UKTeX Digest    Friday,  5 Mar 19?3    Volume 93 : Issue 09

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
                             re: Typesetting plays
       Forward: Help needed configuring ?Rikicki's? DVIPS for emTeX/MSDOS
                            Pitfall for PSNFSS users
                          Re: Pitfall for PSNFSS users
                                   Eplain 2.3
                                 Re: Eplain 2.3
                        Spacing in enumerate and itemize
                               Two-column format
                             Re: Two-column format
                             RE: Two-column format
                   Where has [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.UNIX] gone to?
                 Re: Where has [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.UNIX] gone to?
                        Wanted - a timer for MS-DOS TeX
                            Re: \pageref in \special
 {Archive News}:
               reorganisation of JANET Uk TeX Archive (
                        primer for AMS-LaTeX in archive
                         new postings to
                eplain 2.3 released (in uk tex internet archive)
                TeX Archive bonus disks for emTeX (new release)
                 new release of PSNFSS files in uk tex archive
         Announcement: UK-TuG Conference at RHBNC; April 6th--8th, 1993
                UK-TuG Conference at RHBNC; April 6th--8th, 1993

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    01 Mar 1993 10:12:50 -0000
Subject: re: Typesetting plays

%%%Date:    Tue, 23 Feb 1993 12:32:07 -0000
%%%Subject: re: dramatic scripts in LaTeX
%%%> I wish to use LaTeX for Dramatic Scripts, so I get the name
%%%> of each character in bold and everything they say aligned
%%%> in the following manner:
%%%> Bill:  Here we go round the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush
%%%>        The Mulberry Bush
%%%> Ben:   On a cold and Frosty Morning.
%%%I can't say much about LaTeX specifically. Unless someone can volunteer a st
%%%file specifically for scripts, I'd have thought that lots that LaTeX
%%%normally does for you will in this case be an impediment.

 On the contrary, LaTeX has lots of features built in for just this sort
 of task. Here is an example

%% Put the following 14 lines in play.sty if you like, and use
%% \documentstyle[play]{article}
\newenvironment{scene}%  This could include code to produce the title
      \list{}{\leftmargin\Indent \labelwidth \leftmargin
         \def\makelabel##1{\hbox to\labelwidth{\bf ##1:\hfil}}%
\def\StageDir#1{%  A steal from DEK
   {\ifhmode\unskip\nobreak\hfil\penalty50 \hskip1em \else\nobreak\fi
   \mbox{}\nobreak\hfil [\it #1%
   \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0 \par}}

%% You could also include code to produce full-width stage directions,
%% descriptions of scenes, etc.

   \item [Bill]  Here we go round the Mulberry bush, the Mulberry bush
       The Mulberry Bush \StageDir{Sounds off stage}
   \item [Ben]   On a cold and Frosty Morning.

Dr M J Piff                       e-mail:
Department of Pure Mathematics
University of Sheffield 
Hicks Building          
Hounsfield Road
SHEFFIELD S3 7RH                  Telephone: SHEFFIELD (0742) 824431


Date:    Mon, 01 Mar 1993 16:30:21 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: Forward: Help needed configuring ?Rikicki's? DVIPS for emTeX/MSDOS

Paul Goodwin (0732 726140) needs some help configuring ?Rikicki's? DVIPS
to run alongside emTeX under MS/DOS.  He is told `font not found' when
attempting to load CMBX12.

                                        Philip Taylor, RHBNC


Date:    Tue, 02 Mar 1993 17:28:35 +0000
From:    "R.A.Reese" <>
Subject: Pitfall for PSNFSS users

I found yesterday that some of the PSNFSS options no longer
worked on my emTeX system.  After delving (with relevant help
from archaeologists at York) I discovered the cause emanated 
from installing dvips499.  The style files provided with dvips 
need replacements from the psnfss suite.  Recopying the
styles from has got it working again.  Now I can
fetch dvips5.5.

Why does supporting TeX remind me of a Dutch boy with his
finger in a dyke?

(R.) Allan Reese        Janet:
Head of Applications    Direct voice:   +44 482 465296
Computer Centre         Voice messages: +44 482 465685
Hull University         Fax:            +44 482 466441
Hull HU6 7RX, U.K.


