UKTeX Digest    Friday, 17 Jul 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 26

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                          too long pages in fancyplain
                         MFJOB and GRAY and MFPIC fonts
                               Query from Belgium
                             RE: letter environment
                             Re: letter environment
                          LaTeX Verbatim in Postscript
                   Cannot transfer files from tex-style.xypic
                 RE: Cannot transfer files from tex-style.xypic
                 Re: Cannot transfer files from tex-style.xypic
                                  emtex fonts
                                Re: emtex fonts
                             Typsetting timetables
                           Re: Typsetting timetables
                                 slitex again!
                               Re: slitex again!
                      Caslon font with old-style ligatures
                      Headers on page 1 in LaTeX---a bug?
                                DosTeX vs EmTeX?
                              RE: DosTeX vs EmTeX?
                              Re: DosTeX vs EmTeX?
                           announcing TeX--XeT.change
                           FILLFORM on FILESERV/Niord
 {Archive News}:
                    letter for window envelopes (by D Love)
                            Large formats for OzTeX
                      Velthuis Devanagari fonts for OzTeX

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Fri, 10 Jul 92 15:08:57
Subject: too long pages in fancyplain

Some considerable time ago, I used the `fancyplain' environment on
a Prime computer. They worked fine except that I always got a message
that each page was 1.96pt too long (or thereabouts).

Recently I retrieved a more recent copy from the archive for use with
emtex on my PC. I still get the same message. It hardly matters in that the
pages print fine, but it is annoying.

Does anyone have a fix for this?

John Rostron


Date:    Fri, 10 Jul 92 15:21:08
Subject: MFJOB and GRAY and MFPIC fonts

I have recently been having a blitz with Metafont using MFJob (1.1i).

I have generated a full set of LaTeX fonts for FX, LQ and HPLaser
Printers with no trouble. However when I have tried some less usual
fonts, I get problems.

Firstly with Gray fonts. If I use graylj to generate the LaserJet gray
fonts, then MFJob reports a successful generation. However, I cannot find
the PK file, and neither can DOS or DVISCR.

What is remarkable is that the WhereIs utility (?Keith Leadbetter)
can find the file, exactly where I expect to find it.

The log file gives no indication of any problem. The TFM file is correctly
generated. GFtoPK reports no problem.

The other problem came when I tried MFPIC. I ran TeX on the sample file
and successfully generated `'. For MFJob to find these, I had to move
them to my MFINPUT directory. When I ran MFJob, this generated the TFM file
claimed to have written the GF file. However GFtoPK claimed not to be able to
find the GF file.

Has anyone experienced these problems? Has anyone fixed them?

John Rostron


Date:    Fri, 10 Jul 92 15:49:29 +0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: Query from Belgium

Dear Sir,

We need TeX to produce large and complex documents but our current version
(release 3.0) cannot meet these requirements and fails with out of memory
error messages.  We have been told there is a TeX version that can go
beyond the 64K memory limites our release hase.  As I understand such a
version is called 'BigTeX' and we would like to know if it's available for

ACSE would like to obtain BigTeX for a 386 machine running Interactive Unix
but we do not have internet access.  Furthermore the company does not
subscribe to TUGboat so I do not know if there is a distribution center in
Belgium that could assist us.  We would therefore be grateful if you could
help us in obtaining BigTeX sources either via a third party or from your
department.  In the latter case we could either try to establish a modem
connection under some agreed specification (modem phone number, login,
transfer protocol...) or if you would rather have the sources sent to us we
support 150Mb 1/4-Inch tapes (cpio or tar formats) or 1.2Mb 3.5 Inch disks
(cpio, tar or DOS).  

Thank you for your help

Yours sincerely,

A Chullikal

Tel: (Belgium / 32) 2 242 22 21

Fax: (Belgium / 32) 2 242 31 01


Date:    Fri, 10 Jul 92 17:13:00 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: RE: letter environment

In a message to UKTeX of Thu, 09 Jul 92 08:51:31, 
John Rostron <> wrote:

> Does anyone have a version of the `letter' environment which will
> place the addressee's address in the correct position for an A4 letter
> when the letter is folded into three to go into a window envelope?

