UKTeX Digest Friday, 10 Dec 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 39 ``The UKTeX Digest is brought to you as a free, unfunded and voluntary service of the UK TeX Users Group and the UK TeX Archive.'' Today's Topics: {Questions & Answers}: dvips Re: dvips Re: dvips Re: dvips archive Problem with Bounding Boxes Mac archive tools Re: emTeX, MS-DOS and 386 machines Re: emTeX, MS-DOS and 386 machines Re: emTeX, MS-DOS and 386 machines {Announcements}: announcement Donald E. Knuth Scholarship Administrivia: Moderators: Peter Abbott (Aston University) and David Osborne (University of Nottingham) Contributions: Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 03 Dec 1993 16:28:37 From: Mike Piff <> Subject: dvips How do you do duplex printing with dvips? Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1993 10:08:56 +0000 From: David Osborne <> Subject: Re: dvips Mike Piff writes [3 Dec 1993 20:12:48 GMT]: > How do you do duplex printing with dvips? We use dvitops here under Unix and I knocked up the following filter called "duplex" to insert into the PostScript generated by dvitops the commands for enabling duplex printing on one of our HP IIISi printers. The same method would work for dvips. By default, it will insert the commands at the beginning of the line beginning with the token "/dvitops", but that can be changed by specifying the new token with the -i/-insert option. This is just a quick solution until I have time to add a "-duplex" option to the code. #!/bin/sh # @(#) duplex - insert duplex-mode PostScript into dvitops output token="/dvitops" case $# in 0|1) ;; 2|3) case $1 in -i|-insert) token=$2 ; shift 2 ;; esac ;; esac sed '/^\'$token'/s/^/statusdict begin true setduplexmode end /' $* exit ~~David Osborne Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1993 10:19:26 +0000 From: Subject: Re: dvips > Mike Piff writes [3 Dec 1993 20:12:48 GMT]: > > > How do you do duplex printing with dvips? > Using dvips I have the following /sys/tex/ps$ more config.hp-duplex h o !lpr -s -Phplj1 and /sys/tex/ps$ more statusdict begin true setduplexmode end Peter ------------------------------ Date: 06 Dec 1993 12:12:38 From: Mike Piff <> Subject: Re: dvips David Osborne writes [6 December 1993] %>We use dvitops here under Unix and I knocked up the following filter %>called "duplex" to insert into the PostScript generated by dvitops the %>commands for enabling duplex printing on one of our HP IIISi printers. That's strange. dvitops in MS-DOS seems to accept a -2 parameter. However, I can see no such parameter to dvips. Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1993 13:39:05 +0000 From: Peter J Knaggs <> Subject: archive Hi folks, When you take of line, I hope you are going to make available to Janet users... Whilst, I can go through nsf.sun or ft-relay, these facilities do not allow one to brouse the archive (as I currently do with While the mojority of the Universitys are ging over to Internet, there are sill quite a few who are simply too tight fisted to make the change. Please don't forget us... Peter J Knaggs Computing & Information Systems, University of Paisley, High Street, Paisley, Scotland. (+44) 41-848-3545 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 06 Dec 1993 11:12:50 +0000 From: Subject: Problem with Bounding Boxes I am using dvips with tiff images and specials. e.g \ptiffborder{h1.tiff}{172}{118}{All destinations are mentioned on the nameboard but within two days of this photo being taken (5th March 1960) the last three mentioned were deleted.}{D Bath}{488}{335} and if I extract the bounding box from the tiff file h1 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 488 335 I use the macro \newcommand{\ptiffborder}[7]{{\parskip=0pt\vspace{2mm}% \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}\begin{picture}(#2,#3) \put(0,0){\ifthenelse{\value{omitpic}=0}{\framebox(#2,#3){{\small #3mm #1}}}{\makebox(#2,0)[lb]{\special{psfile="`tiff2ps /work2/mac/audiebook/#1}}}} \put(0,0){\makebox(0,0){\special{" #6 #7 /y exch def /x exch def 0 0 moveto 0 y rlineto x 0 rlineto 0 y neg rlineto closepath .5 setlinewidth stroke}}} \end{picture}\par{\it #4\photo{#5}}}} The relevant part is the inline code to draw the frame to the picture. When I send the page to the Linotronic the border appears to be as much as (or maybe exactly) 1 point adrift. Does anyone know if the bounding box specified means the outside edge and therefore to place the frame on the exact edge of the image do I need to subtract one point from each dimension. Peter ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1993 09:03:27 +0000 From: dean.ayres@uk.orgn.aea Subject: Mac archive tools After a change of fortunes I find myself wanting to use TeX on the Macintosh. I looked at the OzTeX directory in the archive, and see that a tool (stuffit?) has been used. Is there anywhere I can get hold of executable versions of this tool? I couldn't find any in the archive. Also, I'm a bit concerned that some other tool has also been used. Any ideas? Thanks, Dean Ayres <> ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1993 12:18:41 +0000 From: Subject: Re: emTeX, MS-DOS and 386 machines Mike Piff <> writes: > Does anybody have an MS-DOS program that will detect whether or not the > machine running it is a 386 or better? I wish to setup MF so that an > appropriate version is run depending on what machine is being used at the > time, and I can do this so > > set a386= > detec386 > if errorlevel 1 set a386=386 > [...] > mf%a386% etc > > > provided I have detec386. I am sure it must be easy to do, I just don't have > the documentation. I recommend to use 4DOS (a shareware COMMAND.COM replacement, you can get it from simtel20). You have your 'detec386' already as a built-in function that recognises all x86 CPU types. The best way is to