UKTeX Digest    Friday, 12 Jun 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 21

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                           Decoding BOO-encoded files
               Problems with many figures on one page using LaTeX
                                 LaTeST LaTeX?
                               Re: LaTeST LaTeX?
                                Re: BOO HOO HOO
                          WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX
                        RE: WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX
                        Re: WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX
                        RE: WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX
                                  BIBTeX style
                                Re: BIBTeX style
                                re BIBTeX styles
                            MakeIndex out of memory?
                            Xrefs, Lists and Eplain.
                      transfig, xfig and psfig for MS-DOS?
                              EmTeX output to fax?
                          PSLaTeX and new LaTeX styles
                  sauter parameter files version 1.3 available
                      SPFONTWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord
                           RTF2TeX on FILESERV/Niord
                            XETAL on FILESERV/Niord
                            XYPIC on FILESERV/Niord
                            STMARY on FILESERV/Niord
                           DIAGRAMF on FILESERV/Niord
                        Style updates on FILESERV/Niord
 {Archive News}:
                UK TeX archive: diagramf, stmarys, sauter, xetal
                      update of LACHECK in uk tex archive
                           arabtex in uk tex archive
                            psfrag in uk tex archive
                        Type1 fonts to Metafont package
                               extra style files
                       bitmap to Sprite in UK TeX archive

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:

                           E D I T O R ' S   N O T E

      Last week's issue, V92 #20, inadvertently included a line containing
     only a period, which caused some mailers (SMTP, sendmail) to truncate
      the issue at that Point.  If you unfortunately received a truncated
        copy, please fetch a fresh one from the UK TeX Archive (see the
                      trailer of this issue for details).



Date:    Fri, 05 Jun 92 17:25:51 +0000
Subject: Decoding BOO-encoded files

Excuse my burst of frustration, but how do I decode BOO files?

I am new to playing PCs, and have been amazed by the number of
encoding formats that I have encountered.  I have so far FTPed 
about 4 systems, in about 3 formats.  I know about ZIP, and
ZOO, and now LHZ.  But I can't find "BOO".



Oh, and in passing: is it possible to get FTP "cd" to work for
your system?

Robert Inder, Human Communications Research Centre,   University of Edinburgh,
              2, Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh  EH8 9LW Scotland  +44 31 650 4449


Date:    Fri, 05 Jun 92 20:02:04 +0000
From:    axel kowald 
Subject: Problems with many figures on one page using LaTeX

I have the following problem with LaTeX and I don't quite know how to
tackle it. I have many small figures (with the loc argument [htbp]) which I
want to put on one page (there is no normal text at all). 
For some strange reasons LaTeX puts three figures on top of the first page
and generates then a pagebreak, although there is still lots of space. The
second page, however, is completely filled with figures as I want it.
I played around with \floatpagefraction and other style parameters, but
couldn't change anything.

Any comments or ideas why LaTeX is doing that ????

             Axel Kowald (


Date:    Mon, 08 Jun 92 12:43:37 +0700
From:    Allan Reese <>
Subject: LaTeST LaTeX?

I'm confused - so what's new?

I fetched SEMINAR as recommended in a recent UKTeX. It installs 
but won't run the supplied example because I haven't got NFSS.
It couldn't find some font at any acceptable size in the "standard"
LaTeX I have (emTeX with the lj_0 to lj_5 fonts). I tried a few
different style options, but nothing quite worked.

So I fetched NFSS. I was able to print off the paper and installation
instructions using my existing LaTeX, but it won't install - it says
my LaTeX is out of date (pre Dec 91). OK, I got it on disks last year.

So I looked in the archive and found, and
under emTeX. My disks have only latex1 and latex2. However, when I fetched
all three, latex1 debooed but gave a checksum error in pkunzip though the
file it queried (lplain.tex) looks complete. seems to contain
mostly the same files as  When I had installed all three and
run nfss again, I got the same error - out of date LaTeX.

I'm now fetching files from [... .latex.general] which are dated march 92.
I presume these are compatible with emTeX.

Could someone please check out whether the LaTeX in the emTeX directory
contains duplicate or out of date files. And reverting to the original
unholy grail, SPQR describes the SEMINAR package as a tentative test
release but the documentation that comes with it does not have this
tenor - it suggests it's a full and satisfactory release, subject to
odd problems of interaction with other LaTeXware.  I look forward to
seeing it working!


Date:    08 Jun 92 11:18:37 +0000
Subject: Re: LaTeST LaTeX?

Allan Reese <>  writes:
 > I'm confused - so what's new?
join the gang

 > I fetched SEMINAR as recommended in a recent UKTeX. It installs 
 > but won't run the supplied example because I haven't got NFSS.
 > It couldn't find some font at any acceptable size in the "standard"
 > LaTeX I have (emTeX with the lj_0 to lj_5 fonts). I tried a few
 > different style options, but nothing quite worked.
`seminar' can use
 - magnified normal fonts
 - SLiTeX fonts
 - PostScript fonts
the emTeX package does not by itself support any of these. assuming
you have the Metafont sources, I would recommend you install the
betatest copy of the dvidrv packages, which generates the .pk files it
needs. or use the PostScript options.

