UKTeX Digest	Friday,  5 Jun 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 20

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
	service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
			       Filofax page style
			     Re: Filofax page style
		      Fitting lots of footnotes on a page
			       MathTime and LaTeX
		       Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000
		     RE: Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000
		     Re: Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000
		     Re: Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000
				emTeX betatest 8
			      Re: emTeX betatest 8
			      RE: emTeX betatest 8
				 Headed letters
			       Re: Headed letters
			    Chinese names in BibTeX
		      LaTeX citation within figure caption
				RE: ltugboat.sty
		     emtex drivers for Herculese and LQ-400
				 Unix DVi to HP
			       Re: Unix DVi to HP
			    FIG and Transfig for PCs
			  Re: FIG and Transfig for PCs
			      [Not] double-spacing
		  BiBTeX database maintenance program on offer
	       Re: Current version of PLAIN.TEX in the archive ?
				   EuroTeX 92
	   Conference announcement: Astronomy from Large Databases II
		  Sending mail to TeXserver rather than UKTeX
		      Lucida for TeX version 1.1 available
		      SPFONTWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord
 {Archive News}:
				astrosym symbols
			  tiny update to web2c system
	       pslatex and other Wolczko files in UK TeX Archive
		   dvips 5.490 in uk tex archive, and SeeTeX
	      psbox - macros for including PS figures in TeX docs

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Mon, 18 May 92 17:37:53 +0000
From:    Peter J Knaggs. <>
Subject: Filofax page style

I have a requirement to output pages on an A4 page, destined for use in a
filofax.  Does anyone know if this has been done, or could help me in
designing some code to do the job ?

Peter J. Knaggs.        School of Computing and Maths, Teesside Polytechnic,
pjk @      Middlesbrough, England.         +44 (642) 342673

(Soon to be called "University of Teesside", as soon as the Privy Council
 gets around to approving it.)


Date:    19 May 92 14:48:29 +0000
Subject: Re: Filofax page style

Peter J Knaggs. <>  writes:
 > I have a requirement to output pages on an A4 page, destined for use in a
something missing? if it means `n', then use dvips and Ross
Cartlidge's header



Date:    Wed, 20 May 92 11:02:00 +0000
Subject: Fitting lots of footnotes on a page

Plain TeX defines \dimen\footins=8in to allow at most 8" worth of
footnotes per page. Fine. I'm working with \vsize=6in for a booklet,
and one page has a lot of footnotes, so there's very little text.
What's happening is that TeX is overflowing the footnotes down below
the page foot, overwriting the \footline, and giving an overfull vbox
of some 35pt. Yet the footnote reference points are all in the first
four lines of the text on the page, and there are 10 more lines
of unmarked text which it should push onto the following page to make
space for the footnotes on this page, but it's not doing this.
As \dimen\footins seems adequate, is there another setting I haven't
discovered which controls the _minimum_ amount of _text_ on the page,
as distinct from the _maximum_ amount of _footnotes_?


Date:    Wed, 20 May 92 12:59:00 +0000
Subject: MathTime and LaTeX

        I recently bought the MathTime package from TeXplorators.
        It comes with macros designed to use with either plain TeX,
        AMSTeX or LamsTeX. But, as you would have expected from Spivak
        no support for LaTeX, let alone NFSS is provided.
        Now, I'm think I could build that myself, but if anyone already
        did it and is willing to share his results with me that would
        save me some time.
        So, please, if anybody already integrated the MathTime fonts with
        NFSS and LaTeX, could I use your macros?
     Thanks in advance,
        Johannes Braams
PTT Research Neher Laboratorium,        P.O. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,                   The Netherlands.
Phone    : +31 70 3325051               E-mail :
Fax      : +31 70 3326477               (was   :


Date:    Wed, 20 May 92 13:54:00 +0000
Subject: Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000 

I wonder if you can help me. I'm trying to install TeX on an IBM RS6000.
I have two problems. The first is that I can't persuade ftp or send to 
convert to filenames to lowercase (set case lower doesn't seem to work with
mput) which I think is necessary for Unix. Is there any way round this?
The second is that I'm not sure what installation procedure to use. Would
copying all files in [.unix...] into one directory on my machine and then
following the procedures in readme.w2c in [.unix] work? All the directories
etc have me a little confused.

Thanks very much,

Michael Tusch


Date:    Wed, 20 May 92 15:55:42 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: RE: Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000

In a message (to SYSTEM, forwarded to UKTeX) of Wed, 20 May 92 13:54 BST, wrote:

> I wonder if you can help me. I'm trying to install TeX on an IBM RS6000.
> I have two problems. The first is that I can't persuade ftp or send to 
> convert to filenames to lowercase (set case lower doesn't seem to work with
> mput) which I think is necessary for Unix. Is there any way round this?

I don't think there's any way by which the CRUX ftp client (since you
mention mput I presume that you've logged in to the PUBLIC account and
are using ftp from to communicate back to your site) can be
persuaded to perform filename translation --- in fact, are things not
worse even, in that the version number is also appended to the filename
on the target system?

But the SEND command, which uses DEC's CBS to perform NIFTP over the
Janet network *does* always convert filenames to lower-case, and
excludes any version number: therefore I'm surprised that you say it
doesn't work.  But perhaps I've misinterpreted your message.  To use
SEND, just type exactly that at the command line prompt from DCL; the
file(s) to be transferred may use wildcards, if desired --- these
specifications, and all other required information, is prompted for by

> The second is that I'm not sure what installation procedure to use. Would
> copying all files in [.unix...] into one directory on my machine and then
> following the procedures in readme.w2c in [.unix] work? All the directories
> etc have me a little confused.

I can't really answer this one, which is why I've recirculated your
message to the wider audience of the UKTeX-Reviewers (and ultimately to
the general public, who may have similar problems/queries).  But I would
suspect that you should attempt to reproduce the directory hierarchy on
your home machine --- so if there's a file [.UNIX.TEX.SRC]00README.;1 you
ought to attempt to create .../unix/TeX/src/00readme on your own

I trust that sebastian or Dave may be able to advise further on this

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}


Date:    20 May 92 16:20:28 +0000
Subject: Re: Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000  writes:
 > I wonder if you can help me. I'm trying to install TeX on an IBM RS6000.
 > I have two problems. The first is that I can't persuade ftp or send to 
 > convert to filenames to lowercase (set case lower doesn't seem to work with
 > mput) which I think is necessary for Unix. Is there any way round this?
 > The second is that I'm not sure what installation procedure to use. Would
 > copying all files in [.unix...] into one directory on my machine and then
 > following the procedures in readme.w2c in [.unix] work? All the directories
 > etc have me a little confused.
PLEASE DONT USE THE DIRECTORIES. They are not up to date. Instead,
fetch the two files from
which are called web....tarz_uue. Get these to your machine, uudecode
them, uncompress them, and use tar to unpack them both somewhere with
plenty of disk space (start from the same directory for both!). *now*
read the instructions...



Date:    Mon, 01 Jun 92 16:40:58 +0000
From:    David Osborne <>
Subject: Re: Installation of TeX on IBM RS6000


In your message of 20 May 92 14:33:46 GMT, you said:

 > I have two problems. The first is that I can't persuade ftp or send to 
 > convert to filenames to lowercase (set case lower doesn't seem to work with
 > mput) which I think is necessary for Unix. Is there any way round this?

Case conversion of filenames is available in most ftp implementations.
I'm not sure if the ftp client on supports this, so you may
be better off using as the ftp server end, establishing the
connection from one of your local machines.

