UKTeX Digest Friday, 5 Oct 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 34 Today's Topics: Announcing the UK TeX Users' Group AGM and Archive meeting The UK TeX Users' Group AGM Announcement of the Forthcoming Meeting on The ASTON ARCHIVE The UK TeX Users Group First Annual General Meeting DRAFT AGENDA Fundamental tendencies of LaTeX sectioning commands Updates to WEB sources of TeX, MF, etc; VMS changes files for these ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moderator: Peter Abbott Editor: David Osborne (University of Nottingham) <> Submissions: Administration: Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UKTEX.90] Latest TeXhax: #63 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEXHAX.90] Latest TeXmag: V4 N4 Back Issues: These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.TEX-MAG] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 01 Oct 90 16:07:00 -0000 From: Subject: Announcing the UK TeX Users' Group AGM and Archive meeting \magnification=\magstephalf \hsize6.25truein \vsize9.7truein \nopagenumbers \parindent0pt \parskip7pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \font\bigbf=cmbx10 at 14.4truept \font\sc cmcsc10 \font\upr=cmu10 \def\quid{{\upr\$}} \font\csc=cmcsc10 \def\yn{{\csc Yes/No}} \def\UKtug{UK\thinspace T\kern-.1667em \lower.5ex\hbox{U}\kern-.125em G} \def\uktug{the UK \TeX\ Users Group} \def\sect#1{\vskip9pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \noindent{\bf #1:}\quad\ignorespaces} \def\desc{\par\hang\noindent\indenttext} \def\ddesc{\par\hangindent 2\parindent \noindent\indent\indenttext} \def\indenttext#1{\rlap{#1}\indent\ignorespaces} \def\PeterAbbott{% $$\vbox{\halign{##\hfil&&\quad##\hfil\cr Peter Abbott \cr The UK \TeX\ Users Group \cr Computing Service \cr Aston University \cr Aston Triangle \cr Birmingham &Tel:&(021) 359 5492 \cr B4 7ET &Janet:&{\tt ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON} \cr }}$$ } % % {\bigbf\baselineskip15pt \centerline{The UK \TeX\ Users Group} \vskip20pt \centerline{Announcement of AGM and Forthcoming Meeting on} \bigskip \centerline{The ASTON ARCHIVE} \bigskip \centerline{on Wednesday 17th October 1990} \centerline{at Aston University, Birmingham, U.K.} \bigskip} % \sect{SPEAKERS} The speakers will include a selection of the legendary `Aston Archivists' (identifiable by the exclusive Archivist sweat shirts). These include Peter Abbott, founder and godfather of the Archive, Brian $\{$Hamilton Kelly$\}$, VMS editors wizard and \TeX\ the program supremo, Adrian (no relation) Clark, server to the gentry, Dave Osborne, sometime UK\TeX\ editor, Sebastian (no UK \TeX\ Users Group would be complete without) Rahtz, and Philip Taylor, \ae sthete and Archive mapper. Other more shadowy figures from the Archive group may also be present. \sect{MEETING DETAILS} The meeting will be held in Room 708, Main Building, Aston University. The AGM will commence at 11.00$\,$am, with coffee available from 10.30$\,$o'clock. There will be a break for lunch, after which the Archivist Meeting will start -- it is expected that the meeting will finish around 5.00$\,$pm. There will be a charge for the meeting of \quid10 for members of \uktug, and \quid15 for non-members. Details and booking form are provided overleaf. {\bf There is no charge for those attending {\bf only} the Annual General Meeting.} \sect{DIRECTIONS} \vskip-\parskip\smallskip {\parindent50pt \desc{By train:} To Birmingham New Street Station. After passing the ticket barrier go up the escalator opposite, turn left and walk through the shopping area, and down a ramp into Corporation Street. Walk along Corporation Street (two underpasses) and across the road where the QE II Law Courts are on the right. At the end of the street (which turns back on itself) is a grassy bank on the right, and a subway. The fire station (white tower with a defunct clock) and the campus can be seen across the road to the right. Take the subway to the University campus, and follow the signposts to the Main Building. \desc{By car:} From the M6 leave at junction 6, the A38(M). Follow the signs to the end of the expressway ({\sc do not} follow the signs to Aston -- this is a district of Birmingham, {\sc not} the University). At the end of the expressway move to the left hand lane (do not go over the flyover). Drive past the fire station and the first road, but turn into the slip road signposted to the University car park. Park on the visitors car park, and walk across the campus to the Main Building. \par} Once at the Main Building, room 708 will be signposted from the entrance. \sect{NOMINATIONS FOR THE UK \TeX\ USERS GROUP} The Annual General Meeting of \uktug, together with an election of committee members, will begin at 11.00$\,$am. A separate form, accompanying these meeting details may be used to nominate committee members for \uktug. In order to submit nominations, you {\sl must} be a member of \uktug. \vfill\eject % {\bigbf \centerline{THE UK \TeX\ USERS GROUP} \medskip \centerline{Annual General Meeting and Archive Meeting: 17th October 1990} \bigskip \centerline{BOOKING FORM} \bigskip} \sect{BOOKING ARRANGEMENTS} For members of \uktug, there will be a charge for the Archive meeting of \quid10 to cover room hire and refreshments, including a buffet lunch. Non-members must pay \quid15. {\bf There is no charge for those attending only the AGM.