UKTeX Digest	Friday, 15 Feb 1991
		Volume 91 : Issue 7

Today's Topics:
	       RE: What is the PSS number of
	Baselinestretch when using M & S font selection scheme
			Common files for OzTeX
			 Interactive access?
      Re: metafont bombs out on (UKTeX Digest V91 #1)
	     FTP-access to the archive from the Internet?
	   Re: FTP-access to the archive from the Internet?
			    EPS from TeX?
			  Re: EPS from TeX?
			  Re: EPS from TeX?

Moderator:     Peter Abbott (Aston University)
Editor:        David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:

UKTeX back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
TeXhax back issues:stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXhax: #07
TeXMaG back issues: stored in the Aston archive, in the directory
Latest TeXMaG: V5 N1


Date:    Fri, 08 Feb 91 12:44:53 +0000
Subject: RE: What is the PSS number of

In message 187 of Thu, 7 Feb 91 15:13:10 GMT, PETER@UK.CO.MEMEX wrote:

> This new browsing service via PSS looks good, but as I am not part of JANET
> I can't turn the name Uk.Ac.TeX into whatever magic number I could give
> to PSS. (I don't know how PSS works, I just know that I can access it.)
> Is this browsing service available to me, as a site, and if so,
> what is the magic number?
> 	Thanks,
> 		Peter Ilieve

The numerical DTE of Uk.Ac.TeX is 000020120091; I'm sorry that I don't
know how you access this via the PSS, but suspect you need to come
through one of the PSS-Janet gateways.

Brian HK


Date:    Mon, 11 Feb 91 16:33:18 +0000
Subject: Baselinestretch when using M & S font selection scheme

When using the new font selection scheme from M & S the baselinestretch
no longer has any effect.

To change to double line spacing


gave the required result. What is the equivalent using the new font
selection scheme?

Peter Abbott


Date:    Mon, 11 Feb 91 16:37:52 +0000
Subject: Common files for OzTeX

When using EMTeX of TeX on our VAX under VMS it is possible to have a
nominated directory for commonly used files.

I would like OzTeX to search the current folder and if not found a
nominated folder as well as TeX-inputs. The relevant line in config is

    TeX input folder	    = :TeX-inputs:

Anyone know how to add another folder to this parameter.?

Peter Abbott


Date:    Tue, 12 Feb 91 15:05:29 +0000
From:    UCCA021@UK.AC.UCL
Subject: Interactive access?

The trailer of the last UKTeX digest mentions "JANET Interactive .... access" to
the archive.....What is the numerical JANET address of the archive?


  {see Brian's article, above; I've added the number to the information
		in the footer of the digest    --Ed.}


Date:    Wed, 13 Feb 91 11:20:29 +0700
From:    Klaus Thull <P86%EARN.DHDURZ1@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY>
Subject: Re: metafont bombs out on (UKTeX Digest V91 #1)

re: metafont bombing out...
the title of your metafont run log indicates that you somehow
got "inimf" "ln"ed to mf. indeed, by calling "inimf" i repeated the
remove this "mf" link first thing right away, it will not work properly.
metafont the program which is what you get by "inimf" does not know "plain",
does not even know the syntax of parentheses. You *might* use inimf by saying
"inimf '&plain' '\mode:= ....."
but in this case things ought to be done properly, or so i think.
here is how to proceed:
(as you mentioned "web2c" i assume unix,
 a certain directory structure and a certain set of makefiles)
- - in web2c's root, "make all" or ("make inimf" and "make virmf")
  you will end up with "inimf", "virmf", "mf.pool", in some subdirectory
- - put inimf, virmf, mf.pool to its proper places.
- - cd to where the bases are to be
- - inimf plain input local dump
- - "ln plain.base mf.base"
- - cd to the executables
- - "ln virmf mf" (web2c virmf is set up such that by calling it
  differently from "virmf" it will preload a base of same name)
then you have a mf matching to the description in volume C.
then your texps calls will work. This is exactly the same procedure
as on the TeX side. happy metafonting...
still looking for the outside of the asylum...


