UKTeX Digest    Friday, 28 Feb 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 08

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                       oztex 1.4 -- possible corruption?
                     Re: oztex 1.4 -- possible corruption?
                       Re: The Mathematics of font design
         RE: Inconsistent page numbering in LaTeX with HEADERFOOTER.STY
                        EmTeX (DVIDOT) driver for BJ10e
                             Page Numbering and TOC
                          RE: Unusual sizes (PK files)
                            Unusual sizes (PK files)
                                  Tex for PCs
                                 A3 postscript.
                     Re: Machine dependence of format file
               HARVARD family of bibliographic styles on FILESERV
              dcolumn.sty announcement -- correction and apologies
                   New version of DVIDVI for VMS on FILESERV
 {Archive News}:
                      XY-pic version 2.5 in UK TeX Archive
                 harvard bibliography styles in UK TeX Archive
                       Re: 0.9 in UK TeX Archive

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 13:20:00 +0000
From:    Stephen Miller <>
Subject: oztex 1.4 -- possible corruption?

I've just ftp'ed OzTeX 1.4 (the reduced version) out of the archive and
using StuffIt to decode the hqx's it reported errors : on Formats and Inputs 
(I didn't then go on and see if OzTeX was okay) and on Read-Me.

Has anyone else reported problems?


stephen miller


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 15:50:29 +0000
Subject: Re: oztex 1.4 -- possible corruption?

>I've just ftp'ed OzTeX 1.4 (the reduced version) out of the archive and
>using StuffIt to decode the hqx's it reported errors : on Formats and Inputs 
>(I didn't then go on and see if OzTeX was okay) and on Read-Me.
>Has anyone else reported problems?

Yes the problem has just been reported from Cambridge. I have de binhexed
the file on my Mac and that is OK. As soon as the FTP service is back again
I will retransmit.


Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 14:29:30 +0000
Subject: Re: The Mathematics of font design

> I am attempting to write a project on the 'Mathematics of font
> design' but am rather stuck. I have looked for journals,
> conferences and research papers on this subject (fonts, font
> design, bezier curves etc.) but have drawn a blank

You could start with

  Raster imaging and digital typography
  Proceedings of the International Conference
  Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, Oct 1989
  Ed. Jacques Andre and Roger Hersch
  Pub. Cambridge University Press
  ISBN 0 521 37490 1

Sak Wathanasin
Network Analysis Limited

uucp:   ...!uknet!nan!sw
phone:  (+44) 203 419996
snail:  178 Wainbody Ave South, Coventry CV3 6BX, UK


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 08:37:00 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: RE: Inconsistent page numbering in LaTeX with HEADERFOOTER.STY

In UKTeX Digest V92 #07 (Tue, 25 Feb 92 11:33:44 GMT), posted:
>Using Gildea's headerfooter.sty  with
>    \pageheader{Page \thepage}{}{Chapter \thechapter}
>    \pagefooter{}{}{}
>    \pageheaderlinetrue
>Then all pages except the first ones (of each chapter, appendix and index)
>are correctly labelled ...
>But the first pages have a centered pagenumber footer ...
>Is there a global fix? or does each first page have to be disabled somehow?
>PS \pagestyle{empty} in the preamble doesn't work

My first assumption here is that you are using \chapter, \appendix, etc.,
for major sectioning.  If so, LaTeX uses \thispagestyle{plain} on those
pages.  I believe (note: this is only a belief and not tested!) that
\thispagestyle{empty} immediately following the major sectioning command,
without a following blank line, will take care of the problem, similar to
the processing and behavior of \maketitle.

This, however, is not the point of my post.  Instead of using
headerfooter.sty, I would *strongly* suggest the use of Piet van Oostrum's
FANCYHEADINGS.STY, which allows you to define "plain" page behavior in any
way you choose, as well as special handling of odd and even headers,
header and footer line inclusion and size, and a few other very nice items. 