} Non-members may not attend the AGM. Lunch is available from 12.30. \vfill \sect{BOOKING DETAILS} I wish to attend the \uktug\ meeting at Aston University on 17th October 1990: $$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace \tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr \multispan{2}\strut Name: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut Organisation: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut Address: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut \hrulefill \cr Telephone: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}& Email: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr }}$$ $$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut\hskip2in#\enspace\hfil \tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hfil\tabskip=0pt\cr Car parking space required: &\hfil \yn \cr \noalign{\smallskip} Payment enclosed$^\dagger$ &\hfil \yn \cr \noalign{\smallskip} \llap{or~}purchase order number$^\ddagger$ & \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr \noalign{\vskip20pt} \hfill Signed: & \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr \hfill Date: & \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr }}$$ \smallskip\parindent.6in \desc{Notes:\ \ $^\dagger$} Payment for the meeting will be \quid10 for members of \uktug, and \quid15 for non-members. Details on membership are provided in the attached membership form. Payment for membership and the meeting fee may be combined on one cheque, made payable to \UKtug. \desc{\phantom{Notes:\ \ }$^\ddagger$} A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative method of payment, but will attract a \quid5 surcharge on the amount due. \vskip0pt \vfill \sect{PAYMENT ADDRESS} Please send this completed booking form (and membership form as appropriate), together with your payment, to: \PeterAbbott \eject {\bigbf \centerline{THE UK \TeX\ USERS GROUP} \bigskip \centerline{MEMBERSHIP FORM}} \bigskip\noindent The annual fee for membership of \uktug\ is \quid15. The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st, but members joining after 1st October will have their membership extended to the end of 1991. However, those taking advantage of this facility will not be eligible to vote at the 1990 AGM. Membership allows a \quid5 reduction in the admission charge per meeting. In addition, members may nominate committee members of \uktug\ (details below). Students in full time education are entitled to a 50\% reduction in the membership fee. $$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace \tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr \multispan{2}\strut Name: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut Organisation: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut Address: \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut \hrulefill \cr \multispan{2}\strut \hrulefill \cr Telephone: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}& Email: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr \omit\quid15 membership fee enclosed$^1$\quad \yn \hfill & \llap{\sl or\quad}purchase order number$^2$\quad \cr \multispan2\llap{\sl or\enspace}\quid7.50 student membership fee enclosed$^1$\quad I confirm I am a full-time student \quad\yn \hfill \cr \noalign{\smallskip} Signed:\quad & Date:\quad \cr }}$$ \parindent.6in \desc{Notes:\ \ $^1$} Cheques should be made payable to \UKtug. The membership fee may be combined on one cheque with the fee for the meeting on 17th October 1990. \desc{\phantom{Notes:\ \ }$^2$} A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative method of payment, but will attract a \quid5 surcharge on the amount due. \par\smallskip\noindent Please send this completed membership form, together with payment and nominations, to: \PeterAbbott \vfill \eject {\bigbf \centerline{THE UK \TeX\ USERS GROUP} \bigskip \centerline{NOMINATIONS FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS}} \bigskip\noindent Each member of \uktug\ may make nominations for up to six committee members (nominating