UKTeX Digest    Friday, 24 Apr 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 16

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                               problems with \ifx
                             RE: problems with \ifx
                            barred capitals in math
                    Seeking EMTEX printer driver for EPSONs
                  Re: Seeking EMTEX printer driver for EPSONs
                           Graphical input to LaTeX?
                                   Re: LaTeX
                                   Re: LATEX
                              Re: TEX on diskette
                           Re: EmTeX for Epson Lq850
                              Continued fractions
                          Extra space round equations
                      Utopia and Charter typefaces for TeX
                         PK files for PostScript fonts
                         PK files for PostScript fonts
                             web2c 5.851b available
                            Lucida TFM/VF's for TeX
                         TR2LATEX 2.0 on FILESERV/Niord
                               EmTeX Distribution
 {Archive News}:
                              Re: supertabular.sty
                     tex 3.141 for Unix (in UK TeX Archive)
                PK files for PostScript fonts in UK TeX Archive

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Tue, 14 Apr 92 17:41:24 +0000
From:    Keith Lines <>
Subject: problems with \ifx

I have just come across a problem using \ifx. 

The problem is part of a large set of TeX macros I am working on, but
it's illustrated by the following example:



     \typeout{Is not yet defined}
     \typeout{Is defined}


If LaTeX is run on this example then LaTeX will output:

       Is not yet defined
       Is not yet defined

instead of:

       Is defined
       Is not yet defined

What seems to happen with \value{11} is that \ifx compares `1' and `1' 
instead if comparing `11' and \Inyd.  

A solution to this may be to put #1 between braces, i.e:


but then LaTeX outputs:

       Is defined
       Is defined

and so \value{\Inyd} does not work.

Putting both #2 and \Inyd between braces does not work either because 
LaTeX still outputs:

       Is defined
       Is defined

Can anyone tell me how I can get this to work?

Also any advice on how \if and \ifx works would be appreciated as the
descriptions I have read do not make it all that clear.

          Keith Lines   
          Department of Information Technology and Computing
          National Physical Laboratory
          Teddington, Middlesex.


Date:    Wed, 22 Apr 92 14:28:14 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: RE: problems with \ifx

Keith ---

You appear to be labouring under some misapprehensions w.r.t \if & \ifx:
neither, of itself, is capable of comparing arbitrary text strings, nor
are they intended so to do.  Each compares exactly two TOKENS; their 
(primary) difference is that \if EXPANDS whatever follows until it has
exactly two tokens to compare; \ifx DOES NOT EXPAND what follows, and therefore
compares the two explicit tokens which follow (\if may expand two implicit
tokens, if the first explicit token expands to produce two or more implicit
tokens, or may compare one implicit and one explicit token, if the first
explicit token expands to yield exactly one implicit token, or may compare
one explicit and one implicit token, if the first explicit token does not 
expand but the second explicit token does ... (there are many more 
possibilities but I hope the point is now clear).


        \def \null {}
        \def \a {a}
        \def \aa {aa}
        \def \ab {ab}
        \def \aac {aac}
        \def \abc {abc}
        \def \efg {abc}

        \if \null \a %  will continue expanding subsequent text until it
                        finds one more unexpandable entity, since \null
                        expands to yield zero tokens, and \a expands to
                        yield exactly one.

        \if \a \aa   %  yields <true>, but the <true text> commences with
                        <letter a token> since the expansion of \a yields
                        exactly one token, but the expansion of \aa yields
                        two.  The test compares the <letter a token> yielded
                        by \a with the FIRST <letter a token> yielded by \aa,
                        leaving one more <letter a token> as yet unused.

        \if \null \aa % yields TRUE; \null contributes nothing to the test,
                        and the two <letter a tokens> yielded by \aa are there-
                        fore compared.

        \if \aa       % yields TRUE; \aa yields two <letter a tokens> which
                        are compared and found equal.

        \if \ab       % yields FALSE; \ab yields one <letter a token> and one
                        <letter b token>, which are compared and found unequal.

        \if \aac      % yields TRUE; the <true text> commences with a <letter c
                        token> which is `left over' from the expansion of \aac.

        \if \abc      % yields FALSE; the <letter c token>, forming part of the
                        <true text> plays no further r\^ole, since only the
                        <false text> is further considered (unless, of course,
                        the <true text> were found to contain a \else or a \fi,
                        which clearly won't happen in this case but might in
                        a more complex real-life example :-()

        \ifx \null \a % yields FALSE.

        \ifx \a \aa   % yields FALSE.