 > So I looked in the archive and found, and
 > under emTeX. My disks have only latex1 and latex2. However, when I fetched
 > all three, latex1 debooed but gave a checksum error in pkunzip though the
 > file it queried (lplain.tex) looks complete. seems to contain
 > mostly the same files as  When I had installed all three and
 > run nfss again, I got the same error - out of date LaTeX.
the LaTeX in emTeX is not supposed to be up to date. Eberhard (rightly
in my view) does not rush out new releases very often. the package
contains the latest LaTeX in a form suitable for emTeX. There's a
pre-digested NFSS package there too.

 > Could someone please check out whether the LaTeX in the emTeX directory
 > contains duplicate or out of date files. 
there is, gasp, a mistake in the archive. is a remainder. I
have deleted it. sorry!

 > And reverting to the original
 > unholy grail, SPQR describes the SEMINAR package as a tentative test
 > release but the documentation that comes with it does not have this
 > tenor - it suggests it's a full and satisfactory release, subject to
its fine. I've been using it on and off for months, with PS fonts and
normal fonts. But you *will* need to generate  extra .pk files - I am sure
Timothy explains this somewhere - if you dont want to use PostScript

I really do strongly recommend anyone to get the new dvi drivers for
emTeX. the dynamic font creation is very useful indeed. 



Date:    08 Jun 92 07:06:01 +0000
Subject: Re: BOO HOO HOO  writes:
 > Excuse my burst of frustration, but how do I decode BOO files?
you find a copy of DEBOO.... hope ypu have BASIC or a C compiler.


00FILES.TXT;1       00README.TXT;3      DEBOO.BAS;1         DEBOO.BOO;1        
DEBOO.C;1           MAKEBOO.BOO;1       MAKEBOO.C;1         

 > I am new to playing PCs, and have been amazed by the number of
 > encoding formats that I have encountered.  I have so far FTPed 
 > about 4 systems, in about 3 formats.  I know about ZIP, and
 > ZOO, and now LHZ.  But I can't find "BOO".
there are more to come, dont worry....

 > Oh, and in passing: is it possible to get FTP "cd" to work for
 > your system?
it does. but remember this is is vms. so if you are in the directory
[tex-archive] do
 cd []           to get to a subdirectory
 cd [] to get to an absolute place
 cdup                              to go up one level



Date:    08 Jun 92 09:47:14 +0000
From:    Mike Piff"Mike Piff" <>
Subject: Letterheads

Sebastian Rahtz replies to the following query:

>  Nelson <>  writes:
>  > Can anyone explain to me a reasonable way to get a Postscript letterhead
>  > into LaTeX's `letter.sty' or similar?  I have a letterhead constructed
>  > with a nice neat 545pt x 127pt BoundingBox, and I'm now trying to get it
>  > into the right place in `letter.sty'.  The best place seems to be the
>  > `\@oddhead{}' macro in `\ps@firstpage{}' but while this can work, you get
>  > into trouble when the user plays around with `\textwidth' and margins.
>  > How do I add the letterhead so that it stays in the same place on the page
>  > regardless, but still has space left for it by the rest of the style file?
> theres a hook for this, I think, \@texttop. I do
>     \def\@texttop{
>        \ifnum\c@page=1
>      \DrawLogo
>      \relax
>    \fi}}
> where \DrawLogo does the biz.

This will not work. The problem is that on the first page,
a normal length page will be printed BELOW the logo.
This page will thus be too long.

The solution I devised is to subvert the definition of \opening to produce
the logo. Just redefine \opening to do what you want, eg,

\let \@@opening\opening

However, there are technical problems to this approach. One is that the first
page is generally ``centred'', and you don't want that to happen to the logo.
Thus, the \@texttop skip which does this centring has to be moved to after the
logo. Just moving it bodily with

\def\opening{\DrawLogo\vskip0pt plus.00006fil\@@opening}

produces some awful effects, as you can find by experimenting with, say,
a centred re. line after the opening.

In the end, I decided that it was best to ignore \@texttop and \@textbottom,
and do the balancing act between \opening and \closing, 
but with a finite skip rather than a small infinite one.

Mike Piff


Date:    Mon, 08 Jun 92 17:09:10 +0000
From:    Steve Hardcastle-Kille <>
Subject: WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX

Are there any useful front ends to LaTeX, which are WISYWIG?   I've heard
rumours of things for Apple, but needs someting for UNIX/X.  

In fact, I don't really want WISYWIG.   What I want is a mechansism to
edit in a form that looks "nice", in that itemised lists look like 
bullet points and section headers get numbers and set in a larger font.
Need to have access to the structure when you want it, but not otherwise.
In summary, the full power of LaTeX is there for control and quality output,
and I have a WYSIWYGish feel for input.

Any pointers?



Date:    Mon, 08 Jun 92 17:15:22 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: RE: WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX

Steve ---

>>> Are there any useful front ends to LaTeX, which are WISYWIG?   I've heard
>>> rumours of things for Apple, but needs someting for UNIX/X.  

Contact Arbortext in America and enquire about ``The Publisher''; I think
it's what you need.

                                        ** Phil.


Date:    09 Jun 92 09:35:34 +0000
Subject: Re: WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX

Steve Hardcastle-Kille <>  writes:
 > In fact, I don't really want WISYWIG.   What I want is a mechansism to
 > edit in a form that looks "nice" [...]
 > Need to have access to the structure when you want it, but not otherwise.
 > In summary, the full power of LaTeX is there for control and quality output,
 > and I have a WYSIWYGish feel for input.

