UKTeX Digest    Friday, 27 Nov 1992    Volume 92 : Issue 44

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                      Reese's query on hanging indentation
                             Help needed with NFSS
                           Re: Help needed with NFSS
                   Conversion from LaTeX to Word-for-Windows?
                            mfpic bug and a solution
                       Double and Single Spacing in LaTeX
                     Re: Double and single spacing in Latex
                     Re: Double and Single Spacing in LaTeX
                     Re: Double and Single Spacing in LaTeX
                            emTeX DVIHPLJ and DVISCR

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Thu, 19 Nov 92 16:46:00 +0000
From:    Jonathan Fine <>
Subject: Reese's query on hanging indentation

Allan Reese ask why it is that
        \def\hang{ \hangindent= etc  }

does not properly work when
        {\bf This} is the first word of a paragraph

is the text to be typeset.

I dont'w have the TeXbook to hand (or TeX on a familar machine)
but my understanding is this.

1.  The values of \hangindent and \hangafter at the *end* of
the paragraph determine the \hang-indentation.

2.  \hangafter and \hangindent are reset to zero at the end of
each paragraph, and also when a \vbox is begun.

2a.  (It may be that they are reset to zero at the beginning
of the paragraph, but I doubt it.

3.  If the mode is vertical, then horizontal mode material - 
such as a letter, will begin a paragraph, and thus trigger

This, the line above
        {\bf This} is the first word of a paragraph

will first
a) begin a group
b) change font
c) horizontal material, and so
d) insert \everypar
e) go on to typeset.

1.  The \everypar material has taken place within a group.
2.  The values of \hangafter and \hangindent have not changed
at the end of the paragraph.
3.  The problem will "go away" if the \hang command made *\global*
assignments to \hangafter and \hangindent.
4.  This is a trap for the unwary.

Best wishes

Jonathan Fine


Date:    Mon, 23 Nov 92 13:37:17 +0700
From:    "R.A.Reese" <>
Subject: Scoping

Looking again at the replies to "another gem", I think there is some
confusion about my original point.  TeX has scoping rules for objects,
i.e., macros, and these follow some convention of a block structured
language.  What I was commen ting on is the use of variables, i.e.,
registers, I haven't fully understood Jerry Leichter's detailed
response, but he also refers to "TeX where macros can defin e other

The "declarations" involved in using registers are, if anything,
declarations of pointers, since TeX has a fixed number of registers
and a command such as \newcount \comnumber allocates the next
available register and makes \comnumber in some sense synonymous with
its index number.  The pitfall I found (twice in one day) is that if
you write \advance\comnumber by 1 in a group, you get an answer that
is one greater than the value on entry to the group, but on exit from
the group \comnumber reverts to its previous value.  So why does a
local copy get made? A nd given the fixed workspace, where?  The
solution seems to be (almost) always to put \global\advance whenever
doing arithmetic in a macro, since you don't know whether it will be
expanded within a group or not. Conversely, since you don't know
whether the macro will be expanded at the outer level, you can't rely
on i ts leaving the register unchanged. So I don't see the advantage
of not having an implicit \global or just saying that registers, like
macros, stay in scope for inferior blocks unless redefined.

- -- 
(R.) Allan Reese        Janet:
Head of Applications    Direct voice:   +44 482 465296
Computer Centre         Voice messages: +44 482 465685
Hull University         Fax:            +44 482 466441
Hull HU6 7RX, U.K.


Date:    Mon, 23 Nov 92 09:01:29 +0000
From:    MAHearnden <>
Subject: Help needed with NFSS

I hope that someone in the group is able to help me.
My aim is to make AmsLaTex/AmsTeX available to users of our
Hewlett Packard 9000/800 machines, which are using HP-UX v8.
TeX and LaTeX were installed by someone else, mostly by copying
stuff over from another machine.  The person who installed THAT
cant remember the details enough to help me.
But I discovered that AMS needs NFSS fonts, and I needed to update 
LaTex (and, perhaps, Tex).
So I started to update
to the latest version of Latex.  I ftp'd the file - 
from Imperial, I think, anyway, the date on it was Mar92.

Uncompressed it and de-tarred it.  Printed out the installation
Running through the instructions in the Latex.ins document,
I've copied the new versions of the files to the relevant directories,
and run initex to create a new version of lplain.fmt.

The next step is to run virtex to produce a core dump: OK.

The 'undump' command which follows this fails.
The documentation says that the current release of WEB-to-C no longer uses 
undump, 'follow the instructions in the WEB-to-C documentation'.

Hence my question: I can't find said instructions .
I've had a poke around, but cant see anything likely.

Can someone tell me what instruction I should
use to create a new Latex which implements NFSS fonts?
Or where I can find the information?

I'm sorry to bother you all, but I'm getting rather desperate.
(a very new Latex 'administrator')
Seems that I'm half way to installing NFSS, but not far enough.
To add to my troubles, this new version of lplain.fmt (at least, I assume
it's this), when using art10.sty, reports a fault at 

complaining about undefined control sequence.

