UKTeX Digest	Friday, 13 Mar 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 10

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
	service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
	    Building multiple articles into a single LaTeX document
	      How can I do Appendix page numbering such as "A.1"?
	    re: How can I do Appendix page numbering such as "A.1"?
			 \limits and raised subscripts
			    Re: UKTeX Digest V92 #09
			    RE: UKTeX Digest V92 #09
				 Re: dvi to lq
				Missing PK files
		   Re: tar archive of dvips in uk tex archive
			 guru help on floats in LaTeX?
			      Eplain 2.0 released
			  Eplain 2.0 on FILESERV/Niord
	  version 1.2 of Sauter files (any point size Computer Modern)
 {Archive News}:
				   OzTeX V1.4
			     OzTeX V1.4 / Unstuffit
				 TTN 1.1 update
			    eplain in UK TeX Archive
			   MacToTeX in UK TeX Archive
			  dvips5478 in UK TeX Archive
		  update of rotating package in UK TeX Archive

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    06 Mar 92 09:43:03 +0000
Subject: Building multiple articles into a single LaTeX document

Full-Name: Sebastian Rahtz

 > Before I go ahead and figure out to do it, has anyone looked at the
 > practicalities of combining multiple papers prepared using LaTeX's
 > article style into a single document?  This will include getting
 > \maketitle to work right, references to appear at the ends of
 > articles, all numbering to be re-initialised, and cross-referencing to
 > be local to each article.  And probably other things that I haven't
 > thought of yet.
 > What I'm aiming for is to minimise the editor interaction in turning a
 > set of papers into a proceedings.  Yes, the editor is me. :-}
to be honest, is it worth the trouble of doing it with clever LaTeX
macros? wouldnt a sed script be faster to develop? the gross hacking
to a new chapter to get it into shape is about 10 mins work

separare lists of references at the end of articles is handled by



Date:    Fri, 06 Mar 92 12:29:46 +0000
From:    Richard Hesketh <>
Subject: How can I do Appendix page numbering such as "A.1"?

I am trying to number my appendices using a "A.1" etc style of numbering
but I cannot get it to work in practice!

After poking around in tex/inputs/latex.tex, I have tried defining my
own numbering style:

	\def\@prefixedarabic#1{\c@chapter.\number #1}

And using:


However TeX complains with:

Appendix A.
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
\@prefixedarabic #1->\c@chapter .
			         \number #1
\@oddfoot ->\rm \hfil \thepage 
l.27 \chapter

I have been trying this with the report style and suthesis style.
Has anyone done this or knows of a style with it in that I can copy?



Date:    Fri, 06 Mar 92 14:29:41 +0000
From:    Richard Hesketh <>
Subject: re: How can I do Appendix page numbering such as "A.1"?

I've now solved my own problem with:


Its surprising how you can find the answer in the LaTeX book when
you get told where to look 8-).

Sorry to have bothered people!



Date:    Fri, 06 Mar 92 16:20:47 +0100
From:    David Murphy <>
Subject: \limits and raised subscripts

I'm slightly puzzled.

{\raise0.4ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle #1$}}}}

raises its subscript perfectly happily, as in $\dblA{\Delta}$ versus
$\mathrel{\mathop{\rightarrow}_{\Delta}}$. However, not only

{\raise0.4ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle #1$}}}}

not raise its subscript, ($\dblB{\Delta}$ versus
$\mathrel{\mathop{\rightarrow}\limits_{\Delta}}$) neither does

{\hbox{\raise0.4ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle #1$}}}}}

as $\dblC{\Delta}$ shows. Now I know the `right' answer is
probably a modification of overrightarrow (page 359, TeXbook),
but I want to know why limits is quite so ill--behaved; 13a
of Appendix G doesn't really make much sense to me.


Many thanks.