Funnily enough, I was hacking together exactly this thing on Thursday
evening (since our VAX has been upgraded to V5.5, we've had no mail
since Wednesday, which left me with terribly withdrawal symptoms).

It's easy enough, *once* one realizes that, for some reason perhaps lost
in the mists of time, the style defines

\def\@texttop{\ifnum \c@page=\@ne \vskip 0pt plus 0.00006fil\relax \fi}

Don't ask me why on earth anyone should ever want to do this, but it has
the effect of making the starting point of page one (which will be that
bearing the address) to float up and down the page, depending upon how
well filled it is made: this makes any attempt to fix the position of
printing the address somewhat tricky!

Once this definition is replaced, things settle down nicely.  I've even
hacked my version so that it inserts folding marks just outside the
margins of the text.

Oh, one other thing --- using a style option such as a4.sty or
a4wide.sty can play absolute havoc with the dimensions that one is oh so
carefully adjusting within (the private copy of) letter.sty

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

+ JANET:                                     +
+ BITNET:                               +
+ INTERNET:                  +
+ UUCP:      {mcsun,ukc,uunet}!!tex                   +
+ Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   +
+            College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        +
+ Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   +


Date:    Thu, 16 Jul 92 19:02:41 +0000
From:    Dave Love <>
Subject: Re: letter environment

>>>>> On Thu, 09 Jul 92 08:51:31, said:

 > Does anyone have a version of the `letter' environment which will
 > place the addressee's address in the correct position for an A4 letter
 > when the letter is folded into three to go into a window envelope?

I've uploaded `windlet.doc' to the archive contributions area.  As a
letter style option it does this OK for the envelopes used here.

               { See Sebastian's announcement below for
              its location in the UK TeX Archive  --Ed.}


Date:    Sat, 11 Jul 92 00:41:00 +0000
From:    Tim Rowe <>
Subject: LaTeX Verbatim in Postscript

This seemed a more appropriate place than Cix to pass this problem:

> From: Andrew Marlow <>
> Message-Id: <>
> To:
> Apparently-To: digitig
>     Hello Tim,
>     I have another problem with LaTeX.  I cannot print documents on our
>     postscript laser when using plus signs and/or vertical bars in a
>     verbatim environment.  It seems that the DVI to Postscript program does
>     not generate valid postscript when the file contains plus signs or
>     vertical bars.  Would you please post notice of this fact on CIX so that
>     the maintainer of dvitops can have a look. 
>             Cheers,
>             Andrew


Date:    Mon, 13 Jul 92 08:49:14
Subject: Cannot transfer files from tex-style.xypic

I have been trying to download the files for XYPIC using FTP.
I can successfully transfer the contents list 00files.txt, but all
the other file transfers fail, with the comment "Unnacceptable attirbute
on SFT. Invalid value in command:"

I have successfully transfered another set of files at the same time
(MFPIC) with no problem.

John Rostron


Date:    Mon, 13 Jul 92 15:16:27 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: RE: Cannot transfer files from tex-style.xypic

In a message to UKTeX of Mon, 13 Jul 92 08:49:14, 
John Rostron <> wrote:

> I have been trying to download the files for XYPIC using FTP.
> I can successfully transfer the contents list 00files.txt, but all
> the other file transfers fail, with the comment "Unnacceptable attirbute
> on SFT. Invalid value in command:"

In view of the error message quoted, I presumed that you were actually
using NIftp (Colour Book Software) over Janet, rather than ftp (TCP/IP)
over Jips.  I then knew immediately what had happened:

The file(s) were transferred into the archive (NB spqr) using Jips ftp
in binary mode --- this is/was totally inappropriate for textual files,
and has created 512-byte fixed-length records.  Had ftp been used in
ordinary mode, it would (correctly) have created variable-length records
with carriage-return carriage-control.

The 512-byte records cannot be transferred by NIFTP over Janet (except
to another VAX, using the /CODE=FAST qualifier---and they'd be
singularly useless on a VAX anyway, not having any carriage-control
information :-).