For short documents, headerfooter and fancyheadings are essentially
interchangable; for long documents, fancyheadings is far superior in that
it handles some of the things you might overlook.  For example, if you want
the same heading (*exactly* the same heading) on every page, your:
>    \pageheader{Page \thepage}{}{Chapter \thechapter}
>    \pagefooter{}{}{}
>    \pageheaderlinetrue
can be converted to:
  \lhead\fancyplain{Page \thepage}{Page \thepage}
  \rhead\fancyplain{Chapter \thechapter}{Chapter \thechapter}
If you want truly empty {plain} pages, make the first argument in the
\Xhead and \Xfoot arguments null (i.e.,\lhead\fancyplain{}{Page \thepage}).
Defaults rules are:
% \headrulewidth        0.4pt
% \footrulewidth        0pt
% \plainheadrulewidth   0pt
% \plainfootrulewidth   0pt
so these, too, can be changed to suit your personal needs and preferences.

For different twoside behavior (i.e., odd vs. even differences in headers
and footers, as well as supported differences in fancy vs. plain pages),
additional arguments (up to a total of 6) can be passed to the \Xhead and
\Xfoot definitions.  Fancyheadings also supports multiple lines in both the
headings and footers quite gracefully (I have a few standard documents
which require 12 line headers, which are processed nicely).  If you're
going to do a large project (I define "large" in this context to mean "any
document where major sectioning commands are included which define
differences in underlying \thispagestyles which make a difference in what I
must produce"), fancyheadings is absolutely essential.

  {The fancyheadings style file is in the UK TeX Archive in
   [tex-archive.latex.contrib]fancyheadings.sty, with a description
   of its use in a file the same directory, fancyheadings-doc.txt   --Ed.}

Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University              Internet:
Huntsville, TX 77341            


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 17:22:02 +0000
Subject: EmTeX (DVIDOT) driver for BJ10e

I sent this to UKTEX July last, but judging from Andrew McLean's
letter it hasn't found its way into the archive. Its short enough to
bear repetition anyway: following is a DVIDOT driver revipe for a Cannon


I have split the INIT1 and INIT2 lines in two to keep within 80 characters.
To use, I think you'll  have to re-join these into one rather long line,
unless there is a continuation line mechanism that I didn't notice in
the MAKEDOT doc. Also, you'll want your BJ10e in mode 2 (IBM emulation).
The graphics sequences used are IBM ones, and presumably there is some
IBM printer for which this recipe will also work.

The font libraries you need are the P6H_*.FLI. I made mine myself using
MFJOB; took a few days on a 386SX, and they occupy about 6Mb. 

                                Nigel Arnot.

* BJ10e high resolution driver (derived from )
COMMENT=360x360 driver for BJ10e
PINS=7 0
* INIT 1 resets to user defaults, may include economy mode SW1-2 ON
INIT1=CAN ESC '[ 'K 1 0 4 DC2 ESC 'F ESC 'H ESC 'I 0 ESC 'T ESC 'X 1 80 
ESC "[@" 4 0 0 0 17 1 ESC '_ 0 ESC '- 0 ESC '[ '\ 4 0 0 0 0x68 0x01 ESC '3 48 C
* whereas INIT 2 resets to factory, SW1-2 OFF.
INIT2=CAN ESC '[ 'K 1 0 0 DC2 ESC 'F ESC 'H ESC 'I 0 ESC 'T ESC 'X 1 80 
ESC "[@" 4 0 0 0 17 1 ESC '_ 0 ESC '- 0 ESC '[ '\ 4 0 0 0 0x68 0x01 ESC '3 48 C
* and after we are done go back to user defaults.
EXIT=ESC '[ 'K 1 0 0
* The end


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 19:36:05 +0000
From:    axel kowald 
Subject: Page Numbering and TOC

I am currently preparing a larger document using the 'report' style. 
I have a \tableofcontents at the beginning of the document, but wish to start
my page numbering at the first page of the first chapter.
To do that I have a \pagestyle{empty} right at the beginning and a 
\pagestyle{plain} after the \tableofcontents. Now funny things happen.

The first page of my contents has a pagenumber, the following pages have not
and my first chapter starts as expected with pagenumbers. Probably it is 
very trivial but why do I get a pagenumber at the first page of my
contents ??  And how do I get rid of it ????

Thanks for any help



Date:    Wed, 26 Feb 92 13:57:44 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: RE: Unusual sizes (PK files)

>>> \font\ssecrm=cmb10 at 13ptb % Note the use of cmb rather than cmbx.

Change all of these to the nearest \scaled form and all will be well.

