UKTeX Digest	Friday, 11 Jan 1991
		Volume 91 : Issue 2

Today's Topics:
			  TeX on Archimedes
	      UK TeX Users Group: TeXxer's Question Time
	   UK TeX Users Group meeting: TeX and LaTeX evolve
	     UK TeX Users Group workshop: You and LaTeX3
	       Why are .BOO files BIN? (Excuse grammar)
	     RE: Why are .BOO files BIN? (Excuse grammar)
		       dvipage on Sun SLCs/IPCs
			    PICTeX Manual
			  RE: PICTeX Manual
			  RE: PICTeX Manual
	      6th European TeX Conference & GUTenberg'91
		Re: Memory used by emTeX [correction]
			   Detex / Delatex
			 Beebe device drivers

Moderator:     Peter Abbott (Aston University)
Editor:        David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:

UKTeX back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
TeXhax back issues:stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax: #01
TeXMaG back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXMaG: V4 N6


Date:    Mon, 07 Jan 91 13:38:42 +0000
Subject: TeX on Archimedes

I couldn't get mail to so I hope you won't mind if I
use the columns of this organ to say thank you to Roger Horne for
the review of the two Archimedes systems. Thank you, Roger, it was
most useful.
Tony Sumner


Date:    Tue, 08 Jan 91 09:36:00 +0000
Subject: UK TeX Users Group: TeXxer's Question Time

           The UK \TeX\ Users Group

       Gardeners'\\\\\\\\\\ \TeX xers' Question Time
   (a panel of gouroux\\\\\\\ experts\\\\\\\ panellists) 
            held on Wednesday 13th February 1991
          at The Royal Institution of Great Britain

Among the highlights of the February 13th meeting will be an
opportunity to put questions to some of the foremost \TeX\
practitioners in Europe.  Intended as a `guru' session,
rather than yet another forum at which to ask `where do I 
get \TeX\ for a Sinclair Z8?', \TeX xers' Question Time is
{\bf the} opportunity of 1991 at which to seek expert
guidance on difficult areas of \TeX\ and \LaTeX.  In order
to give the experts a fighting chance, live questions will
be intermixed with problems notified to the panel in

If you would like to ask a question, and are willing to
submit it in advance, please send it (via e-mail) to {\tt
P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vax}. The e-mail free may send their
query via disk, fax, or the legendary paper mail to Malcolm
Clark at the address below. Questions which are capable of
being answered in five minutes or less are more likely to
be put to the panel than those requiring half an
hour\dots\  Live questions will, of course, be  welcomed,
and indeed it is hoped that some questions or answers will
themselves inspire further spontaneous discussion.  The
membership of the panel is not yet certain, but it is hoped
that we will be able to entice such notables as Frank 
Mittelbach, Chris Rowley, Dominik Wujastyk and Rainer

Philip Taylor                             Malcolm Clark
Computer Centre                           PO Box 1897 
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College    London NW6 1DQ
`The University of London at Windsor'     fax: 071 433 3576


Date:    Tue, 08 Jan 91 09:36:00 +0000
Subject: UK TeX Users Group meeting: TeX and LaTeX evolve

                The UK \TeX\ Users Group

           Announcement of a Forthcoming Meeting:

                 \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ evolve

           held on Wednesday 13th February 1991
 at The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, U.K.

The speakers will be Frank Mittelbach, Rainer Sch\"opf,
Dominik Wujastyk, and a panel of handpicked gourous.

The meeting will be held in the Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre, The
Royal Instution of Great Britain, 21 Albemarle Street,
London W1. It will commence at 10.00 am, with registration
and coffee  from 9.30 o'clock. There will be breaks for
lunch and tea -- it is expected that the meeting will
finish around 4.30 pm. There will be a charge for the
meeting of \quid25 for members of the UK \TeX\ users group,
and \quid35 for non-members. A booking form is provided.

This meeting is organised around the visit to London of
Frank Mittelbach \& Rainer Sch\"opf, well-known for their
many articles in TUGboat. They have contributed some fairly
major enhancements to the present \LaTeX. They will present
this material, concentrating on  the {\bf doc-option} and
{\bf multicolumn style}. They have also implemented an {\bf
orthogonal font selection} scheme for both \TeX\ and
\LaTeX, and  will also present the key issues involved in
this. This provides a rare opportunity to hear two of the
most active innovators in the real world of \TeX\ and

Frank has also been very concerned with examining what 
{\bf extensions} are still required to \TeX\ to make it
suitable for the needs of the 90's and into the next
century: \TeX3 is just not enough!