Arbortext's {\em The Publisher} is what you are describing



Date:    Tue, 09 Jun 92 20:58:03 +0000
Subject: RE: WIYWIG Front End for (La)TeX

Steve Hardcastle-Kille <>, wrote:
> Are there any useful front ends to LaTeX, which are WISYWIG?   I've heard
> rumours of things for Apple, but needs someting for UNIX/X.  

Not for UNIX, but a comercial product "Scientific Word" provides such
an interface under Microsoft Windows.  I have not tried it out yet,
but the documentation suggests that it is well worth investigation for
this platform.  Maybe the designers would be interested in producing
an X-windows version.

Chris Rowley (on behalf of The Archivists)


Date:    09 Jun 92 10:04:30 +0000
From:    Mike Piff"Mike Piff" <>
Subject: BIBTeX style

Does anyone have, or know how to hack, a BIBTeX style which produces

author[, authors] (date)

as the \cite text? Preferably, only the authors' surnames should appear there.
(See, for instance, Other (to appear).)

The "thebibliography" then contains entries

\bibitem[author[, authors] (date)]{label} ......

but I can easily arrange for the key not to be printed, so that entries appear
like so:

Other, A. N., A useful BIBTeX style as required by many a journal, 
      with hanging indentation in the bibliography, to appear.

( All-singing-all-dancing LaTeX3 people please note!!! )

Mike Piff


Date:    10 Jun 92 12:17:45 +0000
Subject: Re: BIBTeX style

Mike Piff"Mike Piff"

 > Does anyone have, or know how to hack, a BIBTeX style which produces
 > author[, authors] (date)
 > as the \cite text? Preferably, only the authors' surnames should appear ther
check out the Harvard family in [TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX.CONTRIB.HARVARD]
at Aston



Date:    09 Jun 92 10:32:57 +0000
From:    Mike Piff"Mike Piff" <>
Subject: re BIBTeX styles

Mike Piff asks whether there exists a BIBTeX style to give citations
in the form 

authors (date).

The collection


do the job, together with the file


slightly modified by moving the two round brackets in \@cite.

Mike Piff


Date:    Tue, 09 Jun 92 16:20:56 +0000
Subject: MakeIndex out of memory?

When using MakeIndex as the makeindx.exe provided with emTeX, there is
a cry for more memory:
   Scanning input file stdin...Not enough core...abort
This occurred with 2196 items in the input (.idx) stream.  Does anyone know
of a way forward?  Is there a `large' version of MakeIndex for DOS, or for
running on a 386-PC in Protected mode?
Dave Eckersley
AIS (Computing)
University of Salford


Date:    Wed, 10 Jun 92 10:37:57 +0700
From:    Allan Reese <>
Subject: Xrefs, Lists and Eplain.

In Issue 19, an alien from Essex asked about forward references to
the last page. I had a related problem yesterday - I produced an
elegant memo with a beautifully formatted list, but in my text I
miscounted the number of items in the list. I realized I should
have used AT (Appropriate Technology).

The list formatting was done by Eplain (1.9x March 92). The eventual
"best" solution for a numbered list is to put an optional argument
after \li (list item), e.g., \li[lastone] last item text. It took some
time to find this because optional arguments do not seem to be
documented in either the Eplain document or 'TeX for the Impatient'.
Also, this solution does not work for an unordered list (it causes
the label "lastone" to be set to the list marker, such as a bullet)
but you might (I did) want to know the number. On the way to the
solution I found the following:

- - several macros apart from \li have optional arguments, but \li is
the only one documented in eplain.tex. They are:








Of these, \eqdefn does what is wanted. The optional argument is the
value set for the label. One final hephalump trap - the item number is
incremented before the item is defined, so you have to set the label
before \li, or you get a number one too great. E.g.,

There are \xrefn{lastone} items in this list
\li one
\li two
\eqdefn[\the\itemnumber]{lastone}\li four - it's powers of 2

This raises the question of why \eqdef and \eqdefn have the option to
set a label to an arbitrary function, but \xrdef does not (it
resolutely sets the label to the page number).

The Eplain document describes the mechanism for using optional
arguments for the benefit of macro writers.  Perhaps in its next
revision it could also describe where they are used in Eplain itself,
and there may be other macros that could be generalized by adding


Date:    Thu, 11 Jun 92 15:57:00 +0000
Subject: transfig, xfig and psfig for MS-DOS?

In particular, I am trying to locate versions of transfig, xfig and 
psfig for MSDOS.  Any help would be appreciated.

                        { See last week's issue  --Ed. }
Alastair Rough
Mathematics Dept
Royal Naval Engineering College


Date:    Fri, 12 Jun 92 14:33:25 +0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: EmTeX output to fax?

[Paper query]


I am trying to produce an EmTeX output suitable for my fax software.

It requires either PCX or Epsdon dot matrix format files, and I have been
trying to use dvimsp and dvidot to achieve this but with little success. 
When I try to run dvidot,the message refers to a parameter file which I do
not understand.

When using dvimsp, I am not sure which version to use (msplj or others) and
I don't understand from the manual (dvidr.doc) how to obtain a multiple
output.  I would be very grateful if you could help.

