%% %% Ein Beispiel der DANTE-Edition %% Mathematiksatz mit LaTeX %% 3. Auflage %% Beispiel 06-17-2 auf Seite 129. %% Copyright (C) 2018 Herbert Voss %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. %% %% ==== % Show page(s) 1 %% %% \documentclass[10pt]{exaarticle2} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength\textwidth{170.40707pt} %StartShownPreambleCommands \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[de,expert,uprightgreek,OT1]{lucbmath}% f��r mathe \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage[scaled=0.82]{beramono} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{booktabs}\tabcolsep=2pt \newcommand\Lcs[2][]{\texttt{\textbackslash#2}} %StopShownPreambleCommands \begin{document} \def\mathsymbol#1{\Lcs{#1} & $ \csname#1i\endcsname $ & $ \boldsymbol{\csname#1i\endcsname} $ & $ \pmb{\csname#1i\endcsname} $ } \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.15} \begin{tabular}{@{}lccc|@{\kern5pt}lccc@{}}\toprule \emph{Name} & & \Lcs[amsmath]{boldsymbol} & \Lcs[amsmath]{pmb} & \emph{Name} & & \Lcs[amsmath]{boldsymbol} & \Lcs[amsmath]{pmb}\\\midrule \mathsymbol{alpha} & \mathsymbol{beta}\\ \mathsymbol{chi} & \mathsymbol{delta}\\ % \mathsymbol{epsilon} & \mathsymbol{eta} \\ \mathsymbol{gamma} & \mathsymbol{iota}\\ % \mathsymbol{kappa} & \mathsymbol{lambda}\\ \mathsymbol{mu} & \mathsymbol{nu} \\ % \mathsymbol{omega} & \mathsymbol{phi}\\ \mathsymbol{pi} & \mathsymbol{psi}\\ % \mathsymbol{rho} & \mathsymbol{sigma}\\ \mathsymbol{tau} & \mathsymbol{theta}\\ % \mathsymbol{upsilon} & \mathsymbol{varepsilon}\\ \mathsymbol{varphi} & \mathsymbol{varpi} \\ % \mathsymbol{varrho} & \mathsymbol{varsigma}\\ \mathsymbol{vartheta}& \mathsymbol{xi}\\ % \mathsymbol{zeta} & \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{document}