Another area of current concern is that of {\bf virtual} or 
{\bf composite fonts}. Although these were announced with
\TeX3, they are not particularly related. Dominik Wujastyk
will shed some light on them and reveal just what they are,
and why you might want them.

Among the highlights of the  meeting will be an
opportunity to put questions to some of the foremost \TeX\
practitioners in Europe.  Intended as a `guru' session,
rather than yet another forum at which to ask `where do I 
get \TeX\ for a Sinclair Z8?', `\TeX xers' Question Time' is
{\bf the} opportunity of 1991 at which to seek expert
guidance on difficult areas of \TeX\ and \LaTeX.  In order
to give the experts a fighting chance, live questions will
be intermixed with problems notified to the panel in

If you would like to ask a question, and are willing to
submit it in advance, please send it (via e-mail) to {\tt
P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vax}. The e-mail free may send their
query via disk, fax, or the legendary paper mail to Malcolm
Clark at the address below. Questions which are capable of
being answered in five minutes or less are more likely to
be put to the panel than those requiring half an
hour\dots\  Live questions will, of course, be  welcomed,
and indeed it is hoped that some questions or answers will
themselves inspire further spontaneous discussion.  The
membership of the panel is not yet certain, but it is hoped
that we will be able to entice such notables as Frank 
Mittelbach, Chris Rowley, Dominik Wujastyk and Rainer

Philip Taylor                             Malcolm Clark
Computer Centre                           PO Box 1897 
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College    London NW6 1DQ
`The University of London at Windsor'     fax: 071 433 3576

Albemarle Street runs north/south from Piccadilly itself,
and is only a couple of hundred metres from Green Park tube

By tube:
The nearest tube station to the Royal Institution is Green
Park (Piccadilly, Jubilee and Victoria Tube lines), but
Piccadilly Circus station itself (Piccadilly and Bakerloo
lines) is also within reasonable walking distance.

By car:
Bad move. Drive as far as one of the outlying BR or
Underground stations and continue your journey by public

By bus:
Yes, there's lots of buses around, and lots of them
seem to trundle along Piccadilly. Good luck.

- -----------------------------------------------------------

For members of the UK \TeX\ users group, there will be a
charge for the meeting of \quid25 to cover speakers'
expenses, room hire and refreshments, including a hot
lunch. Non-members must pay \quid35.

I wish to attend  the UK \TeX\ users group's one-day workshop
at Parsifal College on 14th February 1991: 


Please specify any  `special' dietary requirements: 
Payment enclosed: yes/no         or purchase order number:
                           NOTE: (a purchase order attracts a \quid5
                                  surcharge on the amount due)            


Payment for the workshop will be \quid25 for members of the
group, and \quid35 for non-members. Payment of the workshop
fee should be made payable to the UK \TeX\ users group

Please send a completed booking form, together with your 
payment, to:
  Peter Abbott               
  The UK \TeX\ Users Group   
  Computing Service          
  Aston University          
  Aston Triangle             
  Birmingham                 Tel: (021) 359 5492              
  B4 7ET                     Janet:ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON} 

- --------------------------------------------------------------


Date:    Tue, 08 Jan 91 09:37:00 +0000
Subject: UK TeX Users Group workshop: You and LaTeX3

             The UK \TeX\ Users Group

       Announcement of a Forthcoming Workshop:

                   You and \LaTeX3

           held on Thursday 14th February 1991
at Parsifal College, 527 Finchley Road, London NW3, U.K.

The workshop leaders  will be  Rainer Sch\"opf and Frank Mittelbach.

The workshop will be held at Parsifal College in the Finchley
Road, about 1 mile from Finchley Road underground station
(there are buses!). It will commence at 10.30 am, with
registration and coffee  from 10.00 o'clock. There will be
breaks for lunch and tea -- it is expected that the workshop
will finish around 4.30 pm, although there should be the
opportunity to continue discussions informally beyond that
time. There will be a charge for the workshop of \quid15 for
members of the UK \TeX\ users group, and \quid20 for

Numbers for the workshop will be limited to about 20. Members
will of course be given preference. A booking form is provided
with this flyer.

