UKTeX Digest Friday, 12 Feb 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 06 ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.'' Today's Topics: {Q&A}: LaTeX Source for SUN machines Re: LaTeX Source for SUN machines Gratuitous spacing with change bars RE: Re: Gratuitous spacing with change bars Re: Gratuitous spacing with change bars Re: Help - TeX filters for lpr under unix needed. amssmc10 RE: amssmc10 Expanding token lists RE: Expanding token lists Re: Expanding token lists Re: Expanding token lists How do I satisfy journal editors with submitted papers? Boo format Re: Boo format modifying macro parameters RE: modifying macro parameters TeX Re: TeX psfig + Dvips Re: psfig + Dvips Printing using dvihplj on a deskjet putting a \strut on every line Style files. {Archive News}: file listings on addtions to uk tex internet/daughter archive uk tex internet archive - weekly diff of file listings update in uk tex internet archive {Announcements}: Karl Berry font naming scheme, 1.3 Forthcoming UK-TuG Conference, April 6th--8th: please publicise widely Administrivia: Moderators: Peter Abbott (Aston University) and David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Feb 93 15:12:37 +0000 From: Subject: LaTeX Source for SUN machines Dear all! I have inspected several ftp sites, but I didn't find what I wanted. Does anyone of you know where I can retrieve a LaTeX package for the SUN machines? Any help would be gratefule! Manuel Carriba ( ------------------------------ Date: 05 Feb 93 16:57:21 +0000 From: Subject: Re: LaTeX Source for SUN machines > I have inspected several ftp sites, but I didn't find what I wanted. > > Does anyone of you know where I can retrieve a LaTeX package > for the SUN machines? you havent looked very far. its about 100 miles south of you on in Aston Triangle. pick up pub/sparctex.tar.Z-nnn where nnn is to 1 about 32, a series of 500k binary chunks to be joined end to end which will create you a complete working TeX installation on a Sun Sparc machine. If you didn't mean that you wanted a complete TeX setup, please to elucidate. dont transfer the 16Mb on spec..... Sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Feb 93 14:37:18 +0000 From: Don Ward <> Subject: Gratuitous spacing with change bars Using Changebars.sty (v2.2d) I get extra spaces in the output when I use the cbend macro. For example, I write This is the \cbstart{}third\cbend{} draft of a report .... I get | This is the third draft of a report .... ^^^^^ How do I get rid of the extra spaces? Don Ward ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Feb 93 16:12:32 +0000 From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <> Subject: RE: Re: Gratuitous spacing with change bars Well, one of the gratuitous spaces is due to the enquirer: > This is the \cbstart{}third\cbend{} draft of a report .... ^ ^ Two spaces, not one. Of course, all the rest are almost certainly due to the author of the style file... Philip Taylor, RHBNC ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 08 Feb 93 11:19:07 +0000 From: Don Ward <> Subject: Re: Gratuitous spacing with change bars > > Using Changebars.sty (v2.2d) I get extra spaces in the output when I use th e > ..... > > How do I get rid of the extra spaces? > > read the changebar.sty very carefully and see if you can spot where > the authors forgot to put in a % after a } ..... Thanks for your prompt reply (which I tried). It didn't work. In fact, after that I started getting *illegal* postscript -- changebar position definitions on the page previous to their use. Clearly, I had messed with something I didn't understand. So I thought I would upload the latest copy of dvips (just in case) and changebars.sty(v3.0-test, 6/11/91). These work straight out of the box so, in case the UKTeX-Reviewers, were tempted to look into it: don't. (and thanks again). BTW. I have a (not amazingly well written) shell script which takes an old file and a new file and produces output which can be fed into LaTeX to get change bars. Would anybody be interested? Don Ward ------------------------------ Date: 05 Feb 93 15:39:09 +0000 From: Subject: Re: Help - TeX filters for lpr under unix needed. > I have a problem trying to print TeX and LaTeX files on