UKTeX Digest Friday, 10 Sep 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 29 ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.'' Today's Topics: {Questions & Answers}: Latex for the mac. Re: bbding10 LaTeX Styles ... \footnote in multicols{2} style. t3 to latex Re: t3 to latex dc fonts {Archive News}: calendars RE: calendars Administrivia: Moderators: Peter Abbott (Aston University) and David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1993 16:53:23 +1000 From: Ibrahim Amadou <> Subject: Latex for the mac. Dear Sir/Madam, Please send me some info about latex for the mac. i have a mac LCIII. Thanks. Ibrahim Amadou Physics Department James Cook University Townsville, Qld 4811 Australia. Fax : 61 77 79 5717 ------------------------------ Date: 07 Sep 1993 10:33:34 -0000 From: Mike Piff <> Subject: Re: bbding10 %>Date: Fri, 03 Sep 93 13:23:44 PDT %>From: Rex Shudde <0024P@NAVPGS.EARN> %>Subject: bbding10 %>To: Mike Piff <M.Piff@SHEFFIELD.AC.UK> %> %>Mike, %> %>Your copy of bbding10 and mine seem to differ, at least in the first few %>lines. The non-commented lines in my file start with: %> mode_setup; %> u#:=1/10pt#; %.1mm#; %> define_pixels(u); %>Your file lacks the second (u#:=...) line, and is apparently what caused all %>of your diagnostics. There are some other lines that differ, too, but they %>seem to be ones that are commented out. I wonder why there are different %>versions floating around. %> %>Once I added the missing line to your file, it compiled like a charm. There %>seems to be no difference in the printout, especially \char'171 looks the same %>in both versions. %> %> %>> In the font I generated, \char'171 was definitely wrong. The tail %>> seemed to be upside down and in the wrong place. I will see if %>> turningcheck:=0 cures this. %> %>I'm not at all sure that this character is wrong. How can you tell by looking %>at it that the orientation is not correct? Is there some reason the arrow %>should not have a tail on the topside rather than the bottomside? In any %>case, turningcheck:=0; will not change the orientation. %> %>Rex %> I am totally perplexed by this! and have slightly different versions of the file. All the hands were misformed in my original, and \char121 was definitely unusable. The disk used to produce its mid left margin was being *subtracted* rather than added. Georg Knappen said that his version also gave errors. The only way of knowing what is happening would be to do a file comparison between the copy at ftp.tex and wherever yours came from---but then, the archives are supposed to be mirroring one another. Mike ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1993 10:51:45 -0000 From: Subject: LaTeX Styles ... Do you know where I might find a LaTeX style for a Prentice-Hall Book. I have looked in the obvious places at Aston and done a Gopher search without any success, but one should exist. regards Derek Andrews ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1993 13:11:09 -0000 From: Mr J.B. Gavin"Mr J.B. Gavin" <> Subject: \footnote in multicols{2} style. Hi, I wonder if someone can help me with this problem. I am writing in multicols{2} style and on the first page of my article I want to use \thanks{text} as part of the \maketitle. Latex puts the {text} for the \thanks command right across the bottom of the page but I want to restrict it to the width of the first column of text. That is, I want the \thanks to appear at the bottom of the first column of text (i.e. as part of the first column of text but with a line between the {text} and the rest of the stuff in the first column). This is the style often used in journals that print two columns to a page so someone must have done this. An example follows below, where the \thanks runs accross the bottom of the page. Thanks in advance, John. ========= CUT HERE ============== \documentstyle[multicol]{article} \title{The name of the article } \author{Authors name\thanks{Address for correspondence: School of Mathematics, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY.},\\ School of Mathematics,\\Bath.