Khaled Choudhury


Date:    Tue, 09 Jun 18 00:00:00
From:    Mario Wolczko <>
Subject: PSLaTeX and new LaTeX styles

Thanks to the efforts of the Archivists, a number of my contributions
to the archive have been updated recently.  This message summarises
the new contents:

  PSLaTeX is a modifed version of LaTeX for use with fonts that use
  the Adobe font encoding, rather than the Computer Modern encoding of
  standard LaTeX.  This makes it easy to use PostScript fonts in
  The default configuration of PSLaTeX uses the Times family for the
  principal fonts, with Helvetica for \sf, Courier for \tt and Symbol
  for math mode.  Changing these assignments (eg to use
  Palatino for normal text) is easy.
  In normal usage, PS-LaTeX can process a LaTeX document without
  requiring any changes to the LaTeX file (a few LaTeX features are
  not supported, but the list is small).  The effect will be to
  subsititute Times, Helvetica, Symbol, etc., for the CM fonts.

  The advantages to this scheme are:
   - it is easy to change entire font families, and many font families
     are readily avilable in PostScript form.
   - If the PostScript fonts are pre-loaded into the device (as with
     most laser printers), the resulting PostScript file will be
     smaller, and print faster. 
   - All of LaTeX (with the minor exceptions mentioned above) will
     work with the PostScript fonts.  For example, accents, math
     symbols, etc. 

  This version of PSLaTeX (3.0) differs from version 2 in several ways:
  - It incorporates the New Font Selection Scheme.  Almost the whole
    font space is populated with appropriate fonts (the only
    exceptions being the lack of a small-caps fixed-pitch font, 
    the occasional substitution of slanted for italic, and no upright
    italic).  Hence almost all combinations of
     {\rm,\sf,\tt} x {\bf,\mediumseries} x {\normalshape,\it,\sl,\sc}
    will work.
    Generic font-loading mechanisms are provided, and are already set
    up for Avant-Garde, Bookman, Courier, Helvetica, New Century
    Schoolbook, Palatino, Times and Symbol families.
    CM fonts (such as CMEX) are used only when suitable symbols are
    not present in the common PostScript fonts.
  - It is "ready for use" with Rokicki's dvips.  Suitable header and
    configuration files are provided.  TFM and VF files for the
    accented and ligatured PostScript fonts are also provided.  (You
    must use these fonts with PS-LaTeX -- the TFM files distributed
    with dvips are either "raw" (no accents, ligatures, etc), or use
    the CM encoding.   Also included is the modified version of
    Rokicki's afm2tfm that was used to create these files.)  The names
    of the fonts attempt to follow the Karl Berry convention (a
    trailing 0 is used to indicate the Adobe encoding and avoid
    confusion with the "standard" file set).

  (Hopefully!) complete documentation is provided in pslatex.tex.
  This can be processed using either LaTeX or PS-LaTeX.  

  Before installing PS-LaTeX you should have a working LaTeX using the
  New Font Selection Scheme, and (preferably) a working dvips.

vdm.sty and vdm.tex (in [TEX-ARCHIVE.LATEX.CONTRIB.VDM])
  This is the latest version of my style file for typesetting VDM
  specifications.  While still input-compatible with previous
  versions, the output uses the concrete syntax of the new BSI VDM
  standard.  Note that it does _not_ support all the new VDM
  constructs.  Documentation in vdm.tex.
  Updated for NFSS and the latest PSLaTeX.

Other miscellaneous LaTeX style options (in

a5.sty  Sets A5 page size for 10pt documents.  Sizes suggested by a
   professional typesetter!
a5comb.sty  As a5.sty, but includes extra binding space (for spiral
   bindings and the like)
alltt2.sty  A modified version of Lamport's alltt style that indents
   alltt environments by \allttindent.
boxedminipage.sty  Provides a minipage-like environment, with a box
   around it.
font-nostalgia.sty  For New Font Selection Scheme users -- provides commands
   \oldrm, oldbf, etc., with the pre-NFSS meanings of \rm, \bf, etc.
nextslide.sty  Adds \newslide command to SliTeX, allowing some other
   environments (mainly lists) to span multiple slides.
nfsslint.sty  Another one for New Font Selection Scheme users -- warns
   of possible font problems when using pre-NFSS files with NFSS.
nosecnumbers.sty Suppresses section numbers in \sections, \subsections,
   etc (but still writes entries for a table of contents).
romanneg.sty  Causes the page numbers in the
   DVI file (as defined by \count0) to be negative when roman
   pagenumbering is in effect.  Useful if your DVI driver can't
   distinguish between multiple page 1s!
smalltalk.sty  Useful for typesetting small fragments of the Smalltalk
   programming language.

I am informted that copies have also been placed on the SPAN archive
(at 39003::$1$dia1:[tex...]), thanks to Max Calvani, and on the
Stuttgart archive ( thanks to Rainer Sch"opf.

Mario Wolczko

   ______      Dept. of Computer Science   Internet:
 /~      ~\    The University              uucp:    mcsun!uknet!man.cs!mario
(    __    )   Manchester M13 9PL          JANET:
 `-':  :`-'    U.K.                        Tel: +44-61-275 6146  (FAX: 6236)
____;  ;_____________the mushroom project___________________________________


Date:    Thu, 14 May 92 14:23:08 -0500
From:    karl@edu.umb.cs (Karl Berry)
Subject: sauter parameter files version 1.3 available

I've updated my packaging for Unix of John Sauter's Metafont files
to make Computer Modern fonts at any point size.
You can get version 1.3 by ftp from []:pub/tex/sauter.tar.Z.

