UKTeX Digest	Friday,  7 Dec 1990
		Volume 90 : Issue 43

Today's Topics:
			  Thesis Regulations
	 Inputting (postscript) diagrams into LaTeX documents
		    Epson LQ500, and other things
		  TeX archive at
			 TeX for Archimedes?
			 RE: TeX Info wanted
	    Reasons for having a new 7-bit encoding scheme
			   TEX for Atari ST

Moderator:     Peter Abbott (Aston University)
Editor:        David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:

UKTeX back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
TeXhax back issues:stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax: #73
TeXMaG back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXMaG: V4 N6


Date:    Mon, 03 Dec 90 10:11:00 +0000
From:    A055@UK.AC.EAST-ANGLIA.CPC865
Subject: Thesis Regulations

Several theses have been accepted at UEA, using a modified xxxthesis.sty
(from the distribution tape, but with UEA instead of MIT or whatever).
At least some polytechnics (CNAA) also accept similarly prepared theses.
	Dan Smith


Date:    Mon, 03 Dec 90 14:05:17 +0000
Subject: Inputting (postscript) diagrams into LaTeX documents

Can anybody out there help me ?

This is probably an often asked question, but is there anyway
of inputting (postscript) diagrams into LaTeX (on a SUN) ? We have 
a variety of graphical tools (FIG, sundraw, framemaker etc.)
but there does not seem to be a way of including these 
into a latex document. I guess such a fix would involve
having dvitps  read in the diagram postscript files but I can't
see how to pass this information through from LaTeX.

Many thanks in advance,

Michael Rygol


Date:    Mon, 03 Dec 90 15:36:00 +0000
From:    S121@UK.AC.EAST-ANGLIA.CPC865
Subject: Epson LQ500, and other things

I saw the query about printing on Epson LQ500 printers, which prompted 
a couple of things - 
  1) the problme COULD be something to do with the 'skip over perforations'
  setting on the printer - it confuses MS Word on my PC. Its one of the
 DIP switches at the side. Just a guess though.
  2) What driver are you using, and is it  at Aston? If so could you tell
  me where? And what is the quality like?

On another track completely - is there any recommended way to actually
find things in the archive? The reason I ask, is that I am trying to find
a dvi -> postscript driver, which will run on a PC. Now I got
which lead me to
  [    "      .   "   .dvi2ps]00files.txt
However I am then prsented with a choice of 9 directories, which I presume
all contain diferent peoples implementations of a driver. But how can I 
then tell which I want? 
Unless I mail Uktex and ask, I cannot find any way to decide which files
I should start transfering, and since file transfer is slow, I dont
particularly want to try to get everything.
And if everyone mailed UkTeX to ask this type of question, not only would
the Digest become an archive question board, but no doubt the same 
questions would come up with depressing frequency. 
I realise the ideal is to have lots of lovely help/readme files
but equally realise that the Archivists do not have the time to put
a help file in every directory.
Any thoughts from anyone else on this?

        Ian Ellery


Date:    Tue, 04 Dec 90 12:33:47 +0000
Subject: TeX archive at

Does anyone know much about the ymir archive at There are some
TeX files there I should like to download, I can obtain the text files easily
using the mailer, but I can't get the binary files. There does not appear to
be any way of instructing the mailer to encode the files before sending and I
don't know any contact I can ask at ymir. Any ideas?

                                     Yours  Richard Hillier



Date:    Tue, 04 Dec 90 16:54:09 +0000
Subject: TeX for Archimedes?

I had an enquiry for TeX to run on an Archimedes. The caller thought
it is maybe available from Nijmegen but was not sure. Does anyone
know anything about it?
Tony Sumner


Date:    Tue, 04 Dec 90 19:47:59 +0000
Subject: RE: TeX Info wanted

In a message (110) to UKTeX of Fri, 30 NOV 90 13:15:24 GMT, 

> Could u please send me some info on how to get the TeX sources 
> to implement on VAX/VMS? I am interseted in Tex 3.0, Metafont 2.0
> and related programs.
> Thanx for  your time,
> virantha
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> JANET                 snail mail :
> INTERNET  Middlesex Polytechnic
> EARN/           Bounds Green Road
> UUCP         London N11 2NQ
> T.Phone +01 081 368 1299                               United Kingdom.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Since this is a recurrent enquiry, I thought it might be useful to
publish your enquiry and my reply in UKTeX.

