UKTeX Digest	Friday,  5 Jul 1991    Volume 91 : Issue 27

Today's Topics:
		   hyphenation exceptions in amstex
		    Re: PostScript fonts and LaTeX
			    Archimedes TeX
		   AMSFONTS - tfm files incorrect?
		 Re: AMSFONTS - tfm files incorrect?
   recent mailings concerning hyphenation exceptions in AMS-TeX 2.0
			      emtex fli
      Re: TEXCAD' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope
		       HP Fonts into Postscript
			   Run-on footnotes
			     Cathy Booth
		     `Training Day' announcement
	   new versions of AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, and AMSFonts
	      Update to the babel system of style files
 {Archive News}:
	  Aston TeX mail server log analysis at 30-JUN-1991

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Sat, 29 Jun 91 11:16:31 -0500
From:    bbeeton <>
Subject: hyphenation exceptions in amstex

mike piff asks about the hyphenation exceptions which are included
with amstex v2.  i can't answer as to *why* these were included.
(i have called this question to the attention of the person who added
the exception list to the amstex source, and asked him to respond.)
however, i can definitely identify the *source* of those exceptions:
it is the list of hyphenation exceptions published occasionally in

if you look back at the last iteration (tugboat 10 #3, 1989, pp. 336
ff.) you will see that two relevant points are made.  the first is to
identify the "authoritative" source -- webster's third new international
dictionary, unabridged.  the second is a disclaimer about british vs.
american hyphenation practices (british tends to be etymological,
american, "syllabic").

regardless of my own preferences in the matter, webster's third has
been used and accepted by the tex "sources" in the u.s. (including
knuth), and is at least an accessible and recognized authority here.
(if you really want to know my preference, i *hate* the third, and
would prefer the second international by a wide margin; even so, as
i underwent a rather traditional education of the sort only rarely
available now in the u.s., i would sometimes prefer etymological
hyphenation, as it is more enlightening as regards word origins, viz.
one of my favorites, helico-pter -- what do the british prefer for that?
however, one may reasonably (in the u.s.) consider this too "elitist".)

the american patterns are definitely *not* going to yield hyphenations
always acceptable to british typographers, and someone would do a great
service to british users of tex to generate a set of british patterns.
this has been discussed at considerable length for a considerable
length of time, with no positive results, i.e., no generally available
british patterns, to the best of my knowledge.  if someone can demonstrate
that this is incorrect by producing such a set of patterns, i shall be
simply delighted to be proven wrong.

that still leaves the question of why the extra hyphenations are included
in amstex.  i shall encourage the perpetrator to explain himself.
						-- bb


Date:    Sun, 30 Jun 91 12:08:00 +0100
From:    Max Calvani - Italy <>
Subject: Re: PostScript fonts and LaTeX

>I have just got TeX 3 working and am interrested in using PostScript
>fonts in LaTeX.  Are there any style files available which will
>configure LaTeX to use PostScript fonts?
>Martin Tomes
>Janet:    | Eurotherm Limited, Faraday Close,
>Internet:    | Durrington, Worthing, W.Sussex, England.
>UUCP:     {ukc,uunet}!etherm!mtomes | Phone: +44 903 68500  Fax: +44 903 65982
There is something called PSlatex in the archive that should do it.
Never tried it, however. Good luck and let us know.


Date:    Mon, 01 Jul 91 11:18:24 +0000
Subject: Archimedes TeX

I normally wouldn't pre-announce something, but tardis (the only machine I
have access to) will be going off the air permanently on the first of August.
So, I have to say things now or not at all.  My apologies for the length of
this posting.

I am working on a port of TeX, Metafont, TeX-ware and MF-ware in WEB for the
Acorn Archimedes running RISC-OS, tentatively called AzTeX (most of the sources
I have are 2-3 years old - see question 4, later).

