UKTeX Digest Tuesday, 25 Sep 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 32 Today's Topics: Re: `therefore' symbol, spellcheckers, PicTeX RE: Long citations RE: Building TeX under DOS Extender Atari TeX VT100 previewing for IBM VM/SP ? texware. British Standard for theses: 1990 edition is now available Re: CM font breakup problem Re: Long citations Re: Spellcheckers Mode_def for HP LaserJet III Macros for Genetics family/inheritance trees Re: Macros for Genetics family/inheritance trees Macros for Genetics trees A3 printing LaTeX footnotes at section ends Macros for Genetics Pedigrees (clarification of previous message) BiBTeX on a Sun 4/60 Aston Archive - Loss of Service 2-Up output with PostScrip & dvips VMS v3.0 TeX in batch REasons for delays with the service New tape from Washington Font encoding: address correction for Norbert Schwarz (UKTeX V90 #31) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Peter Abbott Editor: David Osborne (University of Nottingham) <> Submissions: Administration: Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UKTEX.90] Latest TeXhax: #62 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEXHAX.90] Latest TeXmag: V4 N4 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEX-MAG] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 04 Sep 90 09:26:32 -0000 From: David Osborne <> Subject: Re: `therefore' symbol, spellcheckers, PicTeX Stephen Culshaw writes (UKTeX V90 #30) > A few simple questions regarding LaTeX. > i) in maths how do you generate the `therefore' symbol ie. the three dots? you'll find the `therefore' symbol in the AMS symbol fonts. in the old AMS fonts, which you probably have, it's \char'051 in font msxm<nn> (where <nn> is the font size; msxm10, for example). in the new AMS fonts released for AMSTeX 2.0, it's in the same position in font msam<nn>. > ii) does anyone have a copy of the program which strips out LaTeX > commands so you can use a spell checker on the text? [tex-archive.utils.trickey]detex.c > iii) Style files - I've seen so many of these. Is there any documentation > anywhere which tells what they do and how to use them? see Michael DeCorte's article summarising the contents of the Clarkson archive server [TUGboat 11(1) (1990), 38--45], which includes a summary of some of the more popular styles available. all the styles held at Clarkson are also available from Aston. > iv) I've seen some talk about PicTex - what is it and what does it do? a macro package for drawing graphs and diagrams in TeX (both plain TeX and LaTeX), by Michael Wichura, Chicago. a user guide is available from the TeX Users Group, price $35. in the UK, contact Peter Abbott for information on ordering through the UK TeX Users' Group (and don't forget to complete a membership form!) - --dave osborne university of nottingham && aston TeX archive group ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 05 Sep 90 20:21:09 +0000 From: CA_ROWLEY@UK.AC.OPEN.ACS.VAX Subject: RE: Long citations In message 28 of Mon, 3 Sep 90 17:42:34 BST, DVJM@UK.AC.GLASGOW.CS wrote: > I'm in the habit of using long citations, [Kwiatkowska et al.~1990] being > one of the worst. How can I persuade latex to insert suitable linebreaks ? > The obvious > \bibitem[Kwiat\-kow\-ska et al.~1990]{Marta} > doesn't work. If the following makes sense to you, fine: if not then the answer is "you cannot!": You need to, in a style file, change the definition of \@citex by removing just the "\hbox" and NOTHING else. You will then need to put in ties wherever you do not want it to break. Chris Rowley on behalf of The Aston Archivists PS: To Frank Mittelbach for "the files": in looking at \@citex, I discovered what seems to me to be a harmless bug: the \hbox{...} should be {\hbox{...}} ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 06 Sep 90 12:43:05 -0000 From: P.TAYLOR@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAX Subject: RE: Building TeX under DOS Extender Graham --- >>> I'm going to try a 32-bit 386 compiler >>> next, and a 386 DOS extender (as soon as our purchasing folks can buy one >>> :-() >>> but it will be an awful waste if there is another reason causing the >>> problems. No it won't; I'll willingly use a 386-specific version !!! >>> Many thanks indeed if you have worked on anything similar and can offer >>> advice. (Or even better, a working program ;-) ) Look at BTeX286 in Eberhard Mattes' EM-TeX suite. ** Phil. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 17:37:01 -0000 From: FJW@UK.AC.QMW.MATHS Subject: Atari TeX In reply to your query:- I run the TeX by TooLs gmbh on my Atari driving an Epson LQ800. The driver supports both 180*180 (draft) and 180*360, but the system costs money (about 150 pounds as I recall). There is also a German PD TeX around that MIGHT do what you want - check your local PD libraries. I could try to provide more info if you are interested. Francis Wright ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Sep 90 17:20:25 -0000 From: MD2RJH@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.IBM Subject: VT100 previewing for IBM VM/SP ? I am using LaTeX on an IBM 3083. However our system does not have any preview facility. I use a terminal with VT100 simulation and would like to know if there are any previewers available for such a setup on the VM/SP system. Thanks - Richard Hillier. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 15 Sep 90 22:27:45 -0000 From: TIM@UK.AC.EDINBURGH.CSTR Subject: texware. I suppose this will betray just how littl I've used TeX for the last few months... This is (probably?) a Unix-specific question. If it matters it's all on a Sun4 running 4.0.3. We obtained a copy of `The Unix TeX 3.0 tape' from the UK TeX archive a while ago. I've built and installed 3.0 and its associated stuff, but obviously the texware directory wasn't in the makefile. Now I need to make pltotf & tftopl. But they won't. Tangle works fine, but converting them to C gives syntax errors & then the compiler barfs. I fixed the makefile (& the truncated filenames!) to include texware.{defines,h} so functions get defined properly, but all is still not well. Before I leap into trying to understand this, has anyone solved it? I'm sure all this stuff used to work. - --tim Tim Bradshaw. Internet: UUCP: ...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!cstr!tim JANET: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Sep 90 16:04:26 -0000 From: DAVID_RHEAD@UK.AC.NOTTINGHAM.CCC.VME Subject: British Standard for theses: 1990 edition is now available If you are producing a thesis (or have to provide "support" for people producing theses), you may be interested to know that the 1990 edition of the British Standard recommendations for the presentation of theses and dissertations (BS 4821) has now been published. In particular, if you want ammunition to use against regulations that specify "double spacing", you'll find a little, although its not very explicit. Here are a few extracts. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3. Methods of text production ... may be typescript, printout or typeset ... 7. Typographic design ... 7.2. Word spacing and division Unless an advanced typesetting system is used, ... 7.3. Line length Lines should be between 60 and 70 characters long, including word spaces, ... 7.4. Line spacing There should be enough space between lines to allow people ease of horizontal scanning. In typescript or printout, one-and-a-half line spacing should be used, ... - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- My reading of 7.4, in the context set by 4.3, is that, for typeset (e.g. TeX-ed) theses, the Standard only requires that There should be enough space between lines to allow people ease of horizontal scanning. Now, books on design tell us that, for lines that have between 60 and 70 characters, traditional typography (e.g. "10 on 12") gives "ease of horizontal scanning". Therefore, my interpretation is that, for typeset theses: * the standard says that the line-spacing used in traditional book design is "enough" * hence the (La)TeX defaults are "enough" * hence anyone who asks for "double spaced TeX output" for a thesis can be told that: - although BS 4821 advocates "one-and-a-half spacing" for typescript, BS 4821 merely advocates "ease of horizontal scanning" for typeset theses - the LaTeX "standard styles" give "ease of horizontal scanning" - therefore, you don't need to change the line-spacing in the LaTeX "standard styles" if you're doing a thesis. [In addition, I'd throw in the table on page 179 of "Digital Typography" by Richard Rubinstein as evidence that increasing the line-spacing from standard typesetting practice will make the thesis more difficult to read than just leaving the line-spacing at the "traditional typeset" spacing.] David Rhead Nottingham University ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 11:02:56 -0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: Re: CM font breakup problem RDA@UK.AC.EDINBURGH.COGSCI writes: > In the past year or so we've moved to using the CM fonts with LaTeX > under Unix, partly for compatibility with TeXtures on the Macs and > partly because it seemed to be the way the world was moving. We have > a problem, though, when we use dvi2ps to produce 2 pages of text per > A4 page: the characters break up so that they aren't really legible. > > Does anyone have a solution for this? Should we just move back to AM > fonts? either a) generate yourself some blacker CM fonts or b) use PostScript fonts or c) use the scaleable PS versions of CM or d) use a xerox machine... sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 11:24:47 -0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: Re: Long citations DVJM@UK.AC.GLASGOW.CS writes: > I'm in the habit of using long citations, [Kwiatkowska et al.~1990] being > one of the worst. How can I persuade latex to insert suitable linebreaks ? > The obvious > \bibitem[Kwiat\-kow\-ska et al.~1990]{Marta} > doesn't work. % % redefinition of citex (from main latex.tex), which stops the citation % being set in an hbox % \def\@citex[#1]#2{\if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{#2}}\fi \def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do {\@citea\def\@citea{, }\@ifundefined {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}% {\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}} ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 11:26:27 -0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: Re: Spellcheckers XUUM29@UK.AC.UMIST.CENTRAL-SERVICES.PRIME-A writes: > SOmeone mentioned that there is a program to strip out the > LateX command strings from a file so it can be passed through > a spell/grammar checker. Is this true and if so could someone > direct me to where I could obtain it from (preferably