UKTeX Digest    Friday,  8 May 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 18

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                       whereabouts of OzTeX1.42
                       Re: UKTeX Digest V92 #17
                       RE: UKTeX Digest V92 #17
                 Getting files from the UKTeX archive
                     Re: TIFF image files in TeX
                          Spelling checkers
                        Re: Spelling checkers
                page number on which an article ends?
                page number on which an article ends?
             KD (K.J. Dryllerakis) Greek LaTeX and fonts
                    TR2LATEX 2.0 on FILESERV/Niord
                TR2LATEX version 2.2 on FILESERV/Niord
                 SPFONTWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord
                   SFWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord
 {Archive News}:
                   ps2pk release in UK TeX Archive

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Fri, 01 May 92 17:03:00 +0000
From:    Stephen Miller <>
Subject: whereabouts of OzTeX1.42

this ain't where UKTeX92.17 says it is: I found it in [.tex.mac.oztex142]

stephen miller


Date:    Fri, 01 May 92 18:55:00 +0000
From:    KNAPPEN <>
Subject: Re: UKTeX Digest V92 #17

Re: Danish, hyphenation tables

TeX only accepts ``letters'' in the \patterns. Therefore you should change 
the \catcode of the danish special letters. Also set the appropriate 
upper-and lowercasecodes.

After this, the patterns will be loaded without problem, but...they might 
never apply, because the standard TeX fonts do not follow the pc-encoding.

If you are using the cm-fonts, replace in the patterns the special letters 
by their ^^equivalents (look these up in the appendix of the TeXbook).
\AA is not in the cm-fonts, therefore it cannot hyphenate...but it *is* in 
the dc-fonts (available from all good severs). 

If you are used to type in the pc-codes (or you have a danish keyboard), 
maybe the following is convenient:
make the specail letters (pc-encoding) active and define them to produce 
the TeX command sequences.
e.g. \catcode`?=\active \def?{\AA}%  etc.
Yours, J"org Knappen.


Date:    Tue, 05 May 92 10:04:00 +0000
Subject: RE: UKTeX Digest V92 #17

Re announcement of new version of Ghostscript ( :
I cannot get this to 'UNZIP'. Am I correct in assuming that this is a
PC version ?

Paul Scott, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge.


Date:    Sun, 03 May 92 13:32:17 +0000
Subject: Getting files from the UKTeX archive

Has anyone succeeded in transfering files from the UKTeX archive to a non-VMS
system? I tried a couple of times using cpf from a Unix system on which
I have a guest login, and this is what I got:

> The transfer of file [tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex142]OZTEX142.SIT_HQX
> from host over janet failed.
> The reason given by the remote host was:
> Invalid value in command:
>  - filename "[tex-archive.tex.mac.oztex142]OZTEX142.SIT_HQX" record format in
> patible with transfer code.
> VAX/VMS FTP (80) Version 5.2-2.

I logged on to Aston and a dir/full revealed:

> OZTEX142.SIT_HQX;1            File ID:  (22250,1,0)
> Size:         1968/1968       Owner:    AUI$TEX
> Created:   1-MAY-1992 09:57:17.01
> Revised:   1-MAY-1992 09:58:18.11 (1)
> Expires:   <None specified>
> Backup:    <No backup recorded>
> File organization:  Sequential
> File attributes:    Allocation: 1968, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
>                     No version limit
> Record format:      Fixed length 512 byte records
> etc...

It's been over 10 years since I used VMS in anger, but I seem to recall
that fixed length means a binary file. Now, since HQX is an ASCII encoding
of a binary file, that seems kinda pointless: either don't HQX it, and keep
it as a binary file or HQX it and keep it as a text file. Or am I missing

If you know the right magic runes to persuade the archive to give up its
secrets, please let me know by email (and I will summarize).

