UKTeX Digest	Friday, 26 Oct 1990
		Volume 90 : Issue 37

Today's Topics:
			  emTeX distribution
			  VDM and Z in LaTeX
			 TeX server problems
		       RE: TeX server problems
			    PCTEX problem
			   Matrix alignment
			    pcTeX drivers
		       Trailing \label in LaTeX
			  LaTeX version 3.0
			 DVIPS on DOS and VMS
		  Naming conventions for font files?

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Moderator:       Peter Abbott
Editor:          David Osborne (University of Nottingham)

Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax:    #65
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXmag:    V4 N4
Back Issues:     These are stored in the Aston archive, in the directory


Date:    Sat, 20 Oct 90 00:16:12 +0100
Subject: emTeX distribution

Dear Aston TeX Archivists,

The UKTeX banner, printed at the end of each issue, explains how one
can get TeX for VMS, Unix, and the Mac.  I assume that these particular
implementations are distributed because they are free, and because they
are well packaged, and not too much of a nightmare to handle.

One of the commonest platforms for TeX is DOS.  And emTeX is an
excellent, free, and well packaged implementation for DOS (and OS/2).

I realize that it is easy for me to ask someone else to do something,
but couldn't emTeX be added to the TeX implementations that are
available on disk by post from the Aston archive team?



Date:    Mon, 22 Oct 90 10:20:23 -0000
Subject: VDM and Z in LaTeX

In a recent UKTeX John Nissen asked about use of LaTeX for typesetting
VDM and Z.

Mike Spivey of the Programming Research Group, Oxford sells a package
for typesetting and typechecking Z specifications, called fuzz.

We at the National Physical Laboratory have written a set of macros for
the developing BSI standard VDM. These are available either by mailing
me ( or by sending a message to the NPL info-server
( with body:

request: latex
topic: vdmsl.sty
topic: vdmsl.tex

The macros and, in particular, the documentation are not in their final
state yet, but anyone is welcome to try them and send us comments. They
are fairly robust, having been used to set the working draft standards
for both VDM and Modula-2.

Nick North
National Physical Laboratory


Date:    Tue, 23 Oct 90 09:15:47 +0000
Subject: TeX server problems

	Over the past few weeks I have been trying to
access the TeX server, and have had no useful response.
Most of my requests have been acknowledged by the
TeX server, with messages of the form:

> Subject: RE: your <> -- HELP command OK
> Message-Id: <20401542_000F3588.0093DED17DFB0380$12_1@UK.AC.ASTON.VAX.KIRK>
> Your TeXserver request has been received and validated.  It has joined the
> queue of outstanding requests and will be processed in due course.

I have had no other responses.

Reviewing my "mail sent" folder I find the following are
my most recent attempts to get information.  I have made
no other requests in this period.

	Request		Acknowledgement
	sent		received
	Thu Jul 26	Mon Aug  6
	Thu Jul 26	Mon Aug  6
	Mon Aug  6	Tue Aug 14
	Mon Aug  6	Fri Jul 27
	Mon Aug 13	Wed Aug 15
	Thu Aug 30
	Thu Sep 13
	Fri Sep 28	Mon Oct  1
	Tue Oct  9	Tue Oct  9

Previously I have sent messages to the TeX server and 
received replies containing the expected files etc.

I have also sent a message to
trying to subscribe to UKTEX, but have had no response.

Given that the TeX server sends the acknowledgements
it would seem that the mail path is working OK, so is
there some problem at Aston?

Thank you for your help

Adrian Hammon
ICL Secure Systems, Winersh Triangle, Wokingham, Berks.


