UKTeX Digest    Friday, 10 Jul 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 25

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                                Caslon old face
                              RE: Caslon old face
                              Re: Caslon old face
                  Problem embedding figures in LaTeX document
                Re: Problem embedding figures in LaTeX document
              Re: Re: Problem embedding figures in LaTeX document
               Re: Chapterbib.sty problem resolved... Thank you!
                     Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)
                     Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)
                     Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)
                     Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)
                    LaTeX style for VHS video labels desired
                        Re: Creating format files on HP
                               letter environment
                    hyphenation exceptions for ukhyphen.tex
                   0.10 available
                       New version of supertabular (3.6g)
                    Yet another new version of supertabular

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Fri, 03 Jul 92 18:29:54 +0000
Subject: Caslon old face

Our college has just decided on a "new visual identity" which revolves
around a logo made from characters in a font called "Caslon Old Face".
Its actually quite pretty: it dates from the middle of the 18th century,
and has some unusual ligatures such as 'ct' and 'Qu', and some equally
unusual italic forms of 'v' and 'w' . Apart from these, its similar in
style to Times Roman.

It seems unlikely, but does it or something like it happen to exist
as MetaFont source? Failing this, I guess I'll either have to learn MetaFont
or persuade the college to employ a MetaFont consultant, both of which are
probably long-term projects :-)

                Nigel Arnot


Date:    Mon, 06 Jul 92 12:29:17 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: RE: Caslon old face

>>> Our college has just decided on a "new visual identity" which revolves
>>> around a logo made from characters in a font called "Caslon Old Face".

Hard luck: we've had Goudy Old Style wished on us ...

>>> Its actually quite pretty: it dates from the middle of the 18th century,
>>> and has some unusual ligatures such as 'ct' and 'Qu', and some equally
>>> unusual italic forms of 'v' and 'w' . Apart from these, its similar in
>>> style to Times Roman.

Ah, \ct: heaven, sheer heaven ...

>>> It seems unlikely, but does it or something like it happen to exist
>>> as MetaFont source? Failing this, I guess I'll either have to learn MetaFon
>>> or persuade the college to employ a MetaFont consultant, both of which are
>>> probably long-term projects :-)

Alternatively you might try to locate Caslon Old face in PostScript form
and reverse-engineer the MF sources from it; there are now tools available
for just such reverse engineering.

                                        ** Phil.


Date:    06 Jul 92 13:13:34 +0000
Subject: Re: Caslon old face

 > Our college has just decided on a "new visual identity" which revolves
 > around a logo made from characters in a font called "Caslon Old Face".
 > It seems unlikely, but does it or something like it happen to exist
 > as MetaFont source? Failing this, I guess I'll either have to learn MetaFont
 > or persuade the college to employ a MetaFont consultant, both of which are
why do you want a Metafont source? why not buy a PostScript Type1
version of it (I am sure it exists) and use that with TeX? for
previewing or non PS printers, create a set of .pk bitmaps using ps2pk
(highly recommended)



Date:    Mon, 06 Jul 92 07:38:23 +0000
From:    David Tock <>
Subject: Problem embedding figures in LaTeX document

Using LaTeX it is easy enough to add figures and illustrations to a 
.............................. document using the \special command in
..                           . conjunction with the figure environment.
..                           . Within the figure environment you can put
..   put a picture in here   . numerous figures in arbitrary places. I have
..                           . not been able to find a way of putting a
..                           . single small figure into a document so that
..                           . it only takes up part of the width, and have
.............................. the text alongside it, unless you know
exactly what text is going to be there. This can be awkward if the document
keeps getting reformmated and the position on the page keeps changing. The
figure environment floats around to an appropriate place on the page.

Is there a way to obtain the above effect automatically in LaTeX, and if so,
how. I am aware of a couple of examples in the TeXbook, but they both have
fixed text alongside the indentation. Too bad if that text spans a page...

Replies direct to me please...

  David Tock, Mathematical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Scotland


Date:    Mon, 06 Jul 92 11:42:28 +0000
From:    Adrian F Clark <>
Subject: Re: Problem embedding figures in LaTeX document

The style file that I have used to generate `side-figures' is
floatfig.sty by Thomas Kneser, described in the proceedings of TeX90,
Cork.  I think it's in the archive; if not, I'll put a copy there.

 Dr Adrian F. Clark                                   JANET:
 INTERNET:          FAX: (+44) 206-872900
 BITNET:              PHONE: (+44) 206-872432 (direct)
 Dept ESE, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, Essex, C04 3SQ, UK.


