%%  Ein Beispiel der DANTE-Edition
%%  Mathematiksatz mit LaTeX
%%  3. Auflage
%%  Beispiel 07-11-3 auf Seite 147.
%%  Copyright (C) 2018 Herbert Voss
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.
%% ==== 
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\def\mathSymbol#1{\boldmath$\csname#1\endcsname$ & \Lcs{boldmath}\Lcs{#1} & }
\mathsymbol{Gamma} \mathSymbol{Gamma} \\% \mathsymbol{upGamma}\\
\mathsymbol{Delta} \mathSymbol{Delta}  \mathsymbol{upDelta}\\
\mathsymbol{Theta} \mathSymbol{Theta} \\% \mathsymbol{upTheta} \\
\mathsymbol{Lambda}\mathSymbol{Lambda}\\% \mathsymbol{upLambda} \\
\mathsymbol{Xi}    \mathSymbol{Xi}    \\% \mathsymbol{upXi} \\
\mathsymbol{Pi}    \mathSymbol{Pi}    \\% \mathsymbol{upPi} \\
\mathsymbol{Sigma} \mathSymbol{Sigma} \\% \mathsymbol{upSigma}  \\
\mathsymbol{Upsilon}\mathSymbol{Upsilon}\\% \mathsymbol{upUpsilon}  \\
\mathsymbol{Phi}   \mathSymbol{Phi}   \\% \mathsymbol{upPhi}  \\
\mathsymbol{Psi}   \mathSymbol{Psi}   \\% \mathsymbol{upPsi} \\
\mathsymbol{Omega} \mathSymbol{Omega}  \mathsymbol{upOmega}