Date:    Tue, 23 Oct 90 11:01:10 -0000
Subject: (411) RE: TeX server problems

In message 53 of Tue, 23 Oct 90 09:15:47 GMT, 

> 	Over the past few weeks I have been trying to
> access the TeX server, and have had no useful response.
I've investigated the most recent of your attempts (those in previous
months have been archived off the running system).  Your problem is that
you are specifying an explicit return address, and it's NOT in the
format laid down by the JNT for the format of network addresses in the
UK.  In the UK, we use big-endian format, with the UK at the front of
the string: this is at variance with most of the rest of the world.
Some system's mailers are capable of reordering such incorrect
presentation of an address, but Aston's isn't.

> Previously I have sent messages to the TeX server and 
> received replies containing the expected files etc.

I'm surprised to hear that, if you've *always* used the same format for
presenting your return address: perhaps you used to specify it the other
way round?
> Given that the TeX server sends the acknowledgements
> it would seem that the mail path is working OK, so is
> there some problem at Aston?

The reason that the receipt is getting to you is that this is sent using
REPLY (effectively).  You can avoid all these problems by abandoning the
old format for TeXserver requests: omit the line of three hyphens, and
the line giving your return address, and *start* your message with the
TeXserver command verb --- I suggest that you should try HELP again in
the first instance.  This verb must be the first non-blank line of your

If you *must* specify a different return address, you may precede the
command verb with a line containing a PATH command: however, note that
any address you give in this *must* appear in the canonical format, with
the UK first---and isn't it always!

> I have also sent a message to
> trying to subscribe to UKTEX, but have had no response.
Sorry about your problems with getting onto UKTeX distribution; the
editor will doubtless check on this.  Perhaps you *have* been added, but
with your address in the wrong, little-endian format.  Then your
particular copy would fail when sent each week.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}


Date:    Tue, 23 Oct 90 13:33:00 +0000
Subject: PCTEX problem

Dear Madam/sir,
I was wondering whether you can help me with a problem I am having with the 
PTIPS (dvi to postscript generator) for PCTEX.

Specifically I am trying to import postscript graphics files in a LaTEX 
document. On single page test files I have managed to import scale and 
position the postscript files (with some manual editing of the imported 
postscript file and with the use of the \centerps macro supplied with 
PCTEX). However when importing into a longer document (ie. more than one 
page) the PTIPS program tells me that it cannot find the file to import. If 
I take a few paragraphs out so that the diagram prints out on the first 
page then it can find the import file. I am using PTIPS (Personal TeX 
Incorporated PostScript) Version 2.01.

I have tryed a large number of permutations of file names to try and figure 
out what the problem is (i.e. fully qualified pathnames to just the 
filename by itself) without any success. It appears to be a bug in the 
postscript driver program.

Do you have any knowledge of this problem and can you suggest a fix? If you 
cannot suggest a fix then could you recommend a public domain driver which 
allows one to import postscript or encapsulated postscript into LaTEX 
documents. Alternatively could you put me onto someone who may be able to 

Any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Bob Betz,
Dept, Electronics & Elec. Eng.
University of Glasgow.


Date:    Tue, 23 Oct 90 14:08:33 -0000
Subject: Matrix alignment

Is there an easy way (either TeX or LaTeX) of setting a formula involving
matrices so that they are aligned on their top (or, come to that, bottom)
rows, rather than on their centrelines?  I know about {array}[t] and \vtop,
but they deal only with the matrix elements, not the enclosing brackets,
and \left[...\right] leaves the brackets still centred.  I want to
be able to set

     f =  (a  b) / c \
                 | d |
                 \ e /
(if you see what I mean).


Date:    Tue, 23 Oct 90 14:20:17 -0000
Subject: pcTeX drivers

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a new post-grad at Surrey University, and I`m looking for
TeX drivers for PCTeX (TeX for IBM PC`s and compatibles). I have the
PCTeX compiler, but no drivers for either a) CGA for screen 
previewing (if there is such a thing) or  b) a printer driver
for a dot-matrix printer (epson LX800 compatible). Do you know
where I might be able to get hold of these?