Sak Wathanasin
Network Analysis Limited
178 Wainbody Ave South, Coventry CV3 6BX, UK

uucp:      ...!uknet!nan!sw  Phone: (+44) 203 419996
AppleLink: NAN.LTD           Internet:


Date:    Mon, 04 May 92 11:25:00 +0000
From:    Stephen Miller <>
Subject: oztex142.sit_hqx

Have any comments been received about this file? I've tried to dehex it
several times now with fresh copies ftp'ed from the archive and every time
I get a disk error with the message "Unexpected EOF" -- if I remember this 
was the problm with the 1.4 distribution. Inputs/Formats are okay.

stephen miller


Date:    05 May 92 08:06:58 +0000
Subject: oztex142

 > Have any comments been received about this file? I've tried to dehex it
 > several times now with fresh copies ftp'ed from the archive and every time
 > I get a disk error with the message "Unexpected EOF" -- if I remember this 
 > was the problm with the 1.4 distribution. Inputs/Formats are okay.

what is it about OzTeX that causes this? its very frustrating. i got
the .hqx file from midway and uncoded it myself, but the version put
onto Aston seems to have barnacles. I have tried encoding it myself
from my .sit file, and have put it back again


PS if you persist, ignoring the warnings, I think you'll find its
actually OK anyway


Date:    06 May 92 09:46:09 +0000
Subject: Re: TIFF image files in TeX

   From: (Berthold K.P. Horn)
   Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
   Date: 4 May 92 00:35:51 GMT

   There have been several question recently on UK-TeX regarding insertion of
   figures in TIFF format.  I tried to reply via email to these question, but
   appear to be confused about how to get email to the UK. Mail to


   always bounced, even when I inverted the order of subdomains.

   Anyway, yes, you can insert TIFF images file in TeX.  DVIWindo supports
   \special's for insertion of TIFF images.  These can be bi-level
   (monochrome), gray-level, or colour.  They can be uncompressed or
   compressed - since DVIWindo uses Black Ice Software's TIFFREAD.DLL.

   Printer drivers that support halftoning (such as PSCRIPT.DRV and the HP
   printer driver) will convert grey-level images to halftones. The images will
   be shown as gray-level images on screen.  

   In the case of bi-level images, there is also a \special that allows you to
   select the colour of foreground (what would normally be black) and the
   colour of the background (what would normally be white).  A nice use of TIFF
   images is for `buttons' in hyper-text linkages in the DVI file.

   *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

   Disclaimer: respondent has connections with Y&Y (:-)

   *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 

   Berthold K.P. Horn
   Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA


Date:    Wed, 06 May 92 10:47:02 +0000
From:    Adrian F Clark <>
Subject: Spelling checkers

I need to produce a large document that has words such as "visualize"
consistently spelled with "ize".  Alas, the spelling checker on Unix
systems rejects "ize" but accepts "ise" in its so-called British
English mode.  And, of course, if I run it in US English mode, I have
problems with words like "colour".

Has anyone out there a spelling checker, preferably compatible to the
Unix one, that does what I need?  Either on Unix or DOS.  Preferably
one that I can have the source of.

Many thanks in advance.

 Dr Adrian F. Clark                                   JANET:
 INTERNET:          FAX: (+44) 206-872900
 BITNET:              PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct)
 Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK.


Date:    08 May 92 09:36:41 +0000
Subject: Re: Spelling checkers

Adrian F Clark <>  writes:
 > I need to produce a large document that has words such as "visualize"
 > consistently spelled with "ize".  Alas, the spelling checker on Unix
 > systems rejects "ize" but accepts "ise" in its so-called British
 > English mode.  And, of course, if I run it in US English mode, I have
 > problems with words like "colour".
 > Has anyone out there a spelling checker, preferably compatible to the
 > Unix one, that does what I need?  Either on Unix or DOS.  Preferably
 > one that I can have the source of.
`ispell' does an excellent job under Unix, including integration with
emacs. it has British dictionaries in recent versions



Date:    Wed, 06 May 92 10:53:21 +0000
From:    Adrian F Clark <>
Subject: page number on which an article ends?

I'm developing a LaTeX style file for preparing documents built up of
multiple articles (think of it as papers in a journal, if that makes
it easier).  The first page of each article needs to include a
complete reference to itself, including its first and last pages.

The first page of an article is obviously pretty easy: it's the
current page number; but what about the LAST page of an article?  I
presume I'll have to do it by writing something into the AUX file; but
is there any machinery already inside LaTeX to make this easier?

 Dr Adrian F. Clark


Date:    Fri, 08 May 92 10:14:12 +0100
Subject: page number on which an article ends?

Adrian writes:

   The first page of an article is obviously pretty easy: it's the
   current page number; but what about the LAST page of an article?  I
   presume I'll have to do it by writing something into the AUX file; but
   is there any machinery already inside LaTeX to make this easier?

What about putting a \label on the last page of an article, and using
\pageref to access the page number?



