UKTeX Digest    Friday, 26 Mar 1993    Volume 93 : Issue 12

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
			    Re: Side-by-Side Setting
			  need help on input to patgen
			       Metafont question
				marginal inserts
	      RE: How to achieve user control of the DVI filename
			     RE: C to TeX, anyone?
		     RE: Side-by-Side Setting : Help Wanted
		 Ragged right text in LaTeX tabular environment
	       Re: Ragged right text in LaTeX tabular environment
			      Fixed record formats
			    RE: Fixed record formats
 {Archive News}:
		      dviwin version 2.5 in uk tex archive
		 Archive directory listings on Dad (Uk.Ac.TeX)
		    Re: Side-by-Side Setting (No. 10 and 11)

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Mon, 22 Mar 1993 10:32:29 +0000
From:    ccsrar <>
Subject: Re: Side-by-Side Setting

Zdenek Wagner writes (Wed, 17 Mar 1993 13:27)
>Subject: Re: Side-by-Side Setting
>Side-by-side setting of original text and translation even into more
>languages is quite easy in LaTeX. This problem is solved by "multicolpar.sty".
>The "multicolpar" environment defined in this style takes the number of columns
>as the parameter (it will be the number of languages).

I recorded last weekend an OU programme about Plantin, who typeset
a bible in five languages (4 columns per double spread with the fifth
as a footnote).  As it is relevant, of general interest and pleasantly
watchable, I'll bring the tape to the RHBNC meeting and hope that some
viewing facility can be provided.

(R.) Allan Reese        Janet:
Head of Applications    Direct voice:   +44 482 465296
Computer Centre         Voice messages: +44 482 465685
Hull University         Fax:            +44 482 466441
Hull HU6 7RX, U.K.


Date:    22 Mar 1993 15:40:51 +0000
Subject: need help on input to patgen

I am trying to create a rather specialized set of hyphenation
patterns (for ancient Greek names). The files to be typeset use
letters for encoding of accents, so `alpha acute' is a1, `alphatilde'
is a3 and so on; that's all OK, I have a virtual font with appropriate
ligatures which does what is needed. Now I need hyphenation; I got the
authors to hyphenate about 1000 names by hand and I thought I would
feed that to patgen and see what the result was like. However, patgen
will not accept the input with things like A1 and A3 in, and even if
it did, it appears that numbers are used for other purposes in the
final hyphenation patterns. 

But this reveals my ignorance of hyphenation in TeX: if I have a name
like "omero1s" [yes, i know it doesnt have an accent there..], and o1
is a ligature in the font pointing at, say,  character 216, does the
hyphenation happen *after* the ligature substitution, or before? Do I
need char 216 in my original hyphenation set for input to patgen?

I'd appreciate words of advice from anyone who has followed a similar



Date:    Mon, 22 Mar 1993 22:11:05 +0100
Subject: Metafont question

I have a question concerning metafont. I want to generate some fonts for
dot-matrix-printer. But I don't know, what resolution for the printer to use.
So I came up with the idea to test some of these resolutions.
So here are my questions:
        Am I right that the file is dumped into the cmmf file?
        How can I get cmmf to read an additional input file, created in a loop,
        to generate the fonts I would like to try?

FYI: We are running Metafont Version 2.71

Thanks in advance

Dieter Woerz

Zahnaerztliches Rechenzentrum Dr. Gueldener GmbH
Dieter Woerz            INTERNET:       
Marienstr. 10           UUCP:           unido!zahn!woerz         
D-7000 Stuttgart-1      BITNET/EARN:


Date:    Tue, 23 Mar 1993 16:03:16 +0000
From:    ccsrar <>
Subject: LaTeX/Minipage/Footnotemark

Just as an exercise and for a class demo, I chose an arbitrary table
to set in LaTeX.  When I'd started, I realised the column headings 
had footnote references. LaTeX (2.09 18 March 1992) handles this 
superbly, with a tabular in a table in a minipage.  It even changes
the footnote marks automatically from 1,2,3... used in the body
text to a,b,c... in the minipage. Then I noticed some footnote marks
are repeated.  \footnotemark looks the job, but if you call
\footnotemark{\value{mpfootnote}} inside the minipage, it outputs
the numeric value, not the letter as the superscript.

