The current release of Dirk Grunwald's SeeTeX package has been put in
the UK TeX Archive, under [tex-archive.drivers.seetex]. This provides
(under Unix), the following:
 dviselect     - select part of a dvi file
 texx          -  X previewer
 texsun        -  sunview previewer
 xtex          -  new X previewer, more sophisticated than texx

Due to the mismatching behaviour of VMS in not storing mixed case
filenames, you may have to do some work resurrecting this package. The
author is very fond of mixed case names. sigh.

I don't use this, so please don't ask me for detailed advice. I do my
X previewing with xdvi. But many people swear by at it.

sebastian rahtz


Subject: Re: Multiline math formulas
From: Rainer Schoepf <BK4%EARN.DHDURZ1@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY>
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 90 12:40:07 CET

On July 14, Laurent Siebenmann <SIEBENMANN@LALCLS.DECNET.CERN.CH> wrote:
            This problem occurs naturally with mathematical
    displays that accidentally exceed line length.  The typist
    casually throws in \\ when the overrun occurs, and
    disaster ensues if the elastic (self-sizing) \left( and
    \right)  are separated by the \\.   To avoid a TeX error,
    you would have to balance the "\left(" with an invisible
    "\right." on the same line and similarly for "\right)".
    But that may lead to parentheses of different sizes, a
    minor tyographic disaster rather than a TeX error.
            A nasty problem that typist repeatedly lose time
    on. Indeed many math typists completely abandon use of the
    self-sizing mechanism to avoid this one hitch.
            I use AmSTeX rather than LaTeX and the macro
    chiefly involved there is \multline ... \endmultline.
            Over the past couple of years I have mentioned
    this problem to Mike Spivak, author of AmSTeX.
            His answer has always been: FORGET IT,
            What he really means, I believe, is that
    it is a hard problem to solve inasmuch as it would require
    careful rewriting of the hefty macros involved. And Spivak
    is very busy with LamSTeX...
I'm the person who rewrote the AmSTeX macros for use as LaTeX
environments, so I feel sufficiently prepared to comment on this:
My first reaction was to say that Michael Spivak is absolutely right:
this is one of the deficiencies of TeX itself rather than the macros.
In a alignment (and \begin{multline}...\end{multline} is an alignment
as well as most of the complicated AmSTeX macros) every entry is
implicitly enclosed in a group.  Since \left(...\right) form themselves
a special sort of group they must match in every entry.
Now, after thinking a bit on the problem, I can see one or two
possibilities to circumvent (NOT SOLVE!) the problem; e.g., one could
measure the height and depth of all rows and automatically generate
struts to get the right size for the large delimiters.  However, this
shows already that it is not general enough to be given to the ordinary
user/typist.  Besides, the code would be very complicated.  And the
multline environment is not the only case: what about \begin{split}...
In short, I cannot see a satisfactory solution to this problem without
rewriting parts of TeX itself.
            Here is another feature I would like to
    see in a rewritten \multline... \endmultline.  In typing a
    long formula the typist usually vaguely foresees the
    possibility of a break, and would be able to indicate the
    best breakpoint.  What one needs is a **discretionary
    equation break**, say \notch.  It should behave like the
    well known discretionary hyphen.
I don't understand this suggestion.  Do you propose to break the
formula automatically, i.e. no more \\ in the multline environment?
Rainer Sch\"opf

!!  Files of interest 
!!      [tex-archive]000aston.readme           [tex-archive]000directory.list
!!      [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list   [tex-archive]000directory.size
!!      [tex-archive]000last30days.files
!!  FTP access: site               uk.ac.aston.tex
!!              username           public
!!              password           public
!! I have a tape labelled TeX 2.993(==3.0) LaTeX 2.09 Metafont 1.9 (2.0)
!! Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600 bpi blocked 20 1 file dated 
!! 28 March 1990 (from washington.edu)
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available; one tape is needed.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes:
!!   Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!!     SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!!     TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage.
!! ---Peter Abbott.
!!   end of issue