I know about (and indeed have been using) Graham Toal's C-based ArMaTuReS 
(sometimes irreverently called ToalTeX).  Good as it is, I found this to have
a number of short-comings with respect to using new fonts:
1)  Metafont is hidden away.  It can be used, but it's not obvious.
2)  There is no GFtoPK.
3)  The previewer can only read Archimedes style scaled fonts.  Graham had
    a program to generate these, but he didn't write it, and it broke when
    a new version of RISC-OS came out or something like that.  The upshot is
    that you're stuck with the fonts he's got, cmdunh10 is broken, and
    he couldn't see any point to manfnt so he substituted cmr10 (aarrgh) and
    many of the SliTeX fonts exist only at magstep0 (when you need 5, 6, 7 and
    8 plus 9 for lcmssb8).
4)  The previewer barfs on the WEB manual (that's one of the things that
    uses manfnt, Graham).

So, I decided to have a go.  At the moment I have a fully working and
integrated GFtoPK, GFtype, PKtype, PLtoTF and TFtoPL.  Much of the rest
of TeX-ware and MF-ware work but are not integrated with the WIMP front-
end (before you ask, they run in a task window, they do not multi-task).
TeX and MF work, but I want to twiddle the way they interact with the filing

The un-written key-stone is the previewer (at the minute, I'm using Graham's -
the DVI, GF and PK files seem to be compatible between the two systems, so
there's no little-endian/big-endian incompatibilities).  I can't see me
producing something of that magnitude in under 3 months, and 6 is more
likely (I also have a tendency to under-estimate time-scales).

So here are a number of questions:
1)  I need beta-testers.  Preferably one of which lives in the Edinburgh
    area so I can watch the installation process.  You'll need a 4meg
    machine, lots of disk space (20meg would be nice), and at least a
    beginners knowledge of LaTeX (or TeX) and your own LaTeX (or TeX)
2)  How to get the finished product to/from the archive?  The method of
    preference for Archimedes owners would be native Archimedes 760K 3.5"
    floppies, using Spark to produce compressed archives.  Do you have the
    facilities to deal with these?  Alternatively, I could put the archives
    on PC format discs, with the onus on the recipient to pick up one of
    the many PD MS-DOS readers.
3)  If I archive the stuff, how to keep things (e.g., LaTeX style files)
    up to date (good as EmTeX is, there are a lot of things in latex.contrib
    that it doesn't have). It would be nice if the distribution could be held o
    the VAX and pick up the latest generic files when released (a
    combination of search lists and set file/enter perhaps).  But, if
    you don't have an archimedes this is not possible, or is it?  The spark
    archiver claims to be able to read PC-style arcs, so you could create a
    distribution on a PC (again, the recipient would need a PD MS-DOS reader).
4)  If I get all this working, I would like to then upgrade it to the latest
    version of everything e.g., TeX 3.14..., MF 2.7..., latest style files,
    AmS fonts, etc., etc.  If I sent some discs, is someone, somewhere
    prepared to put large chunks of the archive onto them in Archimedes or PC
    format?  I would be happy to accept out-of-date versions from someone who
    had not long before got a new tape from the archive.

    If you can, email me before the first of August.  If not, reply to UKTeX
    (I think I can arrange to get copies of it in a reasonably timely manner,
    but I won't be able to reply).  Alternatively, send me a postcard.  I
    will let any volunteer beta-testers know by postcard when things are
    ready (or alternatively that I've given up).

Paul Allen
6 Atheling Grove
South Queensferry
West Lothian
EH30 9PF


Date:    Mon, 01 Jul 91 12:15:00 +0000
From:    "CPCMH::S121"
Subject: AMSFONTS - tfm files incorrect?

I am trying to set up AMS-TeX for some mathemeticians here at UEA, and
I am haveing problems with the .tfm files.

I got them all from [tex-archive.amstex2.tfm-files], but TeX refuses
to accept them when I put them with the rest of our .tfm's. Tried
to use tftopl on one or two and just got 'cannot open file' errors.

All this is on VMS, and on inspection of (a few, random) .tfm files,
all the amstex ones have variable length records, with max 510bytes,
where the original ones have fixed length, 512 size records.