Options seem to be:
1) extract \footnote and \footnote mark and patch in the test for
minipage environment to make a personal copy
2) do the extra footnotemarks as explicit superscripts
3) point out to the class what a lousy way this was of indicating
to the reader where the data came from.

Allan Reese


Date:    Tue, 23 Mar 1993 18:54:29 +0000
From:    Nigel Chapman <>
Subject: marginal inserts

Does anyone have macros for inserting notes in the margin of a draft
document?  I know that the TeXbook has something of the sort, but (with
all respect to DEK) it's pretty hacky, with mysterious constants wired
into the code.  Before I try to untangle this, I wanted to make sure
nobody has done it before.  I couldn't find anything in any obvious
place in the archive (unless the changebars stuff generalizes?). I'm a
confirmed plain TeX user, so LaTeX styles aren't a lot of use to me.

Thanks for any assistance.


Date:    Wed, 24 Mar 1993 12:43:00 +0000
From:    Jonathan Fine <>
Subject: RE: How to achieve user control of the DVI filename

In a posting to TeXhax of Tue, 16 Feb 1993 08:37:48 -0800,
wagman%zephyr.hepnet@LBL.EARN wrote:

> We create a big book with long articles and a little book with portions of the
> long articles so our TeX file looks something like:
> \ifnum\BigBookOrLittleBook = 1
> This stuff is for the long article and goes into great detail.
> \else
> See our Big Book for details and formulae on this principle.
> \fi
> And this stuff goes in both books.
> We run TeX twice on the file querying the user for \BigBookOrLittleBook, but
> this results in two DVI files with the same name. Is there some way to
> manually open the DVI file specifying a name? For our needs, they would be
> named:
> \jobname_Big.DVI and \jobname_Little.DVI
> Gary S. Wagman
> Lawrence Berkeley Lab
> Berkeley, CA

It will not help to redefine \jobname, because \jobname is like a
read-only token register.  TeX is in rather a subtle state when the
command line is read, and it is then, or rather soon after, that the
name of the DVI file is determined.

Briefly, here are the rules
1.  If TeX believes it needs a value for \jobname, and it hasn't got
one yet, it will use "texput".
2.  If TeX hasn't yet assigned a value for \jobname, and the command
|\input xyz| or |\input xyz.anyext| is executed, then the \jobname is
3.  The jobname determines the name of the log file as well as that
of the DVI file.

Rule 1 is subtle, and I don't know all nuances.  However, if
|bigfile.dvi| is created, then there is a file |bigfile.something|
somewhere on the system.  It need not be in the current directory -
just in the  |\input| search path will do.  The trick then is to get
this file |\input| at the right time.  You may find \everyjob useful.

(I'm not sure, but I believe that it will not do to create it on the
fly, by means of an |\immediate\write|, because of rule 1).

If you are willing to have lots of dummy files about, or if your
operating system supports something like |bigfile.nul| is a null
file, then there is a solution.  Otherwise, why not have TeX \write a
small script file, to be run at the end of the job, that will change
the name of the DVI file for you.  Or even embed the calling of TeX
in a script?

I learnt what I know about this, while developing code that would
allow the user to specify command line parameters, like so
        C:\MSDOS> tex &plain -iopt1 -iopt2 document
without getting |texput| as the \jobname.

Jonathan Fine, 203 Coldhams Lane, Cambridge, CB1 3HY


Date:    Wed, 24 Mar 1993 12:43:00 +0000
From:    Jonathan Fine <>
Subject: RE: C to TeX, anyone?

>  Date:    Fri, 05 Mar 1993 15:04:40
>  From: (Anoop Sarkar)
>  Subject: C to TeX, anyone?
>  Is there a program available which will allow me to convert C source
>  code into a TeX file. There are C beautifiers which format C source
>  for troff; but is a C to TeX formatter available in the public domain?

It is a great shame that such code has not been written, for it would
be very useful.  I am writing TeX macros which will convert something
    This line begins with a letter 'T'.  It is a comment
            #input <stdio.h>
            \int main ()

    and more comment
into something like
    This line begins with a letter 'T'.  It is a comment
            #input <stdio.h>
            \int main ()

    and more comment
or even (comments stripped for compilation, but keep the same line
numbers, for error and warning messages from the compiler

        #input <stdio.h>
        \int main ()


which can then be typeset using the macros of your choice.  I don't
suppose this will be ready for release before May.  In the meantime,
perhaps you could write a program or script to do this or something
similar using the usual 'C' tools.