This workshop is organised around the visit to London of Frank
Mittelbach \& Rainer Sch\"opf. Frank and Rainer have
contributed some fairly major enhancements to the present
\LaTeX. The workshop is restricted in numbers, and is purposely
{\bf not} for the faint hearted. It is {\bf not} a tutorial:
the emphasis is on `work'. Positive, constructive contributions
from the participants are a prerequisite. Don't come to this
workshop to find out what \LaTeX3 has in it! Come along to find
out how {\bf you} can help to make it a reality!

By tube:
The nearest tube station to Parsifal is Finchley Road (Jubilee
and Metropolitan Tube lines). It is a fair walk up hill to
Parsifal College (on the corner of Parsifal Road): say 10
minutes if you are a fast walker. Any bus going north along
Finchley road will get you there. The routes which pass
Parsifal include 13, 82 and 113.

By car:
There is uncontrolled (i.e.~no meters or such nasties)  street
parking available in the immediate area of the college. It is a
residential area, but provided you are inventive and patient,
you should find somewhere to park.

By bus:
Yes, there's lots of buses around, and lots of them seem to trundle up and
down the Finchley Road. They include the 13, 82 and 113. Good

By rail:
Both the North London Link and Thameslink  have (separate)
stations at West Hampstead. The walk from these stations to
Parsifal takes about quarter of an hour. Buses going North from
West Hampstead (routes C11 and 28) will take you near to the
Fortune Green Road end of Parsifal Road. Parsifal Road runs
between Finchley Road and Fortune Green Road. 

- ----------------------------------------------------------------

For members of the UK \TeX\ Users Group, there will be a charge 
of \quid15 to help cover speakers' expenses, room hire and 
including lunch and refreshments).   Non-members must pay

I wish to attend  the UK \TeX\ users group's one-day workshop
at Parsifal College on 14th February 1991: 


Please specify any  `special' dietary requirements: 
Payment enclosed: yes/no         or purchase order number:
                           NOTE: (a purchase order attracts a \quid5
                                  surcharge on the amount due)                 


Payment for the workshop will be \quid15 for members of the
group, and \quid20 for non-members. Payment of the workshop
fee should be made payable to the UK \TeX\ users group

Please send a completed booking form, together with your 
payment, to:
  Peter Abbott               
  The UK \TeX\ Users Group   
  Computing Service          
  Aston University          
  Aston Triangle             
  Birmingham                 Tel: (021) 359 5492              
  B4 7ET                     Janet:ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON} 

- --------------------------------------------------------------


Date:    Tue, 08 Jan 91 13:56:10 +0000
Subject: Why are .BOO files BIN? (Excuse grammar)

Why BIN?

Mike Piff

listed in reverse time order (listing updated: 31-Oct-90 03:49).

Last change          Size  Type  File specification
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
30-Oct-90 13:46     97346  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:46     86742  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:45     58038  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:45     79374  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:44     47892  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:44     66236  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:43     54008  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:43     74650  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:42     20238  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:42      1916  TXT   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:40    138556  BIN   disk$tex:[
30-Oct-90 13:40     92092  BIN   disk$tex:[
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, PO Box 597,
       Hicks Noisy Building Site, Hounsfield Road,
       SHEFFIELD S10 2UN, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date:    Tue, 08 Jan 91 15:47:31 +0000
Subject: RE: Why are .BOO files BIN? (Excuse grammar)

In a message to UkTeX of Tue, 08 Jan 91 13:56:10, 


The simple answer, I'm afraid, is that one of the archivists transferred
the files into the archive from his machine using a binary NIFTP! I can
tell this by the file structure on the VAX, which reveals variable
length records, with no carriage control, of a maximum length of 132
bytes, which is the default format for a binary transfer, and also why
the archive's .TFM, .PK and similar files require conversion to 512-byte
fixed length blocks for use under VMS.  (How managed to get
transferred in ASCII mode I don't know!)

I don't know whether the files are usable to you, but they're probably
incapable of being mailed, and I know that a transfer to a VAX site
would result in unusable files.

Would whoever it was who put them there care to repeat the exercise,

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      ...!mcvax!!tex                           +
+         OR ...!ukc!!tex                             +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date:    Tue, 08 Jan 91 15:07:23 -0000
Subject: dvipage on Sun SLCs/IPCs

Does anyone have dvipage working on a Sun SLC or IPC? If so, what's the
secret? Having 'made' dvipage on an SLC, when I attempt to run it, I get
a bus error shortly after a page previewing window is opened. Any
suggestions/solutions most welcome!
Dave Lindsey (


Date:    Wed, 09 Jan 91 09:03:00 -0000
Subject: PICTeX Manual

Can I get hold of the PICTeX manual through UKTUG?