Looking further in the archive , I found 
which tells me that some ams .tfms are in the wrong format, and must be
'transformed'. Looking at the tfms here, they all seem to be OK, with
fixed length 512 records. However, in this directory there are only
some of the required files - AMSTeX2 needs many more.

So is there something wrong with the files in
or what should I do to 'transform' these files into a form that TeX will
like?  (I tried convert with various options, but am not a VMS wiz, and 
did not succeed)

[ps - our TeX and tftopl are fairly old, so if there has been a change 
 in .tfm format recently that could be the problem)

   Ian Ellery (i.ellery@uea)

[pps - while browsing the archive, I typed 'cd' with no arguments, which in
Unix puts you back to your home directory. This put me to tex::[public],
which I suppose is home for login public, but would be nicer if I went
back to tex::[tex-archive] since thats where I want to be. Also [public]
is unreadable.]


Date:    Mon, 01 Jul 91 13:01:00 +0000
From:    "Brian {Hamilton Kelly} " <>
Subject: Re: AMSFONTS - tfm files incorrect?

In a message to UKTeX (515) of Mon, 1 Jul 91 12:15 GMT, 
"CPCMH::S121" wrote:

> I am haveing problems with the .tfm files.
> I got them all from [tex-archive.amstex2.tfm-files], but TeX refuses
> to accept them when I put them with the rest of our .tfm's. Tried
> to use tftopl on one or two and just got 'cannot open file' errors.
> All this is on VMS, and on inspection of (a few, random) .tfm files,
> all the amstex ones have variable length records, with max 510bytes,
> where the original ones have fixed length, 512 size records.

Yes, TeX and its relations under VMS _do_ expect  to find `binary' files
as fixed-length, 512-byte records.  But such files, if stored in the
archive, are only capable of being transferred to other VMS systems
(using TRANSFER/CODE=FAST); they cannot be fetched by, for example, Unix
machines.  Therefore a decision was taken some two years ago to store
all `binary' files in a format that could be transferred to all machine
types, which is as variable-length records, without carriage control.
For efficiency reasons, since VMS adds a record-length count to each
such record, occupying 2 bytes, this means they come out as you

VMS CONVERT is not capable of performing the conversion for you.  The
new VVcode system _will_ perform the conversion very painlessly, but is
not yet officially released.  I usually use Kermit back-to-back, in
binary mode, reading variable-length binary, and writing `image' as
512-byte, which _does_ get the files into the correct format. 
Alternatively, it only takes about ten minutes to knock up a 15 line C
program to do the conversion: I'm sure we've got something like this in
the [.archive-utils] part of the tree, perhaps.

> Looking further in the archive , I found 
>  [tex-archive.fonts.amsfonts.tfm]aa_warning.doc
> which tells me that some ams .tfms are in the wrong format, and must be
> 'transformed'. Looking at the tfms here, they all seem to be OK, with
> fixed length 512 records. However, in this directory there are only
> some of the required files - AMSTeX2 needs many more.

Aha!  Thanks for pointing this out: I thought we'd weeded out all
512-byte files --- they'll have to go, because as I said above, they're
unusable except with a VAX.
> So is there something wrong with the files in
>  [..amstex2.tfm-files]
> or what should I do to 'transform' these files into a form that TeX will
> like?  (I tried convert with various options, but am not a VMS wiz, and 
> did not succeed)
> [ps - our TeX and tftopl are fairly old, so if there has been a change 
>  in .tfm format recently that could be the problem)

No there's been no recent change, although I _am_ looking at a way of
making the various programs accept VLNOCC binaries as well as F512.
It's quite tricky, however, because of the way VAX/Pascal opens files.
> [pps - while browsing the archive, I typed 'cd' with no arguments, which in
> Unix puts you back to your home directory. This put me to tex::[public],
> which I suppose is home for login public, but would be nicer if I went
> back to tex::[tex-archive] since thats where I want to be. Also [public]
> is unreadable.]