This release adds parameter files for the Glonti/Samarin Cyrillic,
contributed by Glenn Thorbe and Wayne Sullivan (

For all of the standard Computer Modern fonts, these files produce the
same TFM files as Knuth's sources.  So it is ok to call the output from
these `cm...'.

The distribution includes an lfonts.tex for LaTeX and a MakeTeXPK for
dvips which take advantage of these fonts.  You can get LaTeX from []:TEX/TEX3/latex, and dvips from*.

Let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    Thu, 04 Jun 92 15:42:22 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: SPFONTWARE updates on FILESERV/Niord

Norm Walsh <walsh@cs.umass.EDU> forwarded updates for two packages in his
SPFONTWARE package.  These are the addition of MRGSF131.ZIP (MergeSFP,
version 1.31) and PK2SF211.ZIP (PKtoSFP, version 2.11).  These two files,
in ZIP format, are available for anonymous ftp retrieval from ( in the [.SPFONTWARE] directory.  

For mail retrieval from FILESERV, the files have been UUENCODEd and split
into mailable parts, SPFONTWARE.MRGSF131_UUE_nOF3 and
SPFONTWARE.PK2SF211_UUE_nOF4.  To retrieve the updates via mail, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
For a complete listing of SPFONTWARE, include the command LIST SPFONTWARE
in your mail to FILESERV.  Attached are Norm's announcements.

Regards,    George
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcing MergeSFP v1.31

MergeSFP to is a free utility from Small Planet Software.  MergeSFP combines
multiple HP softfont files into a single softfont.  MergeSFP is an MS-DOS

MergeSFP v1.31 fixes two small bugs present in the 1.30 release.  Through an
oversite on my part, the sample .MRG files distributed with MergeSFP use an
equal sign to seperate /master option from it's parameter (i.e. /master=#1).
The documentation states that a colon should be used (and, in fact, the option
isn't recognized with the "=").  I've change MergeSFP so that either a colon
or an equal sign can be used.

Additionally, the /symset options didn't have any effect in MergeSFP v1.30.

Features in brief:

  - many options for defining the output softfont
  - handles class 2 compressed softfonts
  - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file.

Caveats: (Hey, I gotta be fair...)

  - The source code is not available (at present, anyway).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Announcing PKtoSFP v2.11

PKtoSFP to is a free utility from Small Planet Software.  PKtoSFP converts
TeX fonts into LaserJet softfont files.  PKtoSFP is an MS-DOS program.

The significant change from 2.10 to 2.11 is the correction of a long-standing
bug in the way that PKtoSFP reads TeX PK files.  Without going into too much
detail, every character definition in a PK file begins with a "flag byte" that
indicates what kind of character header is used for the following character.
PKtoSFP (prior to v2.11) misinterpreted some flag values.  This could have
resulted in a corrupt SFP file but was more likely to cause PKtoSFP to issue
an "insufficient memory" message.  I've converted hundreds of fonts and (so
far) have only found one font that used this flag byte (a PS2PK'd version
of an "illuminated manuscript"-like font).

Secondarily, I've fixed a deficiency in PKtoSFP that caused it to ignore
the high-order part of a /type number larger than 255.

Features in brief:

  - Converts directly from PK files (allowing up to 256 characters/font)
  - Automatically handles the \L slash character at position '040 in the
    TeX font (so your softfont doesn't have a non-blank space).
  - Handles PK fonts created for other (non 300x300dpi) output devices.
  - Complete documentation provided in a DVI file.

Caveats: (Hey, I gotta be fair...)

  - The source code is not available (at present, anyway).


Date:    Fri, 05 Jun 92 12:18:18 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: RTF2TeX on FILESERV/Niord

Robert Lupton's <> RTF2TeX, an RTF to TeX converter,
came to my attention recently and I have retrieved it for your access.
Below is the description file for this package.

- --George
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The RTF2TeX package includes the files for Robert Lupton's
<> RTF2TeX, an RTF to TeX converter.  RTF2TeX is a
filter built on Paul DuBois' RTF reader that converts RTF (Microsoft's Rich
Text Format) into TeX.  RTF2TeX expends a good deal of effort in an attempt
to make the resulting TeX maintainable and modifiable.

To retrieve the entire package of 11 files in 12 parts, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
To retrieve a specific file from this package, such as RTF2TEX.RTF2TEX_MAN,
in your mail message to FILESERV.  A ZIP file, RTF2TEX-FTP.ZIP, is
available for anonymous ftp retrieval in the [.RTF2TEX] directory on (

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                 Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RTF2TEX.FONTS_H          12  FONTS.H
RTF2TEX.RTF2TEX_C_1OF2   80  RTF2TEX.C (part 1 of 2)
RTF2TEX.RTF2TEX_C_2OF2   59  append to part 1 of RTF2TEX.RTF2TEX_C_2OF2
RTF2TEX.RTF_H            27  RTF.H

Approximate total blocks in full RTF2TeX package = 273


Date:    Fri, 05 Jun 92 13:54:23 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: XETAL on FILESERV/Niord

A few days ago, Raphael Cerf <> posted a notice of the
availability of his xetal.  It's now available for mail or ftp retrieval
from FILESERV and Niord.  Attached is the description file.