Jonathan Fine, 203 Coldhams Lane, Cambridge, CB1 3HY


Date:    Wed, 24 Mar 1993 12:43:00 +0000
From:    Jonathan Fine <>
Subject: RE: Side-by-Side Setting : Help Wanted

>    Date:    Thu, 18 Feb 1993 18:22:31 +0000
>    From:    Stephen Miller <>
>    Subject: Side-by-Side Setting : Help Wanted
>    A colleague wants to be able to set folksongs side by side ie the
>    original on the left and a translation on the right (his translation
>    is line-by-line so the number of lines do match). Can anyone advise
>    on the easiest way to do this?

This is a good question.  The problem divides into two parts, input
syntax and typesetting commands.

Assume that \textA and \textB are macros which expand to give the
text for a single line of the folksong in each language.  Then the
will set a line like so
       here is the surrounding blurb             right mnargin.
       Frere Jacque                Brother Jack
but if the text exceeds the size allocated one will want to use \vbox
with appropiate \hangindent and so forth.

To get values for \textA and \textB, why not \read them from text
    \newread\fileA          \newread\fileB
      \global\read\fileA to \textA
      \global\read\fileB to \textB

      % test for unmatched end of file
      \if  \ifeof\fileA A\else B\fi
           \ifeof\fileA A\else B\fi

      % read the file

To use these macros, please first open the input streams \fileA and
\fileB, and then a succession of calls
    \getline        \setline
    \getline        \setline
    \getline        \setline
    \getline        \setline
will set (in this case) four lines of side by side folk songs.

These macros are a bit rough, written off the cuff, and unwrapped.

I hope that these will be useful.

Jonathan Fine, 203 Coldhams Lane, Cambridge, CB1 3HY


Date:    Thu, 25 Mar 1993 13:53:04 +0000
From:    Jack Levy <>
Subject: Ragged right text in LaTeX tabular environment

Try as I can, I can't find a way of setting a table that looks like
the following.  The `p' format spec produces text justified both
left and right, which looks pretty naff in a narrow column.
Also, I don't want lots of `underfull hbox' warnings.

| blah    | blah blah    | rhubarb      | I want the text in this |
|         |              |              | column to be ragged     |
|         |              |              | right, and because of   |
|         |              |              | the narrowness of the   |
|         |              |              | column, hyphenation     |
|         |              |              | should be off.          |
| etc     | etc          | etc          | Other blocks of ragged  |
|         |              |              | right text.             |
|         |              |              |                         |

Another question: is there a way of setting a table that spans several
pages, with the column headers being automatically repeated on each page?

Jack Levy,
UCL Computer Centre,


Date:    25 Mar 1993 14:43:54 +0000
Subject: Re: Ragged right text in LaTeX tabular environment

 > Try as I can, I can't find a way of setting a table that looks like
 > the following.  The `p' format spec produces text justified both
 > left and right, which looks pretty naff in a narrow column.
 > Also, I don't want lots of `underfull hbox' warnings.
 > Another question: is there a way of setting a table that spans several
 > pages, with the column headers being automatically repeated on each page?

get the complete contents of the current version of `array'
(, and you'll
see there is discussion of problem 1 in there, and `longtable' will
solve problem 2. so will supertabular, but longtable is more general.



Date:    23 Mar 1993 15:59:13 -0000
From:    Mike Piff <>
Subject: Fixed record formats

Let me get this straight.

(a) UNIX and DOS know nothing of fixed record format.

(b) FTP from other sites to TeX preserves the fixed record format of files,
   and this is why some of them acquire this characteristic.

(c) It is difficult/time consuming to convert fixed to variable format.

(d) Coloured book users in the UK cannot access fixed record/other funny files.

(e) VAX and IBM3083, etc, cannot use variable record binary files.

(f) tex and tex.ftp are separate machines. One is a VAX and the other Unix.

So, on tex.ftp, being Unix, all files are character streams, but that can
only be accessed by FTP. Any VAXes would not be able to handle its
variable format files. 