I take your point, but the only way I could make `cd' go back to the
root of the archive would be to redefine SYS$LOGIN; but this is also
used during logout, and expects it to still be pointing to
disk$tex:[public].  SO I'm afraid you _will_ have to say `cd [tex-archive]'
to get back to the root of the archive: this version of cd accepts both
Unix and VMS syntax directory specs.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      {mcsun,ukc,uunet}!!tex                   +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date:    Mon, 01 Jul 91 17:19:31 +0000
Subject: Hyphenation

I use Collins Gem Dictionary of Spelling and Word Division.
At \pounds 1.95 it's almost public domain.
>From the preface: "The aim of this book is to illustrate the
basis of correct English word splitting, namely, {\it that
the pronunciation of the first part of the word be recog-
nisable before the eye reaches the second part in the
succeeding line} ... all other considerations are secondary 
to this."
Thus quad-rat'ic, quad'-ra-ture, mon-ot'-ony but mono-typ'ic
and even hy'-phen-ated. ' marks the stress on the previous
syllable, so I guess the English Col-in would become the
U.S. Co'-lin (if you can remember the Gulf War).


Date:    Mon, 01 Jul 91 14:57:24 -0500
From:    Ralph Youngen <>
Subject: recent mailings concerning hyphenation exceptions in AMS-TeX 2.0

Since I supervise the group of TeX programmers at the AMS who are
responsible for the content of the AMS's TeX products, I would like to
take this opportunity to respond to some recent e-mail concerning the
hyphenation exceptions that the AMS included in our release of AMS-TeX
v2.0.  Barbara Beeton replied to Mike Piff and the UKTEX list concerning
the source of these exceptions (TUGboat 10 #3).  I will not repeat her
discussion of British vs. American (and etymological vs. syllabic)
hyphenation practices here.

It is perhaps important to mention that the exception list is included
in the file AMSPPT.STY, and not in AMSTEX.TEX.  AMSPPT.STY defines the
AMS's "preprint" document style, and its primary function is for use in
submitting articles in electronic form to the AMS for publication.
AMSPPT.STY therefore defines the AMS's stylistic standard for its
publications.  Since the AMS is an American publisher, we admittedly
adhere to American hyphenation practices, and for this reason we
included the exception list in the AMSPPT.STY documentstyle and not in
AMSTEX.TEX.  Anyone wishing to use AMSPPT.STY as a basis for their own
documentstyle is more than welcome to remove or alter the exception
list to suit their own purposes, so long as the resulting file is not

Mike Piff gave an example of qua-drat-ic and quad-ra-ture from our
exception list.  When I saw this, I agreed it looked odd and suspected
that perhaps we were not as careful in proofing this list as we should
have been.  However, when I found these two words in my Webster's
Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, I discovered them to be hyphenated
as shown above.  As I said, I do not wish to discuss the relative merits
of British vs. American hyphenation practices, nor do I wish to begin
a debate over the "better" way to hyphenate specific words.  Surely it
would be impossible for the AMS to please everyone's personal
hyphenation preferences, but the exception list does match the AMS's
preferences.  I merely wanted to point out that the exception list
included with AMS-TeX v2.0 was not careless or without backing, though
it is understandable that some individual preferences may conflict
with this list.

One final comment:  I invite anyone with questions or problems concerning
the TeX-related materials distributed by the AMS to send mail directly to
the AMS at the Internet address:  TECH-SUPPORT@MATH.AMS.COM
Although we attempt to monitor all of the TeX-related discussion lists
for AMS-related entries, a direct message to the AMS would in many cases
prove to be more satisfying for everyone involved.  Thank you.

Ralph Youngen
Supervisor, Technical Support
American Mathematical Society


Date:    Tue, 02 Jul 91 00:34:38 +0000
From:    T Krichel <>
Subject: emtex fli


I have downloaded the emTeX lj_*.boo, debooed and unziped them.
I obtain lj_*.fli files, as indicated in the documentation. But
when I search for a font I get a message that the files are not 
font libraries. I get this message both whilst working with
dvidrv and with fontlib. Do I have to process the files further?
What am I doing wrong?

Thank you very much for your help.

