UKTeX Digest    Friday, 14 Jun 1991
                Volume 91 : Issue 24

Today's Topics:
                            Tib and \input
                  Optional arguments to environments
                 Upright CM Greek glyphs: any offers?
                          Graphics and LaTeX
            MSDOS executable for ghostscript held at Aston
                       Times Roman, etc, fonts
                       `Helvetica.afm' anyone?
                     Re: `Helvetica.afm' anyone?
                    Cannot make tfm and pk files.
                         Re: midnight macros
                       DVI-to-HPGL and TEXINFO
                     Re: DVI-to-HPGL and TEXINFO
                   TUGboat 12 #2, table of contents
 Information on July TUG conference, etc in Boston (as in tea-party)
                           the babel system

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Fri, 07 Jun 91 15:59:52 +0000
From:    Robert Davidge <ROBERTD@UK.AC.SUSSEX.COGS>
Subject: Tib and \input

When Tib generates an output file from a latex document using \input
it does not include these files. Has anyone got a solution to this problem
other than 1. Not using \input or 2. Editing together reference lists?

Robert Davidge


Date:    Fri, 07 Jun 91 23:55:11 -0500
Subject: Optional arguments to environments

In UKTeX V91 #23, Peter Knaggs asks how to create environments with optional
arguments.  He wants to do stuff like:


It's not clear if he wants to do this in LaTeX or within some other macro
package.  It's impossible to answer without knowing, since the determining
factor is how \begin is implemented.  So, I'll assume he wants information
about LaTeX.

The standard LaTeX \newenvironment command cannot be used to create a command
with arguments, optional or otherwise.  More generally, the LaTeX user-level
interface does not provide any way to create commands with optional arguments.
It's simple to do using lower-level calls, but you have to know how LaTeX's
innards work.

\begin{myenv} in LaTeX does some setup, then ultimately executes \myenv.  It
is careful to execute \myenv at the very end of the definition of \begin, so
that \myenv can "peek ahead" if it desires.  In particular, this means that
the standard techniques used for optional arguments in LaTeX will work just
fine.  They are too complex for me to explain here; but here's some example

\def\myenv{\@ifnextchar [{@myenv}{@myenv[DEFAULT]}}
\def@myenv[#1]{Arg = #1 --- }

no optional argument

with optional argument of ``argument''
                                                        -- Jerry


Date:    Mon, 10 Jun 91 17:32:07 +0000
Subject: Upright CM Greek glyphs: any offers?

Has anyone already coaxed Metafont into producing aesthetically
acceptable upright mathematical Greek (lower-case) characters?

If not, is anyone interested in doing so?

Chris Rowley


Date:    Mon, 10 Jun 91 17:48:18 +0000
Subject: Graphics and LaTeX

Well, I know this has been addressed before, but I'd be interested in
knowing what LaTeX users now use for the incorporation of diagrams into

The background is that we are mandating LaTeX for use in the production of
design documents, user documents and all other out-bound written materials
to our customers.  Clearly, there is a need to provide a straightforward
mechanism with which to create and integrate diagrams.

At present, bitmaps cut from screens etc. are inserted as PostScript
\specials, whereas diagrams (DFD's etc.) are either laboriously generated
with LaTeX picture mode or by hand-crafted PostScript.  We use dvi2ps - an
old one!  When I have time to convert company logo PostScript inserts,
title pages, printer bin control, DRAFT overlays, Changebars and form
drawing appropriately, we will probably go to dvips.

Hardware - well, we don't really have X, but we have a few Macs (but we are
trying to get away from those!), and more DOS machines.  We run TeX on UNIX
platforms, so our VMS and DOS users have to learn how to use it there.

So - any modern advice?

Mark J. Hewitt

bangpath: ...!ukc!kernel!mjh            JANET:
voice:    (+44) 532 444566              other:
fax:      (+44) 532 425456          old style:
paper:  Kernel Technology Ltd, Development Centre, 46 The Calls, Leeds,
        LS2 7EY, West Yorkshire, UK


Date:    11 Jun 91 14:06:58 +0000
From:    Andrew Haylett (GEC-Marconi Research Centre) 
Subject: MSDOS executable for ghostscript held at Aston

I recently fetched the ghostscript 2.2 distribution ( from
the Aston archives. In the file 00readme.doc, I found the statement:

> The default MS-DOS configuration now includes VGA (default), EGA, Epson,
> DeskJet, and LaserJet drivers.