my system. The > setup is as follows. I have Tex etc running on a Decstation 5000/133 > running Ultrix 4.2a. The Canon LPB8AII laser printer is connected via LAT > and a terminal server. Trying to print out TeX stuff, after it has been > through dvican to produce a .dvi-can file, results in rubbish. Ordinary > text files print out just fine. Some control characters are obviously not > making it to the laser printer. I have tried sending files without a filter > without success. unless I badly mistake the situation, your problem is your print spooler, and arcana in /etc/printcap, which is failing to transmit 8bit files to the printer. the first question to ask is "what software *can* you print with", and how does it route stuff to the printer? does troff work, for instance? or then again, dvi-can be be a Can of Worms. Does your Canon emulate anything else? Sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Feb 93 11:58:08 +0000 From: Bernard J. Treves Brown"Bernard J. Treves Brown" <> Subject: amssmc10 Hi! I am trying to tex Donald Knuth's article on literate programming [tex-archive.web.literateprog] - my boss is rather interested in the concept - However, it needs amssmc10, which I cannot find on Aston, or anywhere else. Archie has not been any help either. Could someone please direct me to a source (.pk files for preference, rather than metafont source) of this? Alternatively, what does ssmc stand for? i.e. what would be a suitable Postscript replacement? Thanks very much. Bernard Treves Brown ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Feb 93 16:45:41 +0000 From: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <> Subject: RE: amssmc10 In a message to UKTeX of Tue, 09 Feb 93 11:58:08 GMT, Bernard J. Treves Brown <> wrote: > I am trying to tex Donald Knuth's article on literate programming > [tex-archive.web.literateprog] - my boss is rather interested in the concept - - > However, it needs amssmc10, which I cannot find on Aston, or anywhere else. Back in the dear dark ages of TeX, before the Computer Modern fonts had been completely finalized (and whilst MF84 was still in its gestation), we used to get by with a set of am... font files. It's nothing to do with the American Mathematical Society (well, only very tangentially). Rather, they're ``Almost computer Modern''. Such fonts came as PXL files only (I'm not even sure that PK was invented back then!) > Archie has not been any help either. Could someone please direct me to a > source (.pk files for preference, rather than metafont source) of this? > Alternatively, what does ssmc stand for? i.e. what would be a suitable ^^ sans-serif medium condensed; so you could probably get by with cmssdc10 (demi-bold) > Postscript replacement? Helvetica, Geneva, or something similar? Brian {Hamilton Kelly} JANET: (or BITNET: INTERNET: UUCP: {mcsun,uknet,uunet}!!tex Smail: School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K. Phone: Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Feb 93 15:13:00 +0000 From: Mark Templeton 09-Feb-1993 1511 <"HERMES::CAERCN::druid"> Subject: Expanding token lists I use a number of strange include files for TeX, which were not written by me. One of the effects of these is to assign to \everypar. I needed to be able to append or prepend to this list; i.e., to add my own hooks whilst preserving those already in place. The only way I could find to do this was: \let\TmpPar=\expandafter{\the\everypar} \everypar={ \ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagfalse \fi \TmpPar} thereby prepending my bit. This seems very messy. Is there a better way to do this? B1013 Internet : RSRE(S) Janet : St Andrews Road Malvern Internal : druid@caercn Worcestershire WR14 3PS Phone UK : 0684-892733 x2109 United Kingdom Phone Intl: +44-684-892733 x2109 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Feb 93 15:42:00 +0000 From: "Philip Taylor (RHBNC) " <> Subject: RE: Expanding token lists Mark --- >>> I use a number of strange include files for TeX, which were not >>> written by me. One of the effects of these is to assign to \everypar. >>> I needed to be able to append or prepend to this list; i.e., to add >>> my own hooks whilst preserving those already in place. >>> The only