UKTeX Digest    Friday,  8 Oct 1993    Volume 93 : Issue 32

   ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary
        service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.''

Today's Topics:
 {Questions & Answers}:
            Re: log like functions: strange TeX behaviour
                            BibTeX styles
                          Re: BibTeX styles
                     Cross indexing between books
                    EmTeX query (received by FAX)
 {Archive News}:
                            various TeXes
            Binaries for DEC Alpha machine running OpenVMS
                    Front Ends to TeX - a reminder

    Moderators:     Peter Abbott (Aston University) and
                    David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
    Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:


Date:    Fri, 01 Oct 1993 22:58:26 -0000
Subject: Re:mathops

mathop was designed so that if it contains a single character then
that character is vertically centered. if you don't like that simply
put it in a box, e.g. \mathop{\mbox{E}} for expectation. see page
144 of the english translation of le petit livre...

yes, amslatex does have \operatorname and \operatornamewithlimits, but 
they are not ideal: (a) they force a font on you (b) their
behaviour with respect to limits is not what you might expect if
you are familiar with tex's \limits, \nolimits and \displaylimits
(c) it doesn't have a nifty form for \mathbin or \mathrel, so you
are going to have to do it yourself anyway.
- -- 
R. A. Bailey
Snail: Department of Mathematical Studies   Tel: (+44) 81 692 7171
       Goldsmiths' College     
       New Cross                            Email:
       London SE14 6NW


Date:    05 Oct 1993 11:26:26 -0000
From:    Mike Piff <>
Subject: Re: log like functions: strange TeX behaviour

%>Date:    Mon, 20 Sep 1993 12:05:25 +0100
%>From:    Richard Kaye <>
%>Subject: log like functions: strange TeX behaviour
%>I got some strange behaviour from TeX using \mathop.  Perhaps this
%>might be a warning that TeX doesn't always do the `obvious' thing.
%>I'd be glad if a TeX guru could tell me why it does what it does.
%>Copying macros in plain tex (also used in LaTeX, etc) I have been
%>defining loglike functions as follows:
%>\def\fun{\mathop{\rm fun}\nolimits}
%>This works fine.  \fun gives the right amount of spacing, like
%>\sin, \log, etc.  Then one day I type
%>\def\newfun{\mathop{\rm H}\nolimits}
%>and I have problems.  The H comes out about 2mm too low.  This doesn't
%>happen with all letters, but I don't know which letters in particular
%>cause this problem.  Please can someone tell me why, and explain which
%>letters I can expect this problem.  I would also like to know why TeX
%>was designed this way.  (TeX doesn't have bugs so it's a feature!)
%>I guessed the fix, since I had had strange problems with double superscript
%>errors once when no amount of grouping would fix the problem*. The fix is
%>\def\morefun{\mathop{\rm H{}}\nolimits}
%>Question:  I know that AMS-LaTeX etc have macros for new loglike functions.
%>Do they get my H example right or not?  I don't have a copy on hand else I'd
%>try it myself.
%>Richard Kaye
%>*  ${{\bar a}^b}^c$  produces an error. TeX ignores the { }s because of
%>the accent!  The fix is ${{\bar a{}}^b}^c$.

The behaviour of math Op atoms consisting of a single ``symbol'' is
explained in rule 13, Appendix G of The TeXbook. Single symbol Ops are
centred but the rest are not. Seems as though this should have been an
optional feature available with any sort of Op atom. I obtained the
same when using "\rm d" as the text of a \mathop definition. (Yes I
know I could have just typed {\rm d} everywhere, but the point is that
the form was \mathop{} and the content was "\rm d", and the spacing
should be the same for my d as for sin or cos.

My fix was to include \kern\z@.

There are (at least) 8 places where a sub/superscript/accent might be
placed relative to the nucleus. Perhaps TeX should reflect this?