- --George
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The XETAL package includes the files for the January 27, 1992, release
(Version 1.2) of Raphael Cerf's <> XETAL detexifier
program.  XETAL removes all commands and mathematical formulas from tex and
latex files.  XETAL can also be used to perform elementary syntax checks on
tex files. It recognizes some basic tex and latex commands.

To retrieve the entire package of 13 files, please include the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
To retrieve a specific file from this package, such as XETAL.XETAL_1,
in your mail message to FILESERV.  A ZIP file, XETAL-1_2.ZIP, is available
for anonymous ftp retrieval in the [.XETAL] directory on

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File               Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
XETAL.GLBL_H            5  glbl.h  
XETAL.L_L              57  l.l     
XETAL.MAIN_C           15  main.c  
XETAL.MAKEFILE          5  makefile
XETAL.PROTO_H           6  proto.h 
XETAL.README            2  README  
XETAL.STACK_C           5  stack.c 
XETAL.STACK_H           4  stack.h 
XETAL.STR_C             3  str.c   
XETAL.STR_H             3  str.h   
XETAL.XETAL_1           5  xetal.1 
XETAL.Y_Y              38  y.y     

Approximate total blocks in full XETAL package = 174


Date:    Fri, 05 Jun 92 16:22:34 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: XYPIC on FILESERV/Niord

After seeing some discussion on and interest in it, I have retrieved
Kristoffer H. Rose's <> XYPIC for your access.  Attached is the
description file from FILESERV.

Regards,   George
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
XYPIC includes the files for Kristoffer H. Rose's <> February
24, 1992 release (Version 2.5) of XY-pic and XPPT.  XY-pic is a macro
package for AMS-TeX, plain TeX, LaTeX, and AMS-LaTeX for typesetting
diagrams with the following characteristics:
 -- Specified as a matrix of entries aligned in rows and columns.
 -- Any entry may be connected to any other entry using arrows that are
    automatically rotated and stretched as required to meet their target;
    a variety of arrow styles may be used.
 -- Arrows may be decorated with labels that are `tied` to a specified
    point of the arrow independent of its direction.
 -- Special support for arrows that cross each other, arrows that `go by'
    other entries, combined arrows, and arrows that bend around other
 -- Support for entries and arrows that are independent of the matrix

XPPT is a document style for AMS-TeX that extend the standard AMSPPT
`pretty-print' and compatible styles.  Highlights include:
 -- cross-references,
 -- automatic numbering of headings, captions, and theorems,
 -- table of contents generation,
 -- Bib-TeX bibliography interface,
 -- inclusion of `verbatim' program text, and
 -- options for 8-bit characters, RCS interface, and much more.

To retrieve the package of 24 files distributed in 26 parts, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
To retrieve a specific file from this package, such as XYPIC.PPTFIXES_TEX,
in your mail message to FILESERV.  A ZIP file, XYPIV-2_5.ZIP, is available
for anonymous ftp retrieval in the [.XYPIC] directory on

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                 Blocks  Save file as:    In directory:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
XYPIC.COPYING             37  COPYING          /xypic
XYPIC.JFPPPT_STY          10  jfpppt.sty       /xypic/xppt
XYPIC.LNCS_STY            25  lncs.sty         /xypic/xppt
XYPIC.MAKEFILE            13  Makefile         /xypic
XYPIC.PPTFIXES_TEX        11  pptfixes.tex     /xypic/xppt
XYPIC.README              15  README           /xypic      
XYPIC.README_XPPT         48  README           /xypic/xppt 
XYPIC.TRAILER              5  TRAILER          /xypic      
XYPIC.TRAILER_XPPT         4  TRAILER          /xypic/xppt 
XYPIC.XFIXED_TEX           7  xfixed.tex       /xypic/xppt 
XYPIC.XLATIN1_TEX_UUE     16  xlatin1.tex      /xypic/xppt 
  NOTE: This file is UUENCODEd; it contains some non-mailable ASCII characters
XYPIC.XPPT_BST            61  xppt.bst         /xypic/xppt 
XYPIC.XPPT_STY             2  xppt.sty         /xypic/xppt 
XYPIC.XPPT_TEX            18  xppt.tex         /xypic/xppt 
XYPIC.XRCS_TEX             4  xrcs.tex         /xypic/xppt 
XYPIC.XYAMSTEX_DOC         6  xyamstex.doc     /xypic
XYPIC.XYATIP10_MF          8      /xypic
XYPIC.XYBTIP10_MF          8      /xypic
XYPIC.XYLINE10_MF          8      /xypic
XYPIC.XYMISC10_MF         10      /xypic
XYPIC.XYPICMAN_DOC_1OF2   79  xypicman.doc     /xypic
XYPIC.XYPICMAN_DOC_2OF2   16   Part 2 of xypicman.doc
XYPIC.XYPIC_BIB           15  xypic.bib        /xypic
XYPIC.XYPIC_DOC_1OF2      77  xypic.doc        /xypic
XYPIC.XYPIC_DOC_2OF2      77   Part 2 of xypic.doc       
XYPIC.XYPIC_STY            1  xypic.sty        /xypic

Approximate total blocks in full XYPIC package = 581


Date:    Sun, 07 Jun 92 14:30:34 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: STMARY on FILESERV/Niord

First, apologies to anyone who received an abended message on this.  David
Jones <> forwarded along two packages for
inclusion in our archives.  The first is the St Mary's Road symbol package
by Jeremy Gibbons <> and Alan Jeffrey
<>.  Attached is the description file.