Date:    Wed, 13 Feb 91 10:50:08 -0500
Subject: FTP-access to the archive from the Internet?

Hi out there in the TeXland,
Is it possible to access the Aston TeX-Server via FTP from the internet?
I'm asking this because the mail-access is painfully slow and sometimes
files vanish in "/dev/null" (seems to be a matter of gateways getting
wild ;-) )
Thanks in advance for any information,
Univ. of Vienna, Austria, Europe
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
E-Mail: A4421DAD@AWIUNI11.BITNET      (Bitnet/Earn)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date:    Fri, 15 Feb 91 11:06:04 +0000
Subject: Re: FTP-access to the archive from the Internet?

 > Is it possible to access the Aston TeX-Server via FTP from the internet?
 > I'm asking this because the mail-access is painfully slow and sometimes
 > files vanish in "/dev/null" (seems to be a matter of gateways
 > getting

an internet connection has been set up in theory, but the concrete
instantiation will take a little while longer. at present you cannot
access us via internet, but we will announce the service as soon as
possible. watch the UK TeX newsletter



Date:    Thu, 14 Feb 91 09:26:06 +0000
Subject: EPS from TeX?

       Do you happen to know whether it is possible to persuade TeX to
produce an output file in Encapsulated PostScript?  I ask becasue we have
users who are using DECWRITE for their documents, but are dissatisfied 
with the look of the displayed equations it makes. They want to use TeX
to make figures which contain equations, and then 'paste' them into place
   We have PostScript drivers, but very little info on 'Encapsulated
PostScript'. Can you point us to a reference manual?
     Kate Crennell


Date:    Fri, 15 Feb 91 11:31:23 +0000
Subject: Re: EPS from TeX?

 > >>>        Do you happen to know whether it is possible to persuade
 > >>>        TeX to produce an output file in Encapsulated PostScript?

both James Clark's dvitops and Rokicki's dvips produce excellent
encapsulated PostScript output. recommended.



Date:    Thu, 14 Feb 91 17:17:09 +0000
From:    David Osborne <>
Subject: Re: EPS from TeX? 

In message  of Thu, 14 Feb 91 09:26:06 +0000,

 >    We have PostScript drivers, but very little info on 'Encapsulated
 > PostScript'. Can you point us to a reference manual?

I've installed Adobe's document describing EPSF 2.0 in the archive,
in [tex-archive.doc]
- --dave
(pp Aston TeX Archive group)



              *** JANET Interactive and NIFTP access ***
             Host:    (JANET DTE 000020120091)
                 Username: public    Password: public

                      *** Files of interest ***
    [tex-archive]00directory.list        [tex-archive]00directory.size
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list  [tex-archive]00last30days.files

                     *** Media distributions ***

Washington Unix tape (28 March 1990)
 TeX 2.993(==3.0), LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 1.9 (2.0)
 Unix 4.2/3BSD & System V. Tar 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file.

 Send one 2400' tape with return labels AND return postage.

VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400' tapes at 6250bpi.
VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one tape.

Exabyte 8mm tapes: same formats available as 1/2in tapes.
 The following tapes are available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
 MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB

OzTeX (for Macintosh): Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks with return postage.

emTeX (for MS-DOS): Send 11 UNFORMATTED 1.44Mb or 18 720K 3.5" disks,
 or 12 UNFORMATTED 5.25" disks, with return postage.

         *** Postage rates: all prices in pounds sterling ***
              (make cheques payable to Aston University)

 0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
             Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
             Outside Europe please enquire.
 8mm tapes:  UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
 DC600A cartridges:
             UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
      Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
        18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
        11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
        18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
        11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

                        *** Postal address ***
  Peter Abbott,
  Computing Service, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

                      *** UK TeX Users Group ***
 For details, contact
  Malcolm Clark          or        Geeti Granger
  IRS                              John Wiley & Sons
  Polytechnic of Central London    Baffins Lane
  115 New Cavendish Street         Chichester
  London W1M 8JS                   W Sussex PO19 1UD

End of UKTeX Digest