including > source code) try these at Aston: Directory $1$DUA19:[TEX-ARCHIVE.UTILS.TRICKEY] 00FILES.TXT;2 DELATEX.LEX;2 DETEX.C;2 DETEX.L;2 DETEX.LEX;2 EMACSMACRO.DIR;1 README.;2 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 14:48:16 +0000 From: JUDY%UUCP.HARWELL@UK.AC.UKC Subject: Mode_def for HP LaserJet III Does anyone have a suitable mode_def for the LJ III ? I have tried using the 'default' write-black fonts, but they seem to be a bit too weedy. I have also attempted to produce my own mode_def, but as I do not really understand Metafont it's rather hit and miss. According to one of the reviews the engine is a Canon SX. The mode-def I have concocted is the following: mode_def ljiii = proofing:=0; fontmaking:=1;tracingtitles:=0;pixels_per_inch:=300; blacker:=0.4; fillin:=-0.1; o_correction:=.6; enddef; - - this is just about OK, but still a little feeble on the thin slants of capital A's etc. Suggestions will be gratefully received Judy Booth, Advanced Computing Dept., H 7.12, Harwell Laboratory, Didcot, OXON, OX11 0RA ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 16:30:00 +0000 From: GAGA50@UK.AC.GLASGOW.VMS2 Subject: Macros for Genetics family/inheritance trees This is a question for a friend: Does anyone out there have macros (preferably for LaTeX) for producing the family/inheritance trees that geneticists use (with appropriate symbols at nodes)? Alternatively, any help with trees that are designed to be produced down the page (ie, with text perpendicular to the `height' of the tree) and symbols and text attached to each node would be useful. Tony J Ibbs (Glasgow University) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 16:56:57 -0000 From: S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS Subject: Re: Macros for Genetics family/inheritance trees GAGA50@UK.AC.GLASGOW.VMS2 writes: > This is a question for a friend: Does anyone out there have macros > (preferably for LaTeX) for producing the family/inheritance trees that > geneticists use (with appropriate symbols at nodes)? Alternatively, > any help with trees that are designed to be produced down the page > (ie, with text perpendicular to the `height' of the tree) and symbols > and text attached to each node would be useful. check out Bruggeman-Klein's tree macros; see article in Epodd, or in TeXeter proceedings, and under <something>.TREETEX in the Aston archive sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 17:31:00 +0000 From: GAGA50@UK.AC.GLASGOW.VMS2 Subject: Macros for Genetics trees Thanks to Sebastian and Malcolm for quick responses - I have copies of the Bruggeman-Klein stuff from the archive (it should have printed out by now and I must collect it), but it seems oriented towards binary trees (from a brief scan of the documentation) - it may well be possible to modify it, but it seemed worth trying a network request on the (vague) hope that someone out there might be using it for the job. Tony Ibbs ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 18:03:00 +0000 From: TEX@UK.CO.NATIONAL-PHYSICAL-LAB.NPL1 Subject: A3 printing We have a requirement to generate large tables on our A3 PostScript printer. Are there any style files for LaTeX which allow us to use paper larger than A4? The system runs VMS and we process DVI files with PSPRINT and TEXPS. Graham Carter ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Sep 90 19:02:00 +0000 From: FX@UK.AC.DARESBURY.NNGA Subject: LaTeX footnotes at section ends In LaTeX article style, at least, if a footnote comes at the bottom of a page which should have been padded with white space before the start of the next section on the next page then the footnote floats up off the bottom of the page towards the the text. This seems wrong. Anyone know why and if there's an easy fix? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Sep 90 10:06:00 +0000 From: GAGA50@UK.AC.GLASGOW.VMS2 Subject: Macros for Genetics Pedigrees (clarification of previous message) This is a request for a friend: Does anyone out there have macros for producing the kind of Pedigree used in Genetics (preferably in LaTeX, but straight TeX would do)? These are effectively `family trees', but traditional tree algorithms do not fit since a pedigree is generally multi-rooted. I think we can produce an interim solution using LaTeX picture mode to `draw' the things, but if anyone out there has already solved the problem, or has experience with drawing pedigrees in TeX, any information would be gratefully received. Tony Ibbs,, University of Glasgow ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 09:12:17 -0000 From: DHB@UK.AC.QMW.MATHS Subject: BiBTeX on a Sun 4/60 Has anyone successfully installed (and got working) Bibtex on a Sun 4/60 (aka sparcstation 1)? My attempts failed. I would like to communicate with someone who succeeded. David Burgess ===== Astronomy Unit, QMW, University of London +44 71 975 5460 (JANET: NFSNET: (SPAN: RLESIS::VMSFE::DHB (RLESIS=19527 if not known) ) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 09:43:59 -0000 From: P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: Aston Archive - Loss of Service Due to a hardware failure involving the disk drives the archive was not available form sometime last Thursday September 13th until late last night Tuesday September 18th. A head disk assembley has been replaced and the disc was re created yesterday afternoon/evening. Normal