UKTeX Digest    Friday,  3 Sep 1993    Volume 93 : Issue 28

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
 {Questions & Answers}:
                     DVI to (Acrobat) PDF driver
               Re: Metafont with bbding10 and callig15.
                     help with 2 columns in LaTeX

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Fri, 27 Aug 1993 11:22:21 -0500
From:    "Ed.Garay" <Ed.Garay@UIC.EDU>
Subject: DVI to (Acrobat) PDF driver

Is anyone working on a DVI to PDF driver for DOS, Unix or OS/2?
PDF is the Portable Document Format, the Adobe Acrobat file format,
based on the PostScript imaging model, that is capable of representing
any PostScript page.
If we could get our TeX documents in PDF format, then we could use
one of the Acrobat viewers, like Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Exchange,
to preview our documents with all the benefits of the Acrobat technology
(e.g. font metric emulation, zooming, panning, searching, post-it-like
annotations, etc). With Adobe Exchange, we could print PDF documents
on PostScript AND EVEN on non-PostScript printers.
This, of course, assumes that Adobe Acrobat is going to take off,
which I believe it will, and that the Adobe Acrobat products are going
to be commonplace and not expensive. Today, you can get Acrobat Exchange
for Windows and the Mac for about $120, in the U.S. Acrobat Reader sells
for about $50. Acrobat Distiller, which converts PostScript to PDF,
sells for $600, but this wouldn't be needed if we had a DVI2PDF driver ;-)
Adobe says these products will run on Windows, Mac, DOS and Unix (and OS/2
I hope), in that order. Also, last week I saw a thin (%180 page) PDF specs
book published by Adobe, at a local bookstore.
I would really like to hear your thoughts on the merits of a DVI2PDF driver.
- --- Ed Garay


Date:    Tue, 31 Aug 1993 09:38:23 -0700
From:    Rex Shudde <>
Subject: Re: Metafont with bbding10 and callig15.

Mike Piff writes:
> Both (dingbats font) and callig15 (calligraphic font) give
> error messages when run through metafont. Some of the dingbats are
> misformed, though I have not examined the callig font closely enough to
> see whether the problems there are serious.
Since seeing this post I downloaded both and and
compiled them with the emTeX Metafont distribution.  bbding10 compiled with
absolutely no problems, and I do not see that any of the dingbats are
bbding10 does contain quite a few non-Ascii characters and lines longer than
80 characters, which may not go through some gateways without truncation. I
say this because I "trans-shipped" it to a friend. I received truncation
messages upon sending it, and he had numerous diagnostics when he tried to
compile it. I stripped all of the non-ascii characters from the file to create
a new file. The new file generates all of the dingbats that the original file
One error message was obtained when compiling callig15, and that was a
"strange turning path" message while generating character 87. Adding the line,
before the line
             input calligra;
to eliminated the problem.
Rex Shudde
Bitnet:   0024p@navpgs


Date:    Thu, 02 Sep 1993 20:14:23 -0000
Subject: help with 2 columns in LaTeX

I wonder if anyone out there could give me a little bit of help?  I am writing
something (a novel, in fact) which proceeds in 12 pt single column format
until near the end, where it is supposed to switch to a 2 column format, with
each column coming from a separate file that continuing page after page in
that column; that is, the left column on page n will continue to the left
column in page n+1, not to the right column on page n, which will come from
the other file.  It would be wonderful to have a style file to support this,
as otherwise it would be an enormous pain to break the text into page size
pieces, especially if there is any editing, which would require everything to
be redone!  Is there an existing style file for something like this?  Would it
be at all easy to make one?

Support for a format like the following would be ideal:



  ... stuff in single column ...





  ... back to single column ...


  ... etc.

With many thanks,


Joseph A. Goguen, Professor of Computing Science, Programming Research Group,
University of Oxford, 11 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, United Kingdom.
email: [internet] -- usually also works in the
  UK, but if not, try
phone: 272567 [my office]; 272568 [secy]; 273838 [PRG office]; 273839
  or 272582 [FAX].  From USA, dial 011-44-865-...; from UK, dial (0865)-...

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    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
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    David Osborne
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End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 28]