Date:    06 Jul 92 13:30:22 +0000
Subject: Re: Re: Problem embedding figures in LaTeX document writes:
 > The style file that I have used to generate `side-figures' is
 > floatfig.sty by Thomas Kneser, described in the proceedings of TeX90,
 > Cork.  I think it's in the archive; if not, I'll put a copy there.



Date:    Mon, 06 Jul 92 09:09:31 +0000
From:    David Shepherd <>
Subject: Re: Chapterbib.sty problem resolved... Thank you!

George Tsibouris has said:
> My thanks to Chris Rowley and Brian Hamilton Kelly for solving my
> chapterbib.sty problem.  Essentially it was a matter of reversing
> the order of the style files in the \documentstyle command.
> Originally I had:
> \documentstyle[12pt,uwthesis,chapterbib,doublespace]{report}
> and it gave me a bunch of errors.  When I replaced it with:
> \documentstyle[12pt,chapterbib,uwthesis,doublespace]{report}
> everything went smoothly.

this shouldn't happen!

... check that uwthesis.sty doesn't have a \makeatother at the end
as this could be the problem.

.sty files should be able to assume that @ is already classified
as a letter and should *NOT* reset this.

david shepherd: or    tel: 0454-616616 x 625
                inmos ltd, 1000 aztec west, almondsbury, bristol, bs12 4sq
                "i speak latin to god,   spanish to men,   french to women 
                 and german to my horse."             - charles v of spain


Date:    06 Jul 92 10:08:03 +0000
Subject: xypic

Most of the files in 
appear to be fixed length 512 byte format. 

Do there still exist computers out there that do not understand variable
length records? Should the archive still be supporting such creatures? 

Excuse me while I punch some TeX cards, run TeXv1(mercury autocode), do a 
low-res preview on my teletype and send the DVI file off for high quality

Mike Piff


Date:    Mon, 06 Jul 92 17:30:15 +0700
From:    Allan Reese <>
Subject: Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)

I've had a similar problem this week, importing a graphic leterhead
created using FREEHAND. I've tried using \epsffile as described for dvips
and BoxedEPSF with \SetRokickiSpecialEPSF.  In both cases (em)TeX seems to
set aside a sufficient box but no graphic appears. It is not quite clear
(to me) whether in \epsffile the current TeX point becomes 0 0 in PS
coordinates or the lower left point of the PS box. I tried editing the
bounding box comment so that the lower left was fixed as 0 0. This
produced part of the graphic, but at the top of the page and clipped, so
my guess is that the current point becomes PS 0 0 but the graphic is drawn
relative to this so is off the page. Maybe what is wanted is to edit in a
PS command to shift the object down and left according to the boundingbox
comment. But this is not mentioned in either documentation. 

When I looked in the dvi file, there was a hook PSFile 'filename' and
the PS output then contained a comment saying "beginning of" this
file, followed immediately by "end of" same file. So either the hook
is not correct for dvips (5.482) or the picture is being clipped at
this stage.

I enclose for info the start of the EPS file and my test file to
use it in TeX. 

%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
%%Creator: FreeHand 3.0
%%Title: Hull/Hullmark diff sizes
%%CreationDate: 10/12/91 9:35 am
%%BoundingBox: 103.1653 577.9842 491.1371 752.9853
%%DocumentProcSets: FreeHand_header 3 0
%%DocumentSuppliedProcSets: FreeHand_header 3 0
%%ColorUsage: Color
%%DocumentCustomColors: (PANTONE 268 CV)
%%CMYKCustomColor: 0.91 0.94 0 0.235  (PANTONE 268 CV)
%%DocumentFonts: Symbol
%%DocumentNeededFonts: Symbol
%%FHPathName: Hard Disc:LN/HULL:SD/HUL/Logos:Hull/Hullmark diff sizes
%%BeginProcSet: FreeHand_header 3 0/FHIODict ...

\input hullfont %Reads definitions for Sabon font
\input epsf


This is some text. You type what you want. It gets
processed according to visible built-in
(mark-up) commands.

\vrule width 2pt \epsffile{} \vrule width 2pt


and some following text.


This produces an empty box. BoxedEPSF has a diagnostic command that
gives similar results. 

Allan Reese.


Date:    06 Jul 92 17:47:51 +0000
Subject: Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)

 > I've had a similar problem this week, importing a graphic leterhead
 > created using FREEHAND. I've tried using \epsffile as described for dvips
I've been importing EPS into TeX for about 6 years with nary a
problem. I just dont see why this problem has surfaced.