take the sample batch file given in the documentation DVIDRV.DOC. The batch file functions like MFJOB (I assume you want to be able to generate the missing fonts or at least more then one font at a time). You can easily edit the batch file incorporating the necessary tests for the presence of a particular processor. The same can also be done to call tex, tex186, or tex386. Manuel Carriba ( ------------------------------ Date: 07 Dec 1993 15:57:18 From: Mike Piff <> Subject: Re: emTeX, MS-DOS and 386 machines %>I recommend to use 4DOS (a shareware COMMAND.COM replacement, you %>can get it from simtel20). You have your 'detec386' already as a %>built-in function that recognises all x86 CPU types. I use DOS6 on my machine and DOS5 most of the time on the ethernet, where I keep the maths school's copy of emTeX. I would have to make sure that every one of about 60 individuals used 4DOS, which might be a problem. Also, hardly anything is compatible with ACS' network software! %>The best way is to take the sample batch file given in the %>documentation DVIDRV.DOC. The batch file functions like MFJOB (I assume %>you want to be able to generate the missing fonts or at least more then %>one font at a time). %> %>You can easily edit the batch file incorporating the necessary tests %>for the presence of a particular processor. %> %>The same can also be done to call tex, tex186, or tex386. The same problem, really. The other 59 people are the ones who have to run this detection program, I know about my own (486) machine. I have a copy of Dettmann's DOS Reference, but i guess it is out of date. It has a function to detect the system configuration, interrupt 15h, function C0h, but it doesn't appear to return enough information. I guess all I want really is a program that does nothing except call a 386 instruction, and returns an error if it crashes on a 286! Thanks for your reply. Mike ------------------------------ Date: 08 Dec 1993 10:37:04 From: Mike Piff <> Subject: Re: emTeX, MS-DOS and 386 machines MJP talking to himself again, but the solution might be of interest to others. The solution was easy, really. I used GNU C to compile a program that did nothing but set errorlevel to 0. (A 16k executable!!) The thing about GNU C is that it only works on 386+ machines, and so the program it generated fails on a 286 machine. Thus on a 286, the errorlevel is set non-zero, and that is what I wanted. I guess the Sheffield Pascal compiler would have done as well. Mike Piff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1993 08:42:14 +0100 From: Nico Poppelier <> Subject: announcement Donald E. Knuth Scholarship At the 1993 TUG Annual Meeting the Board of Directors of the TeX Users Group (TUG) has decided that, starting with the 1994 Scholarship, the Donald E. Knuth Scholarship will be open to non-TUG members as well as to TUG members. The same rules for the Scholarship competition will apply, and the current committee will serve again for the 1994 Scholarship. Announcement of the next competition - ------------------------------------ One Knuth Scholarship will be available for award next year. The competition will be open to all TeX users holding support positions that are secretarial, clerical or editorial in nature. It is therefore not intended for those with a substantial training in technical, scientific or mathematical subjects and, in particular, it is not open to anyone holding, or studying for, a degree with a major or concentration in these areas. The award will consist of an expense-paid trip to the 1994 TUG Annual Meeting at Santa Barbara, USA, and to the Scholar's choice from the short courses offered in conjunction with that meeting, and TUG membership for 1993, if the Scholar is not a TUG member, or for 1994, if the Scholar is a TUG member. A cap of $2000 has been set for the award; however, this does not include the meeting or course registration fee, which will be waived. To enter the competition, applicants should submit to the Scholarship Committee, by the deadline specified below, the input file and final TeX output of a project that displays originality, knowledge of TeX, and good TeXnique. The project as submitted should be compact in size. If it involves a large document or a large number of documents then only a representative part should be submitted, together with a description of the whole project. For example, from a book just one or two chapters would be appropriate. The project may make use of a macro package, either a public one such as LaTeX or one that has been developed locally; such a macro package should be identified clearly. Such features as sophisticated use of math mode, of macros that require more than ``filling in the blanks'', or creation and use of new macros will be taken as illustrations of the applicant's knowledge. All macros created by the candidate should be well documented with clear descriptions of how they should be used and an indication of how they work internally. All associated style files, macro-package files, etc., should be supplied, or a clear indication given of any widely available ones used (including version numbers, dates, etc.); clear information should be provided concerning the version of TeX used and about any other software (e.g. particular printer drivers) required. Any nonstandard fonts should be identified and provided in the form of .tfm and .pk files suitable for use on a 300dpi laser printer. While the quality of the typographic design will not be an important criterion of the judges, candidates are advised to ensure that their printed output adheres to sound typographic standards; the reasons for any unusual typographic features should be clearly explained. All files and documents comprising the project must be submitted on paper; the input files should be provided in