Mike Piff


Date:    05 Oct 1993 14:07:08 -0000
From:    Mike Piff <>
Subject: BibTeX styles

Forwarded message:
X-Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 11:50:07 BST
X-From: (IRhodes)

I need a bibtex style file which provides citations in the form :
(Smith 1987)
and references in the form
TASAN, S and STURM, N., 1986 An algorithm for ..etc \it{Int Journal of Remote S
ensing}, 7, 643-655
If you dont know of a suitable .bst file, who does ?
Ian Rhodes



Date:    Tue, 05 Oct 1993 19:33:35 +0000
Subject: Re: BibTeX styles

 > I need a bibtex style file which provides citations in the form :
 > (Smith 1987)
 > and references in the form
 > TASAN, S and STURM, N., 1986 An algorithm for ..etc \it{Int Journal
 > of Remote Sensing}, 7, 643-655

there are many many bibtex styles on CTAN in
bibliography/bibtex/styles/contrib. look at some of the APA-like ones,
or Harvard.

 > TASAN, S and STURM, N., 1986 An algorithm for ..etc \it{Int Journal
just for the record, this is WRONG LaTeX



Date:    Tue, 05 Oct 1993 16:30:25 -0400
From:    Alastair Rough <>
Subject: Cross indexing between books

What macros are available to compile an  
index between books?  The \makeindex commands can make an index for a single 
book, with a little coaxing, but say you make a statements on a topic in 
two different books and wish both statements to be included in a common index
do you know of anything written to perform this function?


Alastair Rough


Date:    Fri, 08 Oct 1993 08:27:44 -0000
From:    Peter Abbott <>
Subject: EmTeX query (received by FAX)


Dear Mr Abbott

Following our phone conversation this morning I have a description
of my problem with using EmTeX,

The System I am using is a version EmTeX on a PC, the release
version in the documentation is: 25 Sept 1990, with modifications of
6 Oct 1991 additions 8 April 92.  The computer I am using is a Dell
System 310.  I am currently a RICOH printer, which is configured to
emulate an HP LaserJet 2.

I have followed the installation instructions in the guide that was
provided with the disks.

I unpacked and installed the files required for LATEX by following
the instructions in section 5 (Installation of the guide and have
set the environment viariables as described in section 8
(Environment variables and config.sys).

In section 7 of the guide there is a list of the directories which I
should have on my computer's hard disk following the installation
process.  However there appear to be a number of the directories
which I should have, but do not.  The missing directories are:


My biggest problem, however, occurred when I attempted to install
the printer drivers, as described in section 9 (installation of the
printer drivers and screen previewers).  The guide states that I
should use the DOS command.

Copy a:*.fli d:\texfonts

in order to copy the fonts.  I do not appear to have any .FLI files
on any of the disks supplied.  Further more,in section 3 of the
guide, which lists the files that are on each of the diskettes,
there are no .FLI files listed.

I have used the LaTeX tool on the file SAMPLE.TEX, which is supplied
on the disks, and have produced the corresponding.LOG, .AUX and .DVI
files.  However when I attempted to use the programs V and VS to
view the output, I received the error message:

Fatal Error 2001: Cannot open font Library lj_0.fli.
My questions

Do I required the msising directories I have listed above, if so
what should they contain?

What are the .FLI files, and how can I create them or where can I
copy them from?

Once I have the appropriate .FLI files will I then be able to
preview and print9he output from the LaTeX program?

I would appreciate any help you could offer.  My address is

Peter Hughes
SRC Consultants Ltd
Oceanic House
89 High Street
GU34 1LG

Tel:0420 541636
Fax 0420 541634

(I will print and FAX any replies - Peter)


Date:    Fri, 01 Oct 1993 20:12:24 +0000
Subject: various TeXes

Hungry TeX-seekers might like to know that the UK TeX Archive (and the other
CTAN hosts) now stock TeX binaries for DEC's Alpha machine in its Unix
OSF/1 mode in systems/unix/alpha. The OpenVMS stuff is expected soon.

See also (it has been in Stuttgart all along) the stuff for Acorn
RISCOS in systems/acorn.

Sebastian Rahtz


Date:    Tue, 05 Oct 1993 21:13:10 +0000
Subject: Binaries for DEC Alpha machine running OpenVMS

I have added a VMS backup saveset of a bare minimum of TeX for DEC's
Alpha machines running OpenVMS etc to CTAN archives; it can be found
in systems/vms/alpha, and its vvencoded.

When I get a clear line to the VMS machine, i'll put it
there too.

This set comes courtesy of Ivan Fabian, RAL. It consists of .obj and
.exe files for TeX, dvips, xdvi, tangle and weave. You may or may not
need to relink the .obj files and/or fiddle with .cld files.

