UKTeX Digest    Friday, 17 Jan 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 02

Today's Topics:
                     Problems with unpacking MS-DOS files.
                        patch for dvips using .pfb files
                            Re: Gnuemacs and auc-tex
                Re: UKTeX Digest V92 #01 : Large Gothic Letters
                           Re: Gothic like style file
                        Japanese characters in METAFONT?
                                  TeX on UNIX
                                Re: TeX on UNIX
                               LaTeX on the Arch
                             Re: LaTeX on the Arch
                                   Re: TELNET
     Has anyone got a working version of Patgen with no memory limitations?
                     MathTime: PostScript Times math fonts
                               Aston sys$scratch
               VMS version of Knuth's profiler now in the archive
                      french.sty Version 3.00 announcement
                    at last, virtual fonts for the Macintosh
                 New LaTeX & NFSS releases in the Aston archive
                   UK TeX users' group meeting - 11 February
                   UKTUG Meeting, 11th February 1992, London
                               The LaTeX3 project
 {Archive News}:
                            STYLE FILE: marnote.sty
        Font (and other binary) files now transferrable from the Archive

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:

                           E D I T O R ' S   N O T E
            Apologies for missing last week's issue, due to illness.



Date:    Mon, 02 Dec 91 11:38:00 +0000
From:    Hasan <>
Subject: Problems with unpacking MS-DOS files.

The EmTeX files in one of the sub-directories of the MS-DOS directory don't
appear to unpack too willingly!

The files are stored in BOOed format (filename.BOO) and on attempting to unpack
with DEBOO.EXE a message to the effect 'unable to open filename.ZIP in
EMTEX\DISK?\filename.ZIP' is obtained - creating the appropriate directory
structure (on a hard disk) doesn't appear to fix the problem.

Any solution, or suggestions?  I already have EmTeX on my machine; what I'm
trying to download is the DVIDRV stuff for the HP (in my case for the Deskjet
500 as the driver now outputs for that if the appropriate switch is used on the
Laserjet driver - I hope!).

If it's possible to put the files in binary format, or in some format where
it's possible to obtain the executables, I can ftp them directly to my PC so
perhaps that could be an interim solution?




Date:    Fri, 03 Jan 92 17:26:05 +0000
From:    Sebastian Rahtz <>
Subject: patch for dvips using .pfb files

I append a small diff set for one of the source files of dvips5.47
which will allow the program to read binary .pfb files. I needed this
because (gasp!) I don't always use TeX, and I wanted PostScript fonts
which are to be downloaded to be useable by Adobe Type Manager as well
as dvips (without keeping two copies on disk). So I painfully
converted plain ASCII versions back into .pfb form, and added this
code to dvips. Yes, it probably makes dvips run a bit slower, but
who's counting? It saves some disk space instead.... it is assumed
that the font file names have a suffix of .pfb.

This is probably only of use to MSDOS people, as I don't know if it
will work on a Macintosh yet (I am working on compiling dvips for Mac).