Please help
- -- 
Mavis Hearnden
Computer Centre
Loughborough University,


Date:    Thu, 26 Nov 92 09:25:15 +0100
Subject: Re: Help needed with NFSS

Regarding amslatex installation:

 >  Next file asked for was xxxlfont.sty: it got oldlfont.sty.
 > (version 1.3f, Sept 92)
 > initex picked up the latex.tex file, dated Jan 1992.After the \dump command,
 > list of fonts followed: these seemed to
 > be in NFSS format (e.g.,\font\cmsy/m/n/11=cmsy10 at 10.95pt)
 > Finally, I copied the lplain.fmt file into the /formats directory.
 > Tried the Amslatex file testart.tex, and got the same old message!

This should work, except that basefont.tex should be used instead of

 > >>  Now I've found some more files - two with the suffix .dc,
 > and an install.mz3 which invites one to get the docstrip
 > script and use latex install.mz3.
 > I had a try at this: it implied that this produced files which were
 > essential for NFSS.  Unfortunately, it failed when stripping scripts.doc.

Probably an old docstrip (before version 2).



Date:    Mon, 23 Nov 92 16:46:47 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: Conversion from LaTeX to Word-for-Windows?

Michael Branson (081-908 1686) would like to know if there exists a mechanism
for converting a LaTeX file (including mathematics) into Word-for-Windows

                                        Philip Taylor, RHBNC.


Date:    24 Nov 92 11:52:41 +0000
Subject: mfpic bug and a solution

There is a problem that I have noticed with MFPIC. If you try to centre
diagrams with labels in, the diagrams break up. There is an easy fix for
LaTeX pictures, but it would be preferable if the same thing were done
in the plain TeX macros instead. LaTeX fix is appended.

I have set all the diagrams for one of my courses with this package, and
very successfully, although standard MF became amnesic when I gave it the sixth
Fourier approximation to a square wave to draw.

All you need to run MFPIC is MF the program, the plain format and
GFTOPK, which does not occupy that much space on a hard disk.
You don't need all the font sources as well, but you will need the file
with the mode definition for your printer.
In MS-DOS the package can be run from a simple batch file.
Here is mine for generating fonts suitable for a laserjet.

@echo off
mf &plain \mode=localfont; input %1
ren SBMF generates %1.300, so...
rem ...and...
ren %1.300
gftopk %1
rem Now we have %1.tfm and in current directory.

Mode localfont has been set to a laserjet.

One has to tell TeX and the drivers where the .TFM and .PK files
are. This can be done in emTeX by means of environment variables.
The current directory ``.'' is then searched first.

set textfm=.;e:\tfms
set dvidrv=/pf.;e:\fonts\dpi$r

I can thoroughly recommend this package.

Mike Piff

%%%  File:  lamfpic.tex

{\leavevmode\vbox\bgroup\flushleft\!pic}{\!endpic\egroup} %%<--- MJP

Dr M J Piff                        JANET:
Department of Pure Mathematics
University of Sheffield  
Hicks Building
Hounsfield Road
SHEFFIELD S3 7RH                   Telephone: SHEFFIELD (0742) 768555
England                                       Ext. 4431


Date:    Tue, 24 Nov 92 14:24:00 +0000
From:    Alastair G Gunn <"ARVAD::AGG">
Subject: Double and Single Spacing in LaTeX

I have been given your username by my site manager in the
hope that you will be able to help me with a problem I 
have in LaTeX. The problem sounds quite simple - I wish
to be able to change between single and double line spacing
at will in a LaTeX document. So far this simple task has
evaded me. I have not been able to redefine the line spacing
mid document and do not wish to solve the problem by pasting
together many seperate LaTeX runs. I have attempted to use
the \baselinestretch command amongst other things but all of
these seem determined not to be flexible. Can you offer any
help or suggestions?

Alastair G Gunn
Armagh Observatory


Date:    Tue, 24 Nov 92 10:26:34 -0500
From:    fisica@GOV.NASA.DNET.astrpd (Max Calvani - Italy)
Subject: Re: Double and single spacing in Latex

Could not reply directly due to mailer failure here.
I think that doublespace.sty is what you are looking for. It is
at Aston archive under (I hope) [.latex.contrib]

    { Sebastian has moved [.latex] down into a [.macros] top-level
    directory, so it's now [.macros.latex.contrib]doublespace.sty



Date:    Wed, 25 Nov 92 10:29:45 +0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: Re: Double and Single Spacing in LaTeX

Use the renewcommand to change the spacing where required. The secret
is to the use a sizechanging command such as normalsize, otherwise
the renewcommand is not actioned.


Peter Abbott
pp Aston Archivists


Date:    Thu, 26 Nov 92 17:50:03 +0100
Subject: Re: Double and Single Spacing in LaTeX

Peter wrote:

 > \renewcommand{baselinestretch}{1.1}\normalsize

This might not work as expected, since \normalsize contains an
optimization that acts as a no-op if the current size is already

The following works under all circumstances:




Date:    27 Nov 92 12:40:59 +0000
Subject: emTeX DVIHPLJ and DVISCR

I have version 1.4d of these drivers. Contrary to the manual, the
transformations, eg, /tr1, do NOT turn round 
PCX graphics files of about 8k. 

Does anyone know whether there is a later version that DOES do this?

Mike Piff

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End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 92 Issue 44]