However, I find that the gs22.exe supplied with the distribution actually has
drivers for VGA, EGA, BGI and Epson. No Deskjet. This is mildly vexing as I
have a Deskjet, but no C compiler, so can't rebuild it to include the Deskjet
driver. So - anyone know where I can find an MSDOS binary with VGA *and*
Deskjet drivers? Thanks.
- ---------
Andrew Haylett               |  Tel: +44 245 73331 x.3215
GEC-Marconi Research Centre  |  Fax: +44 245 75244
Great Baddow, Chelmsford,    |  UUCP:  ...!ukc!gec-mrc!ajh
Essex, UK CM2 8HN            |  JANET:


Date:    Tue, 11 Jun 91 14:54:47 +0000
Subject: Times Roman, etc, fonts

Personal TeX market a program called COtoPX which converts Bitstream outline
fonts to pks and tfms. Bitstream, in turn, market lots of outline fonts: we
have Times, Baskerville, Goudy Old Style and Palatino, but they have a
range of 40-something in this (`Fontware', hinted) format.


|  Jeremy Gibbons (   Funky Monkey Multimedia Corp  |


Date:    Wed, 12 Jun 91 08:16:51 +0000
Subject: `Helvetica.afm' anyone?

Pressure has been building here to replace my site's old dvi-->PostScript
driver with a better one, so having re-established contact with `'
as a fileserver, I pulled v5.47 of Rokicki and successfully built it.  I
noticed in the archive lists a directory called `PSLATEX' and, pulling the
contents of that, discovered that I can relatively trivially (it could be done
before here, but with difficulty!) set documents in almost any built-in LW
font I like at the flick of a \documentstyle.  I say `almost' because the
procedure seems to involve converting `.afm' to `.tfm' and `.vpl' via `afm2tfm'
- ---no problem---and then creating `.vf' with `vptovf'---again no problem, but
in the lists of `.afm' files available from `', `Helvetica.afm' is
conspicuous by its absence.  `Bold', `Oblique' and `Bold-Oblique' are there,
but `Vanilla' is missing, as far as `grep' can tell me.  I tried getting the
relevant stuff from a local LW with the `' and `' files
I also found on the archive, but there appear to be sizeable chunks missing
(accented characters and kern pairs, as far as I can tell, but I know little
about what's supposed to be there!)---can anyone tell me what I'm doing

The new driver seems to run fine.  I'm still a little bothered about what
appears to be the use of non-CM metrics being used with CM italics in math
mode, but that's another story...


 ---------------    Sam Nelson, Computer Officer, Dept of Computing Science,
| (paste        |   University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland.
|  complicated  |   E-mail: See From: line
|  logo         |   Tel:    +44 786 67443, or +44 786 73171 X7443
|  here)        |   G3 Fax: +44 786 64551
|               |   Telex:  Abolished!
|               |
 ---------------    $\Delta p\Delta {\bf r}\stackrel{\textstyle >}{\sim}\hbar$


Date:    Wed, 12 Jun 91 16:28:28 +0000
From:    Sebastian Rahtz <S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS>
Subject: Re: `Helvetica.afm' anyone?

Sam Nelson <SAM@UK.AC.STIRLING.COMPSCI>  writes:
 > in the lists of `.afm' files available from `', `Helvetica.afm' is
 > conspicuous by its absence.  `Bold', `Oblique' and `Bold-Oblique'

its being transferred from my site to Aston as I write



Date:    Wed, 12 Jun 91 15:20:32 +0000
From:    Martin Tomes <MT00@UK.CO.EUROTHERM>
Subject: Cannot make tfm and pk files.

I have just received the TeX 3 tape from the Aston Archivists.  I am
using Interactive UNIX 2.2 and gcc to compile.