Date:    02 Mar 1993 19:12:34 +0000
Subject: Re: Pitfall for PSNFSS users

 > I found yesterday that some of the PSNFSS options no longer
 > worked on my emTeX system.  After delving (with relevant help
 > from archaeologists at York) I discovered the cause emanated 
 > from installing dvips499.  The style files provided with dvips 
 > need replacements from the psnfss suite.  Recopying the
to be fair to Tom Rokicki, his Makefile for dvips does *not* install
his palatino.sty and psfonts.sty when it is run; it just installs
epsf.{tex,sty} and the colour stuff. If you installed from his pslatex
directory, then we mustn't blame dvips.

 > Why does supporting TeX remind me of a Dutch boy with his
 > finger in a dyke?
so very true..... i can feel my whole arm, nay body, in at times



Date:    Wed, 03 Mar 1993 11:39:03 +0700
From:    "R.A.Reese" <>
Subject: Eplain 2.3

George Greenwade has posted Eplain 2.3 on (at?) SHSU and
it has been mirrored onto Aston.  To save anyone making the
same mistake as me, the doc directory contains the chapters
for the revised manual BUT the Aston version at least also
contains the assembled manual but in an out of date version.

So process the file ..doc]eplain.texi dated 2-Mar-93 not the
file ..doc]eplain.texinfo dated 26-Mar-92.

Anyone want a spare version 2.1 manual?

(R.) Allan Reese


Date:    03 Mar 1993 12:53:31 +0000
Subject: Re: Eplain 2.3

 > George Greenwade has posted Eplain 2.3 on (at?) SHSU and
 > it has been mirrored onto Aston.  To save anyone making the
 > same mistake as me, the doc directory contains the chapters
 > for the revised manual BUT the Aston version at least also
 > contains the assembled manual but in an out of date version.

This confusion is symptomatic of the state of the UK TeX Archive, and
the workings of archive co-operation. The events are:

 a) Eplain 2.3 was announced by Karl Berry
 b) it was picked up by (the Aston Daughter)
 c) it was picked up separately by George for SHSU's Vax system
    (niord) (I assume)
 d) George mirrors the b) copy to his Unix system 
 e) a manual mirror to the Aston Dad (the Vax) is in progress, and may
    or may not be up to date as of today

Moral - do *not* look on for the latest versions, UNTIL we
have completed the links between it and the Unix The
latter machine *does* run a growing number of daily mirrors of other
sites, but the Dad machine depends on Daughter or manual intervention.

Very soon now (how long have I been saying this?) SHSU will open for
business with their own Daughter Unix archive, which will be identical
to Aston Daughter, down to the level of exact path names and file

Yrs confusingly



Date:    Wed, 03 Mar 1993 12:19:07 +0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: Spacing in enumerate and itemize

The list environment allows for the inter item spacing to be set using the
second argument to the list command e.g 


I have tried using the second parameter with enumerate and itemize and
it fails.

How can I alter the inter item spacing in enumerate and itemize?



Date:    Thu, 04 Mar 1993 10:17:00 +0000
From:    Frank Devai <>
Subject: Two-column format

I would need to produce an A4 document in two-column format such that
the title, author's name and affiliation run across the page (ie, in
one-column format).  When I switch to \twocolumn (in LaTeX) a new page
is started.  How could I eliminate that page break?

Also, if I say


I receive the error message ``I can't find file `10pt.sty'" but


works fine (apart from the above mentioned \twocolumn problem).

Finally, how can I specify `Times' typeface?  Can I solve these
problems in LaTeX, or should I use plain TeX?  Unfortunately, I don't
have any experience with the latter, and the original doc was prepared
in LaTex.

I apologize if the above are FAQ's, but our local gurus don't seem to
have the time or experience.  Please reply me directly, I'm not on any 
list, and cannot read the appropriate newsgroup (if any).

