UKTeX Digest    Friday, 13 Aug 1993    Volume 93 : Issue 25

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
 {Questions & Answers}:
                            TeX for Amiga
                          Re: TeX for Amiga
          Problems with LaTeX 2.09 \newfont and AMSLaTeX 1.1
        Re: Problems with LaTeX 2.09 \newfont and AMSLaTeX 1.1
                How does one unpack the TeX zip files?
              RE: How does one unpack the TeX zip files?
 {Archive News}:
                     NFS access to UK TeX Archive
                            Glasgow Style

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Tue, 10 Aug 1993 09:51:08 -0000
From:    dean.ayres@uk.orgn.aea
Subject: TeX for Amiga

Does anyone know of an implementation of TeX/LaTeX for the
Commodore Amiga computer?

Any information would be gratefully received.

Dean Ayres <
AEA Technology
Dorset DT2 8DH
United Kingdom

Tel + 305 251888
Fax + 305 202044


Date:    Wed, 11 Aug 1993 21:30:23 +0100
From:    Malcolm Clark <>
Subject: Re: TeX for Amiga 

> Does anyone know of an implementation of TeX/LaTeX for the
> Commodore Amiga computer?

Radical Eye Software (i.e. Tom Rokicki, of dvips fame)
Box 2081
Stanford CA 94309

Industrial Might & Logic
58 Cobden Road
Brighton BN2 2TJ
tel: 0273 621393

last quoted price, \quid140 (but i expect you meant `for free'?
there is at least one pd implementation, but i don't have details.)

malcolm clark


Date:    Tue, 10 Aug 1993 15:11:26 -0500
From:    Matthias Mann 
Subject: Problems with LaTeX 2.09 \newfont and AMSLaTeX 1.1

Dear LaTexers,
previously I have installed LaTeX version 2.09 (which I got from the Aston
Archive) in the emtex - distribution from 93/03/25.
I built new FMT - Files including AmsLatex support (AmsLatex Package 1.1)
and multilingual support.
>From this time on the Latex - command "\newfont" seems to be no longer
supported. Surely I made an error but I don't no which one.
I would be very grateful if someone could point me a way out of this.
What works is if we substitute "\newfont" by the TeX-command "\font ...".
But this is of little use because it also turned out that "\symbol..." will no
longer work. I think the list continues.

Any help is greatly appreciated.                              Matthias

Dr. Matthias Mann                                            
University of Osnabrueck                                     
Physics Department                                           
D-49069 Osnabrueck                                           
Phone   : +49-541-969-2684                                   
Fax     : +49-541-969-2670                                   
BITNET  : MATTHIAS@DOSUNI1.BITNET                            


Date:    Tue, 10 Aug 1993 15:43:52 +0200
Subject: Re: Problems with LaTeX 2.09 \newfont and AMSLaTeX 1.1

Matthias Mann <>

 > previously I have installed LaTeX version 2.09 (which I got from the Aston
 > Archive) in the emtex - distribution from 93/03/25.
 > I built new FMT - Files including AmsLatex support (AmsLatex Package 1.1)
 > and multilingual support.
 > From this time on the Latex - command "\newfont" seems to be no longer
 > supported. Surely I made an error but I don't no which one.

Check the files in the fontsel subdirectory of your AMS-LaTeX package.
Surely these are out of date. \newfont and \symbol were added to NFSS
more than two years ago.

Note that the CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) host nearest to
your site is

   Rainer Schoepf
    fuer Informationstechnik Berlin
   Heilbronner Strasse 10
   D-10711 Berlin
   Federal Republic of Germany
   <> or <>


Date:    Tue, 10 Aug 1993 14:26:06 -0400
From:    Charles Hurley <>
Subject: How does one unpack the TeX zip files?

 Dear Sirs:
        I have just obtained a set of zip files, and now I am trying to
 unzip them.  I am having a great deal of trouble; they will not unzip.
        I obtained the files latex1.zip_vve, latex2.zip_vve, and
 newlatex.zip_vve out of systems/msdos along with pkunzip.exe_vve and
 unzip.exe_vve.  My operating system is (as you can guess) MS-DOS.  However,
 I use PANIX as my Internet host which is a UNIX system.
        Can you please tell a starting poor TeXer how to unzip your files.
 I thank very much. My e-address is <>.


Date:    Tue, 10 Aug 1993 19:52:00 -0000
From:    Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
Subject: RE: How does one unpack the TeX zip files?