All compiles OK.  When I run METAFONT from dvips this is what happens:

(etherm)$ MakeTeXPK cminch 300 300 magstep\(1.0\) LWONE
mf \mode:=LWONE; mag:=magstep(1.0); scrollmode; input cminch \</dev/null
This is METAFONT, C Version 2.0 (INIMF)

(/roc/local/lib/mf3/inputs/ (/roc/local/lib/mf3/inputs/
! Missing `=' has been inserted.
<to be read again>
l.22 vardef serif(suffix $,
                           $$,@)  % serif at |z$| for stroke from |z$$|
! Missing `=' has been inserted.
<to be read again>
l.47 def dish_serif(
                    suffix $,$$,@)(expr left_darkness,left_jut)
! Missing `=' has been inserted.
<to be read again>
l.58 def nodish_serif(
                      suffix $,$$,@)(expr left_darkness,left_jut)
! Missing `=' has been inserted.
<to be read again>


I note that the file has not changed so why do I get this
error?  I have followed the instructions in the README files.  I had
no problems at all when I installed TeX 2.99.

Martin Tomes

Janet:    | Eurotherm Limited, Faraday Close,
Internet:    | Durrington, Worthing, W.Sussex, England.
UUCP:     {ukc,uunet}!etherm!mtomes | Phone: +44 903 68500  Fax: +44 903 65982


Date:    Wed, 12 Jun 91 17:05:56 +0000
From:    Sebastian Rahtz <S.P.Q.RAHTZ@UK.AC.SOUTHAMPTON.ECS>
Subject: Re: midnight macros

Stephen Miller <STEPHEN@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX> writes:
 > I've just tried to transfer these and found that there is only a single
 > file there : labels.doc and not the ten I expected. Or have I made a mistake
fixed. sorry!


Date:    13 Jun 91 12:50:00 +0000
Subject: DVI-to-HPGL and TEXINFO

I have two questions;

1) A friend is looking for the source code suitable to build
      a DVI-to-HPGL driver. Does such a beast exist and is it
      available from the archive ?

2) I have a `texinfo' file -- can I process it with LaTeX, and
      if so, how ?



Date:    Thu, 13 Jun 91 13:04:36 +0000
From:    Adrian F Clark <ALIEN@UK.AC.ESSEX>
Subject: Re: DVI-to-HPGL and TEXINFO

> 2) I have a `texinfo' file -- can I process it with LaTeX, and
>       if so, how ?

TeXinfo is a documentation mark-up scheme used by the GNU project (the
people who developed Emacs, gcc, g++, etc).  A TeXinfo file may be
processed into an `info' file, which can be read as on-line
documentation via emacs, or into printed documentation via TeX.

What you need to be able to perform the latter is the file
`texinfo.tex', which defines the required mark-up macros.  TeXinfo is
derived from plain TeX, so you wouldn't process it with LaTeX.
You can get texinfo.tex from the archive; I can mail a copy to you if
you have trouble finding it.  (As an aside, it's a good example of how
to support a totally un-TeX-like mark-up scheme; it doesn't even use
backslash as its "command character"!)

On behalf of the archivists...

 Dr Adrian F. Clark                                   JANET:
 INTERNET:          FAX: (+44) 206-872900
 BITNET:              PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct)
 Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK.


Date:    Sat, 08 Jun 91 21:27:51 +0000
Subject: TUGboat 12 #2, table of contents

This issue of TUGboat went to the printer on June 7.

Contents, TUGboat 12, No. 2, June 1991

General Delivery
    Nelson H. F. Beebe  President's introduction                205
    Barbara Beeton      Editorial comments                      208
    Walter Obermiller   TeX in Germany                          211

    Basil Malyshev, Alexander Samarin and Dimitri Vulis
                        Russian TeX                             212
    Cvetana Krstev      Serbo-Croatian hyphenation:
                        a TeX point of view                     215
    Yannis Haralambous  On TeX and Greek ...                    224
    Francois Jalbert    JemTeX 2.00 available for Japanese      227

    Alan Jeffrey        Labelled diagrams in METAFONT           227

    Reinhard Foessmeier X bitmaps in TeX                        229

Output Devices
    Joachim Schrod      Report on the DVI Driver Standard       232