service has now been resumed and I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Peter Abbott ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Sep 90 15:41:37 -0000 From: TIM@UK.AC.EDINBURGH.CSTR Subject: 2-Up output with PostScrip & dvips For draft mode output it's quite nice to print 2 pages, in `landscape' format, per page on a PostScript printer. We have a utility, `halfps', which does this, and which is I think common. Unfortunately it does it by scaling the font bitmaps (and everything else) with PostScript, which looks particularly nasty with CM fonts. So, I thought the following scheme would be quite nice: Generate fonts with metafont at 1/sqrt(2) * 300dpi. Use your favorite dvi->ps converter, and tell it to generate output at 1/sqrt(2) * 300dpi. This gives pages suitable for printing 2-up (and you have the right fonts from above). Write some PostScript which rotates the pages and puts them 2-to-a-real-page. Print lots of nice output, with fonts scaled by metafont rather than PostScript. Well dvips makes most of this easy: you can specify the desired scaling for output; it will invoke metafont to generate fonts at the needed sizes, thus ensuring only the minimal set are generated; it will print in landscape mode anyway. So all that's needed is some PostScript to stick 2 pages on each page & translate one appropriately. dvips will call bop-hook & eop-hook if they're defined, so I reckon it should be easy to do this. But there's one problem: I don't speak PostScript & I'm not desperate to learn! So: has anyone done this? If not, would people be interested in seeing it done? - --tim Tim Bradshaw. Internet: UUCP: ...!uunet!mcvax!ukc!cstr!tim JANET: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Sep 90 13:30:00 -0000 From: ROBIN@UK.CO.LASER-SCAN Subject: VMS v3.0 TeX in batch This is really silly, but - I have VMS v3.0 TeX (Don Hosek's change files) running happily here but for one thing - when I run the thing in a batch queue, regardless of whether I've given the /BATCH qualifier, it only ever gets as far as announcing itself (`This is TeX v3.0 ... (preloaded format=...)'). As far as I can see, there's no other output. I have this nasty suspicion that this is dealable with by some information somewhere that I've plucked from the net, but I'm blowed if I can remember what, or where I've stored the file (what's the smiley for an embarrassed grin?). Ta*dvance for any assistance... Robin Fairbairns, Senior Consultant, postmaster and general dogsbody Laser-Scan Ltd., Science Park, Milton Rd., Cambridge CB4 4FY, UK Tel (+44) 223 420414; Fax (+44) 223 420044; Telex 817346 LSLCAM G Email: --or-- (if your NRS ain't up-to-date) (last gasp - deprecated) (Reversing addresses for use in Janet is left as an exercise to the reader.) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Sep 90 10:44:33 -0000 From: P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: REasons for delays with the service Here is an extract from a report concerning the switching centre to which Aston is connected. 4. Lines -------- Aston gave us some problems in the middle of all the breaks in June. The line went inoperable with Level 3 timeouts and refused to recover for long periods.Everything it was possible to check passed tests but still the link refused to operate. We think a final change of LAU (the third one used)eventually cured the problem however the other LAUs have been used on other links since with no difficulty. Period: 1/1/90 - 19/9/90 ------------------------ Location Downtime Incidents Comments -------- -------- --------- -------- Aston 95:39 5 1 Site H/W 2 Site S/W 1 BT 1 NFF ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Sep 90 11:29:35 -0000 From: P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON Subject: New tape from Washington I have just received a new tape from Washington. The tape is labeled TeX 3.0, Metafont 2.0,LaTeX 2.09; utilityfonts,cmfonts,LaTeXfonts,amsfonts. Unix 4.2/3BSD, Sys V. Tar, 1600bpi, blocked 20, 1 file Dated September 5 1990 This replaces the earlier details in the UKTeX trailer which will be amended as soon as possible. Requests to Aston for the `Washington' tape will now receive this version and the cartridge version will be updated as soon as possible. The relevant files in the Aston Archive will be updated as time permits. The usual announcements will be made as files are updated. Peter ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 12:53:36 -0000 From: David Osborne <cczdao@clan> Subject: Font encoding: address correction for Norbert Schwarz (UKTeX V90 #31) the address i gave for Norbert Schwarz in the last issue had an incorrect Bitnet node name. Norbert's correct Bitnet address is <p920021@DBORUB01.bitnet> alternatively, try - --dave osborne ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY: !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! FTP access: site !! username public !! password public !! !! Washington TeX tape distribution: !! The latest tape is labelled !! !! TeX 3.0, Metafont 2.0,LaTeX 2.09; !! utilityfonts,cmfonts,LaTeXfonts,amsfonts. !! Unix 4.2/3BSD, Sys V. !! Tar, 1600bpi, blocked 20, 1 file !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available; one tape is needed. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes: !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! ---Peter Abbott. End of UKTeX Digest *******************