oneself will not be valid). Elections for these offices will take place at the meeting on 17th October 1990 at Aston University. Please enter your nominations below and sign the form: $$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace \tabskip=1em plus 3em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr %\multispan2\strut Chairman: \hrulefill\cr \noalign{\noindent Committee Members:} \hbox to .45\hsize{\hrulefill}& \hbox to .45\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr & \cr & \cr }}$$ \vfill {\bigbf \centerline{THE UK \TeX\ USERS GROUP} \bigskip \centerline{NOMINATIONS FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS}} \bigskip\noindent Each member of \uktug\ may make nominations for up to six committee members (nominating oneself will not be valid). Elections for these offices will take place at the meeting on 17th October 1990 at Aston University. Please enter your nominations below and sign the form: $$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace \tabskip=1em plus 3em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr %\multispan2\strut Chairman: \hrulefill\cr \noalign{\noindent Committee Members:} \hbox to .45\hsize{\hrulefill}& \hbox to .45\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr & \cr & \cr }}$$ \vfill \eject\end ------------------------------ Date: 01 Oct 90 16:07:00 -0000 From: Subject: The UK TeX Users' Group AGM % latex file: what else! % it probably needs adapting to A4 etc. but I dont think it will comew % down to one page?? \documentstyle{article} \parindent 0pt \parskip 6pt \begin{document} \subsubsection*{To: All members of The Uk \TeX\ Users Group} \subsubsection*{From: The Secretary} Chris Rowley\\ Open University\\ 527 Finchley Road\\ London NW3 6BG\\[3pt] E-mail: {\tt ca\} \vskip 24pt Dear Member\\[12pt] Please find enclosed the following items: \begin{enumerate} \item Invitation to our October meeting which will include the Annual general meeting (AGM) of the group. \item Information about other activities planned for the next few months. \item A draft agenda for the AGM \item A report balance sheet and the audited accounts of the group up to 31 July 1990. \item The Draft Constitution which the committee has approved and which we hope will be adopted at the AGM. %\item % anything else MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM/PPPPPPPPPPP \end{enumerate} The Draft Constitution contains the following clauses: 17. The annual general meeting of The Uk \TeX\ Users Group shall be held not later than the last day of November %%CAR in each year on a date and at a time to be fixed by the Committee at least 35 days in advance for the following purposes--- (1) to receive from the Committee a report balance sheet and statement of accounts for the proceeding financial year (2) to fill the vacancies in the Committee and to elect auditors for the ensuing year (3) to decide on any resolution which may be submitted to the meeting in the manner provided below (4) to fix the entrance fee (if any) and annual subscription \newpage 18. \ Any member desirous of moving any resolution at the annual general meeting shall give notice in writing to the secretary not later than 14 days before the date of such meeting I think that Clauses 17(3) and 18 are self-explanatory. As regards the election of Committee members, since 6 of its 9 elected members are retiring (all of these 6 are eligible for re-election), Clause 9 implies that there are up to 9 vacancies to be filled. The following parts of Clause 10 describe the procedure for filling these vacancies: (3) Any two members may nominate any member or members of the group to fill any of the vacancies by giving at least seven days notice in writing to the secretary (4) If there are more nominations than vacancies then the membership will be decided by an election by single transferable vote in which every member of the group present at the annual general meeting shall be entitled but not obliged to vote. I shall be happy to accept nominations in accordance with these sub-clauses: no more than 9 from any one person, please, and it would help me a lot if you could enclose confirmation from the nominee that they are willing to serve (subject to their being elected!). \vspace{24pt} Yours sincerely \vspace{50pt} Chris Rowley\\[3pt] Honorary Secretary \end{document} ------------------------------ Date: 01 Oct 90 16:07:00 -0000 From: Subject: Announcement of the Forthcoming Meeting on The ASTON ARCHIVE \magnification=\magstephalf \hsize6.25truein \vsize9.7truein \nopagenumbers \parindent0pt \parskip7pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \font\bigbf=cmbx10 at 14.4truept \font\sc cmcsc10 \font\upr=cmu10 \def\quid{{\upr\$}} \font\csc=cmcsc10 \def\yn{{\csc Yes/No}} \def\UKtug{UK\thinspace T\kern-.1667em \lower.5ex\hbox{U}\kern-.125em G} \def\uktug{the UK \TeX\ Users Group} \def\sect#1{\vskip9pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \noindent{\bf #1:}\quad\ignorespaces} \def\desc{\par\hang\noindent\indenttext} \def\ddesc{\par\hangindent 2\parindent \noindent\indent\indenttext} \def\indenttext#1{\rlap{#1}\indent\ignorespaces} \def\PeterAbbott{% $$\vbox{\halign{##\hfil&&\quad##\hfil\cr Peter Abbott \cr The UK \TeX\ Users Group \cr Computing Service \cr Aston University \cr Aston Triangle \cr Birmingham &Tel:&(021) 359 5492 \cr B4 7ET &Janet:&{\tt ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON} \cr }}$$ } % % {\bigbf\baselineskip15pt \centerline{The UK \TeX\ Users Group} \vskip20pt \centerline{Announcement of the Forthcoming Meeting on} \bigskip \centerline{The ASTON ARCHIVE} \bigskip \centerline{on Wednesday 17th October 1990, from 12.30} \centerline{Room 708, Main Building, Aston University, Birmingham} \bigskip} % \sect{The Program} The meeting is intended to introduce the Aston Archivists to the \uktug. The meeting will take the form of a group of short talks by some of the Archivists on particular aspects of the Archive. Then all available Archivists will take part in a panel discussion where they will invite questions, comments and discussion from the floor. It is hoped that this will generate some positive feedback for the Archive group, and may make the use of the Archive a little simpler. You may also find out the constraints the Archivists are working under, and perhaps better understand why it isn't quite perfect (!), yet. Still the Aston Archive is the biggest and best of all the \TeX\ archives world-wide. Help us make it better. Your comments are welcome, be they derogatory or even complimentary. \sect{The Speakers} \halign{\strut#\hfill\enspace&\vtop{\hsize4.75truein\noindent#\strut}\cr Peter Abbott&The founder of the Aston Archive, Peter's canny touch has enabled it to progress along an apparently smooth path. He will be describing the `new' hardware which is now available to the Archive, and some future plans and proposals for hardware.\cr Brian Hamilton Kelly&Best known to many for his unhyphenated hyphenated name and his outrageous bow ties, Brian has created some neat hooks for all sorts of Vax editors from \TeX-on-VMS (anyone remember {\sc teco}?). Brian is also responsible for {\tt autodoc}, an excellent tool easing the documentation of style (and other) files. He has worked extensively on the current \TeX\ server at Aston, and will talk about the encoding options which are being developed to handle the legendary character mangling of the Rutherford gateway.\cr Adrian Clark&Adrian is well-known for his work with half tone images and his work with VMS \TeX. Now exiled to a Sun workstation, he still manages to develop \TeX\ server software and will be discussing both the current Aston server and the recently announced Utah {\tt tuglib} server described by Nelson Beebe, TUG President.\cr Dave Osborne&Yet another Unix-hacker, Dave recently volunteered to `edit' the UK\TeX\ listings. In one heroic session he managed to put the digest together, and mail it out, while still at the Cork conference. He will describe the work involved, partly in the hope that some others of the \uktug\ membership might be stimulated to step forward and volunteer for the editorship at some time.\cr Sebastian Rahtz&Perhaps best known for the good looking, stylish, hard wearing and incredibly reasonably priced `\TeX\ Archive of the United Kingdom' sweat shirts. In keeping with his calling as archaeologist, Sebastian will present `gleanings from the Archive'.\cr Philip Taylor&A plain man, Philip will present a map of the Archive, and may offer some hints on how to navigate around it, and even how to find some of the stuff you always wanted but never knew how to locate.\cr } \bye ------------------------------ Date: 01 Oct 90 16:07:00 -0000 From: Subject: The UK TeX Users Group First Annual General Meeting DRAFT AGENDA \documentstyle[11pt]{article} \title{The UK \TeX\ Users Group\\ First Annual General Meeting\\[6pt] To be held\\[3pt] in Aston University\\ Main Building Room 708 % room no, building needed PPPPPPPPPPPP on Wednesday 17 October\\ at 11.00am} % OK ?? PPPPPPPPPPPPP \author{} % ??? @@@ latex \begin{document} \maketitle \section*{DRAFT AGENDA} \begin{enumerate} \item Adoption of Constitution \item Chair's report \item Treasurer's report \item Appointment of Auditors % say who peter wants PPPPPPPPPP \item Approve the Annual Subscription % suggest figure ?? PPPPP \item Election of Committee Members \item The following