David Murphy, GMD,   | Internet: |``The orgy of wishful
I5, Postfach 1316,   | UUCP: ...!mcsun!gmdzi!david  |  thinking that has passed
5205 Sankt Augustin, | Voice: (+49) (02241) 142415  |  for logic in the present
Germany              | Fax: (+49) (02241) 142618    |  century'' (F.W. Lawvere)


Date:    Sun, 08 Mar 92 11:13:27 -0500
From:    matthias mann <>
Subject: Re: UKTeX Digest V92 #09

Matthias Mann
University of Osnabr"uck
Physics Department
Barbarastrasse 7
D -- W -- 4500 OSNABRUECK
Tel. 49 - 541 - 969 - 2684
Fax: 49 - 541 - 969 - 2670

The question I have, has to do with converting texts written for the old progra
m "ChiWriter" (IBM PC's) into  LaTeX - texts. We collaborate with russian physi
cists and most of their texts are written in "ChiWriter"-style. Can anyone give
me a hint how to convert these texts in LaTeX-syntax?
                                        Thank you M.Mann


Date:    Mon, 09 Mar 92 11:51:00 +0000
Subject: RE: UKTeX Digest V92 #09

} asks:

}  Does anyone have experience of this in practice?  If so, would they care to
}  publish the recipe (i.e., a list of the PostScript commands that twoside
}  would need to write to the dvi file)?  I'm not clear how one would modify
}  the example given on page 255 of the reference manual (and the "PostScript
}  Tutorial and Cookbook" seems to have been published before duplex printers
}  came along).  It looks as though the recipe might be quite short, but that
}  I'd need to understand a lot to deduce it.

I don't have the dvips manual so can't comment on the example on page 255.

I have recently assembled software to put plaintext onto paper on various
PostScript printers and suggest the following guidelines:

1) You need to allow the user to specify the *final* format (one sided or
   two sided), since it is reasonable to print on a single sided printer
   and use a photocopier to produce double sided final copy. Remember that
   if your (user's) photocopier will not cope with double sided input you
   need to permit your user to format for double sided and print single
   sided even if the printer will print double sided.

2) Commands - found in statusdict - are:
       true/false setduplexmode    -- print to both sides of the paper
       true/false settumble        -- bind along short edge (not long)

   Note these commands are printer specific, and are valid on the duplex
   printers I have encountered. However duplex printers existed before 
   Adobe started laying down ideas on how to use them, so some printers
   may use other command names.

3) Your double sided printer may well default to printing double sided
   and need to be instructed when to print single sided. Either way you
   will want the `setduplexmode' operator. (true for double sided)

4) When using double-sided mode the paper will normally take the long
   edge of the paper as the bound edge. You can select the short edge as
   the binding edge using the `settumble' operator. (true for short edge)

5) You should allow the file be printable on any printer -- check that the
   command exists before using it:

   statusdict begin /setduplexmode known {pop true setduplexmode}if end
   statusdict begin /settumble known {pop true settumble}if end

6) These modes, but not the commands, are described in the second edition
   of the `PostScript Language Reference Manual', available (for purchase)
   at a good bookshop near you, and (for inspection) on my bookshelf.

7) Try to reduce confusion by using the following terms in your documentation:

 simplex normal  -- final product is single sided and bound along long edge
 simplex tumble  -- final product is single sided and bound along short edge
 duplex normal   -- final product is double sided and bound along long edge
 duplex tumble   -- final product is double sided and bound along short edge

 print one-sided    -- print on one side of the paper
 print two-sided    -- print on two sides of the paper
 print three-sided  -- print up both sides and down the middle

Martin Powell -- University of London Phototypesetter Service.


Date:    Mon, 09 Mar 92 09:43:19 +0000
From:    David Shepherd <>
Subject: Re: dvi to lq has said:
>  > >I borrowed emTeX from a friend but i couldn't use the
>  > >drivers because the fonts libararay was to big-- in fact the latex and
>  > >previewr takes up only 1.5 meg on my machine whereas the emTeX would have
>  > >been much to big. 
> there is nothing about the dvidrv part of emTeX which enforces the use
> of font libraries.  the drivers will read any PK fonts you have. Your
> difficulties are a) finding enough space to unpack the dvidrv package
> before you discard you bits you dont need and b) understanding the
> documentation so you can see how to set up configuration files etc. Be
> assured that it is possible. Its just that emTeX is a big package, and
> understanding the way it all hangs together takes a while if you dont
> accept it the way it is

also can people *please* realize that the distributed font libraries are
made, i assume, with all.mfj - this build evey font in every magstep
and is way over the top for normal use (at least in my opinion). i 
built my own fonts using an .mfj file i constructed to build about the`
same set of fonts as covered by the makefiles in the UNIX TeX distribution
which i think is a more sensible size. my font library is only 500k.

the only disadvantage is that you have to rebuild the fonts yourself
... but this is not a mamoth task - on my 386sx-16 its less than overnight.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
david shepherd: or    tel: 0454-616616 x 625
                inmos ltd, 1000 aztec west, almondsbury, bristol, bs12 4sq
                "five,  four,  three,  two,  one,   thunderbirds are go !"