The UK TeX Archive at Aston contains the canonical sources for TeX 3.1
and MF V2.7, along with VMS-specific change files and other files
required to get a working implementation under VMS.

Furthermore, the binary .OBJ files are also stored in the archive; these
are only suitable for sites that are able to do a Coloured Book
TRANSFER/CODE=FAST directly between VAXen.

Files may be found as follows:

Last change          Size  Type  File specification
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 4-Dec-90 17:46      2590  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]00readme.txt
 4-Dec-90 17:38       634  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]glib_index.dat
 4-Dec-90 17:29       102  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]grlib-options.opt
 4-Dec-90 13:09     16548  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]pktype.obj
 4-Dec-90 13:08     29418  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]gftype.obj
 4-Dec-90 13:06     29098  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]gftopxl.obj
 4-Dec-90 12:48    116736  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]cmplain.base
 4-Dec-90 12:48       914  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]cmplain.inimf_lis
 4-Dec-90 12:47     69632  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]plain.base
 4-Dec-90 12:47       812  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]plain.inimf_lis
 4-Dec-90 12:21    299290  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]mf.obj
 4-Dec-90 11:39     23926  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]mf.pool
 3-Dec-90 20:03      6848  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]vis550.obj
 3-Dec-90 20:03      6290  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]go140.obj
 3-Dec-90 19:55     20148  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]gftopk.obj
 3-Dec-90 19:54     42280  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]gftodvi.obj
 3-Dec-90 19:40    562334  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]trap_inimf.obj
 3-Dec-90 19:36       726  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]mf-extra.obj
 3-Dec-90 18:31    386560  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]splain.fmt
 3-Dec-90 18:28      9728  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]splain.initex_lis
 3-Dec-90 18:28    366080  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]mzlplain.fmt
 3-Dec-90 18:26      9568  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]mzlplain.initex_lis
 3-Dec-90 18:14    353280  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]lplain.fmt
 3-Dec-90 18:13      7640  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]lplain.initex_lis
 3-Dec-90 17:45    209920  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]plain.fmt
 3-Dec-90 17:44      2600  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]plain.initex_lis
 3-Dec-90 16:57      7472  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]pooltype.obj
 3-Dec-90 16:47     54438  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]tftopl.obj
 3-Dec-90 16:44     60684  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]pltotf.obj
 3-Dec-90 15:38     57430  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]dvitype.obj
 3-Dec-90 15:32     88126  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]weave.obj
 3-Dec-90 14:59    420634  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]trip_initex.obj
 3-Dec-90 12:41    370324  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]tex.obj
 3-Dec-90 12:39     27768  TXT   [tex-archive.binary.vms]tex.pool
 3-Dec-90 12:28     51888  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]tangle.obj
18-May-90 10:30      7172  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]wmerge.obj
17-Aug-89 16:51     16538  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]pktopx.obj
17-Aug-89 09:51    187158  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]bibtex.obj
23-Mar-88 16:59     13816  BIN   [tex-archive.binary.vms]pxtopk.obj
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last change          Size    File specification
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24-Sep-90 12:29   1061056    [tex-archive.tex.v3]tex.web
24-Sep-90 12:16     10378    [tex-archive.tex.v3]webmac.tex
24-Sep-90 12:15     45562    [tex-archive.tex.v3]plain.tex
20-Apr-90 11:38      9504    [tex-archive.tex.v3]testfont.tex
16-Nov-89 18:30      2712    [tex-archive.tex.v3]tex.v3_readme
 8-Jun-89 22:47     34492    [tex-archive.tex.v3]hyphen.tex
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Change and other files for TeX V3.1 under VMS
(Use either the files with `$' or `_' in the file names, depending upon
whether your site uses local logical names that contain `$' or not: DEC
recommend that sites should *not* use locally generated logical names
containing dollar signs.  There are variants provided for DESCRIP.MMS
and TEX.CLD files, which are the names to which you should RENAME
whichever file you decide to collect.  DO NOT USE any old .CLD or .MMS
files from the 1989 distribution.  Neither should you attempt to use the
old bigTeX variant change files; these are no longer required, since the
latest version is automatically big.)