resolution % are horses allowed to vote ?? % MMMMMMM has been submitted to the meeting by Phil Taylor. \begin{quote} % can we disallow it on the grounds that he did not % submit it in generically coded form so i had to edit % it!?? This group believes that the divisive nature of national \TeX\ User groups which operate independently of TUG is both inappropriate and unnecessary, and instructs the UK \TeX\ Users' Group Committee to open negotations with TUG with a view to obtaining much closer affiliation. The Committee should seek an agreement with TUG whereby membership of UK-TuG(sic) automatically implied membership of TUG (whether full or associate membership could be the subject of negotation), and whereby UK-TuG(sic) members were automatically entitled to the rights and privileges of TUG membership. The Committee, in their negotations, should bear in mind that the major cost element of TUG membership covers the production and distribution costs of TUGboat, and may wish to negotiate two classes of membership, whereby members of UK-TuG could elect not to receive a personal copy of TUGboat, thereby qualifying for a significant reduction in membership fee. \end{quote} \item Any Other Business \end{enumerate} There will be PCs available for archive material. Please bring your own disks (3.5" or 5.25"). To save time please let Peter Abbott know in advance, if possible, which files you want. Arrangements will then be made to have the files loaded on the hard disks. There will be a computer link to the archive and a sales desk for Disk s and TUG materials. \end{document} ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 15:43:15 +0000 From: Mike Piff <> Subject: Fundamental tendencies of LaTeX sectioning commands Does anybody out there know what the exact circumstances are under which LaTeX will put a section heading at the BOTTOM of a page, contrary to normal custom? Mike Piff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Sheffield, The Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, SHEFFIELD S3 7RH, England. Tel. SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431. JANET MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.PA or MPiff@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Oct 90 17:52:46 -0000 From: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <> Subject: Updates to WEB sources of TeX, MF, etc; VMS changes files for these I have installed the following new and changed files in the Aston TeX archive. They are available for NIFTP, using the account PUBLIC, password PUBLIC, on Uk.Ac.Aston.TeX. Files, which are all ASCII, may also be retrieved using the TeXserver; send a message to <TeXserver@Uk.Ac.Aston.TeX>, with the first non-blank line of your message reading "FILES", and the names of the wanted files themselves on successive lines of the message. The TeXserver supports wildcards, so you could fetch: [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]*.* etc. (Error history for Computer Modern font family) [TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UPDATES]CM85.BUG 81 24-SEP-1990 15:34 (Reverse-time ordered listing of entire Labrea archive at 1300BST on 24-Sep) [TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UPDATES]LABREA-RT.900924-1200Z 501 24-SEP-1990 16:05 (Ditto, but in alphabetical order) [TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UPDATES]LABREA.900924-1200Z 501 24-SEP-1990 15:48 (Error history of METAFONT) [TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UPDATES]MF84.BUG 160 24-SEP-1990 15:38 (Error history of TeX) [TEX-ARCHIVE.DIGESTS.UPDATES]TEX82.BUG 598 24-SEP-1990 15:46 (Source of The \MF book: this is copyright, and may not be TeX'ed) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.DOC]MFBOOK.TEX 1891 24-SEP-1990 14:11 (Canonical WEB source of METAFONT V2.7) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2]MF.WEB 1856 24-SEP-1990 14:03 (Files for performing the TRAP test on \MF\ V2.7) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.TRAP]TRAP.FOT 4 24-SEP-1990 15:10 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.TRAP]TRAP.LOG 250 24-SEP-1990 15:10 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.TRAP]TRAP.MF 24 24-SEP-1990 15:17 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.TRAP]TRAP.PL 22 24-SEP-1990 15:18 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.TRAP]TRAP.TYP 10 24-SEP-1990 15:18 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.TRAP]TRAPIN.LOG 10 24-SEP-1990 15:19 (Description of the TRAP test) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.TRAP]TRAPMAN.TEX 37 24-SEP-1990 15:19 (Files for building \MF\ V2.7 under VAX/VMS...) (Command file to compile & link \MF\ itself) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]COMPILE_MF.COM 1 3-SEP-1990 10:49 (MMS Description files for automating the building of \MF, GFware, etc) (Available in two versions, for those that use logical names of the ) (form TEX$INPUTS and TEX_INPUTS, respectively) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]DESCRIP.MMS$MF 54 28-SEP-1990 17:59 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]DESCRIP.MMS_MF 54 28-SEP-1990 18:01 (File used by \MF\ at run-time to locate graphics library appropriate ) (to the graphics output device: not needed if you use the DESCRIP.MMS ) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]GLIB_INDEX.DAT 2 3-SEP-1990 10:50 (Graphics library to support the GraphOn Model 140 terminal) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]GO140.CH 0 3-SEP-1990 10:50 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]GO140.WEB 35 3-SEP-1990 10:50 (Linker options file required when linking \MF\ and the libraries for ) (the graphics output device: not needed if you use the DESCRIP.MMS ) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]GRLIB.OPT 1 3-SEP-1990 10:52 (mode_defs in use at RMCS [and many more besides]) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]LOCAL.MF 46 28-SEP-1990 18:20 (Command procedure to build a graphics library) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]MAKELIB.COM 1 3-SEP-1990 10:52 (Machine-code versions of some of \MF's inner loop routines; 30% speedup) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]MF-EXTRA.MAR 16 3-SEP-1990 10:52 (Change file [for WEBmerge] to make TRAPpable version of \MF) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]MF-TRAP.CH 13 25-SEP-1990 17:27 (Change file for \MF\ under VMS: use Pascal v4.0 or later) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]MF.CH 349 28-SEP-1990 18:15 (Command-definition files for the VMS verbs MF and INIMF; two versions) (for sites using TEX$INPUTS or TEX_INPUTS logicals) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]MF.CLD$ 21 26-SEP-1990 18:01 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]MF.CLD_ 21 26-SEP-1990 18:01 (Graphics library to support Visual Technology's Model 550 terminal) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]VIS550.CH 0 28-SEP-1990 18:14 [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]VIS550.WEB 49 28-SEP-1990 18:14 (Description of this implementation) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.MFDIR.V2.VMS]VMS_MF_NOTES.TXT 18 26-SEP-1990 18:54 (New version of macros for MFT setting of Computer Modern font programs) [TEX-ARCHIVE.METAFONT.TEXFILES]CMBASE.MFT 8 24-SEP-1990 12:15 (Updates and extensions to error history of TeX) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.DOC]ERRATA.FIVE 87 24-SEP-1990 15:35 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.DOC]ERRATA.TEX 29 24-SEP-1990 15:36 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.DOC]ERRORLOG.TEX 246 24-SEP-1990 15:38 (Source of The \TeX book: this is copyright, and may not be TeX'ed) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.DOC]TEXBOOK.TEX 2779 24-SEP-1990 12:32 (Updated Plain.TeX; required by TeX v3.1 when building formats) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3]PLAIN.TEX 89 24-SEP-1990 12:15 (Canonical WEB source of TeX v3.1) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3]TEX.WEB 2073 24-SEP-1990 12:29 (Files to perform the TRIP test on TeX v3.1) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.TRIP]TRIP.FOT 5 24-SEP-1990 13:45 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.TRIP]TRIP.LOG 378 24-SEP-1990 13:45 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.TRIP]TRIP.PL 36 24-SEP-1990 13:44 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.TRIP]TRIP.TEX 46 24-SEP-1990 13:57 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.TRIP]TRIP.TYP 39 24-SEP-1990 13:59 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.TRIP]TRIPIN.LOG 27 24-SEP-1990 14:01 (Description of the TRIP test) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.TRIP]TRIPMAN.TEX 39 24-SEP-1990 14:02 (Files for building TeX v3.1 under VAX/VMS...) (Command procedure to build [just] TeX itself) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]COMPILE_TEX.COM 1 3-SEP-1990 10:48 (MMS Description files for automating the building of TeX, WEBware, etc) (Available in two versions, for those that use logical names of the ) (form TEX$INPUTS and TEX_INPUTS, respectively) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]DESCRIP.MMS$TEX 61 26-SEP-1990 17:58 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]DESCRIP.MMS_TEX 61 26-SEP-1990 18:00 (Change file [for WEBmerge] to build a TRIPpable version of TeX