Enjoy, if that's possible with VMS. 

Sebastian Rahtz

PS binaries for the same beast running Unix are also in CTAN,
currently in systems/unix/alpha. we may move them when we decide how
to classify the stuff, but they'll be somewhere under systems.


Date:    Fri, 01 Oct 1993 22:49:54 +0000
Subject: Front Ends to TeX - a reminder

Uk TeX people are advised not to forget to send in their booking forms
for the October 20th `Front Ends to TeX' meeting.

Here is the flyer again in plain text. read it, gasp in delight, and
book your place.

Sebastian Rahtz

Front Ends to TeX:

Making TeX Accessible to Humans
Aston University 
20 October 1993

This meeting will present a range of the different approaches to
making TeX more useable in the modern world, for people who do not
think in terms of control sequences and macros, or want to make wider
use of their hard-won documents; the speakers and topics will include:

 * Christopher Mabb :  A presentation of Scientific Word. A
  genuine front end to TeX, offering a Windows interface to document
  preparation, especially scientific and mathematical writing, with
  true Knuthian typeset quality.

 * Jonathan Fine :  New Perspectives on Macros.  A fresh look
  at what TeX itself can do with appropriate sophisticated macros,
  to make itself more friendly.

 * Adrian Clark :  Hypermedia extensions to a dvi previewer.
  Describes `hdvi', a new Unix previewer which includes facilities for
  hypermedia links and multimedia objects.

 * Nikos Drakos :  LaTeX to HTML. HTML is the hypertext mark-up
  language of World Wide Web, and this presentation shows how LaTeX 
  source can be used in a truly international networked hypertext

 * Sebastian Rahtz :  A survey of TeX shell programs. A review of the
  environments available on PC, Macintosh and Unix systems
  which try to simplify the complex interaction between editors, TeX,
  previewers, printers and post-processors.

Some speakers will demonstrate software, and there
there of course will be time for discussion. All the speakers will be
asked to summarize their talks for publication in  Baskerville.

The meeting will take place after the Annual General Meeting of the
UKTUG at Aston University, which all members are warmly invited to
attend.  The venue is the Senior Common Room, Room 708, Main Building,
Aston University, Birmingham. The AGM will be at 11.40am, with
registration and coffee from 1000, and the  Front Ends meeting
will begin at 2pm. Lunch will be served at 1pm, tea at 4pm, and the
meeting will end at 5--5.30pm.

Please return the booking form, with payment, so as to arrive
no later than 15 October 1993.  The meeting fee is pounds 20 for
members of the UKTUG, and pounds 30 for non-members.  Return the
completed form to arrive no later than 15 October 1993.  The charge
for members of the UKTUG will be pounds 20, and for non-members,
pounds 30.  This charge includes lunch.

Send to:

Peter Abbott
Information Systems,
Aston University,
Aston Triangle,
Birmingham B4 7ET, UK 
Fax: +44 21 359 6158 
Phone: +44 21 359 5492 

                       UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY
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    [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt    (Frequently Asked Questions list)
    [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt    (FAQ supplement)

\section DIGESTS

    This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
    This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
      Latest TeXhax: V93 #14

    Postal addresses are given below.

\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
    Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
    TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
    suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
    tar format, 1 file (36Mb)

       One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150)
       sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to **Nottingham**
       (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK)


\subsection OzTeX for Macintosh
    No longer distributed on disk from Aston, though it continues
    to be available in the Archive for network access.

    Available on disk from TeX Users Group; mail TUG for details.

\subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS)
    For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk 
    formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact:
    Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB  (Phone: 0793-611270)
    JANET:   Internet:

    Also available on disk from TeX Users Group; mail TUG for details.

\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
    All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to:
    The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
    JANET:   Internet:

    Quarter-inch cartridges:
            UK: 1.00,  Europe: 2.00.

    Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.

    Peter Abbott
    Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET
    JANET:   Internet:

    David Osborne
    Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
    (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage
    JANET:   Internet:

    TeX Users Group
    P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA.
    Details available from
    David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services,
    30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD, UK.
    Phone: 0484 519462    Fax: 0484 451396
    JANET:   Internet:


End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 32]