I have converted the files back into the correct format: this has had
one unwanted side-effect, in that the original NUL padding bytes in the
final fixed-length record as formerly stored appear in a spurious
additional record at the end of each file.  But it probably isn't too
horribly significant.  Anyway, you ought now to have more success with
your transfers: perhaps you could try again and let us know.

                               Brian {Hamilton Kelly}


Date:    13 Jul 92 15:46:32 +0000
Subject: Re: Cannot transfer files from tex-style.xypic

John Rostron writes:
 > I have been trying to download the files for XYPIC using FTP.
 > I can successfully transfer the contents list 00files.txt, but all
 > the other file transfers fail, with the comment "Unnacceptable attirbute
 > on SFT. Invalid value in command:"
amazingly enough, these files look correct to me, eg

XYQC10.MF;1                   File ID:  (2157,2,2)
Size:            7/9          Owner:    AUI$TEX
Created:   1-JUL-1992 12:13:43.00
Revised:   1-JUL-1992 12:13:43.00 (1)
Record format:      Variable length, maximum 286 bytes
Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control

which, as I understand it, makes them `good' for JANET FTP.

no obvious answer, I'm afraid



Date:    Mon, 13 Jul 92 13:09:25 +0000
From:    Alan French <>
Subject: emtex fonts

I have installed emtex on my PC and it has been running perfectly. I now
want to use slitex, but don't have the lj_sli fonts. I can't seem to
locate them in the archive. I would be extremely grateful for any help
you can provide regarding this problem. Thanks in advance,

Al French


Date:    13 Jul 92 15:21:43 +0000
Subject: Re: emtex fonts

Al French writes:
 > I have installed emtex on my PC and it has been running perfectly. I now
 > want to use slitex, but don't have the lj_sli fonts. I can't seem to
 > locate them in the archive. I would be extremely grateful for any help
 > you can provide regarding this problem. Thanks in advance,
its probably better for you to run Metafont yourself. see the
documentation for MFJOB, which has a script ready for building the
SLiTeX font. alternatively, get the beta-test version of the dvi
drivers, which generate the fonts you need on demand. highly
recommended to any emTeX user. They may *say* they are beta, but they
are, in my experience, as reliable as the rest of emTeX



Date:    Mon, 13 Jul 92 14:44:31 +0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: Typsetting timetables

I have a need to typset two GWR 1947 timetables and would like them
to appear as authentic as possible. I hope to be able to find out the font used
tommorrow(Tuesday). In any case I will use the nearest available

I have two problems on which I need help.

I wish to use tabular in LaTeX and need to set

1. type vertically in a column usually two lines of text but not necessarily
stretching the full height of the column.

2. Set a brace in a column to cover several rows.

Anyone know how to achieve thsi please.



Date:    13 Jul 92 15:36:12 +0000
Subject: Re: Typsetting timetables

Peter Abbott writes:
 > 1. type vertically in a column usually two lines of text but not necessarily
 > stretching the full height of the column.
not sure what you mean. you want the text rotated? you can do this
with my `rotating` package (archive:
[tex-archive.latex.contrib.rotating]) if you are able to use the dvips
driver (I havent made it work with OzTeX yet)

 > 2. Set a brace in a column to cover several rows.
I'm guessing here, but if you can get yourself a big brace, you put it
in the middle row (so that it will stick up and down) *in a save box*,
and adjust the height and depth of the box to 0 before you use it, so
that TeX thinks it occupies no vertical space.

so, trying it out, we get:

$\left.\begin{array}{l}\\ \\ \end{array}\right\}$
  a & late \\
  1 & \\
  2 & \Brace on time\\
  3 & \\
  c & early \\

just call me a hacker



Date:    Mon, 13 Jul 92 14:57:50 +0000
From:    Alan French <>
Subject: slitex again!