This is where I begin to get confused. If tex.ftp can update itself and
convert ALL files to character streams, cannot tex update itself afterwards
from tex.ftp, and thus acquire all its files as character streams, rather
than as fixed record files? 
Or is it that the updating of tex cannot be automated? However, if it requires
manual intervention, then there is no need to create these fixed record files
is there? except that VAXes like tex can't work with anything else as
programs? but programs for VAXes must be a very small part of tex.
So why not transfer everything from tex.ftp to tex, and thus un-fix all
those records, apart from the tiddly bits of VAX programs, which will not
be on tex.ftp anyway as anything there is a character stream and thus
unusable on VAXes? 

Then, in a minute little corner of tex, you bung all those VAX binaries,
and to hell with them. THEN I can transfer files to my PC.

Dr M J Piff                       e-mail:
Department of Pure Mathematics
University of Sheffield 
Hicks Building          
Hounsfield Road
SHEFFIELD S3 7RH                  Telephone: SHEFFIELD (0742) 824431


Date:    Tue, 23 Mar 1993 17:29:31 +0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: RE: Fixed record formats

NON-Disclaimer:  This message slags off DEC/UWIST regarding their
Coloured Books Software; it's long overdue that this should be
publicised.  I have something like thirty outstanding SPRs relating to
this software, most dating back to 1990 (or even 1989) and DEC seem to
do *nothing* about them.  I'd be delighted if all readers of UKTeX (even
or perhaps especially those outside the UK, which is the only country
that has to suffer CBS) would forward a copy of this message to their
DEC account representative --- it would be nice to think that Ken Olsen
or someone of equal venerability might bring pressure to bear :-)

In message 1586 of 23 Mar 93 15:59:13 BST, 
Mike Piff <> wrote:

> Let me get this straight.
> (a) UNIX and DOS know nothing of fixed record format.

Well, not quite.  Under Unix, every file *is* a pure stream of bytes.
For DOS, however, there is a distinction between text and binary mode
files: in the former, every 0x0A character is preceded by a 0x0D
character.  One can sometimes "get away" with files that have been
copied verbatim from Unix; some C compilers, for example, are prepared
to swallow this.  But others aren't, and the MS-DOS TYPE command
displays the files' deficiency in spectacular fashion.
> (b) FTP from other sites to TeX preserves the fixed record format of files,
>    and this is why some of them acquire this characteristic.

No: it's just that when ftp is told to create a binary file on the VAX,
the MultiNet ftp server does it in what it thinks is the most sensible
fashion, namely as fixed 512-byte records.  If it wasn't for the heap of
FOR ACTION FROM DEC AFTER OVER THREE YEARS) to implement coloured books
file transfers, there wouldn't be any difficulty with such files,
because the other end of the transfer should be happy to create a simple
byte stream or what-you-will.
> (c) It is difficult/time consuming to convert fixed to variable format.

Not difficult, but it *is* time-consuming (extremely:-)
> (d) Coloured book users in the UK cannot access fixed record/other funny file

See above.  From long and arduous investigation, we found that the only
formats that could reliably be transferred by CBS, to VAXen and
non-VAXen alike, were variable-length records, with or without (for text
and binary respectively) carriage-control.  SO although they are
variable-length on, the other end of the NIFTP creates the
file in some appropriate local format.
> (e) VAX and IBM3083, etc, cannot use variable record binary files.

Actually, there are some VAX implementations of some TeXware programs
that *are* happy to handle binary files in stream form, or even as
variable-length, no carriage-control.  Originally, we stored the VLNOCC
files (for binary) with a maximum record size of 510 bytes, so this was
the predominant flavour of files (there are some binary files that are
truly variable-length; these are completely VAX-specific, usually .OBJ
files).  We thought that this would be an efficient representation,
since, with the addition of the 16-bit record length indicator, each
record would occupy exactly one disk block.

However, this format caused problems for VAX users, because they needed
to convert the files back into fixed 512-byte records (for most
TeXware).  Such conversion couldn't be performed by standard VMS
software; most people either wrote the necessary six line C program, or
used Kermit with file type binary at one end, and file type fixed/image
at the other.  But some folks couldn't manage this conversion, so we
cast around for another acceptable representation.

We discovered that the RMS system is very efficient (and much more
intelligent than any Unix filesystem) and that there was no noticeable
overhead in storing the files with records of a maximum length of 512
bytes, which is how the files are held nowadays.  These files can be
transferred quite happily to a non-VAX, creating whatever that machine
finds useful as a "binary" file.  In the case of a VAX, the standard
CONVERT utility can readily be used to generate fixed 512-byte records.
> (f) tex and tex.ftp are separate machines. One is a VAX and the other Unix.