electronic form as well. Suitable electronic media are IBM PC-compatible or Macintosh diskettes, or a file sent by electronic mail. A brochure with additional information is available from the TUG office. To obtain a copy, or to request instructions on e-mail submission, write to the address at the end of this announcement, or send a message by e-mail to with the subject ``Knuth Scholarship request''. Along with the project, each applicant should submit a letter stating the following: 1. affirmation that he/she will be available to attend the 1994 TUG Annual Meeting; 2. affirmation of willingness to participate on the committee to select the next Scholar. Each applicant should also submit a `curriculum vitae' summarizing relevant personal information, including: 1. statement of job title, with a brief description of duties and responsibilities; 2. description of general post-secondary school education, TeX education, identifying courses attended, manuals studied, personal instruction from experienced TeX users, etc.; 3. description of TeX resources and support used by the candidate in the preparation of the project. Neither the project nor the `curriculum vitae' should contain the applicant's name or identify the applicant. These materials will be reviewed by the committee without knowledge of applicants' identities. If, despite these precautions, a candidate is identifiable to any judge, then that judge will be required to make this fact known to the others and to the TUG board members responsible for the conduct of the judging. The covering letter, `curriculum vitae', and all macro documentation that is part of the project input should be in English. (English is not required for the output of the project.) However, if English is not the applicant's native language, that will not influence the decision of the committee. Selection of the Scholarship recipient will be based on the project submitted. Schedule - -------- The following schedule will apply (all dates are in 1994): March 7 Deadline for receipt of submissions March 21--May 16 Judging period May 23 Notification of winner 31 July--4 August 1994 Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara, USA The 1994 Scholarship Committee consists of - - Chris Rowley, Open University, UK (Chair); - - David Salomon, California State University, Northridge, USA; - - Jenny Smith, Jon Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Chichester, UK. Where to write - -------------- All applications should be submitted to the Committee in care of the TUG office: TeX Users Group Attn: Knuth Scholarship Competition PO Box 869 Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA email: Nico Poppelier Liaison to the 1993 Committee ------------------------------ UK TeX ARCHIVE at ASTON UNIVERSITY >>> UK.AC.TEX <<< *** Interactive and file transfer access *** JANET: (DTE 000020120091) Username: public, Password: public Internet: [] -- telnet/rlogin, anonymous ftp [] -- anonymous ftp, gopher, NFS For telnet access, login: public, password: public For anonymous ftp, login: anonymous, password: <your-e-mail-address> *** Mail server *** Send mail to (JANET) or (rest of the world) with message body containing the word HELP \section FILES OF INTEREST [tex-archive]00readme.txt [tex-archive]00index.files [tex-archive]0000index.zip_vve [tex-archive]00last7days.files [tex-archive]00last7days.zip_vve [tex-archive]00last30days.files [tex-archive]00last30days.zip_vve [tex-archive.doc]TeX-FAQ.txt (Frequently Asked Questions list) [tex-archive.doc]FAQ-Supplement-*.txt (FAQ supplement) \section DIGESTS This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.uktex.93] This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory [tex-archive.digests.texhax.93] Latest TeXhax: V93 #15 \section MEDIA DISTRIBUTIONS Postal addresses are given below. \subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape Latest copy of May/June 1991 contains: TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V tar format, 1 file (36Mb) One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format (DC600A or DC6150) sent with envelope AND stamps for return postage to **Nottingham** (Due to currency exchange, this service is offered only within the UK) \section TeX IMPLEMENTATIONS FOR SMALL COMPUTERS \subsection OzTeX for Macintosh No longer distributed on disk from Aston, though it continues to be available in the Archive for network access. Available on disk from TeX Users Group; mail TUG for details. \subsection emTeX (for OS/2, PC-DOS and MS-DOS) For general enquiries, and a free catalogue detailing other disk formats, precompiled fonts and lots of other goodies, contact: Eigen PD Software, P.O. Box 722, Swindon SN2 6YB (Phone: 0793-611270) JANET: Internet: Also available on disk from TeX Users Group; mail TUG for details. \subsection TeX for the Atari ST All enquiries for disks etc. should be directed to: The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD JANET: Internet: \section POSTAGE RATES Quarter-inch cartridges: UK: 1.00, Europe: 2.00. \section POSTAL ADDRESSES Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage. Peter Abbott Information Systems, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET JANET: Internet: David Osborne Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD (for Quarter-inch cartridges ONLY -- must include stamps for return postage) JANET: Internet: TeX Users Group P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA. Internet: \section UK TeX USERS GROUP Details available from David Penfold, Edgerton Publishing Services, 30 Edgerton Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield HD3 3AD, UK. Phone: 0484 519462 Fax: 0484 451396 JANET: Internet: \bye End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 93 Issue 39] ****************************************