        \ifx \null \aa% yields FALSE.

        \ifx \aa      % is incomplete; the next explicit token will be compared
                        for equality with \aa.

        \ifx \ab      % is incomplete; the next explicit token will be compared
                        for equality with \ab.

        \ifx \aac     % is incomplete; the next explicit token will be compared
                        for equality with \aac.

        \ifx \abc     % is incomplete; the next explicit token will be compared
                        for equality with \abc.

        \ifx \abc \efg% yields TRUE (look back at the definition of \efg 
                        to see why)

                                                Philip Taylor
                                    ``The University of London at Windsor''

E & OE!


Date:    Fri, 17 Apr 92 11:39:00 +0000
From:    J%org Knappen <KNAPPEN@de.Uni-Mainz.KPH.VKPMZD>
Subject: barred capitals in math

It is well known, that $\bar\Psi$ does not look good, because the overbar
is  too short. To circumvent this, it is possible to use $\overline{\Psi}$.
However, this does not look right either, especially if you use a 12pt or
larger typeface. The overline starts a little too far left, not recognising
that the $\Psi$ is slanted.

Has somone a fix of this problem?

Yours, J"org Knappen.


Date:    Tue, 21 Apr 92 16:54:35 +0000
Subject: Seeking EMTEX printer driver for EPSONs

    We are seeking printer drivers for EMTEX specifically for Epson LX400
printers. Are there any on line? If so where?
                Jim Craigon at Nottingham.


Date:    24 Apr 92 09:08:11 +0000
Subject: Re: Seeking EMTEX printer driver for EPSONs  writes:

 >     We are seeking printer drivers for EMTEX specifically for Epson LX400
 > printers. Are there any on line? If so where?
your standard emTeX distribution should include `dvidot' which can be
configured (I believe) for any dot matrix printer (if thats what the
LX400 is). otherwise, please expand on what an LX400 is



Date:    Wed, 22 Apr 92 08:50:08 +0000
From:    Don Ward <>
Subject: Graphical input to LaTeX?

I'm writing a document in which I would like to insert several computer
produced graphs.  Can anybody suggest a suitable way of producing smooth
interpolated curves from <x,y> points, adding axes and inserting it into a
LaTeX document (either as a figure environment or as postscript)?

The program to produce the points is yet to be written, so the input format
to the graph tool can be whatever is required.

BTW. Can somebody please remind me from where Sebastian Rahtz said GNU
     emacs on MSDOS was available? (It was about 2 months ago, but I don't
     have the digest anymore).

Don Ward


Date:    Thu, 23 Apr 92 14:56:46 +0000
Subject: LATEX

   I am trying to find out the address to write to 
   to get hold of Latex.   Could you possibly help
   me on this?

     WHat I particularly want to know are:

    (a) whether I have the choice between Latex for Apple
   and Latex for IBM-compats,
    (b)  whether Lightening Textures is available for either
   or both?
    (c) who to write to?

      Geoff Keene  (


Date:    Fri, 24 Apr 92 09:08:20 -0100
Subject: Re: LaTeX

>The documentation to emTeX , which we obtained from you, states that
>SLITeX is not available.  I would like to use SLITeX---is there any way
>to do so simply?
>Doug Altman


I have forwarded this message to uktex for a response as I unfortunately do
not know the answer.


Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    24 Apr 92 09:44:06 +0000
Subject: Re: LATEX  writes:
 >    I am trying to find out the address to write to 
 >    to get hold of Latex.   Could you possibly help
 >    me on this?
 >      WHat I particularly want to know are:
 >     (a) whether I have the choice between Latex for Apple
 >    and Latex for IBM-compats,
 >     (b)  whether Lightening Textures is available for either
 >    or both?
 >     (c) who to write to?
this is too vague a question to give a precise answer to.

 a) you can get LaTeX for almost any machine or OS you care to name,
    from commercial companies, or public domain versions. *any* TeX
    will produce identical results, all other things being equal. its
    all down to speed, add-ons, drivers, interface etc
 b) Lightning TeXtures is a commerical product from Blue Sky Research
    which only works on a  Mac, and big ones at that
 c) you can get a complete  TeX package for PCs or Macs by writing to
    Peter Abbott at Aston. see tail end of weekly UK TeX mailing.

but to be honest, I think it is *very* likely that someone at Exeter
already has a set you can copy. check your computing service

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    Fri, 24 Apr 92 09:14:01 -0100
Subject: Re: TEX on diskette

>Hi Peter,
>    Had a couple of queiries from a gentleman in newcastle
>(p.goodwin@newcastle) .
>1. Firstly is tex available on disks
>2. Is there a way of saving the files in ASCII format
>Thanks  for your help
>SimonSimon Tipper
>Information Systems
>Aston University
>021-359-3611 x5207


EmTeX is the version of TeX for PCs and is available from Aston (see
The second question is not so staright forward.  There is an electronic
digest for this type of query and again details below.