Thomas Krichel


Date:    Wed, 03 Jul 91 17:18:36 +0100
From:    Eberhard Mattes 
Subject: Re: TEXCAD' ability not to draw vectors of arbitrary slope

Mike Piff writes:

> I obtained TEXCAD recently from Aston, and was trying it out. I liked the
> feature allowing lines of any slope, via emTeX' \special commands, but the
> implementation for vectors was disappointing. Did Georg Horn realise that
> it would be trivial to implement vectors of arbitrary slope, thus vastly
> improving the usefulness of his program?
> All he needs to do is
> (a) draw a line between the two endpoints, without an arrowhead;
> (b) put a \vector at the second endpoint, of length 0 and in the direction
> in which his program currently draws the whole vector.

(a) is trivial, but (b) isn't: there are only 48 different arrowheads
available in (and, which is << the number of
different slopes of lines available with \special.  The arrowhead
would almost always point in a direction different from that of the
line.  Maybe you can convince Georg Horn to make TeXcad create ugly
vectors of arbitrary slope in addition to create (more or less) beautyful
vectors of only 48 different slopes.

Exercise: Let A and B be two different points in the TeX coordinate
          space.  How many different slopes are possible for the
          line through A and B?

Eberhard Mattes


Date:    Fri, 05 Jul 91 11:00:04 +0000
From:    Keith Fearnley <>
Subject: HP Fonts into Postscript

We have HP font editors, and have produced custom fonts using this (for
speed) rather than getting to grips with METAFONT.  These work fine with
LaTeX (and other things, as downloaded fonts to the LaserJet).  Now we
are moving on to using postscript printers, and have two problems:

1 Incorporating these fonts into LaTeX printed by dvi2ps to postscript
  printer (currently get just blank).  It could be that I am using
  dvi2ps improperly, or that there is an alternative postscript dvi
  driver which is more appropriate.

2 Using them with other postscript packages (eg PC word processors --
  yes I know, but we have people who want/need them)

The fonts are produced in HP format, then munged into ".pl", then
converted using pltotf for LaTeX use (as .1500pxl and .tfm).

Basically, is there a way to convert HP fonts for use in Postscript?
Alternatively, is there a straightforward postscript font editor
available (and we'll do the work over again)?

Thanks for any help on this.

PS Could you mail me direct with answers, since I sometimes miss TeXHax.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Keith Fearnley, Software Team Leader and System Manager
Zengrange Ltd., Greenfield Rd., Leeds, ENGLAND, LS9 8DB. (+44) 532 489048


Date:    Fri, 05 Jul 91 11:51:00 +0000
From:    Peter Flynn UCC <CBTS8001@IE.UCC.IRUCCVAX>
Subject: Run-on footnotes

Dominik and Chris kindly sent me a LaTeX solution to making footnotes
in run-on paragraphs, but I really do need this to work with EDMAC.
To simplify the problem: all that is needed is for each footnote ***NOT***
to start a new paragraph/line in \footins, but to skip (say) 2pc and
continue from there. Anyone got a simple fix to do this? Like removing
the implicit \par which seems to follow (or is it precede) each
operation of \footnote?
If there's not time to reply before Tuesday 9th, tell me in Dedham,
cos I'm leaving here on the 10th.


Date:    Tue, 02 Jul 91 17:11:20 +0000
From:    Paul Ellison <>
Subject: Cathy Booth

I am writing to inform you (as one of her e-mail corespondents)
that Cathy Booth has died.  She had been ill with cancer for
many months, and her determination and fight gave us all strength
to cope with her ever weakening condition.  She passed away
peacefully during the night of Thursday 27th June with her family
around her.
She was loved and respected within the Computer Unit and will be
greatly missed.  We are all very numbed by her death.  If you wish
to reply to this mail, I will ensure that copies are sent to her
parents and brothers.
I have scanned some of Cathy's mail folders, but cannot guarentee
to have found all her correspondents.  So,please pass this message
to any of your friends or colleagues who knew Cathy.
Paul Ellison, User Services Manager
Phone:  (+44) 392 263951


Date:    Wed, 03 Jul 91 11:27:05 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: `Training Day' announcement

			The UK TeX Users' Group
			Announce a Training Day
			    Tables in LaTeX
	Cross-referencing, Indexing and the 3 `R's in Plain TeX

		to be held on Wednesday July 24th, 1991
		Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
			University of London
		    Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, U.K.