Date:    Wed, 11 Mar 92 09:01:08 +0000
Subject: Missing PK files

I am trying to locate the following missing files for a laserwriter and the

Current page       = 1/[1]
Total pages        = 338
Viewing resolution = 300 pixels per inch
Magnification      = 1200 (DVI mag)
Paper wd by ht     = 210mm by 296mm

Fonts on ALL pages = 23 (if used on current page then total chars given)
:PK-files:360:cmcsc10   total chars = 11
:PK-files:396:cmr17   total chars = 40   DOES NOT EXIST
:PK-files:360:cmti10   total chars = 40
:PK-files:360:msym5   DOES NOT EXIST
:PK-files:360:msym7   DOES NOT EXIST
:PK-files:360:msym10   DOES NOT EXIST
:PK-files:360:msxm5   DOES NOT EXIST
:PK-files:360:msxm7   DOES NOT EXIST
:PK-files:360:msxm10   DOES NOT EXIST
:PK-files:360:cmcsc9   DOES NOT EXIST
Fonts on current page = 3

Rules on current page = 0

but is not presumably suitable for the laserwriter (or is it?). There is 
an MF but it does not appear to be availbale for the linotronic at 1270 dpi

msxm and msym appear in the amsfonts for 300dpi, can I use these but the
linotronic ones are pxk files. What do I do with these?


Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    12 Mar 92 09:54:16 +0000
Subject: Re: tar archive of dvips in uk tex archive

 > >Trying to get [tex-archive.src.unix-archives]dvips5474.tar_Z using
 > >NIFTP on a Sun SparcStation.
 > >
 > >Have tried text and binary transfer (with word sizes 8, 16 and 32),
 > >and every time I get 
 > >
 > >> Invalid value in command: - filename
 > >> "[tex-archive.src.unix-archives]dvips5474.tar_Z" record format
 > >> incompatible with transfer code.  VAX/VMS FTP (80) Version
 > >> 5.2-2.
 > >
 > >Is there something I should know ? Alternatively, could it be made
 > >available in uuencode format ?
yes, I am not surprised it is a funnyformat. I put it there primarily
for people with  JIPS FTP access.

I'll put 5.478 in .tar_Z and .uue formats there later today



Date:    12 Mar 92 11:38:20 +0000
Subject: guru help on floats in LaTeX?

Can anyone solve this one for me? I have defined an environment
sideways, and a new type of float called rotfloat. now, according to
my reading of latex.tex, the contents of the float is in \@currbox, so
I rotate this and put the result in a box called \rot@tempbox, and add
it to the \@currlist like the normal float.

This runs, the \typeout does its stuff, but NOTHING ever appears. why
not? where is it? answers gratefully received, pliz

code follows


LaTex's end@float:

\def\end@float{\par\vskip\z@\egroup %% \par\vskip\z@ added 15 Dec 87
   \ifnum\@floatpenalty <\z@
     \ifdim \ht\@currbox >\textheight
%% RmS 91/11/06 added warning message
% perhaps we should use an error message
        \@warning{Float larger than \string\textheight}%
        \ht\@currbox\textheight \fi
     \ifnum\@floatpenalty <-\@Mii
        \penalty -\@Miv
        \@tempdima\prevdepth    %% saving and restoring \prevdepth added
        \vbox{}%                %% 26 May 87 to prevent extra vertical
        \prevdepth \@tempdima   %% space when used in vertical mode
      \else \vadjust{\penalty -\@Miv \vbox{}\penalty\@floatpenalty}\@esphack

My end@rotfloat:

   \ifnum\@floatpenalty <\z@
     \typeout{Adding sideways figure to list}
     \ifdim \ht\rot@tempbox >\textheight
        \@warning{Float larger than \string\textheight}%
        \ht\@currbox\textheight \fi
     \ifnum\@floatpenalty <-\@Mii
        \penalty -\@Miv
        \prevdepth \@tempdima
      \else \vadjust{\penalty -\@Miv 

- ------- End of forwarded message -------


Date:    Thu, 05 Mar 92 20:13:56 -0500
Subject: Eplain 2.0 released

I have released Eplain version 2.0.  It is available by ftp from []:pub/tex/{eplain/*,eplain.tar.Z} []:TeX/eplain/eplain-2.0.tar.Z

      { Or from the UK TeX Archive --- see Sebastian's note below  --Ed. }

You can also get it by email from George Greenwade's file server if you
cannot ftp: mail with a body of something like 
`SENDME EPLAIN.EPLAIN_TEX'.  (George will be posting a message with more
details soon.)