                                        ** Phil.


Date:    Wed, 26 Feb 92 13:37:54 +0000
Subject: Unusual sizes (PK files)

One of our users one a VAX VMS system has obtained TeX sources which
generate the follwoing error when attempting to print. The files declare a
lot of fonts

Unfortunately there are several dozen lines of the form:

\font\tenbf=cmb10 scaled \magstephalf
\font\tentt=cmtt10 scaled \magstephalf
\font\chaptt=cmtt10 scaled \magstep3
\font\chaprm=cmbx10 scaled \magstep3
\font\sectt=cmtt10 scaled \magstep2
\font\ssecrm=cmb10 at 13ptb % Note the use of cmb rather than cmbx.

I thought

magstep 0  is 300
               1/2  329
               2     360
                3 432


Obviously some unusual ones have been used. Does anyone know of suitable PK
files or is this a case of the whole document being scaled which is
upsetting the font statements?


clust>psprint/noban/ cpp
Couldn't open font file: disk$utils:[utilities.newtex.300pk]cmb10.390pk
Couldn't open font file: disk$utils:[utilities.newtex.300pk]cmtt10.390pk

Printing aborted due to error(s). Temporary file deleted.

Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    Wed, 26 Feb 92 13:44:20 +0000
From:    Dr Alan M Thompson x4153 <>
Subject: Tex for PCs

Dear System,
           I want to extract from the tex archive a version of TeX to run
on a PC. Is what I wan't to extract EMUTEX? If so Do I need to Extract all
the files in the Emutex directory? How do I go about getting the software
to UnBOO and unZIP files? I would be grateful if you could advise me on these

Yours faithfully

Alan M. Thompson


Date:    Thu, 27 Feb 92 15:47:18 +0700
From:    Allan Reese <>
Subject: A3 postscript.

We have a QMS 2210 A3 laser printer. The dvips document mentions switch
values for A4, letter, legal and landscape sizes. I found that taking
an A4 page with \magnification\magstep2 and straight print command that
the full width came out, but not the full height. Adding \voffset -5truein
gave the full page, filling the A3 sheet. By xerox reduction I was therefore
able to create the equivalent of 600dpi resolution, and I can see the differenc
in the fonts. This is actually predicted from the PostScript documentation,
as it says that edge violations are not detected, but it is a relief to
see it work.

I'm happy with this, but is there a less kludgy way to use an expensive
piece of equipment?


Date:    Thu, 27 Feb 92 18:07:23 +0000
Subject: Re: Machine dependence of format file

In UKTeX digest V92 #07, Brian Hamilton Kelly and Mark Bush both pointed
out that format files are machine dependent because they depend on
native byte order.  However they did not point out that even on machines
of the same byte order and word length they are still not machine independent.

Format files can contain floating point numbers, which have many
different formats - e.g. DEC VAX is different from DEC RISC, even though
both are little endian. Fortunately, most formats generally used do not
cause floating point numbers to appear in the format file. But if you
have a private format which defines a box in which the glue has been
set, watch out!

Martyn Johnson
University of Cambridge Computer Lab
Cambridge UK


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 14:54:50 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: HARVARD family of bibliographic styles on FILESERV

Peter Williams has patiently worked with me as I have gotten his HARVARD
family of bibliographic styles arranged as a package for FILESERV/Niord. 
While these meet the specific needs of the bibliographic styles indicated,
his extension of \citeasnoun in HARVARD.STY which is passed along for
processing in BeaST language is interesting and quite useful.  The
HARVARD.TEX and HARVARD.BIB files provides excellent documentation for this
family of new files, which are consistent with BibTeX 0.99a or later.

Attached is the description file FILESERV will maintain for this package. 
I extend my thanks to Peter for his efforts.

- --George

The HARVARD package includes the 6 files of Peter Williams'
<> Harvard family of bibliographic styles.
There are two primary forms of citation in the Harvard style, dependent
upon whether the reference is used as a noun or parenthetically.  To
facilitate using a citation as a noun a new command \citeasnoun has been
created which has the same syntax as the \cite command except that multiple
citations are not permitted.  Additionally, where there are more than two
authors, all authors are listed in the first citation and in subsequent
citations just the first author's name followed by `et al.' is used. Where
appropriate, citations are abbreviated automatically after the first
reference when bibliographies are produced by BibTeX.  Provision is also
made for this feature to be accessed during manual coding.