I have forwarded this message to Dave Osborne (moderator) and he will be



Date:    24 Apr 92 09:54:39 +0000
Subject: Re: EmTeX for Epson Lq850  writes:
 > I received numerous letter asking about different printers attached to PCs.
 > Is the a list of supported printers for the EmTeX package.
this is a slightly old list

        v               Screen previewer (dviscr).
        prthplj         Printer driver (dvihplj: HP LaserJet+).
        prthplj /od     Printer driver (dvihplj: HP DeskJet).
        prthplj /ok     Printer driver (dvihplj: Kyocera F-1010).
        prtp6l          Printer driver (dvidot p6l: P6 with 180 DPI).
        prtp6m          Printer driver (dvidot p6m: P6 with 360x180 DPI).
        prtp6h          Printer driver (dvidot p6h: P6 with 360 DPI).
        prtfx           Printer driver (dvidot fx: EPSON FX-80).
        prtlql          Printer driver (dvidot lql: EPSON LQ, 180 DPI).
        prtlqm          Printer driver (dvidot lqm: EPSON LQ, 360x180 DPI).
        prtlqh          Printer driver (dvidot lqh: EPSON LQ, 360 DPI).
                        Note: not all LQ printers support 360 DPI.
        prtitoh         Printer driver (dvidot itoh: C.ITOH 8510A).
        prtaiw          Printer driver (dvidot aiw: Apple Imagewriter).

and the dvidot package can be configured to support other dot matrix



Date:    24 Apr 92 11:05:32 +0000
Subject: Re:

 > I was given your name by a colleague at the City University, David Gilbert.
 >  He advised me that you hold archives of the font files for the EmTeX
 > package.  At present I am working on a book on my PC at home and wish to
 > use LaTeX for this purpose.  I have installed EmTeX and have the previewer
 > working.  But I do not have the right font files for an EPSOM LQ850
 > printer.  Please could you send me them, along with an invoice for any
 > costs incurred.  My PC takes 3.5" disks (high density only).  I thank you
 > in advance.
Please go over your emTeX documentation again, and read up on `mfjob'
and the dvi drivers package. you should be able to find out how to
generate the fonts yourself using Metafont. You might also want to get
hold of the new betatest release of the dvi drivers and mfjob, which
support font creation on the fly. once you have established what the
correct sort of fonts are for your printer (sorry, I know nothing of Epsons)
you simply give the print command and the system will stop and create
those fonts it needs, storing them away against future need. after a
few days use, all the ones you need are created. If you can access the
UK TeX Archive, the stuff you need is in
[]. otherwise send Peter Abbott 5
pounds and ask for emTeX disk set B



Date:    24 Apr 92 11:29:23 +0000
From:    Mike Piff"Mike Piff" <>
Subject: Continued fractions

%  Dominik Gruntz <> writes

% > Who can tell me how continued fractions like
% >
% >                                1
% >                  t0 + -----------------------
% >                                     1
% >                       t1 + ------------------
% >                                       1
% >                            t2 + -------------
% >                                          1
% >                                 t3 + --------
% >                                     t4 + ...
% >
% > are generated in LaTeX, but in the short form, as
% >
% >            1 |      1 |      1 |      1 |
% >    t0 + +----+ + +----+ + +----+ + +----+ ...
% >         | t1     | t2     | t3     | t4
%  Like this?
%      Mike Piff


Date:    Fri, 24 Apr 92 11:36:55 -0100

Is there any way that the font files needed can be self generated and if
what are the instructions.


Dear Mr Abbott,

I was given your name by a colleague at the City University, David Gilbert.
 He advised me that you hold archives of the font files for the EmTeX
package.  At present I am working on a book on my PC at home and wish to
use LaTeX for this purpose.  I have installed EmTeX and have the previewer
working.  But I do not have the right font files for an EPSOM LQ850
printer.  Please could you send me them, along with an invoice for any
costs incurred.  My PC takes 3.5" disks (high density only).  I thank you
in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Bache
City University
Northampton Square

Telephone       071 477 8000
Fax             071 477 8585


Date:    24 Apr 92 12:21:21 +0000
From:    Mike Piff<>
Subject: Extra space round equations

Ian Ellery, "CPCMH::S121" (????) asks how to insert extra
space round equations in LaTeX.

