@STRING{anch-ie = {Angew.~Chem. Int.~Ed.} } @STRING{cup = {Cambridge University Press} } @STRING{dtv = {Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag} } @STRING{hup = {Harvard University Press} } @STRING{jams = {J.~Amer. Math. Soc.} } @STRING{jchph = {J.~Chem. Phys.} } @STRING{jomch = {J.~Organomet. Chem.} } @STRING{pup = {Princeton University Press} } @Article{shore, author = {Shore, Bradd}, title = {Twice-Born, Once Conceived}, subtitle = {Meaning Construction and Cultural Cognition}, journaltitle = {American Anthropologist}, volume = {93}, series = {newseries}, number = {1}, month = {3}, year = {1991}, pages = {9--27}, annotation = {An \texttt{article} entry with \texttt{series}, \texttt{volume}, and \texttt{number} fields. Note the format of the \texttt{series} which is a localization key} } @Book{averroes/bland, keywords = {primary}, hyphenation = {american}, author = {Averroes}, editor = {Bland, Kalman P.}, translator = {Bland, Kalman P.}, indextitle = {Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction, The}, title = {The Epistle on the Possibility of Conjunction with the Active Intellect by Ibn Rushd with the Commentary of Moses Narboni}, shorttitle = {Possibility of Conjunction}, series = {Moreshet: Studies in Jewish History, Literature and Thought}, number = {7}, publisher = {Jewish Theological Seminary of America}, location = {New York}, year = {1982}, annotation = {A \texttt{book} entry with a \texttt{series} and a \texttt{number}. Note the concatenation of the \texttt{editor} and \texttt{translator} fields as well as the \texttt{indextitle} field} } @Collection{jaffe, editor = {Jaff{\'e}, Philipp}, redactor = {Loewenfeld, Samuel and Kaltenbrunner, Ferdinand and Ewald, Paul}, indextitle = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum}, title = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum \textsc{mcxcviii}}, shorttitle = {Regesta Pontificum Romanorum}, volumes = {2}, edition = {2}, location = {Leipzig}, year = {1885--1888}, annotation = {A \texttt{collection} entry with \texttt{edition} and \texttt{volumes} fields. Note the \texttt{redactor} field} } @InBook{kant:kpv, shorthand = {KpV}, author = {Kant, Immanuel}, bookauthor = {Kant, Immanuel}, title = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft}, shorttitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft}, booktitle = {Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Kritik der Urtheilskraft}, maintitle = {Kants Werke. Akademie Textausgabe}, volume = {5}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, location = {Berlin}, year = {1968}, pages = {1--163}, annotation = {An edition of Kant's \emph{Collected Works}, volume five. This is an \texttt{inbook} entry which explicitly refers to the \emph{Critique of Practical Reason} only, not to the entire fifth volume. Note the \texttt{author} and \texttt{bookauthor} fields in the database file. By default, the \texttt{bookauthor} is omitted if the values of the \texttt{author} and \texttt{bookauthor} fields are identical} } @InCollection{brandt, options = {useprefix=false}, indexsorttitle = {Nordischen Lander von der Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts bis 1448}, author = {von Brandt, Ahasver and Erich Hoffmann}, editor = {Ferdinand Seibt}, indextitle = {Nordischen L{\"a}nder von der Mitte des 11.~Jahrhunderts bis 1448, Die}, title = {Die nordischen L{\"a}nder von der Mitte des 11.~Jahrhunderts bis 1448}, shorttitle = {Die nordischen L{\"a}nder}, booktitle = {Europa im Hoch- und Sp{\"a}tmittelalter}, series = {Handbuch der europ{\"a}ischen Geschichte}, number = {2}, publisher = {Klett-Cotta}, location = {Stuttgart}, year = {1987}, pages = {884--917}, annotation = {An \texttt{incollection} entry with a \texttt{series} and a \texttt{number}. Note the format of the printed name and compare the \texttt{useprefix} option in the \texttt{options} field as well as \texttt{vangennep}. Also note the \texttt{indextitle, and \texttt{indexsorttitle} fields}} } @Online{ctan, label = {CTAN}, hyphenation = {american}, title = {CTAN}, subtitle = {The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network}, year = {2006}, url = {http://www.ctan.org}, urldate = {2009-10-01}, annotation = {This is an \texttt{online} entry. The \textsc{url}, which is given in the \texttt{url} field, is transformed into a clickable link if \texttt{hyperref} support has been enabled. Note the format of the \texttt{urldate} field (\texttt{yyyy-mm-dd}) in the database file. It is also possible to use the fields \texttt{urlday}\slash \texttt{urlmonth}\slash \texttt{urlyear} instead. Also note the \texttt{label} field which may be used as a fallback by citation styles which need an \texttt{author} and\slash or a \texttt{year}} } @Thesis{geer, options = {useprefix=false}, hyphenation = {american}, author = {de Geer, Ingrid}, title = {Earl, Saint, Bishop, Skald~-- and Music}, subtitle = {The Orkney Earldom of the Twelfth Century. A Musicological Study}, institution = {Uppsala Universitet}, type = {phdthesis}, location = {Uppsala}, year = {1985}, annotation = {This is a typical \texttt{thesis} entry for a PhD thesis. Note the \texttt{type} field in the database file which uses a localization key. Also note the format of the printed name and compare the \texttt{useprefix} option in the \texttt{options} field as well as \texttt{vangennep}} } @bookinarticle{BHG226e, Crossref = {VanDeun1990}, Pages = {326-335}, Title = {M��moire sur le saint ap��tre Barnab��}} @article{VanDeun1990, Author = {Van Deun, Peter}, Journal = {Analecta Bollandiana}, Number = {108}, Pages = {323-335}, Subtitle = {��dition et traduction}, Title = {Un m��moire anonyme sur saint Barnab�� (BHG 226e)}, Year = {1990}}