You can ease the work of fetching files from (a VAX running
VMS, which insists on uppercase filenames) to Unix systems by making
use of the ~/.netrc file, a startup file read by your ftp client.
Here's a slightly modified extract from mine, using the "case" command
to translate filenames to lowercase, the "runique" command to create
unique names for received files which clash with existing local files,
and "nmap" to map filenames from VMS "name.extension;generation"
format by dropping the generation number.  These are all wrapped up in
an initial macro which is automatically executed when the connection
to the machine is made, the macro definition being terminated by an
empty line (actually, two consecutive newlines) in the file.  The file
should be owned by your username and should be given mode 600
(read/write for yourself only).  The details of all this should be
contained in the manual page for your implementation of ftp.

machine	login anonymous password your-email-address-here
macdef init
nmap \$1.\$2;\$3 \$1.\$2


 > The second is that I'm not sure what installation procedure to use. Would
 > copying all files in [.unix...] into one directory on my machine and then
 > following the procedures in readme.w2c in [.unix] work? All the directories
 > etc have me a little confused.

It might be easier if you requested a copy of the Washington Unix TeX
distribution tape --- I redistribute this on quarter-inch cartridge in
the UK... see details at the end of this issue of UKTeX.

- --David Osborne
  Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham
    pp UKTeX and UK TeX Archive (UKTeX Digest editor)


Date:    20 May 92 15:43:25 +0000
Subject: emTeX betatest 8

Could anyone explain to me how to get out of
to an MS-DOS machine, which is presumably what it is intended for?
We use RAINBOW to do file transfers.

The same applies to the other ZIP files.

Mike Piff


Date:    20 May 92 16:49:35 +0000
Subject: Re: emTeX betatest 8  writes:
 > Could anyone explain to me how to get out of
 > []
 > to an MS-DOS machine, which is presumably what it is intended for?
 > We use RAINBOW to do file transfers.
somewhere over the RAINBOW lies Internet-style FTP. but since I'm
feeling in a good mood (a lie), I have made BOO encoded versions of
all the ZIP files for you... see again in about an hour



Date:    Thu, 21 May 92 11:55:11 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: RE: emTeX betatest 8

Mike ---

>>> Could anyone explain to me how to get out of
>>> []
>>> to an MS-DOS machine, which is presumably what it is intended for?
>>> We use RAINBOW to do file transfers.

Something like (trailing hyphen indicates line broken solely for e-mail):

C:> Pinkbook
C:> Rcopy /b -$tex:[] - public public
C:> Pinkbook /de

					* Phil.


Date:    Thu, 21 May 92 15:38:48 +0000
From:    Sam Nelson <>
Subject: Headed letters

Can anyone explain to me a reasonable way to get a Postscript letterhead
into LaTeX's `letter.sty' or similar?  I have a letterhead constructed
with a nice neat 545pt x 127pt BoundingBox, and I'm now trying to get it
into the right place in `letter.sty'.  The best place seems to be the
`\@oddhead{}' macro in `\ps@firstpage{}' but while this can work, you get
into trouble when the user plays around with `\textwidth' and margins.
How do I add the letterhead so that it stays in the same place on the page
regardless, but still has space left for it by the rest of the style file?

If it's relevant, DVI translator in use is Rokicki v5.47.

Thanks in advance,


 ---------------    Sam Nelson, Computer Officer, Dept of Computing Science,
| (paste        |   University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland.
|  complicated  |   E-mail: See From: line
|  logo         |   Tel:    +44 786 67443, or +44 786 73171 X7443
|  here)        |   G3 Fax: +44 786 64551
|               |   Member of the League for Programming Freedom
|               |     ( for details)
 ---------------    $\Delta p\Delta {\bf r}\stackrel{\textstyle >}{\sim}\hbar$


Date:    03 Jun 92 08:22:13 +0000
Subject: Re: Headed letters

Sam Nelson <>  writes:
 > Can anyone explain to me a reasonable way to get a Postscript letterhead
 > into LaTeX's `letter.sty' or similar?  I have a letterhead constructed
 > with a nice neat 545pt x 127pt BoundingBox, and I'm now trying to get it
 > into the right place in `letter.sty'.  The best place seems to be the
 > `\@oddhead{}' macro in `\ps@firstpage{}' but while this can work, you get
 > into trouble when the user plays around with `\textwidth' and margins.
 > How do I add the letterhead so that it stays in the same place on the page
 > regardless, but still has space left for it by the rest of the style file?
theres a hook for this, I think, \@texttop. I do


where \DrawLogo does the biz.



Date:    22 May 92 16:54:10 +0000
Subject: HeaderFooter.sty

Could I suggest the following amendment to Stephen Gildea's headerfooter.sty
LaTeX style file? the problem is caused by LaTeX' tendency to make title pages
plain, with its own idea of what ``plain'' should mean.

(NFSS gurus please comment on whether I have reset the fonts correctly.)

Mike Piff

%%Appendage to Stephen Gildea's HEADERFOOTER.STY
%%Added Mike Piff, 05/22/92 04:31pm to correct plain page anomaly



Date:    Thu, 28 May 92 15:37:16 +0000
From:    Alan Jeffrey <>
Subject: Chinese names in BibTeX

Does anyone know of an `official' way to cite people with names of the
form `Family-name Given-name' in BibTeX?  For example, a paper by Wang
Yi should be cited as [Wan90] or (Wang, 1990), and should appear in
the references under W as `Wang Yi' or `Wang, Y.'

   in alpha, author="Wang Yi" produces [Yi90] and alphabetizes under Y
   in alpha, author="Yi Wang" produces `Yi Wang' in the references
   in harvard, author="{Wang Yi}" produces (Wang Yi, 1990)

So far, I haven't found a way of citing papers by Wang which works
with all the bibliography styles.  Has anyone any ideas?  Will this be
easier in the next release of BibTeX?


Alan Jeffrey        Tel: +44 273 606755 x 3238
School of Cognitive and Computer Sciences, Sussex Univ., Brighton BN1 9QH, UK. 


Date:    Fri, 29 May 92 15:10:49 +0000
Subject: LaTeX citation within figure caption

Below is a section of a LaTeX file which refuses to allow a citation within a 
caption of a figure.  Can anyone help remedy this.  The error message I get whe
I run LaTeX is :

! Argument of \@caption has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.41 ...epresentation of a micelle\cite{mc:atkins} }

The citation works fine outside of the caption as does the caption when not 
citated (?).

Help !!

\voffset=1truein \hoffset=1truecm
\input PostScript
\author{Chris Lyes}
\date{\today }
\input a4l.tex
concentrations it becomes more energetically favourable for the monomers to
group together forming roughly spherical micelles consisting of a hydrophobic
core surrounded by a shield of polar groups.  It is the study of these micelles
and their industrial applications which will form the body of this report.
\vskip -.1in
\PostScript file: [];
		 xmin: 10.5cm; ymin: 7.5cm;
		 xmax: 17cm; ymax: 13.5cm;
		 width: 2.25in; height: 2in;
		 options: { }
\caption{A representation of micelle\cite{mc:atkins} }
\section{Theory of Micelle Formation}
Depending on the chemical structure of the amphiphile, it may be classed as
cationic, anionic, non-ionic or ampholytic (zwitterionic). The formation of
the micelle is dependant on a number of factors.  For example, the size of the




Date:    29 May 92 16:27:48 +0000
Subject: ltugboat.sty

Does anyone know which (if any) of the many versions of LTUGBOAT.STY in the
archive is the correct version to use with the NFSS? I found one with
MULTICOL.STY, but it appears to be well out of date as compared with that
in [tex-archive.digests.tugboat]. On the other hand, the latter does not work
correctly with NFSS.

Another irritating feature is that some versions input TUGBOAT.COM and some
input TUGBOAT.CMN. I can see the MS-DOS pitfalls in using the former name,
but which is now standard???