Last change          Size    File specification
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 4-Dec-90 19:21     13942    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]00readme.txt
 4-Dec-90 19:21      6434    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]vms_tex_notes.txt
 3-Dec-90 12:34     51256    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]tangle.pas_bootstrap
28-Sep-90 18:07    170436    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]
26-Sep-90 18:02     17388    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]tex.cld_
26-Sep-90 18:01     17388    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]tex.cld$
26-Sep-90 18:00     31138    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]descrip.mms_tex
26-Sep-90 17:58     31138    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]descrip.mms$tex
25-Sep-90 17:38      4212    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]
 3-Sep-90 10:48       114    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]
 1-Mar-90 18:01      3298    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]wmerge.mms
 6-Oct-89 15:47     11724    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]wmerge.c
 6-Oct-89 15:47      1376    [tex-archive.tex.v3.vms]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Last change          Size  Type  File specification
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24-Sep-90 14:03    950124    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2]mf.web
20-Apr-90 11:36     23238    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Change and other files to generate working MF V2.7 under VMS
(See note above regarding `$' and `_' variants.)

Last change          Size    File specification
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 4-Dec-90 18:13       658    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]00readme.txt
 4-Dec-90 18:13      9148    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]vms_mf_notes.tx
 4-Dec-90 17:57     27552    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]descrip.mms$mf
 4-Dec-90 17:56     27552    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]descrip.mms_mf
 8-Oct-90 19:41    178818    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]
28-Sep-90 18:20     23086    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]
28-Sep-90 18:14     24794    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]vis550.web
28-Sep-90 18:14         0    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]
26-Sep-90 18:01     10752    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]mf.cld_
26-Sep-90 18:01     10752    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]mf.cld$
25-Sep-90 17:27      6334    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]
 3-Sep-90 10:52      7850    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]mf-extra.mar
 3-Sep-90 10:52        54    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]
 3-Sep-90 10:52       102    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]grlib.opt
 3-Sep-90 10:50     17516    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]go140.web
 3-Sep-90 10:50         0    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]
 3-Sep-90 10:50       530    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]glib_index.dat
 3-Sep-90 10:49       158    [tex-archive.metafont.mfdir.v2.vms]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

To collect any of these files, apart from the binary ones, you could
edit this message into a request for the TeXserver: select those lines
containing the files required and remove the date and size from each
line (thus making each line start with the `[' character).

Place the TeXserver command FILES before all these lines, and send the
resulting message to <TeXserver@Uk.Ac.ASton.TeX>.  We don't recommend
that these files be coalesced into a DCL archive, because the resulting
monolithic file can cause the TeXserver to exceed its disk quota during
processing of your request!

You can collect any of these files, including the binary ones, by
specifying each file name in a separate DEC CBS V5.2 TRANSFER command;
specify /CODE=FAST so as to regenerate the file on your VAX in the same
form as in the Archive.

In addition, you may be interested in the contents of the directories
[{.vms}], [{.vms}],
[{.vms}]  and
[{.vms}].  Each of these eight directories
contains a file 00files.txt which lists each directory's contents.

Please contact ME if you experience any difficulty in fetching the
files, or in bringing up an executable version on your VAX.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}


Date:    Wed, 05 Dec 90 13:14:27 +0000
Subject: Reasons for having a new 7-bit encoding scheme

A week or two ago, Dominic Wujastyk entered a plea against re-inventing
wheels because he'd heard rumours about a new encoding scheme, which is
shortly to enter service as the default encoding method at the UK TeX
Archive at Aston University.