Thanks in advance
Frank Devai                         | Dept. Applied Computing
  (also: fld@mgvax. ...  or: cbgx33@mgvax. ...)  | University of Ulster
JANET:                  | Magee College
   ----------------------------------------------| Northland Road
Phone: +(44) (504) 265 621 ext. 5327             | Londonderry
Fax:   +(44) (504) 370 040                       | N. Ireland, BT48 7JL, UK


Date:    Thu, 04 Mar 1993 12:50:42 +0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: Re: Two-column format

>I would need to produce an A4 document in two-column format such that
>the title, author's name and affiliation run across the page (ie, in
>one-column format).  When I switch to \twocolumn (in LaTeX) a new page
>is started.  How could I eliminate that page break?

Use multicol style file (Frank Mittelbach). multicol.sty is available from
the Aston archive. It is easy to use and you can have multiple columns in
excess of two if desired.

>Also, if I say


>I receive the error message ``I can't find file `10pt.sty'" but

10pt is implied and article is coded to accept 11pt or 12pt if
present, otherwise use 10pt.


>works fine (apart from the above mentioned \twocolumn problem).

>Finally, how can I specify `Times' typeface?  Can I solve these
>problems in LaTeX, or should I use plain TeX?  Unfortunately, I don't
>have any experience with the latter, and the original doc was prepared
>in LaTex.

If you use the new font selection scheme then times.sty is available from
the Aston Archive. There are other fonts styles available as well.

Peter Abbott


Date:    Thu, 04 Mar 1993 16:02:48 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: RE: Two-column format

Frank ---

>>> I would need to produce an A4 document in two-column format such that
>>> the title, author's name and affiliation run across the page (ie, in
>>> one-column format).  When I switch to \twocolumn (in LaTeX) a new page
>>> is started.  How could I eliminate that page break?

It's not obvious from your message whether this single-column/double-column
occurs only once (on the first page), or subsequently (for subsequent authors).
If the former, you might consider modifying the source of the ``Baskerville''
journal, as previously offered in these pages.  It also addresses your next
question by using ITC New Baskerville rather than Computer Modern; all the
changes necessary to use (yeuukkk) TimesRoman instead are already in place,
and would require only a one-word change to the document.

>>> Finally, how can I specify `Times' typeface?  Can I solve these
>>> problems in LaTeX, or should I use plain TeX?  Unfortunately, I don't
>>> have any experience with the latter, and the original doc was prepared
>>> in LaTex.

Please let me know if you would like a copy of the source of ``Baskerville''.

                                        Philip Taylor, RHBNC


Date:    Thu, 04 Mar 1993 12:08:00 +0000
From:    Jimmy Gibson <>
Subject: Where has [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.UNIX] gone to?


     Yesturday morning I was asked by a colleague to get Latex for unix,
to run on a DECsystem 5100 under Ultrix version 4.2A, from your site.

     So I logged into your machine, found the unix files I required in the 
tex/unix directory and thought hmm I'll need more disk space to get this.  So I
logged off your system and scrounged some more disk space, logged back onto
your system to get what I wanted, and low and behold tex/unix had disappeared.

     I have tried a few times yesturday and this morning but the directory
has not reappeared, has it been removed deliberately or has it become corrupted
some how?  Please help or let me know of an alternative source.

Thanks in anticipation,

Jimmy Gibson,
Department of Computing,
University of Northumbria,
Newcastle upon Tyne.



Date:    05 Mar 1993 09:23:26 +0000
Subject: Re: Where has [TEX-ARCHIVE.TEX.UNIX] gone to?

 >      So I logged into your machine, found the unix files I required
 > in the tex/unix directory and thought hmm I'll need more disk space
 > to get this.  So I logged off your system and scrounged some more
 > disk space, logged back onto your system to get what I wanted, and
 > low and behold tex/unix had disappeared.

this is explained in an announcement in this weeks UK TeX. you hit at
a moment of changeover. the directory is now
[]. If you find the binary files are no
transferrable (being fixed), then look in
[tex-archive.src.unix-archives] for uuencoded versions

sorry for the inconvenience, but its for the best, i promise!



Date:    04 Mar 1993 12:20:29 -0000
From:    Mike Piff <>
Subject: BM2FONT


is in incorrect file format for fetching as a binary file to a PC. 
I haven't checked the .DVI manuals.

