UKTeX Digest	Monday, 11 Feb 1991
		Volume 91 : Issue 6

Today's Topics:
			    1270dpi output
			  Greek typesetting
		    RE: Problem from TeXbook p.377
			  RE: 1270dpi output
			RE: Greek typesetting
	     dvips 5.47, PC executable, in Aston Archive
	  SB30TeX, TeX, INITeX, LaTeX, \@outputpage problem
			   New smaller.sty
		 What is the PSS number of

Moderator:     Peter Abbott (Aston University)
Editor:        David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:

UKTeX back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
TeXhax back issues:stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax: #06
TeXMaG back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXMaG: V5 N1


Date:    Sat, 02 Feb 91 00:23:00 +0000
Subject: 1270dpi output
A long while ago (was it the Exeter TeX Conference) I heard of a service
offered by (? Imperial, ? UCL) to typeset DVI files at 1270dpi, taking
the DVI file thru the network and snailmailing the output back. There
was an academic discount on offer to other universities I think.
As we don't have anything here which can take DVI (or even PostScript)
is there anyone who can offer this service. My preference is for DVIs
which referece PostScript fonts, as the user wants Times Roman (!) but
will be using some math symbols from CM, and we don't have a DVIxPS
here yet (altho I guess I could FTP it and install it---is there a
compiled version for VMS at Aston?)


Date:    Sat, 02 Feb 91 02:21:00 +0000
Subject: Greek typesetting

A user here wants to do real Greek, and I know there are fonts or macros
to do this (Silvio Levy?) but where are they? There seems to be no mention
in the lists at Aston or Heidelberg.


Date:    Sun, 03 Feb 91 20:53:26 +0000
Subject: RE: Problem from TeXbook p.377

Chris (T)

> In the footnote on page 377 of the TeXbook (Appendix D), Knuth shows
> a set of macros designed to test for various kinds of unusual space
> token, and determine whether they are `funny' (character code not 32)
> and whether they are `explicit' or `implicit'.
> A user here at Cambridge (Robert Hunt <REH10@UK.AC.CAM.PHX>) has
> suggested to me that in the line
>   \ifcat\noexpand#1\noexpand~\explicitfalse % active funny space
> that occurs in the macro \ssss, the \ifcat can never give the result
> `true'. I think he is right, but am not at all sure that I have
> considered all the possibilities. Can anyone design an argument for
> \stest that will provoke this \ifcat to deliver `true'?

I agree with Chris T and Robert H: thus we are saying
that this part of the code does not do what Don implies
it should (assuming that I am interpreting his
characteristically cryptic comment).

Moreover, this implies that, as in the following example, the whole
of this code does not perform to spec:
> (On the
> understanding that altering \catcode`\~ would be cheating, of course.)
> One might think that
>  \catcode`|=\active \let|= \ftoken % the space after the = is necessary!
>  \newtoks\t \t={|}\stest\t
> would do the trick, but it doesn't (the \ifcat compares 10 and 13).
Here, I claim that | has been made into an implicit, funny space, but
this code will claim that it is an explicit, funny space.

In contrast, the code will claim, and I shall agree, that \ftoken
is an implicit, funny space and that \stoken is an implicit, serious space.

This leads to the question: can this code be fixed?

I think that this can be accomplished only by altering the logic 
somewhat: it is necessary to first decide, using the method of carefully 
comparing #1 with \string#1 as in the next part of the 
current version of \ssss, whether the token is a control sequence;
then, if it is not, we can then test its category code to decide 
whether it is implicit (ie catcode 13) or explicit (otherwise).
This is accomplished by \atest#1, where \atest is the following macro:

\def\atest#1{\ifnum \the\catcode`#1 = 13 \explicitfalse \else 
                                         \explicitrue \fi}

NB  not tested: try and enjoy (assuming that anyone actually wants 
such information)!

There is also a side-issue: whether \ifcat is working to

Although the explanation, on p 209, of the semantics of \if and \ifcat 
does not explicitly cover this case (of an active character \let
equivalent to another character)  I would put my money on Don saying
that the observed behaviour is what he intended.

Chris Rowley


Date:    Tue, 05 Feb 91 11:37:49 -0000
Subject: RE: 1270dpi output

Peter Flynn wrote:

>>> A long while ago (was it the Exeter TeX Conference) I heard of a service
>>> offered by (? Imperial, ? UCL) to typeset DVI files at 1270dpi, taking
>>> the DVI file thru the network and snailmailing the output back. There
>>> was an academic discount on offer to other universities I think.
The service is offered by the University of London Computer Centre, on a
Linotronic 300.  Preliminary enquiries should be addressed to Bob Colvill
(071-405 8400), and technical enquiries to Martin Powell (same number).

