% newlattice.sty
% New command file for lattice papers
\ProvidesPackage{newlattice}[2006/03/15 New commands for lattices v1.2]

% Lattice operations
\newcommand{\jj}{\vee}% join
\newcommand{\mm}{\wedge}% meet
\newcommand{\JJ}{\bigvee}% big join
\newcommand{\MM}{\bigwedge}% big meet
\newcommand{\JJm}[2]{\JJ(\,#1\mid#2\,)}% big join with a middle
\newcommand{\MMm}[2]{\MM(\,#1\mid#2\,)}% big meet with a middle

% Set operations
\newcommand{\uu}{\cup}% union
\newcommand{\ii}{\cap}% intersection
\newcommand{\UU}{\bigcup}% big union
\newcommand{\II}{\bigcap}% big intersection
\newcommand{\UUm}[2]{\UU(\,#1\mid#2\,)}% big union with a middle
   % big intersection with a middle

% Sets 
\newcommand{\contd}{\subseteq}% contained in       
\newcommand{\ncontd}{\nsubseteq}% not \contd                      
\newcommand{\scontd}{\subset}% strictly contained in             
\newcommand{\contg}{\supseteq}% containing with equality       
\newcommand{\ncontg}{\nsupseteq}% not \contg                       
\newcommand{\nin}{\notin}% not \in  
\newcommand{\empset}{\varnothing}% the empty set              
\newcommand{\set}[1]{\{#1\}}% set 
\newcommand{\setm}[2]{\{\,#1\mid#2\,\}}% set with a middle
\def\vect<#1>{\langle#1\rangle}% vector      

% Greek letters


% Font commands
\newcommand{\tbf}{\textbf}% text bold
\newcommand{\tit}{\textit}% text italic
\newcommand{\tsl}{\textsl}% text slanted
\newcommand{\tsc}{\textsc}% text small cap
\newcommand{\ttt}{\texttt}% text typewriter
\newcommand{\trm}{\textrm}% text roman
\newcommand{\tsf}{\textsf}% text sans serif
\newcommand{\tup}{\textup}% text upright

\newcommand{\mbf}{\mathbf}% math bold
\providecommand{\mit}{\mathit}% math italic
\newcommand{\msf}{\mathsf}% math sans serif
\newcommand{\mrm}{\mathrm}% math roman
\newcommand{\mtt}{\mathtt}% math typewriter

   % Bold math symbol, use as \Bold{\alpha}                    
   % Calligraphic - only caps, use as \Cal{A}           
   % Doubled - blackboard bold - only caps, use as \DD{A}
   % Euler Script - only caps, use as \Euler{A} 
% Fraktur, use as \Frak{a}

% Constructs
\newcommand{\Ji}[1]{\tup{J}(#1)} %join irreducible
\newcommand{\Mi}[1]{\tup{M}(#1)} %meet irreducible

% Generated by
\newcommand{\Downg}{\downarrow\!}% down-set generated by

% Miscellaneous
\newcommand{\iso}{\cong}% isomorphic
   %congruence, use it as \congr a=b(\theta)%
\newenvironment{enumeratei}{\begin{enumerate}[\upshape (i)]}%
   %produces (i), (ii), etc. Reference with \itemref
\newenvironment{enumeratea}{\begin{enumerate}[\upshape (a)]}%
   %produces (a), (b), etc. Reference with \itemref
   %use it as \begin{named}{Name of theorem} Body of theorem \end{named}