Mike Piff


Date:    04 Mar 1993 16:16:40 +0100
Subject: TeX--Xet


        Before I do somthing someone else already did:
        Has anybody merged Peter Breitenlohners TeX--Xet change file
        into the VMS change file for TeX? If so, where can I get it?

        Johannes Braams

PTT Research,                           P.O. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,                   The Netherlands.
Phone    : +31 70 3325051               E-mail :
Fax      : +31 70 3326477


Date:    Fri, 05 Mar 1993 14:18:26 +0000
From:    "Jonathan Fine" <>
Subject: Wanted - a timer for MS-DOS TeX

I am co-ordinator for timing tests, for the LaTeX 3 project. 
Although a certain amount can be done using only theoretical analysis
and a stopwatch, it would be nice to have a timer available.  The
results I obtain will be of interest to *all* TeX programmers for
whom performance is an issue, and will be made freely available.

The syntax I am looking for is that
        \gettime \mymacro
will define \mymacro to be a fixed length sequence of digits, which
represents the time at the instant the macro \gettime is called. 
More exactly, each computer has a clock that ticks, and \mymacro
should contain the number of ticks - modulo some large number - since
the tick count was last at zero.

The implementation I am looking for is
        % initialise
        \newread \@timer
        \openin \@timer \relax

        % read "" to get the time
        \def\gettime #1
          \read\@timer to #1
where "" is a logical device for MS-DOS.  The idea is to
write a logical device such that when TeX \read's the 'file'
"special.dvs" it gets a line containing the timer count.

I don't know if such a device can be constructed.  The answer will
depend on the degree and nature of buffering used when TeX reads a
file.  A cruder and easier alternative might be to create a file like
device which when opened writes the timer count to a file, which TeX
can then read in the usual manner.

I would very much appreciate any help anyone can provide, to satisfy
this need.

        Jonathan Fine
        203 Coldhams Lane, Cambridge, CB1 3HY   
        Tel: 0223 215389


Date:    Fri, 05 Mar 1993 14:28:00 +0000
From:    Jonathan Fine <>
Subject: Re: \pageref in \special

In response to a query of Adrian Clark, Rainer Schoepf say, inter alia,
that the argument to a \special is expanded at shipout.  Although a
trivial matter, except when one is caught by it, the argument to a 
\special is expanded at the time the \special is executed.  Thus, it is
well nigh impossible in a single pass to get the page number into a
special.  On the other hand, the page number will be in the .dvi file

The appropiate reference in the TeXbook is page 228
     ..... Like \write, it puts its token list into a whatsit; and like
     \message, it expands the token list immediately.

It should be quite easy to solve Adrian Clark's problem by using a second
pass, but as LaTeX's cross reference mechanism revolves around typesetting
the reference number, rather than making it available for any purpose
one may have for it, it may not be suitable.

Jonathan Fine


Date:    03 Mar 1993 09:55:49 +0000
Subject: reorganisation of JANET Uk TeX Archive (

For some time (the last 6 months) the UK TeX Archive has been in the
confusing situation of existing in two incarnations: a) the original
archive, on the VMS machine, which is available for JANET
login and file transfer and Internet ftp, and b) the Internet-only
archive on a Unix machine ( These two filestores are
*not* the same, a source of repeated confusion for users.

The VMS JANET archive is now changing its spots to have the same directory
hierarchy as its daughter, which will cause even more confusion to
those of you used to finding your way around it. Please bear with us,
as I am sure that all wil agree that the important thing is to have
everything at the same version. This archive is working closely with
Stuttgart and SHSU to ensure that these three sites at least are
absolutely identical to within 24 hours.

In general, the following top-level directories are the places to
start looking for all material in the revamped Father archive:

[.archive-tools] % tools for compression, archiving and encoding which
                 % you might need
[.digests]       % texhax, uktex etc etc
[.dviware]       % all drivers
[.help]          % documentation about TeX
[.macros]        % includes LaTeX, plain TeX, ams etc etc
[.support]       % useful applications like spell-checkers, converters etc
[.systems]       % versions of TeX etc for particular platforms
[.web]           % includes Knuth's base source of TeX, and all other literate
                 % programming material

Not all of these directories will exist when you read this; it may
take a few days to get them all in place.