Since then, Graham Toal and Pierre MacKay have supported Dominic, so I
think the time has come to publish my reply to Graham and hopefully
convince everybody as to why present encoding schemes are inadequate for
use at archives such as Aston's, where files are collected by users who
have many different architectures and operating systems --- you will see
from the end of the message that I've managed to convince Dominic!
You'll also see, from the attached specification, that it meets Pierre
MacKay's requirements for an encoding scheme.


I appreciate your concerns about inventing yet another file encoding
scheme (I nearly called the program YAFES).  

One of the major problems that we've had at Aston is incompatibility of
binary files (e.g. PK) between stream file systems (as on Unix, DOS) and
record oriented file systems (e.g. VMS, VM/CMS, MVS).  I have tried to
find a coding scheme that meets our needs, not just those of the
Unix/MS-DOS community, but without success.

> I throw my rather substantial weight and less substantial influence
> behind Dominik :-) ... to introduce a new 7-bit encoding format would
> be shooting ourselves in the foot.  I have exchanged binary files with
> many sites abroad - often through bitnet - and the standard 'xxencode'
> works beautifully (not the misnamed new program which was called
> xxencode for a short time I might add).  

Have you exchanged binary files with computers that use record oriented
file systems?  Is the "misnamed new program" Nelson Beebe's version of

>    Phil Taylor explained to me why a new program is wanted - it is
> because a 7-bit encoded binary file cannot be properly reconstituded
> on VMS without some extra information.  Well, I can think of two
> solutions:  
>    1) Add *extra* vms information *BEFORE* a normal kosher xxencode
>       file (or after it of course, but not *in* it)

A nice idea and this is in fact the case for stream files.  If fixed
or variable length record files have to be sent then you need to include
information in the file to indicate where the record boundaries are.

>    2) Since we only have a small fixed number of file types in the
>       archive where this is a problem (tfm, pk, gf, pxl?) we could
>       write a 'fixup' command which converted a stream_lf or ra binary
>       file to the appropriate record format.

The font files are generally held as fixed length record files on
VAX/VMS whereas object files are held as variable length binary files.
I'm not sure that the conversion between variable length binary files
and stream binary files is a reversible process. (Since first writing
the above, I have confirmed that this is impossible; under VMS a stream
file has implicit record boundaries --- three `flavours' of stream use
LF, CR or CRLF as the marker.  Binary files don't necessarily contain
any of these characters, which would make the entire file into one
record --- VMS file reading is always record oriented because the RMS
services perform reads of rather larger entities than a character. 
Files that didn't contain any such marks would be limited to
a total size of 32kB by the blocking conducted by RMS.  Furthermore,
keeping all files in the Aston Archive in a stream format would prevent
the retrieval of any file in which more than 2kB appeared without an
intervening end-of-line mark in the stream, because of the Coloured
Books software.)

> Apart from those file types mentioned, I recommend that all other
> files in the archive are line-based text files which should get through
> most ftp implementations with their line-stucture preserved.

I agree, but others want to be able to fetch packages in .tar.Z format.

I've attached part of the very preliminary draft documentation for
VVCODE which I hope will explain why I have been forced to produce yet
another coding scheme.  

Any comments on the attached draft would be appreciated.

I'll leave the last words to Dominik:

> Yes, Neil, I see.  It really boils down to structured file support, I
> guess.  I have never had a VMS account: all I know is DOS and Unix, and
> I am a bit myopic because of that.
> Doesn't VMS now support some kind of stream file format?  
> Anyway, now I see the reason for VVencode, I shall swap to it.  It would
> be good if it could be spread very widely, even outside the TeX world.
> Dominik

Niel Kempson

[Attached file: VVCODE.DOC]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Version 0.0 of 26 October 1990


Encoding schemes introduced to transmit binary files over text mail
systems.  Primary examples are:


      a.    Hexadecimal
      b.    BOO
      c.    UUcode
      d.    XXcode

The known implementations of these schemes have been designed
primarily for operating systems with stream file systems.  They are
unsuitable for exchanging data between operating systems with
record/block oriented file systems (e.g. VAX/VMS, VM/CMS) where
different file formats are used for different types of files.  Some
encoding systems can be used to exchange data between operating
systems with record oriented file systems, but tend to be specific
to a particular operating system (e.g. TELCODE, MFTU for VAX/VMS).