Sebastian Rahtz

*** output.c    Thu Jan 02 15:46:34 1992
- --- output.old        Thu Jan 02 15:48:54 1992
*** 1,8 ****
- - /* 
- - NOTE includes changes by S Rahtz 2 Jan 1991 to support reading of
- - .pfb font files 
- - */
- - 
   *   These routines do most of the communicating with the printer.
- --- 1,3 ----
*** 78,90 ****
          char *s ;
     FILE *f = NULL ;
!    int c, prevc = '\n',nl,i ;
! /* I want to find the file suffix. This is horrible! sorry */
!    char suffix[5];
!    nl=(strlen(s)-1);
!    for (i=0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
!       suffix[i]=s[nl-i];
!    suffix[4]='\0';
     switch (infigure) {
     case 1:
        f = search(figpath, s, READ) ;
- --- 73,79 ----
          char *s ;
     FILE *f = NULL ;
!    int c, prevc = '\n';
     switch (infigure) {
     case 1:
        f = search(figpath, s, READ) ;
*** 91,100 ****
        (void)sprintf(errbuf, "Couldn't find figure file %s; continuing", s) ;
        break ;
- -       if (strcmp(suffix,"bfp."))
        f = search(headerpath, s, READ) ;
- -       else
- -     f = search(headerpath, s, READBIN) ;
        (void)sprintf(errbuf, "! Couldn't find header file %s", s) ;
        break ;
  #ifndef VMS
- --- 80,86 ----
*** 129,212 ****
              (void)fprintf(bitfile, "%%%%BeginDocument: %s\n", s) ;
              (void)fprintf(bitfile, "%%%%BeginProcSet: %s\n", s) ;
- -       if (!strcmp(suffix,"bfp."))
- - /* its a file in binary .pfb format */
- -     {
- - /* 
- - code for reading Adobe binary .pfb format fonts
- - taken from James Clark's pfbtops program (part of dvitops)
- - by Sebastian Rahtz Jan 2 1992
- - */
- -     for (;;) {
- -             long n;
- -             c = getc(f);
- -             if (c != 128)
- -                       {
- -                         fclose(f);
- -                         error("! ! Badly formed PFB file (1)");
- -                       }
- -             c = getc(f);
- -             if (c == 3) {
- -                     (void)getc(f);
- -                     if (!feof(f) || ferror(f))
- -                       {
- -                         fclose(f);
- -                         error("! Badly formed PFB file (2)");
- -                       }
- -                     break;
- -             }
- -             n = (unsigned long)getc(f);
- -             n |= (unsigned long)getc(f) << 8;
- -             n |= (unsigned long)getc(f) << 16;
- -             n |= (unsigned long)getc(f) << 24;
- -             if (n < 0)
- -                       {
- -                         fclose(f);
- -                         error("! Badly formed PFB file (3)");
- -                       }
- -             if (c == 1) {
- -                     while (n--) {
- -                             c = getc(f);
- -                             if (c == '\r')
- -                                     putc('\n', bitfile);
- -                             else
- -                                     putc(c, bitfile);
- -                     }
- -                     if (ferror(f) || feof(f))
- -                       {
- -                         fclose(f);
- -                         error("! Badly formed PFB file (4)");
- -                       }
- -             }
- -             else if (c == 2) {
- -                     int cols = 0;
- -                     putc('\n', bitfile);
- -                     while (n--) {
- -                             static char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- -                             c = getc(f);
- -                             if ((cols += 2) > 70) {
- -                                     putc('\n', bitfile);
- -                                     cols = 0;
- -                             }
- -                             putc(hexdigits[(unsigned)c >> 4], bitfile);
- -                             putc(hexdigits[c & 15], bitfile);
- -                     }
- -                     putc('\n', bitfile);
- -                     if (ferror(f) || feof(f))
- -                       {
- -                         fclose(f);
- -                         error("! Badly formed PFB file (4)");
- -                       }
- -             }
- -             else
- -                       {
- -                         fclose(f);
- -                         error("! Badly formed PFB file (5)");
- -                       }
- -           }
- -     }
- -       else
- -       {
          while ((c=getc(f))!=EOF && c != 4) {
           if (removecomments && c == '%' && prevc == '\n') {/* skip comments *
              while ((c=getc(f))!=EOF) {
- --- 115,120 ----
*** 217,223 ****
              (void)putc(c, bitfile) ;
           prevc = c ;
- -     }
        if (prevc != '\n')
           (void)putc('\n', bitfile) ;
        linepos = 0 ;
- --- 125,130 ----


Date:    Mon, 06 Jan 92 09:04:18 +0100
Subject: Re: Gnuemacs and auc-tex

Sebastian Rahtz writes:

> I can from recent experience heartily recommend a copy of the full
> Gnuemacs for MSDOS, and Kresten Krab Thorup's `auc-tex' emacs package
> for editing TeX files

- - sounds pretty interesting, but where do I find this?



Date:    Mon, 06 Jan 92 09:31:55 +0000
From:    Dr. A.C. Irving"Dr. A.C. Irving" <>
Subject: Re: UKTeX Digest V92 #01 : Large Gothic Letters

Axel Kowald asks about producing large (Gothic) letters at the begining of a ch
apter. How about the \cornerbox macro on p92 of the excellent book " A beginner
's guide to TeX by Seroul and Levy (Springer)? The Gothic letter itself could
come from the Euler Fractur font (uefm10) of the AMS.

 Alan Irving   DAMTP Liverpool University


Date:    Mon, 06 Jan 92 10:10:14 +0000
From:    Adrian F Clark <>
Subject: Re: Gothic like style file

In UKTeX Digest V92 #01, axel kowald writes:

> I am interested in a style file (or any other solution) which allows me to
> create those nice, fancy, gothic like, big characters which can be seen at th
> start of sections in old books. 
> I'm sure I'm not the first one to look for this kind of thing, but so far I
> couldn't find an appropriate style file.

There's a style file, drop.sty, which you can use to create the big
letter (the jargon for which is `versal', in calligraphy at least).  I
append a copy to this message.

Yannis Haralambous has created suitable fonts for the versal (e.g.,
Fraktur); see TUGboat vol 12 no 1 pp 129--138.  I don't know of their
availability, however, though the article does state that they should
be available from Aston and Heidelberg -- perhaps someone else will be
able to help you there.  The font you'll probably want to use is
called `yinit'.

 Dr Adrian F. Clark                                   JANET:
 INTERNET:          FAX: (+44) 206-872900
 BITNET:              PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct)
 Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK.