BINARY FILE WARNING. Those of you with at least moderate memories will know
what fun the interaction between JANET file transfer and VMS non-text
files is. We have always found it difficult to keep this totally under
control, and there may be new outbreaks of files which won't transfer.
We'll try and catch them before you do.

FUTURE ADVICE. The most portable archiving/compression package we have
is the public domain ZIP (and UNZIP). You would be well advised to get a
copy of UNZIP for your machine to take best advantage of the archive
in future. In tandem with this, we will also be promoting a single
ASCII encoding program, Niel Kempson's "vvcode", which will be issued
to the public soon for a wide variety of platforms.

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    05 Mar 1993 10:09:14 +0000
Subject: primer for AMS-LaTeX in archive


Phil Hirschhorn <>

> Some time ago, I wrote up an introduction to AMS-LaTeX for a friend who was
> interested in converting from AMS-TeX.  It's called ``Getting up and
> running with AMS-LaTeX''.
> It's aimed at someone with at least some experience with some variety of
> TeX, and it attempts to give enough information for them to get started
> using AMS-LaTeX without having to read the instructions.  It's 26 pages
> long, and includes the text of a template file.


Date:    26 Feb 1993 17:48:27 -0500
From:    AMS Technical Support <tech-support@MATH.AMS.ORG>
Subject: new postings to

We have just updated all non-binary files in the AMS TeX archive
at .  The motive for this update was to change our
address in the documentation on these files from
to *
(both the "math" and "e-math" nodes are involved.)

Two files do contain "significant" updates:

This change also masks some important earlier postings;
   ams/amsfonts/doc/userdoc.cyr (12 Nov 92)
   ams/amsfonts/doc/userdoc.tex (12 Nov 92)
   ams/amstex/amstex.bug (12 Nov 92)
   ams/amstex/doc/amsppt.doc (12 Nov 92)

If your copies of these files are earlier than these updates, it
is recommended that you replace them with the current versions.

For other files, the present change makes no difference for most
purposes of actually using the files, so although uniformity among
distributed versions is a good thing, actually installing the new
versions is a matter of personal preference.

The updated files will be installed shortly through routine updating
procedures at these major archive sites:
   Aston ( (JANET), and (Internet))
   SHSU (
   Stuttgart (ftp.uni-stuttgart)

Technical Support
American Mathematical Society


Date:    02 Mar 1993 10:04:50 +0000
Subject: eplain 2.3 released (in uk tex internet archive)


Karl Berry writes:
I have released Eplain version 2.3. 

I haven't yet implemented all the good ideas people have sent me
(generalizing toc files to other kinds of auxiliary files, indexing
commands, etc., etc.), but I did implement general cross-references, so
I figured a release would be worthwhile.

Please send bug reports directly to me.

Here is a summary of the most significant changes (from the file NEWS in
the distribution):

For those who haven't previously heard of Eplain: it is a collection of
macros intended to provide relatively low-level capabilities, regardless
of how your document appears.  For example, it has macros to do symbolic
cross-referencing, but not macros to produce a section heading.  It also
has some definitions that make it easier to change the conventions of
plain TeX's output.  For example, it lets you produce left-justified
math displays by simply saying `\leftdisplays'.
Member of the League for Programming Freedom---write to


Date:    02 Mar 1993 21:21:32 +0000
Subject: TeX Archive bonus disks for emTeX (new release)

UK TeX Archive bonus disks for emTeX --- February 1993
The UK TeX Archive distributes copies of emTeX with a series of extra
`bonus' disks   containing commonly-requested bits of software and
macros. This note describes the second release of these extra packages,
of February 1993.

There are 6 packages which provide some of the commonly-requested
facilities. These are not as well-tested or documented as emTeX
itself, but are packaged in exactly the same way, and should be useful
to many PC-based TeX users. All these packages are supplied as .zip
archives which are unpacked following the same procedure as the emTeX
ones.  A .REM file is supplied for use with the `remove' utility.