\\} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{multicols}{2} Lots of irrelevant text goes in here to fill up the page. A two column style is used. This is TeX, C Version 3.14t3 (temp.tex LaTeX Version 2.09 <18 March 1992> (/usr/local/ tex/lib/ tex/inputs/ /article.sty Standard Document Style `article' <14 Jan 92>. (/usr/local/tex/ lib/tex/inputs/ /art10.sty)) (/usr/local /tex/lib/ tex/inputs //multicol.sty Style option: `multicol' v1.4m <92/09/04> (FMi) English documentation <92/09/04> (FMi)) (temp.aux) [1] (temp.aux) ) Output written on temp.dvi (1 page, 908 bytes). Transcript written on temp.log. \end{multicols} \end{document} ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1993 13:35:00 -0700 From: Karsten Strobek <> Subject: t3 to latex Hello, Is it possible to convert a file in T3 format to LaTeX format ? If there exists a program that can do this, I would be very happy to hear about it. TIA and Cheers, Karsten Strobek Institute of Economics Phone: +45 35 32 30 25 University of Copenhagen Fax: +45 35 32 30 00 Studiestraede 6 Internet: DK-1455 Copenhagen K Denmark ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1993 13:11:35 From: Subject: Re: t3 to latex Is it possible to convert a file in T3 format to LaTeX format ? If there exists a program that can do this, I would be very happy to hear about it. contact the Scientic Word people; they understand the relationship between T3, Scientific Word, and LaTeX sebastian ------------------------------ Date: 08 Sep 1993 10:50:00 -0000 From: Mike Piff <> Subject: dc fonts Where are the .tfm files for the dc fonts kept? A good guess was tex-archive/fonts/dc/tfm but that doesn't exist (yet(hint)). Mike ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1993 07:37:36 +0100 From: Jordi Saludes <> Subject: calendars I've recently developped a set of macro and style files to typeset agendas and calendars using TeX [TUGboat, vol. 4, n .1]. Some people are asking to me for an ftp site to get these files, so I think you maybe will be interested. The files I've sent are 1. calend0.tex 2. calend1.tex 3. sun.tex 4. moon.tex 5. feasts.tex 6. a5.sty 7. a6.sty 8. wall.sty 9. block.sty Yours --Jordi Saludes ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1993 14:31:46 -0000 From: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <> Subject: RE: calendars In a message of Mon, 6 Sep 1993 07:37:36 +0100, Jordi Saludes <> wrote: > I've recently developped a set of macro and style files to typeset > agendas and calendars using TeX [TUGboat, vol. 4, n .1]. > Some people are asking to me for an ftp site to get these files, > so I think you maybe will be interested. These files have been installed in the (new) directory [tex-archive.macros.plain.contrib.calendar] on They will be copied to the daughter archive,, shortly, and also to the other CTAN sites. Brian {Hamilton Kelly} ------------------------------ UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY >>> UK.AC.TEX <<< *** Interactive and file transfer access *** JANET: (DTE 000020120091) Username: public, Password: public Internet: [] -- telnet/rlogin, anonymous ftp [] -- anonymous ftp, gopher, NFS For telnet access, login: public, password: public For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address> *** Mail server *** Send mail to (JANET) or (rest of the world) with message body containing the word HELP \section FILES OF INTEREST [tex-archive]00readme.txt [tex-archive]00index.files [tex-archive]0000index.zip_vve [tex-archive]00last7days.files [tex-archive]00last7days.zip_vve [tex-archive]00last30days.files [tex-archive]00last30days.zip_vve [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt (Frequently Asked Questions list) [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt (FAQ supplement) \section DIGESTS This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.uktex.93] This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.texhax.93] Latest TeXhax: V93 #13 \section MEDIA DISTRIBUTIONS Postal addresses are given below. \subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains: TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V tar format, 1 file (36Mb) One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150) sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to **Nottingham** (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK) \section TeX IMPLEMENTATIONS FOR SMALL COMPUTERS \subsection OzTeX for Macintosh No longer distributed on disk from Aston, though it continues to be available in the Archive for network access. 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Peter Abbott Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET JANET: Internet: David Osborne Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage) JANET: Internet: TeX Users Group P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA. Internet: \section UK TeX USERS GROUP Details available from David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services, 30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD, UK. Phone: 0484 519462 Fax: 0484 451396 JANET: Internet: \bye End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 29] ****************************************