					Philip Taylor
			    Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
			    ``The University of London at Windsor''


Date:    Tue, 05 Feb 91 11:44:03 -0000
Subject: RE: Greek typesetting

Peter Flynn wrote: 

>>> A user here wants to do real Greek, and I know there are fonts or macros
>>> to do this (Silvio Levy?) but where are they? There seems to be no mention
>>> in the lists at Aston or Heidelberg.

I have, and use, the fonts regularly.  If the consensus is that they are
not already in the archive, I'll put them there.  But I suspect they are
really there all along ...

					** P.


Date:    Tue, 05 Feb 91 15:28:10 +0000
Subject: dvips 5.47, PC executable, in Aston Archive

the file in the UK TeX Archive
is a BOO-encoded MSDOS executable of dvips. The paths compiled in
assume a TeX hierarchy under d:\emtex, so users will probably need to
override them. This is *just the executable* - get the manual from the
main distribution.



Date:    Tue, 05 Feb 91 16:29:45 +0000
Subject: SB30TeX, TeX, INITeX, LaTeX, \@outputpage problem

Does anyone have an idea what is happening here?  This is from a LOG file of  a
run of SB30TEX using \tracingcommands=5 \tracingmacros=5.

TeX clearly knows what \@@ptpage means---in fact, it has been  \let  to  LaTeX'
\@outputpage.   However, just as clearly, it doesn't have a clue what \@@ptpage
means, since it ignores  \begingroup,  the  \catcode  change,  \let,  and  then
inserts a \discretionary or two in the vertical list!

A clue---this only goes wrong when  INITeX  has  read  these  macros,  and  the
resulting format is used.  When TeX \inputs them, they work fine.

Mike Piff

\@@ptpage ->\begingroup \catcode `\ =10 \let \-\@dischyph \let \'\@acci
\let \`\@accii \let \=\@acciii \if@specialpage \global \@specialpagefals
e \@nameuse {ps@\@specialstyle }\fi \if@twoside \ifodd \count \z@ \let \
@thehead \@oddhead \let \@thefoot \@oddfoot \let \@themargin \oddsidemar
gin \else \let \@thehead \@evenhead \let \@thefoot \@evenfoot \let \@the
margin \evensidemargin \fi \fi \shipout \vbox {\normalsize \baselineskip
 \z@ \lineskip \z@ \let \par \@@par \vskip \topmargin \moveright \@thema
rgin \vbox {\setbox \@tempboxa \vbox to\headheight {\vfil \hbox to\textw
idth {\let \label \@gobble \let \index \@gobble \@thehead }} \dp \@tempb
oxa \z@ \box \@tempboxa \vskip \headsep \box \@outputbox \baselineskip \
footskip \hbox to\textwidth {\let \label \@gobble \let \index \@gobble \
@thefoot }}}\global \@colht \textheight \endgroup \stepcounter {page}\le
t \firstmark \botmark

\-->\discretionary {-}{}{}

\@dischyph ->\discretionary {-}{}{}

\'#1->{\accent 19 #1}

\@acci #1->{\accent 19 #1}
! Argument of \@acci has an extra }.
<inserted text>
<to be read again>
\@@ptpage ...hyph \let \'\@acci
                                \let \`\@accii \let \=\@accii...
\@outputpage ...empty \@@ptpage
                                \else \ifx \@Next \@End \gdef...
\@opcol ...l \else \@outputpage
                                \global \@colht \textheight \fi
<output> ...e \@makecol \@opcol
                                \@floatplacement \@startcolum...
\newpage ...\vfil \penalty -\@M

\clearpage ->\newpage
                      \write \m@ne {}\vbox {}\penalty -\@Mi
\@ndpap {#1}{}\clearpage
                                \m@rkpart {}{}
l.33 \endpaper


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
From   Dr M. J. Piff, Department of Pure Mathematics, PO Box 597,
       Hicks Noisy Building Site, Hounsfield Road,
       SHEFFIELD S10 2UN, England.
Tel.   SHEFFIELD(0742) 768555 Extension 4431.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date:    Wed, 06 Feb 91 11:08:30 +0000
Subject: New smaller.sty

When acronyms or upper-case abbreviations are printed, it is good 
typographic style to set them in a smaller type-size to avoid undue 
emphasis (the output from WEB files is an example).

Of course, it is possible to use {\small TEXT} in body text, {\scriptsize
TEXT} in footnotes, etc.  This falls over in section headings (even if
you can remember the correct size command) when a table of contents is
required (unless you really want a \Large word in there).

One way round this is to use something like {\sc text}.  Unfortunately, this
only works for roman text, and the small caps font is often not available over
a full range of sizes.