%  DROP.DOC <February 17, 1988>
%  Macro for dropping and enlarging the first letter(s) of a paragraph.
%  Macro written by David G. Cantor, and published Fri, 12 Feb 88, in
%  TeXhax, 1988 #16.  
%  Internet:
%  UUCP:      ...!{ihnp4, randvax, sdcrdcf, ucbvax}!ucla-cs!dgc
%  Modified for use with LaTeX by Dominik Wujastyk, February 17, 1988
%  Internet:
%  Bitnet:     dow@harvunxw.bitnet
%  This LaTeX macro is for dropping and enlarging the first letter(s) of a
%  paragraph.  The argument may be one or more letters.
%  Here is an example of its usage:
%  \documentstyle[drop]{article}
%  \begin{document}
%    \drop{IN} THE beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  Now the
%    earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the
%    deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.
%  \end{document}
%  Which will produce something along these lines:
%  I I\  I THE beginning God  created the heaven and  the earth.
%  I I \ I Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was
%  I I  \I upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hov-
%  ered over the face of the waters.
%  In the first instance the macro will pause during LaTeX processing and 
%  ask you for the font you wish to use for you drop capital.  When you
%  have something that looks good, then comment out box one in DROP.STY,
%  and comment in box two, replacing "cmr10 scaled \magstep5" with the font
%  of your choice.
%  In my opinion (DW) there are no fonts available in the standard
%  TeX/LaTeX set that are ideal for this use, unless you go down to 9pt or
%  8pt for your text face, and this is too small.  If you have Metafont you
%  should consider generating a cmr17 font at a magstep of two (about 25pt)
%  or three (about 30pt), or even more, depending on the point size of your
%  main text.  Why not go the whole hog and design some really fancy 
%  capitals from scratch!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BOX ONE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%\typein[\dropinitialfont]{Font for Dropped initial:}  %
%\font\largefont \dropinitialfont                      %
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BOX TWO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\font\largefont= cmr10 scaled \magstep5              %

    \setbox0\hbox{\largefont #1}\setbox1\hbox{#2}\setbox2\hbox{(}%
    \count0=\ht0\advance\count0 by\dp0\count1\baselineskip
    \advance\count0 by-\ht1\advance\count0by\ht2
    \dimen1=.5ex\advance\count0by\dimen1\divide\count0 by\count1
    \advance\count0 by1\dimen0\wd0
    \advance\dimen0 by.25em\dimen1=\ht0\advance\dimen1 by-\ht1
    \hskip-\dimen0\setbox0\hbox to\dimen0{\raise-\dimen1\box0\hss}%


Date:    Mon, 06 Jan 92 06:02:30 -0800
Subject: Japanese characters in METAFONT?

Hello from Canada. I hope this is going to the correct distribution list.

Does anybody know of any Japanese .mf for TeX? Namely the Hiragana, Katakana, a
nd Kanji.

- -Richard Werezak


Date:    Thu, 09 Jan 92 21:58:00 +0000
From:    ASAD <>
Subject: emlatex

(i) Is it possible to obtain EMLATEX on floppy disks for
use with IBM compatible PCs ?  

(ii) If thats the case then could you please let me know about the 
procedure for obtaining this software.

 { See the information in the footer of the digest for obtaining EMTeX  --Ed.}


Date:    Fri, 10 Jan 92 10:13:07 +0000
From:    owen boyle <>
Subject: TeX on UNIX

I am intending to set up TeX and LaTeX on a Sun cluster here running under
Can you give me a pointer as to which sub-directories I should start
in ?

Best Regards,

Owen Boyle


Date:    Fri, 17 Jan 92 14:59:31 +0000
From:    David Osborne <>
Subject: Re: TeX on UNIX 

In message of 10 Jan 92 10:13:07 GMT,
owen boyle said:

 > I am intending to set up TeX and LaTeX on a Sun cluster here running under
 > UNIX.
 > Can you give me a pointer as to which sub-directories I should start
 > looking
 > in ?

It's probably easiest to get a cartridge of the Washington Unix TeX
distribution from me: see ordering details in the footer of the UKTeX

- --David Osborne (pp UK TeX Archive group)


Date:    Fri, 10 Jan 92 14:55:00 +0000
Subject: Graphs

Can somebody tell me if it possible to get graphs into TeX documents without
using Postscript, and if so how.  I would appreciate any advice.  

Doug Altman


Date:    Tue, 14 Jan 92 15:56:17 +0000
From:    Peter J. Knaggs. <>
Subject: LaTeX on the Arch

Hi, I am looking for a version of (La)TeX to operate on the Archimedes
(a400) under RISCOS.  I am happy to pay for it provided it ant too much!

Any ideas ?

Brian Thompson,
hs0bth @


Date:    Fri, 17 Jan 92 14:34:53 +0000
From:    David Osborne <>
Subject: Re: LaTeX on the Arch

In your message of 14 Jan 92 17:03:35 GMT, you said:

 > Hi, I am looking for a version of (La)TeX to operate on the Archimedes
 > (a400) under RISCOS.  I am happy to pay for it provided it ant too much!
 > Any ideas ?
 > Brian Thompson,
 > hs0bth @

Graham Toal <> has a RiscOS version for the Archimedes
which you may like to investigate.  Here's a message which he sent to
UKTeX on the subject in 1990:

- -------- Forwarded message

X-Date:      Fri, 06 Jul 90 18:25:15 BST
Subject:   (748) Here is TeX for Archimedes (RiscOS)
Originally-Cc: gtoal

CSICWM@UK.AC.SHEFFIELD.PRIMEA asks for TeX for the Acorn Archimedes,
running RiscOS rather than Unix.