The packages are:

bm2font Bitmap to Font. Program by Friedhelm Sowa to convert eg .PCX
   files to \TeX\ .pk fonts for inclusion in \TeX\ documents. version
   2.0, February 1993.

dvips Tom Rokicki's dvips program, to translate .dvi files to
  PostScript, in normal and Windows versions.  TeX font metric files
  are provided for the standard PostScipt fonts. The program source is
  in a separate package (dvipssrc). This is version 5.499

morebin A selection of useful ancillary programs.

   wp2latex  WordPerfect 5.0 to \LaTeX\ translator 
   dvi2tty   ASCII viewer for dvi files 
   dviselec  Write a subset of a dvi file to a new dvi file
   dvidvi    Rearrange pages of a dvi file
   dviconca  Join dvi files together
   dvibook   Rearrange pages of a dvi file
   lacheck   Syntax checker for \LaTeX\ documents

newlatex The current version of em\TeX\ is slightly out of date with
  respect to \LaTeX. This package provides new copies of all the
  \LaTeX\ files for those who wish to be totally up to date. It also
  includes all the `Mainz' packages developed Frank Mittelbach and
  Rainer Sch\"opf (array, multicol, theorem, verbatim, ftnright), and
  the New Font Selection Scheme. A format file for LaTeX, called by a
  new batch file `newlatex', is provided with the NFSS installed.

psnfss This package builds on the NFSS package by providing a
  complete drop-in system for using PostScript fonts with the NFSS.
  version 2.4, February 1993.

seminar A comprehensive \LaTeX\ style package by Timothy van
  Zandt to produce overhead slides, performing all the same jobs as
  \SLiTeX, but can be used with all normal \LaTeX\ styles.

A slightly fuller description of the packages can be found in the
LaTeX file *emtex.tex*, which is a LaTeX-formatted copy of the basic
installation guide for emTeX. A prepared PostScript version is in

The contents of the `emTeX bonus disks' prepared for the UK TeX
Archive have been placed online as set of zip archives in:

JANET machine:
Internet machine:

All these packages are supplied with no warranty or support. 
The UK TeX Archive will endeavour to assist with problems, but the user
is advised to treat them in the same spirit as the betatest versions of
the emTeX package proper. Suggestions for additions, changes, etc are


Date:    02 Mar 1993 21:23:03 +0000
Subject: new release of PSNFSS files in uk tex archive

PSNFSS version 2.4, 26.2.1993 

This is a new release of my set of files (formerly known as `soton' in
some places) put together to make life easier for LaTeX users who have
adopted the New Font Selection Scheme to use PostScript fonts.  It
will be the last release before the second release of the NFSS itself.
A lot of extraneous material has been removed, and the test file
expanded but simplified (all the material about colour, and Punk, and
psfig has been junked).  A style option for using Times in math mode
has been added by Kin Hoong Chung.

The PSNFSS setup provides style files `times.sty', `palatino.sty' etc
which can be used by the casual user to change the font families used
in a document. The font names used are those widely promulgated by
Karl Berry and found in dvips.

This version differs from earlier ones in that it no longer requires
or suggests that the user build a new format file. The style files
will dynamically load the necessary macros, as long as the basic
format is the NFSS.  The former set of files to help in creating new
formats has been abandoned.

These macros derive from an original implementation in 1989 when the
NFSS first appeared, enhanced with ideas from the similar macros of
Timothy van Zandt and Kresten Krab Thorup.

The LaTeX file `psnfss.tex' describes the distribution. The file
`psnfss.eps' is a PostScript version which can be printed without
further ado.

I apologize for using the names of style options like `times.sty'; it
must be very confusing to newcomers to find so many different schemes
masquerading under these names for so many years. It is difficult to
find a solution. `Times.sty' would, sadly, not be acceptable to DOS or
VMS users.

The `correct'  distribution home for these files is in the UK TeX Archive
in pub/archive/macros/latex/styles/base/nfss/psnfss
or [tex-archive.macros.latex.styles.base.nfss.psnfss]

Sebastian Rahtz
12 Cygnet Street
York Y02 1AG


Distribution of these files is permitted, but only if you do not charge
money for them. You may charge for the cost of  disks and postage.