In message <>  of Tue, 10
Aug 1993 14:26:06 -0400 (EDT), Charles Hurley
<> wrote:

>  Dear Sirs:
>       I have just obtained a set of zip files, and now I am trying to
>  unzip them.  I am having a great deal of trouble; they will not unzip.
>       I obtained the files latex1.zip_vve, latex2.zip_vve, and
>  newlatex.zip_vve out of systems/msdos along with pkunzip.exe_vve and
>  unzip.exe_vve.  My operating system is (as you can guess) MS-DOS. However,
>  I use PANIX as my Internet host which is a UNIX system.

The files you've collected are VVencoded; before you can start to unzip
them, you'll need a working implementation of VVdecode for MS-DOS.  If
you're using (I believe I saw a session earlier today from, you need to collect

Don't forget to specify binary before ftp'ing it.  On the other hand, if
you can't get non-text files from to your PC, there are BOO-
and UU-encoded versions of this file there too, which have the suffixes
EXE_BOO and EXE_UUE --- there's also a EXE_VVE, but that's rather like a
chicken and an egg...

Once you've VVdecoded the files, you should end up with a proper .ZIP
file; but you won't be able to unzip it with the ubiquitous pkunzip
v1.10 --- you need V2, or the PD unzip program, both of which support
the newer compression method used by the PD zip program that we use on
the Aston TeX Archive.

Brian {Hamilton Kelly}


Date:    Wed, 04 Aug 1993 14:22:48 +0100
From:    David Osborne <>
Subject: NFS access to UK TeX Archive

The TeX archive at Aston University on is now freely
mountable using NFS (read-only, of course!).

The access details depend somewhat on the host operating system.
Here are the details for Unix (actually, SunOS):
    mount -o ro,nosuid,bg /archive

will mount the filesystem on local directory /archive.

For more automated access, a line such as /archive nfs ro,soft,intr,nosuid,bg 0 0

in the client system's /etc/fstab file would be suitable.

Better still,

/archive -ro,soft,intr,nosuid,bg

in the client system's /etc/ file for use by the
automounter allows the filesystem to be automatically mounted only
when needed.  (Automount is available on Suns, though other vendors
may provide the same or a similar facility; "amd" is a public-domain
equivalent available from

~~David Osborne (pp UK TeX Archive Group)


Date:    Fri, 13 Aug 1993 10:15:39 +0100
From:    Roger Gawley <>
Subject: Glasgow Style

                              Glasgow Style 

        A Conference on the Interface between Design and Technology

     Glasgow Style, the fourth conference of the British Computer
     Society Electronic Publishing Specialist Group, will be held in
     September 1993. It will address the nature of style, moving from
     a study of its aesthetic principles through to its concrete
     embodiment in diverse media, and the techniques for its
     expression in different forms of electronic publishing.

     As a result of the implementation of technology without design
     principles, electronic publishing (EP) has not always received a
     good press, although it may have resulted in a better press. The
     conference will, in particular, address the gap between the
     traditional designer and the new-wave practitioner of EP, expert
     with the technology but perhaps ignorant of the precepts of
     typography and design. It will also discuss whether the
     technology supporting EP aids or hinders good design.

     Delegates should gain a deeper understanding of both the
     principles of style and the creation of good design. The
     conference is intended for all concerned with the technology of
     design, including designers themselves, publishers, typographers
     (using hot metal or electronics) and of course the user. It will
     provide a forum for informal talks on topics such as:

        traditional and radical typography;

        national and international styles;

        timeless and time-bound styles;

        poster and newspaper design;

        design for the page and the screen;

          and of course

        (Charles Rennie) Mackintosh style.

     The combination of the distinguished and informed speakers and
     the inevitable (and also well-informed) comments from the floor
     should ensure an informative and lively conference. Part of the
     conference will take place at the Glasgow School of Art.

     The conference will be preceded by an introductory seminar on
     design, given on the afternoon of Tuesday 14 September (hopefully
     by Robert Waller, Managing Director of the Information Design
     Unit and designer of Monotype's Desktop Solution booklets).    