There are three bibliography styles currently available within the Harvard
family, AGSM (which is based on "Style Manual for authors editors and
printers of Australian government publications"), DCU (which is based upon
the conventions in use in the Design Computing Unit, Department of
Architectural and Design Science, University of Sydney), and KLUWER (which
aspires to conform to the requirements of Kluwer Academic Publishers). 
They are invoked by the \bibliographystyle within LaTeX and effect the
layout of the entries in the bibliography.

You may retrive the entire package of six files by including the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
If, for some reason, you should only need one file, say, HARVARD.DCU_STY,
include the command:
in your request to FILESERV.  These files are available for anonymous ftp
retrieval from ( in the directory [.HARVARD].

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                 Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HARVARD.AGSM_BST        46   AGSM.BST        
HARVARD.DCU_BST         46   DCU.BST         

Approximate total blocks in full HARVARD package = 159


Date:    Tue, 25 Feb 92 17:04:02 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: dcolumn.sty announcement -- correction and apologies

In <> (Fri, 21 Feb 1992 11:45:45 CST), I
posted an announcement about David Carlisle's dcolumn.sty.  In it, I said:
> If you need ... or [c] the doc.sty file from
> Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schoepf's multicol package (needed to create
> the documentation for all of the above), include the respective commands
> shown below on unique lines of your mail message to FILESERV:
> ...

Piet van Oostrum <> properly pointed out in article
<> posted to comp.text.tex (and on to
ctt-Digest) on 24 Feb 92 13:36:18 GMT:
> The doc.sty forbids distribution of itself outside of the complete multicol
> package.

And subsequently, David posted to me in a private note:

> I thought of [only retrieving the DOC.STY file alone], but unfortunately
> doc.sty unconditionally inputs multicol.sty, this is for the index. My
> files do not produce an index, as distributed, and every page only has one
> column, but there on line 329, we have \input{multicol.sty}, so people need
> the whole package. perhaps the comments in the template I use for my files
> should be changed to `if you have Mittelbach's MULTICOL package ...' Or we
> could get FM to re-organise things so that multicolumn.sty is only input if
> needed.

Therefore, be it resolved:
1.  The proper (and requisite) command is *not* SENDME MULTICOL.DOC_STY; it
    properly is SENDME MULTICOL in the body of a mail message to
2.  I, too, know how to read and it is patently obvious in all of the files
    associated with MULTICOL that the package, in whole, is supposed to be
    distributed at one time -- I screwed up by trying to save a little
    bandwidth and I apologize for my ignorance;
3.  I extend my sincerest apologies to both Frank and Rainer for suggesting
    that the single file out of any of their packages be retrieved
    individually -- I will never do this again; and finally,
4.  I extend my sincerest apologies to anyone who retrieved only those
    files I identified and were unable to properly process the documentation.

Might I suggest that, since an increasing number of authors are using
doc.sty for documentation (a welcome movement since it is impossible to
fetch a style without its documentation -- the largest cause of user error)
and is a movement I personally wish was better documented for others to
use, as well, that a DOC package be considered for development which is
wholly independent of MULTICOL?  Ideally, I guess I'm suggesting that it be
capable of both including (for the use of authors) and extracting (for the
use of end users) documentation.  Possibly this already exists; if so,
please pass it along to me or tell me where to fetch it from (with all the
appropriate and requisite files 8-)).

Regards and apologies once again,   George


Date:    Wed, 26 Feb 92 15:46:38 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: New version of DVIDVI for VMS on FILESERV

Hunter Goatley <goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET> brought to my attention and
kindly provided me with a different version of the VMS port of DVIDVI
(authored by Tony McGrath <>).  The new VMS_SHARE
file has been installed on FILESERV/Niord for your convenience.  Below is
the description file for this package.

My thanks are extended to Hunter for his efforts on this.

- --George
The DVIDVI package includes Tony McGrath's <>
port of Tom Rokicki's <> DVIDVI (version 0.5)
program for VMS.  DVIDVI lets you manipulate DVI files, performing tricks 
by extracting selected pages (or a selected ordering of pages) into a new
DVI file.  This newer port also provides fuller functionality in that it
allows a user to extract certain pages from a document.  The command:
        dvidvi m[n] file outfile
will extract n pages starting at m.  This is in addition to previously
supported page reversal, extraction of only odd or even pages, preparation
of folded brochures, and other items.