At last something with which I cannot argue.  (Well, that's what I wrote
at first, but now realize that you're using big-endian format names:, being connected *only* to JIPS, has no equivalent on
Janet, so can't really be referred to as
> So, on tex.ftp, being Unix, all files are character streams, but that can
> only be accessed by FTP. Any VAXes would not be able to handle its
> variable format files. 

I'm not sure what you mean here.  Remember that for a VAX to be
accessing, it needs some form of ftp program.  I believe
I'm right in saying that the ftp client under most (all?)
implementations of TCP/IP under VMS can be instructed to perform binary
file transfers, and the resultant file is fixed-512 --- just what's
wanted.  Many can also preserve the original file structure if the ftp
server is also running under VMS; certainly this is true of the MultiNet
and CMUTek implementations.  The DEC (UCX) version can also do this,
albeit in an incompatible fashion.
> This is where I begin to get confused. If tex.ftp can update itself and
> convert ALL files to character streams, cannot tex update itself afterwards
> from tex.ftp, and thus acquire all its files as character streams, rather
> than as fixed record files?

Yes, it could, and in fact one of the archivists has recently updated using ftp transfers from --- this is the point
at which yourself (and others) started to notice files that had become

It is indeed possible for files to be created under RMS that are simple
streams of bytes.  This facility had to be provided by DEC to support
C-programs written in the blas\'e, cavalier fashion that Unix users are
used to using character streams, albeit that it can make the underlying
use of the filesystem extremely inefficient at run-time.  Going back
3--4 years or so, many binary files were indeed held in the archive in
that format.

They could even be transferred, to non-VAXen (I hope everyone
appreciates that *every* file can be transferred to another VAX, if
that's also running CBS, using the /CODE=FAST qualifier, which results
in an exact copy of the file's original structure).  So why didn't we
stick to stream format?  Simple really: it's down to a deficiency (YES,
DEC, ANOTHER BIG HOLE IN THE SOFTWARE) in the Coloured Books Software.
Like the majority of VMS programs, buffer areas are preallocated to hold
part of the file being transferred; it would have been possible simply
to read a fixed number of bytes from the file into this buffer, but that
would lose detail of the underlying record structure (if any), so CBS
reads all files a record at a time.  In the case of Stream_LF files, a
``record'' is everything up to and including the next 0x0A byte in the
stream.  Depending upon whether the file's header indicates that it's
with or without carriage-control, then the resultant transfer of that
section of the file will either not include the terminating 0x0A
(saying that it constitutes one ``line'' of the file), or *will* include
that byte in the (binary) stream.

Unfortunately, some binary files may not have many 0x0A bytes; some have
none at all.  But the way CBS was written, RMS is instructed to try to
read everything up-to-and-including the next 0x0A byte into the buffer:
this might be the whole file; certainly, there are many binary files in
which that implies the reading of more than 2048 bytes --- but the
latter is the size of the buffer preallocated by the program, so such
files cannot be transferred.  The solution would be for the CBS transfer
to read one record, or 2048 bytes, whichever is the smaller.  Niel
Kempson's VVencode adopts this approach, as do the programs of all other
sensible programmers: seemingly DEC/UWIST never thought of such an

> Or is it that the updating of tex cannot be automated? However, if it require
> manual intervention, then there is no need to create these fixed record files
> is there? except that VAXes like tex can't work with anything else as
> programs? but programs for VAXes must be a very small part of tex.

But it's not just *programs* but all ``binary'' files.  Anyway, the
automation is being put in place, so whatever stratagem we adopt has got
to determine file type automatically, and make appropriate actions.

> So why not transfer everything from tex.ftp to tex, and thus un-fix all
> those records, apart from the tiddly bits of VAX programs, which will not
> be on tex.ftp anyway as anything there is a character stream and thus
> unusable on VAXes? 

Actually, I've found a technique that will permit to store
files, in a simple stream, that can be transferred back to a VAX by ftp
and reconstitute the original VMS/RMS file structure: if we ever lose
the VAX, we'll have to adopt this method.
> Then, in a minute little corner of tex, you bung all those VAX binaries,
> and to hell with them. THEN I can transfer files to my PC.