The extra space problem is probably caused by \@normalsize, which is defined in
substyle files such as ART10.STY, BK11.STY, REP12.STY, etc.

Edit one of these as XTRASPAC.STY and then use for instance
or something similar. Note that the space around equations is reset by any
size changing command.

Mike Piff


  { I think Mike's contribution below was intended for April 1st... --Ed. :-}

Date:    23 Mar 92 13:11:10 +0000
Subject: AMS-TeX

The latest version of AMS-TeX is now in the Aston Archive in
and users of this package are advised to obtain an update as soon as possible,
since the AMS will soon refuse to accept documents written for the old version.

Here are highlights of the latest version.

** The proof environment now uses recent advances in computer science to
   generate the proof automatically. Thus, NO TEXT must be inserted between
   \begin{proof} and \end{proof}; indeed, to do so generates an error

** To save on production costs of the journals, the proof generated above is
   not actually printed. This step is likely to save some 90% of said costs.
   (But see below)

** References are now generated automatically. The command \cite{}, with
   an empty argument, will produce a reference mark and also the correct
   bibliographic entry even before the cited paper/book has been written.

** The paper environment, with a single argument which is the title, generates
   a whole publication without any further intervention by the author. It 
   even guesses his/her name correctly. Thus
   \begin{paper}{A solution to the Poincar\'e conjecture}
   is all that is required to obtain offers of chairs in all the major

** A new command
   is included for use from 1994, when the AMS will no longer be producing
   hard copies of their journals. This will draw a rectangle of a suitably
   attractive shape round chunks of your paper and put ``page numbers''
   on each chunk to give the appearance that a previewer is looking at a
   printed page. This will solve the famous ``make it pretty enough to print
   and then don't print it'' dilemma of What You See Is What You Didn't Think
   You Were Going To Get But On The Other Hand Wasn't All You Got Either

** Incorrect mathematics now causes a TeX runtime error-
   ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [credulity=1000].


Date:    Thu, 16 Apr 92 12:08:36 -0500
From:    karl <karl@edu.umb.cs>
Subject: Utopia and Charter typefaces for TeX

Adobe and Bitstream donated the usual (roman, italic, bold, bold
italic) variants of the Utopia and Charter typefaces to the X
consortium a while back.  They donated both the AFM (Adobe font metric)
files and the PF[AB] (the Type 1 fonts with the shape information) files.

I ran the AFM's through afm2tfm (from*.tar.Z)
to make TFM and VF files for use with TeX and dvips.  If you want to
save the trouble of doing it yourself:

You can get all the files from
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Thu, 16 Apr 92 12:26:46 -0500
From:    karl <karl@edu.umb.cs>
Subject: PK files for PostScript fonts

I've put a bunch of PK files for the standard 35 PostScript fonts on []:pub/tex/psfonts.tar

It's about 4MB.

I made the PK files from the fonts distributed with Ghostscript.  Since
those fonts are, for the most part, constructed simply of line segments,
these PK files are not perhaps the most typographically wonderful things
in the world.  But they are good enough to see what characters are
where, which is all I cared about.

I used the `gsrenderfont' and related programs in the GNU font utilities
(on, among many other places) to make the PK files.
(Except that some bugs were found making them, so the version on prep
doesn't work on a few of the fonts.  I can send diffs if anyone wants them.)

They are in the ``dvips'' encoding.  You can get dvips from*.tar.Z.  (gsrenderfont can generate them
in any encoding.)

I and others are working on making good free fonts for GNU, by running
scanned images of old type speciments (of public domain designs) through
the font utilities.  If you would like to help, send me mail.  (The
first step is getting the font utilities and compiling them.)
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Tue, 21 Apr 92 13:06:53 -0500
From:    <karl@edu.umb.cs>
Subject: PK files for PostScript fonts

I've replaced []:pub/tex/psfonts.tar

with another set of PK files, generated by Rich Wales (thanks, Rich), at
the sizes that NFSS wants.  The fonts were made with the gsrenderfont
program, part of the GNU font utilities, on



Date:    Thu, 16 Apr 92 14:00:09 -0500
From:    karl <karl@edu.umb.cs>
Subject: web2c 5.851b available

I have released a new version of web2c, the port of the basic TeX
project web programs to Unix.  You can get it by ftp from []:pub/tex/{web,web2c}.tar.Z

and soon from []:TeX/{web,web2c}.tar.Z.
(among other archives, no doubt)

Send bug reports to me.