Mike Piff


Date:    Sun, 31 May 92 18:13:09 +0000
Subject: RE: ltugboat.sty

Mike Piff wrote:

> Does anyone know which (if any) of the many versions of LTUGBOAT.STY in the
> archive is the correct version to use with the NFSS? I found one with
> MULTICOL.STY, but it appears to be well out of date as compared with that
> in [tex-archive.digests.tugboat]. On the other hand, the latter does not work
> correctly with NFSS.
There is not yet an LTUGBOAT.STY which is completely compatible with
NFSS.  Rainer told me that Barbara told him she would release one

> Another irritating feature is that some versions input TUGBOAT.COM and some
> input TUGBOAT.CMN. I can see the MS-DOS pitfalls in using the former name,
> but which is now standard???
tugboat.COM is obsolete, use tugboat.CMN (for COMMON).

Chris Rowley, pp: The Aston Archivists (and courtesy of The INTERNET).


Date:    Mon, 01 Jun 92 13:49:07
Subject: emtex drivers for Herculese and LQ-400

I have been successfully using emtex on my PC with a VGA screen and a
DeskJet printer. I recently tried to install it on a colleague's PC.
This PC is one she inherited, along with the room, and there is no
documentation. I used the GraphDetect function of the Borland Graphics
Interface, and this told me that the PC has a Herculese Monochrome
monitor. The printer is an Epson LQ-400.

The input file I used was simply a LaTeX file with the single phrase:
Hello World!

Although TeX and LaTeX both work properly, neither of the DVI drivers
seem to work.

When calling DVISCR, either with the default (auto-detect) screen
ottion, or with the explicit /oa4 Herculese option, I get a screen full
of a nice pattern, except that the bottom, status, line does seem to be
there. The other options are as on my VGA driver: the /pf--- for font
files, and the /o4 option for scaling. The first stage, finding the
fonts, is OK.

Since there does not appear to be an explicit .DOT file for the LQ-400,
I recall being advised to try the LQH, LQM or LQL dot-files or the
corresponding LQWx dot-files. On trying these, I find that the LQM and
LQWM dot-files give me a page with the characters extended vertically,
but as whole characters. With the corresponding LQH dot-files, the
characters are not just expanded, but broken up vertically. and the page
is condensed to about a third of its normal height.

Any sugestions?

John Rostron


Date:    03 Jun 92 08:18:28 +0000
Subject: Unix DVi to HP

> >>> Claire Steward at ULCC suggested you might be able to help me.
 > >>> I have a student here who is using teX or lateX to produce his
 > >>> Phd thesis.  He has a dvi driver for postscript but we do not
 > >>> have a post script printer for him to use.  The School mainly
 > >>> uses HP laserjet printers and I understand there is a deivce
 > >>> driver called dvijet available.  Do you know where I could find
 > >>> a copy of dvijet?
obtain DVIJET from the UK TeX Archive (, in
[TEX-ARCHIVE.DRIVERS.BEEBE].  Get the whole collection of stuff, as
you'll need to spend a while compiling the thing. I have no idea what
its like! Alternatively, Gustav Neumann's driver will also do the job,



Date:    Wed, 03 Jun 92 11:46:00 +0100
From:    Max Calvani - Italy <>
Subject: Re: Unix DVi to HP

Beware that all definitios are in machdef.h.
I did not print docs... and spent few hours to find out how to compile
few drivers (under VMS). Max


Date:    Wed, 03 Jun 92 13:10:33 +0000
From:    Malcolm Goodier <>
Subject: FIG and Transfig for PCs

I used to use LaTeX on a SUN workstation and incorporate Postscript figures
that I had generated useing Fig and Fig2ps from the Fig and Transcript packages.
I'm currently stuck with a 386DX PC using EmTeX and I wondered if these 
aforementioned programs where available for the PC from some archive site.
Alternatively, I'd be very grateful if anyone could point me at a good way of
drawing diagrams on screen to put in my LaTeX documents in LaTeX picture
format or Postscript (public domain software if possible).

Thank you for your time and assistance.

malcolm goodier

0533 577582


Date:    04 Jun 92 14:13:53 +0000
Subject: Re: FIG and Transfig for PCs

Malcolm Goodier <>  writes:

 > Transcript packages.  I'm currently stuck with a 386DX PC using
 > EmTeX and I wondered if these aforementioned programs where
Fig, certainly not. you could compile fig2ps to get at old drawings,
if thats of any use to you, though I doubt it

 > very grateful if anyone could point me at a good way of drawing
 > diagrams on screen to put in my LaTeX documents in LaTeX picture
 > format or Postscript (public domain software if possible).
it all depends on the type of diagram, doesn't it? you could try
`texcad' (somewhere lurking in the middle of emTeX distribution), but
its not mega-sophisticated. gnuplot will do good graphs and such.
these two write LaTeX picture commands if you like. If you are into
describing your pictures in words, then the `pic' language is fascinating (and
you can get gpic for your 386 to translate them to TeX specials which
dvips will understand <horrors, i nearly wrote "grok" then>).
otherwise, reluctant as I am to suggest handing over hard cash, Corel
Draw is such a good piece of software, you owe it to yourself to buy a

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    Wed, 03 Jun 92 13:46:28 +0000
Subject: [Not] double-spacing

T. J. Hunt (UKTeX V92 #19) enquired about "double spacing".  As an
alternative to the doublespace LaTeX style-option suggested by Sebastian,
could he try arguing against double-spacing, and for standard typesetting 
conventions?  Possible arguments:
*  double-spacing is a hangover from typewriting.  LaTeX is a typesetting
   system, so typewriting conventions are inappropriate.
*  experiments show that the line-length and inter-line spacing that are
   usual in traditional typesetting are near-optimal for continuous reading.
   (Tinker's work, reported on pages 178-179 of Digital Typography by
*  BS 4821 for dissertations suggests that, for typeset work, lines should be
   between 60 and 70 characters long (including spaces), with "enough
   space between lines to allow people ease of horizontal scanning". (If  
   space is needed for examiners to scribble, it's available in the margins)
*  books & journals on supervisor's shelf won't be typeset double-spaced
   (whatever double-spaced means when typesetting).  Does the supervisor
   think that his/her books & journals would have been better typeset with 
   hugely increased line-spacing?  No?  Why do it for an experiment report 
*  normal typesetting inter-line space will increase the amount of related
   material that is view-able at once (e.g., related equations).

If the supervisor wants (or the regulation-makers want) professional advice
on the subject, they could try attending the forthcoming UK TUG meeting
on "Document Design" at Reading.  

								David Rhead


Date:    Thu, 04 Jun 92 14:08:51 +0000
From:    A N Other <>
Subject: BiBTeX database maintenance program on offer

I've written a program to maintain a BiBTeX database.

There are 3 versions,

1) A Sun Openwindows version.
2) A curses TEXT version.
3) An ordinary TEXT version.

I'm considering placing it in the public domain but would first
like to hear some comments (bug reports ?) from users.

If any of the UKTeX readers would like to help test this program,
then could you get in touch with me at the address below.


- --
   +----Robert Hartill, Dept Of Computing Mathematics, UWCC, Cardiff, UK.----+ 

    \______e-mail : _________ Fax : +44 (0)222 666182_______/
	 A man is as old as he's feeling, A woman as old as she looks.
			       -Mortimer Collins.


Date:    Fri, 05 Jun 92 12:02:27 +0000
From:    Chris Thompson <>
Subject: Re: Current version of PLAIN.TEX in the archive ?

In UKTeX #19, Peter Eckel writes
> In the announcements of the latest LATEX updates both in TeXhax and
> UKTeX Rainer Schoepf mentiones that Don Knuth updated PLAIN.TEX
> recently.
> Is the version 3.0 of PLAIN.TEX that I found in the Aston archive this
> updated version, or where can I find it ? I can't tell it looking at
> the file, because there is only the version number but no revision
> date.

The version you want is that with \def\fmtversion{3.141}. Accept no
substitutes, and especially avoid the one with \def\fmtversion{3.14},
which had a bug introduced into the definition of \c.