 > set aside a sufficient box but no graphic appears. It is not quite clear
 > (to me) whether in \epsffile the current TeX point becomes 0 0 in PS
 > coordinates or the lower left point of the PS box. I tried editing
the latter, if I understand the point

 > relative to this so is off the page. Maybe what is wanted is to edit in a
 > PS command to shift the object down and left according to the boundingbox
 > comment. But this is not mentioned in either documentation. 
no, its never that complicated. it works first time to me with every
decent package I have ever used. Mac ones often fail, of course...



Date:    Tue, 07 Jul 92 15:21:53 +0700
From:    Allan Reese <>
Subject: Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)

As guessed in my previous message, it is FREEHAND that is providing
a crummy file. So if your PS file displays as separate lines with
LIST but as a continuous stream with other programs - i.e., you try
to edit it and it fills the screen with characters with ^M's inter-
spersed, you have the same problem. The effect is then that TeX can
find the boundingbox (which it thinks is on line 1) but dvips then
cannot read the file and make sense of it.

Solution: LIST has an option to dump the file. I started LIST and
marked the start and end of the file then dumped a new version. This
version then LISTs but also reads as separate lines into my editors.
However, I didn't have to change anything else and it now imports
using \epsffile and prints as expected.

The dvips documentation therefore means exactly what it implies;
that the current position in the TeX page becomes the lower left
corner of the boundingbox for the PS graphic.

(R.) Allan Reese        Janet:
Head of Applications    Direct voice:   +44 482 465296
Computer Centre         Voice messages: +44 482 465685
Hull University         Fax:            +44 482 466441
Hull HU6 7RX, U.K.


Date:    Wed, 08 Jul 92 09:13:06 +0700
From:    Allan Reese <>
Subject: Re: Importing PS graphics (Digest 24)

My colleague has added to the explanation:

> You are having these problems because the file has been incorrectly
> transferred as a binary file from a Mac. If you transfer the file as
> TEXT using Apple File Exchange, you will be presented with a dialog
> giving TEXT transfer deatails. Amongst these details is the option
> to replace the Mac's end of line character (just CR) with the PC's
> end of line equivalent (CR-LF pair). A file transferred in this way
> can viewed properly on the PC by using TYPE.
> If you you want to avoid this sort of problem in the future, be wary
> of programs which emulate DOS disk mounting on a Mac, ie DOSMounter!
> -- 
> ****************************************************************************
> | N. Griffiths: The Computer Centre,         Telephone: (0482) 465793      | 
> |               University of Hull,                                        |
> |               Cottingham Road,        E-Mail (JANET): NG@UK.AC.HULL      |
> |               Hull, HU6 7RX.                                             |
> ****************************************************************************


Date:    Mon, 06 Jul 92 17:39:28 +0000
From:    Barry Prescott <>
Subject: LaTeX style for VHS video labels desired

I would like to create a LaTeX style that will format VHS video
labels. These are 5.6875 inches by 0.75 inches in area. I'd like to be
able to get everything that is on the tape on the label, but I don't
want to have to bother fidding about specifying the columns myself.

I'd like to limit the size of box horizontally *and* vertically. I'd
like stuff to be formatted in a vertical list down to the bottom of
the label and then to begin a new column to the right of the previous
column, and so on until either input was finished or there was no room
left, when TeX would have to choke and complain.

This sounds to me like a pagination with multicolumns problem, only
that the page is the size of a VHS label. (And I'd like to pack as
many labels on a physical paper page as possible.)

To make the label at least 0.75in high I nicked an idea from album.sty
(makes music cassette labels) which is to put a tall skinny rule of
the correct height into a hbox, followed by the contents. If the
content is less than 0.75 inches tall then the rule will keep the box
that big:

% Latex file quick hack to produce 1 vid label


\hskip-5mm\rule{0.4mm}{0.65in} %0.65in as system will add 0.05 either side
                               %To make fbox up to 0.75
\item Jabberwocky (SP)
\item The Young Ones - Sick (LP)
\item Whose Line is it anyway? (LP)
\item Police Squad 
        \item [4] Revenge and Remorse (LP)
        \item [5] The Butler Did It (SP)
        \item [6] Testimony of Evil (LP)
} %framebox

Unfortunately if the content of the label is higher than the rule
then the label will grow to > 0.75 inches in height. The idea with
album.sty is to iteratively go back to your input and change it
such that it probably will fit. I don't want to have to do this, as
life is too short.

Please, someone, how can I get vertical wrapping columns of height
0.75 inches? It may be best to make 2 or 3 columns of equal width.