It has been almost a year since Eplain 1.9.  As you might expect, there
are many changes.  (Many bugs have concomitantly been introduced, I
expect.)  As far as I know, the changes are all upward-compatible.
Here are some of the highlights:

In btxmac:
* generally more configurable
* numeric labels are right-justified
* spaces are ignored before optional arguments
* page breaks are disallowed (by default) before the bibliography
* support for multiple bibliographies
* works (insofar as possible) with AMSTeX

In eplain:
* includes Steven Smith's ``arrow.tex'', a set of macros for producing
  commutative diagrams
* includes Nelson Beebe's texnames.sty to define the various names of
* a \verbatim macro to typeset inline verbatim stuff
* lists are more configurable
* the justification commands handle text on the same line as the command
* support for subequations like (1.1a), (1.1b)
* a new and (I hope) more robust implementation of \leftdisplays

For those (no doubt many) of you who haven't heard of Eplain: it
is a collection of macros intended to provide relatively low-level
capabilities, regardless of how your document appears.  For example, it
has macros to do symbolic cross-referencing, but not macros to produce a
section heading.  It also has some definitions that make it easier to
change the conventions of plain TeX's output.  For example, it lets you
produce left-justified math displays by simply saying `\leftdisplays'.
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Fri, 06 Mar 92 10:25:45 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: Eplain 2.0 on FILESERV/Niord

In <> (Thu, 5 Mar 92 20:13:56 EST),
Karl Berry <> posted:
>I have released Eplain version 2.0.  It is available by ftp from
> []:pub/tex/{eplain/*,eplain.tar.Z}
> []:TeX/eplain/eplain-2.0.tar.Z
> You can also get it by email from George Greenwade's file server if you
> cannot ftp: mail with a body of something like
> `SENDME EPLAIN.EPLAIN_TEX'.  (George will be posting a message with more
> details soon.)

Since we are the main mail repository (with ftp access for the individual
files or the compressed tar file also), I am appending FILESERV's
description file below.  I extend my thanks to Karl for allowing us to work
with him on this project.

- --George
The EPLAIN package includes the macros for version 2.0 (March 5, 1992) of
Karl Berry's <> Eplain for TeX.  The eplain macro package
expands on the definitions in plain TeX.  Eplain is not intended to provide
"intensional" typesetting capabilities, like LaTeX or Texinfo.  Instead, it
provides definitions that are intended to be useful regardless of the
high-level commands that you use when you actually prepare your manuscript.

To retrieve the complete EPLAIN package of 78 files, include the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
If, for some reason, you should only need one of these files, say
EPLAIN.OUTER_TEX, use the command:
in your MAIL message to FILESERV.  Anonymous ftp users can find these files
on [] in the directory [.EPLAIN].  A compressed
U*ix tar (EPLAIN-2_0.TAR_Z) file is in this directory also.

