%Date: Thu, 1 Feb 90 15:23:02 EST %From: Bernie Cosell <cosell@WILMA.BBN.COM> %Subject: Relative font sizing in LaTeX %Keywords: LaTeX, font sizing % % Modified 1-May-1990 Don Hosek to allow it to work properly when input % by another .sty file. % %One continual annoyance to me is that LaTeX does absolute font sizing, %and so if you have some \newcommand that uses the sizing commands to %achieve some graphic effect, you'll discover that your chapter heads %and footnotes and such are pretty screwed up [in a recent case, I %wanted a fake small-caps-san-serif font, and so I used {\small\sf %NOWISTHETIME}, which did just what I wanted in the running text, but %was an unmitigated disaster in the chapter heads]. I think that the %following is a significant improvement: \smaller and \larger changes %the point size *relatively* by one slot, and so I made my definition: %{\smaller\sf NOWISTHETIME}, and it all magically works. The %definitions are: \def\smaller{\ifx\@currsize\Huge \protect\huge \else \ifx\@currsize\huge \protect\LARGE \else \ifx\@currsize\LARGE \protect\Large \else \ifx\@currsize\Large \protect\large \else \ifx\@currsize\large \protect\normalsize \else \ifx\@currsize\normalsize \protect\small \else \ifx\@currsize\small \protect\footnotesize \else \ifx\@currsize\footnotesize \protect\scriptsize \else \protect\tiny \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \def\larger{\ifx\@currsize\tiny \protect\scriptsize \else \ifx\@currsize\scriptsize \protect\footnotesize \else \ifx\@currsize\footnotesize \protect\small \else \ifx\@currsize\small \protect\normalsize \else \ifx\@currsize\normalsize \protect\large \else \ifx\@currsize\large \protect\Large \else \ifx\@currsize\Large \protect\LARGE \else \ifx\@currsize\LARGE \protect\huge \else \protect\Huge \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}