- -- 
Barry Prescott, Hypermedia Systems Group, Dept. of Computer Science,
INTERNET:,,    | The University,    Phone: +44 482 465016   | Hull, HU6 7RX,
UUCP:     ..!uknet!hu-cs!bp   Fax: +44 482 466666     | United Kingdom


Date:    Wed, 08 Jul 92 10:38:00 +0100
Subject: Re: Creating format files on HP

Ian Ellery <> writes:
 > Someone at UEA is trying to compile TeX etc on an HP Un*x machine.
 > Follwing a sucessful 'make', then 'make install' he tried to 
 > 'make formats'. This is the part that uses initex to create the
 > .fmt files. However, nothing happens - he ends up seemingly in
 > TeX, with a * prompt, but with no response:

I had a similar problem on an HP. It disappeared when I removed the -O
switch from the compiler options in the Makefile.

   Rainer Schoepf
   Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                       ,,Ich mag es nicht, wenn
    fuer Informationstechnik Berlin            sich die Dinge so frueh
   Heilbronner Strasse 10                      am Morgen schon so
   W-1000 Berlin 31                            dynamisch entwickeln!''
   Federal Republic of Germany
   <> or <>


Date:    Thu, 09 Jul 92 08:51:31
Subject: letter environment

Does anyone have a version of the `letter' environment which will
place the addressee's address in the correct position for an A4 letter
when the letter is folded into three to go into a window envelope?

John Rostron


Date:    Mon, 06 Jul 92 15:56:16 +0000
Subject: hyphenation exceptions for ukhyphen.tex

Here is the current content of my \hyphenation list, as appended
to ukhyphen.tex.  Please let me know of any additions you may
wish to suggest.  

\hyphenation{ % Do NOT make any alterations to this list! --- DW



Date:    Thu, 14 May 92 13:59:45 -0500
Subject: 0.10 available

I have released version 0.10 of  You can get it by anonymous ftp from []:pub/tex/

You can also get it (soon) by email from George Greenwade's (thanks,
George!)  file server if you cannot ftp: mail with a
body of `sendme modes'.  It is about 46K.

This file is a collection of Metafont mode_def's.  It also makes common
definitions for write-white printers and `special' information.

This version has only minor fixes:
* `=' is used in special output instead of ` := ', to conserve space
* new modes for the CG 9600 and Varityper 4300