I sent a message earlier regarding the lj_sli fonts associated with the
emtex package. The fx_sli version is available and I downloaded it. When
I tried to print a dvi file on my epson (using prtfx) it claimed not to
be able to find font ilcmss8. I amended the configuration files to 
include fx_sli.fli. When I removed the \invisible commands from my source
files the problem disappeared. It appears that I do not have any of the
invisible files in my .fli files (I've checked using fontlib). How can I
amend my .fli files to include these extra invisible files?

I am sorry to be a pain, but the internals of LaTeX are a complete mystery
to me. Thanks (again),

Al French


Date:    16 Jul 92 13:38:38 +0000
Subject: Re: slitex again!

Al French writes:
 > I sent a message earlier regarding the lj_sli fonts associated with the
 > emtex package. The fx_sli version is available and I downloaded it. When
 > I tried to print a dvi file on my epson (using prtfx) it claimed not to
 > be able to find font ilcmss8. I amended the configuration files to 
 > include fx_sli.fli. When I removed the \invisible commands from my source
 > files the problem disappeared. It appears that I do not have any of the
 > invisible files in my .fli files (I've checked using fontlib). How can I
 > amend my .fli files to include these extra invisible files?
 > I am sorry to be a pain, but the internals of LaTeX are a complete mystery
 > to me. Thanks (again),
well, the answer as ever(unhelpful as it may seem) is to read the
manual! if you look at the dvidrv manual, you'll see it discusses
substitution files.  you can instruct the driver to substitute blanks
when asked for certain fonts (probably i*), which is all you need.



Date:    Tue, 14 Jul 92 13:03:00 +0000
From:    Stephen Miller <>
Subject: Caslon font with old-style ligatures

Adobe Caslon with accompanying Expert Set contains the ligatures requested.

Fun for virtual font wizards there.

stephen miller


Date:    14 Jul 92 16:39:07 +0000
Subject: Headers on page 1 in LaTeX---a bug?

Normally, one would  have to be  pretty obtuse to  try to force  a header onto
page one of a document.
If the  header text  is produced  with a  \chapter or  \section or  \maketitle
command then LaTeX will output a plain page, without headers.

However, if you set things up so that the first page does have a header, there
seems to be a surprise awaiting you.
One way to do this is with Stephen Gildea's headerfooter.sty.
Another is by using \pagestyle{myheadings}

Here is an example.


\markright{Here is a header}
Some text \newpage and more \newpage
Some text \newpage and more \newpage

First LaTeX the file as it stands.
It produces no header on page 1.
Remove the first % sign.
Surprisingly, the header on page 1 reappears.
Then spend some time examining tortuous LaTeX code.
Much later, make a slight change to definition of \xxxxxxxxx.
After that, replace the % sign
Re-LaTeX original file.
Kid yourself that it was obvious all along, as easy as reading an acrostic!

Mike Piff


Date:    16 Jul 92 09:41:33 +0000
Subject: HyperTeX?

Does anyone know of any package for doing hypertext with mathematics embedded
in it? On the reasonable assumption that this would have to be TeX-based, I 
guess it would be a fairly easy extension of a DVI previewer to build in a few
hypertext features. 

For instance, it could be implemented with commands such as
\special{em:label xyz}
\special{em:goto xyz}
(in an emTeX version say), and a mechanism provided to display, move around
and select the buttons. This would give a modest implementation allowing the
user to move round a single document. Add a stack and a <backspace> facility
and it would increase in usefulness. 

Another possibility would be to allow the goto instruction to branch to 
a new file. ( Files could easily be implemented on a screen-per-page basis. )

How would you tell the previewer how big to draw the button? I suppose that
right-overlapping a fixed-size bar would be one simple solution. Otherwise,
could the previewer invert the next contiguous bit of text? Or could LaTeX
pass back the width, height and depth of the button through its .AUX file?

Mike Piff


Date:    Fri, 17 Jul 92 14:33:55 +0000
Subject: DosTeX vs EmTeX?