How about using the TeXserver?  The /ENCODE qualifier can be used with
the FILES command to have each binary file encoded before transmission.
It will shortly be moving over to using VVcode for this encoding; those
who are already ``converted'' to VVcode, can specify /ENCODE=VV instead
pending this change.

Brian {Hamilton Kelly}

JANET:   (or             
UUCP:      {mcsun,uknet,uunet}!!tex                 
Smail:     School of Electrical Engineering & Science, Royal Military   
           College of Science, Shrivenham, SWINDON SN6 8LA, U.K.        
Phone:     Swindon (0793) 785252 (UK), +44-793-785252 (International)   


Date:    22 Mar 1993 10:03:58 +0000
Subject: dviwin version 2.5 in uk tex archive[tex-archive.dviware.dviwin]

   From: sendouk@SCF.USC.EDU

   I just completed a new version of my DVI previewer and printer for MS-
   Windows. Here is a brief description of the program:

   DVIWIN 2.5 is a screen and printer driver for TeX DVI files under Windows
   3.1. Its main features are:

     * Fast previewing (uses 386-specific code if it finds a 386/486)
     * Painless support for graphics in TeX documents
     * Uses any standard PK font files or FLI font libraries
     * Can use many paper sizes including the metric standard sizes
     * Works with virtually all displays and printers supported by Windows
     * Automatically detects changes in the dvi file and reloads it quickly
       by avoiding to reread fonts unnecessarily

   New features include support for FLI files, custom resolutions, a font
   cache, automatic refresh of dvi files, reduction in memory requirements,
   a workaround to avoid common bugs in video drivers (which was NOT a bug
   in dviwin 2.0), a magnifying glass, etc. The required memory depends on
   the resolution that you use. It needs about 1.5M free RAM to print on a
   300dpi printer without swapping.

   The program is completely free for any individual or non-commercial
   organization. Please contact me for any comments, suggestions, bug
   reports, etc.

   I hope that you find it useful,

   Hippocrates Sendoukas  (\

Date:    Thu, 25 Mar 1993 22:35:02 +0000
From:    Niel Kempson <>
Subject: Archive directory listings on Dad (Uk.Ac.TeX)

Following requests from archive users, I am about to change the format of
the listing files generated every night on the Dad archive (UK.AC.TEX).
The files currently genereated are:

In the top level [TEX-ARCHIVE] directory:

    00DIRECTORY.LIST        listing of all files in VMS directory format
    00DIRECTORY.SIZE        as above, plus date and size of each file
    00LAST7DAYS.FILES       listing of all files added to the archive in the
                            last 30 days; most recent file listed first
    00LAST30DAYS.FILES      listing of all files added to the archive in the
                            last 7 days; most recent file listed first

In every sub-directory:

    00FILES.TXT             listing of all files in the subdirectory

The 00DIRECTORY.* files in the [TEX-ARCHIVE] directory will be abandoned
and replaced with a single 00INDEX.FILES listing.  There is now a
common format for all of the 00* listing files in the archive.  Here's an
extract from 00INDEX.FILES:

> Files matching DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE...]*.*
>  (listing updated:  4-Mar-93 09:03).
> Last change          Size  Type  File specification
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 21-Sep-90 16:37      1606  txt   [tex-archive]00aston.readme
> 28-Oct-92 16:13      1496  txt   [tex-archive]00contributions.txt
>  4-Mar-93 01:30    664000  txt   [tex-archive]00directory.list
>  4-Mar-93 01:35   1807748  txt   [tex-archive]00directory.size
>  3-Mar-93 03:09      4036  txt   [tex-archive]00files.txt
>  3-Mar-93 02:35    300450  txt   [tex-archive]00last30days.files
>  3-Mar-93 02:36     32768  bin   [tex-archive]00last30days.files_zip
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

All of the 00* files will be in this common format.  The 00LAST* files in
the [TEX-ARCHIVE] directory and the 00FILES.TXT files in each
subdirectory are very much as they always have been, except that there is
no longer a "disk$tex:" before the "[tex-archive" component of the file

In addition, each of the files in the [TEX-ARCHIVE] directory will be
available in ZIP format.  You will need Info-unZIP or PKUNZIP v2.x to
unpack the file (PKZIP v1.1 will *not* work).  The ZIP versions are
only 10-15% of the original size - a useful compression ratio :-)