- --George
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The STMARY package includes the files of the St Mary's Road symbol package
by Jeremy Gibbons <> and Alan Jeffrey
<>.  This package contains a number of new commands
for use in math mode, and a new document style option ``module'', for
modularizing large .sty files.  The St Mary's Road symbol package contains
a font designed to complement the AMS symbol fonts by adding symbols for
domain theory, linear logic, process theory and program calculation,
including the double square brackets.

By defining over 100 new commands, the package provides support for new:
 -- large operators
 -- binary operators
 -- relations
 -- arrows
 -- delimiters
 -- special symbols used for building other symbols

To accommodate TeX implementations with limited memory, these symbols can
be added selectively via the innovative module approach used in this
package.  Also, support is provided for the Old Font Selection Scheme and
the New Font Selection Scheme.

To retrive this package of 19 files, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
Should you require a selected file from this package, such as
in your mail message to FILESERV.  For anonymous ftp retrieval, the file
STMARY-1_1.ZIP resides in the [.STMARY] directory of

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                 Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Approximate total blocks in full STMARY package = 443


Date:    Sun, 07 Jun 92 15:17:26 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>

The second of Jeremy and Alan's packages David submitted to our archives
for your access is diagramf -- an interface between (La)TeX and MetaFont. 
Attached is the description for your reference.

- --Geoorge
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The DIAGRAMF package includes the files associated with the June 2, 1992,
(version 1.1) release of Jeremy Gibbons' <> and Alan
Jeffrey's <> diagramf interface for importing
diagrams drawn in MetaFont to (La)TeX. In the DIAGRAMF package, TeX and MF
communicate by auxiliary files, in a similar fashion to the MG
TeX-PostScript interface (`Problems on the TeX/PostScript/graphics
interface', TUGboat 11(3)).

When you run MF on an *.MF file, it reads in a related *.DIM file, which
specifies the dimensions of all the boxes. From this, MF calculates where
to put each label, and outputs a .DIA file, containing TeX code.  
Similarly, when TeX encounters the instruction \diagramfile{*} it loads in
*.DIA and produces *.DIM.  And so we can have our MF cake and eat it in

To retrive the package of 8 files, include the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
To retrieve the specific file DIAGRAMF.ARROWS_MF, include
in your mail to FILESERV.  For anonymous ftp access, the file
DIAGRAMF-1_1.ZIP resides in the [.DIAGRAMF] directory on

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                     Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DIAGRAMF.README              1    README

Approximate total blocks in full DIAGRAMf package = 171


Date:    Thu, 11 Jun 92 16:38:03 -0600
From:    "George D. Greenwade" <bed_gdg@edu.SHSU>
Subject: Style updates on FILESERV/Niord

Donald Arseneau <asnd@triumfcl.bitnet> kindly forwarded me four style
updates recently.  The affected files are cite.sty, overcite.sty,
tabls.sty, and ulem.sty.  Briefly:
 CITE -- Compress ranges of citation numbers; adjust spacing; allow spaces
         in input; \citen gives just number(s).
 OVERCITE  -- Like cite.sty, but superscripts; handles punctuation.
 TABLS -- Keep text in {tabular} & {array} from touching vertically
 ULEM -- Underlining for emphasis (\em). Define \ULine{..} also.

In [over]cite, he added 
 % Version 1992: Use \@citepunct for commas so it is easier to change.
Now, where commas are used as delimiters (i.e., [4-7,9,8,Einstein,6]), you
have control over whether or not a space exists.

Also, in overcite (only), he added \/ to allow hyphenation of the previous
word -- looks better in italics.

In tabls, the version is raised to 3.1 from 3.0.  3.1 adds some braces to
match some updates to LaTeX.

In ulem, the most work appears -- now it is acceptable as a plain TeX macro!
%  Version 1992: make " {} " give two spaces, as it should; support \newline
%      and \\, \nolinebreak and \linebreak; add definitions necessary for
%      plain TeX use.  Support various types of `underline'.
Quite a few options are now available.

To retrieve these files via e-mail, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET ( 
For anonymous ftp retrieval, the files are in the syntax associated with
the SENDME commands above in the [.STY] directory on

The TeX community ought to extend its thanks to Donald for his continuing
efforts on these useful and popular files, as well as the others he is
responsible for creating.

Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University              Internet:
Huntsville, TX 77341            


Date:    Fri, 05 Jun 92 20:05:34 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: MFB1.ZIP

MFB1.ZIP has been transferred to

This file will be retrievable by NIFTP, unlike earlier betatest ZIP files.
It contains the latest releases of MetaFont for the emTeX suite.

                                        Philip Taylor, RHBNC


Date:    08 Jun 92 07:44:39 +0000
Subject: UK TeX archive: diagramf, stmarys, sauter, xetal

I have added  or updated a batch of packages in the UK TeX Archive:

   Gibbons and Jeffrey's St Marys Road font package
   Gibbons and Jeffrey's system for drawing diagrams in MF which can
   communicate with TeX
   Yet Another de-TeXing system, by Raphael Cerf
   Version 1.3 of Karl Berry's repackaging of the Sauter parameterized

more detailed explanations of these packages appear elsewhere

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    08 Jun 92 09:44:07 +0000
Subject: update of LACHECK in uk tex archive

I have updated the version of Lacheck in
to version 1.5.

