UKTeX Digest Friday, 16 Apr 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 14 ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.'' Today's Topics: {Questions \& Answers}: Changing class using \mathord UK TeX Archive Re: UK TeX Archive Re: Bibtex question emtex betatest \endchapter macro : enlightenment sought... Vancouver statistical style file needed style files Re: style files {Archive News}: yet another arrangement of archive directory tree Archive directory listings on Dad (Uk.Ac.TeX) extra pk fonts for OzTeX users {Announcements}: TeX User Group 1993 conference - news update Forthcoming one-day LaTeX course Administrivia: Moderators: Peter Abbott (Aston University) and David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1993 19:53:15 +0000 From: Fergus Gallagher <> Subject: Changing class using \mathord Why doesn't $\fam=0 \mathord\mathchar"7119$ produce the same result as $\fam=0 \mathord\mathchar"0119$ ? The TeXbook p.155 seems to imply that \mathord forces class 0. Fergus Gallagher ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1993 11:34:02 -0000 From: Martin Ward <> Subject: UK TeX Archive First, let me say how much I appreciate the "automatic zipping" feature of the UKTEX archive. However, I did run into a small problem today: I wanted to collect the latest version of "pstricks", so I found the directory and sent off for /pub/archive/graphics/ It seemed to take a while to arrive, and was larger than I expected (over 960k). The reason was that inside the zip file was a file called "pstricks.tar.Z" which contained another copy of everything. Of course, I should have looked inside the directory and collected just that file - however it does seem an odd place to put it? I would have expected to find an archive of the pstricks directory (which when unpacked, creates the pstricks directory) to be in the same directory as pstricks (ie in /pub/archive/graphics), rather than in the pstricks directory itself! An alternative solution would be to modify the automatic zipper to ignore files in the top level which have the name DIR.tar.Z (or DIR.tar.z) where "DIR" is the directory name. Martin. ------------------------------ Date: 08 Apr 1993 10:50:33 +0000 From: Subject: Re: UK TeX Archive > to collect the latest version of "pstricks", so I found the directory and > sent off for /pub/archive/graphics/ It seemed to take a while > to arrive, and was larger than I expected (over 960k). The reason was that > inside the zip file was a file called "pstricks.tar.Z" which contained this was a temporary artefact. i had been `mirroring' pstricks by hand, eg i copied the .tar.Z file and exploded it locally. in order to save myself work, i set up an automatic mirrir, which fetched pstricks in the way Zandt stores it (.tar.Z) and forgot to delete the exploded copy (which I have now done) if you see this situation again elsewhere, tell us, as it is not policy to store anything twice! i realize that for some people a tarred and Zed file is not easy to unpack. but the convenience of tracking the author's work automatically is so great that we have to ask for tolerance from archive users. sebastian ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1993 17:26:30 -0400 From: Una Smith <> Subject: Re: Bibtex question Try {\em Homo sapiens} and if that doesn't work try {\em {H}omo sapiens}. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1993 10:26:30 -0000 From: Jon.Essex-Chemistry"Jon.Essex-Chemistry" <> Subject: emtex betatest Dear Texers A couple of days ago I ftp the betatest of emtex386 for PC's this installed like a dream. However I have some problems with the betatest dvidrv_14s. I installed it as a replacement for my last version dvidrv_14d but it doesn't locate the fonts anymore. I don't have the font libraries but a selection of fonts in directories like c:\texfonts\300\ etc etc. With the last driver I set the option /pfc:\texfonts\$r and all was well. This doen't appear to work with the current version any more I have read the manual and tried all sorts of configurations such as /pf=c:\texfonts\@Rrdpi\@f{.pxl,pk} to no avail. I have also just got the dvips from the emtex bonus set. However GHOSTSCRIPT complains about any ps files created with this version. My old version was okay though I remember seeing something about this before but