Speakers: The session leaders will be Sue Brookes and Philip Taylor.

Meeting Details: The meeting will take place in the Board Rooms and Drawing
Room of Founder's Building, RHBNC, Egham Hill, Surrey.  It will commence at
11:00 with registration and coffee from 10:30 onwards; there will be breaks
for lunch and tea, and it is expected that the meeting will finish at around
17:00.  There will be a charge of \pounds 30-00 for members of the UK TeX
Users' Group, and \pounds 40-00 for non-members; the price includes a full
cooked lunch (last year's meal was reliably reported to be excellent), and
refreshements during the morning and afternoon.

Meeting Outline: The meeting will be organised as two concurrent sessions,
one concentrating on issues of interest primarily to LaTeX users and the other
on issues of interest primarily to Plain TeX users.  It is hoped that a PC
laboratory will be available for practical sessions if required.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	Tables in LaTeX		     |	Cross-referencing and the 3 `R's
LaTeX hax some powerful table making | Cross-referencing is essential in many
facilities.  Most straightforward    | typesetting tasks, and yet the Plain
tables can be tackled very readily,  | TeX format provides no macros to assist
and generate quite pleasing results. | with this.  However, despite the lack 
This workshop will cover the basics, | of any Knuthian guidance, cross-refer-
but go on to some of the more subtle | -encing is both interesting and quite
aspects associated with tables and   | straightforward, although there are 
LaTeX.  Manipulating the default     | many pitfalls into which the unwary can
parameters sometimes leads to un-    | stumble.  We will cover both internal
expected results --- but not to      | and external cross-referencing (i.e.
those who survive the workshop!  We  | both avoiding and using external files)
will also cover the inclusion of     | and this will lead us on to the whole 
footnotes in tables, and deal with   | area of reading and writing (and a 
floating, table and tabular env-     | little arithmetic) in TeX.

Directions: Royal Holloway and Bedford New College is on the A30 between Egham
and Sunningdale, and is within five minutes of the M25 (Staines intersection).
The nearest station is Egham, which is served by half-hourly trains from London
Waterloo; a taxi from the station will take you straight to Founder's building
for a couple of pounds.

Booking arrangements:  A booking form may be had on application to Philip
Taylor, The Computer Centre, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University
of London, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey (E-mail: P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vax; 
Tel: 0784 443172 (11:00--19:00); Fax: 0784 434348).  Reservations may be made
by E-mail, telephone or fax, but confirmation (including payment or an official
order) must be made in writing.


Date:    Wed, 03 Jul 91 09:46:35 -0500
From:    Ralph Youngen <REY@com.ams.math>
Subject: new versions of AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, and AMSFonts

I am pleased to announce the release of new versions of the three major
AMS-supported TeX products.  AMS-TeX 2.1, AMSFonts 2.1, and AMS-LaTeX
1.1 have all been posted to our TeX archive on the Internet node (, and are now available for immediate
retrieval by anonymous FTP.  Also available is information (both
guidelines and documentstyle files) for authors who may wish to submit
something to the AMS in electronic form for publication.

This is the first major upgrade to the files on the AMS's e-MATH archive
since its inception over a year ago.  Announcements of future incremental
or major upgrades to any of these products will be posted to the normal
TeX discussion lists.

The files in this release have also been changed to incorporate a file
identification block in the form of a BibTeX-like entry at the start
of each TeX or Metafont file.  This was a suggestion Nelson Beebe
posted to the tex-archive list about a year ago.  The AMS staff worked
with Nelson over the past several months and settled on the scheme
found in these files.  We do not necessarily feel that the structure
we've chosen is final, and would like to hear comments and/or
suggestions for improvements.