v3.1) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]TEX-TRIP.CH 9 25-SEP-1990 17:38 (Change file for TeX v3.1 under VMS; use Pascal v4.0 or later) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]TEX.CH 333 28-SEP-1990 18:07 (Command-definition file for new DCL verbs TEX, LATEX, SLITEX, etc) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]TEX.CLD$ 34 26-SEP-1990 18:01 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]TEX.CLD_ 34 26-SEP-1990 18:02 (Description of this implementation of TeX) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3.VMS]VMS_TEX_NOTES.TXT 13 26-SEP-1990 18:51 (Updated macros for use by WEAVE/TeX) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.V3]WEBMAC.TEX 21 24-SEP-1990 12:16 (New version of DVItype [v3.4]...) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.DVIWARE.NEW]DVITYPE.WEB 209 24-SEP-1990 18:19 (Change file for the above under VMS) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.DVIWARE.NEW.VMS]DVITYPE.CH 28 25-SEP-1990 17:15 (New versions of GFtoDVI [v3.0] and GFtoPK [v2.3]) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]GFTODVI.WEB 377 24-SEP-1990 12:18 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]GFTOPK.WEB 187 24-SEP-1990 12:23 (New version of MFT [v2.0; no VMS changes for this yet] and its macros) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]MFT.WEB 152 24-SEP-1990 12:17 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]PLAIN.MFT 4 24-SEP-1990 12:15 (New versions of PLtoTF [v3.3] and TFtoPL [v3.1]) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]PLTOTF.WEB 197 24-SEP-1990 18:19 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]TFTOPL.WEB 122 24-SEP-1990 18:26 (New versions of VFtoVP and VPtoVF [both v1.2; no VMS changes for these yet]) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]VFTOVP.WEB 181 24-SEP-1990 18:27 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW]VPTOVF.WEB 249 24-SEP-1990 18:31 (Change files for the above utilities) [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW.VMS]GFTODVI.CH 30 25-SEP-1990 17:25 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW.VMS]GFTOPK.CH 26 25-SEP-1990 17:26 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW.VMS]PLTOTF.CH 11 25-SEP-1990 17:15 [TEX-ARCHIVE.TOOLS.FONTWARE.NEW.VMS]TFTOPL.CH 12 25-SEP-1990 17:16 (Updated manual for using WEB) [TEX-ARCHIVE.WEB.DOC]WEBMAN.TEX 179 24-SEP-1990 15:29 (New versions of Tangle [v4.1] and Weave [v4.2]) [TEX-ARCHIVE.WEB.NEW]TANGLE.WEB 263 24-SEP-1990 15:19 [TEX-ARCHIVE.WEB.NEW]WEAVE.WEB 377 24-SEP-1990 15:20 (Changes for the above under VMS) [TEX-ARCHIVE.WEB.NEW.VMS]TANGLE.CH 26 25-SEP-1990 17:15 [TEX-ARCHIVE.WEB.NEW.VMS]WEAVE.CH 31 25-SEP-1990 17:16 Total of 73 files, 15760 blocks Any problems with access, or with using the VMS changes, please feel free to contact me. Brian {Hamilton Kelly} +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + JANET: + + BITNET: + + INTERNET: + + UUCP: ...!mcvax!!tex + + OR ...!ukc!!tex + + Smail: School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military + + College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K. + + Phone: Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International) + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY: !! !! Files of interest !! [tex-archive]000aston.readme [tex-archive]000directory.list !! [tex-archive]000directory_dates.list [tex-archive]000directory.size !! [tex-archive]000last30days.files !! !! FTP access: site !! username public !! password public !! !! Washington TeX tape distribution: !! The latest tape is labelled !! !! TeX 3.0, Metafont 2.0,LaTeX 2.09; !! utilityfonts,cmfonts,LaTeXfonts,amsfonts. !! Unix 4.2/3BSD, Sys V. !! Tar, 1600bpi, blocked 20, 1 file !! !! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following !! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling !! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me. !! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. !! Send to !! !! P Abbott !! Computing Service !! Aston University !! Aston Triangle !! Birmingham B4 7ET !! !! A VMS backup of the archive requires 2 (two ) 2400' tapes at 6250bpi. !! Remaining details as above. !! !! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available; one tape is needed. !! !! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes: !! Same formats available as 1/2in tapes. We use the following tapes !! SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90 !! TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB !! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds !! !! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage. !! !! ---Peter Abbott. End of UKTeX Digest *******************