There are two versions of this compiled for the Archimedes; one is from
Tools GmbH which is sold commercially (I think around $UK200 for a full
set of TeX and MF), and one which is supplied by myself as a part-time
public domain effort.

I have *not* tried very hard to advertise my services before now, because
my release has been short of a very vital part: the previewer.  However
a previewer which has been under development for some time finally started
working this morning (!) and should be beta-testable by the end of next week.

I shall also be lodging copies with the Archive, although I'm not sure
exactly how to do that... my release at the moment includes sources and
font files - it would be a shame to use 20Mb of aston disk space to duplicate
files already there - and it will be a lot of work sorting things out
into suitable format if I dont.

Meantime, I think the best thing to do is for anyone who wants a copy
of TeX (2.9) from me is to post me 25 *FORMATTED* Archimedes floppies
and return postage stamps, and I'll mail them a release as soon as I
can.  However because of the part-time nature of this, and the length
of time it takes to copy that many disks, I warn you that sometimes
people have waited as long as ten weeks for their disks to arrive.

If you want better support and quicker service, I can recommend the Tools
version of TeX.  They were kind enough to send me a full release for
testing, so I know that it works well enough.  I wouldn't say mine
was any better... just cheaper (and copyable) :-)

Graham Toal <>
   76 Clare Court,
      Judd Street,
         London WC1H 9QW

- -------- End of forwarded message

- --David Osborne (pp UK TeX Archive group)


Date:    Thu, 16 Jan 92 09:19:53 +0000
From:    W W Stothers <>
Subject: TELNET

 Is there an ip numberfor accessto TEX via TELNET?

Wilson Stothers.


Date:    Fri, 17 Jan 92 14:38:34 +0000
From:    David Osborne <>
Subject: Re: TELNET

In your message of 16 Jan 92 9:19:53 GMT, you said:

 >  Is there an ip numberfor accessto TEX via TELNET?

The IP connection to is being tested by the Archive
Group... an announcement will be made shortly when the other work
required to make it available has been done.

- --David Osborne (pp UK TeX Archive group)


Date:    Thu, 16 Jan 92 16:31:27 +0000
Subject: Has anyone got a working version of Patgen with no memory limitations?

I am running PATGEN 2.0 DOS/TP v. 1.2 on a large list of hyphenated
words, and have only managed to reach level 2 hyphenation before
DOS memory runs out.  The trie_size and triec_size values in
Peter Breitenlohner's TP code are dynamically allocated, but inversely
related, and I can't get a combination which will get me through
the dictionary at level 3 hyphenation patterns.
In short, I need access to a PATGEN with a larger memory allocation
than DOS allows; I need it for about a day.  Can anyone help?  Ideally,
I would like a one-day login at some comfy Unix site with a good 
Patgen running.  Any offers?




Date:    Fri, 17 Jan 92 14:42:08 +0000
Subject: MathTime: PostScript Times math fonts

I've just received some promotional literature from TeXplorators Corp. for
"MathTime", offering for sale a set of three downloadable hinted PostScript
fonts for TeX, to allow Times and other PostScript fonts to be used sensibly
in math mode. We have been using Times in math mode with moderately
successful results for a while, but it depends on having non-too-complex
equations and on being prepared to insert kerns manually where necessary.

(a) Has anyone who has used this product any comments to make on its
    performance and value for money (about $135)?

(b) It's advertised in PC and Macintosh (OzTeX) versions. Can the PC version 
    be used as-is on, say, a Unix system, or does it contain machine-specific

(c) Are there any public-domain (hence, possibly, better) PostScript Times
    math fonts in circulation?

Any information/comments welcome!

Brian McMahon
Brian McMahon                                              tel: +44 244 342878
International Union of Crystallography                     fax: +44 244 314888
5 Abbey Square, Chester CH1 2HU, England                e-mail:


Date:    Fri, 17 Jan 92 15:06:00 +0000
From:    "Ian Ellery " <>
Subject: Aston sys$scratch

I tried today to use the method I usually used to get stuff from the
Archive - ie log in as public, create a VMS backup of the files i want
in sys$scratch, and then transfer the result back to me (on a VAX) here. 
But I was told I had insuffiecient priveledge to create files in 
sys$scratch - is this an error, or has this been deliberately stopped?

If the latter - what's the simplest way of getting several files from
Aston to here - given that we havn't (yet) got our JIPS connection up
and running?

        Ian Ellery (Computing Centre, UEA)


Date:    Wed, 08 Jan 92 18:40:55 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: VMS version of Knuth's profiler now in the archive

(With many apologies to Mark Damerell <>, who
notified details of his submission on 1 October last.)

Directory [tex-archive.utils.vms-profile] now contains a number of files
which implement Knuth's profiler, adapted to VMS.  Knuth's original
descriptive article is there too.