The README files in the PICTEX directory of the Aston Archive refered me to
Michael Wicura in Chicago.  He in turn refered me to TUG, but I'd really like
a bit more information on ease of use before we dosh out $35.

Ros Locke


Date:    Wed, 09 Jan 91 09:43:00 +0000
Subject: RE: PICTeX Manual

you can buy the pictex manual through the TUG
office at aston (i.e. peter abbott). TUG has
no formal relationship with ukTeXug. at \quid17
it hardly seems expensive to me. about the same
as a few hours bowling. i wouldn't say
it was easy, but it certainly isn't a difficult
package to use. Wichura's syntax is interesting
but broadly consistent.

look at the article in TUGboat in which the package
is first described.

remember too that of the \quid17, a small royalty
goes to wichura, and may help encourage him to do
other things, and some goes to cover costs back at TUG.
think of it as a charitable contribution.



Date:    Fri, 11 Jan 91 08:50:21 +0000
From:    Peter Abbott (Aston University) <> 
Subject: RE: PICTeX Manual

In message 145 of Wed, 9 Jan 91 9:03 BST, LOCKE@UK.AC.BRUNEL.GRAY wrote:

> Can I get hold of the PICTeX manual through UKTUG?
> The README files in the PICTEX directory of the Aston Archive refered me to
> Michael Wicura in Chicago.  He in turn refered me to TUG, but I'd really like
> a bit more information on ease of use before we dosh out $35.

This item is currently out of stock. I spoke to the TUG office yesterday
and they confirmed more are on the way.



Date:    Wed, 09 Jan 91 09:23:00 +0000
Subject: 6th European TeX Conference & GUTenberg'91

         6th European TeX Conference



         Paris 23th--26th September 1991


6th European TeX Conference

Paris, 23th--25th September 1991

The sixth European TeX Conference is
organised by the French speaking user group
(GUTenberg) and is concurently held with
the GUTenberg'91 congress.

TeX is now widely spread software in
the university and research community as
well as in the printers and publishers world,
notably for printing technical and
scientific publications.

The active part played by the various
European user groups in bringing about the
modifications undergone by TeX over the
past few years clearly demonstrates how
essential it is that an annual conference
should be held in Europe.

Suggested topics

Contributions may deal with various topics,
including those suggested below. Selection
will be made on the basis of novelty,
interest and use to the TeX user community.

Although English is official language,
simultaneous translation for French
speakers is being considered.

- --- Multi-lingual TeX
- --- User groups
- --- Developments around TeX, METAFONT. . .
- --- Merging TeX with other systems and applications
- --- Typographic layout and design
- --- HyperTeXt and its relationship with TeX
- --- Markup document systems
- --- Font design
- --- Merging TeX with graphics
- --- Specialist macros and their applications
- --- Networks related to TeX

Call for papers

The following deadlines applies to the 6th
European TeX Conference and to the
GUTenberg'91 congress.

A one page abstract (about two 80 character x 50 line
screens, say 400--600 words) should be submitted by mail,
e-mail or fax by the 1st February 1991.

Abstracts should be sent in first instance
to the author's national user group if
there is one; failing this, to one of the
programme coordinators.

Speakers selected will be notified of
acceptance by 1st March 1991.

Complete texts must be submitted by 1st May
1991, preferably in LaTeX source format
(details of layout, size and formatting
will be sent to the authors at time of
notification); if needed, camera-ready form
will be accepted.

Programe Committee

Bernard Gaulle (GUTenberg)
Roswitha Graham (Nordic Group, Royal Institute of Technology)
Joachim Lammarsch (Dante, Heidelberg University)
Chris Rowley (ukTeXug, Open University)
Kees van der Lann (ntg, Holland)
Michael Ferguson (inrs-Telecommunications)
Nicolas Brouard (ined)
Pierre Dagnelie (Fac. sciences agronomiques)
Maurice Laugier (Imprimerie Louis-Jean)
Didier Collin (Trema)
Denis Megevan (Observatoire Geneve)


GUTenberg, 6th European TeX Conference
BP 21
78354 Jouy en Josas cedex, France
Tel: + 33 1 34 65 22 32
Fax: + 33 1 34 65 20 51

or to national user groups coordinators

Bernard Gaulle : ucir001@frors12.bitnet
Roswitha Graham:
Joachim Lammarsch: rz92@dhdurz1.bitnet
Chris Rowley:
Kees van der Lann:

Organisation Committee

Olivier Nicole (inra)
Jacques Andre (inria-irisa)
Philippe Louarn (inria-irisa)
Michel Blanchard (Universite d'Orleans)
Alain Posty (inra)

GUTenberg, 6th European TeX Conference
BP 21
78354 Jouy en Josas cedex, France
Tel: + 33 1 34 65 22 32
Fax: + 33 1 34 65 20 51


Tutorials on TeX and the TeXset are to be
held during the week of 16--21 September 1991.