The C source, along with a DCL build file and sample are provided.  This
version also includes Hunter Goatley's <goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET>
DUPLEX.COM, for poor-man's duplex printing.  This package differs from the
one which has been available previously from SHSU in that it uses C
extensions to do the some things which the prior version relied on RMS
calls to handle.

The original DVIDVI created Stream_LF files under VMS; the VMS port of DVIPS
V5.47 (as well as the new DVITYPE, the latest DECUS TeX programs, etc.)
expects the file to consist of fixed-length, 512-byte records.  This version
of DVIDVI creates such files under VMS.

Since this package is is specifically a VMS port and probably of interest
only to VMS users, the sources necessary to rebuild this version are in a
VMS_SHARE format.  

You may retrieve the VMS_SHARE file by including the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
For anonymous ftp retrieval, this file is available from
( in the directory [.DVIDVI].

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                        Blocks
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DVIDVI.VMS_SHARE               63

Approximate total blocks in full DVIDVI package = 63
NOTE:  For users unfamiliar with FILESERV desiring an overview of the
       commands, use, and syntax of it, please include the command HELP in the
       body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (


Date:    25 Feb 92 11:47:41 +0000
Subject: XY-pic version 2.5 in UK TeX Archive

I have put a current version of Kristoffer H. Rose's `xypic' package
in the UK TeX Archive, in

a description follows

Sebastian Rahtz

   XY-pic version 2.5 has been released.  It fixes the following bugs
   present in XY-pic version 2.4 [with thanks]:

   + Straight diagonal arrows are now correct even when diagonal :-).
   + Bend arrow bugs fixed [Jon Trowbridge].

   and adds the following features:

   + Added (FACTOR) to \rotate to allow arbitrary rotation.
   + ` intermediate points now accept an optional /RADIUS argument.
   + Added \Tip with wide tip.

   You can update to the new version in either of the following ways:

   A) If you have XY-pic version 2.4 then a patch is available.  It has
      been posted just after this message and is available by anonymous
      ftp from [] as "pub/TeX/misc/xypic-2.4to2.5.Z".

   B) You can retrieve the entire package by anonymous ftp from
      [] as described in the TRAILER below.

   The new version is upwards compatible with the old one except for one
   thing: arrows can now only be broken once (not counting arrow tipes).
   This is explained in the manual.

   Newcomers will find the TRAILER of the package below.

   TRAILER: -*-text-*- introducing XY-pic version 2.

   XY-pic is a macro package for AMS-TeX, plain TeX, LaTeX, and AMS-LaTeX
   for typesetting diagrams with the following characteristics:

   *** Specified as a matrix of entries aligned in rows and columns.

   *** Any entry may be connected to any other entry using arrows that
   are automatically rotated and stretched as required to meet their
   target; a variety of arrow styles may be used.

   *** Arrows may be decorated with labels that are `tied` to a specified
   point of the arrow independent of its direction.

   *** Special support for arrows that cross each other, arrows that `go
   by' other entries, combined arrows, and arrows that bend around other

   *** Support for entries and arrows that are independent of the matrix

   If you wish to check out the facilities before installation, and you
   have a 300 dpi PostScript printer, then you can print the file
   "" that contains a formatted version of the manual.  (In
   the distribution it is compressed into the file "").

   Please note that XY-pic is under `copyleft' as specified by the GNU
   General Public License.
   XY-pic was written by

       Kristoffer H{\o}gsbro ROSE                    <>
       DIKU (TOPPS group), University of Copenhagen
       Universitetsparken 1, DK-2100 Copenhagen \O   (+45) 31396466
- - ------- End of forwarded message -------

- ------- End of forwarded message -------


Date:    26 Feb 92 15:56:44 +0000
Subject: harvard bibliography styles in UK TeX Archive

Peter Williams' HARVARD family of bibliographic styles have been
placed inthe UK TeX Archive in 
for the delight of all and sundry

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    Wed, 26 Feb 92 16:50:00 +0000
Subject: Re: 0.9 in UK TeX Archive

[tex-archive.metafont.contrib] was reported as being corrupt. I have 
resent it, and it seems OK now

sebastian rahtz


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            Outside Europe please enquire.
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    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
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      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
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    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
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End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 8]