For details of the files present, see 00files.txt in the above
directory.  File 00readme.txt contains supplementary information.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      {mcsun,ukc,uunet}!!tex                   +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date:    Fri, 10 Jan 92 16:35:20 +0100
Subject: french.sty Version 3.00 announcement

I'm pleased to announce the availability of the new french style (V3.00).
This style is specially for LaTeX users but runs with plain TeX (for the
basical mechanisms). Coding have been tested with TeX as well as MLTeX,
LaTeX (up to december 91) and NFSS (same date). As of today i have not
received any comments about (L)AmSTeX tests. The french style use CMR
fonts; a future version will contain mods for ECM.
The topic: designed to print documents or parts of a document with respect
of the french typography as recommended by the the "Imprimerie nationale".
Other aspects like translation of LaTeX styles or multilingual printing
are also proposed.
The french style is in 4 main parts: typography (in the line), page layout,
translation to french and macros for help. Each of these parts can be
activated or not.
This style introduce dozens of new control sequences and also few new
concepts: configuration file (already introduced in Babel), language
switch by language name, abbreviations file, etc.
The french style distribution contains 24 files and contains 460kb.
README are provided as well as a "Notice d'utilisation" (ALIRE.dvi).
A full "torture-test" is also provided.
The distribution is in 3 formats:
   a) tar file archive   b) zoo file archive   c) source (24 files)
HOW to retrieve the distribution? 3 ways:
1) For EARN users (not having internet access)
   In the GUTenberg archives (LISTSERV@DHDURZ1) in the directory FRENCH.
   Send a message to this address with GET FRENCH FILELIST FRENCH to obtain
   the complete list of the directory.
   (Caution; mailers may corrupt the files: for your help you can retrieve
    by GET CARACTER TABLE FRENCH the character reference file).
   Binary files are UUENCODEd.
2) For Internet users:
  A) by anonymous ftp, the distribution at (
     in the directory /incoming
  B) by mail you can use a gateway doing the ftp for you (don't have them
     in mind at the moment).
     Or use the mail-server at Stuttgart:
     where the french style is archived in:
3) For those who are isolated, send me a 3" PC diskett with return postage
   (my address is in the TUGboat or in Cahiers GUTenberg#8 p62)
This french style is dedicated to all colleagues around the world that print
documents containing french texts and specially to those who are working
at the University of Laval, Quebec.
Looking to hear from you about improvements of this style file.
    Bernard GAULLE   (GUTenberg President, TUG Vice-President)
PS: Thanks to people who help me in this work, specially Ronan Keryell
    and Daniel Flipo.


Date:    Sat, 11 Jan 92 02:13:36 +0100
From:    yannis@fr.citilille.citil
Subject: at last, virtual fonts for the Macintosh

* At last... virtual fonts for the Macintosh! *
                               January 10, 1992

Good news for Macintosh TeXers:

Peter Breitenlohner's DVIcopy has been ported to
the Macintosh OS, as a standalone application
called MacDVIcopy.
This application can be used with OzTeX or Textures
(through the utility DVItool).

* What is DVIcopy?

DVIcopy allows ``devirtualization''
(replacement of virtual characters by their real
components) of DVI files.

For example, if you need accented characters and
only have CM fonts, you can easily write a virtual
font where characters are composed with accents
in order to produce accented characters. OzTeX
will run a file using this virtual font as if it
were a real one. Before previewing, you will run
MacDVIcopy on the DVI file produced by OzTeX.
MacDVIcopy will create a new DVI file where
composed characters will be replaced by their components.

* Why on earth should I do that?

Since this operation happens on the DVI level,
TeX will hyphenate your text as if it were
actually using accented characters. In this way
non-English texts can be correctly hyphenated
while using CM fonts---and without the necessity of
TeX extensions like MLTeX.

Also it will save you a lot of space since pk files
tend to grow and a lot of money since some companies
have the bad habit of selling separately different
rearrangements of the same PostScript font...

* Do I need MPW to compile MacDVIcopy?

No. MacDVIcopy has been compiled using Think Pascal
version 3. Sources and resources are included in
the package.

* Which version is available?

Currently available version is alpha,
please test it extensively and report bugs and
missing features to Yannis Haralambous, bitnet:

When the code reaches the final stage, a WEB
changefile will be written.

* Where can I get it?

You can get the alpha version of MacDVIcopy by
anonymous ftp at   (IP

in the directory ``pub/mac/hqx''

  cd pub/mac/hqx
  get MacDVIcopy-alpha.sea.hqx

Once binhexed, the package is compacted
in an autoexpandable form by
Compact Pro (just double-click on it's icon).

Documentation is provided in English, French and Greek.

A big thank to Peter Breitenlohner for making this
beautiful program and distributing it on public domain,
together with the necessary changefile for PC (which
was the starting point for the Mac implementation).


Date:    Mon, 13 Jan 92 10:38:37 +0100
Subject: New LaTeX & NFSS releases in the Aston archive

I am pleased to be finally able to announce the availability of the
LaTeX and NFSS updates of Dec 1, 91 at the Aston archive.

The LaTeX sources can be found in the directories


Note that ALL files have to be updated!

The new NFSS release can be found in


Adaptations for the dc fonts are in


I append the readme for the new version:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
LaTeX version 2.09 -- Release of Dec 1, 1991
- --------------------------------------------

This release supercedes ILaTeX which is to disappear.