    Karl Berry and Kathy Hargreaves
                        Review of 3:16 Bible Texts Illuminated  233
    Nico Poppelier      Review of LaTeX for engineers and
                        scientists                              235

    Alan Hoenig         Just plain Q & A                        237

    David Salomon       The \if, \ifx and \ifcat comparisons    238
    Lincoln Durst       Some tools for making indexes: Part I   248
    Victor Eijkhout     The structure of the TeX processor      253

    Barbara Beeton      Initiation rites                        257
    Frank Mittelbach    Solution to the riddle from
                        TUGboat 11, no. 4                       259

    Victor Eijkhout     The bag of tricks                       260
    Don De Smet         TeX macros for producing multiple-choice
                        tests                                   261
    Jim Hefferon        Getting \answers in TeX                 270
    Victor Eijkhout     Oral TeX                                272
    Sonja Maus          An expansion power lemma                277
    George Russell      Generating \n asterisks                 278
    Dimitri Vulis       TeX and envelopes                       279

    Jackie Damrau       The LaTeX column                        284
    Nico Poppelier      A comment on The LaTeX column           285
    Glenn L. Swonk      LaTeX tree drawer                       286
    Harold Thimbleby    ``See also'' indexing with Makeindex    290
    Johannes Braams     Babel, a multilingual style-option system
                        for use with LaTeX's standard document
                        styles                                  291

    Jeff Lankford       Public domain SGML tools wanted         302
    Jiri Vesely         Reporting TeX's hyphenations            302

    Paul Abrahams       Response to Victor Eijkhout             302
    Victor Eijkhout     Response to  Paul Abrahams              303
    Al Cuoco            TeX in schools:  Why not?               303

    Cahiers GUTenberg #7 and #8                                 305

News &  Announcements
    Calendar                                                    307
    TeX91/Congres GUTenberg'91, Paris, 23--26 September 1991    309
    Desktop Publishing in astronomy and space sciences,
        Strasbourg, 1--3 October 1991                           311
    Call for papers: EP92: International conference on electronic
        publishing, document manipulation, and typography,
        Lausanne, Switzerland, 7--10 April 1992                 311

Late-Breaking News
    Donald Knuth        Fixed-point glue setting: Errata        313
    Barbara Beeton      Production notes                        313
    Coming next issue                                           315

TUG Business
    TUG financial statements                                    315
    Institutional members                                       319
    TUG Bylaws                                                  321

    TUG membership application                                  331

    Index of advertisers                                        348

    Computers & Typesetting: Errata and Changes, Supplement
    TUG Resource Directory
- -------


Date:    Mon, 10 Jun 91 17:25:33 +0000
Subject: Information on July TUG conference, etc in Boston (as in tea-party)

I now have a few copies of both

             The Prospectus and The Program Update

for this prestigious event.

If anyone in the UK needs a copy urgently, then e-mail me or telephone
(071 794 0575).

Chris Rowley
(Hon Sec ukTeXug)


Date:    Mon, 10 Jun 91 13:33:00 +0700
From:    Johannes L. Braams"Johannes L. Braams" 
Subject: the babel system

        I have been getting input from CERN for quite a number of languages
        to add to the babel system. The language specific files will be
        made available from LISTSERV@HEARN in the near future.
        I would like to welcome the various national language groups to
        comment on the files, improve on the files etc.
        Available now:
                language        provided by
                ---------       -----------
                Dutch           (NTG WG13)
                Germanb         (derived from german.tex, Hubert Partl cs.)
                Francais        (from german.tex and french.sty v2.2)
                English         (defaults from styles)
                Spanish         (Julio Sanchez, (
                Italian         (Maurizio Codogno, (
        Available soon:
                Slovene         (CERN)
                Czech           (CERN)
                Russian         (Werenfried Spit, (
                Norsk           (CERN)
                Portuges        (CERN)
                Finnish         (CERN)
                Magyar          (CERN)
        Johannes Braams
PTT Research Neher Laboratorium,        P.O. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,                   The Netherlands.
Phone    : +31 70 3325051               E-mail :
Fax      : +31 70 3326477


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End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 91 Issue 24]