Date:    Thu, 07 May 92 17:43:13 +0700
From:    Goossens Michel <>
Subject: KD (K.J. Dryllerakis) Greek LaTeX and fonts

Dear Colleagues,
I recently  tried to install  the KD  Greek system (developed  by K.J.
Dryllerakis of Imperial College, UK),  but the font directory MFINPUT,
referred to  in the READ.ME file  and needed to use  his system, which
refers to those  fonts is not present on the  archive, while the other
directories (DOC, INSTALL, LATEX and TEX) all are.
Can you please tell me where I can get the kd*.mf font files from.
Sincere greetings,
Michel Goossens
| Dr. Michel GOOSSENS              | Phone  : (+41 22) 767-3363        |
| Documentation & Text Processing  | Fax    : (+41 22) 767-7155        |
| AS Group - CN Division           | Telex  : 419 000 CER CH           |
| CERN    European Laboratory      | Email  : GOOSSENS@CERNVM.CERN.CH *|
|         for Particle Physics     | |
|    CH-1211 Geneva 23             | |
|    Switzerland                   |        (*) Preferred mail address |


Date:    Wed, 22 Apr 92 14:26:21 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: TR2LATEX 2.0 on FILESERV/Niord

In <krischan.703954638@veilchen> (comp.text.tex, 22 Apr 92 14:57:18 GMT), (Christian Engel) posted the
UUENCODEd tar archive of version 2.0 of the troff to LaTeX converter
tr2latex.  I caught it in the incoming box for ctt-Digest (to ctt-Digest
subscribers: yes, the 1,300 or so lines have been cut out for tomorrow's
edition) and went ahead and processed it.  Below is the description file
from our site for this new version.

- --George
The TR2LATEX package includes the files of the April 22, 1992, release of 
Christian Engel's <>
modifications and enhancements of Kamal Al-Yahya's tr2latex, Troff-to-LaTeX
conversion program.  Significantly, the source code can now be compiled and
run under VMS and DOS, as well as the original U*ix.  See the README file
for instructions on how to handle these new systems.

Since all of the files in this package are required for for a complete
distribution, include the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
If for some reason, you should need a specific file, say, TR2LATEX.README,
include the command:
in your mail message to FILESERV.

For anonymous ftp access, there is a compressed U*ix tar file, a VMS backup
saveset, and a ZIP file of the package available in the directory
[.TR2LATEX.FTP] on ( under the filenames
TR2LATEX-2_0.TAR_Z, TR2LATEX-2_0.BCK, and TR2LATEX-2_0.ZIP, respectively.

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                           Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TR2LATEX.DIFFS_TEX                 8   DIFFS.TEX                
TR2LATEX.FLIP_H                    2   FLIP.H                   
TR2LATEX.FORBID_H                  4   FORBID.H                 
TR2LATEX.GREEK_H                   2   GREEK.H                  
TR2LATEX.HISTORY                   7   HISTORY                  
TR2LATEX.MACROS_H                  6   MACROS.H                 
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_MMS              3   MAKEFILE.MMS             
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_MSC              5   MAKEFILE.MSC             
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_TC               5   MAKEFILE.TC              
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_UNIX             6   MAKEFILE.UNIX            
TR2LATEX.MAKEFILE_VMS              2   MAKEFILE.VMS             
TR2LATEX.MATHS_H                   3   MATHS.H                  
TR2LATEX.PROTOS_H                  5   PROTOS.H                 
TR2LATEX.README                   11   README                   
TR2LATEX.SETUPS_H                  7   SETUPS.H                 
TR2LATEX.SIMIL_H                   3   SIMIL.H                  
TR2LATEX.SUBS_C                   43   SUBS.C                   
TR2LATEX.TESTFILE                  6   TESTFILE                 
TR2LATEX.TR2LATEX_C               15   TR2LATEX.C               
TR2LATEX.TR2LATEX_HLP              3   TR2LATEX.HLP             
TR2LATEX.TR2LATEX_MAN              9   TR2LATEX.MAN             
                                              (or TR2LATEX.MAN.TEX-ORIG)
TR2LATEX.TROFFMAN_STY             11   TROFFMAN.STY             
TR2LATEX.TROFFMS_STY              11   TROFFMS.STY              
TR2LATEX.TR_C                     56   TR.C                     
TR2LATEX.VAXCRTL_OPT               1   VAXCRTL.OPT              
TR2LATEX.VERSION_C                 1   VERSION.C                

Approximate total blocks in full TROFFtoTeX package = 255


Date:    Mon, 27 Apr 92 16:27:34 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: TR2LATEX version 2.2 on FILESERV/Niord

In <krischan.704389257@veilchen> (comp.text.tex, 27 Apr 92 15:40:57 GMT), (Christian Engel) posted:
> This is the new version 2.2 of the troff to LaTeX converter tr2latex.  It
> is a compressed tar archive.  Follow steps 1 through 6 to unpack it.