way I could find to do this was: >>> \let\TmpPar=\expandafter{\the\everypar} >>> \everypar={ \ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagfalse \fi \TmpPar} >>> thereby prepending my bit. One of the nicest ways to defeat other packages use of \everypar (and similar related entities) is to re-declare them; for example, if you write: \everypar = {\message {This is MY everypar}} \newtoks \everypar then _any_ attempt to clobber \everypar thereafter will result only in the \newtoks variable being changed, not the real \everypar. And TeX, of course, continues to use the real thing. Thus in a real-life situation you might write: \let \@verypar = \everypar \newtoks \ev@rypar \newtoks \everypar \@verypar = {\the \everypar \the \ev@rypar} or you might reverse the order \let \@verypar = \everypar \newtoks \ev@rypar \newtoks \everypar \@verypar = {\the \ev@rypar \the \everypar} and have \ev@rypar, when expanded, peek at \everypar and take some action based on its contents... Philip Taylor, RHBNC ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Feb 93 18:16:00 +0000 From: Mark Templeton 11-Feb-1993 1813 <"HERMES::CAERCN::druid"> Subject: Re: Expanding token lists OOPS! Thanks for your comments, Phil. You made me realise that my original "working" code didn't actually work. I successfully inserted the \ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagfalse \fi into \everypar, but lost the original meaning! My original code said \let\TmpPar=\expandafter{\the\everypar} \everypar={ \ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagfalse \fi \TmpPar} but should of course be \newtoks\TmpPar \TmpPar=\expandafter{\the\everypar} \everypar={\ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagFalse \fi \the\TmpPar} I still find this a messy solution, although it does seem to be similar to examples in the TeXbook, Appendix D. And it does work. Properly. It would be nice, though, to be able to say \everypar = {\ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagFalse \f} + \the\everypar perhaps I am too used to procedural languages. ================================ Next problem. I have a set of macros which some users need, but others don't. It would be nice to be able to load them transparently, when required, by saying something like if MyMacro is undefined \input Macrofile use definition of MyMacro from Macrofile such that the macros would only be loaded once, and only when needed. Unfortunately, I can't see any way to replace the local definition with the one from the macro file. I tried: \def\MyMacro#1{ \ifx\MacsLoaded\relax \input MacroFile \let\MacsLoaded=\relax \fi \MyMacro{#1} } and variants of this, but could not escape the circularity. Could someone tell me; am I trying to do the impossible? I am quite happy to accept that I am, it just seems a shame. Mark D Templeton B1013 Internet : RSRE(S) Janet : St Andrews Road Malvern Internal : druid@caercn Worcestershire WR14 3PS Phone UK : 0684-892733 x2109 United Kingdom Phone Intl: +44-684-892733 x2109 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 Feb 93 18:33:26 +0000 From: Subject: Re: Expanding token lists >>> It would be nice, though, to be able to say >>> \everypar = {\ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagFalse \f} + \the\everypar Right on! Perhaps in NTS, but in the meantime consider writing a general command \set which allows the following syntax and implements the succeeding semantics: \set <variable> = <general expression>; where \set inspects <variable> to work out what sort of entity it is, then interprets the following <general expression> in terms of operations permitted on <variable>. You could then write \set \everypar = {\ifMyFlag \global\MyFlagFalse \f} + \the\everypar; which is pretty d@mn close... [macro libraries] >>> Could someone tell me; am I trying to do the impossible? >>> I am quite happy to accept that I am, it just seems a shame. Don't pp~382--4 give some guidance on this? Philip Taylor, RHBNC ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Feb 93 14:46:18 +0000 From: Simon Marshall <> Subject: How do I satisfy journal editors with submitted papers? Apart from the obvious answer (i.e. write a good paper), I need to be able to get a couple of papers that I have written in \LaTeX\ to adhere to Editors' guidelines. Specifically, the following I cannot do: 1. Automatically put each figure on a separate page. 2. Automatically put captions on separate page(s). 