I have a query involving the running of TeX on a stand-alone P.C. (386SX)
The components required are as follows:
Something to convert a TeX input file to a dvi file
    "           "    " LaTeX "     "        "    "
Device drivers for i) Screen previews on a VGA monitor
                  ii) Draft printing on a Star 24-pin dot matrix printer
                 iii) Higher quality 300x300 dpi printing on a yet to be
                      purchased laser printer.
I have tried the above with little success using DosTeX, but this failed due
continual failure to find fonts files, both for conversion to dvi and for
screen previewing.
I have been told that the above can be successfully carried out, (inc. all font
and mathematical symbols) using EmTeX, in the public domain, with appropriate
device drivers.
Can you get a driver for a *non* postscript laser?
Can you supply the above?
Thank you for your help.
                          D. J. McVea


Date:    Fri, 17 Jul 92 14:40:43 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: RE: DosTeX vs EmTeX?

>>> I have been told that the above can be successfully carried out, (inc. all 
>>> and mathematical symbols) using EmTeX, in the public domain, with appropria
>>> device drivers.
You have been correctly advised.

>>> Can you get a driver for a *non* postscript laser?

Yes; the kit comes with many such.

>>> Can you supply the above?

Yes, for a minimum of fifteen pounds sterling, maximum thirty pounds sterling.
See any recent issue of UK-TeX for further details (trailer, at end).

                                        Philip Taylor, RHBNC.


Date:    17 Jul 92 12:25:58 +0000
Subject: Re: DosTeX vs EmTeX?

 > I have been told that the above can be successfully carried out,
 > (inc. all fonts and mathematical symbols) using EmTeX, in the
 > public domain, with appropriate device drivers.

 > Can you get a driver for a *non* postscript laser?
as standard, emTeX comes with a driver for  HP laserjet-type printers.
the driver for PostScript is an extra

 > Can you supply the above?

        { See the trailer for any UKTeX Digest issue.  --Ed.}


Date:    Thu, 09 Jul 92 16:40:48 +0000
From:    Peter Breitenlohner <>
Subject: announcing TeX--XeT.change

Recently I have finished tex--xet.change, a system-independent
web change file for TeX 3.141 for mixed direction typesetting.
There are two files:  tex--xet.change  and  tex--xet.doc
I would like to thank all those who have helped in beta testing.
Here an ectract from tex--xet.doc:
  TeX--XeT contains the code necessary for mixed left-to-right and
  right-to-left typesetting. This code is inspired by but different from
  TeX-XeT as presented by Donald E. Knuth and Pierre MacKay in TUGboat 8,
  14--25, 1987.
  In order to avoid confusion with TeX-XeT the present implementation of
  mixed direction typesetting is called TeX--XeT. It differs from TeX-XeT
  in several important aspects:
  (1) Right-to-left text is reversed explicitely by the ship-out routine
      and is written to a normal DVI file without any begin-reflect or
      end-reflect commands;
  (2) TeX--XeT produces exactly the same line breaks as TeX when applied
      to pure left-to-right text, in fact TeX--XeT passes the TRIP test
      with very few and well understood modifications;
  (3) therefore TeX--XeT is designed to be used instead of and not in
      addition to TeX and consequently the pool file name is not changed;
  (4) as an enhancement over TeX-XeT right-to-left text interrupted by a
      displayed equation is automatically resumed after that equation.
In fact we are using the VM/CMS version of TeX--XeT here in Munich
instead of TeX for quite some time (not for mixed direction texts) with
no problems and there are already (or will be in the near future) other
TeX--XeT implementations.
As far as I know the two files are availble at present
via anonymous ftp
  from (
        in the directory  /soft/tex/tex-sources/tex--xet
  from (
        in the directory [FILESERV.TEX--XET]
from the SHSU fileserver
  To retrive the package of 2 files, include the command:
  in the body of a mail message to
>From a SPAN archive (if I only knew what that is)
  The files are stored in, and can be copied from,
Peter Breitenlohner


Date:    Mon, 13 Jul 92 10:33:19 -0600
From:    George D. Greenwade"George D. Greenwade" 

Zdenvek Wagner <Wagner@csearn.bitnet> kindly forwarded a package of files
designed to allow filling in of forms via LaTeX.  Attached is the
description file for your reference.