There often seem to be many different versions of such things floating
around in the Aston archive, and finding the one you want can be rather
tedious. Not that other TeX archives are perfect, of course. There have
rumours of plans for new mechanisms to keep the main TeX archives up
to date and in step with each other: would anyone in the know like to
tell us more about this?

Chris Thompson
Cambridge University Computing Service


Date:    25 May 92 12:37:13 -0500
Subject: EuroTeX 92

     *******                   ******         **   *   P
     **      *   * * ***  ***    **   ******   ** *    R
     ****    *   * **    *   *   **   **        **     A
     **      *   * *     *   *   **   ****     * **    H
     *******  ***  *      ***    **   **      *   **   A
				      ******   1992

	As already announced, EuroTeX 92 is organized by
		  Czechoslovak TeX Users Group
		      in collaboration with
   Charles University and Czech Technical University, Prague,
	       under the auspices of both Rectors.
		  It takes place in Prague

	    from September 14 to September 18, 1992.

The  Programme Committee  consists of  Peter Abbott,  Jacques Andre,
Jana  Chlebikova, Yannis  Haralambous, Bernard  Gaulle, Karel Horak,
Joachim Lammarsche,  Kees van der Laan,  Erich Neuwirth, Petr Novak,
Stefan Porubsky, Phillip Taylor, Jiri Vesely and Jiri Zlatuska.

About  the Programme:  Invited speakers  include Yannis Haralambous,
John Hobby, Alan Hoenig, Anita  Hoover, Chris Rowley, Daniel Taupin,
Phillip Taylor.  They will cover  topics including the  usage of TeX
for  "non-standard"  languages,   typesetting  music,  Metafont-like
language for PostScript drawings,  special effects with Metafont and
TeX,  Latex3  project,  aspect  of  the  use  of  TeX  and  LaTeX at
University, WEB and even more...

Tutorials delivered after the conference by Yannis Haralambous, Phil
Taylor and  Klaus Thull will  cover Metafont and  advanced topics in
TeX as well as an introduction to WEB.

Everybody  who want  to offer  a presentation  of results, ideas and
experience  (despite  the  expired  deadline  for submitting papers)
should consider contacting the Programme Committee chairman

	  Jiri Zlatuska <e-mail:zlatuska@cspuni12.bitnet>

as soon as possible. Note that  camera-ready papers are due to reach
him not later than July 10.

Suggested topics  of special interest include  the following themes:
Non-standard   applications   of    TeX,   national   versions   and
standardization,  Quo  Vadis,  TeX  ?,   and  the  use  of  TeX  for
small/newly  emerging enterprises.  Other interesting  contributions
relevant to TeX are sought.

Why come to EuroTeX 92 ?
Besides  the  privilege  of  hearing  the  invited  talks of leading
specialists you will  have the pleasure to listen  to other lectures
and to meet TeXfriends from many countries. The meeting is the first
to offer really extensive contacts with people "from behind the iron
curtain". It  takes place in the  Golden Heart of Europe  -- Prague,
one of the most fascinating capitals  in Europe. You can visit it at
a surprisingly low cost. Indeed, we would like to make EuroTeX 92 in
Prague  accessible to  the majority   of TeXfans  from all  over the
world. It will be arranged at  a modest level, yet covering all your
needs. It is  worth noting that low prices do  not mean a compromise
in quality,  rather, they take advantage  of the favourable exchange
rates applicable to the "hard currency countries".

Other conditions:
For about 50 participants (unfortunately, not more) we have reserved
rooms  from   Sunday,  Sept  13th.  Some   participants  could  have
difficulties with proper timing and this is meant especially to help
them (apex flights, flights not  available everyday, etc.). At least
three tutorials  will be organized  for participants of  the EuroTeX
92  *after*  the  conference  (Sept  18,  afternoon  and  Sept  19).
Preferences  will be  given to  those  who  will have  paid the  fee
earlier (number of participants is limited). Accommodation is booked
in  a modern  student hostel  Kajetanka in  double rooms. Two double
rooms form a unit and share facilities. We plan to arrange transport
by bus  to Czech Technical  University, where the  programme will be
held  (it  is  within  some  25  minutes  walk  from Kajetanka). All
participants  will be  provided with  a card  for all  Prague public
transport during the period Monday  - Friday.

Lunches will  be served at  the conference site;  during breaks some
refreshments  will  be  available  free  of  charge. Dinners are not
included in  order to enable  you to research  Czech restaurants and
pubs on your  own. An informal welcome party will  be held on Monday
evening,  7  p.m.  An  organ  concert  will  take  place probably on
Wednesday  and some  other pleasant  surprises are  not excluded. To
those who  will arrive on Monday  morning or during Sunday  we would
like to  offer a sightseeing  tour on Monday  afternoon (still under
negotiation).  The  whole  programme  from  Monday  to  Friday forms
a package (accommodation in double  rooms, half pension from Tuesday
to Friday, opening party on Monday evening, concert, conference fee,
proceedings,  tutorials for  those who  will stay  a bit longer) for
330 DM. Those who would prefer a  single room would pay 60 DM extra.
For *additional*  35 DM (45 DM  for a single room)  a day, a limited
number of participants may stay untill Sunday (one or two days more)
either for  tutorials or just to  enjoy meeting friends and  to have
good beer in some of the pubs, such as Good Soldier Svejk liked. For
accompanying  persons,   a  special  programme   will  be  organized
including visits to galleries, places of interest, etc. They will be
asked to pay 285 DM and are not supposed to order single rooms.

Those who  are interested and have  already decided to take  part or
want to get the package for  the reduced price are requested to send
money  via the  following account

	   34735-021/0100 at KOMER\v CN\'I BANKA, PRAHA

(there is one "hacek" and one "prime" accent in its name: please, do
not forget to use them). The address of the bank is

   pob. Praha -- M\v ESTO,
   Vaclavske nam. 42
   110 00 PRAHA 1

while the name of the account is

   \v Ceskoslovensk\'e sdru\v zen\'\i{} u\v zivatel\accent23u TEXu
   (our surface address (in Czech): Sokolovsk\'a 83, 186 00 Praha 8,

Important !!! :
If the  payment is sent  before July 1,  1992, you can  deduct 35 DM
from the price of the package and pay only 295 DM (250 DM). There is
no deduction  for extras, the price  remains the same. We  will send
a hard copy of the registration form  to those who already asked for
registration and gave  us the whole address. You  can also print the
form distributed in TeX version (plain) and fill it in. The separate
file  relating  to  this  is  included  below.  Please,  enclose  an
indication  on how  you have  transmitted the  payment to  the above
account and, if possible, send us  a xerocopy of the order. It could
help us to trace it (Czechoslovak money transfer system is still not
quite efficient, but something called "swift" is already available).
We were  told that the important  thing is to use  CZECH name of the
bank  mentioned  above  since   its  translation  would  cause  some

In case of cancellation (please, do not  do it, you would miss a lot
of fun !) we  will refund you the amount you paid  minus a sum which
regretably  has to  be deducted:  for cancellation  done before July
15, 1992 it  will be 10 DM, for  the period from July 16,  1992 till
September 12 it will be 10 \% of the payment, and after this date it
will be 10 \% plus the costs of already paid necessities.

Since much  of Prague fascination  is historical, architectural  and
cultural,  it  can  be  enjoyed  at  any  time.  The average maximum
temperature  in  September  is  18^o C  (64^o F)  and the weather is
relatively stable.