As in the past, we are suggesting that those of you responsible for
maintaining a TeX archive copy the entire /ams tree from e-MATH and
set up a corresponding /ams tree on your own archive.  Some of the
READ.ME files refer to files in other directories using the notation
"/ams/...".  (We realize that you may not want to copy all of the
resolutions of the AMSFonts PK files to your area because of space

We wish for these files to replace all previous releases of AMS-TeX,
AMS-LaTeX, and AMSFonts for as many users as possible.  We are especially
concerned about the dissemination of AMSFonts 2.1, but strongly encourage
users to upgrade AMS-TeX and AMS-LaTeX as well.  Details follow.

AMSFonts 2.1 (/ams/amsfonts/... and /ams/tfm-files):

Sometime after AMSFonts 2.0 was released, it was brought to our
attention that there was a bug in the Metafont code for the AMS extra
symbol fonts (MSAM and MSBM) that caused different TFM files to be
produced when these fonts were run at different resolutions.  This has
been fixed in 2.1.  Another significant enhancement in the MSBM font
is much improved character rendering for the Blackboard Bold
characters at low resolutions.  (Thanks to Stefan Lindner for the
Metafont help with the Blackboard Bold characters.)

Additionally, through several communications with Knuth we are pleased
to release improved versions of the Euler and extra CM fonts.  All of
the Euler bold fonts have been made more bold and extended.  In
previous versions of Euler, it was very difficult to distinguish the
bold from the non-bold versions of these fonts.  Knuth also reviewed
the parameter listings for the additional point sizes of the CM fonts
that we created and we have incorporated his suggestions into this

Another change with AMSFonts 2.1 is that we are now distributing more
resolutions of PK files.  Previously, e-MATH contained only 118 and
300 dpi fonts.  We have now posted 118, 180, 240, 300, and 400 dpi
fonts to the /ams/amsfonts/pk-files/... area of e-MATH.  As before,
Metafont sources for all of the AMSFonts are also available.

AMS-TeX 2.1 (/ams/amstex):

This is mainly a bug-fix version, with some minor enhancements.  A new
file, amsppt1.tex, has been added to provide backward compatibility with
documents written under amsppt.sty version 1 but run with AMS-TeX 2.0 
or later.

AMS-LaTeX 1.1 (/ams/amslatex):

Again, this is mainly a bug-fix version with some enhancements.  In an
effort to keep this area current we are now distributing the complete
Mittelbach/Schoepf font selection scheme in the /ams/amslatex/fontsel
area.  When new versions of these files become available, we will
attempt to quickly verify their compatibility with AMS-LaTeX and post
them to e-MATH.

Please direct any problems or questions concerning the TeX archive on
e-MATH to:

		Technical Support Group
		American Mathematical Society
		201 Charles Street
		P.O. Box 6248
		Providence, RI 02940   USA
		     (800) 321-4AMS (321-4267) ext. 4080
		     (401) 455-4080

Thank you.

Ralph Youngen
Supervisor, Technical Support
American Mathematical Society


Date:    Fri, 05 Jul 91 00:56:00 +0700
From:    Johannes L. Braams"Johannes L. Braams" 
Subject: Update to the babel system of style files

        A couple of minutes ago I've put a new version of the babel
        system of style files on LISTSERV@HEARN. The differences with
        the previous release are:
        - cured behaviour with respect to groups
        - various small fixes
        - many more language specific files. Available now are
          files for the following languages:
                - Esperanto,
                - Dutch, English, German,
                - French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish (with Catalan),
                - Danish, Norwegian, Swedish,
                - Finnish, Hungarian,
                - Croatian, Czech, Romanian, Slovene,
                - Russian (beware, the transliteration is not yet
                           completely fixed as far as I'm concerned).
        Johannes Braams
PTT Research Neher Laboratorium,        P.O. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,                   The Netherlands.
Phone    : +31 70 3325051               E-mail :
Fax      : +31 70 3326477


Date:    Sun, 30 Jun 91 23:40:02 +0000
From:    UK TeX Archive Server <>
Subject: (1156) Aston TeX mail server log analysis at 30-JUN-1991 23:39:49.03

TeXserver usage analysis for the period:
       1-JUN-1991 05:59:29.60 to 30-JUN-1991 20:17:06.12

A total of 452 requests were received from 134 callers
Of these,   27 requests were rejected,
         2,203 FILE transfers were requested
               (transferring a total of 76,605,733 bytes),
            54 HELP requests were made,
            68 DIRECTORY requests were made,
             9 SEARCH requests were made,
            20 WHEREIS requests were made,

A total of 2,203 file transfers were requested (totalling 76,605,733 bytes).