If you have mode_def's which are not listed below, or corrections to the
existing ones, please send them to me.
mode_def AgfaFourZeroZero =             % AGFA 400PS
mode_def amiga =                        % Commodore Amiga
mode_def AtariNineFive =                % Atari 95dpi previewer
mode_def AtariNineSix =                 % Atari 96x96 previewer
mode_def AtariSLMEightZeroFour =        % Atari ST SLM 804 printer
mode_def AtariSMOneTwoFour =            % Atari ST SM 124 screen
mode_def aps =                          % Autologic APS-Micro5
mode_def ApsSixHi =                     % Autologic APS-Micro6
mode_def bitgraph =                     % BBN Bitgraph at 118dpi
mode_def boise =                        % HP 2680A
mode_def CanonCX =                      % Canon CX, SX, LBP-LX
mode_def CanonLBPTen =                  % e.g., Symbolics LGP-10
mode_def ChelgraphIBX =                 % Chelgraph IBX
mode_def CItohThreeOneZero =            % CItoh 310
mode_def CItohEightFiveOneZero =        % CItoh 8510A
mode_def CompugraphicEightSixZeroZero = % Compugraphic 8600
mode_def CompugraphicNineSixZeroZero =  % Compugraphic 9600
mode_def crs =                          % Alphatype CRS
mode_def DataDisc =                     % DataDisc
mode_def DataDiscNew =                  % DataDisc with special aspect ratio
mode_def dover =                        % Xerox Dover
mode_def epsonlo =                      % Epson at 120dpi
mode_def EpsonLQFiveZeroZeroMed =       % Epson LQ-500, 360x180dpi
mode_def EpsonLQFiveZeroZeroLo =        % Epson LQ-500, 180x180dpi
mode_def EpsonMXFX =                    % 9-pin Epson MX/FX family
mode_def GThreefax =                    % 200 x 100dpi G3fax
mode_def HPDeskJet =                    % HP DeskJet 500
mode_def ibm_a =                        % IBM 38xx (\#1)
mode_def IBMD =                         % IBM 38xx (\#2)
mode_def IBMFourZeroTwoNine =           % IBM 4029-30, 4250
mode_def IBMFourTwoOneSix =             % IBM 4216
mode_def IBMProPrinter =                % IBM ProPrinter
mode_def IBMSixOneFiveFour =            % IBM 6154 display
mode_def IBMSixSixSevenZero =           % IBM 6670 (Sherpa)
mode_def IBMThreeOneSevenNine =         % IBM 3179 screen
mode_def IBMThreeOneNineThree =         % IBM 3193 screen
mode_def IBMThreeEightOneTwo =          % IBM 3812
mode_def IBMThreeEightTwoZero =         % IBM 3820
mode_def IBMEGA =                       % IBM EGA monitor
mode_def IBMVGA =                       % IBM VGA monitor
mode_def imagewriter =                  % Apple ImageWriter
mode_def laserjetlo =                   % HP LaserJet at 150dpi
mode_def LASevenFive =                  % DEC LA75
mode_def LinotypeOneZeroZeroLo =        % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 635dpi
mode_def LinotypeOneZeroZero =          % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 1270dpi
mode_def LinotypeThreeZeroZeroHi =      % Linotype Linotronic 300 at 2540dpi
mode_def LNZeroOne =                    % DEC LN01
mode_def LPSFourZero =                  % DEC LPS40
mode_def lview =                        % Sigma L-View monitor
mode_def MacMagnified =                 % Mac screens at magstep 1
mode_def MacTrueSize =                  % Mac screens at 72dpi
mode_def NEC =                          % NEC
mode_def NEChi =                        % NEC-P6 at 360x360dpi
mode_def Newgen =                       % Newgen 400dpi
mode_def NeXTprinter =                  % NeXT 400dpi
mode_def NeXTscreen =                   % 100dpi NeXT monitor
mode_def OCESixSevenFiveZeroPS =        % OCE 6750-PS
mode_def okidata =                      % Okidata
mode_def OneTwoZero =                   % e.g., high-resolution Suns
mode_def PrintwareSevenTwoZeroIQ =      % Printware 720IQ
mode_def qms =                          % QMS (Xerox engine)
mode_def RicohFourZeroEightZero =       % e.g., the TI Omnilaser
mode_def RicohLP =                      % e.g., the DEC LN03
mode_def SparcPrinterBlack =            % Sun SPARCprinter -- write/black
mode_def SparcPrinterWhite =            % Sun SPARCprinter -- write/white
mode_def StarNLOneZero =                % Star NL-10
mode_def sun =                          % Sun and BBN Bitgraph at 85dpi
mode_def supre =                        % Ultre*setter at 2400dpi
mode_def toshiba =                      % Toshiba 13XX, EpsonLQ
mode_def ultre =                        % Ultre*setter at 1200dpi
mode_def VarityperFiveZeroSixZeroW =    % Varitype 5060W
mode_def VarityperFourThreeZeroZeroLo = % Varityper 4300P at 1200dpi
mode_def VarityperFourThreeZeroZeroHi = % Varityper 4300P at 2400dpi
mode_def VarityperFourTwoZeroZero =     % Varityper 4200 B-P
mode_def VarityperSixZeroZero =         % Varityper Laser 600
mode_def VAXstation =                   % VAXstation monitor
mode_def XeroxEightSevenNineZero =      % Xerox 8790 or 4045
mode_def XeroxFourZeroFiveZero =        % Xerox 4050
mode_def XeroxNineSevenZeroZero =       % Xerox 9700
mode_def XeroxThreeSevenZeroZero =      % Xerox 3700


Date:    Thu, 09 Jul 92 09:35:00 +0000
From:    "Johannes L. Braams" <J.L.Braams@nl.PTT.RESEARCH>
Subject: New version of supertabular (3.6g)

        I'm happy to announce a new version of the LaTeX option supertabular.
        It is available from LISTSERV@HEARN. I have also transferred it
        to the incoming directory of the stuttgart archive, so I expect
        that it will show up ion the right directory there soon.
        Ths version has a slight modification that was necessary to make
        supertabular work together with array.sty by FMi. So, if you have
        a need o combine the two I advise you to upgrade.
        The new version is version 3.6g, dated july 3rd, 1992.
        Johannes Braams
PTT Research Neher Laboratorium,        P.O. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,                   The Netherlands.
Phone    : +31 70 3325051               E-mail :
Fax      : +31 70 3326477               (was   :


Date:    Fri, 10 Jul 92 10:46:00 +0000
From:    "Johannes L. Braams" <J.L.Braams@nl.PTT.RESEARCH>
Subject: Yet another new version of supertabular

        Michiel Goossens pointed out that supertabular was still not fully
        compatible with array.sty. It now is. Again it is available
        from LISTSERV@HEARN (TEX-NL FILELIST) and Stuttgart (soon, I put it
        in soft/tex/incoming).
        Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
        Johannes Braams
                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
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\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V92 #13
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
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    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

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    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
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    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
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    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 25]