The Czechoslovak Crown is rated approx.  17:1 to DM, approx. 28:1 to
USD. Recently,  prices of goods  have been increased  somewhat. They
are  slowly approaching  "western  standards"  but in  many respects
Czechoslovakia  is  considered  favourable  and  cheap  for  western

Czechoslovakia is  easily accessible by plane.  The Prague's airport
is about  15 km from the  city centre (the Kajetanka  hostel is even
a bit closer).  Public transport is  relatively cheap, but  going by
taxi, it is better to agree on the fare beforehand, since prices are
not fixed and actually depend  on drivers. Roads are relatively good
but with only a  few motorways which are not so fast  as in the West
(speed limits:  110 km/h on  motorways, 90 on  roads, 60 in  towns).
Parking in Prague  is generally difficult. There are  places to park
in  the neighbourhood  of the  hostel, but  not a (guarded) parking.
International trains  connect Prague with  Berlin, Munich, Nurnberg,
Wien, Warszawa, Budapest, etc.

More particulars will be given in the next (and last) announcement.

Important note:
We can  host approx. 300 participants/accompanying  persons. On July
10th we  must specify the figures,  therefore we encourage everybody
to use  the reduced price  (available untill July  1). Later on,  we
would have  difficulties with a  varying number of  participants. We
hope  that you  will understand  our situation.  Do not  hesitate to
address  your questions  to the  organizers (please,  use e-mail,  if

Those who are interested in taking part are requested to fill in the
following form (*provided they have not done so before*) and send it
via e-mail to the address:

		    eurotex at cspguk11.bitnet

- ------------------------    cut    here   --------------------------
I intend to take part in EuroTeX 92, Prague (14.-18.9.1992)


- --------------------------------------------------------------------
You will receive  a hard copy of the registration  form. You can use
also  the electronic  version of  the form  enclosed. Please TeX it,
print it, fill it in in block letters and send it to

   CS  TeX ---  EUROTEX 92
   Mathematical Institute
   Sokolovska 83
   186 00 PRAHA 8 - Karlin

On behalf of  the organizers:

Karel Horak      <horakk@csearn.bitnet>
Jiri  Vesely     <jvesely@cspguk11.bitnet>
Jiri  Zlatuska   <zlatuska@cspuni12.bitnet>

%%%%% Registration form (to be TeXed with plain):%%%%%%%%%%%

\hsize 14cm
\magnification 1200
\parindent 0pt
\baselineskip 13.4pt
\def\square{\vbox to 3.5mm
       {\hrule\vss\hbox to 3.5mm
       {\vrule height3.5mm\hfil\vrule}
\settabs 2\columns
\centerline{\hl REGISTRATION FORM of EURO\TeX\ 92 ${}^{*)}$}
\footnote{}{${}^{*)}$ Please, delete any part of the text which
is not applicable; for accompanying persons fill in an extra
form. }
\+Regular participant \dotfill\hfilneg\square\quad&
Accompanying person\dotfill   \hfilneg\square&\cr
\+Name: \dotfill\hfilneg\quad &First name: \dotfill\hfilneg&\cr
\+Institution: \dotfill\hfilneg\quad &Nationality: \dotfill\hfilneg&\cr
\line{Address (choose the one which is
preferable to contact you around September 1,
\indent \dotfill\hfilneg\par
\indent \dotfill\hfilneg\par
e-mail address: \dotfill\hfilneg\par
I will take part in Euro\TeX\ 92 conference in Prague (September 14. --
18. (20.), 1992)
\+& Signature:\dotfill\hfilneg&\cr
\leftline{\bf I am sending (will send) the payment for:}\par
{\rightskip 30mm
{\bf Package} (arrival Sept  14, welcome party, halfpension Sept 15
- -- 18, organ concert, conference fee,
refreshment during  breaks, materials, proceedings,  card
for public transport for  Sept 14  -- 18, \hbox{departure Sept 18})
Paid  before 1.7.1992 :  \dotfill\hfilneg{\bf 295 DM}\quad \square\par
Paid  after  1.7.1992 :  \dotfill\hfilneg{\bf 330 DM}\quad \square\par
{\rightskip 30mm
{\bf Package for accompanying person} (arrival Sept  14,
welcome party, halfpension Sept 15
- -- 18,  organ concert,
card for public transport for  Sept 14  -- 18, departure Sept 18)
Paid  before 1.7.1992 :\dotfill\hfilneg{\bf 250 DM}\quad \square\par
Paid  after  1.7.1992 :\dotfill\hfilneg{\bf 285 DM}\quad \square\par

\leftline{\bf Extras:}
\leftline{Extended stay:}
I will come on Sunday, Sept 17.
(Please, contact J.Vesel\'y by e-mail {\tt
<jvesely@cspguk11.bitnet>}, to check that the capacity
is not yet ex\-ceed\-ed. Do not pay untill confirmation has
been received.)\par}
\hfill{\bf 35 DM} for double room \quad \square\qquad
      {\bf 45 DM} for single room \quad \square\hbox{}\par
I will leave on Saturday, Sept 19 \par
\hfill{\bf 35 DM} for double room \quad \square\qquad
      {\bf 45 DM} for single room \quad \square\hbox{}\par
I will leave on Sunday,   Sept 20 \par
\hfill{\bf 70 DM} for double room \quad \square\qquad
      {\bf 90 DM} for single room \quad \square\hbox{}\par
I will pay for single room from Monday to Friday\hfill{\bf 60 DM}
for single room \quad \square\hbox{}\par

I would like to share a double room with (agreement
of both persons is necessary)\par

\leftline{Please, indicate your interests:}
I would like to take part in sightseeing tour on Monday,
Sept 14, at 2 p.m. \hfill         \square\par
I am interested in the Metafont tutorial \hfill\square\par
I am interested in the Advanced \TeX\ tutorial \hfill\square\par
I am interested in the WEB tutorial \hfill\square\par
{\rightskip30mm (Available only for those who will stay longer; remark that
some other tutorials are under the negotiation. The number of
possible participans in tutorials will be probably limited.)\par}
\leftline{The following items would be paid provided
the performances would be available:}
I would like to visit during my stay \quad
Laterna Magica Theatre  \hfill\square\par
\indent\phantom{I would like to visit during my stay\quad}
Black Theatre \hfill\square\par

I would like to have guided walk with some other participants
through Prague\par
\hskip60mm     on Saturday, Sept 19, morning \hfill      \square\par
\hskip60mm     on Saturday, Sept 19, afternoon \hfill    \square\par
\hskip60mm     on Sunday,   Sept 20, morning \hfill      \square\par
I would like to use the Euro\TeX\ 92 e-mail address for
messages for me                                   \hfill \square\par
I should appreciate access to PC's for exchange of SW
\hfill \square\par
Total sum sent on (date): \dotfill \ 1992\hfill\qquad \dotfill
\quad {\bf DM}\hfilneg
Note: Please, add carefully all entries you have ordered.
The ammount should be sent to the account:\par
\centerline{34735-021/0100 at KOMER\v CN\'I BANKA, PRAHA}

(there is one "hacek" and one "prime" accent in its name: please, do
not forget to use them). The address of the bank is\par

\centerline{ KOMER\v CN\'I BANKA, pob. Praha -- M\v ESTO,}
\centerline{ V\'aclavsk\'e n\'am. 42, 110 00 PRAHA 1}
\centerline{ Czechoslovakia}

while the name of the account is

\centerline{\v Ceskoslovensk\'e
sdru\v zen\'\i{} u\v zivatel\accent23u \TeX u}
Our surface address (in Czech): Sokolovsk\'a 83, 186 00 Praha 8,
\centerline{\bf We look forward to see you in Prague !}
\centerline{\bf CS TUG}



Date:    Thu, 04 Jun 92 07:17:40 +0000
From:    Andre HECK <U01105@fr.u-strasbg.CCSMVS>
Subject: Conference announcement: Astronomy from Large Databases II

		   Astronomy from Large Databases II

		  (Haguenau  -  14-16 September 1992)


			(Deadline: 31 May 1992)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------


	Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS - France)
	Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES - France)
	European Southern Observatory (ESO)
	European Space Agency (ESA)
	International Association for Pattern Recognitation (IAPR)
	National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA - USA)
	Universite Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg I (France)
	Ville de Haguenau (France)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory is organising from Sept. 14 to 16,
1992, a follow-up event to the 1987 conference on "Astronomy from Large
Databases" (Eds. F. Murtagh & A. Heck, ESO Conference & Workshop
Proceedings 28).