After a review of the known encoding systems (shortly after XXCODE
was released last year), an outline specification of the "ideal"
coding scheme was drawn up.  The key points of the specification are:

      2.1   CODING SCHEME

      It should be possible to specify the coding table to be used
      to encode the data.  The coding table used shall be recorded
      with each part of the encoded data.

      If a recorded coding table is found while decoding the encoded
      data file, it should be used to construct an appropriate
      decoding table.  Simple one-to-one character corruptions should
      be corrected as long as only one of the input characters is
      mapped to any one output character.

      The default encoding/decoding table should avoid the
      corruptions commonly encountered when passing mail through
      badly-behaved gateways such as the UK.AC.EARN-RELAY EARN/JANET
      geteway.  The recommended table is the default XXcode table
      using only the characters:


      Encoded lines should be prefixed by an approprite character
      string to distinguish them from unwanted lines such as mail
      headers and trailers.  Lines should not end with whitespace
      characters as some mailers and operating systems strip off
      trailing whitespace.

      2.2   FILE SPLITTING

      The encoding program should be able to split the encoded output
      into parts, each no larger than a maximum specified size. 
      Splitting the output into smaller parts is useful if the
      encoded data is to transmitted using electronic mail or over
      unreliable network links that do not stay up long enough to
      transmit a large file.  The recommended default maximum part
      size is 30kB.

      The decoding program should be able to decode a multi-part
      encoded file very flexibly.  It should not be necessary to 

            a.    strip out mail headers and trailers.
            b.    combine all of the parts into one file in the
                  correct order.
            c.    process each part of the encoded data as a
                  separate file.

      2.3   VERIFICATION

      The encoding program should calculate parameters of the input
      file such as the number of bytes and CRC and record them at the
      end of the encoded data.

      The decoding program should calculate the same parameters from
      the decoded data and compare the values obtained from those
      recorded at the end of the encoded data.


      The encoding program should be able to read different types of
      input file and record the organization of the file at the start
      of the encoded data.  This is not too important for operating
      systems with stream type file systems (e.g. Unix, MS-DOS) where
      files are simply written as streams of bytes, but is very
      important for operating systems with record oriented file
      systems (e.g. VAX/VMS, VM/CMS) where different types of file
      are organized in different ways.

      The decoding program should be able to use this information to
      create the output file using the organization appropriate to
      the operating system in use.

      The encoding and decoding schemes should be able to read and
      write files compatible with one or more other coding schemes.

      2.6   AVAILABILITY

      The source code for the programs should be freely available. 
      It should also be portable and usable with as many computers,
      operating systems and compilers as possible.

3.    VVCODE

After scouring unsuccessfully around the networks and mailing lists
for such a coding system, we decided to implement yet another file
encoding scheme called VVCODE.  VVCODE is an extension to the
standard Unix UUcode utilities used for the transmission of (binary)
files over a medium capable of passing only text files.

The VVCODE encoding and decoding programs implement most of the
specification detailed above.  The features of VVENCODE and VVDECODE
are summarized below, keyed to the specification.

      3.1   CODING SCHEME

      The default coding table for both VVENCODE and VVDECODE is the
      standard XXcode table using the characters:


      The encoding table used by VVENCODE is recorded in the encoded
      data file.  

      If VVDECODE encounters an encoding table in the encoded data,
      it is used to construct a decoding table.   Simple one-to-one
      character corruptions can be corrected as long as only one of
      the input characters is mapped to any one output character.

      A command line qualifier can be used to override the coding
      table used by VVENCODE and VVDECODE.