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                        Blocks  Save file as:    Directory:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EPLAIN.ALLREF_TEX                1  ALLREF.TEX         Eplain's test
EPLAIN.ARROW_TEXINFO            48  ARROW.TEXINFO      Eplain's doc
EPLAIN.BOXES_TEX                 1  BOXES.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.BOXIT_TEX                 2  BOXIT.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.BTXDOC_TEX               85  BTXDOC.TEX         Eplain's doc
EPLAIN.BTXMAC_TEX               68  BTXMAC.TEX         Eplain's root
EPLAIN.CENTER_TEX                1  CENTER.TEX         Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CHANGELOG_ROOT           88  CHANGELOG          Eplain's root
EPLAIN.CHANGELOG_TEST            2  CHANGELOG          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITEALL_TEX               1  CITEALL.TEX        Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITEALPH_TEX              2  CITEALPH.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITEAPA_TEX               2  CITEAPA.TEX        Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITECUST_TEX              3  CITECUST.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITENOTE_TEX              1  CITENOTE.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITEX_TEX                 1  CITEX.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITE_BIB                  2  CITE.BIB           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CITE_TEX                  3  CITE.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.COLUMN2_TEX               5  COLUMN2.TEX        Eplain's test
EPLAIN.COLUMN3_TEX               2  COLUMN3.TEX        Eplain's test
EPLAIN.COLUMN_TEX               27  COLUMN.TEX         Eplain's test
EPLAIN.COMMDIAGS_TEX             9  COMMDIAGS.TEX      Eplain's test
EPLAIN.CONTENTS_TEX              2  CONTENTS.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.DISPLINE_TEX              2  DISPLINE.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.DOUBLE_TEX                2  DOUBLE.TEX         Eplain's test
EPLAIN.EMERGNCY_TEX              2  EMERGNCY.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.ENV_TEX                   2  ENV.TEX            Eplain's test
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_INFO               6  EPLAIN.INFO        Eplain's doc
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_INFO-1_1OF2       78  EPLAIN.INFO-1      Eplain's doc
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_INFO-1_2OF2       24   (part 2 of 2)
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_INFO-2_1OF2       78  EPLAIN.INFO-2      Eplain's doc
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_INFO-2_2OF2       26   (part 2 of 2)
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_INFO-3            57  EPLAIN.INFO-3      Eplain's doc
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_TEX               88  EPLAIN.TEX         Eplain's root
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_TEXINFO_2OF3      80   (part 2 of 3)
EPLAIN.EPLAIN_TEXINFO_3OF3      41   (part 3 of 3)
EPLAIN.EQREF_TEX                 8  EQREF.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.ETEX_TEX                  1  ETEX.TEX           Eplain's root
EPLAIN.FILEXIST_TEX              2  FILEXIST.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.FOOTNOTE_TEX              6  FOOTNOTE.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.FRAC_TEX                  1  FRAC.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.GCOL_TEX                 17  GCOL.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.INSTALL                  50  INSTALL            Eplain's root
EPLAIN.JUSTIFY_TEX               5  JUSTIFY.TEX        Eplain's test
EPLAIN.KNUTH_BIB                 2  KNUTH.BIB          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.LABEL_TEX                 1  LABEL.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.LATEXCITE_TEX             1  LATEXCITE.TEX      Eplain's test
EPLAIN.LEFT_TEX                  7  LEFT.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.LISTING_TEX               1  LISTING.TEX        Eplain's test
EPLAIN.LIST_TEX                  6  LIST.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.LOGO_TEX                  1  LOGO.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.MAKECOL_TEX               1  MAKECOL.TEX        Eplain's test
EPLAIN.MAKEFILE                  7  MAKEFILE           Eplain's root
EPLAIN.MARGIN_TEX                5  MARGIN.TEX         Eplain's test
EPLAIN.MDISPLAY_TEX              9  MDISPLAY.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.MERGE                     5  MERGE              Eplain's root
EPLAIN.NOBIB_TEX                 1  NOBIB.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.NONOUTER_TEX              1  NONOUTER.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.OPTIONAL_TEX              2  OPTIONAL.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.OUTER_TEX                 2  OUTER.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.PAGE_TEX                  1  PAGE.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.PCOL_TEX                 11  PCOL.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.PROJECTS                  3  PROJECTS           Eplain's root
EPLAIN.README                    6  README             Eplain's root
EPLAIN.RULE_TEX                  2  RULE.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.TEXINFO_TEX_1OF3         80  TEXINFO.TEX        Eplain's doc
EPLAIN.TEXINFO_TEX_2OF3         80   (part 2 of 3)
EPLAIN.TEXINFO_TEX_3OF3         56   (part 3 of 3)
EPLAIN.TEXNAMES_STY             23  TEXNAMES.STY       Eplain's root
EPLAIN.TIME_TEX                  1  TIME.TEX           Eplain's test
EPLAIN.USCORE_BIB                1  USCORE.BIB         Eplain's test
EPLAIN.USCORE_TEX                1  USCORE.TEX         Eplain's test
EPLAIN.VERBATIM_TEX              2  VERBATIM.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.WHITESPC_TEX              4  WHITESPC.TEX       Eplain's test
EPLAIN.XAMPL_TEX                 1  XAMPL.TEX          Eplain's test
EPLAIN.XEPLAIN_TEX_1OF2         79  XEPLAIN.TEX        Eplain's root
EPLAIN.XEPLAIN_TEX_2OF2         43   (part 2 of 2)
EPLAIN.XREF_TEX                  2  XREF.TEX           Eplain's test