The meeting will take place in Haguenau, an imperial city about 30km
North of Strasbourg. Haguenau is easily reachable by road and train. The
closest international airport is Strasbourg-Entzheim, where all rental
car companies are represented.

The following sections outline the scientific programme and give the
composition of the Scientific Organising Committee as well as a
preliminary list of invited talks.

If you are interested in attending this conference, please return the
enclosed registration form together with your registration fee (FF 500.-
if paid before 31 May 1992, FF 700.- if paid thereafter).

Because September is still the high tourist season in Alsace, we urge
you to return AS SOON AS POSSIBLE the enclosed accommodation form
together with a deposit of FF 400.- in order to cover the first night's
accommodation and the reservation fee (FF 100.-).

If at all possible, have cheques drawn in French Francs on a French
bank, or use Eurocheques. Failing this, please add 20% in order to cover
the bank costs and exchange charges. All amounts should be made payable
to "Monsieur l'Agent Comptable, Universite de Strasbourg I, Compte de

If you wish to present a communication at the conference, please
indicate its title on the registration form AND send BEFORE 31 May 1992
an abstract (maximum one A4-page) for inclusion in an abstracts book
that will be made available at the conference. Only proposals from
persons who will actually register for the conference will be

We expect that most of the contributions will have to be presented as
posters. However, all communications accepted from persons actually
attending the conference as well as the invited papers, will be
reproduced in the proceedings published by the European Southern
Observatory (ESO) and distributed free of charge to the attendees.

Selected contributors will be expected to come to the meeting with a
camera-ready copy (and, if possible, a machine-readable file) of their
paper. Format instructions will be sent in a subsequent mailing together
with practical details on the conference itself.

There will be also possibilities to run demonstrations of packages and
databases. Interested parties should, as far as possible, bring their
own equipment. Alternatively local possibilities could be checked with
the organisers (see addresses and telecommunication plugs below).

We would also appreciate if you could advertise this meeting as widely
as possible in your institution and through modern means like your
electronic mailing list (you can get the present documents e-mailed to
you). Please also feel free to send us your comments.

Looking forward to seeing you in Haguenau and having together a fruitful
and enjoyable meeting, we remain,

						    Yours sincerely,

						    The Organisers.

Further information on the scientific programme can be obtained from:

Dr. Andre HECK
Observatoire Astronomique
11, rue de l'Universite
F-67000 Strasbourg
Telephone: +33- (direct)
	   +33- (Secr.: Ms. Ch. Bruneau)
Telefax:   +33- (direct)
	   +33- (Observatory)
Telex:     890506 starobs f
Electronic mail: heck@frccsc21 (bitnet) (internet)

Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2
D-W-8046 Garching
Telephone: +49-89-32006298
Telefax:   +49-89-32006480
Electronic mail:

For administrative matters and accomodation, please contact:

Ms. Chantal BRUNEAU
Observatoire Astronomique
11, rue de l'Universite
F-67000 Strasbourg
Telephone: +33-
Telefax:   +33-
Telex:     890506 starobs f
Electronic mail: bruneau@frccsc21 (bitnet) (internet)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

			 Topics of the Conference

- - Presentation of astrophysical results from diverse databases and

- - Application of artificial intelligence to quality control and
  maintenance of data in databases and archives.

- - Intelligent information retrieval.

- - Scientific visualization and interactive analysis systems.

- - Integration of bibliographic, textual and numeric data collections;
  integration with directory services; tools such as proposal and
  publication aids, thesauri and acronym lists.

- - Methods for interpreting data: statistics, knowledge-based systems,
  and image processing; browsing and quick-look tools; summarization and
  report generation capabilities.

- - The future: what environments can best serve astronomical research?

The emphasis is on the astronomy coming out of the available and future
databases and archives, as well as on the range of related
methodologies. The Proceedings will be published by the European
Southern Observatory (ESO), Garching/Munich.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

		      Scientific Organising Committee

		    M.F. A'Hearn (College Park, Maryland)
		    P. Benvenuti (ST-ECF, Garching)
		    R. Bonnet (ESA, Paris)
		    M. Creze (Strasbourg Observatory) (Chairman)
		    G. Debouzy (CNES, Paris)
		    R. Giacconi (STScI, Baltimore)
		    P. Giommi (ESRIN, Frascati)
		    B. Hauck (Institut d'Astronomie, Lausanne)
		    A. Heck (Strasbourg Observatory) (Proceedings Editor)
		    G. Helou (IPAC, Pasadena)
		    F. Murtagh (ST-ECF, Garching) (Proceedings Editor)
		    S. Nishimura (NAOJ, Tokyo)
		    G. Riegler (NASA, Washington)
		    M. Strickman (NRL, Washington)
		    P.A. Vanden Bout (NRAO, Charlottesville)
		    H. van der Laan (ESO, Garching)
		    H.-U. Zimmermann (MPE, Garching)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

			    Invited Talks

H.-M. Adorf (ST-ECF, Garching): "How to be choosy and successful at the
	     same time: statistical classification of large data sets".

M. Albrecht (ESO, Garching) and D. Egret (CDS, Strasbourg): "From
	     archives to information systems in astronomy".

R. Albrecht (ST-ECF, Garching): "Research-oriented interfaces to large

N.J. Belkin (Rutgers, New Jersey): "Intelligent information retrieval:
	     understanding and supporting human information seeking".

P. Benvenuti (ST-ECF, Garching): "Evolution in the scientific uses of
	     archives for space missions".

E. Cheng (GSFC, Greenbelt): " Results from the COBE project".

M. Creze (Strasbourg Observatory): "Databases: a cross-fertilization
	     gateway between old and new astronomy".

A. Heck (Strasbourg Observatory): "The Star*s Family and complementary
	     services from databases".

M.D. Johnston (STScI, Baltimore): "StarView: the astronomer's interface
	     to the Hubble Space Telescope archive".

M.J. Kurtz (CfA, Cambridge): "Second-order knowledge: information
	     retrieval in the terabyte age".

G. Langston (NROA, Charlottesville): "Results of radio source surveys".

B.F. Madore and G. Helou (IPAC, Pasadena): "Scientific databases and
	     astronomical research: examples and concerns".

G. Miller (STScI, Baltimore): "The intelligent data analysis assistant".

F. Murtagh (ST-ECF, Garching): "Pattern recognition methods for large
	     astronomical data collections".

P.B. Shames (Caltech, Pasadena): "Scientific visualization and
	     interactive analysis systems".

B.G. Taylor (ESTEC, Noordwijk): "Space astronomy from databases: the
	     European context".

J. Truemper (MPE, Garching): "Scientific results from ROSAT".

C. Turon et al. (Observatoire de Paris, Meudon): "The performance of the
	     Hipparcos Input Catalogue as compared with the first
	     results of the Hipparcos mission".

D. Wells (NROA, Charlottesville): "Open challenges".

M. Wenger (Strasbourg Observatory): "Threats to your Databases ..."

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

				 Registration Form






- - will attend the meeting:  YES/NO

- - would like to make a presentation: YES/NO


  Need of: overhead projector (*)
	   slide projector (*)
	   video projector (*) (**)

An abstract (maximum one A4-page) should be sent BEFORE 31 May 1992 with
the registration form.  Only proposals from persons actually registering
for the conference will be considered.  Selected contributors will be
expected to come to the meeting and with a camera-ready copy (and, if
possible, a machine-readable file) of their paper (format instructions
will be sent later on).