Christian's obviously been busy!  I caught this while going through the
ctt-Digest receipts and it has been removed from that distribution (and so
noted).  The changes between version 2.2 and 2.1 (announced and installed
last week) are listed as follows:
# Revision 2.2  1992/04/27  15:13:51  Christian_Engel
# - Fixed a bug in flip_twice I have brought in with revision 1.02 but didn't
#   notice earlier. It lead to wrong translation of nested flipping math
#   commands like ``a under hat''.
#   Bug reported by Richard Walker <>.
# - Some modifications to calm down some strange warnings on strange
#   compilers reported from the net
# - Fixed bug in getopts: now input of stdin by pure command line argument `-'
#   works properly.
# - Fixed bug in main: multiple command line arguments work properly now.

To retrieve the new version, include the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
For anonymous ftp users of (, a compressed U*ix
tar file, a VMS backup saveset, and a DOS-compatible ZIP file reside in the
directory [.TR2LATEX.FTP] as TR2LATEX-2_2.TAR_Z, *.BCK, and *.ZIP,

Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University              Internet:
Huntsville, TX 77341            


Date:    Mon, 04 May 92 13:03:40 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: SPFONTWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord

Norman Walsh <walsh@cs.umass.EDU> forwarded me the updates to his
SPFONTWARE collection of utilities for conversion of Hewlett-Packard
softfonts to and from TeX PK/TFM format (for MS/DOS platforms).  Below is
his announcement, as well as a portion of FILESERV's description file.  I
truly extend my thanks to Norm for working on this, as well as working with
me in getting these archived.

- --George
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
I'm pleased to announce the release of new versions of PktoSFPto, SFPtoPK,
and MergeSFP.  PKtoSFP and SFPtoPK have been in beta-testing for a while
now and appear stable enough for a general release.  If you do experience
any problems, don't hesitate to let me know.

The major new feature in SFPtoPK and PKtoSFP is support for HP AutoFont
Support files.  AutoFont Support files are a "standard" that HP is promoting
for font metric information.  They serve much the same purpose as the AFM
files that Adobe provides with their PostScript fonts.

I believe that many of the commercial font vendors now supply AutoFont Support
files with their fonts and I know that many of the font-rendering programs
(like MoreFonts and HP Type Director) can create AutoFont Support files.

In SFPtoPK, AutoFont Support files provide better metrics to use when
constructing the TeX TFM file.  All of SFPtoPK's options for doing things
like kerning and spacing are imperfect (good, I claim, but imperfect).  If
you have an AutoFont Support file, you can get good metrics without all of
the approximation.

In PKtoSFP, the advantage is that, by creating AutoFont Support files, the
fonts created can be used in a wider range of applications.  For example,
WordPerfect cannot use softfonts unless you purchase a special third-party
installation program.  However, if you have AutoFont Support files for your
softfonts, you can install fonts into WP with nothing more than PTR (if anyone
is particularly interested, I also have a program that creates AutoFont
support files directly from softfonts).

MergeSFP, I admit, is basically a recompilation with some incremental
improvements in the font-reading code.  The documentation is also a bit
improved.  I haven't had any enhancement requests, so I haven't done much with

In summary, the new releases are:

        PK2SF210.ZIP (PKtoSFP vers 2.10)
        SF2PK200.ZIP (SFPtoPK vers 2.00)
        MRGSF130.ZIP (MergeSFP vers 1.30)

Notice that I've renamed the archive files in order to place version numbers
in the name.  These versions supercede all other versions of these programs.

As I said before, please feel free to send me your comments about these
programs.  I'll do everything I can to help out if you have a problem and I'm
always willing to entertain enhancment requests.