So to recap, the following listing files will be generated every night on

In the top level [TEX-ARCHIVE] directory:

    00INDEX.FILES           listing of all files in the archive
    00LAST7DAYS.FILES       listing of all files ad ed to the archive in the
                            last 30 days; most recent file listed first
    00LAST30DAYS.FILES      listing of all files added to the archive in the
                            last 7 days; most recent file listed first

    00LAST30DAYS.FILES_ZIP  Info-ZIP compressed versions of the above

In every sub-directory:

    00FILES.TXT             listing of all files in the subdirectory

The changes will be implemented over the weekend of 3-4 April 1993.

Niel Kempson
Aston TeX Archive Group

Dr C Niel Kempson
25 Whitethorn Drive, Cheltenham GL52 5LL, England
Telephone: 0242-579105 (UK), +44-242-579105 (International)
E-mail: (Internet)


Date:    Tue, 23 Mar 1993 10:26:18 -0500
From:    Peter Schmitt 
Subject: Re: Side-by-Side Setting (No. 10 and 11)

Some time ago I wrote the following macros which might help:
%% macro for plain TeX for 3 parallel columns: it allows *one* page break
%%   occurring in the 3columnmode: each of the columns is broken seperately
%% usage can be deduced from the example below
%% for 2 columns: set the width of the middle column to zero
%% It has not yet been tested thoroughly!
%% Peter Schmitt a8131dal@awiuni11.bitnet, schmitt@awirap.bitnet
\newbox\leftcolumn   \newbox\leftrest
\newbox\middlecolumn \newbox\middlerest
\newbox\rightcolumn  \newbox\rightrest
\newdimen\pagerest \newif\ifpagefull
\def\columns#1-#2-#3 {\def\hleft{#1}\def\hmiddle{#2}\def\hright{#3}}
    \global\advance\pagerest by-\ht\partialpage}}
\def\left{\vfil\eject\hsize=\hleft\advance\vsize by\pagerest
    \output={\global\setbox\leftcolumn=\vsplit255 to\pagerest
    \output={\global\setbox\middlecolumn=\vsplit255 to \pagerest
    \output={\global\setbox\rightcolumn=\vsplit255 to \pagerest
%%% Example for usage:
Beginn: Text zu Beginn
\left Links: Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
\middle Mitte: Das ist ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
cDas ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
\right Rechts: Das  ist ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
cDas ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Ende: Anschliessender Text
Beginn: Text zu Beginn
\left Links: Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
\middle Mitte: Das ist ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
cDas ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
\right Rechts: Das  ist ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
cDas ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Das ist nur ein kleiner Text zur Probe.
  Ein zweiter Satz.
Und gar ein Absatz!
Ende: Anschliessender Text

Peter Schmitt                   
Institute of Mathematics                                     Strudlhofgasse 4
University of Vienna                                              A-1090 Wien

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\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V93 #05

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb)

    Copies available on:
       One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage
       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham
         (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)

\subsection VMS tapes
    VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi.
    VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape.

\subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes
    Same contents available as 0.5" tapes.
    Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP,
    MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB


\subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh)
    Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    The complete package (3.5" High density disk format ONLY)
    is available from Aston at a cost of 15 pounds sterling,
    including documentation, disks, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS):
      specify Set A.
    Additional utilities including DVIPS, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set B.
    FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set C.
    FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling:  specify Set D.

    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (tel: 0793-611270)
    (JANET e-mail address:

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    (JANET e-mail address:

    All prices in Pounds Sterling.
    For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University.

    0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape),  5.00 (two tapes).
            Europe: 5.00 (one tape),  9.00 (two tapes).
            Outside Europe please enquire.
    8mm tapes:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.
    Quantity/Size   Europe   World    UK 1st   UK 2nd
      18/3.5"        3.10     5.10     1.40     1.10
      11/3.5"        1.80     2.90     0.80     0.65
      18/5.25"       1.20     2.00     0.60     0.50
      11/5.25"       0.80     1.30     0.50     0.35

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage)

    Details available
    By E-mail:
    Post or phone:
        David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
        30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (Tel: 0484 519462)
    Fax: E McNeil-Sinclair  0272 236169

End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 12]