Thanks in advance,


Bob Chapman (JANET


Date:    Tue, 23 Oct 90 23:53:55 -0000
Subject: Trailing \label in LaTeX

A user here (Dr D.M.R.Gray-Stephens: DGS1@UK.AC.CAM.PHX) came across the
following problem. If the final page of a LaTeX document contains only
\label's, then the corresponding definitions never get output into the
.aux file. For example:

    Arbitrary text.

Originally, of course, the page break before the trailing \label was
accidental (it followed an \end{itemize}).

Is this a known problem/bug/feature of LaTeX? The user wanted to use
\pageref{...} to generate a page head/footing containing `page N of M'.
Can anyone provide an alternative way of doing this, other than tieing
the \label securely to the last piece of text (which is difficult to do
in a way that survives modification of the document)?

Chris Thompson
Cambridge University Computing Service


Date:    Wed, 24 Oct 90 12:33:24 +0000
Subject: LaTeX version 3.0

I have been asked by one of my colleagues to obtain a copy
of the archive from Aston containing the latest version 3.0
of LaTeX. He would like to have a complete copy of this archive.

Please could you let me know the current handling charge for 
this service, and whether it can be supplied on TK70.  Our
1/2" tape deck operates at only 1600, so the full set would
take rather a lot of tapes!

Thank you

John Armstrong      (0532 334457)


Date:    Wed, 24 Oct 90 17:48:00 +0000
Subject: (230) DVIPS on DOS and VMS

I am having some problem with DVIPS. It is generating postscript
quite happily but the postscript is not printing. The printer is OK
but I am unclear what the problem is with the postcript
What headers should I use the .PRO or .LPR 
Is anyone running it sucessfully on VMS ?
All comments welcome
Edmund Sutcliffe


Date:    Fri, 26 Oct 90 10:06:09 +0000
Subject: Naming conventions for font files?

Can you help?

            A few months ago a file describing the naming conventions of
Font files eg. .PK .PXL files was mentioned in the newsletter. I downloaded it
and stored it away for future reference - however now I want it I've found it
gone! Does anyone remember where this file is on the archive or if it is still

     It was very useful as it described the way to calculate the names
of the .pk files given the point size, the device resolution and the

                          Thanks for any help.

                                        Richard Hillier (MD2RJH@UK.AC.SHEF.IBM)


!! NIFTP access: site
!!               username  public
!!               password  public
!! Files of interest 
!!    [tex-archive]00readme.txt         [tex-archive]00files.txt
!!    [tex-archive]00directory.list     [tex-archive]00directory.size
!!    [tex-archive]00last7days.files    [tex-archive]00last30days.files
!! Washington TeX tape distribution:
!! The latest tape is labelled
!!   TeX 3.0, Metafont 2.0, LaTeX 2.09;
!!   utilityfonts, cmfonts, LaTeXfonts, amsfonts.
!!   Unix 4.2/3BSD, Sys V.
!!   Tar, 1600bpi, blocked 20, 1 file
!! I have the facility to copy this tape for anyone who sends the following
!! 1 2400 tape with return labels AND RETURN postage. (2.50 pounds sterling 
!! for UK users, payable to `Aston University') Outside UK please ask me.
!! UK users send 4.25 for two tapes or 6.60 for three tapes. 
!! Send to
!! P Abbott
!! Computing Service
!! Aston University
!! Aston Triangle
!! Birmingham B4 7ET
!! A VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
!! Remaining details as above.
!! A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint is available; one tape is needed.
!! Exabyte tape drive with Video 8 cassettes:
!!   Same formats available as 1/2in tapes.  We use the following tapes
!!     SONY Video 8 cassette  P5 90MP, MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90
!!     TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB
!! Postage 35p UK (stamp please), 1 pound sterling Europe, other areas 2 pounds
!! OzTeX - Send 10 UNFORMATTED (800k) disks with return postage.
!! ---Peter Abbott.

End of UKTeX Digest