There are some incompatibilities due to bug fixes. For more
information see latex.bug. Especially fix #197 (changing the counter
in thebibliography) and style changes #56/57 might cause problems for
styles that were derived from the article standard document style.

The Metafont source files have also been updated. This does not mean
that the shape of the characters were changed, only a few internals
like the font identifier for the invisible fonts, and the addition of
a check so that the line and circle fonts can no longer be run with

It should be noted explicitly that ALL files have to be updated:
otherwise it will not work.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rainer Schoepf


Date:    Wed, 15 Jan 92 11:46:28 +0000
Subject: UK TeX users' group meeting - 11 February

The UK TeX Users' Group announces a meeting on


to be held on 11 February 1992
at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, U.K.
from 10.30 to about 17.00

As Knuth's Preface to The \TeX book says, \TeX\ is intended for 
the creation of beautiful books. In this one-day meeting we aim 
to show how some established publishers are taking to \TeX\ as 
they switch to computer typesetting systems and to investigate 
the experience of using \TeX\ to produce camera ready copy, 
particularly in collections of work by several authors.

The meeting will be held in the Lecture Theatre at the School of 
Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, 
London WC1. The nearest main line station is Euston and the nearest 
underground stations are Euston, Euston Square and Russell Square.

The meeting will begin at 11.00, with registration and coffee from 
10.30 onwards;  there will be breaks for lunch and tea, and it is 
expected to finish at around 17.00. There will be a charge for the 
ing of \pounds 15 for members of \uktug, and \pounds 20 for 
A booking form is being sent to members.

The speakers will include Barbara Beeton, Malcolm Clark, Geeti Granger, 
Rod Mulvey, Peter Robinson (who will show the collate/edmac/tex 
combination for producing critical editions), and Christina Thiele.

or Peter Abbott - address at end of UKTeX.
(Please give 'snail mail' address when requesting form)


Date:    Wed, 15 Jan 92 12:29:55 +0000
Subject: UKTUG Meeting, 11th February 1992, London

% flyer for Book and Journal Production at SOAS, 11 February 1992
\hsize6.25truein   \vsize9.7truein
%\parskip7pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
\font\bigbf=cmbx10 at 14.4truept
\font\biggbf=cmbx10 at 17.28truept
\font\upr=cmu10    \def\pounds{{\upr\$}}
\font\csc=cmcsc10  \def\yn{{\csc Yes/No}}
\def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\csc a}\kern-.15em
\def\bLaTeX{{L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\bf A}\kern-.15em
% \def\UKtug{UK\thinspace T\kern-.1667em \lower.5ex\hbox{U}\kern-.125em G}
\def\uktug{the UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
\def\Uktug{The UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
\def\ukug{UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
\def\sect#1{\vskip9pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
            \noindent{\bf #1:}\quad\ignorespaces}
\def\ddesc{\par\hangindent 2\parindent \noindent\indent\indenttext}
Ian Hall \cr
Treasurer, UK \TeX\ Users' Group\hidewidth   \cr
Science, Medical and Journals Division \cr
Oxford University Press \cr
Walton Street &Tel:&0865--56767 extension 3693\cr
Oxford &Fax:&0865--56646 \cr
OX2 6DP &Janet:&{\tt IWHALL@UK.AC.OXFORD.VAX} \cr
\centerline{The UK \TeX\ Users' Group}
\centerline{\biggbf BOOK AND JOURNAL PRODUCTION}
\centerline{Tuesday 11 February 1992}
\centerline{at School of Oriental and African Studies, London, U.K.}
\centerline{from 10.30 to about 17.00}
As Knuth's Preface to The \TeX book says, \TeX\ is intended for the
creation of beautiful books. In this one-day meeting we aim to show
how some established publishers are taking to \TeX\ as they switch
to computer typesetting systems and to investigate the experience of using
\TeX\ to produce camera ready copy, particularly in collections of work by
several authors.
The meeting will be held in the Lecture Theatre at the School of Oriental
and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1.
The nearest main line station is Euston and the nearest underground
are Euston, Euston Square and Russell Square.

The meeting will begin at 11.00, with
registration and coffee from 10.30 onwards;  there will be breaks for lunch
tea, and it is expected to finish at around 17.00. There
will be a charge for the meeting of \pounds 15 for members of \uktug, and
\pounds 20 for non-members.  A booking form is included.
Please indicate any special dietary requirements when booking a place.
The speakers will include Geeti~Granger (John Wiley and Sons Ltd.),
Rod~Mulvey (Cambridge University Press), Peter~Robinson, who will show the
collate/edmac/tex combination for producing critical editions,
Barbara~Beeton, Malcolm~Clark and Christina~Thiele.
The meeting will conclude with a general forum.
Queries concerning the meeting may be addressed to the organizers:
Peter Abbott   \cr
Chairman, UK \TeX\ Users' Group\hidewidth   \cr
Information Systems \cr
Aston University \cr
Aston Triangle &Tel:&021--359 5492 \cr
Birmingham &Fax:&021--359 6158 \cr
B4 7ET &Janet:&{\tt P.ABBOTT@UK.AC.ASTON} \cr
Carol Hewlett  \cr
Computer Service \cr
London School of Economics\hidewidth\cr
Houghton Street &Tel:&071--405 7686 \cr
London &Fax:&071--242 0392 \cr
WC2A 2AE &Janet:&{\tt HEWLETT@UK.AC.LSE} \cr

\centerline{THE UK \TeX\ USERS' GROUP}
\centerline{Book and Journal Producion: 11 February 1992}
\centerline{BOOKING FORM}
For members of \uktug , there will be a charge of \pounds 15,
which includes coffee,  lunch and tea. For the non-members, the 
charge is \pounds 20.