Regards and thanks to Zdenvek for the submission,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration                    Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118                                        FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University              Internet:
Huntsville, TX 77341            
The FILLFORM package includes Zdenvek Wagner's <Wagner@csearn.bitnet> files
for filling in various questionnaires in LaTeX without the direct use of a
typewriter.  FILLFORM.TEX accepts interactive input of entries with
specified position and stores them in a file.  You can preview the
filled-in form with framed entries so that you can find out whether your
will fit into the space available.  If the entry does not fit, you can edit
the saved document (e.g., add `\small') and rerun FILLFORM.TEX.  Finally
you rerun it without frames and print.

All you need is to have LaTeX or emTeX installed and to have a printer
which enables feeding of single sheets of paper.  The file uses transfer
mechanism of SELECT.STY, which is included in this package.  The SELECT.STY
and FAIRYSEL.TEX files are slightly different from those previously posted
to INFO-TeX, but FILLFORM.TEX will properly work even with the older

To retrieve the set of five files, include:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (
To retrieve a specific file, such as FILLFORM.SELECT_STY, include
in your mail message to FILESERV.  The individual files, as well as a ZIP
file of the entire contents, FILLFORM-V1.ZIP, is available for anonymous
ftp retrieval from ( in the directory

Files in this package: (1 Block = 512 bytes)
File                 Blocks  Save file as:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FILLFORM.FAIRYSEL_TEX     4  FAIRYSEL.TEX     --- demonstration how to use
FILLFORM.FILLFORM_TEX    17  FILLFORM.TEX     --- the main file
FILLFORM.SAMPLFRM_TEX     6  SAMPLFRM.TEX     --- sample file with comments
FILLFORM.SELECT_STY       5  SELECT.STY       --- transfer mechanism needed by

Approximate total blocks in full FILLFORM package = 35


Date:    17 Jul 92 09:08:31 +0000
Subject: letter for window envelopes (by D Love)

Dave Love's windowlet.doc is installed in

% This is a sub-style for use with {\sf letter} that can be
% used with certain types of envelope with windows so that the address
% will show through the window.
% It is convenient, rather than use a sticky address label for a one-
% or few-off letter, to use envelopes with transparent windows.  We
% then need to make sure that the {\sf letter} style is suitably
% altered so print the \verb+\toaddress+ in the correct place for this
% window.  Of course, the values of the positioning will depend on the
% stationery you use.  


Date:    Fri, 17 Jul 92 11:28:00 +0000
From:    Stephen Miller <>
Subject: Large formats for OzTeX

I've built the necessary formats for the "Large TeX" Config option with
OzTeX (Large-Plain, Large-LaTeX, Large-Times-LaTeX). OzTeX needs to have
its memory allocation increased to 1350k.

Stephen Miller

            { I've copied this into the UK TeX Archive in
       [tex-archive.mac.oztex.contrib]largeformats.hqx  --Ed.}


Date:    Fri, 17 Jul 92 11:34:00 +0000
From:    Stephen Miller <>
Subject: Velthuis Devanagari fonts for OzTeX

The Velthuis Devanagari fonts are now available for use with OzTeX: the
pre-processor was compiled by Peter Robinson from the "Computers and
Manuscripts" project and many thanks are due to him for this task. The
manual accompanying the fonts/pre-processor is available as an OzTeX DVI

The pre-processor has been used on the test file with success: it has not
however been subjected to a more lengthy test--feedback welcome. Send it
to me and not to the list please.

Stephen Miller

            { I've copied this into the UK TeX Archive in
       [tex-archive.mac.oztex.contrib]devanagari09.hqx  --Ed.}

                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
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           JANET: Host:, Username: public, Password: public
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    [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt    (Frequently Asked Questions list)
    [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt    (FAQ supplement)

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V92 #14
    TeXMaG back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXMaG: V5N3

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
         (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage


    For details, contact:
    Geeti Granger, Text Processing Dept, John Wiley & Sons, 
    Baffins Lane, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1UD  (tel: 0243 770329)
 or David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 26]