P.S. If there is sufficient interest, I can provide a program that creates
TeX TFM's directly from AutoFont Support files (without the intervening
softfont).  This could be used to create good metrics for builtin laserjet
fonts, for example.  Since I can't use the builtin fonts with my DVI driver,
I haven't actually done this (yet).
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
To retrieve the entire set of three files, please include the command
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
To retrieve a specific file from this distribution, say
SPFONTWARE.MRGSF130_UUE_1OF3, include the command:
For all files in a single file, such as SPFONTWARE.SF2PK200_UUE, include the
in the body of the mail message to FILESERV.  The ZIP themselves are
available for anonymous ftp retrieval from ( in
the directory [.SPFONTWARE].

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                         Blocks  Save file as:      UUDECODEs to:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPFONTWARE.MRGSF130_UUE_2OF3    79   part 2
SPFONTWARE.MRGSF130_UUE_3OF3    44   part 3
SPFONTWARE.PK2SF210_UUE_1OF4    79   PK2SF210.UUE      PK2SF210.ZIP
SPFONTWARE.PK2SF210_UUE_2OF4    79   part 2
SPFONTWARE.PK2SF210_UUE_3OF4    79   part 3
SPFONTWARE.PK2SF210_UUE_3OF4    59   part 4
SPFONTWARE.SF2PK200_UUE_1OF6    79   SF2PK200.UUE      SF2PK200.ZIP
SPFONTWARE.SF2PK200_UUE_2OF6    79   part 2
SPFONTWARE.SF2PK200_UUE_3OF6    79   part 3
SPFONTWARE.SF2PK200_UUE_4OF6    79   part 4
SPFONTWARE.SF2PK200_UUE_5OF6    79   part 5
SPFONTWARE.SF2PK200_UUE_6OF6    21   part 6

Approximate total blocks in full SPFONTWARE package = 914


Date:    Mon, 04 May 92 15:29:48 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 
Subject: SFWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord

Norman Walsh <walsh@cs.umass.EDU> also passed along an updated public
version (v.1.1A) of his SFWARE files (these are shareware).  This version
fixes a number of small bugs that were discovered after the release of
v1.00 and adds one new special effect (tilt--which rotates characters to
any angle).  A complete list of the fixes/improvements made since v1.00 is
attached below.  It's worth pointing out that Shareware Magazine can make
favorable reviews -- this package is one they actually liked.

Attached are Norm's list and FILESERV's description file for this package. 
Again, my sincerest thanks are extended to Norm for working with me in
getting this archived.

- --George
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Here is a (nearly) exhaustive list of the fixes/improvements since v1.00:

SfFx: compression flag was random, resize sometimes truncated the right-most
      and/or bottom-most rows of pixels, fill sometimes updated the font
      descriptor cell-size incorrectly, mirror wasn't adjusting the font
      descriptor baseline correctly, improved inter-character spacing in the
      slant effect, resize (at integral magnifications) looks better (no
      rounding errors can occur).
SfRotate: the font header wasn't being updated correctly.
SfView: now starts at first character in font rather than at ASCII 0 when run
SfInfo: was failing to close each font file, could cause the "too many open
        files" error to occur.
SfGraph: graphics background color of 0 (black) no longer fails
General: improved scalable font detection.

Boy, that list sure looks long!  My appologies if anyone got bitten by any
of these.  No one reported any problems which, I figure, means one of three
things: 1) no one is using Sfware (I hope that's not true), 2) no one found
any of these problems (except me, and I hope that _IS_ true), 3) everyone
is too shy to tell me when they find a problem.  All I can say about #3 is,
please send me _any_ comments you have (good or bad).  I'll do everything I
can to help you out, and I don't bite (I promise ;-).


P.S: obTeX: I use Sfware in combination with PKtoSFP and SFPtoPK to use
these neat effects with TeX all the time...
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The SFWARE package includes four UUENCODEd ZIP files (in 46 mailable parts)
for Norm Walsh's ( Sfware utilities (version 1.1A) which
allow you to download, rotate, compress, expand, view, and perform special
effects on softfonts.  The effects provided include bold, fill, convert to
fixed spacing, halftone, hollow, invert, mirror, outline, convert to
proportional spacing, resize, reverse, shade, shadow, slant, stripe,
three-d, hollow-three-d, and filled-three-d effects.  The effects can be
tailored and customized for any font with various parameters and shading
patterns.  One new special effect has been added in 1.1A -- tilt --which
rotates characters to any angle.  

Sfware is distributed in five archive files: SFW11AP1, SFW11AP2, SFW11AD1,
SFW11AD2, and SFW11AEX.  The 'P' archives contain the programs and the 'D'
archives contain documentation.  It is absolutely vital that you have BOTH
program archives before you try to use Sfware.  The EX archive is (relatively)
small and contains a "sample sheet" that will give you a feel for Sfware
before you download the whole thing.