cannot remember what the solution was. Many thanks Jon Wright ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1993 20:09:25 +0100 From: Stephen Miller <> Subject: \endchapter macro : enlightenment sought... I've written the following: \def\throwpages{\vfill\eject\null\vfill\eject} \def\endpage{\vfill\eject} \global\outer\def\endchapter{\ifodd\pageno \throwpages \else \endpage \fi} which I had hoped would cause every chapter to start on an odd numbered page if called in a file so: \input cashen1912.chap3 \endchapter Well, it works in all cases bar one (and so does not work at all then): chapter 2 ends on p.20, p.21 is inserted, and the next piece starts on p.22. What am I doing wrong? Stephen Miller Oxford University Computing Services or 13 Banbury Road, Oxford, UK. OX2 6NN Tel +44 865 273200 / 273266 (direct) / 273275 (fax) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 17:03:57 -0000 From: Calum Mackay <> Subject: Vancouver statistical style file needed Dear TeX hackers, A user needs a macro/style file known as the "Vancouver" style, as used by major statistical journals. I have checked the FAQ's and the catalogue of macros/styles but cannot find any mention of this... I'd appreciate any help/pointers... regards, Calum. Calum D. Mackay System Administrator Medical Research Council Telephone: 0223 330378 Biostatistics Unit International: +44 223 330378 IPH, University Forvie Site JANET: Robinson Way Internet: Cambridge CB2 2SR. alternative: ENGLAND. last resort: ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 14:34:17 +0100 From: Charles Taylor <> Subject: style files Can you recommend a good book or other document that will guide me in modifying LaTeX style files - or else tell me where I can find out? Thanks, Charles Charles Taylor : Department of Statistics : tel +44 532 335168 University of Leeds : fax +44 532 429925 Leeds LS2 9JT UK ------------------------------ Date: 16 Apr 1993 13:54:43 +0000 From: Subject: Re: style files > Can you recommend a good book or other document that will guide me > in modifying LaTeX style files - or else tell me where I can find > out? wait for Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin "The LaTeX Companion", Addison-Wesley 1993, due out by July. and attend one or more courses at the 1993 TeX Users Group meeting, to be held at Aston in July[1] there is no obvious book to point at, so far as I know. one reads other people's styles and tries to understand them! if you are thinking of getting into it in a big way, get the Mainz `doc' package from any archive, which is for proper documentation of TeX sources. Sebastian [1] A PLUG for this excellent conference, sign up now. ------------------------------ Date: 03 Apr 1993 13:31:45 +0000 From: Subject: yet another arrangement of archive directory tree As of April 3rd, the UK TeX Archive (on and has changed its structure for LaTeX, following the home site of Stuttgart. This differentiates strongly between the "official" LaTeX (distribs) and everything else (contrib). Within distribs, the "latex" tree is the current, complete LaTeX, and the Mainz packages are run in parallel to emphase their status as "nearly LaTeX". To make it clear what I mean, I append a pictorial diagram of the directory structure under macros/latex [.macros.latex] Sebastian +-> contrib ---+-> a4 | +-> jns | +-> aaai | +-> abstr_collect | +-> acm | +-> iso2 | +-> acs | +-> address | +-> agu | +-> layout | +-> bnf | +-> album | +-> apl | +-> arbeit | +-> asaetr | +-> autotab | +-> biemes | +-> birkhaeuser | +-> bookform | +-> window | +-> brief | +-> bruggink | +-> chbars | +-> chemstruct | +-> chemtex | +-> code | +-> colortex | +-> crc | +-> cropmark | +-> footnpag | +-> loggates | +-> crossword | +-> crosswords | +-> cyrmemo | +-> decalign | +-> fac | +-> deproc | +-> dirkslides | +-> stmary | +-> dutch | +-> eclbip | +-> eepic -----+-> fig2eepic | +-> envelope | +-> epic | +-> picinpar | +-> eslides | +-> exercise | +-> feynman ---+-> doc | +-> fillform | +-> float | +-> floatfig | +-> rail | +-> slatex | +-> french ----+-> contrib | +-> geom | +-> german | +-> harvard | +-> ijc | +-> iso | +-> ieee | +-> pphlp | +-> ifac | +-> ijcai89 | +-> zero | +-> insertplot | +-> biblist | +-> jeep | +-> memo2 | +-> labelfig | +-> labels | +-> laletter | +-> lamemo | +-> springer --+-> jnsl | | +-> llncs | | +-> lmamult | | +-> mathsing | | \-> laa | +-> diagramf | +-> letters ---+-> dinbrief | | +-> finder | | +-> german-letter | | +-> stbrief | | +-> tksbrief | | \-> uni_stgt | +-> lfonts_ams | +-> lgraph | +-> psfrag ----+-> tst | +-> manpage | +-> manual | +-> multido | +-> megatape | +-> memo | +-> oz | +-> script | +-> milstd | +-> minutes | +-> mtns | +-> mit-press | +-> mitthesis | +-> nassflow | +-> newapa | +-> bigsign | +-> textmerg | +-> revtex | +-> corrects | +-> nl-brief | +-> outline | +-> oval | +-> pageframe | +-> paper | +-> prelim | +-> program | +-> proof | +-> pslatex ---+-> fonts -----+-> tfm | | \-> vf | +-> publications | +-> covington | +-> mnras | +-> resume | +-> rotating | +-> rus | +-> schulzrinne | +-> seminar ---+-> doc | | +-> inputs | | \-> src | +-> sv | +-> siam | +-> stickers | +-> subeqn | +-> supertab | +-> tape | +-> tex-bnf | +-> textyl ----+-> doc | | +-> psrc | | +-> src | | \-> vecfonts --+-> mf | +-> theapa | +-> timing | +-> tksbrief | +-> lexitex | +-> unixman | +-> ucthesis | +-> uw-thesis | +-> vdm | +-> wright | +-> xarticle | +-> zaccone | +-> changebar | +-> misc | +-> tugboat | +-> citesidx | +-> fancyheadings | +-> trees -----+-> eppstein | | +-> treetex | | \-> vanroose | \-> latexinfo-1_7 | +-> elisp | +-> manual | \-> styles \-> distribs --+-> array +-> psnfss ----+-> lb | \-> slitex +-> doc +-> nfss ------+-> nfss-addons +-> ftnright +-> multicol +-> theorem +-> validate +-> verbatim \-> latex -----+-> doc +-> sty +-> fonts -----+-> pk | \-> gf \-> general ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1993 19:18:02 -0000 From: Niel Kempson <> Subject: Archive directory listings on Dad (Uk.Ac.TeX) I posted a message in UKTeX V93 #12 concerning the new format listing files generated every night on the Dad archive (UK.AC.TEX). The changes have now been implemented, subject to one modification. The listing files now generated are summarised below. In the top level [TEX-ARCHIVE] directory: 00INDEX.FILES listing of all files in the archive 00LAST7DAYS.FILES listing of all files added to the archive in the last 30 days; most recent file listed first 00LAST30DAYS.FILES listing of all files added to the archive in the last 7 days; most recent file listed first 00INDEX.ZIP_VVE 00LAST7DAYS.ZIP_VVE 00LAST30DAYS.ZIP_VVE VVencoded, Info-ZIP compressed versions of the above files In every sub-directory: 00FILES.TXT listing of all files in the subdirectory All of the 00* listing files are in a common format. Here's an extract from [TEX-ARCHIVE]00INDEX.FILES: > Files matching DISK$TEX:[TEX-ARCHIVE]*.* > (listing updated: 5-Apr-93 04:20). > > Last change Size Type File specification > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ... > 5-Apr-93 04:06 2537672 txt [tex-archive]00index.files > 5-Apr-93 04:18 400540 txt [tex-archive]00index.zip_vve > 5-Apr-93 03:19 364148 txt [tex-archive]00last7days.files > 5-Apr-93 03:21 59622 txt [tex-archive]00last7days.zip_vve > 5-Apr-93 02:24 1673216 txt [tex-archive]00last30days.files > 5-Apr-93 02:31 251108 txt [tex-archive]00last30days.zip_vve > ... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition, each of the *.FILES in the [TEX-ARCHIVE] directory will be also be available in VVencoded ZIP format (e.g. 00INDEX.ZIP_VVE). To unpack these files, you will need implementations of VVdecode and Info-unZIP for your systems. The *.ZIP_VVE files are around 15% of the size of the original *.FILES, so it's probably worth the effort. Here's a relevant extract from one of nine (!) messages sent by Sebastian Rahtz to UKTeX V93 #13: > b) because of the needs of JANET file transfer users, all binary > files (includes font metrics, PKs etc) are stored *encoded* on > Dad, using the VVCODE program. You need a copy of vvdecode to > unpack them. See [.archive-tools.vvcode.binaries] for your poison > (sorry, not for Macs yet. on its way). > > c) The archiving method of choice in the archive is the public domain > ZIP. This is compatible with PKZIP 2.x, but *not* with the older > (and very common) pkzip 1.x. You *must* upgrade your unzipper soon > to take advantage of things Niel Kempson Aston TeX Archive Group Dr C Niel Kempson 25 Whitethorn Drive, Cheltenham GL52 5LL, England Telephone: 0242-579105 (UK), +44-242-579105 (International) E-mail: (Internet) ------------------------------ Date: 08 Apr 1993 15:23:42 +0000 From: Subject: extra pk fonts for OzTeX users Ravi Bhumbla has built some extra pk fonts for OzTeX. See He writes: ************** 394.sit.bin contains 394dpi fonts corresponding to 360dpi at 0.5 magstep. These are useful for Apple Stylewriter owners who can use 300dpi fonts, (360dpi, 432dpi, 518dpi, 622dpi, 746dpi) which correspond to 360 dpi at magsteps 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. But there are currently no 360dpi fonts at magstep 0.5. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks, Ravi Bhumbla ( ***************** ------------------------------ Date: 11 Apr 1993 16:57:54 +0000 From: Subject: TeX User Group 1993 conference - news update TUG'93 News Update The committee of the TUG'93 conference would like to bring you up to date with plans for this summer's big TEX jamboree at Aston. Booking forms were mailed to all TUG members in mid March, and are now being sent to other user groups. Readers with Internet access who have not received a form can fetch it using ftp from directory pub/tug93 on The five magnificent days of TEX conference will include: - A first day introducing TEX to newcomers; bring your partner and get them to learn your obsession! - A day on typography and design, in conjunction with the DIDOT project. - A detailed workshop on LaTEX3. - A session on language and font issues. - A session on TEX standards and the future developments of TEX and related software. - Discussions of TEX archives. - A `problem-solving' panel. - Birds-of-a-feather groups. Invited speakers include Christina Thiele, the TUG president, the President of the German TEX User Group, DANTE, and Boguslav Jackowski, the winner of the `best paper' award at recent conferences in Prague and Karlsruhe. Some highlights from the accepted papers by speakers from around the world are: - The Khmer Script tamed by the Lion (of TEX): Yannis Haralambous - Virtual fonts in a production environment: Michael Doob & Craig Platt - Readability of math typesetting: David Murphy - Russian TEX issues; Looking about and outlook: Irina A Makhovaya - Beginners Guide to DSSSL: Martin Bryan - A PostScript font installer written in TEX: Alan Jeffrey - A versatile TEX device driver: Minato Kawaguti - Typesetting Catalan texts with TEX: Gabriel Valiente Feruglio - Bibliography Prettyprinting and Syntax Checking: Nelson Beebe - Syntactic Sugar: Kees van der Laan And we remind you that there is a full week of varied TEX courses both before and after the conference proper, of which full details can be found on the booking form. Socially, we can promise delegates that there will be no dull moments at TUG'93, with - A half-day trip to Shakespeare country, ending with a performance of King Lear by the Royal Shakespeare Company - Evening trips to visit a Chocolate Experience or take part in a bowling tournament - A TEX-related competition with prizes - Receptions and banquets - The TEX Users Group annual general meeting Do not forget, booking forms returned by May 15th can save 15$ ($22.00), and guarantee a place on the trip to Stratford-upon-Avon. The first draft programme, with names and and titles of all speakers, will be issued towards the end of April, and will be circulated widely on networks and by electronic mail. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 13:52:30 +0000 From: Philip Taylor (RHBNC) <> Subject: Forthcoming one-day LaTeX course From: Brian Shields <dbs@UK.AC.ST-ANDREWS> Subject: ITTI Latex Course X-To: iusccorr@UK.AC.RUTHERFORD.IBM-B To: Multiple Recipients of <IUSCCORR@BITNET.UKACRL> An Introduction to LaTeX 6th May 1993 To be held at: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chilton Didcot Oxon OX11 0QX Course Synopses: An Introduction to LaTeX. This is a one day basic level LaTeX course for users of Sun Workstations. It will cover document styles, font sizes and styles, section numbering, table of contents, tables, maths, indexes and references. No previous knowledge of LaTeX is needed by the students. The course will run for one complete day and by the end of this period the students would have a good understanding of the fundamentals of LaTeX and be able to carry out their own document preparation. To carry out the practical exercises for the course each student will