Thanks to all the many people who contributed to this release; I tried
to record the names in the ChangeLog.  Special thanks to Bernd Raichle,
who did most of the work to make the format/base file sharing work.
(But if it still doesn't work, it's my fault, not his!)

This updates web2c to the latest master WEB sources, as released by
Professor Knuth in March 1992.  Aside from the usual bug fixes and
(mis)improvements in the installation, I made the following changes.

* big TeX, big Metafont, and big BibTeX are the defaults.  I increased
  some of the constants slightly.  The trie patch is installed in the
  main sources.

* the path searching code has been completely rewritten and (in some
  ways) simplified.  The *_SUBDIR variables are gone; instead, you just
  put two trailing slashes in a path component to get subdirectory
  searching, as in TEXFONTS=/usr/local/lib/tex/fonts//.  Also,
  subdirectory searching is recursive.  All the search paths
  are treated the same way.

  ~ and ~user are expanded as usual in pathnames and filenames.  Except
  that, of course, in plain TeX `~' is an active character which expands
  into various TeX primitives before the filename code ever sees it; so
  `~/foo' still won't work when it wants another filename.  I don't see
  any good solution to this.  You could add a local macro \HOME which
  is a catcode 12 ~ to your plain.tex; then users could say
  `\HOME/foo'.  But this can't be done by default, since it's not 100%

  I haven't implemented %-substitutions in paths yet.  Next time.

  I've modified dvips and xdvi to use this same code; they are in
  xdvi-k.tar.Z and dvips-k.diff.Z.

* patgen2, an update for the 8-bit features in TeX written by P.
  Breitenlohner, is included.

* format files are (finally) byte-order-independent, which is necessary
  (but not sufficient) for sharing them across architectures.  If the
  format creates any glue_ratio words in TeX's memory, the .fmt file
  will not be sharable, since it will have floating-point; but the
  common formats don't do this, so they *are* sharable.

* `foo.tex' is tried before `foo'.
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Tue, 21 Apr 92 15:03:35 -0500
From:    karl@edu.umb.cs (Karl Berry)
Subject: Lucida TFM/VF's for TeX

I've put metric files for using the PostScript Lucida fonts with TeX on []:pub/tex/lucida/lucida.tar.Z

These files will be of no use to you unless you also have the Type 1
PFA/PFB/etc. files with the outlines.

This includes the math fonts as a (more or less) drop-in replacement for
Computer Modern.  I've worked some on the magic math font parameters,
but no doubt improvements are possible.

I used virtual fonts to do this.  I suggest using Tom Rokicki's dvips as
your DVI-to-PostScript program.  dvips is on*.tar.Z.

Thanks to Sebastian Rahtz, who did much of the initial work, and Chuck
Bigelow and Kris Holmes, who designed the typefaces.
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Wed, 22 Apr 92 14:26:21 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: TR2LATEX 2.0 on FILESERV/Niord

In <krischan.703954638@veilchen> (comp.text.tex, 22 Apr 92 14:57:18 GMT), (Christian Engel) posted the
UUENCODEd tar archive of version 2.0 of the troff to LaTeX converter
tr2latex.  I caught it in the incoming box for ctt-Digest (to ctt-Digest
subscribers: yes, the 1,300 or so lines have been cut out for tomorrow's
edition) and went ahead and processed it.  Below is the description file
from our site for this new version.

- --George
The TR2LATEX package includes the files of the April 22, 1992, release of 
Christian Engel's <>
modifications and enhancements of Kamal Al-Yahya's tr2latex, Troff-to-LaTeX
conversion program.  Significantly, the source code can now be compiled and
run under VMS and DOS, as well as the original U*ix.  See the README file
for instructions on how to handle these new systems.

Since all of the files in this package are required for for a complete
distribution, include the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
If for some reason, you should need a specific file, say, TR2LATEX.README,
include the command:
in your mail message to FILESERV.

For anonymous ftp access, there is a compressed U*ix tar file, a VMS backup
saveset, and a ZIP file of the package available in the directory
[.TR2LATEX.FTP] on ( under the filenames
TR2LATEX-2_0.TAR_Z, TR2LATEX-2_0.BCK, and TR2LATEX-2_0.ZIP, respectively.