These programs only work under MS-DOS.  The menu-shell requires a hard disk
and 400+kb of memory.  The special effects cannot be applied to scalable
fonts.  These programs are shareware.

In summary, what you need:
These archives contain the programs for Sfware.  You must get both of these
archives or Sfware will not work!
These archives contain the documentation.  The "D1" archive documents the
full-screen shell.  The "D2" archive documents the command line utilities.
It is recommended that you start with the full-screen shell and move on to
the command-line interface if you find a need.
This is an examples archive.  It is considerably smaller than the others
and contains an over-view as well as an examples page (to print on your
laser printer) that will give you a feel for the kinds of things Sfware can
do.  If you know you want Sfware, you don't need SFW11AEX.ZIP.

These files are available for retrieval via mail by including the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
If, for some reason, you should only require a specific file, say,
SFWARE.SFW11AD2_UUE_5OF9, include the command:
in your mail message to FILESERV. If you only wish to retrieve a certain
file set, say, SFWARE.SFW11AEX_UUE*, include the command:
in your mail message to FILESERV.

SFW11AD2.ZIP files are available for anonymous ftp retrieval from [] in the directory [.SFWARE].  

Files added to this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                      Blocks  Save file as:      UUDECODEs to:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SFWARE.SFW11AD1_UUE_01OF11   79   SFW11AD1.UUE       SFW11AD1.ZIP
  through                  each    (UUENCODED parts 1 though 10)
SFWARE.SFW11AD1_UUE_11OF11   12    part 11

SFWARE.SFW11AD2_UUE_1OF9     79   SFW11AD2.UUE       SFW11AD2.ZIP
  through                  each    (UUENCODED parts 1 though 8)
SFWARE.SFW11AD2_UUE_9OF9     34   part 9 

SFWARE.SFW11AEX_UUE_2OF2     77    (UUENCODED parts 1 and 2)

SFWARE.SFW11AP1_UUE_01OF13   79   SFW11AP1.UUE       SFW11AP1.ZIP
  through                  each    (UUENCODED parts 1 though 12)
SFWARE.SFW11AP1_UUE_13OF13   13   part 13

SFWARE.SFW11AP2_UUE_01OF11   79   SFW11AP2.UUE       SFW11AP2.ZIP
  through                  each    (UUENCODED parts 1 though 11)

Approximate total blocks in SFWARE package = 3,454


Date:    06 May 92 11:08:57 +0000
Subject: ps2pk release in UK TeX Archive

I have placed a copy of Piet Tutelaers 'ps2pk' package in the UK TeX
Archive, in [tex-archive.utils.ps2pk]. The README is appended. Please
treat this package with care, and ensure that you send feedback to
Piet if you port it to other systems. 

A Unixified copy of the main package is also in


The package at present works for Unix boxes and Amiga. I will put DOS
binaries in the archive as and when they are got to work. VMS, anyone?


                         PS2PK-1.1 release
                            (May 1992)

Ps2pk is a program that converts a type1 font into a TeX PK font.  The
type1 font can be supplied in binary MSDOS format (.pfb) or in UNIX
ASCII format (.pfa).  To use ps2pk you will need TeX3.0 or higher
(virtual fonts), dvips (and its accompanying afm2tfm) and a previewer
that supports virtual fonts (latest xdvi on UNIX).

This package does only provide the Utopia-Regular font that Adobe
donated to the X-consortium as an example font.  The complete Utopia
family and the IBM Courier family (an IBM donation) can be retrieved

You will have only full benefit of this program if you buy the Adobe
fonts that are resident in your PostScript printer.  They can be ordered
from Adobe together with the ATM (Adobe Type Manager) package that Adobe
sells for MS windows. 

Ps2pk uses the rendering software that IBM has donated to the
X-consortium.  This software is copy protected.  The programs I wrote
are are free in the spirit of TeX.

I hope you will enjoy ps2pk,

- --Piet

(See the file INSTALLATION for further information.)

internet:       | Piet Tutelaers
bitnet:   rcpt@heitue5.BITNET   | Computer Center       Room  RC 1.90
phone:    +31 (0)40 474541      | Eindhoven University of  Technology
fax:      +31 (0)40 434438      | P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, NL

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\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V92 #08
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
         (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage


    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 18]