1,413 distinct files were requested - the 10 most requested files were:
  15 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]00LAST30DAYS.FILES
  12 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]00DIRECTORY.LIST
   9 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE]00LAST7DAYS.FILES
   5 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE.G-SCRIPT.GS22]00READ.ME
   5 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE.G-SCRIPT.GS22]00README.DOC
   5 requests for [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEXDRAW]README.

The following users transferred 50,752,127 bytes, which is 66% of the total
   8,308,772 bytes requested by SAMARIN%SU.IHEP.M9@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY
   7,185,558 bytes requested by NTUT019%EARN.TWNMOE10@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY
   6,894,478 bytes requested by 076DIH.WITSVMA%ORG.FIDONET.Z5.N7104.F4@UK.AC.UK
   6,206,580 bytes requested by AJH@UK.CO.GEC-MRC
   5,814,002 bytes requested by REW141%EARN.DJUKFA11@UK.AC.EARN-RELAY
   4,449,711 bytes requested by D.LOVE@UK.AC.DARESBURY
   3,833,442 bytes requested by PS1908@UK.AC.WOLVERHAMPTON.SYSA
   3,103,290 bytes requested by 047DIH.WITSVMA%ORG.FIDONET.Z5.N7104.F4@UK.AC.UK
   2,495,244 bytes requested by SAMARIN%MX.DECNET.IHEP.SU@UK.AC.NSFNET-RELAY
   2,461,050 bytes requested by GWEBER@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX



              *** JANET Interactive and NIFTP access ***
             Host:    (JANET DTE 000020120091)
                 Username: public    Password: public
	   [Sorry, no Internet ftp access is available yet]

			 *** Mail server ***
	       Send mail to (JANET)
	      or (rest of the world)
	      with message body containing the word HELP

                      *** FILES OF INTEREST ***

    [tex-archive]00directory.list        [tex-archive]00directory.size
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list  [tex-archive]00last30days.files

This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    Latest TeXhax: #29
TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    Latest TeXMaG: V5N3

                     *** MEDIA DISTRIBUTIONS ***

Washington Unix TeX distribution tape (latest copy dated 28 March 1990)
    TeX 2.993(==3.0), LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 1.9 (2.0), plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)
    Copies available on:
        One 2400ft tape sent with return labels AND return postage to Aston
    OR  One Quarter-Inch Cartridge (DC600A or DC6150)
        sent with envelope AND return postage to Nottingham (addresses below).

A VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
A VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400fttape.

Exabyte 8mm tapes: same contents available as 1/2in tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB

OzTeX (for Macintosh): Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks with return postage.

emTeX (for MS-DOS):
    Send 11 UNFORMATTED 1.44Mb or 18 (EIGHTEEN!) 720K 3.5" disks;
    or 12 UNFORMATTED 5.25" disks; with return postage.  emTeX is now
    distributed with a copy of `Baskerville' and documentation.  Please
    therefore send the disks in packing of A4 size or enclose an A4 envelope.

			*** POSTAGE RATES ***
		   (all prices in Pounds Sterling)
     (For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University)

0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

		       *** POSTAL ADDRESSES ***
    (Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage).

			     Peter Abbott
		 Computing Service, Aston University,
		  Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

			    David Osborne
	  Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham,
			Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
		  (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY)
	      (Please include stamps for return postage)

                      *** UK TeX USERS GROUP ***

 For details, contact
      Malcolm Clark                  or  Geeti Granger
      IRS                                John Wiley & Sons
      Polytechnic of Central London      Baffins Lane
      115 New Cavendish Street           Chichester
      London W1M 8JS                     W Sussex PO19 1UD

End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 91 Issue 27]