Date:    Thu, 04 Mar 1993 18:09:10 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: Announcement: UK-TuG Conference at RHBNC; April 6th--8th, 1993

The UK TeX Users' Group (UK-TuG) are pleased to announce a multi-day
conference, to be held at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College (University of
London) between April 6th--8th, 1993.  The themes of the conference are ``TeX
for non-American languages'' and ``MetaFont in Theory and Practice'';  the
speakers include Bernard Gaulle, Yannis Haralambous and Dominik Wujastyk. 

For \pounds 80-00, conference delegates will be entitled to participate in the
conference itself (including a full-day tutorial on one or other aspects of
MetaFont), the conference banquet, and lunch, coffee and tea on each day;
dinners and en-suite accommodation are also available.  If you would like to
participate in this conference, please complete and return the application form
which appears elsewhere in this digest.  Any questions should be addressed to
Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <P.Taylor@Uk.Ac.Rhbnc.Vax>, but it should be noted that
he will be unable to answer e-mail during the period 7th--14th March. 

                                        Philip Taylor, RHBNC.


Date:    Thu, 04 Mar 1993 17:52:21 +0000
From:    Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <>
Subject: UK-TuG Conference at RHBNC; April 6th--8th, 1993

\magnification \magstep 1
\hsize = 210 true mm \vsize = 297 true mm
\hoffset = 1.0 true in \voffset = 1.0 true in
\advance \hsize by -2\hoffset
\advance \vsize by -2\voffset
\hoffset = 0.0 true in \voffset = 0.0 true in %%% Knuths crazy (1",1") origin
\parindent = 0.0 em
\parskip = 0.5 \baselineskip
\abovedisplayskip = 0 pt
\belowdisplayskip = 0 pt
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\font \CMU = cmu10
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\def \pagefill {\vskip 0 pt plus 1 filll}
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\def \pounds {{\CMU \$}}
\def <#1>{\expandafter  
          \ifx \csname #1\endcsname \relax 
               {\it #1\/}%
          \else \csname #1\endcsname
\def \csname UK-TuG\endcsname
     \lccode `\T = `\T
     \lccode `\E = `\U
     \lccode `\X = `\G
     \def \kern {\dimen 0 = }%
     {\smallcaps uk-\expandafter \lowercase \expandafter {\TeX}}%
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\xviibf U.K. <TeX> Users' Group Conference: April 6th--8th
\centerline {\vrule height 0.5 pt depth 0.5 pt width 0.3 \hsize}
\xxvbf <TeX> for non-American Languages
\xxvbf <MetaFont> in Theory and Practice
\leavevmode \centerline {\xxvcmsy \char '175}
The~U.K. <TeX> Users' Group (<UK-TuG>) are pleased to announce their first-ever
multi-day conference, which~will take place at Royal Holloway and Bedford New
College (University of~London) in~Egham, Surrey, between April~6th and~8th
1993.  The Conference, which has two themes --- <TeX>~for non-English
languages, and~<MetaFont> in~Theory and Practice --- is timed to co-incide with
the start of Spring, when the campus is at its best.
The~first day (April~6th) is reserved for registration and the conference
banquet; April~7th is devoted to <TeX>, and will include papers from
an~international panel of invited speakers, including Bernard Gaulle, Yannis
Haralambous and Dominik Wujastyk. Bernard~is past-president of GUTenberg
(the~French-speaking <TeX> Users' Group), and an~authority on good French
typographic practice; Yannis~is a~renowned authority on <MetaFont> and exotic
fonts, and~is the author of the ``Scholar<TeX>'' package; and~Dominik is
co-author (with Graham Toal) of the definitive U.K. hyphenation patterns, 
as~well as being a Sanskrit scholar and linguist. There~will be ample time for
questions in addition to the formal papers. April~8th is <MetaFont> day: 
there~will be two concurrent tutorials, one~entitled `<MetaFont> in Theory', 
led~by Yannis, in~which the theme will be the design and implementation of 
fonts through the medium of <MetaFont>, and~the second entitled `<MetaFont> in
Practice', in~which the more practical (but equally important) aspects of the
use of <MetaFont> (such~as how to build a~complete set of Computer Modern fonts
for a new laser printer) will be addressed.
Booking~is now taking place for this event, which~will be limited to
a~maximum of fifty persons;  the~Conference fee (<pounds>80-00) includes the