Approximate total blocks in full EPLAIN package = 1459


Date:    Thu, 12 Mar 92 13:41:57 -0500
From:    <karl@edu.umb.cs>
Subject: version 1.2 of Sauter files (any point size Computer Modern)

I've again updated my packaging for Unix of John Sauter's Metafont files
to make Computer Modern fonts at any point size.  You can get version
1.2 by ftp from []:pub/tex/sauter.tar.Z.

This version puts in the file that I somehow left out last
time.  It also adds two files to make the LaTeX symbol and bold symbol
fonts, contributed by Friedrich Haubensak,

For all of the standard Computer Modern fonts, these files produce the
same TFM files as Knuth's sources.  So it is ok to call the output from
these `cm...'.

The distribution includes an lfonts.tex for LaTeX and a MakeTeXPK for
dvips which take advantage of these fonts.

Let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Fri, 06 Mar 92 13:23:06 +0000
Subject: OzTeX V1.4

There have been a number of complaints of corruption of the files for OzTeX
version 1.4

I have reloaded the complete subdirectory and

[tex-archive.tex.mac.oztexv14] now contains



Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    Mon, 09 Mar 92 10:20:17 +0000
Subject: OzTeX V1.4 / Unstuffit

Now that unstuffit has been made available as a tool it has been removed


to avoid duplication.

Peter Abbott

Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    Mon, 09 Mar 92 13:15:06 +0000
Subject: TTN 1.1 update

The revised files for TTN 1.1 have been installed in



Peter Abbott

Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    10 Mar 92 12:24:56 +0000
Subject: eplain in UK TeX Archive

Karl Berry's Eplain macros have been placed in the UK TeX Archive in


A description follows

Sebastian Rahtz
The EPLAIN package includes the macros for version 2.0 (March 5, 1992) of
Karl Berry's <> Eplain for TeX.  The eplain macro package
expands on the definitions in plain TeX.  Eplain is not intended to provide
"intensional" typesetting capabilities, like LaTeX or Texinfo.  Instead, it
provides definitions that are intended to be useful regardless of the
high-level commands that you use when you actually prepare your manuscript.


Date:    10 Mar 92 15:19:55 +0000
Subject: MacToTeX in UK TeX Archive

The following item has been placed in the UK TeX Archive in



- ---------------------------------------------------
	       by Adam Fedor (fedor@phase.Colorado.EDU)

UNIX programs and files for including Mac PostScript files in a
(La)TeX document.  You need to have Psfig installed to use this
package!!!  Specially suited to handle problems caused by System 7.
(In PS file, delete LaserPrep section, delete font definitions, etc.)
Good man page and documentation.  This package contains the following

README            ; you guessed it
cleanps.c         ; C program to cleanup the Mac PS file
                    * Current functions:
                    *   Delete LaserPrep section (the "ProcSet")
                    *   Delete all font definitions (optional)
                    *   Delete %%EOF lines
                    *   Is wary of very long lines
                    *   Breaks long lines at spaces (if possible)       ; Neutered LaserPrep Version 71 file      ; man page documentation
Documentation files:
mactotex.tex      ; LaTeX documentation          ; Mac System 7.0 PS file      ; Mac System 7.0 PS file (the apple "clover")


Date:    12 Mar 92 09:59:27 +0000
Subject: dvips5478 in UK TeX Archive

I have put another beta release of Rokicki's dvips in the Uk TeX Archive.


have fun

sebastian rahtz


Date:    12 Mar 92 12:21:22 +0000
Subject: update of rotating package in UK TeX Archive

I have updated the copy of my `rotating' package on the UK TeX Archive
([tex-archive.latex.contrib.rotating]) as version 1.3, to add another
driver section. Andrew Mason kindly provided me with code to support
TeXtures. I haven't tested it (wot, no TeXtures?) but he has.


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\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V92 #04   (#03 latest in archive)
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3


\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)
    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
   OR  One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
       (This service is offered only within the UK).
    (addresses below).

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds,
      including disks, post and packing.
    All other enquiries and disk formats should be directed to:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:
\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage


    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 10]