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                           Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TR2LATEX.DIFFS_TEX                 8   DIFFS.TEX                
TR2LATEX.FLIP_H                    2   FLIP.H                   
TR2LATEX.FORBID_H                  4   FORBID.H                 
TR2LATEX.GREEK_H                   2   GREEK.H                  
TR2LATEX.HISTORY                   7   HISTORY                  
TR2LATEX.MACROS_H                  6   MACROS.H                 
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_MMS              3   MAKEFILE.MMS             
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_MSC              5   MAKEFILE.MSC             
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_TC               5   MAKEFILE.TC              
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_UNIX             6   MAKEFILE.UNIX            
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_VMS              2   MAKEFILE.VMS             
TR2LATEX.MATHS_H                   3   MATHS.H                  
TR2LATEX.PROTOS_H                  5   PROTOS.H                 
TR2LATEX.README                   11   README                   
TR2LATEX.SETUPS_H                  7   SETUPS.H                 
TR2LATEX.SIMIL_H                   3   SIMIL.H                  
TR2LATEX.SUBS_C                   43   SUBS.C                   
TR2LATEX.TESTFILE                  6   TESTFILE                 
TR2LATEX.TR2LATEX_C               15   TR2LATEX.C               
TR2LATEX.TR2LATEX_HLP              3   TR2LATEX.HLP             
TR2LATEX.TR2LATEX_MAN              9   TR2LATEX.MAN             
                                              (or TR2LATEX.MAN.TEX-ORIG)
TR2LATEX.TROFFMAN_STY             11   TROFFMAN.STY             
TR2LATEX.TROFFMS_STY              11   TROFFMS.STY              
TR2LATEX.TR_C                     56   TR.C                     
TR2LATEX.VAXCRTL_OPT               1   VAXCRTL.OPT              
TR2LATEX.VERSION_C                 1   VERSION.C                

Approximate total blocks in full TROFFtoTeX package = 255


Date:    Fri, 24 Apr 92 10:04:02 -0100
Subject: EmTeX Distribution

The EmTeX package available from Aston has been updated by Sebastian Rahtz.

The basic package is 9 High density 3.5" disks (5 for EmTeX and 4 for th LJ
fonts).  This is Set A

Three disk package. EmTeX betatest (386 machines) plus two disks with
dvips, utilities, new font selection scheme, extra style files etc This is
Set B.

Three disk package. FX FLI files This is Set C

Three Disk package. P6M FLI files This is Set D.

Sebastian has produced a short guide which will be sent with every order.

The costs are for media, packing and postage only.

Please make cheques payable to 'Aston University' and enclose a return
address label. Please DO NOT send disks as we only use brand new ones to
minimise virus problems.

Set A   15 UK pounds
Set B     5 UK pounds
Set C     5 UK pounds
Set D     5 UK pounds

Peter Abbott
Tel  44 (0)21 359 5492 direct
FAX 44 (0)21 359 6158


Date:    16 Apr 92 11:06:07 +0000
Subject: Re: supertabular.sty  writes:
 >         On the server in the Netherlands (LISTSERV@HEARN.BITNET) a new
 >         version of supertabular.sty (3.6f) has been made available
 >         as SUPERTAB STY and SUPERTAB DOC. The change is a bugfix that
 >         was made in LaTeX some time ago, but wasn't made in supertabular.
 >         The bug caused the vertical spacing around p-entries to be different
 >         (and wrong) from normal tabular-environments.
the copy on in [tex-archive.latex.contrib] is now also up to



Date:    21 Apr 92 12:27:41 +0000
Subject: tex 3.141 for Unix (in UK TeX Archive)

The latest web sources, and the web2c package, for TeX 3.141 etc,
released by Karl Berry the other day, are now in the UK TeX Archive 


The tar archives will also be exploded into the archive in due course

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    22 Apr 92 12:16:32 +0000
Subject: PK files for PostScript fonts in UK TeX Archive

Karl Berry's collection of PK files for the standard 35 PostScript fonts on 
have been put in the UK TeX Archive as a uuencoded Unix tar archive


It's about 5MB.


                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
                              >>>  UK.AC.TEX  <<<
                  *** Interactive and file transfer access ***
           JANET: Host:, Username: public, Password: public
                                DTE 000020120091
                    Internet: host []
               For telnet access, login: public, password: public
      For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address>
                              *** Mail server ***
                    Send mail to (JANET)
                   or (rest of the world)
                   with message body containing the word HELP

    [tex-archive]00directory.list        [tex-archive]00directory.size
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list  [tex-archive]00last30days.files

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V92 #06
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
         (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage


    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 16]