      Each line of the VVENCODEd data has a unique prefix ("Vv") and
      suffix ("V").  VVDECODE ignores any lines in the input file
      that do not begin with this prefix such as mail headers and
      trailers.  The suffix is not used - it is present to avoid
      trailing whitespace on any line of the encoded data.
      3.2   FILE SPLITTING

      VVENCODE can split the encoded output into parts, each no
      larger than a maximum specified size.  The default maximum part
      size is 30kB.

      VVDECODE can decode a multi-part encoded file in a very
      flexible way.  The parts may be presented to VVDECODE in the
      following ways:

            a.    as one file containing all of the parts in any
            b.    each part is in a separate file.  Ideally each
                  part number has the file extension ".v##", where
                  ## is the part number, but if VVDECODE cannot find
                  a file with this extension it will prompt the user
                  to supply the file specification for the part.
            c.    a combination a. and b., i.e. a number of files,
                  each containing one or more parts in any order

      Again the parts can be presented to VVDECODE as received; it
      is not necessary to remove mail headers or trailers.

      3.3   VERIFICATION

      VVENCODE calculates the number of bytes and the 16 bit CRC of
      the input file and records these parameters at the end of the
      encoded data.

      Whilst decoding, VVDECODE calculates the number of bytes and
      the 16 bit CRC of the decoded data.  If these parameters are
      recorded in the encoded data file the two versions are compared
      to verify the fidelity of the encoding/transmission/decoding



	modes:		    binary, text          
	file formats:	    stream (Unix, MS-DOS, TOPS)
			    fixed length records (VAX/VMS, VM/CMS)
			    variable length records (VAX/VMS, VM/CMS ?)
	record length:	    specified and recorded in the VVCODE file


      VVCODE cannot yet read or write encoded files compatible with other
      systems such as UUcode and XXcode.  Soon, VVCODE will be able to
      read UUcode and VVcode files, but not write them.

      3.6   AVAILABILITY

      The source code for VVCODE will be freely available (see section 6
      for conditions).

      VVCODE has been ported to most of the commonly used environments. 
      For a full list of the environments supported, see section 10.



      Vv prefix to help distinguish VVENCODEd lines from other lines
      such as mail headers and trailers
      V suffix to prevent lines ending in spaces which may be
      trimmed by certain mailers and file systems


            a.    mode
            b.    format
            c.    table
            d.    begin
            e.    skipfrom

      4.3   ENCODED DATA


            a.    end
            b.    skipto
            c.    bytecount
            d.    crc16




The VVCODE programs may be freely copied and circulated to others,
provided that no fee (beyond reasonable media copying charges) is
levied.  The authors welcome bug reports and encourages suggestions
for porting to other environments and operating systems, by mail
(paper or electronic) or by telephone.  

If you port this program to a previously unsupported environment or
operating system, please feed your changes back to the authors so
that others may benefit.  Contributions received will be gratefully



Chief Architect:

      Niel Kempson,
      25 Whitethorn Drive,
      GL52 5LL
      Tel: +44 242 579105 (home)

      E-mail:     TeX @ Uk.AC.Cranfield.RMCS
                  RMCS_TEX @ Uk.Ac.TeX


Advice and encouragement:

      Brian {Hamilton Kelly},
      School of Elec. Eng. & Science,
      Royal Military College of Science,
      SN6 8LA
      Tel: +44 793 785252 (office)

      E-mail:     TeX @ Uk.AC.Cranfield.RMCS
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16 bit CRC function and other general ideas:

      Nelson H. F. Beebe,
      Center for Scientific Computing,
      Department of Mathematics,
      220 South Physics Building,
      University of Utah,
      Salt Lake City,
      UT 84112

      E-mail:     beebe @




- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date:    Wed, 05 Dec 90 16:54:20 +0000
Subject: TEX for Atari ST

Do you know of a port of this system to the Atari ST or Motorola 68000
processor. Is the source code available and how much does it cost.
There you have it, short and sweet. Thanks a lot.


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