I wish to attend \uktug\ meeting on 11~February 1992:
$$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut#\hrulefill\enspace
\tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hrulefill\tabskip=0pt\cr
\multispan{2}\strut Name:         \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut Organisation: \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut Address:      \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut               \hrulefill                          \cr
\multispan{2}\strut               \hrulefill                          \cr
Telephone: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}&
                                 Email: \hbox to .35\hsize{\hrulefill}\cr
\multispan2\strut Please specify any special dietary requirements:
\hrulefill \cr}}$$
$$\openup2\jot\vbox{\halign to\hsize{\strut\hskip2in#\enspace\hfil
\tabskip=1em plus 2em&#\hfil\tabskip=0pt\cr
% Car parking space required:                                &\hfil \yn \cr
% \noalign{\smallskip}
Payment enclosed$^{\rm 1}$                         &\hfil \yn \cr
\llap{or~}purchase order number$^{\rm 2}$ &
                                            \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr
\hfill Signed: &                            \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr
\hfill Date:   &                            \hbox to 1.5in{\hrulefill}\cr
\desc{Notes:\ \ 1.\ }
Payment for the meeting will be \pounds 15 for members of \uktug,
and \pounds 20 for non-members.
Cheques should be made payable to `\Uktug'.
\desc{\phantom{Notes:\ \ }2.\ }
A Purchase Order, with an order number, is an acceptable alternative
method of payment, but will attract a \pounds5 surcharge on the amount due.
Please send this completed booking form
together with your payment, to:

Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    Thu, 16 Jan 92 19:17:10 +0100
Subject: The LaTeX3 project

Joachim Lammarsch recently circulated a document explaining some of the
background to the setting up of a project fund for LaTeX3.

It contained a list of organisations who have made contributions of
various kinds to the project.  We are happy to be able to say that the
list has grown since June 1991, and is now as follows (apologies if we
have still missed anyone off, please let us know).

American Mathematical Society,
Aston University,
Blue Sky Research,
Digital Equipment Corporation,
EDS Electronic Data Systems,
Elsevier Science Publishers,
Nordic TeX Users Group,
Open University,
Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm,
Royal Military College of Science,
Southampton University,
TeX Users Group,
TeXpert Systems,
UK TeX Users Group,
Universit"atsrechenzentrum Heidelberg.

Ron Whitney at the TUG office tells us that there have also been a
considerable number of donations from TUG members, and that these are
still rolling in: many thanks to all those individuals.

Frank Mittelbach
Chris Rowley
Rainer Sch"opf


Date:    Wed, 15 Jan 92 16:17:37 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: STYLE FILE: marnote.sty

This one's short enough to forward along directly.  The file is quite handy
and is submitted for inclusion in the various archives connected to the

Regards,   George

{stored in the UK TeX Archive as [tex-archive.latex.contrib]marnote.sty  --Ed.}

% marnote.sty - MarNote 0.1 <03 Jan 92>
% macros to print a short note vertically in left or right margin on all pages.
% literal text is rotated appropriately.
% requires psfig and dvips
% James Darrell McCauley <>
% Department of Agricultural Engineering
% Texas A&M University
% College Station, Texas 77843-2117, USA
% useful for:
%  o  printing full citation on pre-prints of papers (so if
%     you give copies to friends, they know where to find
%     it published later).
%  o  easily identifying documents in folders or notebooks
\typeout{MarNote 0.1 <03 Jan 92>}       % identity
\input{psfig}   % latest psfig.tex makes sure that this is read only once
   \special{!userdict begin /bop-hook{gsave 20 50 translate 90 rotate
         /Times-Roman findfont 11 scalefont setfont
         0 0 moveto (#1)
         show grestore}def end
   \special{!userdict begin /bop-hook{gsave 590 50 translate 90 rotate
         /Times-Roman findfont 11 scalefont setfont
         0 0 moveto (#1)
         show grestore}def end
% Special bonus!! a macro to lightly write the word "draft"
% across a page. Use only one of \leftnote, \rightnote, & \draftcp
   \special{!userdict begin /bop-hook{gsave 200 30 translate
            65 rotate /Times-Roman findfont 216 scalefont setfont
            0 0 moveto 0.99 setgray (DRAFT) show grestore}def end
\title{Example of ``marnote.sty''}
\author{James Darrell McCauley}
\date{03 January 1992}
%\draftcp      % specifies a draft copy
\rightnote{``Example of MarNote Style File.'' 1992. McCauley, J.D.
            To appear in: Style Archives Everywhere.}