Those who wish to be entrusted with such
tutorials are requested to get in touch
with the organisation committee. The
equipment required will be made available
to the teacher so that the tutorials meet
the highest standard.

Turorials can be taught in either English
or French.


Technical and Scientific Publishing
Paris, 26th September 1991

This year the French speaking user group
held its congress concurently with the
sixth European TeX Conference. The
opportunity of holding an international
conference in France could not be missed.

As we want to maintain a French speaking
part to this meeting, a fourth congress day
has been added.

The GUTenberg'91 congress deals with
``Technical and Scientific Publishing''.

Although French is offical language,
simultaneous translation for English
speakers is being considered.

Suggested topics are the following:

- --- Special fonts design
- --- Developments around TeX and LaTeX
- --- TeX and graphics
- --- Rasterisation and output
- --- Special macro-packages
- --- Aspects of the French language

Advice to exhibitors

Exhibitors are requested to get in touch
with the organisation committee.


Date:    Wed, 09 Jan 91 12:26:38 -0000
Subject: Re: Memory used by emTeX [correction]

On 20\th~December, 1990, I wrote:

>>> Martin ---

>>> >>> I have just got emTeX running under (don't laugh) vpix which is a DOS
>>> >>> emulator for UNIX.  The emTeX documentation talks about wanting lots
>>> >>> of memory, but does not specify how that memory is accessed.  Vpix
>>> implements LIM extended memory versions 3 and 4, should I use this?

>>> Yes.  Give it 2560Kb of Lims 4 and it will be overjoyed.  ** Phil.

I was wrong.  Although the [german] documentation speaks in terms of 
needing 2560K of LIM expanded memory, experiment has shewn that it actually
uses 2832K or thereabouts ( a little less if you have more real memory );
on reflection, I would be inclined to ensure that it has 3000K available.

					** Phil.


Date:    09 Jan 91 16:49:58 +0000
Subject: Detex / Delatex

I've just aquired the source for DETEX.C from the Aston archive
`trickey' directory. I don't know any `C' and so cannot hack it
to compile on my PC. Can anyone out there help with a TurboC, DOS
compilable edition ?



Date:    Thu, 10 Jan 91 15:20:45 +0000
Subject: Beebe device drivers

Please does anybody have an up-to-date copy of the Beebe drivers?
Thank you, Mark



			  *** FTP access ***
    Host:    username: public    password: public

		      *** Files of interest ***
    [tex-archive]00aston.readme           [tex-archive]00directory.list
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list   [tex-archive]00directory.size

		     *** Media distributions ***

Washington Unix tape (28 March 1990)
 TeX 2.993(==3.0), LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 1.9 (2.0)
 Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file.

 Send one 2400' tape with return labels AND return postage.

VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one tape.

Exabyte 8mm tapes: same formats available as 1/2in tapes.
 The following tapes are available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
 MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB

OzTeX (for Macintosh): Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks with return postage.

emTeX (for MS-DOS): Send 11 UNFORMATTED 1.44Mb or 18 720K 3.5" disks,
 or 12 UNFORMATTED 5.25" disks, with return postage.

  *** Postage rates: (cheques made payable to Aston University) ***

 0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 pounds sterling (one tape), 5.00 (two tapes).
             Europe: 5.00 pounds sterling (one tape), 9.00 (two tapes).
             Outside Europe please enquire.
 8mm tapes: UK: 1.00 pound sterling.  Europe: 2.00.
 DC600A cartridges: UK: 1.00 pound sterling.  Europe: 2.00.
 Diskettes: UK: 1.00 pounds sterling.  Europe: 2.00.

			*** Postal address ***
  Peter Abbott,
  Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

		      *** UK TeX Users Group ***
  For details, contact
  Malcolm Clark          or        Geeti Granger
  IRS                              John Wiley & Sons
  Polytechnic of Central London    Baffins Lane
  115 New Cavendish Street         Chichester
  London W1M 8JS                   W Sussex PO19 1UD

End of UKTeX Digest