     Programme and Speakers

     The programme will be made up of four sessions,

     Definition of Style: Philosophy and Tradition

     Flesh on the Bone: Concrete and Practical Implementations of Style

     Revolution: Why Change? Life after 300 dpi

     Mackintosh Style (planned for the Glasgow School of Art)

       Speakers (subject to final confirmation) will include:

     Ruari McLean, Author of the book Elements of Typography

     Robin Kinross, writer on design and the philosophy of design

     Paul Stiff, University of Reading

     Paul Luna, Typographer and book designer for Oxford University Press

     Alison Lowe, The Bible Society, and Jimmie McCammont, Collins

     Lesley Taylor, St Andrew's Press

     John Miles, Banks and Miles

     Phil Cleaver, Business and Technical Education Council

     Richard Paterson, Adobe Systems, on Acrobat

     Phil Bains, St Martin's School of Art, on St Martin's Style

     Graham Howard, on designing for the screen

     Stephen Mulrine, Glasgow School of Art          

     Chris Seaton, on Talwin Morris Book Covers

     Anne Ellis, Curator of Hill House 

     Where, when and how much?

     The meeting will be held at the Kelvin Conference Centre,
     Glasgow. Accommodation will be in single rooms. There is ample
     parking space.

     The conference will start officially at 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday
     15 September and end at 4 p.m. on Thursday 16 September. There
     will, however, be a seminar on design from 4.00 to 6.00 p.m. and
     a talk on Mackintosh and Glasgow at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday 14

     The full resident fee includes:

     the conference registration fee and all documentation; all meals
     from lunch on Wednesday to lunch on Thursday including the
     Conference Dinner on Wednesday evening; accommodation on
     Wednesday night; refreshments during breaks.

     The fee is #145 for members of the Electronic Publishing
     Specialist Group (or #170 for non-members). There will, as usual,
     be a special rate of #95 for students, whose registration form
     must be accompanied by a signed letter from their head of
     department (or supervisor). Additional nights' accommodation will
     be #25 per night. Note that this does not include an evening
     meal, but does include breakfast. The fee for non-residents will
     be #125 for members, #150 for non-members, and #70 for students -
     to include lunches and the conference dinner on Thursday evening,
     but not bed and breakfast for Thursday night.

     The fee for the Design Seminar on Tuesday afternoon will be #25.

     No cancellations will be accepted after 31 August.

     If you wish to be invoiced, there will be an additional charge of
     #5 to cover administrative costs.

     VAT will be added to all charges.

     Please complete one copy of the enclosed booking form for each
     conference delegate and send it to:

           Glasgow Style
           BCS Electronic Publishing Specialist Group
           30 Edgerton Road
           Huddersfield HD3 3AD
           United Kingdom

           Tel: 0484 519462 
             Fax: 0484 451396


     British Computer Society

     Glasgow Style

     Kelvin Conference Centre, Glasgow
     15-16 September 1993

     Registration Form

     Rates (please tick the appropriate boxes): +VAT
     EPSG members #145 + #25.38
     Non-members #170 + #29.75
     Students (enclose letter signed by head of department) #95 + #16.63

     EPSG members #125 + #21.88
     Non-members #150 + #26.25
     Students (enclose letter signed by head of department) #70 + #12.25

     Design Seminar #25 + #4.38

     Extra nights accommodation:
       Wednesday #25 + #4.38
       Friday #25 + #4.38
       other (#25 per night) + VAT

     additional charge for invoicing #5 + #0.88



     Sub-Total :

     VAT at 17.5% (VAT Reg. No. 440 3490 76) :

     TOTAL :



     ORGANISATION (if not part of address):


     I have read your terms and conditions. Please register me as a
     delegate for the Glasgow conference.

     *I enclose a cheque for . . . . . . . . . . made payable to:

     BCS Electronic Publishing Specialist Group

     *Please invoice me (additional fee #5.00 + #0.88 VAT)

     * Delete as required



     Please return to:
     Glasgow Style, BCS EPSG, 30 Edgerton Road, Huddersfield HD3 3AD,
     United Kingdom

                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
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     [] -- telnet/rlogin, anonymous ftp
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      For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address>
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                    Send mail to (JANET)
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                   with message body containing the word HELP

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    [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt    (Frequently Asked Questions list)
    [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt    (FAQ supplement)

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V93 #11

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1 file (36Mb)

       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to **Nottingham**
       (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)


\subsection OzTeX for Macintosh
    No longer distributed on disk from Aston, though it continues
    to be available in the Archive for network access.

    Available on disk from TeX Users Group; mail TUG for details.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (Phone: 0793-611270)
    JANET:   Internet:

    Also available on disk from TeX Users Group; mail TUG for details.

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    JANET:   Internet:

    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET
    JANET:   Internet:

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage
    JANET:   Internet:

    TeX Users Group
    P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA.
    Details available from
    David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD, UK.
    Phone: 0484 519462    Fax: 0484 451396
    JANET:   Internet:


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 25]