3. Use their citation format. 4. Use their references format. 1 & 2 should be fairly self explanatory, but can this be done? What they want for 3 is a citation such as you might get with $^{1}$, in other words superior Arabic numerals. Using $^{\cite{FUBAR}}$ as a hack gives me a superior citation, but I still get the square brackets around the numeral. Similarly, they don't want square brackets around numerals in the references. I've tried to hack what I can find in latex.tex and breakcites.sty, but I'm no \LaTeX\ hacker. Surely someone out there has had this problem?! Any ideas? Thanks, Simon. Simon Marshall, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK "Football isn't about life and death. It's more important than that." Bill Email: Phone: +44 482 465951 Fax: 466666 Shankley ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 09 Feb 93 17:10:22 +0200 From: epsbln! (Hans-Michael Stahl) Subject: Boo format you'r my last resort for help: I downloaded a file which indeed arrived, its filetype says ZIP_BOO. I know, what ZIP is, but what is BOO? Any indication on what program to use to convert the file to something ZIP can read ? After having spent 2 hours (and having looked through 2 old Aston-tapes from '90) I'm really desperate now and need some help. Regards and thanks for your help Maik ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 09:54:07 +0000 From: David Osborne <> Subject: Re: Boo format Hans-Michael, You write [9 Feb 93 17:10:22 +0200]: > you'r my last resort for help: I downloaded a file which indeed > arrived, its filetype says ZIP_BOO. I know, what ZIP is, but what > is BOO? Any indication on what program to use to convert the file > to something ZIP can read ? BOO-format is commonly used for encoding DOS binaries, because the decoding program is simple and can be written in Basic as a means of bootstrapping (hence the name). BOO-format files are decoded using the DEBOO program, an example of which in C can be found on the UK TeX Archive's "Internet" machine, ( in /pub/archive/archive-tools/boo/deboo.c for anonymous ftp or retrieval using Gopher (port 70, as usual). ~~David Osborne (pp UK TeX Archive group) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 09:51:22 +0000 From: Jim Renshaw <> Subject: modifying macro parameters I have a macro defined as follows : \def\foo#1{% \xdef#1{\hbox{1}} } so that if I now execute the command '\foo\one', say, then I will have access to another macro called '\one' which expands to '\hbox{1}'. Can anybody tell me how I can modify the definition of '\foo' so that when the command '\foo\one' is now invoked, as well as creating the macro '\one' as above, it ALSO creates ANOTHER macro called, say '\None', which would expand to '\hbox{Number 1}'. My problem is somehow to strip off the '\' from the parameter, insert the letter 'N' and then add the '\' back on again. I've experimented a bit with '\csname ... \endcsname' and '\escapechar' but the best I could do was to end up with a macro called '\None' which expanded to '\relax' (which really cheesed me off as I wasn't very relaxed by that time!!) Any help would be appreciated. Dr JH Renshaw | Tel : (0703) 593673 Faculty of Mathematical Studies | Fax : (0703) 593939 University of Southampton | E-mail : Southampton SO9 5NH, ENGLAND | or : ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 12:35:48 +0000 From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <> Subject: RE: modifying macro parameters Jim --- >>> I have a macro defined as follows : >>> \def\foo#1{% >>> \xdef#1{\hbox{1}} >>> } >>> so that if I now execute the command '\foo\one', say, then I will have >>> access to another macro called '\one' which expands to '\hbox{1}'. >>> Can anybody tell me how I can modify the definition of '\foo' so that when >>> the command '\foo\one' is now invoked, as well as creating the macro >>> '\one' as above, it ALSO creates ANOTHER macro called, say '\None', which >>> would expand to '\hbox{Number 1}'. \def \foo #1% {\def #1{\hbox {1}}% \begingroup \escapechar = -1 \expandafter \xdef \csname N\string #1\endcsname {\hbox {Number 1}}% \endgroup } Philip Taylor, RHBNC ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 11:06:25 From: Paul Walsh <> Subject: TeX We have recently installed an IBM RS/6000 running AIX v3.2. Is there an AIX implementation of TeX available anywhere? I have got hold of a copy of PP 6.0 and want to have a look at the documentation, but it's all in TeX format :( Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Paul Walsh Senior Systems Programmer, Information Services, University of Central England, Perry Barr, BIRMINGHAM, B42 2SU, UK Tel: (021) 331-5708 | JANET: P.Walsh@UK.AC.UNIVERSITY-CENTRAL-ENGLAND IDD: +44 21 331 5708 | BITNET: DNDA1900S@UCE.AC.UK Fax: (021) 331-6543 |Internet: Paul.Walsh%UCE.AC.UK@NSF.AC.UK ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 11:58:17 +0000 From: David Osborne <> Subject: Re: TeX You write [10 Feb 93 11:14:48 GMT]: > We have recently installed an IBM RS/6000 running AIX v3.2. Is there an > AIX implementation of TeX available anywhere? Not that I know of, but the generic Unix implementation will work on your 6000. Can be fetched from the UK TeX "Internet" Archive,; or ordered from me on tape (details on request, or in the trailer of each issue of UKTeX Digest). > I have got hold of a copy > of PP 6.0 and want to have a look at the documentation, but it's all in > TeX format :( > > Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If you only want TeX to format the PP docs, you might find it easier to retrieve the PostScript version of the documents... use anonymous ftp to and get pp/pp-6-ps-a4.tar.Z - -rw-r--r-- 1 36 9 1420053 Jan 6 1992 pp-6-ps-a4.tar.Z I haven't used the ps versions, I must add, but have LaTeX'ed the document sources. ~~David Osborne (pp UK TeX Archive group) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 12:52:43 +0000 From: Jon.Essex-Chemistry"Jon.Essex-Chemistry" <> Subject: psfig + Dvips Dear TeXer's I am trying to include some postscript into my report at various places on the page. To do this I am using the psfig macros in LaTeX and dvips. However where ever I put the \psfig{figure=...} in the input file the postscript figure is always moved to the top of the current or next page. I have tried playing around with the bounding box statement to no effect. Is there any way to get the postscript figure (approx 3in high) in the middle of the page to give the following effect: text [..] [..] text postscript figure text [..] [..] text Thanks Jon Wright ------------------------------ Date: 10 Feb 93 13:05:07 +0000 From: Subject: Re: psfig + Dvips > I am trying to include some postscript into my report at various > places on the page. To do this I am using the psfig macros in LaTeX > and dvips. However where ever I put the \psfig{figure=...} in the > input file the postscript figure is always moved to the top of the > current or next page. there are 3 possibilities: a) you are enclosing the \psfig in \begin{figure} .. \end{figure} which causes it to float b) your copies of psfig or dvips are past sell-by date or otherwise sick c) your PostScript is from a very badly-behaved application which insists on where the thing should go. though none of these seem intrinsically likely from your report. more details... sebastian ------------------------------ Date: 11 Feb 93 09:11:55 +0000 From: Subject: Printing using dvihplj on a deskjet I received the following comments from a colleague who had used the a-test version of emTeX' dvihplj (1.4r?) to print TESTPAGE.TEX modified by me to use an A4 sheet. He had had problems with pages being misplaced down the page, and is having to use an adjustment of about 0.5in at the top of the page to get the top margin right. Any comments? Mike Piff > I tried your printer file using "hp". On the deskjet the top > margin was correct at 1", the LH margin printed only 0-0.8" but > actually produced a margin of about 1.1", the RH margin was only > 0.9", the bottom margin only printed up to 0.3" although the actual > margin between the bottom of the page and the box was 1". The rest > of the bottom ruler appeared on the next page! > Pete > Here is testpage.tex: \documentstyle{article} \pagestyle{empty} \oddsidemargin