Registration fees should be prepaid (FF 500.- if paid before 31 May
1992, FF 700.- if paid thereafter). If at all possible, have cheques
drawn in French Francs on a French bank, or use Eurocheques. Failing
this, please add 20% in order to cover the bank costs and exchange
charges. All amounts should be made payable to "Monsieur l'Agent
Comptable, Universite de Strasbourg I, Compte de l'Observatoire".
Cancellations will give right to a reimbursement (except for FF 100.-
for covering the administrative expenses), if received before 31 July


Signature (on the paper copy returned with the prepayment):

This form should be returned as soon as possible to:

      Dr. Andre HECK
      Observatoire Astronomique
      11, rue de l'Universite
      F-67000 Strasbourg

      Telephone: +33- (direct)
		 +35- (Secr.: Ms. Ch. Bruneau)
      Telex:     890506 starobs f
      Telefax:   +33- (direct)
		 +33- (Observatory)
      Electronic mail: heck@frccsc21 (bitnet) (internet)

(*) circle as appropriate
(**) only VHS PAL/SECAM standards available

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

			   Accommodation Form





Accompanying persons:

Hotel reservation:

I wish to reserve a single / double room (*) for the following period:

Date of arrival:
Date of departure:
Number of nights:

Transportation used on arrival in Strasbourg / Haguenau (*):

		     Car    Train    Plane

A deposit of FF 400.- per room should be prepaid in order to cover the
first night's accommodation and the reservation fees (FF 100.-). If at
all possible, have cheques drawn in French Francs on a French bank, or
use Eurocheques. Failing this, please add 20% in order to cover the bank
costs and exchange charges. All amounts should be made payable to
"Monsieur l'Agent Comptable, Universite de Strasbourg I, Compte de

Please note that a reservation will be made only after receipt of the
deposit and registration fee to the conference. No reservation will be
guaranteed after 30 June 1992. Cancellations will give right to a
reimbursement (except for the reservation fees of FF 100.-), if received
before 30 June 1992.


Signature (on the paper copy returned with the deposit):

This form should be returned as soon as possible to:

      Ms. Chantal BRUNEAU
      Observatoire Astronomique
      11, rue de l'Universite
      F-67000 Strasbourg

      Telephone: +33-
      Telex:     890506 starobs f
      Telefax:   +33-
      Electronic mail: bruneau@frccsc21 (bitnet) (internet)

(*) delete as appropriate


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Andre HECK                -+-  *    Phone (direct)     +33-
Observatoire Astronomique    *      Phone (Secretary)  +33-
11, rue de l'Universite   -+-   *   Fax (direct)       +33-
F-67000 Strasbourg      *    -+-    Fax (Secretary)    +33-
France               -+-   *    *   Telex              890506 starobs f
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Direct fax is generally the fastest way of contact, when not available
on direct phone line.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
End of message from                 heck@frccsc21 (bitnet)
		 or        (internet)


Date:    Tue, 26 May 92 11:33:38 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: Sending mail to TeXserver rather than UKTeX

In a message to of Mon, 25 May 92 11:44:49 MET DST, 
Peter Eckel <> wrote:

> [tex-archive.digests.uktex.92]*.* /sin=1-may-1992

This reply deserves publication in UKTeX, because it illustrates a
number of commonly-held misconceptions:

1) The message has been sent (from the subject, one presumes that this
was done by using a REPLY command with a mail handler) to  That address is *purely* for contributions to the
weekly digest published by the UK TeX Users' Group: traffic to that
address is recirculated to a number of volunteers who look after the
archive at Aston University (so that an early reply can be given if an
archivist has the requisite knowledge) and will also be published (at
the editor's discretion) in the next issue of UKTeX.

2) Requests for files, directory listings, WHEREIS searches, etc., need
to be sent to  The latter works entirely
automatically, and understands a *small* set of commands, some of which
accept qualifiers to modify the command's effect.  Full details of the
commands available can be obtained by sending the command HELP as the
first non-header line of an e-mail message.  Note in particular that
each message to TeXserver shall contain only *one* command.

3) Peter Eckel here managed to use the FILES command correctly: many
callers fail to understand that the FILES command shall be the first
(and only) command in the message; the command appears on a line by
itself and is then followed by a list of the files required to be sent,
each on a separate line.  Wildcards, as used by Peter, *are* acceptable.

4) But the /sin=1-may-1992 qualifier is not supported by the FILES
command: it may appear neither in conjunction with the command itself,
nor (as here) with any individual file specification.  To obtain just
the files Peter appears to want would actually call for two separate
messages to TeXserver...
   a) in the first, the command
      DIRECTORY [tex-archive.digests.uktex.92]*.* -
      would be sent (the - sign just indicates where I've split the line
      for this message; the command and its qualifiers must appear on a
      single line in the actual message).  This would (should?) result
      in TeXserver returning a list of the files meeting the date
      criterion.  The list would include the full specification of each
      filename, and have one such specification per line.
   b) the output of this first job would then be sent back to TeXserver,
      with the manual insertion of the FILES command before the list,
      thus fetching just the files required.

			       Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      {mcsun,ukc,uunet}!!tex                   +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date:    Wed, 20 May 92 16:31:53 -0500
From:    karl <karl@edu.umb.cs>
Subject: Lucida for TeX version 1.1 available

A few weeks ago I put metric files for using the PostScript Lucida fonts
with TeX on []:pub/tex/lucida/lucida.tar.Z

I've updated that to version 1.1.  This version includes two files from
Sebastian Rahtz for using Lucida with NFSS.  I haven't tested them

These files will be of no use to you unless you also have the Type 1
PFA/PFB/etc. files with the outlines.

This includes the math fonts as a (more or less) drop-in replacement for
Computer Modern.  I've worked some on the magic math font parameters,
but no doubt improvements are possible.

I used virtual fonts to do this.  I suggest using Tom Rokicki's dvips as
your DVI-to-PostScript program.  dvips is on*.tar.Z.

Thanks to Sebastian Rahtz, who did much of the initial work, and Chuck
Bigelow and Kris Holmes, who designed the typefaces.
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Tue, 19 May 92 15:30:34 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>

In response to questions appearing from time to time on INFO-TeX, TeXhax,
UKTeX, comp.text.tex, and other places for astrological/astronomical
symbols in TeX, Peter Schmitt <A8131DAL@AWIUNI11.BITNET> has prepared a set
of MetaFont files.  He has kindly passed them along for our archives and
your use.  Below is the description file.

- --George
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
ASTROSYM includes Peter Schmitt's <A8131DAL@AWIUNI11.BITNET> MetaFont code
to create an AstroSym font containing the astronomical symbols used for the
planets and the signs of the zodiac.  The shapes of the symbols are taken
from various sources.  For some symbols more than one shape was found --
for these symbols variants are included.  The shapes were reviewed by some
historians and astronomers, and the `main shape' reflects their preference.

The main style used for the symbols in AstroSym is calligraphic (strokes of
varying breadth).  An additional version uses a uniform stroke.  It is
supplied in two variants (thin and thick strokes).  The size of the
symbols, and the breadth of the stroke, can easily be changed in the driver
file. The MetaFont code of AstroSym uses the plain base, but is completely
independent of the cm-fonts.

The AstrSym-font contains the following characters:
    calligraphic style:
       \char0  - \char10 : main shape - the planetary system
       \char11 - \char22 : main shape - the signs of the zodiac
       \char23 - \char28 : variant shapes
    uniform stroke, bold : \char100 - \char128
    uniform stroke, thin : \char200 - \char228

To retrieve the complete ASTROSYM package of seven files, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
If, for some reason, you should require only a specific file from this set,
say, ASTROSYM.UNI, include:
in your mail message to FILESERV.  For anonymous ftp access, the files are
in the [.ASTROSYM] directory on (  In addition
to the individual files, a ZIP file (00_ASTROSYM.ZIP) is available.