Conference banquet, which~takes place after Registration on April~6th, 
lunch~for April~7th \& 8th, and~attendance at all lectures plus the tutorial of
choice; optional~items include {\it en-suite\/} accommodation at <pounds>28-50
per night (available for up to three nights), and~evening dinner for the second
and third days of the Conference.  Early~booking is advised, as~this is
expected to be a~very popular event.  To~reserve a~place for the Conference,
please~complete the form below and return it together with cheque (made payable
to {\it The U.K. <TeX> Users' Group\/}) or company order, to: 
\parindent = 2 em
\parskip = 0 pt
\obeylines %
Philip Taylor,
The Computer Centre,
Royal Holloway and Bedford New College,
University of London,
Egham Hill,
Surrey TW20 0EX,
Please~reserve me a~place for the <UK-TuG> Conference at RHBNC on 
April~6th--8th, 1993.  I~have completed the booking form below
to indicate my exact requirements in terms of accommodation and
meals.  I~understand that if I~need to cancel my reservation,
I~can be guaranteed at most a~50\% refund up to fourteen days
before the Conference, and~no refund thereafter, unless the
Conference organisers are able to re-allocate my place, in which
case I~agree to a~10\% cancellation charge being deducted.
\openup 0.9 \baselineskip
\vskip -\baselineskip
\tabskip = 0 pt
\halign to \hsize
\qquad # \hfil&\tabskip = 0 pt plus 1 fil #\hfil &\tabskip = 0 pt \hfil #\cr
&Signed: \span \hrulefill \cr
Name:& \span \hrulefill \cr
Address:& \span \hrulefill \cr
        & \span \hrulefill \cr
        & \span \hrulefill \cr
        & \span \hrulefill \cr
E-mail address:& \span \hrulefill \cr
Facsimile number:& \span \hrulefill \cr
Telephone number:& \span \hrulefill \cr
Special dietary requirements:& \span \hrulefill \cr
If <TeX>ing your own reservation form, please edit the alignment below to
remove any lines which you do not require, and amend the entries for sub-total,
V.A.T. and total to indicate the amounts applicable; if completing a
ready-printed form, simply score through any items not required and add
appropriate amounts to the sub-total, V.A.T. and total lines.
$$\hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hss \vrule \hss \vbox \bgroup
\def \toprule {\noalign {\hrule \vskip \dp \strutbox}}
\def \midrule {\noalign {\vskip \dp \strutbox \hrule \vskip \dp \strutbox}}
\def \botrule {\noalign {\vskip \dp \strutbox \hrule}}
\def \blank {\noalign {\vskip \ht \strutbox \vskip \dp \strutbox}}
\def \\{\hfil \break}
\let \par = \crcr
\tabskip = 0 pt plus 1 fil
\obeylines %
\halign to \hsize %
\bgroup %
\vtop {\hsize = 0.8 \hsize \raggedright \strut#\strut}&<pounds>$\,$\hfil #
Conference fee (inc.~all lectures and choice of tutorial,
                        \phantom {Conference fee (}conference dinner %
                        (April~6th), $2 \times \rm lunches$:& 80-00
Accommodation April 6th:& 28-50
Accommodation April 7th:& 28-50
Accommodation April 8th:& 28-50
Dinner April 7th:& 8-00
Dinner April 8th:& 8-00
Handling charge (only if payment does not accompany order):&5-00
V.A.T (@$\,$17.5\%):&
\egroup %
\egroup \hss \vrule \hss \egroup $$

                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
                              >>>  UK.AC.TEX  <<<
                  *** Interactive and file transfer access ***
                 (DTE 000020120091)
                       Username: public, Password: public
     [] -- telnet/rlogin, anonymous ftp
        [] -- anonymous ftp, gopher
               For telnet access, login: public, password: public
      For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address>
                              *** Mail server ***
                    Send mail to (JANET)
                   or (rest of the world)
                   with message body containing the word HELP

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    [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt    (Frequently Asked Questions list)
    [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt    (FAQ supplement)

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V93 #04

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
         (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage)


    For details, contact:
    David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (tel: 0484 519462)
 or E McNeil-Sinclair, fax: 0272 236169

End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 9]