A better solution is a relative size-changing command, and one appeared in
TeXHaX(?) some time ago.  Usage is {\smaller TEXT} and this works no
matter what the current type size.  Since it invokes LaTeX size-changing
commands, it has the unfortunate side-effect of re-asserting roman type-face.
It is possible to use {\smaller\em TEXT} in emphasized text, but this is
tedious and inelegant.  There is still a problem with section headings -
{\smaller\bf TEXT} works fine in the heading itself, but again falls over in
the table of contents because the \bf creeps in.

So, I rehashed smaller.sty (sorry, I don't remember the author), and added
the necessary commands to preserve the current typeface - shamelessly stolen
from Adrian Clark's dates.sty.  Of course, someone may already have done this
and published it - if so, I apologize for the duplication.

Adrian didn't know what family 3 was and used \rm;  I dug out the fact that 
it's something to do with the math extension font, but I doubt that \tenex is
the correct command to use there.  The original smaller.sty had a corresponding
\larger command, but I don't see much point in having one.  If you need 
\larger, substitute `larger' for `smaller', `l@rger' for `sm@ller' and
reverse the size-changing commands as follows:
   \ifx\@currsize\Huge \Huge\fi % the commands *must* be in descending order
   \ifx\@currsize\huge \Huge\fi
   \ifx\@currsize\LARGE \huge\fi

Although not extensively tested, the only problem I've had is in a BiBTeX
database where it went wrong in the title of an article (it works in the
title of a book and in other entries for articles).  This was with BiBTeX
0.99c (that's what comes with Toal's PD implementation for the Archimedes)
and the unsrt style.  A workaround is to use \begingroup\smaller TEXT\endgroup
though I don't know if the problem is in BiBTeX or my macro.  BTW, I had to
type this in, so I may have introduced some `typogarphicval' errors.

% smaller.sty
% Paul L. Allen, Feb 1990
% Usage: {\smaller TEXT}
% - sets TEXT in a smaller size in the same typeface.
\def\sm@ller{\f@m = \the\fam
    \ifx\@currsize\tiny \tiny\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\scriptsize \tiny\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\footnotesize \scriptsize\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\small \footnotesize\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\normalsize \small\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\large \normalsize\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\Large \large\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\LARGE \Large\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\huge \LARGE\fi
    \ifx\@currsize\Huge \huge\fi
    \ifcase\f@m\rm\or\mit\or\cal\or\tenex  % not sure about the tenex

Paul Allen


Date:    Thu, 07 Feb 91 15:04:18 +0000
From:    Dave Clark <dcl@com.hp.hpl.hplb>
Subject: CWeb

I understand that Knuth has produced a C version of his literate
programming system, Web. I'm unsure where I can get hold of the CWEB 
system for Unix (HP-UX in particular) - have you any ideas?

Best Regards,
Dave Clarke
Corporate Engineering - Europe
Hewlett-Packard Ltd


Date:    Thu, 07 Feb 91 15:13:10 +0000
Subject: What is the PSS number of

This new browsing service via PSS looks good, but as I am not part of JANET
I can't turn the name Uk.Ac.TeX into whatever magic number I could give
to PSS. (I don't know how PSS works, I just know that I can access it.)

Is this browsing service available to me, as a site, and if so,
what is the magic number?


		Peter Ilieve



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Washington Unix tape (28 March 1990)
 TeX 2.993(==3.0), LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 1.9 (2.0)
 Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file.

 Send one 2400' tape with return labels AND return postage.

VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one tape.

Exabyte 8mm tapes: same formats available as 1/2in tapes.
 The following tapes are available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
 MAXCELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB

OzTeX (for Macintosh): Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks with return postage.

emTeX (for MS-DOS): Send 11 UNFORMATTED 1.44Mb or 18 720K 3.5" disks,
 or 12 UNFORMATTED 5.25" disks, with return postage.

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 0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 pounds sterling (one tape), 5.00 (two tapes).
             Europe: 5.00 pounds sterling (one tape), 9.00 (two tapes).
             Outside Europe please enquire.
 8mm tapes: UK: 1.00 pound sterling.  Europe: 2.00.
 DC600A cartridges: UK: 1.00 pound sterling.  Europe: 2.00.
 Diskettes: UK: 1.00 pounds sterling.  Europe: 2.00.

			*** Postal address ***
  Peter Abbott,
  Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

		      *** UK TeX Users Group ***
 For details, contact
  Malcolm Clark          or        Geeti Granger
  IRS                              John Wiley & Sons
  Polytechnic of Central London    Baffins Lane
  115 New Cavendish Street         Chichester
  London W1M 8JS                   W Sussex PO19 1UD

End of UKTeX Digest