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                Blocks  Purpose
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASTROSYM.CAL           35   Character definitions - calligraphic style only
ASTROSYM.COM           10   Character definitions - common to both styles
ASTROSYM.DOC            6   A README-type information file
ASTROSYM.MAC            7   The macro file
ASTROSYM.MF             5   The driver file
ASTROSYM.TEX            4   Sample file with symbol list
ASTROSYM.UNI           22   Character definitions - uniform stroke only

Approximate total blocks in full ASTROSYM package = 89


Date:    Wed, 03 Jun 92 16:02:09 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 

Fred Knight <> kindly forwarded me three files of possible
interest to PostScript users, especially to users with access to color
PostScript devices.  COLORS.STY implements grayscale or color selection
from LaTeX for PostScript.  It works with black-and-white and color
PostScript printers.  A wide variety  of colors is defined by default.  You
can add literally a rainbow of colors (up to 738) by utilizing their RGB
values from RGB.TXT, which Fred was kind enough to pass along as well.

To retrieve either of these files, include the command(s):
or, if you want both, the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (

Also, Fred was kind enough to pass along SHADING.STY, a LaTeX variant of
the SHADEBOX.TEX TeX macro posted to INFO-TeX in January by Jim Hefferon
<HEFFERON@SMCVAX.BITNET>.  Mark Roth <> modified the TeX
macro for consistency with LaTeX to provide the ability to create
PostScript shaded boxes for output text.

To retrieve SHADING.STY, include the command:
in your mail to FILESERV (or SENDME STY.SHADEBOX_TEX if you want the TeX

For anonymous ftp access, each of these files resides under the filenames
associated with the SENDME commands above in the [.STY] directory on (

Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University              Internet:
Huntsville, TX 77341            


Date:    Thu, 04 Jun 92 15:42:22 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: SPFONTWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord

Norm Walsh <walsh@cs.umass.EDU> forwarded updates for two packages in his
SPFONTWARE package.  These are the addition of MRGSF131.ZIP (MergeSFP,
version 1.31) and PK2SF211.ZIP (PKtoSFP, version 2.11).  These two files,
in ZIP format, are available for anonymous ftp retrieval from ( in the [.SPFONTWARE] directory.  

For mail retrieval from FILESERV, the files have been UUENCODEd and split
into mailable parts, SPFONTWARE.MRGSF131_UUE_nOF3 and
SPFONTWARE.PK2SF211_UUE_nOF4.  To retrieve the updates via mail, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
For a complete listing of SPFONTWARE, include the command LIST SPFONTWARE
in your mail to FILESERV.  Attached are Norm's announcements.

Regards,    George
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcing MergeSFP v1.31

MergeSFP to is a free utility from Small Planet Software.  MergeSFP combines
multiple HP softfont files into a single softfont.  MergeSFP is an MS-DOS

MergeSFP v1.31 fixes two small bugs present in the 1.30 release.  Through an
oversite on my part, the sample .MRG files distributed with MergeSFP use an
equal sign to seperate /master option from it's parameter (i.e. /master=#1).
The documentation states that a colon should be used (and, in fact, the option
isn't recognized with the "=").  I've change MergeSFP so that either a colon
or an equal sign can be used.

Additionally, the /symset options didn't have any effect in MergeSFP v1.30.

Features in brief:

  - many options for defining the output softfont
  - handles class 2 compressed softfonts
  - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file.

Caveats: (Hey, I gotta be fair...)

  - The source code is not available (at present, anyway).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcing PKtoSFP v2.11

PKtoSFP to is a free utility from Small Planet Software.  PKtoSFP converts
TeX fonts into LaserJet softfont files.  PKtoSFP is an MS-DOS program.

The significant change from 2.10 to 2.11 is the correction of a long-standing
bug in the way that PKtoSFP reads TeX PK files.  Without going into too much
detail, every character definition in a PK file begins with a "flag byte" that
indicates what kind of character header is used for the following character.
PKtoSFP (prior to v2.11) misinterpreted some flag values.  This could have
resulted in a corrupt SFP file but was more likely to cause PKtoSFP to issue
an "insufficient memory" message.  I've converted hundreds of fonts and (so
far) have only found one font that used this flag byte (a PS2PK'd version
of an "illuminated manuscript"-like font).

Secondarily, I've fixed a deficiency in PKtoSFP that caused it to ignore
the high-order part of a /type number larger than 255.

Features in brief:

  - Converts directly from PK files (allowing up to 256 characters/font)
  - Automatically handles the \L slash character at position '040 in the
    TeX font (so your softfont doesn't have a non-blank space).
  - Handles PK fonts created for other (non 300x300dpi) output devices.
  - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file.

Caveats: (Hey, I gotta be fair...)

  - The source code is not available (at present, anyway).


Date:    21 May 92 11:21:43 +0000
Subject: astrosym symbols

The set of astrological/astronomical symbols for TeX by Peter Schmitt
<A8131DAL@AWIUNI11.BITNET> (set of MetaFont files and TeX macros) has
been placed in the UK TeX Archive in


Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    21 May 92 11:24:57 +0000
Subject: tiny update to web2c system

Karl Berry has slightly updated the web2c system; the
only change is to have a non-null tangleboot.c and
tangleboot.h.  on UK TeX Archive in 




Date:    Fri, 22 May 92 17:20:24 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: pslatex and other Wolczko files in UK TeX Archive

In message <> 
of Thu,21 May 20:08:56 1992, Mario Wolczko <> wrote:

> pslatex directory and subdirectories thereof
>   this should entirely replace the contents of
>   pub/tex/latex-style/pslatex on Clarkson, which are obsolete
>   versions. 





Grand total of 4 directories, 102 files, 737/858 blocks.

> vdm/*
>   Aston, and pub/tex/latex-style/{vdm-doc.tex,vdm.sty} from Clarkson,
>   and replace with the contents of this directory (ideally, by making
>   a subdirectory, as there are 6 files of assorted types).


Total of 6 files, 273/279 blocks.

> misc-styles/*
>   Please delete:
>   On Clarkson, from pub/tex/latex-style:
>     a5.sty, a5comb.sty, boxedminipage.sty and romanneg.sty
>   and replace with the files in misc-styles/*.
>   There are also an additional 6 files for your archive:
>   alltt2.sty, font-nostalgia.sty, nextslide.sty,
>   nfsslint.sty,nosecnumbers.sty and smalltalk.sty.


Total of 10 files, 56/72 blocks.

			       Brian {Hamilton Kelly}


Date:    04 Jun 92 13:10:02 +0000
Subject: dvips 5.490 in uk tex archive, and SeeTeX

A minor update to dvips

and a new copy of SeeTeX (a small update I think)



Date:    04 Jun 92 13:20:23 +0000
Subject: psbox - macros for including PS figures in TeX docs

I have installed Jean Orloff's `psbox' macros in the UK TeX Archive


This is a set of macros for any flavour of TeX, and many varieties of
driver, to incorporate Encapsulated PostScript in TeX docs. I append
Jean's brief outline of why he has done these macros


- ---------
   I bothered to post this because I bothered to do these macros;
   and I bothered to do these as I was using different systems and wanted
   my output to be the same on any Postscript printer, be it TeXed and
   printed on a Mac with TeXtures, on a Unix workstation with DVIPS or on
   an IBM mainframe (?) with DVItoPS. I also wanted not to be tightened
   to LaTeX, or any other macropackage... In a word, I wanted something
   UNIVERSAL (but does such a word exist in the wild jungle of
   informatics?) and this did not really exist when I started writing

   I also added a few tools that allow you to annotate a picture with
   some text.
- ---------

                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
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                                DTE 000020120091
                    Internet: host []
               For telnet access, login: public, password: public
      For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address>
                              *** Mail server ***
                    Send mail to (JANET)
                   or (rest of the world)
                   with message body containing the word HELP

    [tex-archive]00directory.list        [tex-archive]00directory.size
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list  [tex-archive]00last30days.files

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V92 #09
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
         (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage


    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 20]