have access to a Sun SparcStation that has LaTeX installed on it. The course covers the following areas: What is LaTeX? Designing Documents Letters Environment types Mathematics Indexes The course is free for members of UK HE and Research Councils. The fee for others is 50 pounds. To register for the course please contact: Ruth Tubb email - or at the address above. ------------------------------ UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY >>> UK.AC.TEX <<< *** Interactive and file transfer access *** JANET: (DTE 000020120091) Username: public, Password: public Internet: [] -- telnet/rlogin, anonymous ftp [] -- anonymous ftp, gopher For telnet access, login: public, password: public For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address> *** Mail server *** Send mail to (JANET) or (rest of the world) with message body containing the word HELP \section FILES OF INTEREST [tex-archive]00readme.txt [tex-archive]00index.files [tex-archive]0000index.zip_vve [tex-archive]00last7days.files [tex-archive]00last7days.zip_vve [tex-archive]00last30days.files [tex-archive]00last30days.zip_vve [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt (Frequently Asked Questions list) [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt (FAQ supplement) \section DIGESTS This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.uktex.93] This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.texhax.93] Latest TeXhax: V93 #06 \section MEDIA DISTRIBUTIONS Postal addresses are given below. \subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains: TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V tar format, 1600bpi, blockfactor 20, 1 file (36Mb) Copies available on: One 2400ft 0.5" tape sent to Aston with return labels AND return postage OR One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150) sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to Nottingham (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK) \subsection VMS tapes VMS backup of the archive requires three 2400ft tapes at 6250bpi. VMS backup of TeX 2.991 plus PSprint requires one 2400ft tape. \subsection Exabyte 8mm tapes Same contents available as 0.5" tapes. Following tape types available: SONY Video 8 cassette P5 90MP, MAXELL Video 8 cassette P5-90, TDK Video 8 cassette P5-90MPB \section TeX IMPLEMENTATIONS FOR SMALL COMPUTERS \subsection OzTeX V1.4 (for Macintosh) Send 7 UNFORMATTED 800K disks to Aston with return postage. \subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS) The complete package (Thirteen 3.5" disks in High Density format ONLY) is available from Aston at a cost of 20 pounds sterling, including EmTeX, "bonus disks", LJ fonts, DVIPS, documentation, post and packing (DO NOT SEND DISKS): specify Set A. FLI files for FX, 5 pounds sterling: specify Set B. FLI files for P6M, 5 pounds sterling: specify Set C. For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact: Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB (tel: 0793-611270) (JANET e-mail address: \subsection TeX for the Atari ST All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to: The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD (JANET e-mail address: \section POSTAGE RATES All prices in Pounds Sterling. For Aston orders, make cheques payable to Aston University. 0.5" tapes: UK: 2.50 (one tape), 5.00 (two tapes). Europe: 5.00 (one tape), 9.00 (two tapes). Outside Europe please enquire. 8mm tapes: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. Quarter-inch cartridges: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. Diskettes: Quantity/Size Europe World UK 1st UK 2nd 18/3.5" 3.10 5.10 1.40 1.10 11/3.5" 1.80 2.90 0.80 0.65 18/5.25" 1.20 2.00 0.60 0.50 11/5.25" 0.80 1.30 0.50 0.35 \section POSTAL ADDRESSES Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage. Peter Abbott Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET David Osborne Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage) \section UK TeX USERS GROUP Details available By E-mail: Post or phone: David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services, 30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD (Tel: 0484 519462) Fax: E McNeil-Sinclair 0272 236169 \bye End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 14] ****************************************