Date:    Thu, 16 Jan 92 04:18:17 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: Font (and other binary) files now transferrable from the Archive

A perennial problem with the UK TeX Archive at Aston University has been
the presence of `binary' files; by this, I mostly mean .tfm, .pk & .gf
files (although there are also .pxl and .dvi files, not to mention
executable and/or object files for various computers, and some archive

Part of the problem has been of the archivists' own making; these
volunteers work on a variety of different computing platforms, and when
files are transferred from their home sites into the archive, they may
not always end up in the `best' format.  (This problem is likely to be
exacerbated by the arrival of ftp across the Internet, which has the
unfortunate effect of generating what VMS calls a STREAM_LF file.)

When the archivists first tackled this problem, some two years or so
ago, the main causes of problems were
  1) TeX font files which had been transferred directly from other
     VAXen, and usually ended up as 512-byte fixed-length records
     (which is the way TeX and its friends *want* such files on a VAX)
  2) TeX font files which had been uploaded or downloaded from a Unix
     platform by NIFTP, but without being specified as binary (which is,
     of course, a meaningless concept to Unix systems)
  3) TeX font files which had been uploaded from a Unix system
     (downloaded files were OK), because they were created as STREAM_LF.

The problem with (1) is that such files can only be transferred by NIFTP
to another VAX --- the Colour Book Software for VMS won't transfer such
a file except to another VAX.  The problem with (2) was that every 0x0A
byte in the font file was treated as an end-of-record, but the file was
later transferred as `text' and ended up with a 0x0D in front of each.
Finally, (3) seemed OK until one found that the CBS implementation
wouldn't transfer such a file if any `record' (in this case, the
distance between two 0x0A bytes) exceeded its buffer size, which was
only 4kB: some files would transfer OK, but many wouldn't.

About two years ago, the majority of STREAM_LF files were converted to a
format which we'd discovered could successfully be transferred by binary
NIFTP to any site, namely variable-length records, with no carriage-
control (VLNOCC for short).  At that time, we felt it would be more
efficient for such records to be limited to a maximum length of 510
bytes (thus each record would occupy exactly one disk block).  This
method worked satisfactorily for Unix sites, but any VAX site retrieving
such files had to jump through a lot of hoops (usually involving a
back-to-back transfer through Kermit) to convert the files to the
512-byte fixed-length records required by VMS TeXware.

I have just conducted a major conversion job on the majority of such
files, so that now all .tfm, .pk, .gf and .dvi files are stored as
VLNOCC records with a maximum length of 512 bytes (there is actually no
loss of efficiency, because of the fancy way RMS performs multi-
bufferring).  Such files can still be transferred to Unix and other
stream-oriented operating systems (but DO remember to specify a *binary*

For the VMS users, whether they specify /CODE=BINARY or /CODE=FAST on
the TRANSFER command, they'll end up with a file that's still VLNOCC;
however, this can *readily* be made to conform with VMS TeX by saying:

$ CONVERT/FDL=VAR_TO_FIX filename filename

where the file VAR_TO_FIX.FDL contains:

        CARRIAGE_CONTROL        none
        FORMAT                  fixed
        SIZE                    512

(If the file is .dvi, it is necessary to specify /PAD=%XDF on the command
line; default padding of short final blocks with %X00 seems satisfactory
for other files types.)

A total of 5044 files, totalling fractionally under 100MB were
converted; they now reside in their original 54 directories.  A few 512-
byte fixed files were not converted; these are either .dvi files
intended purely for VMS systems (such as the TRIPVDU.DVI file for Andy
Trevorrow's DVItoVDU) or .fmt files, again for VAXen.  Such files should
be transferred to your VAX using /CODE=FAST.  (Note also that we don't,
in general, keep executable [.EXE] files for VMS, since these might very
well not be runnable by sites with older versions of VMS; instead, the
archive contains VMS .OBJ files, for relinking after transfer to your
site: again, use /CODE=FAST.)

I hope this will clear up all the problems that sites have experienced
with `binary' files; if you still experience difficulty with
transferring one or more files from the archive to some machine at your
site, and you're certain that you've remembered to keep specifying
binary transfers (including between local machines at your site), then
please do notify myself, either at this address, or as

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}


                  UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
                         >>>  UK.AC.TEX  <<<

                  JANET Interactive and NIFTP access
             Host:    (JANET DTE 000020120091)
                 Username: public Password: public
           [Internet ftp access should be available soon!]

                         *** Mail server ***
               Send mail to (JANET)
              or (rest of the world)
              with message body containing the word HELP


    [tex-archive]00directory.list        [tex-archive]00directory.size
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list  [tex-archive]00last30days.files

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V91 #51
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3


\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)
    Copies available on:
      One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent with return labels AND return postage to Aston
   OR One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
      sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
    (addresses below).

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires two 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX (for Macintosh)
    Send 10 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds,
      including disks, post and packing.
    All other enquiries and disk formats should be directed to:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:
\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- include stamps for return postage)


    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 2]