This is a good LaTeX syntax checker, written in lex. An MSDOS binary
is provided



Date:    08 Jun 92 09:43:02 +0000
Subject: arabtex in uk tex archive

I have put version 2.02 of Klaus Lagally's ArabTeX system in


as it contains a number of binary .pk files, I have not yet exploded it.
Instead, I have put two packages for MSDOS and Unix users,, and arabtex.tarz_uue. Apologies to Mac and VMS users who
may have initial difficulty with these formats.



Date:    09 Jun 92 10:21:10 +0000
Subject: psfrag in uk tex archive

I have installed Craig Barratt's PsFrag system in the UK TeX Archive
and append the advertisement:

   I have written some LaTeX macros that make it easy to overlay postscript
   figures with fragments of LaTeX.  I use these macros to place nice
   LaTeX equations and math symbols on top of postscript figures.  The
   macros are available via anonymous ftp as described below.


   * PsFrag is a set of LaTeX macros for overlaying postscript figures with
     fragments of LaTeX.  More precisely, the PsFrag macros allow specific
     pieces of postscript text in a postscript figure (included via \epsfbox
     or \special) to be replaced with arbitrary fragments of LaTeX.  When
     your document is latex'ed and dvips'ed, each piece of postscript text
     is replaced by the LaTeX text.

     The postscript file might be produced, for example, by xfig, idraw,
     matlab, xmath, etc.  Each string displayed by postscript's show operator
     is a candidate for replacement by LaTeX text, math symbols, equations,
     pictures etc.  For example, you can include a matlab plot in a LaTeX
     document with the title, axis labels, and legend generated by LaTeX.

     The LaTeX fragments can be optionally rotated, scaled, and repositioned
     relative to the text being replaced.  The LaTeX fragments automatically
     track the postscript text position as the scaling and offsets of the
     \special or \epsfbox are changed.

   * PsFrag consists of four files:

     - epsf.sty: a slightly modified version of the original epsf.tex that
       supports PsFrag.  It's upward compatible with the old version, so
       it should work just the same when used without PsFrag.

     - psfrag.sty: contains the psfrag macros.

     - ps2psfrag: a shell script that uses ghostscript to find out the position
       orientation and content of each piece of text that a particular postscri
       file displays (shows).  This has to be run once for each postscript

     - a postscript file used by ps2psfrag.

   * Note: PsFrag uses ghostscript (gs) and assumes that your dvi to ps
     driver is Tomas Rokicki's dvips.  Nothing will work if you don't
     have these programs.

   Craig Barratt (
   Information Systems Lab
   Stanford University  CA  94305


Date:    09 Jun 92 10:32:36 +0000
Subject: Type1 fonts to Metafont package

I have installed Warren Toomey's package to produce Metafont sources
from Adobe Type1 fonts in the UK TeX Archive in
and append his notice

- ------------------------------

This is Version 1.1 beta of the Adobe Type 1 to Metafont font converter.
It does a reasonable job of converting Adobe fonts to Metafont format. Now
you can preview your (La)TeX job before you print it, when you are using
PostScript fonts.

The package has the following programs:

        pfb2pfa   Convert Adobe Type 1 fonts from binary to hex format.
        pfb2pfe   Convert Adobe Type 1 fonts from binary to human
                  readable format (expanded format).
        gsf2pfe   Convert Ghostscript fonts from hex to expanded format.
        pfe2mf    Convert Adobe Type 1 fonts (expanded) to Metafont code.

In order to compile the programs, you will need yacc and lex (or equivalents).
If you don't have these tools, you can use the output from these which is
supplied in the kit. A Makefile for Unix and MS-DOS is supplied as well.


Date:    12 Jun 92 09:03:24 +0000
Subject: extra style files

Updates to some of Donald Arseneau's styles files have been added to the UK
TeX Archive (from Niord) in 


 cite -- Compress ranges of citation numbers; adjust spacing; allow spaces
         in input; \citen gives just number(s).
 overcite  -- Like cite.sty, but superscripts; handles punctuation.
 tabls -- Keep text in {tabular} & {array} from touching vertically
 ulem -- Underlining for emphasis (\em). Define \ULine{..} also.

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    12 Jun 92 10:44:34 +0000
Subject: bitmap to Sprite in UK TeX archive

I have added a package to the UK TeX Archive by Marc Rovner, and put
it in


This is a conversion utility written in C to
make sprites for use in LaTeX documents with the sprite.sty (included in the
distribution) file out of X11 bitmap files. 

                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
                              >>>  UK.AC.TEX  <<<
                  *** Interactive and file transfer access ***
           JANET: Host:, Username: public, Password: public
                                DTE 000020120091
                    Internet: host []
               For telnet access, login: public, password: public
      For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address>
                              *** Mail server ***
                    Send mail to (JANET)
                   or (rest of the world)
                   with message body containing the word HELP

    [tex-archive]00directory.list        [tex-archive]00directory.size
    [tex-archive]00directory_dates.list  [tex-archive]00last30days.files

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V92 #10
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
         (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage


    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 21]